HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-10-16, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOL31af Kith, 19$2 ST. GEORGE'S .CHURCH Saturday, (k'tobtr 18—St. Luke's Play Holy Conunutdon-10.30 a.w. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1952 :3.30 a.nt. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 ami. HOLY COMMUNION. 7 pm. EVENSONG, A. W. ANUERTON, Organist and Choirtnastet REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector North Street United Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1952 10 a.ni. SUNDAY SCHOOL. ll a.in. "Tice Twain Shall Be°One Flesh." Junior Congregation and Nury.. 7.30 p.m. "The Human Jesus." REV. 11. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MR. H. A. CLARK. Organist and Choirmaster 1 Knox Presbyterian Church 10 a.tn. SENIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.in. "THE CHURCH ANI) PUZZLED PEOPLE." • The Very Rev. C. Ritchie Bell, B.D., D.D., Montreal, Que. 11 a.m. NURSERY AND JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 7 p.m. MASONIC SERVICE. "Give the Pass Word." ° r The Very Rev. C. Ritchie Bell; B.D., D.D. Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of the Province of Quebec. REV: R. G. MacMILLAN, W. II. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister. Director of Praise. Goderich Baptist Church A MONTREAL STREET MINISTER: Rev. ian G. Hind. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett. 1.0 a.111. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. REV. JOSEPH JANES—Ontario Temperance Federation 7 pats. "ON GUARD." Mon. 6 p.m. Young People leave for Rally at Sarnia. Wed. 8 p.nl. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Verse for the week: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou Shall be saved." Acts. 16: BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) ItN:V. 'HOWARD MINAKER, PASTOR 10 a.m. Our Sunday School is ALIVE and GROWING—Won't "U" come along? 11 a.m. "A WINNER OFF SOULS.' - 7,30 p.nl. "THE CROSSING OF JORDAN."' Tuesday 7.30 pill, 1st Chapter of Colossians. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday: 8 p.m. CIIRIST'S AMBASSADORS. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. • A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE Free Methodist Church VICTORIA AND PARK STS. 10 a.ui. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Let parents set the example for their children. - • 11 a,n1. MORNING WORSHIP. ; p.nl. TEMPERANCE MEETING. Speaker: REV. JOSEPH JANES. 'Wednesday—Prayer Meeting.. A study of the F. M. Catechism. (continued) . I Peter 5 :7—Casting all your care upon Him; for He caret!) for you. (Pastor) REV. G. E. BABCOCK, 84 Park St., Phone 897R ASI-HFIELD ASH El ELI), Oct. 15.- Miss Ethel Mackenzie of Toronto was hou►e for the week -end. Guests at the home of Mr. Henry ry Mackenzie were Mr. and Mrs. Wil - Liam Barrett of Toronto and Mr. Ray Macken.ie of Windsor. Miss Mabel Macdonald of Wind- sor spent .the week -end at her hone here. Miss Sally Macdonald of Toronto was home for the week -end. Guests at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes last week -end were Misses Anna and Charlotte Diaekenzie of Toronto and Mr. and Airs. Ronald oke and Jimmy of Oshawa, • Mrs. Elmer West and daughters, Jk)an and Gwen are visiting rela- tives in this Vicinity. A shower was held on Friday • evening, Octtober 3, at the home of Mrs. Lorne Macdonald in honor of Miss Velma Macdonald. The October meeting of the W.M.S. ;s being held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. George Mon- crei'tth. Mr:. Dan Macdonaid is home ngadn after two weeks in a London hospital, Mas. Ewart Tamieson is in Gode- rich hospital suffering from a• frac-1 tured leg. THE GODERIC I SIGNAL -STAR NEWS OF DUNGANNON ; SHEPPARDTON _ tell'ENVAR:IYIOV Oct 15 --aIr: - DUNGANNON, Oot. 15.