HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-09-18, Page 5M
`111111USDAY, SEPT. 1815, 1,952
willpaid bythe Junior Chamber of Commerce for an industrial slog. n to be used on all their advertising.
be '
Please fill in the attached entry form, or if you wish to enter more than one, write it out ,on a plain sheet
of paper and mail to Goderich• Junior Chamber
of Commerce,Box 974. Don't delay. Do it NOW.
ASIIFIE1a), Sept. 17. --- Mrs,
Annie Worsen of 'Toronto with her
brother, Andrew MacMurchy and
Mrs. MaeMurchy of St. Paul, Mimi.,
calledo a Hintail friends, and their
cousins Archie and David Mac-
Murchy on Saturday.
Miss Alda MacGregor of Duluth
spent the week at the home of
Mrs. John MacKay.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacLean and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie spent
the week -end- in Rochester, N.Y.
Moray from here attended the
London, Fair.
Mrs. Bailey of Toronto is visit-
hie with her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacGregor.
Mr` and AId'B. Earl Morrison,
WESTFIELD), Sept. 17. --- Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Wightruan are visit -
lug f rtendi in Ohio.
Mr. aid Mrs. Harvey McDowell,
\1r. aiid Mrs. Gordon Smith, \!t'.
and Mrs. Norman McDowell anti
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Noble were
among those who attended London
Fair on '.Tuesday.
Mrs. .Alvis McDowell spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hicks of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Snell, Mrs. Howard
(jainhhe11 and Lois were London
Fair visitors on 'Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Johnston,
Tommy, Barbara and Bobby of Tor -
formerly Jessie MacLean of onto, Miss Violet •Cook of Goderiel►
1 ontiac, Mlieh., have' been occupy- and Mr. A. E. Cook of Blyth spent
ling a rottage at Ambe►•1ey Peach the week -end with Mrs. Fred Cook.
and renewing- friends in the neig{t, Mrs. _ H. M.' Mtlrtin of Goderi(,h
Lurlood. . is visiting her -sister,Mrs. Beit
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell,
Gwen, Gerald and Mr. William Mc-
Dowell visited on Sunday wj th Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Wilkins of U{lderich.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Marvin McDowell on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Henry
-of Dlyth, Messrs. I)on Cowan of
Exeter and Doug Moir of Centralia.
The 'anniversary services apt
Westfield United Church will be
held on .Sunday, September 28, at
2 p.m. and 4,30 p.m., standard time.
The ltev. Charles Scott of Blyth
will be the guest speaker. A guest
soloist will be present- from (Clinton,
Mr. Alva McDowell was a London
visitor on Monday. -
, \Ir...John Gear and _ Warren of
'Ratner spent' the week -end with
\It's. J. L. McDowell. •
A number of the ladies of the
PORT AL.IBEIRT, Sept. 17. --Mrs.
William'Crawford had the mis-
' ler tUM' of falling last week while
coling down stairs, breaking her
left arm and receiving shock.
Mr. James Young of Gore Baty,
Manitoulin Islami, is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Young.
Congratulations to Airs. William
Draper`who won thelive hundre41
dollars •jaekpot at the Goderich
Lions bingo recently.
You are reminded of the an-
niversary services 10 be held in -
the United Church this Sunday at
11 a.ln. and 8 p.m. The slteall:er
for the day will be. the Rev, Niekie-
john of Luckuo v. S110-4.1,111 Inusie
Will iK' N111414441 in the morning by
the junior choir. and guest soloist W.ALS. attended the Thankolierinl;
will he Mrs. Italph Foister. it` the )sleeting •at 1he'ltrick United 4 'Breit
41014t1g the t)ungannen United on \Wednesday afternoon and at
(`lurch etulir will be present. .Athe " I'rt sby�terian ('hureh, Atihurn,
good attendance is looked for.
An, archangel 's an angel of the
Lit h45t rank.
How"Skinny" Giris
Get lonely Curves
Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep
Thousands who neveroould gain weight before, now
have shapely, attractive agures. o more bony
liml*l, ugly hollows. They thank Ostrez. It puts
tiesh nn bodies skinny fecause blood lacks iron
reps you up: too. Improves appetite, digestion so
e too nourishes you better. Don't tear getting 1 0 fat.
Stop when you gain figure you wish. Introductory.
01 -get-acquainted" size only 800. Try Ostrel Tont,.
Tablets Int new pounds, tovYJ' "carves, new ►',p.
today At allUrugglst§.
on Thursday afternoon.
