The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-08-28, Page 3• r• • '185t11 Year—No. 34 BUSINESS DIRECTOicit CIYA,R1'I BED ACCOUNTANT Licensed Municipal -Auditor Telephone 343 A.Al. HARPER, ' CllAILTlllWD ACCOUNTANT G;► South St. ' Goderiula„ Out. vammatirammmirsmomprif ChllIWI'RACTIC f E1th1 ItT 11. SUCH, D.C. 'Doctor of Chiropractic. Unice flours; Muu., 'Thurs --t) a.m. to 6 pan." Tues., Fri --9 a.m. to t p.m. 7 p.m. to b p.m. Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.39 a.m. v rtaw►u Therapy Unice:• --Corner of South St. and liiritunuia Itoad. Phone 341. Western Ontario Motorways SUMMER BUS TIME TABLES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. Phone 344 for details. Charter Coaches for all occasions. or information phone Samis Motors 'at 344, particularly for dthedule changes on holidays. Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant P.O. Box 58.- Phone 587 Goderich;. Ontario NOW LOCATED IN BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING ON THE SQUARE H. M. FORD. Get Insured Stay Insured -- Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor Car 'Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST -STREET PHONE 230 =GODERICH A. L. COLE Optometrist --Optician Eyes Examined, '.Glasses Fitted Phone 33 ,Goderieh, Ont. - Of. oberttij ana GODER1CH, ONTAR1O, THURSDAY, AUGUST 280, 1952 FURT,HE i. &C'HOLAR•SHIPS' 'OneChar e UnderC.T.A. Dismissed; AWARDED AT COLLEGIATE g Judgment is Reserved on Another Principal A. it. Scott of the Gode- rich District Collegiate institute has announced .that, additional scholarships have been awarded to Collegiate students on the basis of the work of .the 1951-52'term. The Maple ;: Leaf Chapter, . D.E., $199 bursary for furthering education beyond grade 13 goes to ,loan Killough, daughter of Mrs. Edna, 'Gowan, Cambridge street. The Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.IIEE., $100 scholarship for Normal School has been won by erunces Brereton, Quebec ,street. Both these students plan to attend Normal School this autumn. The I)ouald . Fraser and family scholarships of $75 each,• have been awarded to Patricia Longmire, Goderich 'Iauwnship, and Ruth Willis, South street. These scholar- ships are intended to assist students continuing their studies at the Col. leglate and the two winners will enter grade 1;2 this autumn. COOK'S HAMBURGS After the Dance or Show DROP IN FOR A SNACK Open Late Every Night Except Monday.. Corner of Britannia and Widder. Take Out Orders Given Special Attention PHONE 221 25tf ALBERT SHORE Public Accountant Income Uxr, Consultant Income Tax Returns prepared for businesses, farmers and individuals. Financial state- ments r prepared. -Auditing, Bookkeeping and Aceounting Service. Office corner North andSquare. Residence, St. �. S. , u 14 Victoria St., Goderich. Phones: Office 975. Residence 441. ADDRESS P.O. BOX 797, GODERICH. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. sw(rcd. Imm slate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 4641.1, Clinton. Charge moderate al:d satisfac- tion Guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone. 