—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orser, Toronto, Mrs Muriel Smyth, sous Lawrence apd Bili and daughter Ithinore Smyth, R.N., of Brantford, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orser, their parents, who on Thurs- day °rot-utrned from spending the summer with relatives at Golden Malley. air. and Mrs. W. J. Robb had as visitor at the week -cud Mr. and Mrs. C%eil Robb, Lueau, and daugh- ter, Misr; Rose Marie Lobb of Lon- dtou. Dr, 11, A. S. Vokes and Mrs. Yokes of Toronto spent the week- end at Dungannon. Mrs. Lrne�st Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert .Wilson of Brantford were week -end visitors with their cousins. Mr. and Dirs. .Th�untas Webster. Mr. Wilson contributed a lovely solo at the United church rally day, service on Sunday morn- ing. He -is a member of the Uni; versal Men's Choir, Brantford; singing second tenor in a choir of 80 voices, who won first prize at the Chicago Musical Festival in August of this year. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil. limn Cranston on Sunday were the latter's sister, Mrs. Roy McInnes, Mr. McInnes and family, Patricia, John and Carolyn of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Wiggins and dunehter Valerie o' Brantford were week -end visitors with relatives here. Mrs. Barbara Tate.—sirs. Bar- bara Tate, 82, a former resident of this locality passed away at her home in Melfort, Sask. She was a daughter of the late .Tames tic. fhnnel•l and Sarah Martin Mc(on- (tell of the 4th Concession of Ash- nWl(1• Tovensitin :an4' -was horn at Bothwell. She taught sc h of and married Charles Tato of Waldemar of the Orangevid-le district, who soon -afterwards met aeei(lental death by a holt of lightning. Mrs. Tate resumed. teaching and went,eto the West . and taught Reboot- until reeentVr. The only survivor of her (•'mite tc a sister (Eliza) 'Mrs. T. ►'. T)urnin. Who was n eonstant oetenanion at Melfort. Sask. Other stele, vers of her family who have passed on were Will, Dave, (Mary . Jane) Mrs. (Itev.) W. Gallagher, -(Susan) Mrs. 11. J. Blake and ('1'etut )' Mrs. Sidney Gibson. - Wilson Howard !vers. The death occurred suddenly on Mon- day, October 6, in Detroit, Mich., of Wilson Howard Ivens to his 57th. year. He was t110 sou of the late ,air. and Mrs. Wil1!aui fivers, COn- o sslou 4, West Wawanosh and is survived by three brothers, Lorne and Maurice of Dungannon, Allan,. of Stnithers, B.C.,. and two sisters, Sirs. Gordon Congram and Mrs. Will . Smith, Ashfield Township, One brother, Warren, predeceased hint in 1915. The funeral service was held Thursday, October 9, from the Johnston Funeral Home, Luck - now, with interment in the family plot, Dungannon cemetery. The Rev. Jennings of Lucknow Anglican Chureb, conducted the service. The pallbearers were former neighbors and friends, Harry Carr, Nelson Culbert, Jack Errington and Char- les Fowler of Dungannon, Peter Johnston, Lucknow, and Cnivin 9lelntyre. Wingham. Friends at- tending from a\ distance were Mr. and 'Brig. Morris Young, Drayton 'Tains, Mich., Air. and Mrs:Charles Utley and Mrs. De Wolfe, Detroit, 1f fch. HOLMESVILLE TAYLOR'S CORNER TAYLOR'S CORNER, Oct. 15.— 'Anni're.'rsa�ry ,services will be held at Zion Church on Sunday, -October it), at' 11 a.m. and 7.30 p,m. The Rev. Stewart Miner of Florence, a former student minister will preach at both services. Music will be supplied by the other two appoint- ments, E�is'nezer choir- in the morn- ing and the choir Erten Ilolmesv11 e in the evening. Kenneth Oke, Maitland F' 'Falter .and Johnny Falconer are house this week -end, as their boat, the Manta - doe is tied up at 1Iantilton. W.A. :Mee*ing.