HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-10-02, Page 3Jt)1.'h )ear--1No. 39 BUSINESS DIRECTO1I:Y CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Licensed' hluhicipal Auditor A. M. ILULI'ER CI IAItTE4ItliD 55 South St. ':Telephone :S43 A0(Y)U NTANT Gudericlt, 'Out. CHIROJ'KA(YrIC HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours Mon., Thurs --t) a.m, to 6 p.m. Tues., Fri --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office --Corner of South St. and Britannia ltoad. Phone 341. Western Ontario Motorways y s— SITM ER BUS TIME TABLES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. Phone 344 for details. Charter Coaches for all occasions. For information phone Sands Motors at 344, particutarly for tathtidule changes on holidays. Roy . N. Bentley Public Accountant P.O. Box 58 , Goderich, Ontario NOW LOCATED IN BANK OF COMMERCE` BUILDING ON THE SQUARE II. M. FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured— Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w Geo. G.MacEwan Fire , Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE.-r.MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH A. L. COLE Optometrist—Opticialn Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. t�illR fAVn11RiTt PlViPAlipt �e bobertcij KNOX C.G.LT. ELECTS OFFICERS FOR SEASON The (auadlan, r;irhs iu 'Training of Kuoa Presbyterian Church held their drat meeting of the,. season un '1 ues(dny, • September 23; in the Sunday school roust. A picnic sal" - Per ;ways enjoyed; after which the girls went -to the chapel for a short worship' service. The Scripture lesson was read by Jeneune Young and prayer offered by Ruth llcNevin The Rev. R, G. MueMilhtn'spoke briefly to the girls. Tlfe electiou of `-officers for the new season took place -with the following officers being elected : President, Mary Curry; vice-presi- dent, Jeneane Young; seeretury, Mary Johnston; treasurer, I.aurine 3laeI)onald ;' pianist, l:lentl;t ale. Dwain. There are three group of 'ialris and their leaders are \Liss laorothy Wick, Mrs .Harold Arbour and Mrs. J. MtNevin. - After the business_meeting sev- eral games were played and the meeting elosed with 'Taps." GUY IVES & SONS-- I inai= GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1952 "Shooting Stars" Review Presented by Rebekah Lodge "Sl►uoting. Stars," a variety pro - grata directed by Miss I.euua O'Neil of Kansas City, Missouri, was pre- sented by the Rebekah Judge for the benefit 'of its T.11., Cancer and Polio Fund, and attracted fair - .sized aadience,at the Public School Auditorium lust Thursday acid Fr:- day evenings. The program was prepared in a week. Dazw s, songs, marches, skits and instrumental music featured the program. Mayor J. E. lluekina was toaster of cerewuuies. _ Ile ex- pressed disappuintnletst that, the hall was not filled, as the cause was NO worthy.. Program Opened • The program opened with a gins' chorus and' the two Venn sisters performiug a dance. Directed by Miss C. Leischwau of the public school teaching awn*, "Scow ‘Visite and the Seven Dwarfs" was presented' 1►y a group o1 little people with Beverley John-, stun as Queen, Sharon Carroll us "Snow White" and Gail Macinnes as the prince. The seven dwarfs were Beverley • Allison, Nancy Tay- lor, Janice. J ce atl fs t t 1 tit Carol _atherine Suplal, Shirley Pierson and Helen Vauce, Miss ,Nancy \Vilauot executed piano solos brilliantly, after which Senior Captain Of New Ferry JI"s t1G 19 ;;112 y.y group of girls armed with mops TORS sang and marched around the stage. A cowboy trio, George Bolton, • Jim Wilson atnd .Francis Schram, with - banjos and violin, were popular as they sang "Sons- of the Tion era" and "Old Man . River," with George J{(,Ilton as vocalist. Chimney, built or re- i L Jubilee Singers David Medley sang "dello Every- body, hello," tvllich tva5 followed by a group of dancing girls and a group of ltc•bekah members, gowned as Jubilee singers, singing '.Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Lloyd Horne, Frank Graham and Whit Kenloc•k of the R.C.A.F. Sta- tion, Clinton, sang three selections; whici1 were well rat:eh-ed BUILDING BLOCKS and Ir CHIMNEY BLOCKS paired. Phone Carlow 1612 7-oxtf totbembeemorose Ma1ci1m Mathes INSURANCE - AND • REAL- ESTATE Now located at 46 WEST STREET GODERICH -Veterans of - Canada's Royal Navy in World Watt- II, l'erey Me- 1linn, above, bas been * n 'appointed senior captain of the new Ontario D-pa-rt•tnent of Jlprhways -ferry, "The St. Joseph Islander," wltir•h will ply between Algoma utainland. :about 2(1 miles east of Sault Ste. Marie, and St. Joseph Island for some ten months of rash year. captain \ie•.\linu was Isom gear Blts,d River. 11e is married and lias six children. IIe is a sssrvivor .,f the SJS. ('15 i1N►o" whirl► was A land. in 1912. About half of _00 Armed Service personmrU on that III -fated vessel lost their lie:. The new toaster of the Si".- Joseph Islander." official name of the titre new vessel launched at Erieau, Ont.. i u A ugnst. was diseha r'ged front Canada's Armed Forces with rank of (chief Petty Officer, IJe went on from there to obtain Isis sus: boat master's rating and also holds pavers as an ••E,ndo1's(rl Mate for Inland Seas. He ,s•rved in 19.77,0 on )nfario l.aids and Forests i)epaart newt fish and wildlife se—sells las Lake Superior. - I1,•pt. of Highways Photo. torpedoed i►t• enehnr anbrtsa•rinr 1►e- t hween Nanny Sydney, Nova Scotia, and Point anx Nosvfonmd- Obitu ary \V11,I.1.61 "KEILR ,t \VIlli:sns herr. :t well-known rest- j • dent of Colborne 'Township, Passed ai''i5 • in Aleea1(ira liras{►ital in 4 !Delegation Appointed to Discuss Local Policing with Commissioner PAGM ' . � •t. Mayor J. E. Huckiuis and Coun- cillor hetineih Pennington, chair - of the Special ceawuslttee, hose been appointed a deleautiou to tint with Commissioner Stringer of the Ontario Provincial Pollee to further consider renewing the contract for policiug its Goderich.' The'muve was made at s special meeting of are couueeted with autowobllea, whether incidental . to the crime itaeif or in the ease of violation.;of the Highway Traffic -Act. There- fore, we need oue sir possibly two isWiee cruisers. ' "Seeoudly, tuoderu eundittutts claire snore higlsiy qualified polka - men than in the past. 'Thirdly, until recently the, Canada Temper - the to vu -council on Thursday night- :,ace Act - was thought to be 'nap - of last week, Balled to consider a plicable in ttoderiih and without tetter front C'vmmissiouer Stringer the stricter controls on drinking Ill which he asked that the lura' provided by the Liquor Control Act tletAchment of the O.P.P. be iu it is inure difficult for the pollee Creased from a corporal and three to control drinking. by children of constables to a• corporal -and four 16 and the kind of 'drinking- iu constables. pt)blie that lands people in the in his letter, the eoiumisaloner police court.. said that "unless council is ih a "1 also think that Coune(l1oz,, position to concur in the increase Wood has a good point and, finally, fu Iiersonnel" it was suggested that we needed three