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Goderich Phone 144 C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w -F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST :Phone ' 1100 for appointment• SQUARE •GODERICH IA.RD 171811:mummomillialilD. ickwork andringplastering `.hastitutek ,and Victoria Of, two charges under the Camilla Rutherford corroborated the tesli- nlony'of the two constables. Nes Evidence Mr: Donnelly argued that there was no evidence to conueet the act - rimed with the alleged offence, roue of •his having ally connection with of keeping intoxicating liquor for the tient and no evidence . of ,lay sale:. side \vas (lisIuissed last Thursday i Crown Attorney 11. (;leuu /Hay;+; by Magistrate D. 1.4.. Holmes, Q.C, i (,t.C., said that, according to' sec - who reserved judgment uu a second ; tion 141 of the Canada 'Temperance charge of bringing intoxicating Act., it was unnecessary to show liquor into Huron County for other I that any money was exchanged Its than his own use, within three + proof of a sale having taken place. months prior to July. 23. i "Tete accused said 11e kept the Coustahle Trunahley of the- On -1 beer for his employees but there turbo Provincial Police gave evi- I is no ev`ideuee from the defense deuce that he had kept under ob- that the two Goderich men were servation the premises -where Wil- !employed there and certainly not limns and his wife operate a ; the two sailors," Mr. flays cote laundry and had seen traffic v15it tended. -. there.' late at night. On July 19 "Apparently the raid was made he executed a seurcit warrant ou . at an unfortunate time" said the the premises In conipauy with Cur- magistrate in dismissing the charge. poral Rutherford and Constable 1 -The accusal was not there 0101 Parkinson. ' there is no evidence. that the beer Drinking Beer - Before entering the door of the Nissen hut in which the laundry was located, he saw John Spain, jr., and Henry Daer seated inside and,- three others outside, all drink- ing beer, Truulloley .,cid. '1':le building Was in two sections w•IIh suite furniture and two coolers :n •the front part. Where Spain and Doer were seated. Fifty-one pints of loom were discovered in the coolers and in ,a (*,tie under the table, he said. 'l'en minutes after - the arr-iVal of the police, the 00etts0(1 entered. 'i'runabley said, and told hien that be kept the beer on the premises for health' reaHons, that it w'as hot, working in the laundry. The constable added that as he arrived at •the premises he saw tw'o sten run out the back door and) disap- pear into an orchard. ('Toss -questioned by defense coun- sel F rank Donnelly, ,Q.C., Trunibley said that he had searched the title to the property in the county reg- iStry (rfliee and found that it w;Is registered, in the name of Beatrice 11-'illi:uus ahs that the accused war; '1'einperttnee Act laid against Charles Williams, joint operator with his wife of C. and B. Enter- prises in Goderich Township tua- mediatelya south of the tbwu, that not ,shown .as having 4Il14' interest was sold and not just given to the 111('11. 1 am not going to convict I u man on 0 ba -re suspieiou. 'There utast be some concrete evidence." •Second Clutrge Magistrate Holmes dismissed .11r. 1)onnelly's plea of res judicata tip the second charge of bringing liquor o ► in f 1 (other than personal and fa,l - ily Use. Counsel said that the ac- cused ought not to Is placed I:1 jeopardy - by being tried for a ' (lif- ferent offense on the scale set of facts. -- "1 r:ul't :Free \lith yon." t he magistrate told hint. •'1\'e have the Bathe set (►f facts but the offence is1s at differet(t one and 1B not in, eluded 111 the otrier one." \Villiuuts then pleaded not guilty and Mr. • Donnelly' said 1►e would rely on the tact that \\'illian0s Was Four Winners 9f Lions Bin o Car The four winners of the. 1952 Plymouth sedan at. the 'lions Olub bingo at the arena