—The W.A. hold its (►etober meeting lash Vedues-- day afternoon at the lionie of 'Mrs, .J. .Rilson. The president, Mrs. Duff Sturdy was :in -tlte.chair. The Scripture was read by Mrs. H. Me- i'abe. flans were made, for the bazaar. At the ,lose of the meeting dehieitnls lunch v�•a. served by the hosted and her assist -ants. Airs. 5, MeNall and Mrs. R. Fuller. Miss Wilda \\'ill oil spent the week -end %%ith her friend. Aliss Gladys Blake of 4'olborne Town- ship. :11r. G. G. Newton was able to return hone from .Alexandra, Hos- pital on Thursday of last week. 'Mr. Leith Sturdy of Calgary is' visiting with Al r. 11n1 Airs. Ho1'ard Sturdy and Air. and Mrs. Reg. Sturdy of Goderich 'Township. Mr. and Airs. 'Ted Rostron :tui family of Hamilton spent the holi- day week -end vvitlt Alr. and' Airs. George Ginn._ KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRII)(.e', Det, 15. - The Rev. M. J. Dalton of \\;iluisor vhsited with „itis Intothers fttr a ! few • days the past week. Mr. and Airs. Herman Lan►1►ertus of Hamilton spent the week -end in their ck)ttuge here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid and 'Mrs. Fennie utnd fatally 4f Toronto visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. James Wallace. A reception was • 1►eld to the parish hall on Tuesday evening for Mr. and M-ra. 81.i_ Alartiu and .family, who this - wisek are moving to their new farm np,: r Hamilton, which they recently pur- chased. We witch - -them every sue - cess in their new home. They will e be 9 loss to this community . 1 HOLMESVILLE, Oct. 15. — The regular meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. of Holules►1ille United Church was held' at the house of Mrs. 'E. J. 'i'rewartha on Tuesday, ()ct.ober 7: 'With the president, Mrs. \\'.l- hiaan Norman in. village, the W.M.S. Meeting opened with the reading, in unison, of the .100th psalm, fel- lowed by the singing of the hymn, "0. Lord- of Heaven and Earth and Sea." Mrs. Harry Cudwbris gave a prayer of Thanksgtiving and Mrs. Jack Yeo read the Scripture. Dur- ing the business period, Mrs. Nor- man saki that a bale, weighing 100 pounds, had been packed and shipped to W.M.S. headquarter,. Plans were made for the autumn thank -Offering meeting, which is to he held the evening of Nov'etuber 11, with the members of the W.M.S. of Ontario Street Church-, Clinton, as guests. Mrs. Fred- Mulholland read an article, —nits Is What Dave Can Dro," and Mrs. N. Heard gave :u1 article on TeIopet.utce. Mrs. Norman gave a talk on the chapter of the study book. The meeting ing close(1 with the singing of "God of Mercy, - God of Grace". and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Edward Grigg, president; was .in (barge, of the meeting which opened with 1.he tIi ice sung and repeating the creed its unison. Arrangements and Mrs. E. Pritchard of Toronto visited over the week -end with the lady's sister, Mrs. Foster, Mr. Ralph Pouter and fazuily! A1Ir utid Mrs. Jack Hussey and John visited Sunday in Lucknow with Mrs. "fluttsey's Parents. Mr. uud Mrs. N'lxcln. Mr. and firs,, J, O'Niel of Loudon spent the week -end with the lady's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Ale - Donald. Mrs. Prank Hawkins 'vent last week in London and attended a miscellaneous shower held at the home at Mrs. Pete Thompson and a pantry shower at the horde of Mras. Bell Thomas, in honor of Miss Marie Hawkins, It.N., prior to her marriage Saturday, October 11. Mr. and Mrs. Mat McDonald at- tended the golden wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mac Nair of Kincardine, Si-turlay even- ing, October 11. NILE ,N11141.:, Oot. 15.