HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-09-11, Page 8L.EGION I-ISat., Sept. 13 JACKPOT of $37.80 for full house in 52 calls. If not WOR on Saturday; value of jackpot and a1f0 number of calls will be raised each week until itI. is Won. 17 GAMES $1.00 $5.00 CASH PRIZE 4 SPECIALSShare the Wealth Doorsopen at 8.30 p.m. 1st game starts at 9.00 p.m Attti*llal per eai,iia ronsumlti(•r!.f t'igslret' in ('auitdl a 1._'(441. The British figure is 1,444' and the t'.S. 2,400. t'ai ida's national Int-ta ole :tad 11'0value of gt t1. and services duroh19'l lota?led =t_'1._'(M,.(M1,(1(lit. seemed. THUIMID,411T, SEPT. 1.1ti, Illi . 11EPIPARDTON T (laterided f rt las* we1ekr 1( sly K,. K. tiee/wel, Etat* Easer-•sem ` )i�.11-1. its the t i*i.uy .4 a ter1 itt dal. a s Ji*i e, 1rb13. a ..aw year ants( the outbreak .-•f tar War of lbl a wvl+,wu -.uf alight and de•l*e ie fraslur,"' ,bleu its ked r Stott*year. ort tout frosts tjureeluMur4, vasiw 1_':tuadi�1u aisle of the..Niagara ltitrr just oxlvw the a turpruetat t+ti which Kr.<t't )1vuu of tow stand*, and beg n a ' long da)'s you^try on fount. through tlar enrruy liar„ ahi4-h was dt lined to write her ]ante fur tell titer'un the pages .+f Cauarlian' history. .She wa- 1t-- urn St urd. wifle 'of Juno-, $cord. a rt -spec -ted chiselof (1ueeustou. rhe wat born auIngersoll of Great Harrington, Masa. daughter of Major Thomas Ingersoll. who fought on the Cun- tineutal side in the ltevolutiouar) War ,tut later rrtuuved with his familc to Canada. The day of their arrival in Canada is not ex- aciiy kuow u. but was probably, %around 1.t . American Ilan At the time of Laura $cc•urd'- jt.urue, ate Cauadiiln r.-ide of the rites. for seteral miles inland, watt • EBB ROSS Says "Think of Life Insurance as a "/:ifs" far yo►ur child. -'11 i a, goodl _in !none alueas •I,,.• is; ,►mads. ur real .'•tate. and in ad. intim]. it eneourai4. tall r.,t'ntials of Thrift and Iront►nly. .1-k ane about 4►ur .hsnior %erurity Ilan for your child. Goderich Ontario L.11 RA SECOND% BIKTUDAI On the nnnive-rlsary of Lours $ec'rord's birthday ;Saturday. Sep- teuibef 13, historical a4*ietic* will -honor the utentury of the best known iceman in Canada's histort. _� 'Canadian artist has created a new portrait of Laura ecordrhe looked art a 'young woman. II"k t'_tILDPI". aria, -)lir. mild Mrs Ralph Fu -ter ant: tauti.y- .:bti 1.lr-. Agutr 1' •Rller ,lil•'t...redK.:is-loth Liskf :e".ti 4) tv si>r:t k'oratr's daughter, Mrs_ Ja ae-, Yiattttsh, Canoe Watton• and family., )sirs. ,'osier n-waialyd to 'plead r feu 'reeks snth the NiattonYr. and Mrs. ,Juba Footer ut (S••deritb sprat a few day* at the house of Ur- arrd Yrs. R. roster. while they were' semi rots Kirklashd Lake. Yr. mond Mles. Cwshw ...uf I)r- twit visited re ently with the lardy"s Mother, Mrr.. Jones. Yrs. Eldon Erb and Douglas at Li>.tuwt3 vitsited recently at the home of •her sinter, Mrs. F.' Rising, Mr Erb land Melvin coming over for toy week -rad. ikhool reopened ;hist week for another s hool year with the former teat -her, Mises Lois Feagan and two new pupils, Barbara Foster and Johnny Moerbeck as beginners.Mr. apd Mrt-. Fred McCabe, Jerry and Jim attended the fugal on Tue-day its Clinton of Mr. McCabe's neptew, Mr. Clayton McCullough. its the J4 session of the American ofeither side'.sine.1514the :1,\ade,rs. Jame- Te.'urd- had beent..