HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-09-04, Page 5THU 'WAIL SEPT. 4th, Y952 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 19:52 8-30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION -The Re t tor. 10 as.iu. Sunday School and Primary Dept. 1 t ail'. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. Special Preacher The Vera ° Rev. N. S. Nod, Rector of the Pru -Cathedral. Regina, .�►.•t.,k., and t)e:ut of the Diocese of Qu'Appeile. REVEREND IItE1'ERLY H. FARK, ILA:. L.Th., RECTOR .A, W. ANDERTON, Organist and Choirmaster Goderich United Churches NORTH STREET AND VICTORIA STREET UNION SERVICE IN VICTORIA STRP,ET SUNDAY, S ,t 11 SEPTEMBER e, IJ,,. II a.m. "Sims by the .Side of the Road." No. 4 -"Cone Bark Again." REV. 11.4 A. DICKINSON CONDUCTING THE SERVICE. VIerORIA'STREET CHOIR -MISS M. J. STRACHAN, Organist Knox Presbyterian Church DIVINE WORSHIP AT THE GODERICII PUBLIC S''IIIOOL SUNDAY. SI'iPT, 7 11 a.m. THE SERVICE WILL ItE CONI)tUCTED KY THE MINISTER. .Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. R. G. MacMILLAN. W. 13. BISHOP, F.K.C.O., A.R.C.ML • Minister. Director of Praise. Goderich Baptist Church MONTREAL ST. Minister: REV. IAN G. IIIND, B.A. ' Organist and '(Choir Director: FRANK BLSSETT. 10 a.nt, SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "AN OPEN DOOR." 7 p.nr. "SONGS IN THE NIGHT." Monday 8 p.nt. Baptist Young ,People's Union. Wednesday 8 p.m. "flour of Power." Sept. •14 -21 --Golden Jubilee Anniversary Services. Verse for the Week: "In Him was life, and the life was the light of man." I i 1 BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. HOWARD MINAKER, PASTOR 10 a.nr, SUNDAY- SCHOOL. Come and 'BRING' your children. 11 a.nr. "A WATCHMAN'S DUTY." 7.30 p.m. "AN -OBJECT LESSON ON GRACE." Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Bible Study. 8 pm. Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.n). Christ's Atnbassadors. Saturday 8.30 p.m. Open Air Meeting at the Bandstand. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. Free Methodist Church VICTORIA AND PARK STS. . SUNDAY, SIsi'TL !BER 7, 1952. 10 a.nr SUNDAY SCHOOL. - 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. Wednesday 8 pent. Prayer Meeting. REV. G. E. BABCOCK, Pastor. The year 1875 saw the start of Canada gave Australia more than the Canadian Pacific Railway's $90,000,000 worth of supplies and western road wast of the Great military equip-ment during the Sec. Lakes. - and World War. PORT ALBERT I'OItT AMttact'. S tpt. 3.-31r. Bert C'uuuiughatu of Toronto spent the holiday weekend at the home of Iii, ,inter, Mrs. Charles Crawford. A1r. aud Mrs- Bernard- liraekuis of Hamilton spent last week -end with the latter', uaother, -31rs. James Ait'Keurte. Mr, aud Mrs. Lloyd ,laattzi aud their daughter, Anna Mae, have i1ov,•11 (tow their residtiuce here to Wella tel. Messrs. Jut, • Ale•l;re and Eddie 'l'igert left last week ou the harvest excursioe to the West, They art' working at Chauvin, Alberta,. Visitor: last weerk-end with Ur. and Airs. • 1)ave Martial were Mr. and Mrs. lvau Grigg and .Earl Afar - tie of sLontl tt and Mr. Elmer Gil - tier's of Detroit. Mr. anal' Airs. Jack Wenzel' of Buffalo visited over the week -end with the latte r i .parents, \1r. and Mrs. ,.Mervin !-fudge. Mr, and Airs.' Charles Crawford. acconapauied by Air. anti \1rs. Mur- ano Crawford of i,eelafrte ;spent a Sandal- r,eeutly with Mr. and Airs. Ilorace Cunningham at \\'iartou. Mr. and Mrs. George Gallaway' of Lapier. '_Bich.. are spending this week visiting with Mr. ane! \lrs. \Walter Tigert. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stonehouse and 14tt►y sou, hickey, visited over the week -end at the hence --of Mr. and Mrs. 1'erry Graham. Mr. and Mrs, :.Nlbtrt \tetlee and daughter, Delores, visited over :a • ST. AUGtiS'1'INE week -end lately with relatives at Timmins and their son Cecil," wife and daughter at Espanola. K'f'cil, who is well known in this distrusts" has been alts engineer in forestry for the pat few years at Espanola, Nort7i ru 1)utario. aiid has now been Adored with -his family to British Cotunsl,la. Mr. and Mrs. Frank :Rooth and son Donald are having a ti W hoose 'erected at' the Clinton air 'ehool. where he is enri►toyt'cd. and will be moving from this district in the near future. ` - Mrs. AV'illiarn ('raw -ford is spend- ing this week at the home of her daughter, :Mrs. Robert Oke. at Bet -- grave. Sehool reopened here on Tuesday with a new teaelier in charge, Mr. Wilfred Spivey of Itrasseis. Ile entities highly ree'mnmende(t, het vine attended Stratford Normal :and sent with Alt•. and -Mrs.--- 13. 11. :en laving 41 few years teaching exper- \Willings tit Port Elgin. Mrs. t C eeheater httJford and vs1011 The softball team played their Marvyn Visited last week -end with first game agitinst Itelgraye i41 Code- Mr. aud \It's. George Fttlford and rich on Saturday night last. It :avas family sou their return to, their a goad gavot till the seventh inning' ing in l'ittsburg, 1'a., after ;pend - the fort leading by 0 1-0 score tug the summer :it (;stud Mend. Before the game folded it was Port Mr. and 31rs. Prank Shields: and Albert Pirates t3. ilei►;rave 0. TheOlive visited u few days last week second gauze is slated for the Wing- wd:uill►t\lr. anal \Mrs. AWilliuua Stod- 'n ham diamond on 'Tuesday evening.,a d family-, Lions llcud. Mr. Douglas Athill spent last Messrs. Jim and .terry C-'ook left friends iu 1.ondott, including Nits. last week on the harvest excursion -\1. Sullivata ( nee 1largaret O'Cal- sister :it •Kiteheuer. week visiting with his mother :aud to the" iV'est. lagli:iu) onee a resident of St. :tlr. and \!rs. 11. .Melads and Aug.1stiue. AUBURN f:inaity of Belle River visited over. iss Bernadette Boyle, London, tate• week -cud with the lady's par- ' is holidaying at her home here'. Miss Edna Brophy, R.N. 'l'oronto, , visited at Ambrose Brophy's recent- Messrz . Arch and Ted Horton arc 1- • THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR , 'CA BUYSTIMM, SUPER CONSTZLLATIONS 'Patric:-Oantda Air Lilies has ordered -three additioti:rl fn►e•khecal Saltier Constellations, bringing to -eight the number of iitrl'raft of this type selts'ttil by the airline for service nae international routes. The first Super 1'oustellatie+u will be deliverett lute in 1953: with all eight aircraft slated for sc• ervk•t„ Europe laud the Caribbean by 'mid - 1954. This will permit the co►ul►auy- to 1ncreas< its passenger eapac•Ity by approximately 1:,0 per cent oro the North .atlantic with Shiner ('onstel- u latJ ria.. and 37 per (alit domestically on North Aim -Than servilwes. with the release of North St' 4 air4•ruft pr,'setety assigne•ti 14) internatinual routes. :1 06 -ton airline -r. the Splen t''1''tt'llation 11:1s 0 take -off \\cyst[ 134)3. H pounds. at,prexiuuately 7,3.000 1 411(Id,. more than the North Star. The new aire'raff cars fly nearly -1,0 00 tu11es 11entstop with 7:, passengers and full fuel load. 111 irons-.