Isollceuten and au "arrangements be made to appoint assistant before we hired the pro - a local pollee force." vincial police and the chances are The decisioSeekn, Alternswsthich mus put in expensive ive we need more now, as well as noire the form of .0 motion by Councillor 1t. E. Barnes, seconded by Reeve John Graham and carried unanim- ously, instructs the delegation to ask the commissioner for a renewal of. the present. contract with the addition of a supply officer,dur- g vacation peripds, in osier, us points. the mayor said, that members of "Why was the ,local -police force tile strati' "won't have to work 12 discarded here'!" 'the deputy -reeve or 1.1 hours a day." asked. In the event that the - commis- , I out the only marl here who was sioner turns down this alternative a member 01 the council at that proposal, the ;delegation- has been time and I was one of the guiding instructed to prepare a report on lights in discarding the local the estimated cost of setting up a police," Mayor Huckins said. "The local psdyce force. reason was that they were unsatis- ,When 'Town Clerk S. h. Blake factory. We wanted the provincial had read the eomi1nissioner's let'er police .because we thought they at Friday night's meeting. Mayor would be better disciplined and Ilucklns asked for an opiniuh from under authority. - e:scb member of the council. CASTLES iM TME AIR • « . aren't subject to foreclosure. but houses on the ground tlttay be lost through sudden adversity. An inexpensive mortgage policy of the Sun Life Assurance Cotta- pany of Canada will free your home from any debt retraining at your death. . Protect your loved ones' borne Cost Available ( `. , , coil tee today In regard to the cost of establish- ing a municipal police force, Mayor lluckius said that figures wear available from tither municipalitirs which had their own police fosses hitt that the cost varied ' e i d w different nI "The local police were like other ane sister and one br(ther, .\Ira. I don't feel we ran afford to municipal employees and, with the waiter Snaith of ('ollingwood uta(l pay for' fire then," said the reeve. cost of u ► living g going they going ! . wanted ,tnted Mr. M:11r01u Arbuthnot of Chicago. "In my opinion, it's too much fir more money. 'We paid theml•$2,200 niers- are 111 grsatrd,•hil(In is :and :10 the 10" to pay fur pulieing. If and :100 cur allowance. - great -grandchildren. the provincial 'mitten. were` inter- In reply to a )question from the Go—detach on Thursday morning. i iter funeral was held at culling- ested in it part-time repllleeinent- deputy -reeve, the mayor stated that Sel,tetutNr il11sr a brief illness, 1v5,od ".1 Tuesday afternoon. Set, duringthan hulid;sys, we "light meet thl annual 'say of a provincial tembet The Rev, 1.( 15 r 11, Rei51,t theta half w:ay'.1 constable is K:{,:{O(1. guest of 114 515 r waw taken, coni \tr, Ku" vcis in hi 71st crag. Ile utlici: t (1 and interment was in tint '1•ormer. ('ons laints Pr net.ely by surprise \ ioli71 solos •mgrs offered by Mrs. I p ovincidl Subsidy 1and thanked'. Schutz and v((0 Sulo'. by Frt�d was born and lis 1ucrs't of 11i� Presby 1(11 415 ceutrtery. ller .1a71d "As 1 un(Ier•staitld it, there were "41'e .recently raised t ,• ts1.1 for their thou',htfullie . After ` lilt it (',1i„'rur `1(,4551 11115 11e .ea, sun, Itobei1 Sto11irist 1118, -\v:as an lots of complaints when we had our the nrstnici , the pity or dinner so•''. to i Muss, Paul .U'utStrad uud \11s. 1tow5urs. MISS Hilt 11 Deickstade, lite sun of tla late \\'illlrw herr honor-trypaIlia- a51• :sod ;seti.e U'rrr ruli,r 'force. P•nl'eutpluvees to a dollar a Will period fulltrtived 1 ((, Deputy-ltce:4. an batty." the deputy -reeve said, after which :ill sang "F4)r she's a introduced as '1511:111 Andes ,ail ;su4! Jessie \lc\ee. :'ni vi1,.. urr pallbt•:tre►•s were her grandson, Joseph Allaire said. "Jtureorc� scud with '" o �, twv, sisters. Mrs. Nellie \1s•\\'9tiu ;Charles .ferry, fort Huron: Ragas • possibly we floss) ex 1 a _u per rent repayvnnent J Ily r, °d feflow.' 