The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-21, Page 21THURSDAY, JULY 31st, 105(t THE GODERICH, SIGNAL -STAR QIdGIrls.& Boys Remember... when you were a youngster how mother used to sit in the parlour., hour by hour, patiently sewing Jo make clothes for you NO NEED FUR THAT. TODAY --- BECAUSE: The Major Store has plenty of clothing for the family: at prices that discourage makin them at home. Many of you have known this business under the ownershipof the _ late M. Robins, who served this community for 'many, manyears. YY The MAJOR STORE offers you quality men's and'- boys' wear at budget prices ---and forour convenience has added an . up-to-date Y p ac iesa For hotidayscwings, here aresome of the values available during Old Home Week! SUMMER DRESSES Cotton, Nylon, silk prints, Picolay. off OLD HOME WEEK SPACIAL! 1st quality NYJ3ON HOSE. 45 and 5i gauge 15 denier. Summer, shades. Reg. $1.39. 2 pair for $1.75 OLD HOME WEEK SPEC/AL! MEN'S SOCKS -=-Pure Nylon, pure botany wool, wool and rayon. Regularly sold at $1.98 and $2.50. $1.39 a pair. 2 pair $2.65 Dozens of other Dollar Saving Values through- out the store. The MAJOR STO er Goderich Lawyers of A colorful era in the history 'of the legal profession, of (,otieriuh was recently recalled !with the finding of a copy oi4 the Canadian -Law Lis of 1895 auuttt .1 some old record:; in one of the local law otliet . The book contained the. names of those then practicing law in lioderich as welll as the names of all the oourt officials holding (Ace. • Twelve Lawyers Here "There were no fewer thou twelve 1iiw)ers' located In Coderielt at that time." 'lite field of litigation. was thea a vast'one iv•itkozliterally hundreds of writs being issued each year. In 1951: 1 t all of Huron Vetter). only 31 writs were issued in the Supreme t'ourt. Court lluuse reveals show that, in 1695, 120 writs were issued in the Supreme Court alone with probably double that number issued iu the County t'uurt. The great atwitter of cases in the (.,uuut'w Court was too touch for one man, with the work,_ being • divided between Senior Judge 1. F. 'Toms and Junior Judge 11. L.' Doyle. In that sante year the Town of 1:oderich toasted three law firms or partnerships. Oue, of the lead- ing of these was the tirm of C;ltu- erou, Holt and Holmes, which -oc- eupity! the offices recently vacated by F.. H. Darrow, (1.(.;., next to the People's Store 011- the east side of the Square. The firm was headed by M. t'. Cameron,. Q.42.,• who is 11195 was • rounding out the final years of his law practice iu Gude- rich. in his prince Cameron \tris considered one of the most skilful coun lawyers ever to appear in a Huron County Court.'" 'However, Cameron's interests were not manned to the challenges of the rourt room and at the age of 34) he succeeded in slaving hint - 'self -elected as Lil►eral member to the House of Commons. He served as M;1' for 30 years, suffering only one election defeat ht that rime. tlle_lctist to a Mr. Patterson. then a cabinet minister in the Conserv- ative Government. l,'t►meron was also active in luunfcipai polities and was elected to four terms as Mayor of Goderich. liis brilliant legal and political career was rewarded in I898 when he s appointed •recall his work as Crown Attorney was able to follow even the most Governor of the \teaorth West Ter- ritories, are unanimous, in remembering iltuz cumplOX argument. However, in the loiter he was primarily interested in sec Butler had a quick temper which aplx► ntweut he was lto.t cotupletrl) ing justice done rather than in91i1•t- tit tittles bel•i1110 quite evident if happ and after serving two uloutlt " iug the full weight el the law he ,was coevincetf that a witness the frozen northland lie returned agrthist the ite•cusei1. or an accused was tying. A 5trik- to 414Id0ricit .11111 died shortly after- Daylight Saving Time ink example of this occurred in one wards • gra Lewis' sou, .••.