HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-10-02, Page 2PA3>t TWO r i'HE GODERIC SIGNAL- 'AR Mit Signet -Star HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY, by Signal -Star Ltd. $11bacrlptiou Rates --Canada an$1 Great Britain. S2.60 a year: to United States, $3.5U. Strictly iu advance. Adeertiaing Rates ou request. Teleph)ue 71. .leatboriad, as seeoud-class .funis 1'u3t ()thee Department, Ottawa. Oitt of -Town Itepreseut.ative : C.W.N. A., 10x; Peter Street, Toruuto. Phoue Ent 3-67141. Member of Canadiau• Weekly Newspapers Association. Weekly Circulation Over 3.($I)0, (:EO. ' L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher t• 1 7'tpi' 11 �U AY, OCllO11ER "ud, 195.. THE POLICE QUESTION The 't'ow'n .Council is presented with the alternative of adding to the present Prowineial police force in Glxlerieh or engaging a loe8 force for the iw>lieing of'the The Connell, while shirking no re- one large true employing, more men sponsibilit>, would too doubt hC than the aggregate of the ten Small! atrengtl:enetl 1n wh:treVer decision .tile,. agr't'i• with this.. it may Make by having all ex.pre - The ten industries, or at least souse' sion of opinion from the petlple whom :t represents. 1t can be said with certainty that the ratepa}er4 would not approve :Its addition to misfortune and failure should force their tau bills if they could n, it to close, it would be a disaster 1 rix'—ewihly sure that the town to :he couluiuuity ; whereas if one W.1 ul,l not suffer from the with- of :e11 simpler industries should braw::l of the Provincial 1„slice• fail the c.iuse,puen(•es to the town There are eonipl:tint, that the would not tie• su serious. Other; serviee g:veu by th,•, provincial advantages front a diversity .,f iu-' forge. 1h1rt.cuiarly an tit planter of (11tstry •':in readily be br,.tr„ht 1 , patrolling and enforcing Municipal iiiind. 11j ever, ntest t,,wns in this'L bylaws, tr not s:itisfact,H . :lint [141A !section, of atht:lrl 4•,11':4 w'eh:o; e. ,ti, h 11 l ; taken into account.. If !any new industry. :lust, they ce1'- should have' all :ltlswer 1)1 t11e,e questliuus .if they are to to fair to the farming population. • • • • A U.W.O. professor advances the proposition that ten small in- dustries are better for a town th11n SIGNAL -STAR PHOTO PLABHBIACZ8 Do You Remember - When...? of them, .might -developinto large ones. if the •town -should grow up around nue large industry, and s ou the 4.:ouncil upon investigation tuiuly would nut reject :t l;trzie should 1111(1 41(1 I►I'')speet .,f the lint, while Waiting f.'r tell '11154Iler Orgalt.'J.:,i' 14111 •ll 411 efficient 1,`+'4 i .,nes. force it ,4Uld pricr-',l witit greater t►ssur:once. EDITORIAL NOTES • • • St ration! Junior ('h'!wle ' of Cott- !fierce has endorsed a resolution. passed at the national J.C. c)1nyett- [i,)n last June at Ilinti calling fur After ,pending it';a than tw•) I 1 "truly national ilag for Canada." months in Ibis country a woutau In ,;nine quarters. this will he looked immigrant has returned to Engl:wd 1 upon a, a ,1?4ht t)1 the Union :lack, complainirl4 of 1')1►lditioll, at 1'1)11- .b11t in reality 1t, 15 not. 