HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-09-18, Page 2THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY, Si+3PT. i96"4 (urruti igna�- tar HURON t`OUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Published by ,Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. Subscription 'Rates—Canada and Great Britain, $2.50 a year: to United States, $3.50. Strictly in advance. Ldverltiedng Rates on request. Telephone 71. Authorized- as secoud-clays mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Out -of -Town Representative-: C.W.N..t., 103 Peter >trt.'et, Toronto. Phone Eta 3-6766. Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Weekly Circulation Over 3.000. GEO. L. 'ELLIS, 'Editor and Publisher 7111;1tSDAY, SEPT. 18th, 1052 EDITORIAL NOTES The days are getting shorter, and when fast tune -is discontinued ,oll the 28th of this mouth there won't SIGNA.L•STAR PHOTO FLASHBACKS • Do You Remember. When...? As,for selling, the Guvernment gives its support, but it is -the foreign buyers who decide where Canada's exports go. If Canadiaus wish to help Great Britain by purchasing be any evenings at all, in a manucr more British goods it is up to Call- a speaking. But the.days will 'still mlian firms and indiViduals to direct contain twenty-four hours, and the their purchases iu that direction. evenings will be longer. It's just The Saskatchewan Premier is par - the way you look at it. .• tient:it-1y anxious to encourage Speaking. at Winnipeg on hisl that the grain -growers of his Western' tour, Prime Minister St. I vince have an immense crop of Laurent said that tit.iation had just wheat and other grains to be dis- about reached the limit in Canada posed of anti lie is addressing an if yearly expenditures were not to appeal directly 1,, the people of overbalance° revenues. That iS his Province to -,ee that as much this column said last week, so the as possible of the goads they buy prime Minister must be right. is of British origin. This is PracticUI method helping Sask- atchewan fanners to sell the great crop wita which they have bei•a' fa vored.' i'here is talk of another railway !, strike, and grainhandlers at the Lakehead also. are said to lie getting ready to walk out. Why not everybody close up shop and let business take care of itself for a while, until- we make up our minds that the only way to get withou1, this continual threat of a break -down in the • industrial machinery? In Ow last six years, or from 1944 to the end of July, .195g, Canada has admitted 762,246• Ba- t ' migrants, of whom 245,682 were from Britain—slightly less than ene-third. The figures were giVen hy Immigration Minister Harris reply to criticism to the effect that 'CanadaTwas not bringing in eneugh people of British origin Of those from other eountries than Britain 62,875 were Americans, -.180,6.10 f rom North Europe, 'and 273,059 from other eountries. Mr. Harris warned against making conclusions as to the proportions of inunigrants from the figures , any short .perimi; it Was .only by reviewing the results Over a term of years that :1, reasonable judginent could be reached. Premier Frost, opening the Oro fall fair last week, perhaps sur- prised his hearers °by saying:. "We have on our statute books right "now- iegislation to tight racial discrimination, and that reminds me that we have a great leader hi Prime Min- ister Louis St. Laurent, when he said a while ago that 'the key to tvorld peace is under-' EVENING CLASSES AT GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE OPENING OCTOBER 1 Instruction .will be offered in * SHOP WORK . *-SEWING * HOME ECONOMICS * COMMERCIAL WORK, *.ENGLISH FOR NEW CANADIANS These Classes will be held provided there is a sufficiently large registratiou in each subject to justify opening the Class. Shwa- Roosevelt's first election campaign in 1932 the-majorits' U.S. daily newspapers have favored the Republicans in preference to has increased until in 1948 it wits more than two to one, aceording figures given by The Boston Monitor. This year it is five to one, 75 per cent. favoring Eisen - Prospective students nusy register at the Collegiate on Wed., Septentber 24 from 7.30 to 9 lust. 36-7 'RCAF bown Memory's Lane bower. anti 15 per vont. Stevenson. 