HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-09-18, Page 7TIEWRSDAY, sILr. 18tb, - THE GODERICH SIGNAL -SUR ALSO.:NEED SCRAP MF.TAL. A 4111.141.14=114.41r ST, GEORGE'S CHURCH suNDAv. sErrEmpiAt 21. 1952 a.nil SUNDAY SC11001, 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER. A. W. AND14.11tTON. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church SUNDAY, SJTEMBER 21, 1952 10 a.m. EVERY ell AD IN SUNDAY SCH061.. 11 am. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP in the Church Hall. Please note the time is 7.30 p.m. Knox Presbyterian Church THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 8 p.m.—DEDICATION SERVICE. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1952 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. "Every Child in Sunday School." 11 a.m. CHURCH FAMILY SERVICE. (Nursery and Junior Congregation.) 7 p.m. BUILDERS' SERVICE. Guest Violin Soloist—Nits. Jean Pumphrey Manning, Jackson, Mich. REV. R. G. MacMILLAN. W. II. BLS110P, F.R.C.O., Minister. Director of Praise. HEARTY WELCOIVIIE AWAITS YOU AT THE Free Methodist Church VICTORIA AND PARK STS. SUNDAY SERVICES—SEPT. 21, 1952 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. - Friday, 8 p.m. Society Meeting. "Remember now Thy Creator in the days of Thy youth." Ec. 12:10 • Let us all make'an honest endeavour to have every child in Sunday School every Sunday. REV. G. E. BABCOCK, Pastor, 84 Park St., Phone 897K Goderich Baptist Church MONTREAL STRUT NEINISTER: Rev. Ian G. Hind. Organist: Mr. Frank RLssett. 10 a.m. EVERY CHILD IN SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m. "THE SEARCH FOR LOST HEIRS." 7 pin. "HE THAT BELIEVETIL" Monday 8 p.m. Young People's Meeting. Wednesday 8 p.m. "Hour of Power." Verse for the week: "Blessed Are the Pure in Heart for They Shalt See God." BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. HOWARD MINAKER. PASTOR lO a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 aan: "GOD WAS WITH IIIM,." p.in. "THE. SPEAKING CROSS." Tuesday 7.31) p.m. Studying the 1st Chapter of Phillipians. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m. Coloured Pictures on the Life of Paul. THE LITTLE -CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. THE SEAWAY Despite the cooperation of Presi- dent Truman the St. Lawrence Sea- way won't be started tontortow, --warnsThe Financial- Post. There is 4111 very powerful op- position to this project in, the Un- ited States and it has many ways of fighting. The fact that Canada proposes to go ahead alone does not mean that this opposition has been eliminated; probably in some quarters it has -been intensified. These interests, while they can hardly hope to stop Canada in- definitely, can still fight a long delaying action. But Canada should note this fact. DUNGANNON °I . Fewer -Visitors This Season se,., 17. . Sprotil had as. t,isiters re- cently 11.,:r aiece, NIrs. 11..11. King and Mr. Fug 0t TeesWater. Mr. aud Mrs. Stanley Hughes air visited relatives here tact - Mr. -Kenneth :McAllister of Strat- ford Normal Sellout wits a week. end , visitor with. his 'Parents, Mr. attd Mrs. Mason Junior Farmers.—The CoLwanash Junior Farmers met on Tuesday evening at the Parish Hall when! plans were made and a committee formed to have a plowing 'match sotne time in October, the date to be set later. ' At the same titne the Junior Girls"- Institute met in the Pultlic School. 'Miss J.4'Elliott Of the staff of the Goderlt4i pistriet High School wasguest speaker and tock as her subject, "My Favorite Craft," w;hich was also the subject for the roll oath Mr. •Jantes Sasatt of Seaforth showed films on Eng- land, Scotland and Paris .and also Th rms in Otto width he visited last yea r. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Walter F. Naftel leaves I 3 - day, Thursday, to speud some time with her aunt. . Mrs. Harr?'Bradley spent. a few days in Toronto and later spent a week with her daughter, Mrs, Mabel Haddad of Lond-on. Mr. and Mrs. Angus B. Maelie of Whitby have been visiting Mr. Mactie's• parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Maetie, Victoria street. /11 ',011.0 .14 110A1i0 1"...* TOURIST INFOritti The Tourist Information Booth on the Square is scheduled to elose .for the season on Saturday. It has been operated this year by the Town of Goderich rather than by the Board of Trade as in past years. In charge of the booth has been Miss Beatrice Bradford and many compliments have come in praising Miss Bradford for the enthusiastic, pleasant and efficient manner in which she had conducted the booth. Although there are still a few days to go, before the -official clos- ing for this season, comparat ive 4igures for this season and last reveal a deerease of 336 this stun - mer from that of last smuttier by personswho registered. Total num- ber .whoregistered so far.this Year has been 1,511 with -a total of 1,397 inquiries. Of these visitors . 502 were from the United States and Miss Margaret Vera Orr attended 1,009 from Canadian eentres. a -sales convention of a home pro- 1 Last season the total number of tourists who registered .was 1,847 duets Air.m at Westfield, Mass.; re- cently. Mr. J. H. Jackson and Mr. Jack Jackson of Port Dover visited over the week -end with. Misses Lottie and Eaura-Jackson, Britannia read. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Boutroi'd -of Long Beach, California are visit. ing Mrs. lloufford's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J: A.- Nivins, aud family. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Biddulph of Detroit were guests Of Mrs. Charles Hunt, St. Patrick street, this week. Miss Marie Stnibert of the staff Of the School of Commerce, Toronto, WttS- guest Mrs.- E. W. Carrie, _ I last week. Hello Homemakers! No doubt .„ ,i- Mrs. Frank Hogue returned from you have hearea quartet harmoniz- Little Current last week after visit- - irig the Ontario vegetable song. ing- with -her husband for a few days when the S.S. Windbe docked Soon everybody will be singing it. with coal_ It goes this way : Miss Norma' Warnock, nurse -11- There are onions, there are traiding at Brantford General Ilos- . • • • 14011 fl, camtages just tit for pital, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs: Norman :Warnock,. tittee"s athl the sweet 1)11t -"rt° Bayfieldroad.' corn makes you glad that you . s . Very Rev. C, Cooper Robinson, ":ere 1"rh• And a .s"i"d' ""lde 44 lettuve. celery, radish, Pet).- Dean of St. Matthew's Pro -Cathe- dral, in Timmins„ and Mrs. -Robin- per, too, can be S4) delicious son were guests over the week -end too. 'Salad keeps you mighty chipper too! And potatoes, they are cheaper, and'tomatoes.. they a re cheaper, and don't left last week to spend their vaca- forget those carrotS in your lion -in Wichita, Kansas, %vitt' their stew:- So, eat more onta-rio son, Jack. 'They were accompanied veg-e-tab-les, they're cheaper, by their daughter-in-law and grand- and they're good for you! witlx, a' total of 1,097 inquiries. Of this „number 082 were from the United States and 1.165 from Can- ada. Most number of -inquiries on auy one day 11115 year was on July 26 whenhe tre were 44. Most in- quiries 011 any one day last ...year was on August 4 when there Nvore 48. The Month 1932 figures are: .. U.S. Canadian Inquiries Visitors Visitors how 23 5.3 i:3 J 0. uly "44 44 051 August 143 431 358 Sept. 50 55 125 . - — T,,tals 392 1009 1397 The 1951 figures were: MouU th .S., Canadian Inquiries Visitors Visitors June 51 71 July 286 340 August '74 497 Sept. 71 ' 57 Totals 682 1163 411111111111•4•41111441444111411111111111111111111111104114111111441,..44, OBITUARY __,---- TOMS 1111.1GZMA Toms Brig -Lula, 64. died tui Alexuudra Hospital ou Sunday folloiving a heart attack. 