1e ii irt-s at - 1 oe.y of St. I1atharines :and Mrs. Jerry ,:anti Bud Jerry of (:utlet•irit under modern ion41111(lts, could lust' nig the srlire the sante • c Frank B:tker I nae .a. the :11,d danughter, Sir l't c°mluiliug chooser Wats a' l:lizabtth Christil5,a o1' Nile, with 'true,. K`enuy 5,f \\'alkerto71: grits, a we hire font lest :,l hash to work tl,e! town \corktrsett." \la7!vs: \1 r. nt i rullickin^ swig vvh,au he made his bora!,' Pions and I.eon:srd Si,mt(uhl ,' , . a I .Ir.. Joseph !Ian- 1 of Sun Life Assurance Company rtf Canada Harold - W, ' Shore - North St. Phone 766w r IRIKTHDAY CELEBRATED On Saturday lust at a family guthering,,itt the house of William and Currie O'Neill, McDouuld street, u itirtlulay surprise ports; took pkice .honoring their aunt, Miss • l'urrie McCann of SI mew. Lo Yeti gifts ware presented to her ou heti birthday and numerous message.; of g^tos w.i hes, esteetit and affec- tion arrived previous to the patty front a ntintiier nieces anti nephews 4'.i1 were uualsh• Is, attend. The-; i n( h• it and stamp by ,t 11g t f ``.trot hours 55• the provincial i,al soli, e "1 think we °twist to try to keen, non sand dasirhir•r It, rse•ltary, AWind-- 'J'ht• fnueral s515i( Was held C,11iit o„11• are required to w°rk7” I the I,rnvifu'ial nolle( i1' at :all ous_,('s°r: Alr. Jack y!es c ( tit the Lodge funeral Iain ,",u , 1. 'lends and relatives :11 (11(le,} , 1 hen, M1..- Keen, S;,iII Ih :Lo ge f a r who hire,- Cat the fends -1 front (a1ive,o, 1ternia• ; 4'otrtu-illur Vinvent said it '°oke•' Bible," Con ticillur Pennington said, lash -11e tt'Itrien. daughter of fisc like too much to par. IIe said that "If we Isar(• to pay t*17•,taso for .141 ('ecil-(►'lrien, Mr. :rod Mrs. IN- attended. The sei rime vc,1S '."51*' t'r! }111r�,n, (;°derirh. AV'1lkertli. • if there were five tiaen ...4. int, three p,lieing :a t,vyn of a , ,r°xinuite'N'11'1101111, (►' \lidlantl. Iluel II lybriers. Jlary .1,,. Fran - was a 1iminvial success. Nile United Church. The pati- ,(5,1e1 :I. 1:4 week. a year whet the towrl setting a precedent for tits• provinces don: --lir. 'Thomas aloCatn ,f lhite ( group of antes wept ring nightgowns and raps, f Mrs, ('. 'I'wre'die, who is secretary 'Of the Rand stated that, though the Phone ,115'T attend:doge was shall, the (114 rt EDWARD W. ELLIOTT • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- ' swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 4611J, Clinton: Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed, - - HAROLD JA K ' _ C SON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards; Goderich Phone 144 - -- C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 -Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH D. GUITARD Stonework, Brickwork and Plastering - A good job of plastering has no substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria It,uSr, \\4 ( K .. I,I ll (•h( t n wits not "etlln" the policing it was 1(4* 1►nt:ss•t... ::ltd the mayor- \ COUNTY COURT ACTION \iet'hee, If,ss \fc\er, .1t\iu Kerr. t:l:OIt(:1: \i':111.t('1 1,1+'11'1111)(x1 payingf(t. -with new industries coming i g`'smnois: Mrs, 1 rtrirk Murphy, %I r_ ADJOURNED BY JUDGE n F1111 .las tui. \ir. 1 t it 'Austin.. I Will McKnight and Re:;inald Ryan. .