HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-10-16, Page 6PAGE calx
The Canadian Bank
.of -Commerce
,LOC.li. \1.3Rh"31.3\ WINNER
1AIail,' sr 44 4. liit.lt
gunman. winning the l„4); run ,•vci t
- tit- the 114iwaril-Iti(lgetuw14 11x,41'.:11„'.
(i'nn ('Int, 'I'!i; I1b•4nvilig 144'
_1l' ltl' It\ 4 kt. 15.---1►r. 11. C.. they pur bused from Ernest- Pat
Weir, who has been visiting frtentlts ! trrsctn.-Mr. Brown is seiitiun fore -
in New 1'6l•k, thus 'viol -tied honk'. wau of the C.1'.11. at A.tiburu.
hs -tors with .Ur. stint Mrs. J. Visitors with \I r. anal Mics. l:tLgu
lluus'tuu over the week -end were Ianwtsuz -vert Mr. and Urs. '1'iisou
\lira Mary Houston, Hamilton, of '1'uruuto, Mr. Anthony Latw,oti
Miss Frances Houston, 11.\., law- of Pit -kering and' Ur. :Andrew 'Law-
duu, and \1iss Jean lluitatuu, M.A., Qua' of StimulerililL
and \1iriz' Jamiesuu of 'Toronto. ,Mr. • and Airs, \1't'lilaln J. Craig
Air. and Mrs. ltubert \te,liveen and Allan had as their guests over
and family of Niagara falls were the week -end Mr. Peter .Clark.of
week -end visitors with the former's Windsor, William 8. C`rahg of Tor -
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. tl. .Me- unto, \!r. and Mrs.• George Wilkin
I.liveen. and Hubert of London and Mr. and
Mr, and Mrs. T. S. John -stun and Mrs. Harry Worsen and Terry of
31iss-.l.aur.t l'hiUil,a were week-end'Goderich.
visitors at fart Huron. W.31.8.—\hiss Margaret R. Jack -
\1r. and Urs. Ruuuld Pentland sou W413 guest speaker at the
visited the Lady's mother, Urs. 1.'. autumn thunkutfering of Knox
31. St raughan, at the week -end. fresh iteriati Church held in the
31r. 1, J. Wilson is a patient in Sunday school. The president.
Clinton General Hospital. 3Irs. W. Good, was in charge and
A►luiversut`y services will be litd '' Mrs. .1. Houston presided at this
in Knox Presbyterian Church 'next piano. The meeting was opened
Sunday, Clctober 11), at 11 a.m. and with 1►ruyer by- the president. The.
4.344 p.m. Rev. J. Mac•lkruald of
_Ripley will by the guest sir aker.
'There will 1►e special music.
' \Ir.` and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson of
i' Wutt:rlvk, called on f 'lends here
by MJs. Curl Wighlumu and pray- 1, BAPTIST 1I1SSlON-t (IKCl.E
4r was offered by Mrs. W. '1'. Rubi- The October 1(tc•ct'.ng of the 11 It -
son. t$Lider Were shown by Rev. fist Senior .11 Circle was he;d
(! C. '(lshia4,11.3.11 "T.uok at t . 'l Ida -chat' •ufteriNKnof last w*•ek at
\Iisiv\\ua r; .' .iti' ru„uth 4)a h:,hr a the )urue of Urs.i Alf• 11111 he un,
utunt►er wll: 4;iv n 4t' Mrs. liverett ]iuruu road, c>h; a 1,er u:other, 31rs.
Taylor aee4)►11l,aulecl by Ml's.. 4;ur 4l* )0gt' 31`. e:'. e.-:( • 1141Sr.;, f. r tl►c-
41044 .\It'('11110„•y, l'he ch4pter in I'1'hanksiiviug meeting. '1';4t' 14yi ,i -
the $tucl, -book was taken by 3jrs, dent, MIS. E. Itwithby
Oliver .\I4del:Mr►1. At tiid le- i 1ltttehe$un opened tvith •11 '1'hanks-
Jlc•Cli►tehely rendered a piauu 111 hiving rtYatLluh. f'111".",(1 by a 14311411
Ntrtunru.tul. presi(leut, \l:such I►raye.r by .31re. A. Henderson.