'There 15 don It)nt:iris,, including the "Iltl 11' intent lon •,u the [,:II'[ of those bearable heat." Si' should have fa,)1riiig a • Canadian 11ag to di, - remained for a few mouths to find place the time honored flag of the that a Ca ttail:tali t' :leer would more hllirire; it will 10111: 114 to be ti)1,yu than compensate f,r the Summer ai; '1,side the ('YUadiall 1toblell4 One hundred and fourteen thous -it drifted in thepath of Al) 1,t'or- beal. . w-heueyer there is ocu )1 cas(+,r dc'- and claims, representing about four , ard's boat and gut caught tl in the . u111111M dollars, were tied with the propeller. Birt' to give an ImPeriu Csiguifirant—•Natiuual 'Trust t`,0mpr(uy, t,.• tJlt� A third candidate was nominated \\'ithout a flag of pier Callail4 liquidators of the defunct Yuri. iu the riding of Huroniu the pen- is at a disadvantage : ming h,•r 11'ounty Luau and Savings Cumpa1I . son of 1)r. .:Alex. Moir +,f !lens:ill, fell+,lw-Il:[tit►il,.. of file ('oI11nii,ilwt':Ilth '2a Years Ago who canoe out i15 :1n independent Rin 'Liu Tin „was' starring at the with the abolition of the beverage which have distinguishing emblem, Al„(lel Theatre in the picture -Mils ruolns as the foremost plank in his most revered of U.S. Presidents t ,quite a humorist, and at the saute 111'1 this di>adyaut:lgr should be of Kentucky." platform. remedied. The 1.C.'s probably ex -1 The'. annual fall ii of the 111yth A threatened strike of 1,,.100 men time wholly earnest and .,scion,? Stories of Abe Lint olrl, told nearly press the view's in this 411 441er of -Agricultural Society was a good on 300 Canadian freighters on the. Butte 1 ith the 1argest display of Great Lakes was "ayertis1 when the hundred ye r after his death, :1 grout majority of the ,C:inadi,I11 to -dies' lcurkwin the history of the Canadian Seamen's Union an - Are full of homely wisdom spni.,'d people. and if a suitable design for ' (air. pounced an agreetnent had been rvitb humor. lloli t drspi<e a hearty the 1! 1,, were agreed apon Parka- For " the con4`euieuce of their 1•e:ogled inwhich most- of the vont- 111)'111 t•onld with :1ss111'(1i,e :,.lye its : elit'11I5, .o. F. Carey. :uol S 11, pial„ 1►ali1es Itl\'t,Iw, d :tgreell to wane in - laugh. `were installing duJet wire eonuec- greases of from 1 5 to 2:iper cent.. • • • stamp )14 apprt)val, 40 15 Years :Igo W. '1'. Tilt disposed of his West street cigar store and billiard par- lor to Thomas Edis of l'etrolia. 1 tions with the leading exchanges. 'The revival of the functions of a school nurse in Coderich was pro- 1ti,sed by represent aByes of the Lions ('lub, which wits willing to A juvenile choir was organize 1 assume a po,rtiou of the cost, to the I11 eounectiuu with Knox t`'huri.t Public School Board, :•-;ahbatit school, under the (lirv.•11o11 15 Feats Ago of the organist, .l. l:. Jordan. (;surge Vanderburg''. 'Huron road, Tile bylaw- to guarantee the bonus brought to the Star office a carrot of lite ()warn) West `hare Electr.,' lvhiclt branched into nine distiul t Railway to the extent of $25,0w), carrots, tire large and - four small. you'd on in Colborne Township was A fisherman, sleeping on the defeated by about .'U voted. north pier, lust 50 feet of line when • • • Objee'tit•n has been taken to the Demlx:ratic Presidential 1(0winec because he introduces some humor into his speeches. But w;Isu:t the • I • 001 ober is here, and we can loop. - l } for the :Utmost .:n:n[nerlike weather (It1:(lig>uN,iaui}rl incident urne�l out to be Canadi, n Concert Scene Dominated n we hive had ttp to the present.