\ tnithe• engineer witch the Chry,- 'I have been a citizen 5,f t' e and is lural otle exp:11,din" our lir. and \[ r T I (' f The action of Nurnberg. v`'s. ('fut- ad:a Health and Accident ,Assurance ('orporatiou tf \Valeria, was ad- journed to a date to be set *ill .County ('curt on friday by Judge '1'. \I. Costello. - -Jit this pielion. Edward .1. Nurn- berg of 'Stephen Township is see•x- 'iug to recover *SW least slue 1111,15.1' a lifetinile disability policy 1SSucl by the defend:aait ' on ( ►e•tober 11, e rt 1. 4. 'Piss •14111111t-nr was' injtiresl iii a motor :4i -enfold On 1)eretrlIK•r 3. 115111, and cl:aint ( he has been totally ills-- Thi. lis_ Tisa• defendant has refused !Its, l•'111e11 \\-:1, ill • (',411,°t'lae 4'5;01e- ler \,1•it-orat11,t1 In (01r•oil tor' 11 ; t,�1\'11 f°r :1(I 44•:t r, :Ind the t(.wil 1. I,"lull:ltlnit i, gtll,g .-15, g5, a up i4!' F ills, hri(t"e,\~;511(1\I ` °t1t'['Iley () ,- It, . ,1. hu trry'. ye•st,, George Wallace I,1,ttricJ,;,sijost as .naafi now u. it was then,.. � ascot three or font hundred and l Chisholm •,f t:tstir•ric A. flied of a heart ailment in ;highland ('ouncillor Robertson said. •'lte_ i we'll need this extra policing," said I h NIRS, GISOI{(;F: PIN'NEIt Park 'General hospital on Septem- gardless of whether or not we (*an i the .deputy -reeve. \ -ill is o \irs. . George 1'innc'r, u h( h.:0 i,cr 1. lie was a a�'ntt sitkIee a(l'ortl ii, 1 don't .think file mrn l one-eighth of it quart. lived in (-ollingw•ood for nearly, Mason and a 'manlier of the Scot- bate needed. We went through iwo seventy years, died at her horse, fist, Rite bodies. tvrars with two poiirelnen. i,f rhe on Sunday, September 21. Site; IIe is s11151ced by his wife, the ;letter says lire then or none, 1 say 1 marked het• ninety-lift0 birthday in former, Merl \1. 414,one, daughter :0000. - July. 0000."July. 'She 1)1151 not been in goal of Mrs, .1. 44'. Moore, Victoria "With folly mens working a Is- la -anis 'for Sense time. The former street, and the ale air. Moore; ala•, hour tveek, Snnday-s included, there •Flora Arbuthnot, s15t• was horn in':, sister, \Irs..1. \V. Recker, 1tetroit, are only' 50`1 hours in the year to V'1a•riposa Township in Vieloni:a ' The funeral serriee was held irs - be made, up and it scents t5, ac t _.(l +lietroit .on. Satur'day,Aeptentbet'..(i-.{.t%l.i.if.. the ('last of .hir)Itg :ltl 1'xtr: County • and was a (laughter. of the ; 1 late tied tang 1''I( rii •11rl,ean _1r Internn'nt was in ('limon (•eruc�tery 151:r11 is; a /et. to parr to make 111, J bnthnst. in 1852 she married John on Momiat-. So1►ten,ber s. The itev. those h(atrs." Councillor 1'enningt„n . 1 1 1 11511155 and front that tilos had lived - 11. A. Dickinson of North Street surgr(wt(cl. ; to make payment for a period sub- tract t . se (Int nt to h5 bolt arc :3, 1051. wood. In 1.)06 she married Geoige graveside. t'onn, ilfur \Wood .:aid h, ttaorr Jo i<ully :111 the rears in rolling- United Church officiated at the I li,oc1d Influence `Pinner who now snt'rivi's her. she, 'l'ho„se. frurr, .a disriuuc who ;It thnt ('omnci11„r lt,berisnn hath a SI'KPK1SE VISITOR'S . , was the oldest meni.her of First,; tended the burial :(t 4 Iintuu ien,r point but that with :t rnnuir ilr:i! Presbyterian Church, Coiling -woad., fiery 'included- Mr. attel Mrs. 111r-ry 1 poliil� forts' there would he too Sale of radio lii•enscs nndonbteel- Besides her