The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-09-04, Page 2P,G& TWO
Okibtritil 0§Igtt4-6tar
Published by. Sigttal-Star Publishing Ltd.
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51euther of Cauaiiiaii Weekly- Newspapers
Weekly ,Circutatiou over
• GEO. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher
Lilts wut
No matter what man may do by
A chaplain recent ly returned
. from Korea to the utoted states way Of insecticides ittel other de -
indicts the phrase "i•oolice action" "vs• Lit -'w Pests appear ow the old
to describe the fighting there. 'it °nes unututOty from
is war," he deelares. ••Serious, !"sons. The yearly loss to crops
costly, deadly . . . but inconclusive. 'and in "tlwr from the
ratages of insects is incalculable
And with all the weariness, the'
i" Ciro -Ater attcption should be give!'
heartbreak . . . that only -war
... tii the' protection and preservation
- oif those birds and other agencies
Discussing , this, 'The Boston ,..
••• that are man's allies iu keepite.
down the insect population. In the
Yes, it is war, all right. But
the chaplain does a itreat dis- meantime, swat that -Ely!
service to the grim, lonely, and
often bewildered men still -fight- ,
to charge that it is war without 'le" Federal electi-"u goiti4
a meaning, a nece.ssity, or a be "mighty different" from the last
purpose. Too many peop:e one.- Isn't every election different
have said that, and it is a •
Irma the- preceding .olie? In the
wonder they have not taken
last. sixty years, in fourteen ole, --
the heart out of the lighting
men whose heroic actions tions, seven have beton with
through the past two years have
said, "Thus far and no far-
ther," to Conunnuist aggression.
It is a 'war whose meaning
lies in. the fact that it is at
pollee action—that is, a war
fought in defence of law, on .be-
half of the civilized world,
,„ against the use of naked force
years, but in theisixty years we
to abrogate international' agree-
„1-„,tnents. Properly understood, ha y. had the navy issue, recipro-
the term "polite itetiou'• no od(y, twio war,: and their. various
way belittles the war or the .
issues, the constitutional question
'sacrifices it demands. Actually
it dignities them; it explains ''f tite debression sof the '30's,
them; it points -to the eventuat --and vvhat wits it we Were quarrel -
wiping out of all aggression by tonz about pmt? Thor,. is at_
the i•ollective enforcement or ways sone. new angle id political
world. law. tiiselissioh to make.- things interest -
Never perhaps was so mo-
mentous a war st';' poorly ex-
plained to those who were light-
ing it. Y'et ;ire i•lietored by
the. evidence that among the
troops in Korea there areanany,
of many nations, who see clear- mewls that college. curriculums At_
change of leader one or other of
the :big” parties; and iu nearly
all of the fourrteen the main issue's
have 1)enen 'quite .ditierent. Tariff
proteetion'si to he one of the
big issues in Federal elections; we
haven't heard utueh of it in receut
Do You Remember When...?
IrIIURSDAX, siler. 4th, I.86;11
Down Memory's
15 Years Ago
.1 large number of Italians left
town, mostly for Toronto.
'The ,dental parlors of Dr. .11aleoe
were removed to the rooms over the
Sovereigu Bank on the oPPosile
corner from the Bank of.Commerte.
The Depa rt inent of Ed twat ion
called for tenders for the supply
of flags for the rural schools of
Ontario, tije I,egislature having
voted 'an approprhition of $5,000.
(font ractor having_ cootie_.
let ed --rnifititet "'Wit t lie
ing. Mit "mighty NVi, Moved away his working- inateria!,
wonder. now, what it taking' 1 20 men to work 4,11 :Ma her
part *of the line.