%tlotit10 r.rvice it is-c'apable of carrying lip to `3t) passengers plus baggage nonstop 141ot41real-Lundin. with filet re- serves► for yet another (tit) miles. (tine of the world's largest and fastest cowmen -0d transports, the Super Constellation is 18 feel longer than the present C'onstrttation, weusuring 113 feet 7 inches in'Ieugth, with a wing ',pan of 123 feet, A cruising speed of 3-10 miles per hew will enable the aircraft to fly the distance between 314401rea1 and London ill 101,4 hours. LEEBURN LEFJBURN, Sept. 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Herchert aud sous, !tarry and John, of St. Louis, Missouri, returned home last week after a two-week vacations with the lady's (I nteniled for last week) - S'l'. A.l'Gt_'S'1`INE, August 2'7. Mr. and Mrs. John Foran, Van- couver, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike For-. parents, :lir. and 'Mrs. Thomas an, Toronto, visited their many Chisholm. and harry. They also friends here. visited her sisters at Dungannon, - Mr. Bob and Shirley ',eddy, Mrs. London, and Belle River.' Mr.. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie Mary- F'orau, Joe atlei Norman, Mr. visited a day Last week' with their and Mrs. Eimer Foran and family daughter, • Mrs. John Quaid and visited the shrine in Midland last Betty at Sarnia. 'week. , - 'Mrs. -Benson Chisholm :and - Alf'. Ken. Leddy left for '4Vinui- Diarirre visited a few days last week pegand other 1►oiuts West on Mon - with her sister, Mrs. Elden.Jo1111- (-10Y•• ston and Mr. Johnston and family- S'!'. AU'GUSTINE', Sept: 3. in Toronto. \liss 31:ie Redmond :raid Mr. Ed - Mr. 1- Mr. and Mrs.' James Sehultz "of ward- Brophy left for Windsor and St. Petersburg, Fla., whti are spend- Arthur to resume their teaching; ing the summer with 141r. and Mrs. dultit'.s. Hllarvey Fisher, are visiting at fare- \1rs. John Kennelly (tree Marie Hogan) of Calgary isvisiting hair mother, Mrs. Sara Hogan, .and her sister, Urs. T. Redmond, and • her many friends' and relative.. It has been four years sim'v "Marie'," her Husband and family left for the West to make their Monne there. Mr. Norman Foran has joined in the harvest excursion for the West.. Ur. and Mrs. Ray Leddy, Denis, (till, Monica and Bernadette visited j eats, Ur.' and Mrs, ThomrtsChi•- AUIIURN, Sept. 3. -Visitors at holm and Harry - the week -end. with Mr, and \irs . F:tt 1)airaes were Alr. and .firs. Gordon i3err'y, Mr. and Mrs.- Colin Berry. Mr. and Airs. Charles Hooker, Mr.' .and Mrs.''Duncan Taylor from Bel- mont: Mr, and Mrs. Herb Holtbc', 11 r. and Mrs. Lewis Holtby, Mar- lene and Bobby from Glanworth. Miss A1:l'r' As€liritlt is visiting her parents, Mr. :let! 1St ___Cha►tir F:. Asquith. Piet* new beginners started to school for the first time Tuesdaev at Auburn sc'hted, 001(1014': Caroline Craig, Rose Marie Ilaaggitt, Sharon Stewart, John Arthur and Peter -Me - „Donald. Recent visitors witli'Afr. and Mrs. Charleseott were lir. :1(441 Mrs. William Thornton and son of, Ter - onto and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley .JneO and Kirniterty 41 London. Air. 011( Airs. T.'8: ,Johnston spent a (-ample of d;tvs at (1011)1);) a(1d St. Thomas. Canadian farmers' cash • income during 1951 reached ;1 record peak of $2,419,400,000, :1 20.3 gin over 1950. Congratulations... GODERICH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL 1'HE BUILDINGS OF TO -MORROW ARE BUILT re -Do WITH SILL There is no more beautitui building . . . no more per- manent . . . and no more economical than that built with Schell building materials. Schell Blox and Schell Mix are the perfect combinations for a' sound foundation and Schell Blox makes an „at- tractive exterior finish on many types of buildings. When a truly beautiful facing is de- sired then Schell Brix provides the answer. All Schell building mciterials are manufactured to quality - controlled standards ... your assurance, of complete satis- faction when you specify ScheiF Blox, Schell Mix and Schell Brix. .SCHELL INDUSTRIES LIMITED • WOODSTOCK • ONTARIO visiting in Toronto with -tbe form- Miss IterJetta t►'\(alley, ;arnal,� er's daughter, Airs. C.