HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-09-11, Page 5M.' i T BCRI DA Y, *err. mil, 11If2 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, togriY.MKl.R 14, if►i 1.2. ass, HOLY COMMUNION 'The Rector. 40 ass. SUNDAY. SCHOOL, 11 a.m. MORNING PKAYER AND SERMON. `REVEREND IMMIX N; YAM. N:A., L.T4.. RECTOR A. W. ANPY$7OAI, Ikgsaiet , attid Choirmaster North Street United Church $EM)AY, tsKIP'116101 Y..K 11, 1052 10 Sunday Stand 11 use, Worship conducted by Rev. ,George tt Waof 1)uagaaaen. Tarn. will be Angier Congregation. >( p.a,. We mignon* the Junior Yarmeru of Huron County for their Annual Church Service. Please netts the evening service Is at 8 p.m. Knox Presbyterian Church DIVINE WORSHIP AT THY, GODERICH PUKIJC SCHOOI. SUNDAY", sYrntmuEK 11 11 a•m. TUE. SERVICE W1Ii. KE CONDUCTED 011 ,►•., THY, VIN/wrEI*, Junior Congregation and NurWry. REV, K. G. Mar,NILL.AN. W. H. BISHOP, V.K.C.O,, A.R.C.M. Minister. Director of Endes. .1 JWAKTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THK Free • Methodist Church ' VICTORIA AND PAKK WI'K, SUNi)AY 1$KKV1C1 -d' H'T. 11, 1952 10 ;1.11, 141: NUAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNiNG WORSHIP, p.m. EVAN(,EIJ$TIC KERVI('E..S, Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday, Sept, 12--8 p,m,--'Iti ,M«S, re -organization. "Remember now Thy Creator in the days of Thy youth." E.r. 12:141 BEV, G. E. KABCOCK, Pastor, -81 Park fury Phone 89714 BETHEL TABERNACLE (Prnteeestal Aisuenrhlien .4 Canada) BEV. 11(►WAKD MI YAKEK. PASTOR 40 A.M. Bring your children tot NDAY SCHOOL, II atom, "THREE. POSITIONS." 7.:30 p.m. "THE iNTY,KPKEITATION (►E THE CROSS." Tuesday 7.10 pm. ` Bible Study Rh Chapter a Ephes►ians, 8 p,m. Prayer Muting. Friday 8 p.m. Christ's Ambassadors. ' Saturday 8.30 p.m. Open Air rirn fir r in the hand stand. THE LITTLE CHUKCH WITH THE BIG WEECOHE. THE SALVATION ARMY II A.M. :3 p,a1. 7 p.m, 1,T. MAYO AND LT. E1d.EKY, - SUNDAY, SEI;TEMKEK 11 HOLINESS MEET/NG, SUNDAY SCHOOL, SALVATiON MEETING. ('onto' 41141 share the blessings with ins on this mor 'Harvest Festival Sunday, the service% will he rr►,ulurtrd try Captain' U. Fisher of the 114,.1, College, 'Toronto, Monday at .9 loin, we will 11014 our annual !sale of fruits and segrtat►Ir,s in our hall. Goderich BaPtiet Church GOLDEN JUBILEE SERVICES ---� KY:PTEMKEK 14-f221 Sunday, snit. 14--41 a.m. and 7 p.m. --REV. Al, KIC11AK1)KON, K,A., B,i)., (from India) Monday-Vriday at 1 p.m. CHILDREN'S Ifl0EE SC11001..' ' Ieflms Stories Singing, Mrrnday, Kept. 13-41 p.m.r-••YOlJ`i)II4'S NIGHT, with lieV. .1. 11khardsrun. Birthday party gathering afterwards. Tuesday, Sept. 18-0 p.m. Preaching Mission begins, "PKEIAllw TO VICTORY." Young people, erperially, are invited. Wednesday, !Sept. 17-8 p.m. "VICTORY " Friday. Sept. 10--41 p.m. "Dir.rENC1:." (Defence workers, esperislly, are invited,) Sunday, Sept. 21--10 a.m. Every Child in Sunday !School. 11 a.m. "THE SEARCH reit ,LOST HEIRS." 