first, of Richard Parsolis' dwellings
*in 1Vellingtott street. Mr. Parsons
ly that in holding this ioile..seg-. tile 105411 bY .1,11 !I.& 1!..1r Viotoria School (411 the TIlt,S1lay
UllIde .1 series •if lectures on liquor.. w;" h'"IPilig
. ; houses for rents that Were within afterbioin of 1)1i1 dionle 1Veek. :iti
1 r""""1", "Lit "1' "kit 5""1141 •1'," Tile releit of the majority of the interestina address was given li'; Ile made a good selling talk and per -11'111., British Columbia four-
:iggression they :titre enabling'
the freto world to -:trengthen its to reveal to students Otto perils' *if ineolianics„ ' .1. Alex Mono or 1 ma wa, w to, had his prospect seemed vei•y receptive fifths of iinto per cent anti Eastern
moral ;Ind pbysieill defences all alcohol, iir perhaps to instruct them 25 N'ears Ago 1,,(91 tiskcd to speiik f*or the., old until the eiinelusion of the inter-, Canada two per cent. 1 -lien there
along this line. l'. ( . Lee started wiirk on his boys of ViOtoria. view when .t he business. man just is t he odd *Hie who leas gone to
in the use of liquors with the least ' .
new - coal sheds behiml his tt,ori- • A pigeon owned lov J. 1.:.•.1111tch ;1sked onto question that NVilii 1111- distant fields, such as one ta,) ttie las many -workers needing employ -
This is something to loe said *over possible. harm, the advice ntay be „
house at the &wk. won the 111)ront4)-Godericli .1light a 11SWer;i'ble. -Young man," he 1 1 >unlink -an Iteptdolic, one to Clas- I meld.
seriously questioned A Stlillt.111 Chief Postlethwitite was busy WI1011 thohsa 1111S of pigeons front said, aif you're So darn smart at gow, Stott:and; *into to Inibilte ire- it has 111%%'ays item! the Kaiak,.
with ;lay sense at all kuows Whit enfiircing the new one -Way trithe till over the province tvere released telling me how 10 run my business, land, and one to 1,011410a, Etot-taati." of industrY to) set up a fund for
iolaw, on the soar,. depreciation. to look after at least
at the Canadian National Exhilif- why haven•t vou a lousiness of your It will be noted that practically
liquor does. and (boos not reilldre
(Ole 11 1111rter of all the removals part of this obligation. Ittit gov- .
a eollege conrse to lw able to recog- stk./awn Tnaon.oni, farnnir. ant and good visibility, Ono bird made the ,
were to the aavi4'largto cities *of Tor_ ernment has ' decreed that the
nize the harm it is capable of doing. piled five eords of wisiii fr*iiii t‘v, 1 20-itille trip in three hours :wit six 91,11,E pitEn()NIINANT 1ANGL:AGE oot„ ..itod 1),(1.0it; Otis it, tidditt,,11 amount of dePreciation should re-
Met.lietil. noon kitietv ;ill :doom- it , large elni trees which wori• broken itlifilltt.s. (Col li11:4'11 1)041 1.:111t.1-prise-litillutint to those Who SN't,111_ to •,,tio.r citi,. friti,,,iithrivith,iieli‘:‘Ar(1,gilekl tt111(o)tuglitmytheild;ititflla •
and it does not prevent sOnie of I 1. L. :\looncken; in his The AM- The iiiinibtor \vim migrated to the
inucli„ Industry has tried „to offset
them from Iii•ing; victims. It is ai' BOOK REVIEW , erican Language, undertook to dis- two toig eities alone was almost
i this. Owners who received as
voter . , . what number t41- people equal to the nunibtor who loom.
ma 1 ter where own mon sense a no dividends in 1929 5.6 percent of the
will puw,./. count f,o- more I ha n national. Invome. in 1951 receivtal
scient ific . knoWtedge. Stiolosit Story of Bruce Peninsula Conibines 3.9 per cent. Starve them further
and ownership tvould cease. to be
fellows to try out the, professor's Human Interest With Natural Beauty
.. . :it -tractive. 'I'Itto remaining hope
curiosity. might, inileist, lead yining
' wits to relain more profits in taw
inst ruction for 1 lone:elves whet io 1 the 4vorld's radio stations. Nlencken
business. aProlits so retained which
Iluts seldom shown' any love for the
have gone from :1.811 per. cant of
down during a Willdst01111.
liastiugs, Oakville golf
club professional anti for' twO years
professional at the Ithiewater club,
set a new rourse record at the
(mkt We links, registering' a 33,
four 'strokes below par. .„
15 Years Ago •
Three ships arrived at the harbor
Within t'our hours, tlie Alpena 55 it 11
void, tlie 1)onovan with wheat for
the mill and the l'atiadot• to lay LIII
pleie in the county,' which was
thought to lie a record and it NN:IS
reported that elle farmer in. Ilay
Township ‘5%115 SoN(111g his fit;1.