- 4.'. 'Walton, visited with \Ir. and Airs. 1'hoinos Mr. Walton and t'aul. They all O'\!alley• spent the holiday week -end at V'Vat- Miss Mary Foran spent a few twilit cottage at Victoria Manhole... days in London last -week. - `1V.;1LS. .11eetutg,-The home of Miss Alary Prances (':triol, \li,s , Helen- Clark, oneof. tilt Kitchener, is visiting at her nncte's, pioneer ljuuar+t•of -tide district, made Gus Devereaux. a lovely setting among the grand Miss Irene t)'C'onnur, London, 01d trees for the august meeting 1144 1101110 with her .sister Rest( for .,of the Leebut'n \V'.AI.S. when " !1 � the lone; wet•k-end. members :►rid fire' visitors 44111 Miss Sylvia Edwards. I):artnlotttll,. present, Aliss. ('lark a00oulpa04(41 '.1r. anti Mrs. II. I hoards anti sou, at the, piano visited AI l 1 uu for 71_ sing -sung of ►• ,lud Airs, Gas Kiraalhat► some of the old gospel hymns, alter for a few l:ayz. which Airs, Joe Pressman led the AIr, acid ;lira. 4;ms 1►evereat'x worship s€-i(ice, .1'tle.$criptnl•i' 1t:,-1`t1ert a wee!: in I►ctre��it. They S011 was read 10 Miss Beryl i'ree - motored hack with- Mr. and Urs. matt and prayer by Airs. 'Tereus,, !till 1)es•ereaux who .pent a 'ow Hunter. Miss Ituth Shaw,' re:ul the I days here. chapter from the study !took and i Air. and Mrs. J. ('. Keane, limn - Mrs. Bert Bogie read an darnel,' i ilton, visited Airs. Ai:ary Furata :and on Christian stewardship for the other relatives. aoan s1n'nt 1 \Wateh Tower, The hostess tray lunger holiday but has relented assisted daring the social ha 1f 11011r b: Mrs. Rod Bogie, Mrs. Ehler Hunter and Miss Beryl Freeman. TAYLOR'S CORNER YL(1II'S (olt:VER. Sept. 3. - -Kenneth VWa1ke'r of New Carlisle, Quoh►t'e. who hos i e,11 staid 40 his :aunt. Mfrs. 1111gh McCabe 117(7 Air. McCabe fir 1 he last fete weeks. -h:i.s returned 140 his l(;)j . tin the wily 11)1114' he is visaing his aunt ill .Montreal. Air. and Mrs, Gerald Cutler (nese Maxine Sturdy.) of iiaiiiltott. spent the wee!: end with the latter's par- ents. Mr. and Airs Reis. Sturdy. • Miss Helen and .lean %Whitely of Toronto spent the week -end with tl►e'ir family in Goderich 'Township. Alt, and ,Airs. -high MicCabse had again to the cit(. Our teacher, Miss \tart- Kennel;: Sea fort 11, returned to open. se•hrn,l Tuesday. September 2. as their guests on Sunday AIr. and Airs, ..110 l.ul(I.ih n 0f Wert Col borne tvho have- been holidaying for two weeks at \\'i:artnn. Congratulations to- Air. :anti. Airs. .ferry Ginn on thy• birth of :a d:atl0h- ter in Goderie'h hospital on 1iou. dray. Septerinhe'r 1. , Mrs. Irvine tyke and Jimmy spent a few 4,d:a y's in Toronto last tote• k and visited the exhibition. School has re -opened once ':airain with 20 pupils in S.S. No. 2,„(lode- Hell Township. Servie' will be at the usual hour in Zion ('laureh 00 Sunday, Seieteul- her 7, at 7.30 pan. THE VOICE OF BETHEL REV. HOWARD E. 1IIN.1KER SINNERS :ILL and SINNERS ON1.1" :111 .11111 e'erJlle ''11441'1 of the 1,'le04 ++f (1041•" Rotlmans :3:23 "1 4 (1(4' not 10 r:411 the right!+on.nes. 1(11 shiner. 145 rep Maitre." • Mark 2 :17 '1'11e .t01•y ref ('ilei-) dIyi11g 1)11 illy (14,.