husband, she is su Mansfield, Prescott ; Air. and Mr,, ma►ay pe,ple trying to 14.11 it what l;r took a junto in 1:(iserieh this vivid by six daughters--iMrs. '1', ! Morley-\lityor, London; a 1r. Parke to tlo. W. Fenny (Flora) and Mrs. \,i111):lvis :and Mr. Dohn►e, Buffalo, and '.There are a number of point* to Smith (Frances). of Walkertoa;iMr. Cho ries Webber of Detroit, be kept in mind if We are he have Mrs. William Burns 1 Kathleen), I - week. Two inspectors arrived 111 town on Tttt'sday and planned to take 111Nm1t three days t:llling on homes to See if the little matter of renewing radio licenses had been given,the attention of radio owners, The then mills Ill) fru•nl - Exeter ad •quote policing," ('nun+ illor Iletroit; firs. Frank ;Morales F. RII':Hi. Barnes void. "Firstly, most (Times (Effie), Chicago: Airs. Jack .Terry Word was reveived here on Fri -1 (Julia), Goderich; Mrs, John day tst the death of Douglas Earl (Johnnburg (Mary) .of r'ollin;; Riehl, lb, 81:1(1:f <ih of Mr. and \L s. where they had been snaking Simi- wood and one son. John A. Burns lOsnie! i of Furt l rig, furnler lily caths on homes there. of..t'ollfngs'ood. Also surviving are ly of Goderich, who woos fatally -in- jured near Medicine •Hat, Alta., ors \Vednesd'ay of last week, when The Goderich Branch of the 1W•] a farm tractor ran over him on ;t tnetl'. Institute held a successful uf,tr in the box Springs hint card party and tea on Wednesday Kleist and Richard ringsn, st of afternoon, Septetttl►er 24, in_. the hot ichI :s a rc and utt hii-, 20, o Masonic 'Temple. Mt•s. It. (;haain- ser. were riding the tactor down the , president. with Mrs. W. is ice hill,- !tattling a wagon loaded with and airs. A. 'Wilkes reveic•ed the hart'. 'The loud of hay "ran up" g�t}trtiage ands at the -o500" were played.' ori the tractor, jack-knifed and Prizes went .•_isr-...diode,..-42har-,l -4114M caused� the machine to turn over, for bridge find M•"'N rs:eil Thompson 1►uu *las Ithill wits born in Clin- for '•5(0." A lovely tied and decor - tots. Ile went to sc•h(5(1 in (:ode rich:ing attended l:,uux I'reshy_ uteri rake w•at. drawn for at the tea hour and te•rian 5'hnrch and Sunday zchti5,l. was won h1 Mrs. Fred Besides his parents, lie is sur- Noble. vived by- three brothers and a 'amen volts -priers were Mrs. (;, sister, J:rtaes of (asderieh. Edward, Sanderson, airs. A. Allen, Mrs. i.. ister,l and Patricia Ani (f and Bannister. Mrs. A. .kleaander, Mrs. l;►ie K. 14(od and fur (.ards, \Ira \, The funeral service took Triage \Vilken, airs. G. Mathieson: Mr= :11 the I,(HIge 1'1111(1l home here `1 Smith and \Ira.• \V'. 1►o:t k. on-• Mo71d:at- :afternoon, "1"5"""1,y � - - - - the Rev., it. 1:. NIaeAliIlan. Th, TWO GODERICH SAILORS pallb,':aa51 were \William Fred and ; ARE POSTED TO JAPAN Benny Weld, Gordon GluuShel, Harold Bell and George Noggin. 1 Two Generic)) boys who at, the IIlltt•rinellt was its,-\l:litlanil time !same :Igs' :and 4'111,ist1.11 I11 the ILO,-:: tars (('ilnadt:at Navy together six annr+tl ago spent four ,bays at hinds East ws'ek prior to being 1"s'led to ,Iai.ttra al NM rd tile seat rny5'r 11. \1.1' S. ".11habaska." 'rhe � are• :1ndr1'ty "Bins" Snaith, son of air. and Mrs: A. I,. Smith Maitland road, and Charles \1'illiatnls son of 11r. and Mrs. Robert ,\\'illianis, Regent street. Both lads are 1!) years (Id. The iwo young sailors r(•t•s•t111y (•lnnpletetl trainintg at 11.41 (':s. Corn wit lli,. 