JIr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell
.and fondly visited on Sunday wish
Mr. and Mrs, .1ohn Duerr of
Mr. Wiliam Spiers of Toronto
spent a 4r•oujl1e of. days last weeli
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spiegel.
Guests at the home of lir. and
Mrs. Maurice Rosman 0n Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs Gordon 1 10511ta11
and family' of itelgrave; 'Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan McNieho1 and I'hy Ilia
and Mr. and Mrs. .lack I3osntiin if
Walton; Mr. Harold Bosnian of
Toronto; Mr. and \Ls, Robb 41'
Belleville, when Mr. atul Mrs. ,
Maurice Bosnian'' celebrated ' their
40th wedding anniversary at a fam-
ily- dinner -where -'they received- sJr
A .In0de'1' of Bell Telephone's new microwave radio relay system w'IIS.,,ill(' 1111111feature
of the company's exhibit a.t, the-(''atrldia►1 National hxhil►ition in Toronto. The three-dimen-
sional `?0 foot model, pietnred a.mve is designed to acquaint exhibition vasit(ir•s with 50141(' _�
aspeetts of this new eomn'
nnnicati(lns "skyway which will provide a(lditiot1al long distance LIT'1'LH;—Itl'
channels between Toronto, Ottawa and �41ntr (�a . and ea �eA is'o ( facilities the beautiful setting of '1'riu
(BC het ween Buffalo and those eit'it's.
The parsonage of Itenlniller t'rl-
ited Church was the setting for a
pretty wedding on Saturday after-
noell when .hits Mae, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. lin-hard Mnelntyre,
11.11..:l, Auburn, was married to
Robert Donald Mel'hee, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Chester McPhee, H.R. :1,
Auburn, the Rey. .1. harrower ,If-
licitit ing.
- The bride wore 0 navy blue suit
with matching a(•cc•ssorieli :and rer-
sage of red roses.
Miss Alma Ai Thee of Go(Ieriele
was bridesmaid,' -wearing a beige
shit, with wine accessories 111111 (' r- -
sags• of golden orungo gladioli. Mr.
Dan Mel'11te of .Auburn was h&•st
At a reception at the home of
the• bride's~ parents, Airs. 11ac1utyr.e
wore 11 navy blue gown with cor-
sage of red roses. .After :l trip to
the United States, AFT. and Mrs. I
M(•I'1►ee will resile on the groo111's
farm, 1t.R. Auburn.
1 M I 1 television i n n 't work fa('ilities for the
ity Anglican 4'hur411, it:,1ytieet,
decorated with baskets of link and
white gladioli and white tapers, at
eral gifts fmun the family. EW A �1rr\iagu) 1N S OF marriage vow were exchanged 1,4_-
rails spent a few days at the h)1(.' ___ tweet! M1rgarette \'iol(1 .Itc.birhaull,
(ltlug�lter of Alr. and \Irs.•P(rnard
of lir. and Mrs. Earl 1V'ightuI:ln• .A1'111'R�A. Stilt. 17.-- Alrs, Gorden 1 1•:vc•lytl Itaithhy, The Rev. J. O, 1(ohi(h:rud of N4'wea,tle, N.1t., rind
Jlr. John Wilson 0f 4'411141 4, oudou 'vi,iiet "11'0111 hard eliarg) of both "serviee...I.Fuhu 1'1'41 1c.4eiv" „Nest son )f
1.1. 'Taylor 4.l. t !
Ut:(., Air. RalyVincent of Clinton %nu, cllurtl` 44,Is henutifully di'(�u„Mr. and \Irs. Ernest .1. Little,
and Mr. It. Vincent 01' Myth Mull(1)y• ated will` h:l,kets of "u111nu`
„n 'Tuesday with NIL Air. and Mrs. 4'1)41'ord 11:rstl i aid .S+►11th stress, Ilod4'1'ich. I'h(C� I{14_.
visited dower,. Herbert .1. 1?. 1V'ehh i4tliri:ItOd
.and \trs; Jack ltucltau:ut. \1rs, b.:rin1) \14,uek of London spelt }_ Conttrrn;4(4111 s4'rvtce,—.A e0ulir11) The glide wt`s :ttteucle(1 by Jig,,
Mrs. Emerson Rodger atte11414(1 a the 44(ek-(11(1 with \11. and NL-. •;rtion service ears ht ld i`t 1t. \ttrrk'.: .L. llaplry, while 111,1":0•111:::::1111,,V,4,1;..11'1' 0 :1'l
�4..eial gathering at the \'ictoria Ed. 14,ivies. Mrs., Alonek 'amount n 1 -A ii 111' 11 ('hotel`-Suuday atl4'rn4(t11 tended h)' hi, 1'.
