HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-09-18, Page 9• ZaUUBSDAY, SEPT. 1Stb, 1852
K'INCSBRIV3•E, Sept.; 17.• -The
death occurred last week in Van-
couver, BIC., of Mrs. Catherine
Dean, formerly Catherine Griffin
of Kintail. !Her husband, James
Dean, died about a year ago.
IN"aee Dean of Montreal vialted
with his sister for a few days last
We are pleased to see Mrs. Mary
Austin horlte from the hospital after
her recent illness.
There were many from here at-
tended the London fair last week
and enjoyed it.
Mrs. P.- Vogt, Patsy and friends
of Detroit were recent visitors of
John and Frank Sullivan.
Mrs. Venimie of Calgary is visit-
ing her brothers, Mike and Frank
ASI1FIELD, Sept. 17. --Mr. and
Mrs. Morrison of Pontiac, Michigan,
spent the week -end with Mr., and
Mrs. William Ross.
Miss Sally Macdonald of Toronto
is . home for a week prior to the
opening of University. and Mrs. Earl Howes.
Mrs. D. Rose, who spent two .The September meeting of the
months in` the Fest, is home again. W.M.S. is being held on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dobbs of at the home of Mrs.- N. G. Mac -
Toronto visited recently with Mr. kenzie.
LEDBUII.N, Sept. 17. --Mr. anli�
Mrs. William Hicks *of Detroit
visited last week -end with the
former's grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Fulford and family.
Mrs. Philip Bogle of Detroit Is
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rod
Miss.. Joan Clark has entered
Wingham ,hospital where this week
she begins her nurse -In -training'
course. Best of luck,- Joan!
Several ladies from this 'district
attended 'a shower at the • home of
Mrs. Cliff? McPhee, Nile, on Friday
night, given In honor of her niece,
Miss Madeline Bogie, the bride of,
the week.
Fire, of unknown origin, de�
stroyed the hay hammering mill
owned , by Mr. Cliff Holland of
Goderich on the farm of Mr. Joe
Chisholm early Friday morning.
Besides the mill there were fifteen
tons of ground hay as well as a
new rubber -tired wagon and rack
'HtLMESYILLE, Sept. 17.1—The
regulur meeting of the Hotuiesvllle
United' Church W.M.S. and W.A.
Knox Congregation Honors Minister
With Dedication of Church Window
was held iu the Sunday • school Sunday marked the coucluslou'-uf became increasingly conscious ,4f
rooms on Tuesday, September if. services held In the Public School the great service being rendered to
Taking as the theme "God's Grace, uuditori'uw for the congregation of the cdngregatlon by tile Rev. Mr.
the Water of Life,' the meeting Knox ,Presbyteriau Chukch, \>,°hlchMacMillan and the thought cause
opened with Mrs. Reg." Miller us has beeu without a building since ' to us: !tow can we recognize uud
leader, and Mrs. Eldon Yeo reading their historic church was destroyedreward his faithful leadership? We
the "Call to Worship.' 'Ihe'ltyntu, by tire t'wo years t'lgo. \ext Suu- i waited until •one Sunday whet} the
"Thy Ceaseless, Une hausted Love,"
hen" we met
was sung, followed by .,prayer by beautiful vuew hutices willch.. se held in the , us u committee, and Moderator' wss `away, tvagreed un -
Mrs. Jack Yeo. Mrs. S. Walter pays Tribute aulwously that we would put a
read the „Scripture lesson. The
Feelings .were stirred when fur- window In the new church as a
president, airs. William Norman Ing the service Mr. George Schaefer, memorial to his efforts.
conducted the .business and it, was Lhrk of the Kirk Session addressed "It was . left to Mr. Erskine to
decided to puck the bale on Septets,- the congregation paying tribute to I arrange Atte details Rad at the next
ber 23. A poem, "Give u `Thought the leadership -and guidance- given I weeting, when Mr. SItteMpais was
to Africa," was read by Mrs. il. by the minister, the Rev.- 'Robert i'preseut,• Mr. Erskine . stated that
Uudmore and a duet, "Does God G. MacMillan dtiritlg the two years he had the offer of a window but
Need Me?" was sung by Mrs. E.
while 'the new, church was under the donee wished to . remain, an -
Grigg and Mrs. William Norman._
Mrs, E. J. Trewartha introduced construction and announced that a °fa mous.
the study bank, "Along African window would be placed in • the ';Bppt] $t4tlepherd
narthex in honor of the minister. "The window chosen and wbivh
Trails," and Mrs. Reg Miller read , "This is our last service in this wits put in place thio past week is Business change on the Square
the first chapter, entitled "Out- place. We are still a part of the now in the narthex, facing you as include Emerson Drug Store annex -
ward Bound." The meeting closed old,., yet we are close to the new," you enter the new church. It is the ing the store next door for larger
With the hymn, "The Morning declared Mr. Schaefer. "We are figure of Christ as the Good Shep- premises and Albert Shore purchas-
Light is Breaking," and prayer. no longer homeless but stand on herd, standing with hands opened ing the business of Lloyd Ginn.