7 p.m. "HE THAT BELIEVET11. " WELCOME "CHURCH 'GOING FAMILIES ARE HAPPIER" hE YOU 1)11) NOT FINiMII High School YOU CAN STUDY 41T HOMY, IN SPARE TIMI AND A('T(?ALLY EARN A HIGH 4('11001, DJPLO MAi IW$T J(Nis (10 TO 111011 1e4('HO(N. GRADUATES )►,r not is'f 4444*' 4)t' pre11'IoIs.. 44It14•1114ln 114,141 yen back. 11'4. welcome ensltslrles (ret, these mit of 'wheel f''r 44 terminer of years. I'K(N)KE)41.4 KA1'i1►1,Y - LOW MONTHLY i'AVMF;N'TF4 ALI, K(N►KS )'t'RNiS11F:1) • Seoul ('n(►o►on Now for Free Sample Lesson and Booklet. r' AMF;KICA1 SCHOOL. (Established 4897) 312 Wright Illdg., •flit Wellington St., London, Ont. 1'1e44'•e s41y,II nr4. FREE and wltholll 4a,frll44nlion. ({ pntp(e' t,',okle't along with a MEE anrtny►li' 14.40enu ,,f your II lel) Brinier! Course.. Name Age PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Beatty, Tor - will), spent a few day„ with thy, hatter's muthl*r, Mrs. J. W. )Smith, 14t.! (;gorge's I;reaceut, Mrs., Nobel Arus>stroux of Sault rite Marie, Mrs. John Parrish of Luekuuw and Mrs: Jax. Mt/WU 'uf Blyth were recent visitors with Mrs. Ruse Krarlurn;k, North street, Mrs. Carol Millar, Iudiuu Head, Sank., who 11114 seen' visiting her sister, lr,s, F;vats, Clinton, fur a s;oup1es of ttuuths, -spent 'I'ueselay wltli Miss stay Jardine, St, (Jeorgs:'4 Cee, scent, 1'&'ter Sturdy, sou of air, and 1r1ri1. 4). W. Sturdy, Church street, has returned trent sailing un the imperial Sarnia of the, Imperial 011 fleet during the au141111er, nod has resumed has »tu4llea 'at the 4i '1e- rietl UIstriet Collegiate institute, 31r•4. A. 4,', (;;ruler, 4.'Irtorla Street, was i14 London url 1ie,uday, utten- ,1111;,; the 1)1ee•ttiigs of the Ilietteral `tynod of the Church et England in 4':Inada, as a delegate trent the I/emin14m Beard of the 11'outan'4i Auxiliary to the Slis sionary ;teclety •,f the Chervil. Mrs, ('alder left to- day for K'oetl.lan'k where ale- will attend the meetings, of thf• I►uwiu Ion Board and will also atpend the Itominlorl alu41a1 meeting of lite 11' .t in 1e,ndon n4'%t vv. ek. 1)UIM-WILJJAMS Itirchcliffe United- Cittirrh, Tor- onto, was the $4eue of u quiet wedding, Saturday, September 0, at 11. uta., Whet? Marton Clementine, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry T. Williams of It.H. 4, (Jude. r4 '11 (S:rltforrl 1 t►1'r'atlie the bride of Michael ('c'stnilr Duda, of Tor- etto, Thr• Rev. W. .1. Byers, 111Jtt•, Inter of the church, officiated, (Sven in marriage by her unela, TSM GODERICH SI 1)r COL $GL►TZ AT ()rum osss*oxrc Thu general public will have au epportuulty to Inspnrct the new (J4oelerich ISatrlet Cu1legiate insti- tute fru South street, between Blake „Will !!ell et streets, •wlttru the of- ficial upeu1ug is held tut+rorrow, 1"rt tiny eveggtlug, at eight u'I:lock, The entire building will be open for inspection following the ottielal opening cereutoule,s. Chief trpeaker ut the openlug ceremonies will be J. (,;, .l.ltltbu44e, 1).Naed„ chief direetur of edlacatiou • ler ' Ontario, uruulcli)441 at,d iiuverautent officiate' have alio) been Invited to attleu4L Ylual plans for the, otldciat 4frpen- 'ing were