Every town bas .a sprinkling of
those fellows who stand about on
the streets aud ridicule the folks
who are doing thiugs aud draw
aittention to mistakes, and Bowman-
ville is ao exception to these use-
less arm t•hair critics, says the
Itowmativille Canadian Statesman.
No names need be mentioned here,
for you know them.
But the fellow who is practically
useless au tlit community is that
chap wIlio criticizes only and- never
dues anything to) advance Ids day
or genera t ion. Usually, if you., will
examine thait individual and . ids
past record of life you will find
his accomplishments have been
negligible and.? often his private
life unsuccessful. lot is an old but
true saying that "the man who
:Toronto.) Toronto was set. apart
never does., anything never tuakes
group 1-oy since lnore already passed it.
a mistake." History proves that
Gmlerich peeple are now
the great of the _paAt whoi made
hvorg lit 'Toronto than in any other needs, Finance Niinister Abbott es-
litulgaing for the c.urrent year's
great accomplishments, alsol made
centre anywhere. frk,s mak, up a thin -tied that he woyld have a stir-
/tristakeis -It is well- Ilia+ in later plus of $9,000,000. At the enti• of
years ,we remember and glorify total of 10 -inor cent. INext -city in the first quarter, the surplus was
thtoir great deeds which led to their line to elaitu former .1 1oderielt resi-
greatness and- fiirgtot *their failuies. 44'10,, is" Detroit,
No doubt you have heard the Siao per, .o.t•eeit1.1...,i'lalthtt.o,Ti 1,,o)tiiii,1
it means the loss of' the inventive
story before, but it will bear repeat, other Uni sz
lug. An expert in business analysis 10 per vent. Third city in line to -to work, to progress and to sav0.•
4,1.1,4 endeavoring 10 attract Coderich residents 'appears lie loecomes a poorer citizen and a
!:(1•11(1.1 lettitsivisences to a hard-boiled to be 1-011dbIli Ontario. with eight poorer customer. In industry it is
and Ind- business man. per cent. Western Canada' has still noire serious. It makes int -
Letter, to the Editor
Untortuitately I omit' loot attend
the Old ilouie AVeek this year. but 1
.sure enjoyed restdiug about It
the 4)1d Home Week issue of tint -
Signal -Star, so moth sp that I
would- like to subseribe to your
1 'was born itri;oitierich 1,493
at 19 Wolfe Street,' My fathar,
Thomas NIatoIsoan. was a salt well
driller for his Made. Peter Niat:
Mwan. We left Gmt:eriell in .1992
but fattier' retnrued in 191 1 told
worked tit the organ factory till
1 916, then he returned to lititerkip
where he passed on, iu 1931, My
mother was :1 daughter of Arvid
bald Sands. a pioneer surveyor of
Iturou County and his farm was
straight across the river from the
station. I attended Salt -
ford sehool anti the teacher was
1‘'oods. Also attending were cous-
ins. Edna Nlael•lwan Forbes. Jean
NICArten and Olive Cioldthotaw.
also attended Ventral school a short
I was baptized in Knox church
and hope to „get up for the dedica-
tion serviee of the new building.
Yours truly.
Colin A. MacLean,
377 Ihnulas St.,
Wood.stoek, Ont.
(The Toronto .Star)
The pretty town of Coderieh had
an Old Home Week. recently, and the
ar-Wood Heating Units
Sold and Installed
- BY
Phone 235
By Joseph Lister Rutledge, is where taxation
begins' to undermine the fortunes
of a country. That point is reached
when it saps the reServes that
should go into savings, eventually
to be used for the maintenance, im-
provement and development of in-
dustry and other resources. of n
country. llowever aUtuirable the
uses to which the money resulting
from such taxation is put, the fact
remains that R. meting hardship for
existing workers and' stark tragedy
for new. citizens for- whom there
art, no jobs.