\ed," practiced case where a sailor was charged :Although there are few livtt,tg w law iu Gudericl► at that satue time with stealing a shirt front :, local today, who t Ili recall the details in ow strives on 11FIutiltoff street merchant. of Cameron's cuu► t room nraneer. formerly 1x'c'npied by the 4'1►ihliens after reading the clubge Butler knowledge e uf, both uatiunal ':tad international issues. 11'tlllutu 1'roud(uut was the Sec- ond member of this lytta and tk".t.a 1.-uusidereit a• worthy rival to M. t'. t'uu►et'utt in his ability' aa, counsel its coot t cast's. While lte lucked the color of the sometimes llatubuy- unt Cameron, he nevertheless achieved a remarkable number of court victories by thorough prepar- ation of his cask's. Ile wts at one time Leader of tate Opposition iu the Ontario Legislature for " .he Liberals and Was later 'app.oiuttd •tt, the Senate. 1t. t', flays, 8r.;. was at that time earrying on itis into pra'ttice ali►nu its the offices on North Street now. occupied by William Sutherland. Ile ,Was a law stttdent under J. T. harrow• before the latter's appoint meat to the bench. lie later entered into a partnership With 11' lltuu► 1'roudfcot which lasted until 191.1. lu 1922 ire was joined by his son, ft. -t'. Hays, J r., In a t i his 'c lasted u rt 1 ' i► t\ht h yt d a Partnership death in 19:15. Mr. Hays Sr. was successful in building up one of the largest county practices in convey- ancing and estate work. Ile \was solicitor for many industrial bents i utunity alike that this was the as well as for the County of Huron.; wt1y that -Ned" Lewis "evened Matly in (;ode'rich- today will re -;,things up." It was to his credit call Loftus E. L) tnt'y who outlived that on his death he was considered all those practicing law here at one of the fairest judges to ever the. turn of the century: At that • sit in Huroti'County. John Butler ..was another colour- ful judicial officer at that - time. Butler was both Mayor of Goderich and Magistrate at the saute Bute. As a boy he Was trained as a ma- chinist. in his native 5t�otlaud and eu►lg'ratetl • to Sarnia in his early twenties. . In 1861 he tuoved to Goderic•lt mid opened ai 1►pok store where Emerson's• Drug Store now stands -at the corner of the Square and \'est Street. Although re had no formal training in the law he proved himself an able jurist and • Huron (' itnty Court !house, heart of tihe legal profession herefor several decades. In 1895, litigation was popular in (ltrderich and, no fewer than 12 lawyers practised here. The' accompanying' article recalls these colorful persona'liti s , just before the turn of the century. litigant but costs to the liner. Al- though it caused Much eye -brow; raising and head scratching. it was realized by the lawyers and cum - time he wits just beginning to show, some °of the marked ability that was to leave its imprint ()vete' the next 4l) years that he pructieed in Guderich. His offices were ui►ove the present A and 1' store. The ('grown Attorney ill 1895 'was Ira Lewis who laid a reputation a14 an astttUe counsel in l•ritninal work. Futvtuuaiely for many ac- cused persons, Itat l.ew•is had a sense of fairness which spared the full harshness of the law that tie wits capable of using. Those who there has conte down tltrongh the Aid �uc}rG "\ed" 1.e4is was ;1511041 the• sailor how 1i& pdeadc'41. gear. 11 vivid ret.c)lle.litat_that_lte frtive'-forrthe-'t'ury-p•arr and served! lot ;Hitt}." I'lttIe the ro'1►i�: At wt 1 unsurpassed 11 .1 guns+ t t ]n �u It �ht•00 terra in the I'ed+'ctrl !loft this )roller eyed the accused sternly l it Il l'• ,t ' t i a,e His \et'J'.. It was in that arena that 110 g.1iut'l and then roared. -"Whyy14t1 haws 1,1'11 a'ilt•ittg was llltpt'e'ssiwe•. with iii,Y:Ime :Is -11 .11•t•at OXl►otle►at of Day- the \e'1•3* shirt 1.11 !our ba/'11 1114w. (lark nice brightened by a heavy light Saving '1'iuie. finch :111 a. t j you're guilty as hell Ten day -s at growth of white sideburns. At was then heresay and althoti;h 110 , cl LIh1e111. Next case ' tittles he would roar at 1 'frightened introduced ahill allowing fast time `'''� Original Shareholder witness i out l lite r •• t nth w,l, t:-11(1 at each session of Parliament It :�, was uleruioned ea1:1i1'r the tied at cithtar times' he could display was always rl'seunlliugIy defeated. Senior .fudge at that time vw.;: a i'11:1 nil which \w011111 IIII 1;t IVit110AS ills effort.