tirade at the weetlug 44'1 the Collegiate Board on )'ridhy olght, Mr. heg, Williams, of Toronto, the bride looked lovely in a ballerluu- lengttt, uslst green silk taffeta two- piece dress. She wore a shalt black Leather but :{ud black aeces- *trles and, carried a txruquet of white nutria and gardeulais. She; was attended by her slater, Airs,' Wilfred Flrfber off, Sultford, who wore u navy crepe dress, navy velvet tint and act $sorte{It, and a corsage , of red roses The gro'nu- man was Mr, Charles Prochaska, brother-in-law of the. groom, After the reception, which was held at the St. Charles, Toronto, the young couple left on u motor trip to Montreal, northern Quebec and prints east. 4)ti their return a autly surprised uu Friday terming. when their daughter, Mrs. , i),w.ur Cuthill if Walton ,had a surprise party for them ou the. uccusloa Of their 36th wedding. avulverii*ry, When /Wine 20 friends'aud relatives trout Clodericb, Uuugauuou, De- troit and' Walton gathered. '1'be eveglug was *petit 111 playing games: Then Mr. and -Mrs. Elliott were 464,0tt4et1 at the diu:irlg axom tables, uu wbk'h was -a . laYct'ly wedding cake, made and decorated by their daughter. 'rtley were presteuted with 'utauy lovely gifts, after' which lunch' was served, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer, Brown, Keu anti Wayne vent Sunday visiting their relative's, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Petrie, '1:'illsonburg. • Mr. To►u 1'ollox:k was uudergolu;r uu operation at Vic stria Hes ►lt 1 1 t I >I , Loudon this Tuesday morning and his friends are waiting for favor- able word. Dungannon United Chur41h auu}- versary services will be held Suu- day, September 14, at 11 'Lin and K p.m. lir t11/' morning the gw'st speaker will be the lie's'- 11. Main. son of North Street rutted Church, (Joderlch, and Mr. ltulph 'lender - son, will be guest aololst.. The Rev. J. It. - Watt, Mitchell,' will preach in the 4•ce11tn4' and a nixed quar- tette, Mrs. 11'. Joynt, Miss 1). Robin- son, Mr. E. lJenderson and Mr. Alex Me ay will sing. NAh8TAR NEWS OF DUNGANNON 1JUNtiAr'1t)N, Sept. 10. --- Ur, mut airs, Arthur l.,"Ille,tt were pleab- they will live at 120 1)uttulugtoll Drive, Toronto. ltots'rt Fulton was a pxartrllt painter before he bf'coute' un venter, DO YOI' SING -DANCE -PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT? Then enter the Paisley Rotary ('Itslr "Search. for Talent" (in .rooperatlen with ('K1X, Wingham) I'KF;LiMIN,%RY COMPETITION -Friday Evening, September 19 F'INA1. COMPETITION -Friday Evening, + Srptrntbrr 26 CASH AWARDS--Ist, 14100.00; 2nd, !1i►h.0; :3rd, .1425.00 ' With $04.141 411 ra4f. to all other competitors qualifying for the finals. t For details and entry (onus apply at once to PAISLEY ROTARY CLUB, "SEAKCH FOR TALENT," ('KNX, Wingham, Ontario 36 j THE VOICE OF BETHEL HE.4VF;` '1"HI4 -Seel al; 14111 tit:lt we• havi' a err -'It high 4,444•-t '4)4:1t i !NO -m..1 41)44) the 11 ';4 v.•f. .4e.os the ,o4 of 414,4, 1• t i4- hold fa -t eu p,r,+fe,,•f•rn .r 114'4,. 