15 Years Ago , Bars created a world's -record, vie - Reporters de not line up neeessarily with the editorial office. Reporters - - "rhe steamer King Edward made "lig the first heat.in 591,4 seconds, Ihe second in 1.001/2 and the third travelling with Eisenhower .wero her last call for the season, having, a good passenger list and a full Hal ca.me t.;iectil-lnh th'ree. cagro of freight. heats. ' polled and 24 favored Stevenson, while seven preferred Eisenhower The steamer .Greyhouna neide a .A pleasing feature in conzu,ction and six, were undecided. As the nafonlight trip on the lake, taking with the band coneert on the Square Rt,publicans haa'e not W011 a 11 t`let, out 500 passengers. The Black- twits the preSentation of a baton sone orchestra furnished the music- and .an address to Mr. Wilkinson, tion in all these x -ears, it mitt. al prograin for the trip.. , the leader, by the members of the held that 'editorial- opittiOn has 'hist X new steamship record betweeti hand,' in recognition of his good its influence, hitt this is not. al- a European port and Ness' 'York was work, resulting' in the recent sue - together eorrect. The Monitor holds. nuide by the Cunard -line's new cess at the Toronto Exhibition giant turbine ship, the Lusitattli,t,. where the Godorich luind won third It pt)ints init. that. while the editor- 1, the crossing -from 'prize. Queenston. to toe ,sandy Ilook 15 Years Ago one direction the news eollinins of ship irt five days and 5-1 minutes. Dr. It. 'Hobbes Taylor .of Dash reputable ritts-spapers itre usually _ Three special rains, bearing the, wood was hominated Chnservatilae Guelph city council and 'civic- of- condidate for tlie.Legishiture in the fair and impartiitl in reporting ticials, the directorate of the Guelph rhling of Huron. guided rather by these reports than .of the 110:trd of by the. editorial views• The ,pub;ie, invited guests, came to Goderich the Great Lakes, brought 85,000 to eelebrate the opening cerenionits feet of logs for the (loderich Mann - too, is pow less dependent on the' of the Guelph and Goderich Rail- facturing Company. daily papers for pelitical news, way. -'• 'Robert Barnes, a student at the since. news 411:igazines, 'the nidio 25 Years Ago Goderich Collegiate Institute, wits ;Ind television II contribute to the Though it wits not completsay awarded the Robert MacKay mem- of itif„,„,„1 i.„H„ ble. (letit ri/Yed by tire, the Masonic Hall oriel scholarship, having obtained building in Liwknow was damaged nine firsts "and two second-class newst,aper 4 'Kt rt ata such an extent that it could honors in his examinations. will be interesting on the night Ito •bv micuplea. , The local_ Bottrd•of Health, meet - of November 4th to learn whether The North Street United Church ing to discuss the spread of in - the reporters again have the lough softball team, chimpions of Huron Pantile paralysis, decided, as a pro- m, tho editi,rs m, the Irt,nd a two_ l'ounty, won the first game of the cautionary measure, to close all score years has been reversed and def,,,,ted ,.der anibton day schools, and plaee a ban on standing' and friendship.' 'll'hat 'the t•dititrial • pen has at - C,ainty winner's. the aPpearance at the theatre or very true." In the grrat frecfor-all race ;it the bathing beach of ehildren under ttrit.irio Conservatives need not iriu"114"41. 1 11., Limit( ffi Fair. in whieh Grattan 111 -years of itge. be alarmed that the leader of their ST()1' HITTING MOTORISTS . party going over to -the Liberals. –1 it hunting around for funds to. Mr. Frost had just. conelmied an boitd n't,w road to ease a perpetii,;: WOMEN'S TASK arriitigeoant. by which tile „respon- tratlit. Jumble, (ow Toronto eontrol- sibility of collecting large part: lt*r '"ggested "" im're"se in all economie tiower, en- , motor vehicles lee. "It inisn't been • of coitai..„, to lie assil eniti:1;41. men to practice their pro- - raised in yet everything' c.sel Mr. St. 1,aurent's CoiN'etbIlleat has gone op." 