It is easy to say. that expansion
Signal -Star has tototot examining the results from popular demand for
find where people from a town
visitors' register all effort to Isonie commodity or servit:e., There
usually KO when they move away. 'there is no growing industry. The
may be such demand in China, but
reason is that eoustructive.demand
Some 1,000 -people who have left requires' that - there :must • toe the
few years were tate :basis of the
Goderich over Porioti of quite a money to satisfy it. There must
Signail-Star s researoh. And this is be production that can loe expanded
what it found: to meet increasing demands. -Nei-
ther 'Of these conditions can be if
violet —haie• moved to Other towns taxation takes .from, the consumer
"One group -261A! per, vent to be
niid villages in' Ontario. Twenty_ his ability to buy or from indus-
try its eapacity to 'produce and ex-
eititos l/ntario (not ineluding is destructive, and we are very
pand. Taxation that lhnits growth
two per cent have moved to vatiou.s
close to- that point if we have not
NN'ItatiA4 the result of such exces-
sive taxation? NVitli the indivitheil
possible tlie proper tnaintenanee
and develoinnent to assure present,
employment and .to pro.vide for a
future where we can envision twiee
and over again. The. people...of' the
no doubt, thought it would
ter of a few months oni,.•
to clear' aio the situation in Korea.
Did toot t;eneral NPArthur promise
• two years iigo• that the boys would
be ktck hoonity 1)y Christmas? They
.art_. there yet, and some of them are
in heroes' graves_ iind will never
• lie baek. Rut, if Ited designs, in
Asia and elsewhere have any mean-
ing at nll to the twople of this
continent. is it riot better that
th4ise designs Is, met and
defeated in Korea titan that there
the. alteruative,. o. thirol
world war?
What woIllol tit, history of
mankind if e‘ery effort to stop ag-
fighters fur, freedoin because, the
tight had not been oh ill two
yea rs
The tovvu Aliteliell is planning
to have.. artificial leo. This will
just abOut coniftlete the ring of
facility for winter sports.
Meat Prices Stable for
Year."—Nevvspaper headline. • We
don't just like the horsy flavor *of
that prediction, but here in t'atiada,
of conrse, we shalt have plenty of
beef 'and pork.
.1 mild comPlaint from the editor
of The Listowel Itanner: "We sus-
pect now, more timil e(er, that
Lake (limn peri•It pipit sentinelS
and .leave for the centre of the
Luke when our steps echo on the
shows a ghastly toll of livtos from
week -enol traffic in Canada.
And yet some people are still urg-
ing that Parliament forth r
week -ends of. slaughter by hating
all holidays observed ,iti
Two hundreil scientists from
tWelve countries are meeting in
•Gtormany, we are told,ito pool their
Sans for interplanetary travel and
"talked hopefully of realizing this
dream of man within the lifetime
of this generation." l'hey needn't
burry ---1110S1 1114 are in no great
rush to leave this world.
Britannia Rd.
Progressive Conservatives of the
newlylornied Federal riding of
Huron' 'will meet at Clinton au
51tanday evening next to select
their oandidate for the next ;:elec-
Hon to the 'House of Commons. 11
is reported that Elston Cardiff,
sitting meuiber for North Huron,
and Elgin :McKinley, the unsuccess-
ful Pt'. candidate in Iluron4Perth
tit the last election, Will ptit their
elainis before the convention. Mc-
Kinley made a strong run against
Andy McLean in 1.149 and wants
another chance., Cardiff is now in
his third term at Ottawa.
used the various languaga-s. Ills! new home,: in all Ontario towns
findings are that three-fourths of and villages. It is an old story,
the worlit's mail is written in Eng- this drift .to the centres of popula-
lish, that half the world's news- titan; for notny it is an old sad
Pal)ers use it and three-liftlis of story. Dreams do not always come
true. Loss maw offset gain. It
would be a splendid developutent
if. more 4,r the ,00nt ry's young
people (solid lie retained in „the
towns anti villages where' they wets.
born. It. would lw good thing
fot• Ontario if more industries were
establishedsin tine towns like Caste-
l -telt instead af being tionctontrated
in lot:ice's which already have too
many peotolio.