•uud:,:Tc brtwrru ilio two n.t:iur= th,1;.-r•.usl% wouu4jed its an earlit-r forNorthAwerita hasneverbeen i.attie around (dureu.t.fu. and hi- el.•latcd by the. trv4.{. of . ith.r ,\.fe somas allowed it. tend hits/ with- t-..wllr3. h*- eueuv' lilt.'. herr, ..n Juur -le }r -a lent -d of the Ameri.an plan t.. .urprise a BBriti-h detach-:lI l:f-aver 1tau:'-.1.4n,-4- fur:her ,test. under .,,mmandof 1.ieutenant 'James Fitzt:ibb+,a. She dez*•rutin.KI :ll:lt if ir•ssible rh'- 4\•,ua1 t:.n\e\ :1 warning i+• the :.u- 1.er:lied troops- . '1.1rttrig before da' light of one .,f Ills- 1e.uges1 d.1�,4 of the near.atarpr.•\eu:.-41 1.y- the lame t.utnl.-r 4,1 Alner:rate st-utrie- fr+•ut 1:liking t11•' direct route. she walked a!i' and ,toe!: int. the eveuiil',.`f••r•• .••111ing It. the eiscalul.ltit•nt1144 pi.tiy t.f India lis wh. f..rlie-d11:11 of I•'itz4;il.l..,n'- for• -f•-. F:x 1.t tht- journey arl•l alaril...1 their - ,:1i- .1 'tt..-tiyl:i :Ind -n-- -lie •'4111•' 11.411, the.ite- :Intl !1i'--� 1•••'k leer I r - shy• had :11, 1s-r-'a1.I*8 :1he Indians t•, • Monuasentss Ererted tu4"raumrutt: have Leen erected in memory- of Laura S•• - -..r.1 - aehieventent. one at Queenstoat t•y the ('anadian go erumetlt. 41141 4,11.- ai Lundy ., lane be' the (hilar.', 11i-zori4'a1 Society. but site dill n..t live -to ort' either of thew. F••r forty ;14ars her exploit wen'altmo-t nnreeogni%et1. A tuagazine article ..f,lx'�l w:1s the tirsi grin:edmention of it. In 1,440 the then 1'r:tice of Wales. }:iter King I-dwardx"11. - 4 isitin11 t'an:ola t.. lay the foundation stone of the 1►ttavvPath all.-nt Buildings. spent some dais a; Niagi.r, Falls. :cud learn:ur:-;.ry -411! her a elx.iue for •-n•• hundred )«.unds. She diel (h-',,.er 1.. 144,-'.:141 is burit-d pith•r 1111-1+:Incl :➢i l,uudl'- t.:lne. 11--r n;eu,e }i.1- 24.-1-14,*-' f.r (':111.tdi:4n- :1 -t 4,.n%l1. f •-, ::ramie. detot tI WieT VAWA'OOS COUPLE i T N TY W1WUJ. t�lfi CANAAV l sdia rsws to t� i aua nts s t �= 'GOLDEN 1WIDDIENSI ! lsi another S years at time pre- agricultural yrtsdtw. will Man Larger. Probably wheat will be the 1.e -a1 rate .c P'uw tit, t'aat►d e's 1 . tursae yrodteet which wits atm:! Mr. alai Mrs- 11sur.its 1shtlit. lift-- , pu]y,11t•1:etlutt -will t�e:att. :ft asilliUM•s, liner iv look to rzpo►t't. Aad if Ise iecg resident, of W. W ass asaoa6 , sass The Financial t'ust. This w til iris" our brads and kelp to dowels" Tuwii--'111.- u_srktit their :Oris wood- , mltrra a...rr la'�+hie' tw bei ruure , Isatfward tou.tries "i.e. wed dishg a►anivrrstsry at their b..de.. 1 "i , � �- laar•k 115 will '-fat- 1 aht..0 dal bate WWII tr+..ub1e dadi� trn>" i.nt.ltt+tilug its t arg: r ytuset markets for surplus crops .'4 ]earn with family and ir:riAta_ tyre- r aliyg the rant Wtrlarad from show. The problem at ewer( t3eveaty-sir *u-yrar•tuid. Mr- Inglis, rt. t�sod coats, mazy Canadian marges, for tars prodatts should be' sasall. and fares price re•la ively good- the son of the late Yrhied lira. hest) iwluatriei(.'ttstsa 1 s+orebighirri Jobs IRO* is still actively rugzged 1 matoar liwith 1'_8. illearts. Theree in farming RV acres with the help of kite sun, Tom. Mrs. Lagos,, the formats Jennie YatlCrasie, is the daughter try the late Mr, aad Yrs. Alexander Mase- Ylratrir_ At 71 she is also aetire, and takes sa interest in the fans and her dower garden, . Married is South Rialtos Ile.