The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-21, Page 17t: THURSDAY, JULY 31st, 1952 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, AUGUST' 3 8.30 astir. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a -no. MORNING PRAYiN:R AND SERMON. .Special preacher -The Rev. Lyall Crawford of 'Parkhill. Mr. Cn wford is a Goderich Old Boy. REVEREND BEVERLY H. FARR, KA, , ..Th.. RRCTOR A. W. ANDERTON. Orgiudst and Cho�trmauter North Street United Church WELCOME OLD BOYS SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 11,.111. Sermon: "OLD MILLS THAT HAVE CEASED TO GRIND." Mr. Donald, A. Landry, baritone, of Toronto, will be gUest soloist. WORSHIP IN THE OLD HOME CHURCH REV. H, A. DICKINSON, B.A., MINISTER Knox . Presbyterian Church WELCOMES ALL OLD HOME WEEK VISITORS TO ATTEND DIVINE WORSHIP AT THE GODERICH PUBLIC -SCHOOL ON SUNDAY MORNING AT 11 O'CLOCK. Junior Congregation and Nurser. REV. R. G. MacMILLAN. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.11I. Minister. - Director of Praise. Goderich Baptist . Church MONTREAL ST. Minister: REV. IAN G: HIND, B.A. Organist and Choir' Director: FRANK BISSETT. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. REV. GORDON HOLMES, K.A., B.D., Former Pastor. 7 -p.m. REV GORDON HOLMF.S. Monday 8 p.m. 13.Y.P.U. Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. 1 • • S et f Victoria tre ' ��i U to dh C arch SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 1952 11 a.m. "GOD'S GLORY." Victoria. Street Church welcomes the visitors and former members during Old Home Week. MINISTER_REV.. D. W. WILLIAM ORGANIST -MISS MARY JOYCE STRACHAN THE SALVATION ARMY 2nd LIEUT. MAYO AND PRO. LIEUT. EMERY. Saturday -8 p.m. Street Meeting. featuring the old Gospel songs. SUNDAY SERVICE;-' - 11 a.nt. HOLINESS 11TEETING. 3 p.nt. SUNDAY SC'HOOL- 7 p.m. SALVATION MEETING, The Salvation Arm is "an Evangelistic .Lighthouse -ht Godeirich and you will receive a friendly welcome. BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. HOWARD MINAKER. PASTOR 10 a..nL (nue and iLRING your family to 'SUNDAY SCHOOL. I Al' SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "ANANIAS AND SAPPIIIKA." 6 p.m. Service at the Dock. 7.30 p.m. "THE GREAT TIME OF HOME -COMING" Spend God's Day In God's House Tuesday 7.30 p.m. 2nd Chapter of Ephesians. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m. CHRIST'S AAfITASSADORS, THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. MOVING TO GODERICH LUCKNOW:=Friends .and neigh- bors, including the congregation of Hackett's United Church, gathered at S.S, No. 10, Ashfield, to honor Mr. and Mrs. Adam Johnstone. who are leav,:i,ng to Lake up residence in Goderich. There was a musical program. Air. -and Mrs. Johnstone were 'presented with handsome gifts, and a farewell -address was read by Mrs. Elliott Sandy. THE GODERICH 8iQNAIr3TAR s NEWS OF DU NGANNON 1)UNGA:NNON, July 30. - The Duugauuou United Church held an interesting service on Sudtlay at 11 a.tu. with Miss Sybil Courtice, a returned missionary from Japan, us guest speaker. 