41e was a native of .Batavia, and emigrated two years ago to Dallts, Texas, and was a resident s.of GOO - rich for tNe Past two anti a 'Lillionth. MOnths. was 41 member- of, the Lutheran Church. ' Surviving are his wife funnel:4 Elm! Reisman; a daughter, Nirs Kappa, who - is employed in the E British xChange Hoteon l; a saud daughter in Dallas, Texas, and oue son in England., The funeral service was held a' the E,0 E. Cranston funeral home int Tuesday afternouu, with theRev. R. 'G. MacMillan officiating. Burial took place Maitlaud Ceme- tery The pallbearers were George Kakieh, Mike Trlia, Joe Snyder and Charles Bordleau, 112 757 711 114 -- 1697 of Mr. and Mrs. T. Edward Pritch- ard, 44 Britannia road. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw had visiting with This message in song is sponsored by the Ontario Department of Agri - them for the last f('W weeks. Visitors a t t he home of Mrs. cultu"- It is indeed a timely re- Nytl„e.. \Liss minder to harvest vegetables when , they're mature. .Serve two 4)r thzce Ifund.iss, .It. ,,,111t • Is. 4 • I raut to in moist the containers , place. 5. Potatoes' require storage cot a (lark ventilated shelf where they not freeze, although shallow tains about 6 inches deep will pro- vide good storage if there can be a circulator' of air above and below the bins. - N'egetable thowder I ("111) l':1W potatoes , 1 cup diced raw carrots 2 cups tomatoes 2 .tbsps. choppethonion 4 tbsps. chopped celery cup navy beans 1 tsp. salt- _ -1,4, tsp. pepper ' Soak navy beans in water to cover over night. l'o make chowder W AND A , COLLEEN POLLOCK Mr. and 'Airs. Gordon Pollock uf 11.11. 3, Auburn, were bereaved -oil Saturday morning by the death of t heir eleven -1110W Its -old 4111114hter; Wanda Colleen, in Alexandra 1 I 0– pital, Goderieh: after a brief ill- ness. Ilesides her , parents, she, stu- vived by a brother, Gordon. Robert, and a sister, Barbara Agues' 1 and Bunnty 1. The funeral service W1,4 con- ducted at the Lodge funeral home 011 Monday by the Rev. 11: A. Dick- inson of North Street Unite,' 'Church. Pallbearers were Barrie Kilpatrick, Joseph Essex, Ruby Me.. Intyre and Elsie Essex. Interinent was in Dungannon cemetery. CTIAR LES BR UC.E. RUTH ERPOR D t'harles Bruee Rutherford, 21. died suddenly in Woodstock ou Sunday night. . Born in Howick Township, he was a 4011 311S. Amy Rutherford of Goderich and the' late George Rutherford. lle was a member of the Bethel Petite - costa 1 Tabernacle. Surviving besides his mother are September Special 6--4x6 portraits regular value $1 2.75 $7.00 HENDERSON S THE SQUARE ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and, Mrs. F. A. Hawkins, Port Albert,..anneunce -the engage - two sisters,*Margaret, -at home, and "tient of their daughter, Mai ie Mrs..Albert McGuire Ilf 4.;oderich. Evelyn, to Kenneth Robert Holmes, The funeral was held at the of London.. The marriag:e will take afternoon, conduCted by the Rev. 2.30 p.m., in.. St. 'Matthew's Anglican Lodge funer:Al home on NVednesday place on Saturday, October .11, at 37X. 'Howard Minaker of the Bethel Church, London. bearers were John Rutherford, of their daughter, Virginia 1", Yonne wroxeter eeinvt ery, ,r_ii,„, Dan_ _wilfhr. j,t;oindajtilltris.tic„11.0,1iTtret ,eltli.g,tt..NK.Iii;ietitsttt.)": Tabernacle. Interment was in _ an4.1 ,relislii. . , .0•Irrots 'ind beets James Dariing, Bud l'lement, [bit- to Williain Donald Patterson, soli or itiltry..aLea-,44i,s1. It'llaarcie Kenneth Hutchins. of Mr. and :Mrs. Nelsain H. Patter - :1m Norman, it \) '\ and - sou, Auburn, the marriage to take QUICK CA1%1ADIAN QUIZ place in Km ,x Presbyterian Church, September 27, at 4. p.m. , . :17x 1. On- Canada's farms are there : Guderi'll'. 