St1((r1 United ('lurch )t` 1'1)(1:14 for :t visit. 441)411 Right ib' 4:4 t A. l,uxto11' 1,ittle.
evening w11en the guest soloist. \1r. :1nd All's, 1:d, Ita(h(lur of
D.l►.. 1..1..1'►., ItishOp 4)1 Huron. emu The htid(• ware a1' 11:14c and14hitc',
for the year were (alien:tined. Ittltl)10 4i•itcd at the week -end with ti, i 4iglt eaudi,1ut4's, live front ere 1'c (fres: witl` ua(c}' 4elv4+t h:(t
Jliss Mattie AVightlnan of 'for- the lady's sister, Airs. Don lliiwe.I:\,-111".. 4.`4'1'41.), two 114(1(4 11hlgr:1v( )11d 1
School. Clinton.
anti,• navy acc•essut'ie,. Sh( cart•:ed1
onto spent the 41)•k -e11(1 with Mr. and Mr. llai114s. �('u0 from( the It:iilal' a b0ur444 01 crimson .w4'elhe.t:4 li
and Alt's. Earl \\'igl►tnlari. \Irs. "al." AI)or4' :111,1 Miss \''',. r The rector. the Rev. \\'. 1:. Beau( rosy 5• and stephanotis.
\l1'. and Mrs. Mot•I(4.1"1111,..1":1 \lute of S4',11..111t :rte' visiting Alt'. well 'presented the candidates :1uri 1'oll41)11 th( cert tuu`ty. the. Ove '
and babe 4(f P 1►)nnyhrel)lc 4isi1)'d and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, 1114' Rev. Mr. Parker of St, 1 ,gni•, ding dirurer was 1111,1 :rt The Litt'(
on Sunday with Mr. :1'11(1 Mrs. Victor 111,1 Arthur 11111ghlul 4'hnrch, 1\'iughuul, acted ars llish411's l 1111 Ita4iielll. „ L114 41 in the :Ifl4:
GOrdou S114'll. visited Mr. awl Air's. 4 1 1!ene \\",ti ; c11 1 11 1L The candidate, w4r4'
glen. Seaford`, on Sunday. 1:,111:` I,u4'll) 1►:ter. lila F:4elyu
i 11(5)1. the htlppy 11141(1(411 fur
Si. .lulu. N.K.,,,whc.rr; they 44)11 li4-, i
- English sailors are (riled "L1:,( -Airs. George Sturdy whohas be()) ' 11)4.1, \1:1•c Vittoria '('lark, A•irg-
(ys" because of the t41411s144 use 4f 11 1)01 lent In 111111(.11 1t 14!! ti fo:' ares 1'r:nu•4s Clark, Charlotte --
Hine juice as ll scurvy ptevent11144. the tout two weeks was able to ('pressen( Nesbit from.Aubur►i: �N••N•N•••NNe
r4'tnrn t0 her �,u14' last Satur(1�1y• l'lairc Isabella '1'aylur arnl Al:u•y �
Mrs. \V• G4(u(1, AI►•s. J. 1101t,to ), Eileen Nesbit of Itelgr:,ve and 1ierl-
Ail's. Ed. Davies, \Irs. Wes. 111;1,1- crt Louis Ralbtlei t'h ,4' ,the Radar
nock and Mrs. Fred Russ attended .5Iu4)1. - ' -
the 1l10-4.11 l'r(esh) teriot hold at Light )tearer', Mission Itand.
'Carmel Presbyterian 1'tr,hyt4'riuu 4',hi l rc11, lieu It
—env Sturdy presided :It 1114' 11144
ill" )1' the Light Bearer's AIiSsi:lla
Band of Knox Poised ('!`swell, on
Sunday morning (luring the 10ul4r
part of the church service. ,1111'
iii; i►i, 1..11(1' '(":i1T ti, \Vii liit.." \4"itil'
Roth AIi'11i:in 1(t the piano. and
repeat ing 1ingether rile AIvitiator'
i'ttrp)st, AI:(ti101. Voting 11-.7141 bel..