'The Rev. ,George Watt, pastor, is uu vacation for a month."and, this being his secoud Sunday of absence, the Mission Ltaud arranged this interesting pro- gram. Mr.' Har 'ey Anderson led the service throughout. After the Cull to worship, 'doxology, invoca- tion and, a hymn, Psalm 724 w'ay read responsively and prayer was offered by the leader. The -choir, comprised of Mission Baud mem- bers, sung "Dare- to be a- Danlei" with Mrs. St`ingel, church organist, ueeompanying ut the piano. The^ Scripture lesion was read by J. C. Durnin. The offering was; received by 'Wayne Brown and Lorne Alton. Norma Pentland gave the minutes of the last meeting. The Baby Baud snug "Bring Them In," ac- companied by Mrs. Otto Popp. The junior boys of the Mission Bund eunie forward and together repeated the; Members' Purpose. George Datwson' held a few words to say about "World Friends," • their magazine that reaches 32 hotnes here. Mrs. Melvin heed, represent- ing 'the Missionary Society, intro- duced' 'the guest speaker, Miss Courtice, who gave a most•, interest- ing address On "Love Is not Selfish" in a manner that held the attention of all. After the service, -many gathered around to see souvenirs and pictures of Japan. Miss Cour- tice, who served 12 years in Japan, also sang for the children "Jesus Loves Me" in the Japanese lang- uage. Mr. Anderson, during: the service, commented on the tine pro- gram prepared by Mrs. Cecil Blake, Mission Band sup'eriutendent and assistant, Mrs. Robert Irvin. He also remarked on the upward trend of the young people, who held ser- vice 'the previous Sunday, led by 31iss Edna Rivett with au aldress given by Mr, Warren Zinn, The group of Y!P,.U, members also had service at Port Albert and Crewe. Visitors with Mrs. J. Hamilton on Sunday were her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. II.- McKie, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sturdy, . Goderich Tow'nship, and .their mother, Mrs. M1�illia►m Straughan, 95, of Ben - miller, also Mrs. 1'iolet Parrish of Lucknow. 'Air: and Mrs. Elmer Shackleton, Detroit, visited the former's mother, Mrs. Ellen Shackleton at the home of Mrs. J. Hamill. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mason etc •Allis tet• on t werSundaye ert Mrr 1 nl • � Mrs. Harvey- R. - Lillajeatu and Fraser, Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black, Billy' ant Ronny of Port Albert. Miss Mary Lou McAllister re- turned home after 10 days visiting her .grandparents. United Church W.A.--'l'he United Church 1V.A. met Thursday even- ing, July 18, at the .home of Mrs. Wilbur Brown, ,the president. After et hymn and the. Lord's Prayer., Mrs. J: Ryan read the Scripture lesson. airs. It. Moore gave the 1ea390II thought and :qrs. Niel. Reed offered e prayer. ager. After the roll call and minutes, Mrs. G.• Nudges gave the parsonage -report of the com- mittee, who purchased' a new chesterfield suite recently for tits ,parsonage. 'Jimmy. Blake gave a piano number. After a discussion,. it • was decided to hold a .Tupper- ware demonstration. Wayne Brown also favored with a piano selection. Mrs. Cecil Blake gave the topic on "Gambling."' Thanks was expressed to llrs. Brown for the use of her halms that evening. It, was re- grettable that .Mlts.. Kitchener Fin- nigan broke her wrist recently. She had planned to have the ladies for their meeting that evening. The meeting closed with a hymn and beuedict1 ni. There were 1_4 mem- bers and t.wl) Visitors 1►reseirt The hostesses were Airs. 1). Phillips, Mrs. It.