- byteriaa Church, Mr. and Mrs. Inglis base, besides their son, Tom, four other sons, ilea.area, of Highgate; Ales, of. Nov Scotia ; Roderick, of Forest., and Jack, of Petrolia ; and two daughters, Mrs. John (Betty) Flannigan, Toronto; and Mrs. Robert (Pauline) . Adams. Leas than TO years ago alult laum sold for 18 a pound. Currently due to research and increased produc- tion it is about 18 cents. ATTEND (1 CE Members of the executive of the Goderich Junior Chamber of Com- nit-rre attended the diatriet con- ference held • its Southampton on ::,iliac. Kon Ilawkins, Owen :wound. was chairman of the con- ference which was called to organ -1, ire a program f..r the coming era- ..,n- Those attending from Godo- ' rich were: Cecil Holman, presi- dent : Bert Ur+zciale, 1st vice-presi- dent : Ralph Blackstone, treasurer Jaek McKinnon, secretary. 1,.•:" 1.• Flt%(+,1.1n,t] - 114414t-:1' 'l. t-.1 :,.:t. :'.'.•1"e illi;: . .,111- :1.e.•lin: 47, \\:t- V. • •li ;n'.•• the tit-\: 1,1••rtl:nr i.s•fe.r. 2-11! jtad her s„eei,1,L' .v;1h lltl.0 .4u•l'•t�lt l,t,:tilt'.tietl h. -r hew ce: hitt 4 i:ttf• .. \\:1- :i. ,.lass .t. .•\\ F..,. �d;ihl�•n le :r•tn- •1• 21, tit • ht 111an1.•-r1 1., lits -..t :he at:a %t h• t: 1114 Xlu«•E.,111- aA ,- t.+ t..W t• i in :h• u,.ruiti' .•f ,1.11i. exp,•.-:21ti; at-)• ,-'- ;ht -.1 .,.. tht'\ \ta•', Ilt•'lll -;\e- ..lit}•••:. i:lk1•t, h� -nr)•r and :he alt••.. f. r, e. ..•u -i- in; .f uln.ard, .f t:\e' huutlre.1 elftt w,th a 1'it id )•i••' .it,t1 tfft� els:.�• ••n \va� .-:111:I1r.•41. fi+: \v:.- ••u• •.f :he 111:11111 -,..:n:- ••f t:a 1.111 f.,r 1.:: ora 1 * .,rd-- .•x- ;41.•.. the \\h,•!.' hi- :\ .1 \..:i. a 11,4 e,a -its•-. ihat „in,' Iui�hI \+• have h1 -e1 diff.•reutay-. the .litier:.-an into:, -e.11 •.f ('.Inada. \vhe:f- n•,1 e11; irt-;} re).111-ed. \\'a- pre�ell •.l froth (111: -Ing 14-1 :. and i!: ' 1,1 rhe Itritl-lt in F:itri,lie \ver44 ,:i,,1 ,•f .1 lar;:.- ).;.rt t•f their t emit i.•- 1114 .14fett: :11d !..f ::)n•ieun. :IUtI w re ,Iain 'al,le T.A. n•r*a their fere,-- irl North .l•:,.- erie ;l. %I'll, A tu4r:e' . [I� F •t her• I1)•• !i ,:.Ste tl. T h.•. ' :tnir,; ;.i f.:. e et; - 114,1 \\-.111 lie e'11. 1114- ' A GOOD M.'!IRROR IS A JOY FOREVER W E H AVE A MIRROR rolf Olt DY GINGER ALE will be bore room .for tine Can- aaiaa design - in furniture. in clothes. and is huinel old *quip Manufacturing will ,show the greatest growth and will use _Amain of the additional- labor tones Little of the 'popelatioa tneveaae will low to the farms. The sante- auaber of farms will have jf.• more Cab - POWER PACKED 4 A* ensign is a fag Iowa on ships. e BACKACHE bell/arias' la awe awl b! t e iblall� asiu�► whoa Weeps p fat sat atomouo_ii�r _J wish* in s , tansinla spattenlineImaltadik diilwbd sat dor V isoal ad and he asy-isadsd keg sans war him 7bara dr fine t. tome Dad's iriinsj Jia. Dsii's srilmisEc- Re lulus" Is ne ori edam Mae pa Isal baE1v-shop boder-eeuk ham. CatlDrdls Missy ilia a.. ft Representative • K. S. GILLIS - GODERICH' • ROOM IN THE HOUSE 1.11k. erti111.