• earned hit() 9,,.ob0iiiln.. .fudge Toms. 11e begin the 1►trtl•tll.l' Dignity was sotuetltiug he valued us touch as the law itself and counsel well knew that they would be severely reprimanded if they did not show proper deference to any court over which he presided. • Although he was an able judge he was renowned for his own - weak- ness. That was his -complete dis- regard for time, with the result that his court proceedings rarely got under way within art hour of the time scheduled. The - Sheriff of .,II uron County wag Robert Gibbons who in 1895 vtraa SI years old but still active in his _ duties. In' 1867 Gibbons was electetl- to the first Ontario 'Local Legis- lature after Oo„tttfed.erat'ion., He was re-elected iu rlie text election but resigned in '1873 to accept the ap- pointment as Sheriff of Huron County. Ile built up au enviable record is muuiciiral politics by hav- ing himself elected Reeve of Gode- rlv for r 19 Sear,, Mayor for three 3 ea rs and for 13 consecutive years served as Warden of Hurou Oounty. Lcioking lank from .1952 to the turn of the century the legal fra- ternity of that period appear to be a more picturesque and lively group than one would find prat.- ticing in Hitt 1st any Ontario cotn- trtunity today. Time has not yet flown sufficiently far to retell some of ttti� ri5�►itl -'. fs,i'ti i ti1;tT kiruti et - f that .Ilan. Ott+• of the already nlention041 lawyers, who also doubled as District Returning Of - fiver, participated in what W41,4 then kne wu as the Sw'allowtd Ballot l neideut. This controwersia-1 t`1 4.11 txrcurred, during . (ale of the ()lost. heatedly contested elec•tiuns of that time. tutu .1 state of £arse ..e, rarity betore ••1)s light" vwhielt followed - hiu► j of 1:Iw at (:odlt•iclt :It the age of \Vhen the returns were all its, the realizing he had been led 11110 a trap even after he rids elevated tothe l'_'1. His sueress soots breuf:h`t him 'Tory cantlidate had won by •a scant i of 1(1111(dletio11 (roared United State's „t,teuch. Muclt" io his eruharnm tssentn , into prwoinece :ell when only _hl number -of Votes. A re(saint was :Nl. ('. (':tiuc•rou's .nu, llrahaut, 1 ittg 'I'itlle first calor into t•tf01•r, ' .1ud;:e. of. 11411 11 ,not 1:f -flee. i1,r of .1 edge Touts. one ballot was later joined the 1►:trtuctshill anti \t'tl" arrived at St. I;eorg ••s resigned in l.'lt7 lint in 1'47_' \v.,.ite• particularly in 41 w• ('1spute and it a_g was stile h► relieve his father of batch an hour late.appointed dottier Jutige of }tiro:l handed :Ihout the room so t1}at each utuch of hi's court work. ' lir:ll►aul As county .1nitg.. for 1Inr..•1 :inti in 1.'71► Sur�o ate .1ndge of side could +'X:Ituine it ,before the Cameron became as well known eh,t'ountV. -Ned"L1'vcis 1lro5ide,) ;t the �I:Iritiul4 4 '01111 1tf 4►11t:ttie, Litidge ruled on its aduti55:d►ility, it gifted spx'a11er outside the court refreshing change front the origin- I,;ite'r in 15•til• ite w:ts ;1111,1'in'tell Suddenly, however. the ballot vatt- rlx►ul a5 111' did in it. lit was .lu :pry :ICren-of-the'-mill judge'. 1l's 1..4.11 'Judge of the high Curti .f 'shed into thin :air. .budge 'Tums (ltylt 14tllrlt tlt of Robert .turns and were ;too Rist the .tool' - .1 list ice chtlll Its l�ti" X1'111:11' 11(l .1• 1•rd,red no 4otie to leave the roo m on the Sti►day :Ifter Daylight 5;1':- ye:Its e111 he war :11*14'iutell 1441111 ordered under the watchful eyes 'in his later years tour0d the tuit� d gest on record and he vv'Is not re- of the Comtltw ilf linron tie h•I.t -:Ind 4'v011 the dlalr. of his chambers States giving lt1•tt►res on his fay- lttetaut to „wont the ae,.,.taed el:e the distinction of being.tile' of 1110 ,,,,, le,het• EV.. UM' in the rout: ' ourite Scotts ii poet. 