1 :11 114.;te4•Il I'. a i,!a4'.• of 4441011 uio-t people tr:44*' heard and the ni:lj.rritt holo.' tr,'..'aster' 1vh, It 1hl',v .lie. TIN �e JH'o)►1e woR141 t"elttnre olt :4144 ••111111,4' Jenne -3; without making;141..411181r e - J , s, J,r I►al`atiolt,•, Vol it I' St l';111:44, wit}' •4, 144ar4,' will t:Ike . ternity 414441 11,ave11 for grouted. 1;.i,l "; Mad', howe•ve•r, tf•41eher-tro►rgly a:::lit:_rt, thi.. sc141ely iteeet►t4•41 111' 4,ry. '1'114. sv:ly 4o he;tven h:l,' 1540.11 4,J,44Ite'41 by 1 h 1'r'o.. of the 1,orf) ,I•s►I.. 4'hl'i.t, Ill.. :44411'I,l4.4441 the fultn!;liri 111at 4°u:u1�e, frons :111 Biu. Jii. 114,1 s- Spirit givt'6 1)q new. 41:4411x,• soul! !Jew ,14'"ir•s. hole'. :11141 •de•edk, Thi- 4..sI's Way And the only way" to it a von ,I,•.1)- •1,• ,'1:41,'- ill .1,44:44 1 1, "I :1144 111e 1%':ty the '1'11;144 :41441 ill•' 1::14'11 •r!e' I'e.'•r,',•, It 1'/,f•, tlil• t rill11 t u:ll- -.Allo till11:47 !ll life .11"•' 1 Ilt,!'4• III4ie';rI.11lre 111:111 dr! It, r'1. Jlally 4;.41:1,4 1•,4'41., Iiheir :Oleo tura,- :411.1 i:il..t: .,n Ilrti.lui*rrl:lut :lu,l p• ri-hill: ilii!. Th."I r• . 1 . .'•f .4' 1,1 111 I I'':. *' ll :; i -I. II ;111.1 lir. II II.::.l 4: C 1:11(•' r4 til' I,II::i N\ It .'11 I 1.4111' '1'•Itts:111•,11 ,' if 1".rll ::••t O. 114•;11••!1 ;! 1\;li ire• 1rrr,lll-. 4 ;44 11;11•• 111•,'0 !lar%'4'4i .I WI 4.111111) tile' 1),11'4„11' 14141' ,%111,1114' ."Ili ! "111410 : IS1., ilt•l; :111.4 111e i:lk•• of lir.•, jll<I f.ri!./St rhe• Prowd in-Ieu.l or Christ, 411154)014' 111'te•:1,4 ''4 being; 'tire:Ind drift :41,014 4':4144.4' than sl4tenttine t„. -4'1'),• 1;oil.' SI'ONS0Kf;1) lil` 'x111 1tE r11I' 1, .11)t'L'I' tt1111..E YourTobacco Stays FRESII with fJic'SEALTITE"LIP LOOK FOR THIS SPECIAL FEATURE You'll see it around the inside rim of the lid on your Ogden's Fine Cut. It's a resilient sealing device that forms on airtight seal --- keeps the tobacco fresh by retaining natural moisture and flavour. Detuxe Model C - Genuine ES,eepfreeze Hom• Freezer. Holds more than 232 lbs. of frozen foods. Hos all regular features -plus exclusive convenience features., Breckenridge Hardware Alt ts--H er. - lir a ceremony ut Oungautiou (tutted Church oat Saturday, September t4, at 1.30 pole 'performed by Iter. (1. Watt, the pustor, lir a 44,441144 of ferns awl uaxk�et:a of pluk uud white ypludiul, 110441-44 Lucille, uuly daughter .,l 1 Mr. awl Mrs• George .Iiodg<es, Leu• S gamens, Wit* united to marriage to air, Jack Alton, only son I)` Mr. and Mrs- Haul Alton, Luckuow . The bridal party entered the church to the Irtrt;lus ut the Bridal Chorus from I.uhengrtu, played by Mr, Kee )ieAlllttter. Given to Marriage by her' futiser, the bride' were a tloor•leup;tit gown of't white Chau tiny, !tire over bridal satin with titled budlt:e featuring a uylog net yoke, twig lace sleeves f extet1tliu to deep points, 111141 a skirt lash, lowed with a short train, 114 tlugertp veil of 1''rettl.h Muslim wa gathered to a tiara of satin 4411 ul (►curls. She carried a e044::de' ,, pink Sweetheart' roses uud stepha11 utls, silt„ Jean .k'ree, maid honor, wore powder blue t4'I ot': tuti'eta, with a strapless bodice d ideated "sole edged with lure, tt 1 wore mitten* to „catch, and 'a 1).