2.The Governor General represents Atii,t1.1.1.11,11,it‘t‘lkNhIrst...) laliiitiri%,*ta.lynee.114itlere‘evisi: more pigs, cattle, horses or sheep? 11110' 51 11.11 whoin? !gagement of their daughter, 3. What one province pro 'awes More Dorothy Isabel, to Franklin Mac - lumber than all others combined? Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. 4. Tax payments -to Ottawa are how mat•Donnid, Goderieh, the Wedding much greater than 00.)se paid to take place September 27. . 37x. 5. When „did the , united Empire nient of Gladys •Janet Cole to An- ge\-- Rev. and Mrs.. lan Ifirtd. of Gode- , rich wish to annotinee the engagt.- Loyalists come to 'Canada w 1,-(1ristm n Anderson of )0sh- ANSWERS : In 1783. :t. wood. The marriage will In 1. Cattle ---including milk cows, over place - 11 o'clock_ Am. :faturday, 9 million head. 4. Ottawa collects 20, in the -chapel of about twice as Butch as au 10,1 Iter, Knox. l'resbyterian Church, 4 governments 4.ottiltined. 2. itt, rick :17 add water 0, foyer t he prepared 114 resttrt,,,,itt t-iy,, of he Queen in ,m r. nd sirs. Fred Bowen 11* vegetables. Simmer wit it tender.' canaaa. ' ' ill 1 I i .14141 one ( Ill 11-11 In ;Ito ag I Material supplied by the l'alitors t4s. 1,111 ...'.,,i,, '.1..'.'. (-4 of Quick Canadian Facts, 11). hand book itt_filetS Cattiolai all of Ingersoll, 'Alr. and Mrs. llor- and supper. .‘tal don't neglect to • PHONE 91 vimlimmonommomM44 Goderieh announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Frances, to Donald Frederick Fritzley, sna of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fritzley of Gbderieh, the marriage to take 37x place early in October. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 0. McPhee, It.It. No. 5, Goderich, announce Abe engagement of their daughter, Mary Joan, to Leslie Andrew Biddle, of Montreal, - -son of -Mr,- and Sim- 43)1:.itrotti:r.L. Biddle. of Toronto. The marriage will take place early in -37, COMING EVENTS IN DISTRICT CENTRES Anniversary services will be held in Knox'. United Church, Auburn, next Sunday, September 21, at 11. and 7.30 pan. Guest speaker will be Rev. 11..1. Snell, BA, B.D., of Exeter, a former pastor of the Auburn charge. Special music will be supplied by the choir .-37 The Women's Association of Nile United Church is holding a bazaar and bake sale, in the base- ment. of the elturch. ttetober 8, front 2.30 to 5 4.4,14,4.k Lunch will he served. - ' -17-9 • sowtor and sons. Nv.i.til, and Brian kinds of vegetables at both dinner six st,rvin,,, .m.••••••..•••01..opooMMIVVEIVIMINIVIVIVIVIVIS all Season Sweet Potalo Salad 00, sumer of Nvis,onsin and Mr. Pn't"'"' ")"1" for 1unu'it /"N" "' 2 c"Ps '1°1" sweet potatoes ,I, 4'110 Freneli dressing Two motorists stopped beside t 11, T.‘LEING Clt()%%' and lIrs. II: McGuire of Belgrave. "'kell (,)r r"". i''''1")1; ria" t",st"l'e 1 cup clopped eeler road to eat loneli. The crows w,,,,,, Me. N. D. Nii,rrisii of Alma, mi,,ti.. an ampa, 'smithy anti. as you snow, -, 44:4444-eially noisy. prempting .1 d's , Mr. and NIrs. James .1. Morrish of "ulY ' the bet '1"'IlitY "mild he 2 0-1Ps diced lutut St. Johns, Nlieh.. and tlteir daugh. st°trell. TAKE, A Til' 1114.2)iiciiii:ott,ine(sitiiiii:si.1;01,,is: peal whi(.11 „lriod ,,, iii i,,iie („iiiiiiii,:1,_ , Is' Here! I,,1„,,,u„,,,)„•1,,,,I,,,r0,,, ..,,a,,%-.:,.. 011)1 slice while hot :1 101 sprinkle ,1 11,11L..,u12-.„ oser thl, stone wall .1 with French dressing. Blend..'411 farmer was doing some planting,: ingredient, ;111,1 ,e'r(e 011 er151) let- and they asked his opinion. tuce, garnished with lo1'd-cool:4AI "811re. they talk-.- he said. –Just N . . - is the time • ter, Mrs. Howard Craig of Flint, , 'orn, 'tea ns, ea Widower. 