Following the W.M.S. meeting, the the threshold of our , uew . Church and outstretched as though He were Mr. Guy Emerson came to Gode-
president of the W.AA., Mrs. Ed. and we look forward with keen bidding you to enter. The text is rich from Windsor• and was for
Grigg, took charge and opened this anticipation and great joy to the 'Come unto Me and I will give nine years' in the old Wigle Drug
1>art'of the meeting with the theme services of dedication when you rest.' Under the figure, in the Store location. Two years ago last
song and repeating the Creed in we' shall enter and occupy our new lower panel, is a scroll and the July he moved to his 'present loco
unison. It was decided to sell church. text: 'Enter into His gates with tion, corner of Square and West
Christmas, cards again this yea., "Today draws the line sharply thanksgiving and into His courts street. Because of need for more
with Mrs. Harry Williams in �' etween the past and the future. with praise.' display room and store space he
charge. VI'lans were made for the 1 However, before we discard the «
fall bazaar and it was decided to R e had decided. to snake no has taken over the }locution next
Past let us review it briefly. Lel mention of this window until some door, formerly occupied by Malcolm'
have tate October meeting ittt the (us count our blessings because they .Srtnday after, the new church was Mothers insurance otllee and this
first Tuesday, witht'tober 7. The are many. opened. but were forced to Chang., will be added to his present store.,
meeting closed prayer by Mrs, "The greatest of these has been our plans and take our minister Mr. Mothers has moved to the office
F. Grigg and a pot 1uet supper the tine leadership of our moderator into our confidence in order that on West street formerly occupied by
was enjoyed by all.. - _ as minister of the congregation and
this important memorial could be I C. P Chapman Mr. Emerson plans
Quite a number of people fern► Its chairman of thebuilding cow- included in the list of memorials to 'redesign. the interior of his pre -
.this dist�ict attended the Western mince of the new church. Build -in the brochure which is beii►g pr: - I sent store including the added store.
pre -
Fair in London. last week. Among ing a church is a great experience, .pared anti is in the hands of the; All toilet goods will be displayed on
them were Mr. and Mrs. K. Try= a privilege and an honor that (hoes printers. Ione new disphay stand ou the north-
wartha ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack leo not come to every congregation, nor .-The committee iltet this post side of the store.
and fatttfly ; Mr. and Mrs. II. Wil-
liams and family; Mr. and Mrs.
\William Norman and family; Mr.
and Mrl. Elmer Potter and family;
Mr. and Mrs Frank Yeo and fatu-
ity, and Mr. and Mrs. �)p:dvti'ard Drigg i•ould also say that the Presbyterian, bet -muse we felt yoir would want .c:uue to Goderieh from nearWing.
and family. Chureh it (-'anada is indebted to l >
Mr. and-Jlrs.' John Finlay of 1 to h:twe a spare and :1 part of tll's h:uu��uul bus been in business here
' y hint because he had the vision and happy occasion, for _, years, first where the present
River .Rouge, Mich., were guests of the courage to depart from the olds It is au expression of our gr:l'i-; l'ar'k Theatre is located for nue
Mr. and firs. -Bert Finlu3 for a.few and lead the way lu a modern 111(10 fur Ibis tiuf' leadership, les year and for -t1te, balance of the
days last week and ealled on other church building. 'wise counsel bud for chi' days acid titre 111 itis pre,i ut l(K:!shun. Mrs.,relatives and friends in the dis- "We are indebted to him for his
slat, nY nlonmins and watching Zinn Ills_ beeu a,w41'i:Itod ttitlt+"tTr-
fine qualities as a minister. . \Ve every detail.Zinn in the business.
---i • shall never forget his leadership in
CLASH owes DAY -_
Il'teparatlons are being rapidly
eornpleted for the Western Ontario
Cusis Crops , Day, supported by the
counties of Essex, Kent, ,Elgin,
Lawbtou, Perth, Huron, Oxford and
Middlesex, to be held at Grautou,
midway between Stratford and Lou-
don, on Thursday, October 2. Crops
to be featured are field and coy
beans, silage and husking corn,
sugar beets and turnips.