The Signal -Star as to be eongrat-
ulated upon its enterprise in gettitiva
at the fnets baek of migration froni
the smaller centres. It is trios that
'they simply 'confirm whst has al-
ready been believed, hut they do so
in a convincing way, :Ind remove
the' subject from the realm of von-
jecture into the realm of fact. •
Incidentalky, it, may be opportune
to point 0111 0114'e more to outsiders
olio say- unkind things- about Tor•
onto, that the city is to some extent
a composite pieture- of the pro,v hire's
smaller places from which many of
its people or their parents came.
These, have played a substantiol
part itt its government and business.
1)r. W. Sherivomi Fox, former
1 president of the University of the national' Production in the late
tnought,tii liquor.„, Any liquor .911.- 1Vestern Ontario and .a
let • presents' tesson it ,iqr. tht rich summer resident. reeentty
when a boy ,is 'enough to go
t Ohl that two and two make four.
It is more than a mere factual linotish, so he probably -appreciated
oil -molt. of tlte Bruce,
there r astonishing _facts it
aitliottgli the ironv Of the fact tha t the rise
befits a work of this sort, but it
also is absorbing reading.
.tiataine who knows the country
%%ill be loathe to put the volume
down until it is finished.
olio have no aequaintance with that
The death of Henri I :ultra ssa
Nlotitteal .)11 last W,111
hardly be news to tilany of the
present generation, lout the name
was iii many political .olimaissions
in the early part of th0 oVIlthry.
11ehri, ;is a young man
was elected to the Mouse of Com-
mons from -a, Quetwe riding as
supporter of Wilfrid Laurier, but
.when Laurier had t'ainatlian troops
sent to Smith Africa to assist Bri-
tain in the struggle with the Itoers
Itottrassa veloomently Protested and
the separation'', from his erstwhile
leader waS 1141 pernianen;.
In the election of 191 1, when reci-
,procity was the iASIle in the rest o
Quebee against "ItritIsh imperial-
ism" as represented by •Sir
polieies, and -between the two
stoparatoo issues Laurier was 'de-
feated. For years Itourassa eon -
tamed to be a thorn in the flesh
to the Liberals of Quebec, but his
influence waned And with advanc-
Ift, (lied iit the age of SA, 1 10 was
ionn of recognized (lilt ure arid
nuol W:1,4 the' founder of it
daily newspaper. Le Devioir. which
still has much of the Itourassa
A newspaper dispatch from Ot-
tawa- tells of a British generni
visiting the capital who expressed
admiration of, Canada's ability to
meet her military obligations by
voluntary recruiting. "The volun-
teer," he said, "is a considerably
better man than ri conseript to have
in uniform, heeling& he's 'doing
something he wants to do."
It has' been said by scientists
that if ever man is driven from
(Saturday Nightl•
Tests *011(111(1M in Maryland
have olemouicdrated that, heavy
trocks are the main olesroyers of
higliwat s and that as the load in-
creases the . amount or damage
multiplies. In .not Ilhe Province in
Canada are lieense .fees charged
trucks realistic ; in not One Pro-
vince do they make up for the
dannige the 'Maryland tests have
shown they (19.
Trucks have become the main
competitors of railwiTys and as long
ast thio do not pay their fair share
of highway costs the Provinces
are actually bonusing .trucking.
Provincial taxpayers are 'paying
Money to create a situation which
as Dominion taxpayers they pay
for in railway deficits.
Trucking Is here to stay but the
Provinces; should see that It stands
on, its 'own feet.
completed writing a semi -fic-
tional story of the Bruce'
, Peninsula entitled "The Bruce
Reekons." Donald E. ('ainpbell,
Victoria street, mire a news-
,paperman with the Goderich
ostar„ bas been assisting Dr. part of the world will want to ,.oe use- spanish, the world's sec-
, Fo‘ in chrreeting. galley proofs it, and sum'. otid, language. Ittisiati and Ger-
of,the hook in time for publiea- !Inman Interest man are about even in a tie for
tion on,Ortober 1 5. Mr. ('amp- liere history, geography, cone third place. Japaiteise conies next,
bell here reeords for rreaders inercto and industry. botanY :ind atwortling to Nlenckett. Ile says
of the Signal -Star his Winces- getilogs, wraPPv(1 in a 'llaring of that Chinese and Hindi are broken
as. units.
of his own vountry has constituted
:is important a contribution to the
dominance of English. the world
over as has the development of
the Conotionwealith and Empire.