`' Stothers, MIss Rebini , ►rout and Mrs. n M 'Irvin. Visitors , with MIr. David NleAl- lister and sister Josephine last week were Alr. and Mirs. Fred Beadle, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. M1 r. and Mfrs. Linfield Anderson and family, Detroit, who have a cottage at Port Albert, have ,also been in. the village here to renew 1 1 .. ltnatt v tir � • 1 i . Mrs. Isaac Andrew ,and daughter, Airs. G. Kirkland, Nancy :ind Kenny- vlsited Mrs. S..1. Kilpatrick one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. •B. F. ('omfortr St. Catharines, spent the week -end wjth Mlesrs, ldarold and Cecil Blake, Miss Clara' Sproul and ,Mr. and Mrs. J. D. llesson, Stratford, visited the .Miissse''s Rebina :and Nettle Sproul, Sunday, ulsu Mrs. Kilpatrick. Miss Sybil Courtice, returned mis- sionary, who spoke at the United Church, Sunday wonting, was en- tertained at the home of Mrs. Mathew Shackleton, whose sister, Fauns' (Mrs. Howard Durn'in) tow of Vancouver, had been her as- sociate. in miss,en training, some years ago. Misses Margaret Black and Edna Stewart enjoyed a week in i cabin at Kincardine Beach.. Miss Barbara has re- covered. nicely after en operation at Goderich hospital for removal of tonsils,. Mrs. James McDonald and daugh- ter, Miss Nevde McDonald, R,N., of Strathroy with Mrs. W." R. An- drew of Goderich are spending a 'holiday at Mrs. Goderich,, home in the village. Mr. Ken Brown of Cliutou Radar School spent the weekend , with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur - Brown. For the next two Sundays, there will be no service at the United 'Church. The pastor, Itev. G. Watt, is' on vacation. ASHFIELD THE SUNSET HOTEL extends awarm welcome to all former residents and visitors curing Old Home Week: 1 F ENJOY THE EXCELLENT MEALS AT. THIS POPULAR RESORT MOTEL OVERLOOK.ING"LAKE HURON. On week -days breakfast is served from '8 to 9.30 a.m.; lunch from 12.30 to 2 p.m.; and dinner from 6 to 7.30 p.m. On Sundays breakfast is from 8.30 to 10 a.m.; dinner from 1.45 to 2.15 p.m.; and our popular buffet supper from 6 to 7.30 p.m. ASHFIELD, July 30. -Mr. and Mrs. Leadbetter -and Barbara of Brockville have been holidaying at the home of Mrs. Leadbetter's par= ents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Mac- Gregor. ac- Gregor. Dr. and Mrs. Frank MacLennan of 'Windsor, 'who are in their cot- tage at Bruce Beach, called on their old friend, Mr.'Dati' MaeDou- ald at Kintail, Mr. Charlie MacGregor of Water- loo is visiting at the old home with Mr. and Mrs: Fred MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Bailie of Tor- onto are also visiting with Mr. 13ailie's sister, Mrs. Fred Mac- Gregor. Mrs. Abate of Detroit is visiting with her -cousins, Minnie and John Cathcart. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van de Ley visited Sunday -at`, Sarnia • with - friends. - Harry MacDonald has returned' home from Victoria Hospital and is leaking a good recovery. JIr, Duncan MacKay -of Van- couver is visiting with his brother .Roy and Mrs. MacKay. Miss Annie MacMurray is visit- ing with her brother, Mr. Archie MacMurchy and Mrs. MacMurchy. LEEBURN LEERt?ItN July :W.--Mlrr•' and Mrs. Janie: Schultz of St. Peters burg, Fla., are o11 1 two -months' vacation, with_tbe tatter's daughter. Mrs. Harvey Fisher and •Mr. Fisher and fainily.r Mr. and Mrs. Schultz were oc'companied from Detroit by the latter's daughter, Mrs. Joseph Young and Mr. Young. Mrs. Pope cif Montreal is holiday- ing with . her son. Mr. Richard Buehanao and .Mrs. Iluchanan and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Doug M(Klintock and Bobby ' } � oP• Brownsville vigite(l over the week cud with the tatter's sister, Mrs. Elmer 'Hunter and Mr, Hunter. - r and Linda. Mr. rind Mrs. George (.liddon of Vinenlount. and Mrs. W. Gliddon and Velma of`Grxderiell ..isited rela- tives in,the district last Friday. Our broad land : It is 4,5-13 miles from St. John Newfoundland, to British Columbia's Prince Rupert. CARDS OF THANKS Alt. ANI) MH{S. R. 