The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-21, Page 19s. 11971 THURSDAY, A XHIS1 Blst, • Stirring Reminiscences of Life In Goderich After Turn of Century Are Word Pictured By A Former' Resident (Continued from page 22) my' first visit. to the church which I believe was correctly described as .the second largest Presbyterian Church itt Western Ontario. Be- sides being over -awed by this fact. it was the tarot -time I'bad par- ticipated in a service that was ac- companied by pipeorgan music i(J. East Jordan, organist), socia should be quite Understandable that I re- member Rev, Mr. Andersen an- nouncing the opening hymu.: ,"Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above." As I dwell on the memories of PHONE STONE'S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS — HORSES WM. STONE SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT Irl , INGERSOLL 21 GODERICH, 936r21 Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE 8t SON Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 41J, Exeter and we shall be pleased to call. those who contributed to the spirit- ual life of the community, ! 1t is natural that 1 should recall duly those with whom 1 had personal contacts and t#a 1 mime -t he r .m bete 1 trust it will be runder'stood that 1 realize there were manly others who should' be referred to. How- ever, the ones ,named' are singled out because I knew theta personally gad had intimate knowledge of the great contributions theyoY made to the building of u better citizenship in Goderich. First that comes to wy wind is Edith, Wiggins, leader of 'the MaeGillivrny Mission 'Band and teacher of ,the primary class In Knox Church. Known to se many aud loved so dearly in tier death recently we lost a real friend. Next, Miss Lottie 'Polley, 9liss Mary Morris and Miss Stirling who for years conducted the Young Ladies' Bible class in Knox Church. As an attendant 'at the Young Men's class in that congregation, I had a deep respect , for G. F. 'Blair and Alex. Saunders. As Sunday School Superintendent, J. Elgin Tom was long the faithful leader. Mr. Stod- dart was the conseientious church officer, while associated with the administrative side of the church I recall C. A. Nairn and A. I), McLean as members of the Board of Managers. jack Nairn and Dave- Munro I remember as chief ushers. But it was my good fortune, too, to know leaders in other congrega- tions. 1)r. A. T. Emmerson for years was the zealous president of the ..114)11's Sunday Club in North Street Church, and I rarely think of those marvellous meetings at 10 o'clock each Sunday morning with- out remembering A. 31. Robertson, A. J. Cooper, - J. W. Vanatter, H. It. Long and W. C. Pridham, all of whom were faithful attendants. In Victoria Street Church my, mind singles out (1. JL Elliott, who in later years became the superin- tendent of the Children's Aid So- ciety and whose pioneering in that field of service is one to be re- membered, The Belcher family I also identify *4th the .leaders in Victoria Street Congregation. In 1907 a movement was launched to. set up a Y.\LC.A. in Goderich. 79te charter members as recorded in a group 'photo by It. It. Sallow,, which I saw receutly. were: G. A- Robertsaou • (uf the G;G.I staff), G. F: 'Blair, Syd. Belcher, Gordon Wlghttuau, Jim Carrie, Barry Hillier, Dr. W. Y. Hayden, Roswell Itutherferd aud-Grahaut Robinson. The Social Life of the; Time When one exa utues the social life of the early part of the century. he is impressed by the fact that it took au little to entertain .young - people out -people us compares- with the de- mands of- the ,preseut generation, We had, such events to look forward to as G.C.I.' Promenade in the early fall months, the Model School' .At Home, G.C.I. Sports Day, roller and ice skating, and, of . course, hockey aa played' by the Goderich Sailors, the Fall Fair. and Gude- rich Races, young people's , work iu L'hurches, twice a week at 5e per admission to the nickelodeon, frequent picnics during the suuimer utenths to Attrill's Point, Point Farm, Muck's Point, Piper's Dam and such fur -away places us Port Albert. Of , course, Dungannon Fair was a "must." Transporta- tion to these points was generally undertaken in a surrey or carry - alt engaged for the evening from Davis', Guudry's or Swurts' liveries. Conveyance by motor was not even considered,. because .,Ben Allis, J. B. Kelly, J. W. Craigie. W. Stead, Walter Kelly and Par- sons of Parsons' Fair were about the only car, owners in the com- munity. ,The visit of Guy Bros. to the Goderich Opera. House was a yeariy feature and in this saute setting we were entertained from time to time by the Canoe Club Minstrels, with Lionel ' Parsons and Harry Sturdy, the chief "end" "men, and Dr. Charles Sale as interlocutor. Whist ( not bri,tigel was popular it► certain social sets, while euchre, pedro