'per trade .of dreaming anti making and the antetint hantied over to"Mr. As an argument. that carric,-.; c"""' IN,. it ha ,tct hp,n t`I,I1,1111 IC responsibility and anxiety, wonder Mr. nest 'is grateful and is ,,„„, „wit, Th,., I, IA yet rementher not to t.reat them with the contempt which wo- uteri naturally ft -el for artists -nail At ti if this eolitain has been railed to ;111 editorial article in The Toront,, Telegram litinded "Redis- tribution tluillotine Begins Work'in Ontario" ami referring to the change in the eleetaral set-up in this county. Expressing sympathy with Mr. (7ardiff, whom it seems eotisider the vitamin of the "guil- lotine," the article concludes With the information that the munieipal- ales ineluded' in the new riding, according te the vote in the 1949 election. give a Conservative major- ity of 324. So the surprised render learns that the "guillotine," instead - of striking at Mr. Cardiff, has been deliberately set to miss him by a margin of :124 votes. of the two ridings affected; North Huron, is how represented by a COnservative lii,tearl of thinking tip more ways :Ind means of milking the overtaxed motorist it is about time we stortet1 planning- some rtlief. If Wt. don't, a lot id people are going to &cid" that they ean't afford to drive eats any" longer and then where would the tax collector be? THE TAX AGREEMENT Neither big- government nor big ta xes a re desirable. But if we must have then -i we might- as well make themes efficient and painless as possible, .says The Financial Post, in commenting on • Ontario's entry into a fax agreement with tawa. The Canadian taxpayer is one Whole person even theugh he splits his tax paY,ments among three levels of government. Today's high tevels of spetuling•demand .that. the levies made by one government be set with recognition of other levios the Citizen must pay.' This can best be done by co-ordinating the chief tax fields so that eneh (!anadian (Mr. Cardiff) and Huron -Perth by similar, cireumatances and enjoy - a Liberal (Mr. McLean). 'The net nig similar services will be liable .result of the change is that instead for approxintately the sante burden. of an even break between the MAN TO 'MANY, parties:one Liberal and otie Con - Canadian businestamen tak, to- granted- the ease witlt which they can goitre many of their problems informally, by a caSual chat or a Kum -distil nee esti. They also take whleh our federal Ind provincial Premier Douglas of Saska tch- ewan announces that he has sent. out 8,000 letters asking the people of his Provim•e to buy more British goods so tlipt Britain may be able to htly Canadian wheat. This is a realistie approach to the problem of promoting trade between Canada and. the, United Kingdom. -It the' ordinary thing to take the nit- servative, there is now one riding with a Cimservative majority. it seems. that if anyone is deserving of sympathy it is Mr. MeLean. governments put out for- them. eomments Tito Financial Post. Much of this country's business and business -government relatiotic are negotiated on a person-to-persi level. Yet at the Same tuna), in tegritY in such dealings *is just taken for granted. It is probably because of these facts that a signifietint side of the Ontario tax agreement 'WAS over, _ looked by many Canadians. Omani trade returns; Its indicating While eonferences over the yent4 'no doubt paVed the way, It was novernMent policy in buying and "flee Frost's and "Doug" Abbott's getting together whieli closed Ott deal. Let us hope that this cordiality selling. But It is not the Govern - Ment that imports and exports:ex- cept to a minor extent. Manu- facturers, wholestiderm. "en in- this putting of problems ahead of dividenie make the purchusem _4, personalities and polities continues . the goods that come from abroad. scientists, then they'll turn that I came down tole to finish human societies into great ant -hills , it tinder police prateetiont."--The unchanging, utterly terrible bore - The sePtell'h" meeting "f rht" Letter to the tailor of Mrs. Hem, North street, with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Graham, was in charge of the meeting and opened it with a Goderieh, September 10. Editor, The .Sigaial-Star. As a Small group of women we Cantelon. Routine business was to us a detailed aceount of • Cie seas delegates coming to N'ancouver ew-deeitth-tiel This fund is being raised for over-.. ii)svoupsieisth.ionuirdht,k2tHombeinthsuomt next year to the world convention what goes on in the town as regards who are allowed te bring out of the aetions of those that at least their ewn country very little in we shollid resPect• eash.' The provinees tire all havin;.; And so we say "thank you ;ery :a part in this work and Ontario !bitch." your, vet; sincerely. alone has .cont rilmted thus far near- TIIE