•• bandeau with a ,spray of feathered chrysafttbemtuts, and c:errled , bouquet of pink '141rysutthemutes The best 111011 was air, Lorne Erdy, 1lulyr4H,d. The ring bslarer *vas Terry 41041ges, raephety of the bride wearing white trot)sers and oat jacket acid carrying the ring on white satin pillow, The flower girl, Linda (lodges, a niece of tit' bride, 'wore a frock ut pink nylon over taffeta with a bandeau of pini ttnd white clrysantltemuuis anti carried a basket of pink and blur ''14ry.14ttiemu11ls. The ushers *vel SI r. 4)lisver (,lerui, l,uckuow, and 11r. 1►ougla' `.11tot,, 'Toronto. The soloist, S11sa Margaret Black, sung the "'I'went�'-'Third 1'sultn,' '01)41 ''0 1'erfee:t Levi...," Atter the ceretuuuy, the guests, tiunityering 450, were- en- tertained' to''dir►ner at th4' British Exchange 11ut4'I, Gods:rich, with the bride's metier r4O'e'lviug, wearing It t W,/-pu•e'e e•01:0a brown crepe dress with greeat aecs'ssories and u e'or- sage of ulatcliug' chrysanthemums. $1)e sati a'4isted by the' lirid•r- grootu's m4)1her, wearing a two= piece Itl:rl:k and • green taffeta en, sem1►b•�,with a corsage of green chrysanthemums, For travelling, 1114 brie.' d�,nned a' gra;'v pte•'u'p'il: suit, with green :1cce.surieK and 11 corsage of pink awl white holy, clay sautbe11u1114. After . a trip to western 4'at,ad:t and title tt1it*d States, they will live on the bride- groom's farm, south of i.ueknosv, hu4st were present from F"lint, alien.; %llndsor, Monkton, Luc'k- nowv 11'izteitsato, i(paha st',a, __-Tilbury, '1'orot►te, and F'ieshertun, Trousseau Tet- - Mrs. 4;eorge' 11odg4's entertained nn '1''44s'stiy afternoon anti evening in limier 4f her daughter, Donna, prier to her marriage. September 41. '1'444' rouuns were decorated with gladioli and asters. 4One 1iuudred, :151.1 forty guests .;registered. Mrs. S:ant Alton ; poureol tea from a silver tea ser- vice at a table with a white lace l , r4• 1 ot11, 1)tee'41 wit! wtilte' roi4es. in u silver vase flanked by w'1tit.. t'au411es. Assisting in serving were Me';vii Jteed : :I reading by 11''., W: -1..Haugh, 1(_11. 1. f1rur•t41*1d. h g r s f ,rR *' v t c THE SQUARE eptember Special 64x6 portraits regular value $ 12.75- $7.00 HENDERSON'S PROWS n Mrs. !lodges daughter,s-pu-law, 'Mrs, Kenneth . 110444.43 anti Mrs. Lloyd !lodges. Assisting with ttuktt►g the tea was Mrs. Robert Here. Show- ing the trousseau In the afternoon were Misses Edna Stewart, Jean Free, and Margaret Meek. In the evening, Mrs. K. K. D:1sys4,n and Mrs, Saul Alton poured tea; assist - lug iri the kitchen were Mrs. Arthur Stewart, Mrs. Harvey Culbert, and Mrs. It. 1lere; serving were Mrs. Keen 'lodges and' Airs. Lloyd Hodges., assisting with the tre'l'e seau display were air... Patti Cae- sar, 111.41- Jean Free, and Miss'E4114,4 Stewart. .,Shower 111,111, --- .1 pre uuptiu! shower was ,bele! in tis, Durlgateem parish hall with 1451 friends pte- m.:it, in honor of Miss !Noun,} llullge,4 _-- -airs . _ DDernin !'