HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-09-11, Page 9f Picture News from C -I -L TOE CODERICS` IIIGNAtrilti *. Weddings 4 C0(NiK--,0(iitsTONwan of Chantilly bice and Duchess On Saturdas, August N), at Ash -1 aatatiu Was giveeu a ,. marriage by sietd Presbyterian Church, the lies. tier father. The tightly molded J. IL !Lad -herald united in marriage Edith Johnston,,, daughter of Mrs.'i Frank Johnston and iiet-tor Cooke, t all of Goderich. The couple were attended by the bride's sister. Mrs. I)Iuieau MaeItouald aqd Mr. Ma.•- I)ouald of Flint. Mirh_ The bride wore :t dress of delphinium blue i mesh with gjry aterei furies and ► etursaigt , of rubruni linty,+ and stephanotis. while Mrs. 3laeL unatttl wore a frock, of uavy crepe with piuk accessories 'and corsage of Hildegard ruse-. Mr.. and Mts. Cooke will reside in Guderic-h. . Prior to her marriage, Mrs. ('+.Ake was guest of honor at two showers, one by friends in Ashfield and the other at the hupte of Mrs. '1'. J. Drennan of Goderich. JUNIOR is happy. R inherit big brother's school -books wllen they're the sort that have beim kept 'in good condition by, "Fabrikoid" covers. Children's books are resistant to scuffing and other damage when protected by these versatile chemical products. LITTLE GIRL is fooling ... knows she's no dunce to be wearing a blouse and socks made of nylon. She'll always win a prize for neatness! Mother gets top marks for knowing nylon leads` to easier living — washes wonder - lasts so long. Did yeti knew., yrl 3 GROWING better crops isn't all done on the farm. The research chemist helps the farmer by developing improvements in, fertilizers and pesticides which result in higher yields and bet- ter quality. the only gold medal won by Canada in the 1952 Olympics in Finland was for trop shooting and was won with C -I -L Ammunition. (OW c,2'✓iNG CANADIANS rHROUGH CHEMISTki CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED — MONTREAL JOHNSTON—LOOS Noruna Marion iron: and ltouald Chester ,Johnston exchanged mar- riage vows Saturday afternoon in a candlelight ceremony at Dundas Street Centre United Churele Lon- don. the Rev. G. W. Birteh officiat- ing. The bride is the daughter of Sir. and Sirs. henry Loos, London. and the groom 'is the son of Mr. and Mrs- Chester Johnston. Loudon. formerly of Goderich.._ The bride. wearing a door -length satin bodice featured a lace yukr finished witti a Peter Pau cuUar and lung lily point sleeves of late. The full satin skirt was shirred at the topline and fell into a t:-hanet train. lter . headdress of orange b1u,..-yews held a tiugt'rtip veil of Ereuch illusion bordered with Lite. and site carried a baud Neogene of SLargaret Hibbert rugs `attd steph- anotis. Matruu of honor, Mrs. Juan (;ray - son_ wore a door -length gown of pick satin and the bridesmaid. airs. Jean Johnston. were a door -length off -the -shoulder guava of pale green faille taffeta. Both attendants, carried modernistic baskels of piuk runes LIP sad, axdtlteds topped Tit ' god '"Pair was .supposed to nest nil: IIC amid*. Leanne taxa* Tear,-- 1„0, tnop�iiblwl fur huai payer's is IMO with average income he our wont, patina - of $10, `' , Phillip Johnston was best , luau and the ushers were Henry Lows and William Pring. The brides mother. receiving ti the reception at Hoek's restaaraut, wore a beige suit with a corsage l of Queen Elizabeth yellow nisei.' The wather of the groom wore a.' pale grey dress with a grey nylon redingote coat and a corsage of red Better Titue roses. heaving by 'plane for honey- wu , in the United, States. the bride wore a forest green icabar- dine suit with grey accessories and! a t-orsage of orchids. Mr. and Slra. i Johnston will gide its London. t l CATHOLIC 'WOMEN'S LEAGUE The tirst meeting. after the sum- mer ;recess was held in .the scb".'t auditorium and Mrs.:C. J. Gibbons, president. took charge of the busi- nese ou hand. It was planned to have the dig-' ces.sn director, Major the iter. J. L. Iteunessey, eutue to address 'he League members- in the Church some time in October. in connection with eelebrating the second an- niversary of the League. Discussion centered on the coming ruwurage sale and Christmas Fair, which wilt be held the first Satur- day in December and 'it was plau- ned to give a layette to a ehildren's Wine. The entrance class winners of castb :awards were present and re- ceived' the . prizes from Mrs. Con Itaeehler. eitut!ation secretary, fear ',general I►roticieucv. Donald Masse: English. Gayle Pitblado, and social 4 studies, Joyce Webb. All thanked • Mr. riaechler for her words of en- ev►uragement. Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst was win - NORTH STREET W.M.S. There was a good attendance at the opening meeting or the fall term of the W.M.S. of North Street United Church, ,which was held, in the Sunday school roues of the! joy Coke..,ice cold church on Tuesday afternoon. Sep- tember _'. The business period, which was opened by the repeating! of the General Prayer of Thanks- giving in unison and silent prayer for one •of our group leaders,- Miss Minnie ,Campbell, who is ill, was! presided over by the president, Mrs.' Howard Robertson. Feliowviug •th.. l reports, plaits • were discussed for the October Thank -offering Meeting which is to be held on the afternoon of lk utter T, with Mrs. (Bev.) 1'. !Tao" h o repiaered hods -mirk C. Washington of Auburn, as guest speaker. Mrs. 4'. M. Robertson gave a report on the building fund of the new wissiunary training school in Toronto. SFhe •'alloeation for North Street W.M.S. is $I:,u, $90 of which has has been receive,'; to date=. Miss Rudd reported on tier of the door Drize. Christian stun stewardship and Mrs.: ,ossess_sise. Authorized bottt4rot Coca.Cda under Goderich Goderich, Ont. oonaraot wits Bottling C..w-Cris Lei. Works Phone 1119 - WINS :1,T C.N.E. Albert. Rtaceshuw-. Staple street. had sit pa:rleur tumbler pigee►aas entered- in the tranttrr-stnnr- at the Canadiah Natienal Exhibition last week and four of thein we're award- ed prizes. Two hens placed first and third and two ruck birds placed se•eend and fourth. WESTERN . FAIR WiNNER Mrs. Gwen Light of London, formerly Gwen Jeic1. e►f 4 .'derieh. cai►tured second prize .in Bross stitch The 'bathometer is an instrument I A rhetorical question is one needlework at the western Fair, for measuring depth of water. which- does not require an answer. London. Walter Vern fur Temperance. The; -. devotional period. under the leader- ship eader- ship of Mrs. Charles Barker, . was opened by prayer. Mrs. Mc'SVhiu- ney- re:n t the Scripture - lesson. A splendid review of .the last * i I l chapters of the study 'Kook. -Prete Ickes to Northern Lights." was given by Mrs. G. Hetherington. Toe meeting was brought. to a close ; by prayer -by Mrs. C. Barker. INGO Goderich Memorial Arena ON Friday, Sept. 19 at 9 p.m. (D.S.T.) Doors open at 8 p.m; Dodge [Regent] sedan, four- door, with license 15 games for $25 each 4 games for $100 each Regular and special games 25c each or 5 games for$1.00 Car game $1.00 PROCEEDS IN' AID OF LIONS WELFARE WORK. s. ASIIFIELI) TEACHERS Following . are the teaehers (u Ashfield Township -for the selesil term of 1952-3: S.S.. 1, Wilfred S... Spivey. Brussels: S.S. 3. Due ;am A. SlacKay. Kintail: S.S. 4, Mrs Violet MacKenzie. Ripley : S.S. -"►. Mrs. -(;race A. Johnston. Lurknoe 5.5..e., Mrs. William Stewart, that- ganno.n : S.`. Mrs. Lloyd ('title'. Ashtield Township: S.S. Shore. Bcuntilk r : S.S. ss, . \lr.. '1'. SI. Durnin, Dungannon :- 5.S.:►, It.i r ', Stanley. Lucknow: S.S. 10. Mrs.' ,tante. Litt'!.. .1sliticld '1'ow-tash:,s : S.S. 11. Luis Feaa:tne Colborne Township: S.S. 13. Mrs. Jack -Caesar. I ine:aune n : S.S. 15, Sl t . .tames Sl-Tavisti. Ripley: S.S 11;. .1d a M. Webster. I ueknow : 1 1 i Mi Yes 'I'ii> tai , Meaf'trtr. supero taus, Sirs. Shirley l tn.: low Colborne Township. PERSONAL MENTION . Prof. and Sirs. A. N. 