Among -the speeihl guests for the
,event 'will be Hon. T. L, Kennedy.
Thin. F. S. Thomas, J. "A. thu-ruer,
director of extension, and A. P1.
Martin,, director of the crops, seeds
and weeds branch; Ontario Depart-
ment or Agriculture.
Lloyd Zinn Sells
to A. Shore; Drug
Stflre is 'Enlarged
A Pilkington Compbny
to every generation. ,
" Vision and Courage
"1- know you will agree with ale
when- I say we owe our minister
a - great debt of gratitude. One
week 'when we- invited 11r, M:lr-1 Albert Shorn will take possession
ll i11:tn to be present, and when we I of the Lloyd • Zinn story on I )ctol►er
had told him of the deception w.); 1. Mr. Zinn plans to retire but
had practised, we asked his per- will remain ou with Mr. Shore until
mission to address the congregation, the end of ,the year. Mr. Zinti
Church a Memorial •
- The history of Fort ,AVilliant, that trying period in our church lit.. .t1 . say to you in :Ill sineeriry
out., .dates back to,1155. when we were without 'a church that we hove betteryhurch, better . MI's. .i,AIN MAS("R1.'I'
home. lle comforted us, sustained ; accominlodattuu and „renter .fa1'i.i Mrs. A!111:1 Ellison Masitret, 71,
us and now, as we stand on the ties herntise If his colutsel :lu(1 died it, st. M;lty's lluspit:ll, 1.ua
threshold of our new share!), our 1 guid:Iuce. You and i d0 not need' (lou, oil 1't iduy;. She was horn 111
Organizations ttre all active, our ;I ‘014,1,4w to remind us of tli,' i Morris 'I'uwmship 1(11(1 lived in (;ode -
numbers are maintained and .n erent service rendered this con
1-: rich f141'. .11 4a•;1I', bt't(rl't•_ moving
GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister
enter our new church antler wet'; i ,a1!:o11 by our minister I►ecaus1 to �-
Mflnces, L0ud1-4m _ 4-ye:lrs ago.
favorable cireutn
the whole church twill ewer stand os ` Sun iwin, :Ire liter husband..lubu i
"You will recall that wit' of (h0 a lheluofial to his efforts: but 111 ; three I,rotllers, Philip Ellison and'
first columittees'formed after the, the years to 1'01110 Mien generations,. Leonard l::llisoii. ItotIt' of 1,11dou,
'fire ,\was a. fact-tinding or church wet unborn shall w0rsllip in this and peter Ellison 1.1' pet roi1: three
i►la_ttting 'coanmittee. '!'his coin-Ilii-!ollltrch. there twill lie evidence 111:4t sisters, Mrs. Thomas i•l.izzit'4 At! -
tee 'C1:Is'comprised of the minister:: i he, who was our nl111rste►• gni(lyd dIt'v t .Aluaus "111 (Iges: Mrs. i.ira
Mr. 1'. .1. Alacisvtut„ representative, us wisely' and well in this great Bancroft ;Intl Mrs. I':Itherirrt• !aril,
eller; A. I1. Erskine. church -treas- task for 011 the vViiidotw will b0 :1 both of Loudon.
urer; William hisses, trustee; 1.:sin:ill brass plaque µMelt reads: itenuieml iii h, n1n55 tw:ls 51111g in
J. .Ainslie, chairman of the Board,, ""t'o the .glory nf.1:041 and .its li01c .Angels 1'litit•ch, St. .•l'll„nt:l,',
of MLlnagers ; William .Maclaren,' grateful appreciation of the' t'r uu Jioud;l c banning. Interment
chairman of the property commit—.'µices of the Rev. Robert G. Mac- .was in 1I oly Anel. cemetery.
tee, and George Schaefer, clerk of I Mill:ul. .minister of this congreg:I-'
Session• situs u,nd rhairuuln of the hutldimg' ALliElt'l' \V. GILLESI'iE
"At the first meeting of this cord 'cnttm11ittee, 1!1:►1-1T1:4.',' .Albeit \V'. Gille,l�i(, µhu operated
rated the speaker reviewed, 'lye. "11 is my., happy privilt'te', fir. a tiSli and ,'hip shop (011 11:u11iltou
(appointed Mr. MacMillan as chair-Moderalol', to present to you. 011 street for the past six years died
man. It Was a %vise inot'e and he. lr:iif of his, congregation- this es- suddenly- (luring the night on 'I'h11r,-
passing of time has fitly served ` pressie n of our deep appreciation," day 01last week. lie had attended
to confirm that' action.' concluded Mr. Sehaefer.
a Junior l'htuuber of ('ouuuerce.