!fillip►; pl:tyed "fere ('4►l$em Ile Bride," on the piano, as Kiss Hodges e•1)-' terl'4j,, the hall. .t decorated Omit 11041 1,o'14 prepared for ler. 'ahos e ss'hteh was a sprinkling cant ' with punk ani white aireaulers41,, 'There were 1114o b:i1104,us with e'nufettl; which were released at intervals.. I,yuda Hedges and 4.'alerie f4H1ges' brought In gifts in a decorated wagon. Mrs. K. Dawson war's chair - 111a11. '1'44NroInclne e4 oe p ..":rate 1 1 J firs• a IP, its' Sirs, A111111 need a ad 111. 41141111111111111111111111111111 Jtubert ,tothers and a compli- mentary address by Stilt•,a Jean rt.,. Iienwred .Jly Y.P.U.--fine Young People's Union! of Dungannon Un- ited Churc'11 enjoyed a'' corn -boll on the farm 4,l air, and Matt. Iiarvey • Maize, coucs'lssion 4, Asrht?leld, oa Wednesday night. Iluring the e1'e•tilug ails* 0014510 1I re$, W114) has been active 111 the organtzutice 844 0 uleulhe'r and vice-presstdent, - WSJ s presented by Wilmer Erring- ti,n, pre;iile:;rnt of the 4 ,1'.1i,, with a bytuu book. " (GIFTS TO C.A.S. •Itel4'r►t dollar i0111, to heron county 4'hiliireu's Aid Society of used clothing, knitted artieles, etc., were shade by the following donors: Mrs. 1:141 Worthy, Mrs. W. Dul- feage, - lis,; . :N ,i,ir, --Mew K. 4. Brown. Mrs. 11. 11. Thela1e, Mrs. Ellwood, Mrs, Fred Fox, Mr*. 1►orothy Waal. all of G n14'rteh ; Mrs. F. Xaftel, 11.11. 2, Godrrteh ; Mr. and Mrs: W. McNal1, Myth; Mix. John McDougall, Myth; Mrs Fan- nie platter, Hili' P.O., Ont.:- Mrs. 11, 11'.-itirserg" 13ruMse?ls : Mrs. 1nv- ait, (:rand' 114'nl: Four L's 1'vaneel ieal (*buret', Dashwood; Mrs, F. ('Itap)►le, K.fi. 3. K{pps'u ; .e 1p/' usall Women's institute•: 111,1. Garnet !dicks, 11.11. 3, Exeter; Mrss, re -Season Special Ladies' Winter Coats A SPECIAL EARLY SEASON PURCHASE MAKES IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO PASS THIS OUTSTANDING SAVING ALONG TO YOU. THESE COATS ARE ALL IN THE NEWEST STY LES, SHADES AND MATERIALS, SUCIMS "POODLE" CLOTH AND FLEECE. ' CHAMOIS LINED. SIZES 12 TO 241/2. THESE COATS REQULARLY SELL FOR sg5.00 AND UP. PRICED FOR YOUR BUDGET AT FUR TRIMMED --29.95 26.95 Men's Coats. Listed her are three very popular models. All are fine Gabardine -warmly lined with extra heavy silk quilted -to - wool linings. Taupe -Slate -Blue. - Station Wagon Coat Stadium Coat Walking Coat Double breasted style in popular 3/4 length, luxurious belt. Mouton 'collar and lapels, all round `Zipper front style with Mouton collar and all around Zipper front style with self collar. Double insert at waist for comfortable fit. belt pockets, elastic 26.95 19-95 14.95 MANY OTHER OUTSTANDING VALUES IN MEN'S, BOYS' AND LADIES' WEAR. . COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. USE OUR LAY -AWAY PLAN -A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ARTICLE. Just Arrived MEN'S FLEECE LINED CARDIGANS -Perfect for work -Assorted colors. Reg. 3.5Q value • THE MAJOR STORE • •