1)1117474,1 Mich., spent the Week -end with the spnoits will keep garden -fresh 11 former's sister, 'Airs. John l'atiltand a freezer \viten prepared accord- ot her relatives. ing to the rules. Misses Gladys and Ann Levy,, 2. Ioniatoes are -the easiest 'food to of Glendale, Califi.nia formerly cn e awknow-us juice, quartered of Colborne Townshipt have been for soup or 0 scallop, chili sauce. visiting relatives here and renewing chutney, ,tive-fruit relish, tomato 111(1 acquaintances. They were ac - butter and Indian relish a 7.*e companied by. a frieod, Miss Esther fa vorite. NN'titters, also of Glendale, It is 3.1Iang cabbages from the cellar ceiling: Also prepare some •as :12 ye:irs since the Misses Levy left here and they still think Goderich _ • -------- ---- is one of the finer towns to live in. Rh Ries and While here they were the guests -. .delays stem from the international or Mr. and Mrs.M..1.Ainslie. Practically all these d cu --A- aspects of the project and' from ItAl"fIS'f the U.S. form of government wrich MISSION CIRCLE gives so much scope to lobbytsts and the pressure groups. 'Canada eventually gets clear- ance to go. ahead, to do the job and operate the Seaway by herself, the endless trouble and Wrangling that will perpetually curse a joint oper- ation will be prevented. POCKET -SIZED BINOCULAR New model binocular has 600 - foot field; is 21/2 inches long and weighs 11 ounces, reports The Pin- . uncial Post., 11411411•41111411•••••••••••••411111•011•1111114111040111011111100111•••••4114114140411 THE VOICE OF BETHEL REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, r' I SHALL NOT WANT ''I'lle Lord is my Shepherd.- Psalm -23:1 How wonderful to be cleansed by the blood of Christ and to be :tide to claim the Lord (pf 111:1 %'4'11 as 1)iir Shepherd. I not want : Rest -,:-41e maketh 1111' 11 1174 11111%11 in green pastures. Refreshment—Ile leadeth me beside the still waters. Forgiveness --He restoreth my s.ouit. Guidance -11e trillion) ole in paths of righteoustieiss for His •Nante's Sake. t'ompanionship—'len though 1 walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with 11174. Comfort—Thy rod and thy sitafT they comfort me. Nourishment--fl'hon prepa rest 9 tattle before me in the presence Of mine enemies, 11 ealing—'E'll 1)11 anointest nry head with oil. Anything---iNfy eup runneth over. Earthly blessings--:.411r4dy goodneFt, and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. EteiTtioi illappiness—And 1 vitt dwell in the house of the Lord .fer ever. SPONSOREI) BY THE BETHEL ADULT ItIlltbE CLASS. 1 Senior Ali.ssion Circle of the Baptist church held its fall meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Airs. Gs-orge Johnston with a fair atiendance and opened with the hymn "ltrust and Obey." Scripture lesson was recd by Ali's. Ilaithby and 31 1'., 114.106.05011 offered prayer. Mrs. Bone read an article conerrning the broadeast to Canada 4,11 September 16 by 1loli- vian Baptist missionaries. Nlrs. Ferguson read alookt Aliss Sani's leat-ing for India to become a mis- sionary soon, lit coniNction with our church holding its golden anniversary, Alrjs. Johnston told of the start 441 the mission 'i '('1) .\Irs. Pollock, the inin,:ter's wife. 12 years .ago. 81o. svas very capable and inteecsted 111 nrilgsioas. There %ter,. 14; at this meet log. ,Mrs. Polloels was made president,Mrs. .t. Beavers, treas- urer and Nit's. Hopi:his seer.lary. Mrs. Johnston and Mrs, llomber were among those present. Tit*. nod mrs. Entiock also fwg,:iii- ized the 11.Y.P.1'. at that time. Aft -r 0 lengthy business sessien. the roll ('1111 11118 111kell 1)11(1 an- swered wit 14 Seriptitre verses (,ti harvest. A dosing hymn and 1,111Y1.1' 113' M ns.A. '1') 1)4)1' were itf- fereti. Dainty rt freshments were served by the hostess. A girl in a Nev England summer resort purehased a marriage license from the village clerk in order to wed a loeal swain. - A week Inter she marched bark to his office and said slit, wanted her money re- funded ----her swain had just run off with an actress from the slimmer stock company. The clerk ho)iigllt for a moment. "Can't give you a refund, Emmy," he said, "but tell you what 1'lI 410. For another $2 sell you a hunt- ing license, and you can go git him back." ----The Reader's Digest, eggs, had a conversation with one" French Fry Caulitlmer -Y1/11 111111 111 8tly '1111 l'a111 1 1.2 1,',t11111)1i111:11ilNi'k,"r 'NIT(' 1 4.row :poise English. 