Tn .1 grac10115 aeceptanee 4)1 the; meeting that evening before retir-
honot-, the minister, µ-h0 was visiblyhug. •
affected. ,poke 0f the loyalty' of toe 1 ,tont in Toronto, he µ':is a sou
c0ngregation anal of their interest of Mrs. 1;i111•spie and the late .Alex
tr3Iug to aw0id ulistukes other; in 1111• progress 1►f c(nstrnet_ion day (1I1-'spie. Ile ‘vas employed here
had ►wade and seeking•• t0 use ••th.:''j,y day of the new church and ex' in the Venus restaurant vwhen he
good feature, %'e. found. I'he.►resd h, hanks fur thein sd Vd \1';Ir 1:11
1 a
yon will, recall the experience wne I�jflde'nsecr in thetr nlenlhrrs 0f the builcod- senlierveted oveitsrse1a.0rlfor three a1111"1(;11
had with our first :Irchitect when ing colurnittee and himself. ihalt' ye;Ir,. lie tta• a nlemlb1'r of
we were
forced to leave hint ue- Order of 1Vorship 1�nnS I'r1'sbyseri:In 1'llnrell. the
1`;111,0 \\l' ('(1111(1 not g('t what w'l' The 1(4titisier )'x phiii1(41 i11 11i� .111111,41' ('ll;llllllel ,11' 1'lrllllllt 1'1't' ;111(1
wanted 1(1 111 ;,rice, «'e wanted 10 •1'1'111011 fife 111' \V Order of wlrrsli:p lh:lmcll lli!►. (':ulrl(li:ul Legion.
which will be used in future (introit Slt•y.iVing" are his wits. formerly
"11. wits .1t tittle: like these 'rvio*'s. which, ire :aid is really.11ac.11l:nu, of I;uderil•h: two
there µerr great lie'cisi01i 1‘,‘).-1"17'1' ' Vs,ery old. 11 will fullmv the oldrst',:ull;, .liuuuv lel :Tutt I':lul 4;: his
uta(10. bum's whl'11 tt•e were :t bit i traditions of "the ' ,1'resby-ter4 (11 mother. Mr's. \lcµ 4 111 spie. 'for-
fearful of the step 1(e wece tal:img, i'itnroh in the world anti 1lnrtir•111-'onto: dire,' loot hers, John, of Is-
, u11r fh µru4Ve11(1 :Irby f(f the (h11r1 h 1►f S( (tlan(1. 1iII 104 :1;44\4\.:1
1)111" (',)llrage :Iitsiri'►lgtus helteetle111'(1 :4- ,4111' - •'1'(41► nft4'n 0 ellllr1'11 „�l'rviee:in i I
.si.tel's. VII',. 5te'14llI'
(chairmatr' (Irmo.,:I glot•i1iearion .4f the eon 4'Iorl: 0f 10il';tl,. and VIrs. .Alhlit
i ".As the bun: or' out' net` grecatiom, tht' minister -or the (choir. Holmes of Islin,ton,
enliven progressed, the committee '!This is wrung. Ilnr chief The ftn,'ral set•vire. \\ill' f1111
--- yea - - 11111' only pllt'pos(' 111 1.l':;1,(tl honors. "\t :l Ileld :It th.'
wor'sllip is to— (111' P:1t her, 1.,111', 1111111'1! 11,4014 (,tl S:1111I'W v
in heaven." declared the nlinisiei•.'•afternoon. The Rev. it. 4:. Mac -
The Order will inrl11d4 the ol(l Millan of Koos I'1.esbyteri;l0
and historic custom of the ('hlIr,•h ('1111rc1 officiated. The large o! -
officer entering' the ehan11'l carrying te1ld01144• and m1:1l( "tlorol tributes
the pulpit Rthle' and placing it on were evidence of tht' esteem) in
the pulpit, prior t0 the entry of the w'hiell fit'. (1ille.l)ie vv:ts held,
choir :lad the minister singing the; .Amlong the latter were thus(• from
_processional hymn. The Gloria trill Itrunch 1141, (':Ittadian Legion: the
Long Period'Sp etit
"'1'ht'n there was what appeared
to be a long period spent in look-
ing 'around (o see what we wanted
me good FITEB0111
TOT Buhl 000n6w
"1 011 may want a new Wheelbarrow, or a home in the country.