Thursday .ntgh't last are seen standing be- tween 14ion Nelson Hill, chairman of the Lions bingo com- mittee, at left, and Lion ((irdon M Manta., president .o_ f the Lions e' ub at right,. ` From- left to right the winners are: Mrs.. Jack Kesso, Listowel; Mrs. Stan. Beckni'r, Stratford ; Mrs. '1' itt \1(' 04'he, Owen Sound; Carl Palmer, i itgerisol 1. One of • PAGE TIITRI POLICE COURT Former Constable Pleads Not. Guilty to- Driving Charge William S. Miner, who r(rslgue+f front the (;oderieii detachlhent of the Ontario. Provincial Police after being susnendc'd as u result of an accident in the early morning of August 15 which resulted in De- twevn $700 and $1,000 damage to a police cruiser, pleaded not guilty - to a charge of careless driving when he appeared before Magistrate 1). E. llohnes, Q.('., last 'Thursday. No evidence was taken and the case was adjourned until this, Thursday, morning. Mrs. donna Duncan, who resides near Atwood,' was tined $20 and costs with an alternative of 10 days in jail when she pleaded guilty to a charge of careless driving. Accident at Ambeely Crown- Attorney 1I. Glenn flays, Q.(,'., said tha t Mrs. Obsess was 1►roceeding west 4,1 N h(; 11 h ' but failed to stop at the Atuberly intersection stop sign, and bit a ear going north broadside. Person- al injuries were nut eXeeSsive, he said. Mrs. Duncan said she failed to se(' the stop sign. Murray Lovett, Clinton, was tined $'_il and costs with an alternative of two weeks 1(1 jail when he the winners, Mrs: hev, o, bought the ea0 and paid the other1►leaded guilty to a (halve of defy Inl, while his 1,4.41 permit was under winners their interest in it• Mrs. Mehoche has been a winner suspension. The (Town attorney iai previous. Liotts.hingos at Goderich and recently' won a $50O said that no ae(gate1rt was involved jackl)c)'t at Clinton i1i,so. A 1952 Meteor t lior and also $950 in cash prizes will go t � I at the next Lions bingo on T rrsday, September 4. but that police knew .I..ovett's license ltat(1 been suspended. Joseph Flynn was sentenced to three months in jaail for eontutitting al ll itlde(eilt alit. after having ---Phlot° by 1lendei on. !pleaded Agility 441 an earlier hear - ma at home at the time of the raid. �y j 'I'IIEa' RF:1E\ilil':R ' 1'11('14(' 1111'.[4 might- haws w':Illi(41 C....4.�..�,.� Suspended on Houser � (� Housekeeper i1 and .helped .tnenlselVes 141 I4• beer," he' argued. -.Moreover. the Charge Against Husband Dismissed 'f the Gillis I_ tai-. �„f premises belong to the ttlutll('t in ► ► tiler(: are noue, left) says "My ma - law,” ternal grandfather. Seeker Iirou,.h, 'GODERICH AIR CADET . •mf \ tires. Audrey Clark was-gi\411 :and said that :kir,. 4'la(rk 11ad•:a ets\'0. 11 oil tint( the (unity Judge' slislol'nded s(1te1(:e for six mouths lof key( to the 141 11 4, 111' dome's of : e (141 11 4ron Coiner 01)0 1 f have often h .til, city Mother speak of the town when site was co1vieted of theft "]fish he kept pa(lloeked. and .sutrrounding country." of se • Theodore 1lowey. Lucknow, gale \•('rul � articles front .lobo GRADUATES AT TRENTON in it. 110 said that' as fair ars tie corporal Frank Venn. 117 (,►ue- knew the laundry was carried 'Oki' as•a joint enterprise. bee slr(yo't, :a Ice 111(01' of No. '4 Constable 1'a�hinsott said that be 11aitluiul Squadron of the Royal had discovered two teen sitting mu- Canadiatn .lir Cadets vvats one of side ibe hnildin • drinking t r, h('er sold ,1ti air Cadets, representing (.