--5liss Amelia \heIilwain, Auburn, was the guest of MrJ and Mrs. T. McPhee and visited other relatives in the vil- lage. Ifiss ldstelle McBride, Barrie, spent lant week - with her cousins, Mr. and Airs. Doug McNeil anis AIr. and Mrs. Clift MoNell and fain blies. Last Sunday the Rev. J. Har- rower dedicated two collection plates to Nile church, a gift trout ,Mr. Itiohard Silli-b of Blyth. The \Women's Association of Nile . church had a very successful bazaar on Wednesday. making $241. The \\'.A1.ti, made $24 in their booth on_ the .same' day, Recent guests with Mrs. 11. Mor- ris were Mr. Fred 'Parr and Mr. Ilubert Tarr, Bagot, Man., Mr.' and. \trs. Maines, Mr. Harvey and Mrs. Smith of West Monkton. DONNYBROOK DONNYl3RUOK, Oct. a,nd Mrs. Earl Lynehbury of Lon- don wore week -end visitors with air. and, Mrs. J. ('. Robinson ,ut�! 'other friends. Miss Ltio Thom'ps to of ()luted- �ago and Miss - Irene Jefferson of 1) ti nville spent the holiday week- end end at their- homes here. JIt•s. 'Elizabeth Naylor is visiting, ►�itlt friends', in and around I.cnnctuu. SCHOOL HOLIDAY.1'ICWAY 'Students iu the & titleriich Public: School will be able' to enjoy a long boliduy' week-eticf blurting tomorrow when they wit{ be given an extra `day, off while their teachers attend a convention of Western Ontario public school teachers in Lon- . don. All the, local teachers• are cxpeeted to attend the confer euce for vvitieh bust tnspurtu- tioa 14 being provided to the 1'Yerest`C.rty. - ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Toynbee Lamb, It. It. No. 4, Goderich,. wish ,to au- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Leone, to William Frank Robertson, son of Mr'. and M�ns. E, H. Robertson, Marlow, •.the marriage to take place late in October; 41s: Mr. and Mrs. Oktrenc`e Potter, Clinton, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Eliza- beth Helen Marie, to Thomas Mi- tred Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elfreil,, Moore, Goderich, the wed- ding to take plixce the latter part of October. 41 BORN BOWLER.—At Alexandra Hospital, (;odeilich, on October 12, 1952, to M. and Mrs. Maurice Bowler, R.R. 3, Goderich, u daughter, Norma. B1LLo.— At St. - Mary's Ilospital, Kitchener, on Wednesday, (tette- bet' t t te- ber .i3,.1 95'2, to Mr. and Al rs. • Karl 13i11o, a 8014, Terence Jaeob. 1iLYTHE.—At Alexandra Hospital. Goderich, on O•tuber 11, 1952, - to Mr. and" Sirs. Lorne ltlythe, Goderieh, a daughter, J0,11 El Eliza- beth. DUCK'VOR'PH. — At AlexaudrA :;Jlosp)tal, Coderich, 011 October 11, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duckwen`th, Goderieh, a son.. ,HARItISON.—At Victoria hospital, London, on October 10, 1952, to and Mrs. Douglas Harrison (nee Barbara Harness) of Ex- eter, a daughter, Jlielielte Ellen. 'TIDES\WE-LL.—At »exandra Hos- pital, Gedet'lelt, :frim October 13, -1,452, to Air. and Mrs. Harry '1'idesvvell, Goderiele a on, John Robert Earl. \S"ii_ATEL1.---N'It. I.t, I). l:. 11'hatc•- ly (nee Agnes Snider ( announce the birth of a son en not her grand- son for JIr. and Alra:. .1. A. • ,Snicler), obi Oetotx'r I1, 11)52, at Ile pert bile hospital. Province of (lu of oec. -11 Sgt. and Mrs. Herb Dainty that _ . sons uyf Kingston were week -end I�''itty-Tett, shopping darts tint il visitors with Mr, Jul \lrs...P:dvvardl' Christmas. Why not t1ke :ulv:+nt- Rob�inson. :age of our "Dowd►te-Siav ings" Sale J1r. laugh .lt'Ifersoti of 'Toronto :511 have your choice bulli for you spent the week-t•nd at - the bona' ' a1- 4'r:lston'�. Furniture. -11 of iris nide. :Mr. ('has. Jefferson. - were made for the bazaar to be Visitors on Sunda :a t the bout,' - -- - . 