Scripti114 lesson :and 1111th A1411)1(11
\V. Good presided with Mrs. .I. led in prayer, all the11 repeating
11)11514411 a4) the organ. The de- the t henae 111'4.4 40'. Ross 51111.414
vol-ional period was Taken by Airs. 'and Itol•niee McDougall no -eked tate;
1:d. 1►avie5 who read `b4' 5cript.ur'. offering and thy dedicatory player
gave nleditatiun on 5:11114 :ntd )1- was sung. Airs. Ai. lie:lit and Ali-.
feted prayer. The president 4)- ,,1. 1411111i11 took 4111)) g4' 4(t' . the
.luniors fur the study ani) story
A solo 44.:15 rendered by Alt's. Gor- period. The su114'►'i11t4►ltl(nt cont-
v10n Taylor of the Angiic:an Church, 11)1eted-fhe study honk and told 111,
accompanied by Ali's. R. .1. Phillips. 4 slur)' of the gift of Bungii, .11)
\Irs. Albert Campbell of Knox I -it- African girl. as an introduction to
i1Id Church gave :t reading :111(1 the‘study of "Nyang:I's Two \'iI-'
\Irs. Stanley Took 4(f \V'esttield g:Ive I:iges." After distributing 'Thank- "
a reading. The guest spl:rkar w(s I offering envelope!, for the 4 ►cflt1It '
Mrs. ,John 1►stro10 of Clinton w' 44 Meeting and World 1'rihn(ls, 1110
gale till imm111t'essivee 14(1)1I('ss 440 service was closed 11y :111 repeating
'1.5tewardship of 'I'i11m4,' The the \tizpah benediction.
Costs so little
is so ease to serve
")1 "Custom Fit' .5
y : .
Kayser knows all legs aren't the
same! That's why only KAYSER
makes fashion -wise Nylons carefully
proportioned to fit everywhere
at thigh, calf, ankle, heel and
• toe + length ... Your stockings
will fit where they should, and
thus give greater comfort and
longer wear. In all new fall shades.
Next time — be wiser --- buy KAYSER
still. Tilt'sdall'.
1l'resh4teri:t1( 4'linrll` held its 51
(ember meeting in Ito. church on
l�tliit"i"t i'ltfi iT
the 1a4li4, of - \\'esifield 1'ni1.•11
4'hurch, PIyr11-I'reshy1er1a11 and t Ise
fueled, .Anglican and ltaptist ladies
l,f :AUblir11. '1'11( pr,S141411,
Geo. W. Schaefer & Son
tended al V14'100111E' t4 :111 1114 visitors.
speaker said, "'1'inll' you 10455(•5 but
you don't own it." 'I'11( power 10
live and breath is God-given • .111(1
"Till' 1.0rd 10VII 11 a cheerful giver." i the 1„a(i(s' .Auxiliary to- Branch
'Elle oti'erillg was received by Airs. 110. l'alladitln 1.egiou, 4405 11(1(1
Huy Daer and Aliss AIi1111ie 1Vagner
and Mrs. Good offered the dedicat-
ory prayer. A short play. "lith,)
J1(45es," was presented 1►y \Irs. \\'(s.
Brad -noel:, Mrs. 1)on Maines, Airs.
The regular 110(11tllly meeting of:
Tuesday evening. September t), with
'4111('hell and Palmerston auxiliaries
:1, 1114 guests of the evening.
Secretary ('410rad( 111•Astocker
(-.clydoit Dobie and JIr,. :Jack Hai -
t t ai14e 0 good report on all summers
jar,. '-Airs. J. R'. 4rahilnl e'xt('u(14'd 'work. As the Legion is not 111141g
a vote of 1l1:asks 10 the gft)s' a bingo Saturday night, the 1a1dil's
speaker for her inspiring message acre sponsoring it this \reek.
and to all o'ho had taken part. Following- the business 'part of
tit the program. Miss A. Toll 4(f the meeting, the entertainment 00111 -
Blyth offered the 4'losing prayer. mittee, under the (•onvenership 0:'
Dainty refreshments were served in i Comrade '('0rrel1, held some con-
ch( Sunday school room, which wasI tests. The winners for these.were: �
(1eetitrate(1 with baskets of ante:1141 Airs. AV. Alotre, gui•ssi11g 111l11l'r of
flowers. Airs. .1(41111 111(11510) 1)1141 hutlons in jar: Airs. Jlnnday, most
Mrs, W. Goof poured ten ata t:Ihleaarticles in purse: Mr,. \tc.Astu(•ker, TO VISIIT OUR STORE DURING THE
with Iae'14 table cloth and centre•,1 1uv('1' girl contest : Alts. .I. .1(1.1 " HAVE THE PLEASURE OF SHOWING
with tl low bouquet (4f fl)144rs in ' tnerston prize : Airs. !toward. 1'a
autumn tints. :1 vote of thank, 111er,t)n, �nerlu.