It may be that.your dreams take a different
direction entirely ... But most of the things we want,
big or small, Must be saved for. When you open a
special savings acmbulit at the Royal Bank you know you
are really ori your way toward your pet project.
follow the rending of the psalm,. and
the offering. will be received Itt ('1'
1111' sermon.
The reenlas' ►ne'etin; a `t.
e:e,rrn(,•s \\-..A. was held, in the
(Guild Room, '1'nesday, September 9.
The nr ,trit'nt. Mrs. i'red 11111)1.
opened the _meeting with pr:lyers.
1'he• 1,it:In\• pr:_y'ers• '('1011 114 Thy
Virs. \ edhanl and the Scripture
1esson lv:ts taken by Mrs. (glides'.
The :1111111:11 tmeetin2' 04' the fro.
nlinien buo,li l•f (he \V'..\. at w 111' h
(101'• "4e� fr, nl :)11 aeras. (''1no111
µ-ill 1 n,• sent. were' 41'Ilf 014ll b'
\Er• (` .Idle, who extended an in''i
I:ItHit h,, :It,µ tllelllll,•r. µ•ho 4'•111 11•,
1„ 0410111) the Otte hitt mel V1' e 104
51,10-0 nl ,ruin :,I �t 1' I1�r'•
(':,tl, 11''.,' 1 141111,411 11,'•.
1,',' µ•„rt: 4.44 (14" x4111),.
1, „ I: 1 , .1;,44•r '1441 • .,1 th„ 1•„11
11t1':45 4 g e'vellt took place t4'll i
iiia,' •4 'if,. 111"111.,•,
f 11,,, \\• A '1'140 ,,•t i, w' 4'- 0,,11
1111,•1 11 bt' (1,,, r,,,.t„1' 414 1 (t4,.
lie; 0;41'• •40,1 )'i 11 „',",• ettt011 ht
tLl, ,•r,..:,1„44t „11 1•. 1, ,,r .,r he
1„•.1 n,•h 1 e 1,,,,. .I,1,1 ' .. f 4 At,.
1'..11 1,, .441 t 'tmlu.r. Il ... ,,,,. (h.'
1(14-4„,• and \I,'.. 1•''I t•r. •1,. 1,••1\ 111
'11111 r01n'•1m'bere,l with ."-1 it,111.`
rhe ee ,,,,e,•:1 111411-004 ht \r' 1':t 4 1•
.444.1 .04 1,,,r n11 I:il„llt' imtn,-
es4. Mrs. 1'oer responded in a til
titit; manner and the 1te,•tur ,•1,,,ed
the nl'•e'tin4 with the 1;1'me(li'•ri,,n
•ifter te'l,i''11 'aft. rIo 41 (,.•4 w•o' '-
('„(1 1t' \it's !tile, „„11 \1,:of S;1111,
s< a'•el bw \cls. 11. 1►"1111 ?tell fir•
11 Wilson.
CAR STR11{F:S S11fi'1,11F;it
ITn•rry (:reen'3Tlields. Detroit '*' •4c
token t0 .Alexandra T1ospitol . with
severe shock, received when his e ,1'
�(rack a soft chottl(ler of 11111011 41
21. Own Ill 111`,4 north of Dunlop
('rov1nei'l1 Constable 11. 'I'rlttth1a .
invest 1ilad.
Veterans' Association of Elgin Regi-
ment and Elgin Regiment Com-
rades, of 4:oderielt. and" the (:ode-
,rirh junior Chamber "f Commerce.
The pallbearers were,: James,
Raymond and Herbert M:Ic.Adallt ;
John. .31ex and Howard Gillespie.
Interment, took place with chinch
:111d Legion honors in 31:tItland
Cl/ ier/
Put FIL on the job, as thousands
of other Canadian farmers are doing:
Discuss a Farm Improvement Loan
with your nearest B of M manager
on your next trip to town.
e 4 7Gide p4a4
• No Exposed Nails
i✓ Complete Double Coverage -
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• Comes -in RED, GREEN or BLACK
Besides roll roofings, your
Barrett dealer has a complete.
line of roofing, insulation and
weather -proofing materials.
Halifax” Saint John Montreal
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* Reg'd Trade Mark
When a plumber is needed
to unblock the sink
YFuow PAW will find him —
Quick as a wink