\•cry (obis Drat that they were t( two province in ('aua0lu, who took ,Eoal't sailors, from s4a4elier. Ontario, Lyle lust 'Thursday in grit4111 4tion el'rl'- "tickie and 1'31W Ir(1 ('os'le, why noon ies 11111r'kiig the satisfact'ri•y were (on' the Algo$oo. Corporal completion of • seven weeks sp(''ia.- ized technicaal training at the ,[.t.(:. -_- Niimmommiammousimmor 'THE LAST OF Z'H.r; SEASON! Seaforth Bingo $2,100.00 Dash Prizes FRIDAY, SEPT. kith A.F. station, '1'renten, Phe course, an experimental 01.', tool as its primary ;aim the nllste:- ing • of b8(414 principles a 1141 oper- ation m1 .internal combustion (Il- gines. 1l0\sever, 1(4419s(• of their high aeudenlic gtullitiealtimlls, the let,vs. also received training in effec- tive -Speaking, service or•gallizati011, writing anal .lir 'II'e 1411". 1)i cos. dolls or ('(111.1:111 events ;lll(1 ehal'a0l('r guidance together w-itIi olg;luir.ed 11llysie(1 -tit1ytis and an '5 ('(1(4ive (J4(pi•ts prograllulc rounded out 11t syllabus. - '14he boys also received or *gratuity. ,of $100 with w'htch to enter into another yetr of serious 1o'hot l' ac t.lvtty. !INI1011111111111111.1111111.11m1.11.6- GODERICH PAVILION IRegular dancing Wednesday :and Saturday through( September. • I1CllZg Labor' Day Week enid Special Holida;�' Da SATURDAY and SUNDAY ?IIIDNITE -- NEIL McKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA Vocals by June and Johnny Monday night, Sept. 1, modern and old time dancing to Clarence Petrie's Nighthawks." ti GODERICH THEATRES. PRESENT title PARK °^ `"` "` CAPITAL "'"' Square The west PHONE 1150 Now—"Cave of Outlaws"—ln Technicolor -with Alexis Smith and MacDonald Carey. MON.-T11ES.—WED.— ' "LOVELY TO LOOK AT" 'Phis 'Tee•hnI0l)10r ittne-dilm Is the new version of "Rol(e'rfa". 11 ' lively lilting stage-nrnsieal ar,41 a story that will warm your heart. RIE) SKFI.TO`, itathryn Grayson, Howard Keel T1111'11.—FRI.—SAT.— Katharine H1'R--FRi.—SAT.— Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy and .tido. Ray 1'(•n'll ('4444 rettember then) in "Adam's iR.ib" 11111,V 41:4: 111('111 in the ny\r 1'0111/111ti(' r mielly that set the eritles ('liefring. "PAT AND MIKE" (taming—"The Story of Will Roger!," ---'with Will Rogers Jr. and .lane Wyman. — PHONE 47 Now—"Queen For .] I)It.)"—a popular radio !(hos' conies to the screen. MON.—Tl'F S.—WEiE— Mirkey It(►onry,,5.14141 .lames and John Archer 1n 'J'e(•hnicelor•. the musical story of an .`utcrtainer turned soldier and 4,f ►In army 1111(5e who cnobs bis shynnanigitt15 "SOUND OFF" 'TII1 TR. --FR "THE LOST CONTINENT 19 Adventure drama at its exciting bust, as a group of-s(•iettisJts investigate the result of 11 nli:'ctirr(I atone rocket. Cesar Romero, Hillary Brooks, ('hick ('handler (1oming--"Fahiola"—if alta:n made—with Michele Nlorj an and, Simon. Sproule, Hast street, by Magistra:e eviden(•e t11;11 4114 .I111y 2,) he had ; • D. E. hulloes, (1.('., lust Thursday. 1401ztgl)t :\Irs. Clark from his borne .1 similar charge atgainst her bus- to 1;4 1414-'114'11 :11141 they 111(41 (F0-- , 111111, .\heist '1 ('lark, was dismissed, covered Clark in idiot -((f 'Sproule's' Sproule ga we evidence 111:11, Mrs. h+utsc. lie .:f ill t hat ('lark had Clark had lived with 111111 (s his , brought several parcels a11(1 Ills wife's trunk from the house :111(1 placed thein in t110° car. They hal(1 taken the trunk le the railw•a\ station where they sent it i►y (5 - Urea to 14(11(lou and then he had ltotlseki'vp 'r since 1915. 