and "500" parties were fre- quent functions. (':vents of tate 'Years lit the year 1907, the year fol- lowing my taking up residence in Goderich, there were five events which stand out clearly itt my mind. First was 'the Strang Ite- union, a tribute to Dr. II. I. Strati; who for years was the able Prin- cipal of Goderich Collegiate Insti- tute. Next I recall the Canoe Club Regatta and the top tfight.Domiu- ion Day programme which might be inspiration for the observance of this date in 195:1. It 'is sug- gestisi that the town fathers should consult the filed of The , Oodec1ch Signal and'be Goderich Stair of that year, because to Me th, 1907 event was the high Spot 0, ail Domiuiou Day celebrations I' have known in Goderich. Next was the oilfciat receggition given to Dan Wiggins; champion marathon roller skater of the world, at a reception on Itie.,return from Guelph where he won ,against all -comers. Aud then early in August op a licit Sunday a afternoon,, 1 was uta the bank at the foot of Wuterluo street to wel- come the drat train from Guelph ou the new Guelph and Goderich branch of the C.P.R. There is a gap of three years in my, memory, to 1919, iu which `'year I see the Stewart Construction Company erecting new 'storage facilities for the Big Mill. I recall Sir Adam Beck's lively' campaign to introduce hydro to Goderich and the futile efforts of Will 1tobertton of The Signal" to convince the citizens that the town Should re- ceive a better contract than thut which Sir Adam offered. Whiie Robertson's arguments " were pooh- poohed in high places at that time. 1 ant sure there are. many . today who will recall W.H.'s approach to the problem • and who may 'admit now that he "had something" in his opposition to Hydro -Policies as sub - milted by Sir Adam. The wrecking of the schooner Azbv with Captain MacDonald and his crew adrift all night in an open boat .was a story featured In the daily press about the • middle of the year. But the record for 1910 would not be complete without a reference to Halley's Comet. I recall how score's of (:odt•rich's young folk paired off to visit Harbour Park in the late evenings of May and June of that year to enjoy a per- fect s•iew of the heavenly body which will not 1►e seen again until 1987. Still others ( and 'I was among them, aceompauiecl by Con. Smyth of Hick's Drug Store 'and Walter Harrison) set our Marne; ,for :t • a.m. in order to view the comet from the -top of freight cars at the G.T.R. station. The year 1911 was the year in which I cast wy tirst ballot 1 and lost) when I voted in favour of .reciprocity in the Federal election campaign. - The same ,yea r J. W. Muyes of the Ontario West Shore Railway was In the 111`w•., us also was a wan br the name of Brodie who proposed mining.- for potash beneat0 the salt beds of t:oderich. • A Genteel Motors Valu t the Reserves ROADMASTER CONVERTIBLE with a touch of your toe ! Most cars lead a double life. A good part of the time they're running errands, taking children to school, taking women to stores, taking men to work, taking family and friends to clubs and social functions. it doesn't-calffor-a--very great output of horsepower for duties like these. But there are times when you want a car that can do vastly more, and these are the times when you'll want what this year's ROADMASTER has to offer. Beneath its proud hood, there's a Fireball 8 Engine—a valve -in -head that can let loose 170 lively horsepower when, needed. And—alongside this engine—there's also an Airpower carburator which thriftily feeds fuel and air through two smaller -than -usual barrels for normal driving—which means that you now use less gas at 40 than you'd formerly use at 30. But there are two barrels in reserve—waiting for you to call them into action -and they let loose a soaring rustil of power that sinks your shoulders backi into the seat cushion, swoops you past a truck—out of aitight spot— up a hill—sets your speedometer needle to registering added miles more than twig as fast AS your watch can tick off the seconds. . This is an experience you certainly should know firsthand. Fa -5525 BUICK CUSTOM You should also know how Buick's Power Steering* provides a helping hand in slow-motion manoeuvres— lets you keep the "feel" of the car in straightaway driving. And—just for good measure—this 1952 ROADMASTER also has the biggest brakes on any postwar Buick—the greatest trunk space since spare tires moved off the front fenders—a warning light that glows when the parking brake is set—and to top it all -the smartest interior fabrics that Buick has ever offered. - Whenn aFe you coming in to look this distinguished performer over? We urge you to make it soon. 