1We1►1►rs' ok. VS., :and are melting forty:u•d tt their new adventure. They were driven to Toronto on Salto -41;1;v by lfr. and \Ira. Smith to board the train Ie.. 111,' \West WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HAS SUCESSFUT.,e CARD PARTY GODERICH PAVILION • DANCING WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY --Every-Saturday night through October— JOHNNY BRENNAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA Every Wednesday night --Modern and Old Time Dancing CLARENCE PETRIE'S NIGHTHAWKS - —Special Midnight Dance Thanksgiving Week -end -- Sunday, October 12 at 12.05 a.m.. - JOHNNY BRENAN'S ORCHESTRA , w GODERICH THEATRES PRESENT "if:::;"ne CAPITAL Street A PARK 7'hte. PHONE 1160 - Now—i)oris Day and Ronald Reagan in "The Winning Team." -- f MON.—TUES.—WED. and THURS.---4 4 Nights!! ! • • Special Special -- "DAVID and BATHSHEBA" In 'Technicolor and starring GREGORY. i'E('K and SUSAN 11A1'WatRD Frena it, Old 'Testament ;:(try of (:ins; 1tovid'+ love for sa e:ap- tam's wife. A picture 1.4)1' will enjoy satnl remember. will) Raymond Massey, Kieron %Ioore and Jayne .Meadows . FRi. and SAT.— James Stewart, Jean Hagen and Wendell ('orgy The biography of a manrwh„ used st prison st•nt('t55( as lls( road 4, fame and fortune. "CARBINE WILLIAMS" CTI Coming --"Where's ('barley" --with Ray Bolger, and Technicolor. — PHONE 47 Now—The East Side Kidd in "That Gang of Mirae." MON., TIES. and WEi), :Miel Ferer, Susan Douglas and lleatriee Il'ears(sa An adventurous doe•11n1•ntary- drama on :t 1115111. that wit! bold y„I11' interest dear through to its unusual elittax. "LOST BOUNDARIES" T111'K., Fitt. and SAT. Jon hall, ('In•istine Larson and Jay Silverheelss A fief hoed blogr,llsi►y of 'l'riiiir.eh. s'hicf of the tilrawnl's who was eoinissioned a brigadiergenes•al 11I the British 11rn1r. Filmed' in 'Techllirol5,r. "BRAVE WARRIOR" Coming—"Thief of Daman.scuss"--frith Paul Henreid and Techni- color. ' word has been r4'iycid of the death ,t \15,715110, tight, Sequent f beg 1:,. of 1►ayid N. Itrstce, son of 4:. Nigel lirmce and \Irs. lirn(r. i,ondon, whys was khllr(1 insctiltstly in cs mining erfilent iso T11'Isequit, 11.('. his. was a graduate ng engineer :and was 5•iiipll.yed with list' ('ois.osi ds(t tL--Mining :Inti Slaelt ilig 1'0mo:f my. 114' 11144 ea sigIst miller a, falling rock aslsats tvisile doing i11551H•ttti(n %York in the na,rt'hern 1.1',. cons;pasn:v' sill• which is n-ss,;ssihle only by air. i{oro 111 \\'ittd-'.,,n he wigs s,'v. re ly w•onndetl while serving, with tragi !loyal (isnaAtian Navy in ureter torpedo boats during World \\'ar 11. Fol.toN-ing the w•ar, be alien (led Qileen's I-' iiv, rsity front whie)t he gratin:hell in 1919. 1{(•'fore ;,•ting (iersea 1. he evp(•11) eycry 511111th- n with his s;ratall►nrents, 1,t. ('ol. and \Ira F. 11 i,stinr sit Cherry (:)ite ,•f,tay. in (:o(1t''ris•h Surrirbrxi(le•55 his parent*: • -4, stye oily broth -r. Smart It1 nson 11I 114 c.. : I11 Iltlll,'1' 1 54115(5.' ai 14,15` is'N 1 ni\rrsity : his ,, ther's two bro titers. 1)1 ,George 5.1(ing, \Vind55or. and .'.5fre,l It 1.n- ing, Hollywood, ('alit. anti his tt„iher's 1\v, 5514 t PI'S, \1i 1'11111 115,I,as ri s. sant) \I r4 Itiottpbrev It I: ill., r1. Toronto. ITS ER/ THE.. stinghuse TOMATIC WASHER ,.w TERMS TO SUIT YOU Now you can have a laborsaving, fully automatic washer that's thrifty too! The wonderful new Laundromat does a. complete family wash conveniently and efficiently! New, excl}tsive rWater Saver" measures water to the size of the load — saves from 2 to 7 gallons, depending on the type and size of wash! It saves ou soap too! (ge eeomorro e at... ILF REINHAIIT 7flA ?''H•ONZ • HAMILTON 400 STREET