From fifth posithon at the time
of the 1„tatiadit, English has come
to be used by* double the number
sions of this latest work of
the noted educationist and
(By Donald E. Campbell)
lti writing "The Bruce Beekons,
Dr. 11'. Sherwood Fox' hits achieved
far more than the fultillineut of an
ambition of many yetirs' standing.
Ile has made the Bruce "beckon" in
litunan interest. supplied by the
tough. tiod-fearing----but
soniet Mies baykstiding- -people them-
selves. It contains hearty laughs
Ind some "skulduggery," enough to
warm its drama.
It is one of those books on
wort 11 W 11 le subject- of which so
inainy have so often said
very truth. It has been tny priv- should all be put in a book by
ilege to look over the proofs of the someone."
Well. here it is. all in a book --
not too long a book either ----but
line written by tile right man to
make it aceeptable as authoritative.
It might be described as a refer-
ence work whieh has the. additional
virtue *of being :Absorbingly read -
work and I ant going bauk to revisit
- Although my acqnsintaneto with
the peninsula is of long standing,
It WaS only after reading —roe
Itruce Itecktons" that I began to ap-
preciate its charm, its intriguing
history, its unusual physical eliara
acteristics, its astonishing ,flora and
the warm hintianness of its people.
Scholarly Viewpoint -
'1)r. Fox has written front ill,
point- of , view of a scholar, pile
who has had a life-long acquaint -
afire With his S1111,11.11 :I 1111 a genuine
love for this really .remarkaltle.
corner of our ioountry. 'And when
iin author loves his subject he us-
ually turns out an interesting book,
which is exavtly what this is.
All the confusion and resentment
AbOVe 4iverage -tonnage or good.
harvested last week.. In a . like
inanner. exceptional yields of alf-
alfa seed are being 'reported. Tlte
stringless bean crop is 114)%1' har-
vested •with ,yields Itf up to four
tons of boons litirvested_to the acre.
Despite smut. and corn t-oir worm,
there has been fair yields of sweet
corn. Warm, sunny weather,
etoupled with ample _moisture should
make for above average crop' of
white beans, soybeans,. silage and
grain vont). Turnips -and sugar
beets will be sligh.tly below aver-
.1ccording to at reeent announce- The weehlY Practice shoot last
hands and Forests and published In 'Wednesday brought many weil-
ment • made by the Department of
the Signal -Slur, In which the open known snipers front all over (in -
seasons for deer in vaidous parts in Hie
tario who had previously eompeted
of Ontario tvere given, there is no shoots, sponsored loy the laoderich
provision for either count,v or town- Ittbi KlitItett Gun (.1"ns•
of Lake Simcino. The team led by Bill Ky,le, Kio-
ship seasons in any, eounties west
• pen, won by a narrow margin of
27 birds -, in the over-all scoros,
in order to thin out the deer popula-
. a git inst the tea In led 1)- Ashley
eaused by the depreviated U.S. dor
lar is unntwessary, """inent"he were numerous retiort; of (jeer (hint- prOVided 41 supper for all , coin-
lo'inancial Post. ,,
aging Orfila rds, 1,,,,wsing form Petitors, Which wilS held litst I'Ved-
AVben the shoe was on the other
crops and the valuable hardwoot. nesday evening iit the British Ex-
fo4t DO thinking Canadian expected
et (-veto our dollars a t pa r. Most
of small pines oi new t)limtatiot s.
hall eaten MAUI Ste14,3 Sli"t•
; mode lty 11111 laimby with li perfect
High !score of the evening W;ISi
10 !MVP Atiterlean,liptels, or stores (11,44,,, they
VifIli1ditill Visttors to the 1*.S., as a They (.entin,,,, 1,, ,.,,,,,..,, ninny a," 25, closely followed by (It:tries
matter of course, had Whir Motley
changed into E.S. curreney I f i.