'Optional at extra cot: onROA DMASTER OMly 8tU1 a>notlor event which made headlines, was the controversy be- tween the Colborne Telephone System and 'the shareholders of the Goderich Rural Telephone Com- pany. Dr. W. F. Clark, as Reeve of Goderich, and a member of Huron County Council, was prom- inent in the campaign to extend the I'rovfnektt Good Roads pro- gramme to the county and to Gude- rieh. Iu this same year the, Court House was the seetie et two murder ,trials. November of 1913 will be re- membered as the time of the great storm on bake Huren with all its tragic consequeuret . 1914 marked- the outbreak of World War I. The tenseness of thesitu tion in theearly o a a y day:3 f August prompted the local news- papers to. issue dully bulletins' re- porting the progress of the German armies toward . France.; Next 1 remember the recruiting of the .161st Iiuron`Buttaliou, ruff, ing the funds for the 161st Battal- ion Band, and two or three years later. with the interval sadly taarred by frequent casualty lists, the joyful ,homecomings of Gode- rich veterans. 11121 was Old llotue Week and the year in which Goderich Lions Club 'received its charter. ' At at monster banquet in the late fall at Hotel Sunset opened fur the occasion, It. C. flays, J r., was in- stalled as the Club's first Chief. let 1922 the Purity Flour Base- ball 1'eitm was busy putting (:ode - rich on the map in no uncertain way. 111 19232 I recall the forming of the Blue Water Highway Asso:•i- ation and the Blue Water highway I)evelopmen_ t south of the town. This was the year in which tate town staged its first "Dollar Day," a merchandising event which brought many new customers to Goderich ntere:,hauts. 1921 was umrked by the con- troversy prior to the voting on ehnrch onion. In 1921; the Chamber of Com- merce was re -organized and a trained seeretary employed, anti a year later, in 1927, Goderich bra ted its hhudredth auuiversa t -y. There was stilt another event, an annuli olio for many years, vvhieh was looked forward to with great pleasure by every Goderich + itiZA'u, a lid. that was the visit of the Steamer Greyhound front De- troit. Rich yea r scores of former 111 i14'115 of the old town returned for 1) week -tenet with threir relatives • Ii ERTES LONGER MILEAGE b••••o•••••4iio ••••••••.•e o o • • ,• ••SONS ••• • ' CEMENT CONTRAC- •i •TORS •• • •BUILDING BLOCKS and w CHIMNEY BLOCKS I 0 --Chimney built or re- • paired. • • • ~Phone Carlow 1612 : • i-oxtf = r********************** BIG TIRE SALE! GOOD1EAR MARATHON 95 Sureistrue kr52 BUICK SUPER When better automobiles are built BU/CK will build them Site 6.00 x 16 while the boat'tf stay at (oderich was marked by -a trip. ou Luke Huron by moonlight, en exeur,luu widely patronized, t veu by ''biose who admit today that us good sailors tai weer telt' qualified! It is wy hope that I have not proved Loring as have permitted my Mind to ratublcoluw•.n the green by-paths of memory. The varlet! events of the yearsreviewed were interesting and stimulating phases' of my life in Goderich in -iutet'- tultteut periods between 1806 and 1927 and itt recording what 1 re= member of the highlights' of the times I have done so with, a- single purpose in mind., '1'o the men and women named and to the scores whom I have momez tartly forgot- ten, I should like to pay tribute in order to help Wake ., sure that their important part in the cutu- tnunity life'rem.aius fresh au(i` last - lug in remembrance. To the spirit- ual leaders `of my day, to the doctors who ministered with un- sparing devotion to hutilatt ills, to .the men and ,women who labored in the other processions, te muni- cipal, business and political leaders: to all who made personal cont.ribtt- tious to good citizenship. will you join me in a silent tarast? elcom� Home Foll In Goderich .... when it's SSO OIL BURNERS DELUXE MODEL ONLY $ 65 DOWN AND $14.90 MONTHLY FOR 24 MONTHS • i MacDONALD ELECTRIC Phone 235 Britannia Rd. or building materia it's s of any kind ohn Jeffrey & Son PHONE 7$2 ELGIN AVE. EAST — PLANING MILL AND BUILDERSSUPPLY -- -::L:W:i :':iii:+., •}� .�. •.... :i4✓:intsJ�l:}'fir�i+F�i�w•.n�c O • To find where fo buy it 4on'foqle or blink i MOW PACES will find if Quick as a wink OF YOUR TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FILSINGER!$ JEWELRY & SIFTS EXTENDS A SINCERE WELCOME TO ALL OLD BOYS and GIRLS and Visitors PHONE 344 SAMIS MOTORS- S3* W. J. MILLS Motor Sales Phone 755 KINGSTON AND VICTORIA STREETS St. DaV-icr St. • Ill the midst of Old Horne Week Activities, we cordially invite you to renew acquaintances.gand, if so inclined, to browse at your leisure through our well filled displays of English China of all famous makes. Gifts for any occasion may be found amongst our wide selection of imported and domestic goods. MAY THE PRESENT MILESTONE OF OLD HOME WEEK BE AN EVER BRIGHT AND HAPPY MEMORY WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME, TO PERSONS ATTENDING. For the Gifts you will give with pride, let Filsinger's be your guide. Goderich 1