'H. S'1'EELE extend their thanks to 1►r. Wm. Walsers and the nurses and staff of Alexandra Hospital for tl1(ir care and attention at the birth of their son. 31x 1•:IJl1N ['()RTE1t AND FAM- ILY and Mrs. - Adelaide Reid r . wish to acknowledge with „r,atituttc the kindness shown thein in their 'bereavement ; they %votta like also to thank those who sentflowers, cards of sympathy and Ivan of curs. :'1 THE I''AMiLY of THE LATE Mrs. R. II. l'utf lakes this means to express their thanks for the loan of ears, • for the flowers and the many arts of-tyni.palhy bestowed on them. -31 MOTI}ER, 'HSISSBANI) A U family .,of the late Sarah E. Porter wish to (hank their many friends, relatives, and'neighbors •I'nr sincere sympathy' shown thein dur- ing their recent sad bereavement. .for cards of sympathy :and :itis of kindness, -31 MRS. MVII. BIRNIP. 'WI SIIES '1'0 thank ;111 her friends and 11) matron, nurses and staff for all their kindness to. her while c. patient in the Goderich hospital. NEWS OF AUBURN AUBURN, July 30. -Mrs. Harry Rfuderkuecht, Mrs. McIntyre and Mr. and Mrs. Burry Riuderkuecht, Jr., and daughter of Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mcliveen and three children of Oshuwu are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Me- llveeu. ' Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Phillips vislted Mr. and 'Mrs, A. 11'. Zurtxrlgg, towel, Sunday. At the service at Knox Presby terlan Church on Sund y the ltev. J. . Honeywell baptized Richard _Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Freak. Mcllveen, -Oshawa, .ami. _ grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcilveen. Mr.- and Mrs. Lester Schwartz of Galt and Donald Ross of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs, Fred Ross. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellveen have returned to Oshawa after holidaying at the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Meidveeu. For the next two Sundays, the RerCharles Scott, B.D., of Blyth will occupy the pulpit of Knox Presbyterian . Church. • Mrs. William Straughan Is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Jardiu-vtnd Mr. Jwrdin, Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Clift • McDonald and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Dodd and son Bill have re- turned from a holiday at Muskoka. Mr. Frank Walters, brother of Mrs. Arthur Grange, has returned from Korea. Ile is on a two months' leave. Mr. John Leach has- returned to Toronto. It . Ire was accompanied' by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pattet'son who spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stalker and Mrs. Vida Straw of Flint, 'Mich., spent the week -end •.with Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig. They also visited their brother, Frank Stalker, who Ls a patient in Clinton hos- pital. Mr. A. Morris, sr„ and lir. and Mr.' Arthur Morris and family tire visiting Mrs. 1Vyids and the Misses 'l'olliusons. Mrs. Daphne Heaney alai sun Larry ° of 5 1 r ti t. f o r d visited Me. and Mrs. Robert Craig. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Davies on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ranks Butler, Mr. and Mrs. James Beer if Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyes of Dorchesler alnd M•r, and Mrs. Clifford Bastla of London. Mrs. Stewart Patterson of Barrie is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson. - Mr. "and MIrs. Gormley '1'hoip- son and Bobby, ' Bibb Hotchkiss and Ken Letton of -I;rrituliton ,were 4pt1- 'l y' ►isitnrs with Mr. and Mrs. (;urIlley Thompson. Mr. 