We Invite You
for the lovely afternoon was v„keel The evening was hronght 1” 't
by \Irs. 'I'red Toll on behalf' (4f ('lose wiii► :4 lovely 1011411 541'x441 b)
Knox United Church, Mrs. Charles lunch "wyet1(•r, \Irs. 11iliul:lv 1)1)41
Smith (4f the ,\t1'(stliel(l (111trch, hsr c""11"1"..e•
Mrs. it. .1. Phillips for the Baptist RKiil;li, SHOWER(''hlIrell, Mrs. 1losford for the Myth
ladies :4(`d Airs. Thomas Ilaggitt Fri111(15 1) 1114 "11n1it"' )f :(11))
f"1' the Anglican 1:14114'>.`::111"'1'('(i "' ti'(' ht"))r )f lr't THIS SPECIAL SHOWING REPRESENTS SOME OF THE FINEST STYLING AND AT-
Itaptist Annh'ersarl•.—The ita1.- .1. It Straughau. I':(1'k street. oti
list Church ti 4rv4.4 its 8 -it ii :11( Friday "ming. for a troch('' TRACTIVE VALUES. IN BEDROOM SUITES, CHESTERFIELD SUITES, DAVENPORTS,
n}v(rsary oil Sun41:137 Mr. 'I'holu:i. shower 111 10nir )f Miss Nor"":
Postanes (5f Itaytihld war, 1 h g1(:'•) fuller, prior to her marriage ,ii, STUDIO COUCHES, OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, DINETTE SUITES, AND CHROME SETS.
speaker and preached 1 14 0 irttpre, S:Itnl•d.iy, Selaellib(t• 241. to Air
odern Styled Furniture
5013114115. in Ilse af14rn41(,t) AI• Martin Straighau. 1'114 ((1)4 11 11
I'0sintios t))14 hi, 14)1 fro!!! IIto 4'f 1110 evening w':15 5144))) i11 ga)))ys
1,1' cllt(14t0t' (tf 1no45. \ unitrd= arlel contests. 11( arousing in. 'dent
choir 4lith \irs. It. .1. Phillips pre-' 44'14' the 4i(wi1tg )f the grille'' 1""°' •
siding :it the organ l4(1 in the .i)I ('llnpil4d by .ev(r111 )f her rri4'11+is.
itlg 51' `h4' 114n(n5. \ 551) 4v1„ .1 large clothes' 1(;1sket Med hi a
by Ali„ 1:441)1) it:tithhy, with many t1S4fill gift• 44 :I, 1
i1 (11104 -'hr the 1144, a11(1 Air-, ,1'1114',1 I) 11(4 1'11 1.111.1'141 Grisly I) 1,4'
(►strum, a 5,10 114 the Rey. •1 (t. 1,11414) gu0'ts (1;(11)4' dra44)) 4N,i,'
tronl and 0 (11111 by Vtiss 1'411) `(' Mr'. An,1r,u i1o1i,- 4411) 1.4)4144)1
it:lithhy and \Irs. 4►5tt•om '1114 0 I)4el) cop 1111(1 '0404(<•r- Ti
1104. .I. 11ir11ards4111, III r‘• hostess .(140(1 ,( d4 lel i)us .un• h.
from India, was present and pr.. assisted by Airs. 4':`l Siraoglt:an.'
11tunce( the 1411141(•if111 .11 tl(t, A1rs 1), 11)1(1 Strattgh:a►1 and Airs.
e4(ning service Alt'. P)St:al14s sptkt' it. 1'. ('aulphell. .
01( ('alv'trry. A solo was rendore,l
by Airs. 4)slroln. a, duct 114 th0 Rrr A Setot Baty color i5 )1(0 who 1,1
1(11(1 Mrs. (151101(1 and a trio toy '•restlt,= fr(i11 the mixit)g )f one or
the Rev. and Airs Octroln shad Miss noor( Irrinictry colors.
0044144114041141110•41100•••••••••••041110 4)01111411114
Eu' ry Child in Sunday School - on Sunday. September 21
Blackstone's Furniture