� Feer ow. .111, 1. eels! :1 tot 44141 ly ;11rep14,1 in :1 general way. Very fete r1•je''t 7111. (1 :1h a1111 14 1 tt•ry f1'w 1.1►p1•opriat,• and ;weep' it tel tier saying of their soul. There was only our, cvlto was without sin :1nw1 that was the it/der-titer t;rnl•n►an, .fess. 4'hrist. , .11I then ;are sinners, sin 'chorale., us from (1,441 and flares Its tiller Itis senten4•e or judgment. rowt1lt.e of own., 1101(1lity 11 help 11911s4.1r. C'hr'ist rattle to pay Hoe greatest price ever 144141 fn 1)11 05.1) to ',doom lust ',hit 111 ,mean. •..111 11. f:1 r a s Crud 1. 1 i,llrerued are ermel udcd t o 1,1' shiners. 't'11.• Lord .1e'.11.'did not (1)11(4' to S1) V). good folk but Ih41 \Chen ale tv:1, here en earth there were mangy (as theta; ere ter!:ly) who fell they were good enough without britt?; Srlvedt.. I'cr.on in this (llteeory :in. in :1 (1:1:lg('runs 110S.11 1011. 'They are lost aiad prefer not to know it. Many try to plead ehnlr4•11 membership. geed weeks and Christian 01►bringll)g as smflielent at -minds for •ternit . cleansing by the I►lo(►d of Christ is all that tent lit us for 71e:1cen- '.lu.t a. 1 :tart without (4114' 10e9 BM that 'Thy blood was shed for me, .1011 that - 'num bidawo 1114' 1'4111e (44Thee t ) Iamb of 'Get! 1 come, ('44011111; prrrvides cleansing from yin affords consfort for pre sent and fleatishe< certainty for eternity. SPONSORED ItV TIIR I{ETltr;t+ ADl'i,T 11l1t1.11; ('i.AS.S • CREWE ' 4. F., Sept. ':1. -]]re:, Amelia Trel••aveu „f J.uckuow visited with Mr. and Mr,. Jack Curran au•1 fatuity rrc'rutly 6efo1'6 returning' to) Springvale to reside with beidaugh- ter for the fall zed -.wtuter urouths -31r. and Airs. Pete Dunlop of Seaforth were .week -rut! visitor; I.. with Mr, and Jlrs. urne- llasty. \1r.-Aretaie Jon, i, ,Miss alildred Jones aud rl Jimmie 41eF'auii of \\'ingltatu were i4tiziday visitors with Mr.. mud .lir.,. It. Slot-4letot( uu•-1 family. • . Alt. and .Airs, ti. .1. Metaraghlia 41 Detroit were Sunday t'isitlir,, with fir. Raymond Finnigan 'and faintly. 141rs. 1 . Zito,. returned hone. •,n Sunday after a ten-day visit milia friends at Dresden and Fore $t. he ,1 re• opened TN,,selay mgr. _ in:.: 441H1 two new beginners. aSHFIELD AI4111•'11':1.1), -Sept. 31r. Bain i Stewart of Toronto spent the week - reel with his nephew. Mr. 1)aln Hose Iota How, s. who spent the stun user with his t)ucle, Mr. Earl 114»s'e'a. has returned to AV'roxete±t. Mr. and Mrs. Leadbetter and Barbara .lean of 13roekv-ille mer week -end guests with Mr. and. Mrs. Colin Mael,regnr.. :,1r. and Mrs. I$ah,. of , 1►etr'.►it- spent the week,('nd with Mr. anti Mrs. William Macdonald. ()n Tue.•day evening former neigh- . bors gathered in the 10th sc'ha►1 to honor MIss Edith„ Johnson with a ta►iseellani ►us .shower. -After the presentation of the gifts ss•as.nuade :a short program was elven. Mrs. 11.'bert Stolt :and Airs. Keith John- sen then served ,l,atnt•h. SCHOOL BELLS AGAIN The average schoolboy may not feel too jubilant about going back to the classroom this month, brit to many. Canadian businessmen, the ringing of the school bell is sweet ntu'.le. Second only to December's jingle. bells, - comments The Fin- ancial Post. -With over three million young -Canadians scheduled to join the school -desk parade -that's around a minion more than in -the Last war r' 1 It to- drool business Is expected to reach noir highs. -Some estimates put the back-to- sebool business pie to be carved tip at $140 millions, An estimated $75 millions would go on outfitting' ybiangst€'rfi across the country, the rest on " their equipment. - The `average anntral cost per pupil of