'and Mrs. 'l'liornas Anderson of Yellowknife, who are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. 1Villiant Anderson. showed moving pictures in the Orange Hall Monday night. The pictures were all taken by thein and included family scenes, scenes of Yellowknife, Niagara Falls, CREWE (-'RI?,1VE. ,JuPy 30. ---Mr. Elsner Zinn of- Belmore visited with his 'brother. :11r. E. (:,- Zinn and fanc- ily on Saturday: :Mrs. ('racier and L4)1cn1a of Lon- don were wi'c'k -end visitor's with, Mr. cln(I Mrs. (': Crozier and family. Mr. and MIi•s. ('. Finnigan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Henry :ind family of l'int''River. Mfr, and Mrs. (. ('hamney- of Bel - grave visited with .MIr.. anc1. Mrs. Raymund Finnigan. JIr, Thomas 7'waniley-'ltf 4:oil( rich visited with Air. and Alrs. Benson Shackleton 111(1 family on Friday and Saturday. IIe :also called on Air. and Mfrs. C. Finnigan. The community extends sympathy to Airs. 11. Shackleton, whose father passed away recently: luso to Al;'s. Lorne (pasty in -the death of her Aunt Some of the Crewe congregation Attended service at • Dungannon (•hnrrh on Sunday Iuorning and enjoyed the i11 [(icing address of Miss Sybil ('otartice of ('limon.'The Sund:iy previous :a very tine service was hell at the tliree appointments under the direction of the Y.P.C. BENMILLER L'J•:NMIi7,t,EIt, .July- 30. -Mr. M1'il- 1.1anl Vett gait of Sarnia spent the .week -end With Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Vanston('. - Visitors with Mr. :and'Mrs. El- fre(1 Moore last week were iter sister :and husband, Mr. and Mrm. Arthur ('ai hlin of Detroit and her niece, Miss Patricia Fullerton of 5a nl iegu, ('n 1. -. 31r.. --and Mrs. Dal,vid harrower nt iAnion spent the reek -end with the Rev. and Mrs. Harrower. Misses. Peggy Young- and Wendy (:tilders•of Goderich spent last week with 31r. and 31rs. (:Irvin Young. THE VOICE OF BETHEL REV., HOWARD E. MiNAKER THE (.RE17' Ii0ME-COMiNG. "The dead in 4'hvrist shall rise first : tht i se which are alive and 1(110ain sha)i be caught ltd) together with them . to n1 et bile Lord in the air: and so small the ever be with the Lord." i Thems. t :1t1-1•? Next ‘v- ek is to be :a great lime of celelirstinal fnr present and former citizens of Gnde'rirh. 11 1yM be as time for renewal of idyl a(rtlraintauces and will undoubtedly result in the making of new. Ilnw' 111111'11 111nre j,,y,'1`,4 t11,. 01,'}1' i,en if illy' S; i':I y('Y wi'r'e nl('114'0 14141 1:11eIrr w•11'i I1aye passed Into eternity could return for nne wee•k.' Ny1 doubt the well planned wur'(ll;y cel, brat,io11 would be out of order. 1 great gospel meeting would Is. held :111(1 allose whn,.had I0IS. ( 0 aw' ay vilflhen( ('lnrist w1•11111 be interested in pre- p►a1itng.,fur the Great Bet -mill. Thr)si' who had died O'rvi('hrisl would 1►r' interested in seeing those Ini1►repar. d get realrly to meet This. however, is out of the realm of possibility :ft this time. Tiler,. is 110 o9f'ar)rfiinity to 1* s:1 3sl atter death. "i1 i+ np►p►(rllite d unto tile•» to die and after tali. the jlii1ttinent." Het), 9:27 There is ti citing a Creat Time of Home Gathering planned by Cod w-1,�'4r,t) (tiles .ht►nian deew•riptiion. All w lio have died in the Lord will be resurrected and given ne«' 1or411iew whic.fr wil) never die a►..M1In. Those who are adive, saved by the blood of ('hist 141141 serving -Hint, wiil be (thuii erd ails► into glorified bodies. Together we mild be