IN' $2,000. devotional period was taken by Mrs. Jewel who .gavo a very tine talk on "The Value of Friendship," closing her remarks by singing the hymn "The Christ of the Human Road:" TWenty - three -calls were made and 10 boa- quets,, sent to.. sick and° shut-ins. ° The meeting was closed with a hymn and prayer by -Mrs. Graham. Afterwards a tasty lunch was served anti a social time spent. As I entered the police station one evening' to pay a parlinig tine I noticed that an old lady just ahead of - me was trembling all over.. I paid illy $3 and was about to leave when I saw the lady sitting on a bench absorbed in a book. there anything I can (1°T: "No. thank. you," she replied sedittely-.-, "Von' see, I was 'sitting nt home all alone reading this EDUCATION COSTS There t-nin be no ,hard and -fast rule for cutting costs 44 education. That's the consensus of replies to a Financial Post.. question. "Eliminate the frills" is sug- gested most often, but against thAt are the recommendations that' noth-- ing should be done tO lower in any. Way, our standards or _edueation, . "We hare- probably been too shortsighted in tin) salary levels for our teachers ;Ind too generou.4 with buildings and PliiiiiIinent," comments one. Ontario businessman. The Arthur Ciretts met on Mon- day evening at. the home of Mrs. Brian Ainslie. Miss Ethel Elder'.4 group was.in charge of the mem-- ing. The Scripture lesson was read knitting led in prayer. The busi- ness portion of the meeting was presideii over by Nit's. II. Rivers and arrangements were made for the bazaar to be held the latter part of October. The topic, ."Building a Living Church," was given by Mrs. R. Venus, wile' (at/waived the Winding of the ntwient cathedrals in Great Britain by' hand TO oar essn new edifice. Even today, after several hundred years these imildings are stnnding as a living devotion to those men who labored on them, .atid,tow in Scotland's Holy Isle imm (Christianity's birthplace in Scotland) a band of Presbyter - 114, headed, by Dr. George MaL,- Leod, are building St. Columba's ceitie ehureh and Monastery. build- ings and It is our duty today to lint life into this beautiful church We are about to oeenpy and make it a living church. Mrs. Venus closed by- reading Psalm 139. The meeting closed with prayer followed by a social half hour. • Doctors say that eight hours' proper rest in bed will save 7,000 heart -beats a day. NI011teZ11 11111 Wt1 III(' lost empt-ror of Mexico. Aztec • Counter Sales Check Books TIMRCTIB L E CHANGES Effective SUNDAY SEPT. 28th, 1952 Full information from agents • PLAIN or PRINTED Printed,,Gummed Tapes obtainable at MOBILE RECRUITING SERVICE ' From 343 Richmond St.; London, will be in GODERICH TOWN HALL Thurs., Sept. 25 Signal -Star- Ltd. West St. Phone 71 CAREER PLANNED FOR YOU EARN $205.00 PER MONTH -AND LEARN TO FLY itchell Fall Fair Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept, 23-24 Gates open to the public, Tuesday night, 6.30 p.m., with a good night- of attractions. Admission 25c; Grandstand Free, Wednesday, September 24 — The Big Fair Day at Mitchell — with one of the best school parades ih this County led by the Mitchell Band. GRAND STAND PERFORMANCE We'll Give YOu This :roner in exchomge for your oldwasher Clown Acrobatic Acts—Stunt Model U controlled Airplair Flying, Exhibition of Square Dancihg by the Champion Croanarty Square Dancing Troupe, 1st prize winners at the C. N. E., Toronto. Horse Races -with mobile starting gate $10.00 extra for fastest mile in races. • Dance Wednesday Night — You can sit down to iron with this wonderful new"iraner. You can iron everything in the basket. Do men's shirts 'quick and easy. Do all your ironing in half the time. 'Easy to lift and carry —keep it anywhere. WE'LL TRADE IT FOR YOUR OLD WASHER Annual fall fair dance at the Crystal Palace with Paul Cross and his 11 piece Band Dancing 10 to 1 p.m. Admission 75 cents W. J. CORNISH, Pres. A. J HICKEY, Sec. This popular Bea' tty model is now made with a DOUBCE tub, for extra durability and insulation. The inner tub is stainless steel. Just like your table flatware—won't chip, scratch or stain. Has the famous Beatty "Human Hand," GIVES YOU A COMPLETE LAUNDRY OUTFIT You get the $99.50 Beatty Space' Saver Ironer in Ex- changeJer your old washer . . . when you buy the new Beatty Stainless Steel Washer.