Frt-d Told, took charge for the j Mrs. 3111ler read portiott . of the
business period. The minutes of 1 4611 psalms on Thatnksgiving. The
the lust ulett ►ag were resat '1'144' ro114 1'.111 w•:,. al1,ZW-el'(Kl Wit 11 Seri la
offering was received by Mrs. C. turf- verses on the satne• theu4e. 11d
also were readings by , \1 r. Frith
U. N+ir►ttnt;ha11 and Airs. G. a^( 1111 i and Mrs. 'Taylor. ' 1'he Ladies told
chive anal Mrs. 'lull offered the dedi-
eattc3ry prayer. '1'1a' secretary Tats i of interesting church services (en-
in►:trilrt d to write a letter of ap- I Joyed while visiting oron holidays
predation to Mrs, Ernest Pat~t.er- 1114'14 suulluer. Mrs. \Wil.on favc►re(1
with a ilsootiury reedit) ,tnd, atter
son who has been treasurer of the sii..0
ng another hymn Mrs. John -
society but has moved to Gotlerich. stun renal the url'nnte5 of thh lust
The president spoke of the 1►a.sing mc't>tiug, followed b�' a 4itt last
of Mrs. .14)1411 Thonnl►.eo11. a meinher I1I (t t. M►s. Fruth ntl41'11 b4''
of the. W.M.S.Plans Were matte )luu,e, fur the 1 11114 4 1 u,eethul;.
for the sectional meeting to be held The theme will ht, 'lteulembrance."
in Auburn Ortbber 31. Rev. C. C. .After let4>:1rinK the \lizi�lh llene-
Wastshugton offered the closing d'ic'lL'on a short 50(tial time was1
Scripture was read by Mrs, Herb prayer. .
Govier. 'Prayers were offered by A reception waS held in the For -
Mrs. warner Andrews, Mrs. J. C. estersHall on Friday night in
Stoltz auc' Miss ninuie Wagner. honor of lir. and Mrs. Rill Patter-.
A pleasing solo was rendered by son. nevvllt, vetch•. At an a1x14roT,
Saturday, .-- 3liss Hattie Murray of Seaforth. state time the young couple were
31e. and Mrs. J.'\W. Graham are Mrs. F're'd Ross read extracts of called to the front send an adxfires.•
visiting friends 1n Detroit. letters froiu Mrs. Dickson of For- was - rt'tad by Mrs. Alvin Plunkett
Ur. and Mis. William Kruse and 1114,411 and Rev. .John Elder of Firi and Rol) Armstrong presented them
young daughter of Galt spent the tVs1i G'u'iana. The meeting was with a purse of money. Re;fresh-
wweek-rnd with Air. and Mrs. Oliver 6i•losed with prayer. i.un(•h w:,s menu were served.
Anderson, - st rved. by Mrs. Edgar Lawson and -
Donald 11os.; of 4►akville uu,45 hiss Minnie Wagner. ViSiTTNG LiONS
a week -end visit' ri with his mother, \V.1it•S.—The W.i\t.S. of Knox f:4xlet•ieh Lions will be hostas to
Mrs, Fred Ross. United Church held their autumn the Will/than)Lions at the Redford
Mr. Mrs. Clayton Rola,rtso1 tlu,nkoffering in the Sunday sehool Hotel- o4) Friday night. The visi't-
and family of Copper 'C'liff visited rooni with Mrs. .Albert Campbell in Ing Lion,s will be in full charge of
their latreits, lir. and Urs. ,1.• .1. charge and Mrs. W. J. Cram at' the program.
Robertson, and \lr. and Mrs. Wil- the 1)111114). The call to worship was
/lam Strangha11 at the week -end. ,r(•.SpOnde(1 to by reading Psalm 727
31iss Hattie. Murray. who has •in nnison. The Scripture was read
been visit ng Mr. and Mrs. }Elgar
Lawson, has returned to her home
144 Seaford).
\1r. and Jlrs. 4'h:,r1es Scott visi-
' 1,41 friends at Windsor and De-
troit at' the weak -end.'
• \'ikitors with Mrs. ltet•b Govier
over the week -end were 31r. :41441
Mrs. 1.7ve and family of T,ea.si(le,
\1r:. Nellii• Gorier. 31r. and Mrs.
(694' ('arl (14,vir•r :(1141 lrarul41 'of titven
• Sonn41.
311.. and llrs. Beverly I"r•neh
held ;i4 „1 \tui and family of Detroit visited 31r. ,
,l.iv from and lir,. Gi' rge 1108(114' :it the
I1c,ui l;, u. 33",,4))l l 1:. w'eck-(.1141.
I:. 1(1,00_ '' l li"i, i .. Kil,l,4,,. AIr :Intl llr;. ;Iol
1•h ,4l1:Iu.•11:(k,•','wri :,(, i \\'iu(1"., f:(n(i14• hive nl(1Ct11 in14' their lun,r''I
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Fact is—a hig chunk. of Buick sales now comes from ,
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For very few extra dollars,"they're getting a lot more
They're getting more power—and the thrill that goes
with it.
They're getting "big -car" comfort. They're getting a
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And they like Dynaflow Drive.*
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So Buick sales are booming.' Not just the CUSTOM—but
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If you can afford a new car, you can be the proud owner
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•DynaJlou• Drive and Il" /feel Crests standard one Roadmaster, optional at extra
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