g:ltht ree to heaven never to part again. Are you looking forward to that time? Sponsored 'by the Bethel tdult Itjl►IP ('lase. Blyth Fair pay and many others. A vote of thanks 'was exteuded Mr. and Mrs. Anderson for the pleaSaut and pratital)le evening by William Straughaa and endorsed by all present. Sunday School Mule. -- Knox Presbyterian 'Church held its an- nual Suutiay School picnic at Har- bor Pak, Goderich, on Weduesday with a good -attendance. The games, in charge of Mr. anti Mrs. Don Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies, resulted as follows; Girls, 6 and under -Rose Marie Lether- 'land, Marly u Dor, boys, 0 and under- - Murray, lttngblut,-Eddie thanes; girls, *7 -9 -Ann Yungbint, Helen Yungblut, Betty Yungbbtt ; boys, 7 -8 --sill . Andrews, Edgar Letherlaud, Bruce Yunglilut; girls, 9-12 -, Karen Nicholson, Shirley Deer, Marie Audre*s ; boys, 8 -112.. - Alvin -12. -Alvin Darer, Bill Dobie, Lyn Yung- blut ; girls, 12 -15 -Karen Nichol. son, Margaret 'Nevins, Marie Aa- drews ; boys, 15 and under -Lyn Ytttgblut, Gordon Daer, Keith Honeyman ; three-legged race --Mrs. Keith Machptn and Carol Bead(., Shirley Daer and Kamen Nicholson; boys'. three-legged race - Stewart Yuugblut .aud Gordon Daer, Bill Dobie and Alvin Doer; girls' shoe scramble - Mrs. Keith Machan, Carol Beadle; boys' shoe scramble -Stewart Yunp;blut, Gordon Deer; mystery prize --Mrs. earl - Govier, Mrs. Herb Govier; man with larg- est waist -Edgar Lawson; smallest waist -----Wellington Good; neck tie race -Mrs. 1''. Ross, Wellington Good; men tying ribbon on ladies' haLr-Mrs. Ed. Davies. and Jimmie Conlin. There was an umbrella race and a Ieanut. scramble. A 1►ic•nie sapper with lee cream was served in the pavilion. WESTFIELD WES'1'FiELD, July -30. -Dr. Ales ('ox of Carroll, Manitoba, spent a-' few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ('ox. Mr. and Mrs. George Lee. and Miss, Mattie Wightman of Toronto spent the week -end.. with _Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman.• • Mr. }1,11(1 Mrs. George Cook, Evelyn and Lois -of Belgrat•e, Mr. - and Mrs. Jim Moak and James of Crewe visited on Sunday with Miss - Fred Cook. Guests at the home of Mr. and }Mlrs, Marvin McDowell on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mack- intosh and children and Mrs. L. Mackintosh of Kitchener.' in, s' S . lr. 51 b. e de H1a._ of Holland is assisting Mr. Alvin Snell with the farm work. Mr. John (:ear of Kitchener spent. they week -end :at the home of Mr. Armond McBurney. Mr. 13111 Rodger of Milverton and Miss Betty Rodger of 4hslericll spent -the week -end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eulerson Rodger. .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh of Blyth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook. A .gathering- of the `l'attorson, Anderson and Stobie clan was Held on Sunday at M afternoon e [ . r Earl ..1 1 1Vightman s grove. Little Misses Wendy and Janey Abel of St. Thomas are• visiting their aunt, Mrs. Arthur Spiegelberg and Mr.Spiegelb('rg. \kiss ('Olins ('lark of St. Cath- arines is visiting (lel' sister, 'M11. Ai:Irvi►1 3101)0w-011 and Mr. NI, •- Dowell. M11'. and. Mrs. 'fht►1u:is Andersen and children of Yellowknife visited recently with .AI r. 4111(1 AI►•s. Clar- ence Cox. . MIr. and Mfrs. Kingsley M1:Ink :111(1 311'1 :era Id Mtank . of 1Vaterloo -visited - on Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spiegelberg. Alt•. and Mt's. Howard Campbell and family were (10-dericlt visitors t)11 Sunday. JIr. and •Mrs. Douglas Catnl)be11 and children visited on Sunday with JIr.. and Alrs. Harvey Craig of 1M rl< lton. Mr. M .I and Mrs. Norman Radford of Parkhill visited the 't'ek•eini with Jir. and 31rs. Donald Snell. 