11e1)I this mouth. 'Phe meeting of Mr. and Airs. \tot•in:t14 '1'hourlt,,,u ('.1KDS 01'' '1'11:\NRs - ' oSr'd wit11 praytsr ►,y AIr.. Gri•�g included Mr.. ILuve'y '1'ilemps(ni of Hostesses for the dav-, Mrs. E.J Lis�ic�vv`cl, Mr. wall Airs. John Tiliin 'rtevvvlrtha !Ind lir:.: Reg. _lIiller �rntl AIr. ,:rur1 is. 1•:c1► -iii 'l'hctur10 uu', 1IiS. .1. "15.KN1:1,1, T..K1: served a delicious lunch, Miss Alario Glidden. 14)11(1on. :1n:1 Mr. Frank Lawson ol''I'oronto spent Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. 1). 'E. Glidden. ' . - Mr. sand Mrs. Elnint'nwrn Heard, Bayileld, and Mr. and Mrs, herb Kirkham, London. t'a bled on J1 r. and Mrs. N. W. heard dtn•ing the week -end. Mr. Lloyd Stook spent 'I'li;iti ,- giv^ing with his parents, •lir. ,nttl Mrs. M. Stock. Aliss.l:ileen GIi(1den s•pent'l'tu1uk:- giving week -end in Detroit, Aii'�h. Mrs. G. M: Fatah, Eleanor. ley and Ross Elliott of 1151 \4 1 were the guests on Thanksg ving- I and fuwily trf \V'iiiglia ii and the ' this opportunity- to thank 1111- 'Misses Anne ('9tanmiev and .1 an,: nurses incl staff at rhe Goclerir'll Harris of ''1'orsnto. - - ; I to:p 1:11 and 1►r. 11. 'I':lvlor who Mr. and Mrs. I1. Beatty of Tor -1 vvt're su kind- 10 14 .r tluril►c her on•t,► ►were week -end :;(tests with Mr' slay there. - . llx and Airs. R. I1, Thomps n:, I W11,1,i.AAt LONG AVISIIP:S THE VOICE OF TEMPr:R- thank ]rix amity friend, for ANCE their kindness whet: •In was u ' patient. 111 (.uderit-h 1 1 1 l hospi t:t t i x rw'llh:— .AI.l:N:AAI►11.A \I.1,1 1N •: '111(1 4;el1'ra1 11..5101:11 vvisit to t1111i l; the many friends tylia, ,;;I‘ fruit and vegetables 1 us this se:r- t-4mi. .1l1 rifts were twist ►te•ii•,ri+:t• and wp take this ol►l,olt mnit of saying ".l'ltatik You." - t 1 1\,tIts LEvVIS `GUVIER .1N1, hrut14'r'. \l r. \1trt'd 1 41145, vv'i:�ll 1,, 411:,1111 tlter50 who remember - 1.11 tbeni i1 theca• 1rt�4'eavellelat, i11 -e vt bo sl'n1 flowers, 1 treed cars, ,ilse allose w11e scab e-ool'. ,�f ,{rttl atIo.' 11 It is generally felt that the situation is going from bad to worse in the matter of the use city of Mr. and Mrs. E. .1. 'I're- vvartha and Mr. and Mrs. 11;11 N ortn,i n. Anniversary Scrvires. — I lolinr - viile Uirited ('tturch was Is�auti'fn,ly decorated with baskets of gladie �. :►sten and baby minus and :arr:tngc- ments of culorecl leaves. apples and tiny punapkinsi for the anuitersary services on'* Sunday, 4h tolaer 1 _'. The guest speaker was the Mo.. 13%ingstone Of McKillop, who dc - 'livered inspiring sermons at 1o'1 morning* iind evening serv-ior's. The choir, under the leadership of taw organist, Mrs. W. Yen,' sang the :l.nthelns, "O Ile Joyful" and ''1 Saw The Holy City" at the morning +service and Mrs. Bill Cox of Porter's 11111 „gang its al solo, •",lie Saviour of Galilee." At the evc►1- ing service the choir sang "All Hail the Power"- and "-He Leade,th Me." A duet, "Dear Spirit Lead Me" was sung bt- Mrs. Edward Grigg :n11 Charlie Wilson. - , "WHOOZIT?" hroninclal police' here are inves- tigating the knocking over of' sev- ral mall box posts on Rural Route Lnekn w three ' minds with but a singlet thought it nutty v o on Saturday. Lt is beltevecl they were knocked Over by a car. '36 King Street !Fest Toronto 1 Telephone: EMpire 4-4321 Wood, Gundy & Company Linliteti Cranston .Furniture Store is open on Friday- evenings during' their Thanksgiving anti Annivers- ary Sale for ;Your convetriisnet. Drop- 01 and look around at the many "Streekt ts." . -11 of alcoholic beverages. More liquor is being sold. There is more drunkenness. There are more infractions of the law and more accidents due to in- toxication. In Canada Tem- perance Act territory