texts and -.supplies is about $7 for elementary grades, $19 , for grade IX, $21 for -grade X1, and $241 in grade X111. • The estimated cost of outfitting a boy with a sport' coat, slacks, shirt, Dr. Sherwood Fox Pre-puhlicafion- price - $3.60 REGULAR PRICE, $4.60 - Publication date is St BSCRIN ONS- NOW BEItiG TAKEN AT ENDERSON'S THE WEEKLY EDITOR - youth of the town fail .down and Cousider the editor! A child is worship. She picketh one- and. lo, born to the wife of a merchant in she picketh a lemon. But the the town. The physiciau getteth editor calleth him one_of our lu 'plunks. •The editor writeth a promising young' men angetteth stick and a half -and telleth the away with it.' And they send unto multitude that the Child tiptieth the editor a bid to .the wedding, the beam at nine pounds. Yes, he and behold the' bids are printed in liveth eveu as a centurion. And a far city. • --- the proud father giveth hitn. a Flowery and lung the wedding Cream. notice which `the editor printeth. Behold the young one groweth The minister getteth ten bucks. - rip and griaduateth. .Ind the editor The gruoru staudeth the editor o11' puttetli into his paper a `swell for a 12 months', subscription. notice. He elletlt. of the wisdom All flesh is grass- and in time of the youn uuu woman . u.. tt �..., toa � d ofe It he. € is gathered into the soil, exceeding. comeliness. Like, unto The minister getteth his bit.. The the- roses of Sharon is she and her etfitor priutettr a death notice, two tie. shoes. xks, unci underwear gown played up to beat the baud. columns of obituar3r three ,lodge And the dressmaker getteth lain notices, a, cubit of poetry, and a earsttl$:37it111 1R yeaas rs lotus: six -10 score and four .iron teen. And the card of thanks. And he fotgetteth $44, l7 20 editor gets u note • of thanks front to 'lead proof on• the head .and the years $73, .. 1 the .sweet girl graduate. darn thing, cometh .out, "Gone to And the daughter goeth on ;a her last roasting plai:e." • Edward P. Morgan spoke. to more journey. And the editor throwe(tr And all tl:it are - akin t(► the •than his own American countrymen hlriiself on the story of the fare- deceased junlpeth on the editor When he said: "Great nations are well party. It'runneth a eolunl't with exceeding great jumps. And not killed from without -they die solid. And the fair one remembered they pulleth out their hsuds and when they. refuse the' internal dis- hind from afar with a picture prase- c'aacelleth their- subs, and they eipline that rwill keep their position card that rosteth three for a clime, swing the huriamer until the third inviolate." - (Mb, 0 13ehold she returneth, and the and fourth treneration. ' 1 "SPACE S4VER" IRONER IRONS EVERYTHING IN THE BASKET iN EXCHANGE FOR YOUR OLD FASHIONED , ELECTRIC WASHER WHEN YOU BUY A NEW r� H1/RRY/ NORRYI 10 ONLY Automatic Washer COME IN OR PHONE TODAY Here's'Cancrdo's FIRST and on!, real( practical Automatic Washer. This is ►-hut you lt,;v• really It takes only HALF as r• . rr, t,;,t water os others - or less. A large 1145r ".01,' to*), it nal naeded it is MOVABLE -- rolls on caiters -- keep it where you please -- roll it 1n to west. It is the only fully automatic washer on taster. MASHES CLL.',NER BY FAR -- hod the world-famous Beatty "humor, ;sand" double-o:ticn oaitotor. "Top Flow" rinse empties dll dirty water ott1 through top, not down through clothes... HERE'S YOUR BIG CHANCE TO GET A COMPLETE LAUNDRY OUTFIT AT THE LOWEST COST EVER 5011 BEATTY WASHER SERVICE FRANK SKELTON, Prop. Hamilton St, Phone 89W SAVES IOU MOST SERVES TON EST