111 crow talk?" , 1 egg - flapped onto a 61111011 of that oh!, dry bread erumbs over there aind looked -down at me j , , ,.._ Break cauliflower into pieces and and asked, 'Ca xv-n3' 1 looked upj, cook in boiling salted water for S 0,a him an'd said. `Nope. Befth8,'1 4 lie said. :1 MI 4)ti he flew." to look at that range u ,..,i,„„.,. 1)rain, dip in egg which . Trailers Move Canada's Perishables Canada's perishable food supply is moving over the highway mechanically refrigerated stainless steel trailers. As a result farm products are reaching Canadian tables fresher and 'more palatable. Food prdducts are transported at proper temperatures. Frozen foods, for example, have to be kept as low as 10 degrees below stem ssat Fruehauf Trailer company engineers. Glass fiber insulation has been very helpful because' it keeps the heat nut. It is also light, durable, fire and vermin Proof, able to withstand shock and vibration and has no tendency to settle, sag, pack or disintegrate. Dead air space is also used Diagram herewith, shows how a corn-, hination of F, fiber glass. A, dead air and S. styrofoam (vapor seal) is employed, R, designates refrigeration unit mounted on trailer in has been slightly -beaten with the milk. Roll in crumbs. Fry in hot fat (about 3" deep) until goblett brown about 4 -minutes.,, Sr ,4-s six. Glazed Carrots ('111)k 1111,t,(1h1111, 817,e carrets for 13 'nitrifies in boiling salted water, drain and rat Itt quarters.. Pince in :1 heavy skillet and sprinkle with 'retired butter. salt, paprika and brow 11 suga n. Ilea t )Ver electric elemient turned low for aboitt 15 iiiinittes Baste front tittle to time. TIIE SUGGESTION 110X Mrs. %V. L. says; We fry slieed green tomatoes iit the baeon fat to serve as 1414.401 loina toes fon irea kfa 81. They ,trt, vary good 4,prinklefl with celery Raft irinl pep- per for tlavoeing. , Mrs. R. J. suggests: Serve small swede turnips as :1 casserole dish. Boil the turnips until tender. drain and spread in a casserole, add half cup milk. 011). tsp. grated 4011,01 001 chopped parsley. Sprinkle 11-1111 buttered eritinbs, Bake ilk ;Ili elect rie I 0e11 or 974) degrees for about 12 minutes. !SEE VALUE. tome 411)11 1101111 11114 701)1), 8.1111UP, 1011011 74911)), 1101 1'.11111.11 INCHES dressing, sour 1.1111 111 11 1'188111g- or !KITCHEN. plain white 144 ei4141 111(1(1' 1 Remember 10 soak broccoli for wr,we DISPLAY ).))oking, then reineve the large, leaves and tonalt parts ef.thestalls,.1 1'10 gashes in the 1)1)1 1)111 of rho 3 1ks. coo14 io-o,voli in boiline .inited water rising enough 'to I•over it to within 1" of the flowers. I 1,41 13 antil tender. abent 12 admires. Mrs. R. suggests: 111 ked onieits ,kin 12 getions. cut cro,s- w ire in hake, :1 1111 111:11"1" 111 :1 6110- 1t`11"i1 baking (11-11. Season with salt. paplika. 2 Ilisps. brown sug,,r and 3 tbsi, s butter Cook in 1 1)1')'- 11)9 11)1 Ple`rfrir t,1 141 4,1 3:111 i1ogree44 1'ir ; !um? .414). hour Serve on 110i toirercd Spr;iikle with lemon We have various models and at dif-- ferent prices to choose 'from. We have in stock a full line of oil burning heaters, .coal heaters, coal and wood stoves. , Also electric Ranges. . - CANADA'S. MOST OUTSTANDING- ELECTRIC RANGE INGLIS NEW TAPPAN RANGE IS ONLY 36 WIDE, PROVIDING MORE SPACE IN YOUR SEE IT ON DISPLAY IN OUR NORTH STREET SHOW WINDOW. E‘,e-y 01,61,1 nsumbiy gehool 411 51111d8 3', Heriteiriber 21 — E.BREEKENRIDGE HARDWARE - PLUMBING - HENTING- PHONE 1 3