4 In .1 a:y "(t, he said. she had gone (40_Visit friends ill 1,ucknovv awd he 11811 heard nothing further of her foul he recei\ed a letter from ,,,11('l' o1 .1n'gu5t a. driven thy couple to Landon. Ito id that oil July 29. he hire ('lark. giving Evidence in his (4411 returned from uptown to discover le'llalf. sa_i(1 that he 111141 rc(•r'iy0e'I 1 a radio, (111'111 clock, electric iron,letter (rotor his (rife risking hint to butcher 111111'4' and serving ;ray take her with hitt and he haul made missing, along with Mts. ('lark's alit';inge1lents for her deevinnlo(L•r- mss-( estlor145 n• ('1:41' , bort in 1.ondon. Ile cause 10 4;otle- t 1 l "n r r nl.. I 44111• 40as not repreSeI)ted by conn- rich to get- her and she told "hill set. Stormily admitted that he did' 14N all the :articles they 14:1(1 141ken stmt rice ('lark break into the nous''' bel4,1gcd to her. Nature never made, nor has man ,discovered a finer fuel. Lehigh Valley Anthracite —BE _WISE, FILL YOUR BIN NOW— Phone your order today and save money. Summer prices effective only to. Sept. 1. BUY NOW. SAULTS COAL CO. PHONE 75W EAST END NELSON ST. TRE . YARD OF SERVICE/ AND QUALITY. BINGO LEGION HALL Sat., Aug. 30 JACKPOT of $35.00 for full .house in 50 calls. -If not won on Saturday, value of jackpot and also number of calls will be raised each week until it is won. 17,GAMES $1.00.. $5.00 CAST PRIZE 4 SPECIALS -Share' the Wealth Doors open at 8.30 pan. 1st game starts*at 9.00x`�p.m. viiiiiiiiMi(immmisimmour "BEST BIT OF SOWING EVEN..." "Yes, son, I've just sowed a crop that will really bear fruit -- retirement assurance in the bun Life As(/trance Cornpany of Canada. And the mine policy provides Haat if anything hap- . pens to me while we still have a mortgage, the farm will be clear of debt for your motber•." • No farmer should be without thin protection --cull me today. • Representative of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Harold . W. Shore North St. Phone 766w. FORMER GODERICH GIRL . HONORED AS TEACHER Miss Mattie Ellis, of Iieusall, who taught at Hensall Public School from. 17)(5 to 14442, was honored hast week at the Ontario Federation of Women Feathers' - Association convention in Toronto with a 'life membership in that organization. JlisS Ellis, a Daatii'e of .Goderich, began her - teaching (neer in ('hatsworth in 11)01, She taught at S.S. 1. Tuckersulith. in 1902, and attended Normal Schott' in 1003-4. Miss Ellis also taught at Harrow- is'fore going to Hensel', Da you need A NEW FARMHOUSE? AN EXTRA ROOM? t',: A 6ARA6E? A NEIN ROOF? HOUSING FOR HIRED HANDS' - •- Perhaps FIL can supply a good art of the necessary rY funds. Talk over a Farm —. I Improvement Loan with your nearest B of M manager. ' 1 �:1 BANK OF MONTREAL .T, e441444J Page Slwf WORKING" WiTH CANADIANS IN 'MY BANK' a0 A Mg1/a! [40440 EVERY WALK OF LIFE SiNCE 1417 ... A D IAZ Poch aftetnoo1n and evening the carnival ,pirit 1of the 1952 /Western Fair reaches its peak, with the breathtaking spectacle of the Grandstand Show, fcaturinf eight thedling and diversified acts.1• In additfon, the evening • performance includes the dazzling Grandstand Follies, a gay musical revise' PRICES: $LOo•I$1.25 - $1.50 Mali Orders Accepted WMT! For 1ES,IVATKINS TO W1$110*. IAa ASSOCIATION 109400N. da. te NORSE SNOW i� coo e.....«► .+N+ 1.114 0.*..0. A.....♦ T..,d., 0*..0). .d •ww. '►r..d,p M... .r. 1 J r... ADVANCE SALE TICKETS Men 4.. OW b01►At. (,.+M.,, 4. pas* :polo 1. do .w h, polo. ..l. 4 W ..w $7,40000. SEPT. !t ATO 13 - LOhtD, N, ONT. (W. D. JACKSON, Mawagiler N4•NN Buy Advance Sale Tickets Frojn: W. H. Blackstone, A. McConnell and some independent grocers ttw