31r. and Jtrs. Arthcr Spiegelberg visitevl on 'i'nesda,v with friends and relatives at Waterloo :111,1 Kitchener. Word calve to Westfield of the death of Mrs. .lanes hoover of Edmonton Alberta. Mr". Hoover was formerly a Westfield resident.. The funeral- w-15 held at the -hone of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Farley (Eleanor). Visitors last week itt the 11one',. of Atr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell were Mrs. .1. 314'11r1en of Goderich. Miss Maureen-Kurschenski , of Detroit and Mfr. and Mlr's John Daer 1,f Anbiiru. heywont .- be little very long But you can remeabor year children's precious rrowith.sp years forever with profesiioll• ally made portraits.' Phone for an appointment today. HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE PHONE Y1 DISTRIICT MUSIC PUPILS EXAMINATION RESULTS Recent music e!tamination results of pupils of Mrs. J. G. M(l)ougall, Blyth, are as follows: Royal Conservatory of. Music, Taranto, written examinations, A.R.C.T.,, first class honors,: pedag- ogy, harmony, musical form -Doris Grierson, Londesboro; grade 4, har- mony, honors --'Lois Grasby, Blyth; grade 3. history, honors - Lois Grasby„ Betty Bowra, Goderich; grade 1, theory, honors - Jennie Morne, Blyth. .Piano e,raminatious, A.R.C.T., solo performer and teacher, pass--_, Doris Grierson; grave 10, honors -- Lois . Grasby, Margaret Jackson, Atnburii ; grade 9, . pass -. Betty Bow-rrt ; grade 41, first 'class honors - Jennie ; •grade 2, first class ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. George 'Wishart, Belleville, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lois Mary, .to John Osborne Graham, son of Dr. and Mrs. James A. Graham, Goderich. The marriage will take place, Saturday, August ill. at 3 o'clock; in Bridge Street United Church, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald 0. Sturdy' y announce the engagement of their only daughter, Maxine 'Elizabeth, to (:er:tld I. Cutler, son of MIr. and Mfrs. E. Roy Cutler, London, the IIna. alge to take place quietly, August 9th. 31x honors -• Margaret Ann Doherty, Blyth. 'Westerp Ontario Conservatory of Music, Iiondon, grade 3, history, first class honors -Florence Wilson, Carlow; grade 1, theory, first class honors -Glenda, Mellwa'in, Carlow; piano, grade 9, .pass -Florence Wil- son; grade 8, :,honors-cJayne- Ford, Diane Elliott, Goderich ; grade 4, first class honors - Barbara Hol- land; grade 2, first class honors - Karen Cook, Blyth, COXING - EVENTS IN DISTRICT CENTRES 'Don't forget to attend the bazaar sale y Hall ,bake.in MacKay and e . Saturday, .August 2nd. sponsored by the. Women's Guild of Christ, Church,. Port Albert. . K1='� NEEY R ALE CONGRATULATIONS GODERICH On Your 125th Anniversary F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. YOUR LUMBER AND BUILDERS' "SUPPLY DEALER SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR 17 YEARS. FORMERLY "THE GODERICH PLANING MILLS LIMITED" SINCE 1870. id -Summer Sale E ARE CLEARING THE FOLLOWING AT 0 OFF 1/2 PRICE LADIES' SWIM SUITS r LADIES' SHORTS LADLES' T SHIRTS LADIES' SUMMER BLOUSES LADIES' BEACH COATS CHILDREN'S SUN SUITS LADIES' TWO PIECE SUN AND SWIM SUITS ALSO SUMMER WASH GOODS,_ FANCY GABARDIN:` ES AND TAFFETTAS, VELVER,AYS, ETC. Flags and Bunting for OLD HOME WEEK F: E. HIBBERT & SON