there is: the attempt to ,evade the law by .the bottle club camouflage. It is gratifying however that the officers.of the law have not been idle. Charges have been laid, convictions have been ob__ tained. It , is a community's- good fortune if its guardians of the law are vigilant. More- over in a situation that is de- teriorating their responsibility is all the heavier. - '' This adv;. si,or,-,.red by litter, (',rtntr Temr'rnn^o F"'rlerrtrim') CALL Carlton Stingel DUNGANNON for Papering & Painting Wall Paper Samples Phone 96 Dungannon 41 NN0406111 ti(li.041MHMI NIMIHNION(N(N THE - VOICE OF BETHEL 4 RE%'. I10%V.VICn E. 1HN.%1{EK "Let its hear the eon -elusion of the whole matter: : Fear 4 ;oil. and. keep Ills, e onrmandmmnts: for this is the' whole dnihy 4)1 marl." :syncs. 12:13. 'These words were spoken tv a man of great wisth)lil. 'Theo :160 came as a result of observation alril IAperiemre. Soloihon. delriedl 11itntcelf no pleasure. He indulged 44) the full in material {►ali_slttts. When hr s11111nmed* lap its profit. ,in the light of eternity, he dee! ;Ired it wtas all "vanity of vanities. . . . all is 0:11i11.' The fear of (.roti. we :are told in 41,51's Word, Is the beginning of vvls4Unnt. One of 11)0 prrv:1iting sins. eltei in the 1111414' :As ir,'i►u; ii>uilit4a11ve of the lost (.syr:, Is "no fear of God." 4).nt' dots not have to venture fair to reeognlze the existence of 1hii tragic and appalling enxltt:ion. Tragic bcewuse the ems nt this way is tlornaent a1141 destruction. Appalling - because It is cxceeding.ly difficult to understand why 11>vari will reitsl aild ,abuse (;eltt's offer of mercy anti love. 4'ertainliy tlhis is amti)►1e lire) -of of the leek of fear of God. ' 41+0:1 dors not wink at sill and 14111'rramee but (r►nrtrral+II- all men r verywlierc to repent: Re{aelS la nr'e before' God for our sil1s ntad faifili in Ilis prl wise' of forgive'nttss and transformationresults in Saty all (11. Trite 5:41C:1Vb n ..pr sh: -i s a neve 'reatnrt. v<l5' fea'rs•(;cni and keeps Ili.. co mhanvlrlu'iartrt been use they lave„ 11111: If malt i part.. this lite M14110111 being previa red to meet (1Ir,l. ✓ he heti frustrated the explicitpnnlwsse for which (:bel (a'e:atcvl td Niru y SI'(1NSOltl:1) 111 THE: IlI':'1'i11,3, :tI)1'1.1' IRHILl': ('I,.1SS. 4 • An Coming So "The ruse Beckons" BY Dr. We Sherwood Fox interesting book, -with illustrations, about the Bruce Peninsula. An ideal Christmas gift and,a book you will want yourself. . ON SALE SOON AT HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE 4. PROD ill, COCKTAIL, LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST HOTEL TULL first thing to do in Detroit is check in at Hotel Tuller! You'll enjoy every minute. Newly modernized'. -$eautifuliy decorated. Within .walking distance of all downtown steres, theatres and business activ- ities ... yet, you enjoy the ever- green atmosphere of Grand Circus Park ... The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excellent food modestly priced. 800 -'ROOMS $ .50 WITH BATH FROM up Harry E. Paulsen, General Manager' DETROIT Here is another opportunity for you to adopt this tried and tested system of saving money. Canada Savings Bonds never drop in value. If cash isneeded you can get back the full face value of your.band, plus accrued interest, any- time—at any bank in Canada. You can buy Bonds for cash,' of course. Or if you prefer, the Royal Bank will arrange for you to buy them by regular monthly instalments out of income. The procedure iii impli- city itself. All forms and full information a'vairable at every branch, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ..tt;l •;t ':::.\\.,';I ,\ 1; 111 1.11.1( ,11ati,:�,•-