-"-'-')-.-‘ has a record of most 'of the hig11- scores were: Tom iSherritt. Kippen,
Parklson, Tootioloon, with 2-1. other
t hey crossed the border. It's a
23-22; John Anderson, litonsall,
pity that our Anieriean visitors
20-23-2'2: .1shley Gilbert, 22; 11111
\tomb! not adopt the same praetice. Kyle, Kippen, '22; Bedley Proust.,
VVItere they don't and Insist on
using their own currency here, w
--." i of the Legislature agreed with the 22;, Lloyd Venner. Kipper), 22-21 ;
jack Gilbert. 21 ; Charles Parklison,
should not hesitate to discount it 21 ; IL Green, Exeter, 21 : Itill
Lumby. 20; P. Veinier, Kippen, 19;
11111 Conner, Minton, 19; 11111 'Beek,
17; Charles Proviso 1(.1;, I hive Wita
14011, 15; IT. Mathews, Exeter. 1 5.
aecidents as the toonservntion
'offieers send in reports of all deier
picked up after aecitients..
The Fish and (lottle Cotnmittee
ond we should tell thent this:
"ft, may hate the F141 111P tonne but
our dollar Is not the 1111 1114. am your
dollar. For a long time you took
10 vents off toteh of our dollars be-
fore you even started to do business
with us. Times have changed. You
and a lot of other people have been
buying into Canada, have been in-
vesting In our 011 wells, -our mines,
our industries. That Investment
has made our dollars scarcer, more
valuable. It iii' the old law 9f
supply and demand."
reeommendation for an open SPIIStal
hut recommended that the ettlintY
eouncils in the Huron district, with
the exception of Grey, Oxford and
Wove, voted against .fin open sOa-
son. Therefore, the department. de-
eeded to the wiltthes Of the major(ty
of the eiiiincils. •
Since ailning first started in Elle
Stitlinir.% district of Northern (in-
tario, 11 mines have profit; RA
33,4,009,004,000 poundS of nickel ore,
" Impressed with "so much green
grass and so 'many beautiful parks"
Mrs, P. ,Nlason of St. 'Catharines
cowhide(' that "Goderieh must he
very wealthy." She was a Visitor
in Goderich recently and called at
the Tourist Information Booth.
twentios„to 4,2-7. per cent 20- years,
later, were still unequal to the
task of providing for the preioont
and'the future.
The easy answer is to say, "Save
more." That would,,,be the :titswer
too. but there isn't any more to.
save because governitlent 11:1,4 1:11:011
it. The S3a per cent•of profits that
government sectopted as a reason-
able tax in the late twenties lias
grown 10 about 52 per cent 'of all
profits. an 1952. The extra savings
needed to provide for an expanding
future have been taxed out of. eX-
istence. That is what, we mean by
ruinous taxation.
(Winnipeg Free Press) .
Why are we fighting in' Korea?
MrS.- Roosevelt answered this
don briefly and to the point the
other day. think," said Mrs.
Roosevelt, `that the answer WaS,
best summy up by an American
Ideal for small homes. Takes
no room space at all. Engi.
neered to fit right in the floor
and pour Vans of warm, com,
-fortable air all through your
house. Burns loW cost fuel
oil. Fully automatic. Installs:.
tion made in hours, not days&
. Terms, if desired,
lout it.does see111 too had that more upon returning to his home in fROOilcr.. CO
On demonstration at
-The eltry is glad to weleome them, flying ace, Maj. James Johan), who
of them could not have found em- Wichita, Kans., in an interview %vas ,
ployment at hcone. Goderieli would asked vvhat his feelings were while
jnst distribution Of industries had said, 'I was in Korea so I would
given' Cloderich an adeqiiate share not have to fight on Main street in Huron Road
lite inson al°
have lost ifewer pen.,le it', a more fighting' in Korea. Major jabara
Phone 498R 4
every hour of every day
the telephone in your home
stands. ready to serve you for
a fraction of a cent an hour.
What else' in your daily
living means so much
yet costs so little?