*t - ,1.-. ' -11► }•e- ,4u; e f 11- retettlie Irian , )ser-e•il:i :11:.1 e..11•••r:tti.li L•'c,!1., tax. ONLY PONTIAC OFFERS YOU *Dual -Range Hydra -Matic Drive OR 7Powerglide Automatic Transmission PLUS High -Compression Engines with Stepped-up Horsepower AND Luxurious New Interiors and Color Ensemble$ TACT GLASS COMPANY -LTD. A Pilkington Compony VICTORIA AND EDWARDS STS. PHONE 2-4457 KITCHENER I've switched to Borden's Evaporated Milk! Myfainily priers the flavor! At what age do most women retire: Don't iet old shopping habits make you miss the true -to -milk flavor of Borden's Evaporated Milk! Next time you shop. reach for the can with Elsie on it ... find out what a differ- ence there can be in evaporated milks. Wherever you use evaporated milk . •.. in coffee, on cereals, in cooking . . . you'll , taste the improvement that Borden's true - to -milk flavor makes! Just try Borden's Evaporated Milk, and see for yourself! Tv.I• M.v lhowsNd Ten years earlier than men ... usually at 55. They also live longer. Buoi- ne*t+ women, therefore, re- quire retirement income for. a much longer period of time than men. Many women find Mutual Life of Canada policies, with their absolute safety, their steady ineremie in values and their long record of generous dividend payments, the best possible way of providina adequate income for the future. Discuss your problem today with *Mutual Life of Canada representative. N-1352 UTUALLES. (-' CANADA e",r ;' ✓,:•lei sellar' , GODERICH Branch (/Aloe. Rank of 1I(:ntreal Chambers Sind tore. Cataria Brandi Manager: C. W. Leach, Phone 18 CLASSED AMONG THE FINEST . PRICED AMONG THE LOWEST! This is your personal invitation to visit your Pontiac dealer and find out for yourself, by actual driving experience, why a Pontiac Fleet - leader or Chieftain is one of the best all -'round automotive values in the world. For there's something basicallybetter built into Pontiac -something you must drive your- iself to apprecciate fully. First of a11, there's the instant response of the high -compression engines -for horsepower is stepped up on both the Pontiac "6" and the Pontiac "8". Then, if you're driving a Chieftain ,q with Dual -Range Hydra -Matic Drive*, you'll notice bow all the power you need is delivered to you precisely and automatically -exactly when you want it. Or, in a Fleetleader Deluxe with PowerGlide f, this wonderful, oil -smooth - automatic transmission will glide you over the miles with amazing ease. Somewhere on your drive, park the Pontiac and look it over carefully. Notice how Pontiac is packed with features which make it fully worthy to be classed among the finest. Features like GM "Shade -Lite", tinted glass all around which filters out dangerous and unpleasant glare and heat and includes the exclusive shaded windshield. ' Then drive back to us, and we'll gladly give you the facts and figures *hich prove the spee- tacularl952 Pontiac is priced among the lowest! •Ds.&R.NN NW►. -Mt d. tt ••••••1 tai .Wa most 4,t silo CAulwtw Series. tPwar(lr4M is .pNe.•t ern Aaar.b► riW.se Models at 1••• ens. ' topmost et- env amt. Dollar for Dollar.: t.. Feature for Feature ... Non ca's't beat r PHONE 344 A ESENERAL MOTORS VAI?a SAMIS MAYORS KINGSTON AND VICTORIA 'STREETS_