• By Syndicates Says Visiting Tenor to merge --into what we hope will les., serious than at first it 40,,ht Ire a pleasant autumn. It has been have' appeared to be. -Ir, Nixon, a good summer, a season of warns sunshinevitt► periods of heat suclt sl; l>a w� - burn, . aJlts>1te,..Er:unt .-..1'.t c t: tit surunter.5Pa5Un5. The heather has been favorable to. growth of farm and garden (raps and--uf special interest - to this Flue \Vater dis trim tc, 1 busy tourist, season. Yes. All ill all it . !las been a • gonod summer. • 111, 1{epublicau candidate for vie,— president, ,11 1 11' Toronto tenor. . lu and \d:) lu 1 l r � ,u the radio. � int io ul Ids :u1 explanation otiuu who h ,at1, , is to i~ile song recital tinderh tied— t iii li iui� r ..._.�i,. iii; Birt� ; 1111] ,.'(NT 41"' ,+f,._ 5.I1t......11")44°.- 1\441'1 '11.'6' ..\111 1+' ('ll't•'11• or Th., 111,11eri+•it 1:a 1)- I,t•ner:ll Eisenhower gave 'hint an , t L..t 'Church. besides being a spree 1:11 FW ENDLY •,,¢¢NAPES . IN- THE tl'A IMEN? (London Free Press) Alex Findlay, purveyor of rep, tiles who displayed his . wares at The Western ,1,'air l(ere. observed ONE WINS $500 AND ONE BREAKS AN. ARM that if formers were, wise they would refrain"from killing snakes. Actually rusty snakes, being large Consumers of field mice, are worth money to the fanner. The first' reaction of almost all farm boys when thiel; See a stroke of auy kind is to bash it on the heed, Many varieties are altuost extinct. The Dawe advice applies iu the case of many birds, hawks. for example. 'p'lo'y eat. far more ((flee than they do chickens. Fruit eaters are heavy insect and bug' eaters- 11 the farmer ,•uuld be persuaded that snakes and many birds are profit- able neighbors he would withhold his hand. Evelyn .tunes of Goderich shared a $1.090 spe,'ial aw11r41 a1 :1 bingo at Ilensall Friday night last. 1►u `tilt' salve evening. 3Irs. 1'. 11. Li't of G.xlt'ril'h, wit., was also at- tendill:g. suffered a broken arul when she tripped and fell on leas- ing the liens:ill arena. Mrs. Lee 1'etlrt'll, 'from 1h,' )►.",t of :1'u:'staltt postmaster alt 1;,.,It•r'i411 one year Irian 19-15 to 194S s li' nit til w' til eminent t•• til ,, '. t ,1 fi t at Kt Lal l ,n- .4r.1::1Lor�' .. Ilk'. spent tbr, 4 - years iu E1rop,e anti 1►,•+•aide ku ,wri us the Canadian .A1ntr:l'satlr)r, of endons:ltion as his running [[tail' • �1 11 1'o(:)i music, his had "an Song.. ill' an ,•Il1Ut1.)11::1 speech that went II)i.•(IStiilg ii i1:•It':11 l':1 1.44.1' Ih UI:)ply ili, wife i.s rile 1 14..1s (1811g;1114r right to the hearts of i1lI1,ressi.11:)Ille,•,,,1111rje, ul' tilt, 4)111,1. :111,1 41 on .,f 1411 roil 11i .Abele, forlll'er. 1 11 people. l:uthusi:1st}c supporter; ' hi111 praise from (Titles in Can:e1:1, 1a.rian 1`uusllla;euel•al , to *Italic. t1)i44 )1 ''tut• . (:rt:It 1,•4!111. It:11y, '111111' friendship 1)e'. 111 iu 1Ite• for - claim that the affair bias (lou .111st;ri:1. I,erniany. Switzerland and fuer Ropiil lion at the La ,S,a1a • . t. stronger support fur the Itepul►li,•.tn 1'r:11ltt t►pera II)1tts), now her father's. Itefcrrin4 to relent upsets in ticket. Apr. Nixon threw out a Ile w'as born in 'Toronto 8141 -i1,• was moue.. .1,18111 because Yroringia1 elections, 'l'he Globe and 11111101(41) [o the Deinoerltie candid. be is the only Ir)1y in a family )1f Mail :tifmit', that. the electors have :,ti fur the 'White House t)1 disclose INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION 1104 girls. leis proud Mother 111! to -Dake delicious ritristmas cakes tot necessarily swit('h1,1 to the Coll- his tln,lucial utTairs. and .14. >1(111or' SEEN FOR THIS AREA ;111,1 (:Itt 1011 for 1,l rhes to send Stevenson 111, •responded with '1 hint ;I ) 1,04.4_) c quo for 1'!tri,,t- expansion ' �, tremendous td 1 A foto[, of tr1,mer detailed and convincing statement. I ,1(04" Ilia si'ter. pretty' Mrs. 11, 1) !u tht, nex[ f)O years for, such towtt5 11:14a,'.1 ,14 Robiusum, st-r•rc•tary to an 01. If the ti4ures iu this soul searihir►; I ,is-God4rit'1t, eastow'el, Raliovet, 1ffair :Ire not white -robed angels, Ex4ter and all such middle towns taws 31.1'., also sena hint her salary they at least Seem to have demon- 01 2.000 up to 20,000plt)plu141111,14 to help with his education. strati'd that they are not so he- in Southern Ontario was foreg:lst During his three years is h}' llc. 1':. G. Pleva, director of the Europe. 51 r. (;aw featured folk geography department of the. 1'ni- and art 501(45 of Canada. He (le- vers4ty of Western 1)nt:iriu,., ad- gilled to eome bi (t -4k- • to ('anada be - dressing the Listowel Rotas')' Clubcause he likes to IR1 of himself recently and' reported in the Lis- as il .Canadian... Ile 4 iuulxltient towel Itanuer. Dr. 1'leva warned, of the slowness of Canadian rceep- lo,wever, that a well -devised pro- tion to native talent and the wtiy gram of planning had to 1►e follow'e'd our eon(ert !scene is dominated by by these towns "This area, the huge Canadian svtndk ltes. Ile is lititario wedge, bordered on the a. veteran of World 'War 11 and north by it line drawn from 51id- believes there is a living to be land to Kingston and on the south made in ('ana/iirt. bw the Creat i,akes, is the number 4. GODERiCII - RINK WINS Goderich rinks took the major � Say'. tten•atiwe party and goes t ,u to 5 � . "If the Progressive Conservative's .are to capitalize on this diseontent, it will be the task of 51r. Drew and his followers to mobilize the di5.'atisti,•d voters, undoubtedly a majority of the Canadian people. smirched with political grime as by presenting in vigorous terms a .rlearcut alternative to the current, (Ottawa poli -cies." Patently a warn- ing to the P.('.'s that mere vritiristn will get the party nowhere. •' • • H'ornn•r Ontario p'remie'r E. C,,. Drury is still a champion of the formers. Addressing a conservation .ulet'ting at. Barrie the other day, b,' said: "Is it f i it to ask our Tanners to tali(' in immigrants, tufo rd them in their homes, teach them the language. keep them for s year, and then have them go off 1+► better -paying jobs in the city? is it fair that our farm lionles 3ttonld have to take in strangers and board theta?" .dviwatev of a geveiter effort to itUluce immigration to disqualify -them for the high places which they seek. It may be that the 'ordeal which tlie.ie aspirants have been called upon to undergo will serve as a warning for the future 'to those who would seek public favor. As Robbie Burne wrote: "If there's a hole in a•'your eoats, 1 redo ye tent it : :t chief`s among ;we tal:in' notes. :!n' one industrial area in the Dolour: - faith he'll prent it." ion," lie stated. '(114 pattern of growth tin a town should be watched carefully so as T(/tiG['H: '1'11:i)' t+) have -11 balance in 1) e•,nllllunilw, Are !011 bashful in pul)1i(?y• 1)o he said. The primo requisite for words refuse (4) 1••,111, 1)111 when inducing industry to a centre, said }'on ::et up to address it tweeting? 1►r. I'leva, 11(11(11' 40(x1 schools, hospitals. general a(ti•essability 10 The Jaycees :Ire planning t , helps ,all anti highway, good service poi and details will b' found in 4l111,,, recreational facilities, waste an advertisement elsewhere 111 this ,iioposal. an adequate supply of issue, telling of their public sp„11: -water and sound nlunieiIili1 govern- ing course. Client. share of their prizes its the (,otie- rleh Irtwn Bowling Club's doubles tournament Friday night. R. Bessie and W. Reitman, God,'ri(h, were first with three plus 27: 1)r. I1. R. Rall and W'n1. Moore. Goderich, second: II. MoNee .and S. Robinson, (1(xleri(h, third: B. Christie and J. McDonald. Setforth, fourth., and W. F. • Nickel and A. a{: Moore. 51rritf,)r,l, fifth. When The Bell Telephone Lines Were Rebuilt 1-1//‘ t1 YOUR FAVDURI;E FIEVFR4GE 7' KIST LEMON -LIME DIAL 980 CFPL 7 DAYS A WEEK 11 a.m. Daily MEMO TO (VtILADY with MARY ASHWELL Western t rn Ontario s Number One Women's Commentator The neat, stylishly -stout woutau turned sweetly to the equally plump' wouwu standing near her as a seat in the crowded car was vacated. "You sit down,” she suggested. sweetly. "You're older than 1 aw." "Indeed, 1 nut not older than 4 4 THURSDAY, OODOBKR tad. 1962 you." the plump one dared. '4stt down yourself." The stylish lady took the aeltt. smiling to herself. Several blocks later she leaned toward her *ettt- plate and confided quietly, "That remark. gets use x .seat every titue." OTICE The Goderich Hairdressers have revised their 1947 price ,,. list as follows : EFFECTIVE OCT. 1-1952 Shampoo "Plain" Fingerwave "Plain" ringerwave and Plain Shampoo Fingerwave and Oil Treatment and Shampoo Hair Rinsee Haircut Steamoil Treatments 75 .7b '1.25 1.50 25 1.26 150 Steamoil Treatments, Shampoo and Fingerwave 2.50 Electric Scalp Treatments, Shallpgo & Fingerwave 2.50 Silhoutte (til Treatments, Shampoo & Fingerwave 2.50 Silhoutte Shampoo 1.25 Brech Treatments 2.50 Facials "Plain" 1,00 Eye Brow Arch 76 Manicuring "Plain" 1.00 Tint Retouch, Shampoo and FingerWti.ve ... 4.51) Virgin Tint "Whole Head", Shampoo & Finger- ' wave . 8.00 Henna Pack "Red" 4.00 Henna Pack "White" , ' 4.00 Marcel 1.00 Neck Trim 2.5 Comb Out Resets 25 Dandruff Treatment 50 VERNA'S BEAUTY SALON HEATHER BEAUTY SALON REID'S BEAUTY SALON ' BEAUTYLAND HAIRDRESSING JOSEPHINE BEAUTY SALON HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY SALON HARRISON'S BEAUTY SALON I�ICIVAI cSlf REA SEINISIAITO o NI! \\�����‘ov,\\\\A\ \\\\\\\��\\\t • U 111 AI , 'M1 �11 . unwill;h1 e11N�� 44604 5 fite, OutfanaNTniumpk bt end 6 CANADA BREAD Above ill shown the Brew which: came to town stomp yeArs ago to almost completely rebuild the wires of the Bell Telephone Company in ONcierich and the immediate district. • 11.1 GODERICH!'HONE 103$ - . MR. C. D. ,ROBINSON 611 Here it is at lost — our greotest achievement in bread baking. Toastmaster, baked a won• derful new way to give you higher protein content, richer flavour, tender texture and the greatest eating pleasure you ever experienced. Tasted or toasted it's a bread that's beyond compare. It's an oven -fresh miracle — just try it and seel MIGHTY FINE BREAD • •CANADA BREAD COMPANY, LIMITED CS t! ,it