'Ile. tau, 10,k Lew \whl'n he Ih Irl "I1t 111_t�•:sittt;rli, :l o1I.,,itta1 bit ti l*1ei in the cling (errs then systematically_ s4,111•hed art .:i(ttive..,part. :.,111 -1.tbttrut.' x)litl,'s "dt'tittndrtd`-rt: �^ l+,lfly 11440,1ri1101 Iltw .111x( rtti1 wf�}I .lent;:sti11>..ttct. grails►t cuold. lxs,;.founri: .. and served as member in the 1)11-i ••I doll's follow preced1'ut•" he ill God1'rich. ! Tod:1;w the causeof thee,lrlllot's- dis- 11111() lagisl It11r1'. I. fi:I enueilt w lti •‘. "i t re:itc it." Inlige ll'cit wits ;East 11 i y apjt0;lr:they �. ttll ;l._-it13•s.torrs _but. Iilhuter now' pr:lrticing law in Gude- t tt ober habit 14f hip which earl.; 1 it ;is ritiiotri'll :stout Goderich rich is a gr:lltdsolt of the celebrated much 111.• :11'4ll►I l 1511.E 11ntt the itleident' had M. C. Cameron. legal profession \\-a. his ten11011 1 left :1 11,11 trite' ill till' 111011 11 of Philip Ilult \\:Is t11e wool" 1 to award lir iiiugl'8 to 'h 11110 lural lawyer. temper of the tirtil of t'ainero't, Hull ,tut 1loliite. Ile was a more studious partner of the• titan but was active in litigation and with considerable success. After., , llc turn of the eeittli % he was 'whited ('sour v Court .1 ndg' sw- ceediug .lud;ge It. 1„ Doyle. i'11c l-ttit•d member of the II:111110t•- shit► \Cas Dudley 11oliiity \51111 l:1.1- succeeded 11.11 Lewis as 1'ro5tt Al- .i11nicr .11111'..:1` 11, 1., 1►0\ 11•. 1)0,. ll' was retltttcll to h:iv' I;il:rn Ili: Mattie, 11'x\ sc•rio11s1y :1 1111 110111:1 11111.11 tv1111111e11• 1'e•spt•41 1111'1Mg1e111i :I 11)1(1. tc.,'tuey. 110 was :letivl' in groutits ot► heh;l if o1' the 1 'onset•,, t i we 1),1rt Edict• he vv:1s :111110i1111'114'0uu1y ii►urt .lodge of Sinu•'te ('unt►ts- 111 was the father of Iltiron's present, Magistrate :Ind- former 4'00511 .\1 tot'uey. I). E. 1l4•lnles, (,.('. A second Goderic•It late titan \\o-1, that. 141* 4''anlpiou :11.(1 auhuso11 \Vigo'" were ill' 1 S9 located in the sante offices now occupied by 1)r. L. M. Maher on the corner of the sgtuli•e' :Ind 3'llll►Itrt.te 51t•ee't. The 5l'tIi,,i' pitrtner, Edmund l'11tttl►iun. t,t-l' , handled the firm's court work while 'Xi. 1►. .lohu,tou Ietded to 1114' tjtti10 routine :111(1 saperwis4'd the 1.e'l1 estate :11111 ptv►11:1te work:- "1•:11." Campion, as, he was popularly 1tlt(lwn. 5:114 the delight of :Ill.jndgc•s 1 and the despair of all but his most quick \witted opponents in 1'101 l'' 1 For 1.1 "i:d." 111141 1101'11 given the happy faculty ..f turning 1'51'11 the most damaging part of an oldish frit'.. 1•:151' into :1 ,i.•,it' 1'' 110 t'tljl l\ 1'11 by both ,indge ,1111 •i11ry. 11e 1.;ai11191 :t well-deserwell r•ep11ttit ion :is 111,' I wittiest l:r\wyer in Huron Conti, \- I and often, when other law.iet•s' hard (\'1111 \ ieteritt \eery forgotten -Ed.".I ('ampion's keen wit was r*'e;,ll 1,1 with many a chuckle, Edmund Campion was the 1';Ill'er of A. 1' (';impish. retired I:i11ker, 11011 livitlg' 1111 \els011 1tr4.4't. Supreme Court Justice '(:aero\\, 1'r001fo•41 and 111':1).-11 was the third law Iii in in 4:44d1'rich aQ that lisle. 'I'111'1t' oltkes s', 1')' aii.wt the 1►1•est•hl Ito4al It;lnl.. The Orin 5115 1111't1 'hl at11'11 h\ .1:,11,, Thompson 1:tlrtoW w-lto 1V:1s Iat.'r alppointed Chief Justice of Ila. Supreme ('14111-1 I '3' 4hlt:Tin. •.I• •1'.", •ls he as know, its 4:oduricli.. st 1111iell lttw• 1-414 a rttuliellt 1111det .judge '1'111114 rind w•tts ad11littell as :1 solicitor in 1 1:5415 a11i1 later as i1 barrister in 15419. Ito was apix►inted a Q.('•• in 18M.. Like alnit►i'4t Jill the other liiwye'rs then in 1:oder,ch. ".1. '1' was interested in politics 111 i►l►th the provincial and nlnnielpal fields. From 1574 to 151,5) 114' was Reeve of (lodt'rlc1► .11141 in 1580 w'rwed :t5 Wnrden of IlUrun County. In 15110 be was elected its h Reformer to 1 represent tt'est Il'iron in the '411- tario I.egislatlire. liesldc's haying Otte of the best legal minds in (:ode-' rich he 1115,► displayed a profound 1 ..r . G eric Buiness C "HURON'S CENTRE OF MODERW BUSINESS' TRAINING' EXTEND GREETINGS TO ALL VISITOR'S Sch'ol open daily at 2 P. I. during Old Home Week. We invite you to visit with us, DAY AND EVENING CLASSES KEMBER OF THE CANADIAN BUSINESS SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION .4..