't:arlamll and Stirilyn of New York visit l tit the home of the fortuer's brother, Slr. E. A. (rani:and.:Ind Mrs. tsar- land, South' street. Mrs. William Eisenb:u it elf De- troit is visiting Mrs. R. .1. Howard, Elgin avenue, this week. Sir. and Sirs. «'m. Albac•k and SLrs. George Sehoewbs of . i\nffalo have returned helms after,- visiting with Mrs. John Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. Handel Slaedet of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Siaedel of Exeter were week -end guests with Mr. :and 41rs. Thos, Sillib, Newgate¢ street. Mr. Leslie It. \after of Walker- ton has been' sueeessful in passing his. final year in Industrial Arts and Crafts and has received his Specialist's Certificate. SIrt. Knyvet Naftel who has re- sided iu Sarnia for tin past year has returned to Goderich where she intends to wake tier limns. 3Iaster John Wiggins of Toronto is visiting his grandmother. S1 r'. John Wiggins. Mrs. William ('titry anal two son: of Windsor visited her mother, Sirs. 1l:trry S;t Mehl, over tite week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Slnrphy of ' Richmond. Indiana, and Mr. Alfred Nicholson of Stoney ('reek. visited this week itt the hoots !of 'Mr. and Mrs. .1. .1, ('auupluiI. i:aast street. Sirs. Sltarphv is as sister of Sirs. Catimbill and S1r. Nieholsen ietheir Bethel.. 'Sirs.- Clifford ttrittttley spent the weekend with Sir. and Slrs. Fronk Itobitise n :and enjoyed at trip lei the+ 1'.N.1:. ;ttttl a1.0 t trip to Nitigura }':alts. Sir. .1. E. ilarnwell is visititag at Pilot Mound. Manitoba, anti writes of his trip there vial 'I'.('..1. front \lTilton, saying the air spree' w•as :"_i miles per hoar. Sir. hares wt.!' has ntlw left Pilot Mound and i. visiting a brother: Wesley. He will rtsntain in Slanite►ba for an extended visit. TAX SALE Property owners who wave not paid their taxes Per at least they Inst. three years will 1►e given until (letoher 1 to matte suitable arrange- ments fat', payment, it was deeided by Town ('d meati Olt Friday night. After that date, the Town Treas- urer will lens'red with a tax sale of the properties in volveel. (oitntl1 instructed. 'Twenty preii►ertieS are ineheled in the list eat piled by the Tax Collector from his rolls. s AYSI!R "Custom Fit" 5 points hingth I� Kayser knows all legs- aren'tthe me I - -- That's why only KAYSER makes ,hon -wise Nylons carefully proportioners ro fit .everywhere ... at thigh, calf, ankle,. heel ' and toe -}- length. Your stockings will fit where they should, and thus give greater comfort and longer wear. In all new fall shades. calf . ,...ankle RED HOT IN 30 SECONDS! World's fastest electric heating unit ... exclusive with Super Speed COROX. (ASTER COOKING...BETfER COOKING GREATER BEAUTY AND CONVENIENCE! . et 'll be proud of the impressive beauty of this newest Westinghouse Automatic Range. You'll be thrilled by its amazing "stop -watch" speed ... the convenience of its colorful, ultraflodern controls... the wonderful baking, roasting and broiling results you are sire of every time, in its new Miracle Sealed Oven. COLOR GLANCE • MIRACLE SEALED OVEN • SUPER SPEED -1--tcOROX UNIT COME IN ANI) SEE THE FASTEST STOVE 'IN THE WORLD SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE ONLY 5399.00 WILE REINHART a�ETN ELECTRIC PHONE 466 ,...-' I ' , \U. Next time — be wiser — buy KAYSER HOSIERY • GLOVES • • LINGERIE Your ore Geo. W. Schaefer �a► e Phone 56 i r -r 0 "Though. travelling alone . A Miss S. N., home from Europe, '.riter to thank her bank for the way the accountant helped her with money arrangements: "Mr. W. expended considerable effort. to --firm me with details of various European currencies and methods of procedure, enabling me, though travelling; alone, to avoid much of the delay and' embarrassment encountered by many experienced • iravellerswwhom I met along the nay. All of which contributed in no small degree to-niy comfort and enjoyment." The rank, can smooth the way for people travelling on business or pleasure at home or abroad. Providing Letters of Credit, Travellers Cheques .and other • as istance is just one small part of the day-by-day service rendered by any branch of any chartered bank. This advertisement, based on an actual letter, is presented herr by THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY