The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-21, Page 16THE GODERICH SIGNAL-S'T`AR
during Old Home W eek,
August 4, 5, 6, 7
will be awarded each evening for the best
costumes in the following classes.
SPE, IAL PRIZES OF $5, $3 AND $2 for best man's and
lady's nightwear get-up in
Thursday, Night, August 7
Costumes may be rented at MacKay Hall, Goderich
BRUSSELS. — Friends of Mts,
well and good luck.". Mrs. Lowry
will leave shortly with her husband
Jolla Lowry:and family' for her new .home in
gathered at the home (;ocierich. The guest of honor re -
et Mrs. Alvin Logan to sty "fare- ceived a shower of .gifts.
A pupul4r-- resident -of Goderich
for the punt 17 years:- W. Cecil
Attridge, C.A., is moving with his
family to I.ucktow this week. -where
he has purehased the Lucknow (Jaw• -
mill, whOse products are shipped to
,various parts of the United States
and Canada. Mr. Altridge has
ettld his accounting practice Isere to
Mr. A. M. Harper, C.A., of Toronto,
who takes {x►ssessiot} today and will,
reside in the newly built .Attridge
residence vu South street, where he
will have his ,ottlee ALSO.
lir, Attridge came to Goderich
lu 1935 as secretary of the erode -
rich Salt Company, In the: fall
of 1939 ht purehased controlling
ittterest iu - the Dotuipiun ,Road Ma-
chinery Cotupany. In 1942 a re -
'converted Dominieu Itoud 'Machin-
ery Company plant in the Arteraft
building turned out war orders and
'the stat! was stepped ' up from 35
'to 180 men to handle .,the orders.
Iu March, 1945, Mr. Attridge sold
out to 'Air Vice -Marshal J. A. Sully
and opened au accounting and
auditing office which he has con-
ducted until now.
Prior to coning to Goderich Mr.
Attridge spent three years with the
Henry Slater Lumber Company at
REVS .1'. S. IltdNES
I k��'r 'e Val Stevens Banes died
ou Fpdday last at the home of Itis
sister in-law, i)r, - Elizabeth Bag-
shaw, Hamilton fir. Runes re -
Personal Ment -ion
Mrs. Agues Ia Brown of Guelph Mrs. D. L. Jones, and Mr, and Mrs.
is visiting her niece, Mrs. PatHarry Witmer.
Scrimgeour, Huron -road. Dir, and Mrs. Ernest M. %VW's,
Air. and Airs. At
\Vilkiu hove of St. Paul, Minn.,ogleare guests with
Misr Alex 'logic, uud Mrs. John
eoived his Bachelor of ,Fists degree tt,turued Plum a threat weeks' wuiur feeble.
from Victoria College in 11116, -and 'trip to Vaucouver• Airs. \Vlltred Allisuu of Burllug .
begin his ministry In the Methodist -Mr. and Ml's, Bert oruushaay of ton and Mrs...itose McLay of Sloe;
(now t7ulted) Church at Beniniller Brantford ore•guests witty Mrs. trent were week -end guests with
and was later at Auburn. After 1'lrecl Seubruuk at present. the former's cousin, Mrs. Harry
serving for many years in the Mr. and Mrs. John Thorpe have Witmer and Mr. Witmer.
Loudon Conference, ire was trans- returued from a vacation at Rou- , Mr. and' Mrs. Carman Steyeus
Perred -to the etireltyn t:uttferenee de+au Turk. ,and children' of bonder are en-
iu 1'315 and refired a few years
► . Air, and Mrs, - A. J. Alallough jo3'aug their vacation ut,-1 ort Al -
ago. Sutviying are his- wife, the , bort and are renewing acy uuiut
former Annie Bagshaw, and a spent' their holidays ou a motor
tsister,• • Ninth- George Hept►uru of trip through the 'Thousand Islands noses in Goderich and district.
Crediton. Burial took place iu Ind A'ew York .elute.' Air, and -Mrs.- Erie, Johnston and
Cedau'vale cemetery at Cannip gtou AMrr'. Ruse BruduoeI hos returned three children of Guelph are- spend,
b Ing•a few days with Dir. Johnston's
on Monday. from a two weeks' visit with Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. it. G. John-
MRS.and Airs. 'Kenneth Beattie at at. sten..
ELLEN CUTT Thomas. Mr. and' Mrs. Vivian Lee ,and
widow of Robert H. Cutt, occurred
suddenly at the home of her laugh
The death of Airs. Ellen Cutts Air, Jas., Garrick of Windsor daughter, Mary, of Woodstock were
spent his vacation With --his mother, guests this week with Mr. and Mrs.
MrS. Pat Scrimgeour, 44 'Huron George Johnston, ..Stanley street and
road. renewing other acquaintances.ter, Mrs. George Buechler. lust Mr. and Mrs. E. B. ,Ch}1eott have Mrs. Roy Shutlor and children of
Thursday afternoon Its her $5th ;returned to Toronto after spend- nonillion are guests with the
yr ing u week's holiday with the fat- lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
CoulBorn near Jamestown, , Huron ter's mother, Mrs. J. E. Whitely. Lednor, Port Albert and renewing
late. John
she was a daughter of •the Mr. Archie Jones of Detroit acquaintances in the district.
late Hillier and Elizabeth visited recently with his mother, Miss Helen Jackson who has
Horton and lived practically all been associated :with Jackson
Florists for • the past - four years,
BROOKS—CC1TllBERTL�ON left on Friday for North Buy where
she will be employed by Jackman's
The manse of Knox Presbyterian Flowers.
now known as the Superior Store. Church was the setting for a pretty Miss Dianne_._Ilarrison.. is visiting
She was a faithful member of sutamer wedding at 2.30 o'clock, Miss Anita may Jantzi at Port
Knox Presbyterian Church and a life Saturday afternoon, when Glenda Albert Beach this week and Anna,
member of the Woman's Missionary- Lucille, daughter of .Mr. and -Mrs. May expect to return with her to
Society. John Cuthbertson, Gibbons street, spend Old Home Week with Dianne
Surviving are four sons, Calvin became the bride of -Brandon at her home.
of Goderich'; Robert, of Lindsay; Bt -oaks, sun of.Mr. and Mrs. WalterMr. and Mrs. D. 'E. Campbell,
Thomas- of Detroit, and Meldrum Brooks. of Waterloo, the Rev. R. G. Victoria street, Have returned from
of Toronto; two daughters, (Jean) MacMillan officiating. a two months' trip to England,
Mrs. T. E. Ross of St. Thomas and The' bride, given in marriage by where they visited their daughter
(Ione) Mrs. George Baechler, God, - her .father, wore a becoming suit and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
rich; also by three brothers, Wil- of white gabardine with corsage of Wroot, .St. Albans.
Liam IIillier_ of Los Angeles, Cal.; red rosebuds, white hat with bue-
l' Master - Bill Bettger, son of Mr:
John of Calgary; Harry of Toronto accessories.. She •carried a white and Mrs. Harold 13ettger and
and three sisters, Mrs. Emily Rut- Bible, arranged" with streamers and Master John Hopkinson, son of -.Dir.
ledge atnd Mrs. Minnie Hill, both red roses., • < Keith Hopkinson ore holidaying In
of Vancouver, and Mrc, Birdie Miss Jon Killough, as maid of Monkton with their grandparents,
Sehwanz of—Calgary; 10 grandchild- honor, wore a lavender gabardine Mr. and Mrs. M. -E. Bettger.
ren , and seven great-grandchildren, suit, with white half -batt, trimmed Mrs. J. E. Blaney (formerly
The funeral service at the Lodge with •blue flowers. miss , June Hester -Smith) and sons, John and
funeral home on Monday after- Brooks, the groom's , sister, was David, have returned to their home
noon was largely attended and was bridesmaid, wearing a mauve at Cooksville. after 'spending the
comlucted by tite Rev. R.,.(i._Mac-. gabardine suit, with white hat and past week with the -lady's) .aunt,
Milian., of Knox Presbyterian white accessories. Both. wore cor- Mrs. R. (L ohnston', the past week.
C'h'urch. Among- the many floral sages of 'white ite carnations.. Mr.' acid Mrs. Archie Moefle and
tributes were those from the. con- Mr. Gilbert Wilder of Waterloo Miss Marjorie Maefie have returned
gregation and the choir of St. An- and Mr. Lionel Cuthlertson, brother from a week's vacation at Detroit.
drew's Presbyterian Church, Lind- of the bride, „attended the gloom. While there they attended the
stay. The pallbearers' were: Keith A a reception in the British Ex- Maefie-Tomlinson wedding; the
Ottt, Max Cutts Gordon Crawford change hotel, Mrs. Outhbertson was groom is a brother of Mr. Archie'
and Francis Schram all of Gode- 'gowned in grey and white printed •Macfie,
_,rich, Jack tuft, of Niles, Mich:, sheer, with black hat and corsage ' :firs, Elizabeth Pennington who
and Carl Billo, Kitchener. Inter- of red rosebuds. She w'aS assisted *Is employed as floor lady and head
tuent took plaee in Maitland eeme=
in receiving by the groom's mother, fitter of the dress ,department in
tory. • - Mrs, Brooks, who wore a pale blue British Knit at .r+imcQe is enjoying
'those from out of town dttending- gabardine -Suit, with yellow hat her vacation at the .home of her
the funeral were: Mr. and ' Mrs, and corsage of yellow rosebuds. son, Mr. Kenneth Pennington, Blake
Ilarry Hillier, 'Mrs -Morton IIillier, After a trip- to Wasaga Beach, Street:
-Mr. and Mrs. Mel Fraser,- Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will reside Mr. and Mrs. Dan MacDon.ild,
'Margaret Mateolmson, Mr, `and Mrs• in .Waterloo. , „, • ' - . 'Windsor, are visiting Mr. MaeDon-.
Meldrum-Cutt, :ill of Toronto; Mrs, (guests were present from -Water-'s brother, Bert ManDonald and
.T:atnes Stott, Bo manrille; Mr. and loo, Kintail and Goderich. Mrs. AlacDonuld; for --Old Hone
Mrs. T. E. Ross :and Miss Shii:ey Week, after 'which they -will visit
Ross, of St. Thomas. - BISSET-.-.MILNI the brothers' .sister, Mrs, Aorntan
- Tall standards of pink gladioli \Iac•Lean, JIirquette, Mich.
Final- Preparations aril snapdragons ..formed a lovely Air. and Mrs. T. rimy :an
daughters, Nancy and • Lynne of
settims in -North Street -United Waterloo spent the week -end with
(Continued, front ,page, 101 Church for, a wedding of, wide Mrs. Amy's -sister, Mrs. -George
tion badges.. A 'record will.
be kept- interest on Friday afternoon, when Ellis. and Mr. Ellis, Wellington
of their presence in town as well Enniee Marion, daughter of Mr.-
ir, street. Barbaro Ellis returned, ro
and Mrs: J. B. Milne of Calgary,
with them to spend the
as their local address so -that any -'formerly of Goderich, was united wishing to contact them while in marriage io Rube -rt. MacArthur - Mr .and Mrs. Janes Schultz, St.
they are there may do so. -,'-Free Bisset, son of M-r...attd Mrs. Robert Petersburg, Florida. vire visiting
Mrs. Schultz's daughter, Mrs.
parking is available for visitors Bisset, sr., of -Goderich, Harvey Fisher and family, of Col-
ittsthe Public School playground on The ceremony was performed by
Gibbons street. the Rev. It. G. JIa('Mlllcut of Knox 1►ortre 'Township: and her son, .11r.
Over 10 local householders have Presbyterian Church. 'Traditionatl Alva 'Thompson and family of
informed Old Home Week head- wedding musk, was played by Jit. town. They expect to' be here
quarters that they have roosts -a- W. 11. Bishop, .A.R.C,c_)., and, while abort three months.
vailable for rent during • the cele- the register was being signed, Mrs. Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm. H. Johns and
liraiiou-: Those requiring ac om- James Bisset, jr., sang :The Wed 11 r. 7'. (`: .Johns and•
mud;r tau a the in 1- v n byGladys, all of Zelma, Sask., arrived
n. should :apply a t regis- d„ M, 1 n Handel.
tr:sliest marquee: Aieattwhile, free G'ften in tnarriage by hear father, on the noon traits \ionday 10 en -10'y
Old Home Week in town and will
accommodation is urgently revinired the bride was lovely in it gown
for members' of the R.C.A.F. Ceti- of white satin, 1.'114)1"with be. guests with Mrs. W. Rrevwnlee,.
Intl Band who will ,play a series tight-tittiug bodice with lace yoke Angl es street and Mrs. Aldin
el concerts here on Wednesday :oil and long sleeves pointing over toe ABM. Fust street.
Thursday, the final twn days of hands. The- bouffant skirt extend -
it Mrc. Edward Nolan and `daugh-
the celebration. ed into a lung Troia and her all- is miss, Diary Nolan and Urs,
Speeia1 tratile regulations will lace finger-tip veil • fell from t 1 \V':alter J, (1ramLich of Rutialo. N.1.,
apply during the ce�lebrat.ion, 'Their- bandeau of the lace_ ---She carried are in town for the holidays., firs,
Waterdown, Ontario. His grand- her life in Goderich, where her
father and uncle operated a. saw- I fattttier, husband, son and grandson
mill at Waterdown for more than '"have successively operated the wen-
d() years.
While in Goderich Mr. Attridge known grocery on Kingston 'street,
has been actively associated with
the Board of Trade and the Lions
t`lut►, fostering boys' sports in the
latter organization in pra:rticular.-
A member of North Street United
('hureh, he is a member of the
Board of Stewards and of the
North Street United choir. Mr.
Attridge has made many friends in
Godoyrich who will be sorry to see
hitit leave and who wish him every
success in the opportunity which
lies before him In. his newly ac-
quired business, the Lucknow Saw-
Firs May be distinguished from
other ('anadiatt.conifers by the fact
their coue4 • never hang down but
stand erect on the branches.
Welcome Home, Old Giris and Boys!
The new permanent floor at the Arena
will be in use for the first time at the
Lions Club's Monster
Goderich Memorial Arena
Aug. 1, at 9 p.m. (D.S.T.)
and all must go
1b gllGiritlilat :$15 each; one at each of $50, $75 and $100.-
Ave winners.
must go .
One free game for $50 for'first
Will be no traffic' permitted 'on the
Square from Sunday, August -3. to
Thursday, August 7, inclusive, Me-
1)on:a11 street front Britannia road
to the southern extremity of then
arena and Raglan street from
Ke tys street to McDonald street
will be closed to vettieulatr traffic
from August - 4 to August 7, in-
clusive. - -
Civic Reception •
On Monday morning at 9.341 in
Court House Park, the official efvie
reception will take place, when
Mayor J. E. Iluckins will Issue
a welcome to all visitors on behalf
of the corp -oration. Appel ring snit h
the Mayor will be district nten7Gers
of ,parliament and of the Ontario
legislature anti Ilarry Knight, Tor-
onto, doctor of the Judith Gooder-
hant Memorial Playground- and of
the new swimming pool to he built
there: Members of the Town Coun-
cil will be on band in the costumes
of the last eentury which they will
be wearing, for the dranaatiznt.iou
of' the first eonneit meeting ever
held in Goderich, The performance
will take place in - front of the
grandstand at Agricultural Park in
the afternoon.
Following the civic reception in
the morning, the huge float. ,parade
will start off from Huron Comity
Pioneer Mnsenn► on North street.
The pnarade, which will be at hast
two stiles tong, Is larger. than par-
ade eonrrnittee chairman Ernie
Fisher dreamed would he possible,
rand is sure to be the biggest in the
history of Goderich►. 4evet-al en-
tries iVive come in from all over
Tiurou County.
For visitors from Western on-
tnrio, Western Ontario Motorways
have itnnouneeal special arrange
men ts for buses to Goderich during
the celebration In addition to re,
dnee(I "Pares, "good only on day of
purchase," the (mnpany is operat-
ing one egtrn trip Into Goderich
from London. That is to say the
8.15 a,tn. trap front London. will
Operate directly to Goderich as well
as the 1.30 p.m. aril the 3:45 p.m.
On Friday, Saturday, Sunday and
holidays the 1S.4f► p.m. trip from
London will also 'operate dlreetly to
0-oderieb. A spx'('inl into bus will
leave Goderich every night from
August 4 to- August 9 at midnight
for London, _
Clintpn's oldest resident, Mrs.
Alice Maud Robson, eelehrated her
101st i►lrthilay on July 23re1-
at nosegay of red roses.
\Vicearims gowns styled similarly
to the bride's, the attendants were
her sister, Mrs. James Aitken of
London, as matron of honor, itt
Venetian green satin; the groom's
sister, Miss Mollie Bisset, as brides-
maid, in dusty •pink satin, and the
bride's .niece, Janet Matthews of
Welland, as flower girl, in rosebud
pink satin. They wore bandeaux of
Talisman roses and carried nose-
gays of the sante flowers.
The,,, groom, Itis' groomsman, 'Mr.
George Mlalcoltn of Toronto and two
ushers, J. Brown Milne, brother
of the bride, and Peter Walter, the
groom's cousin, ares.. all student
ministers in the Presbyterian
Church. in__Catnada., _al_r.. Gordon
Walter, of Goderich, was also au
For a reception at, Hotel Ittdford,
the bride's mother wore a dusky
rose gown, with black feather hat
and corsage of white roses and blue
for';et-uie-nc'►ts, Site W11 '4 assisted
by the groom's mother, weatring
French blue with blue lace bat and
corsage of yellow roses,
For a trip to the United States
rind - Eastern Canada, the bride
donned it green paper taffeta suit
with white feather hint and white
Mr. and Mrs, itisset. will resile
in Montreal where the groom„ -will
continue his studies in theology
at the Presbyterian College. The
bride is a graduate of the Royal
Conservatory of Mucic, Toron-to.
Guests were present from Wind-
sor, Toronto, 1lomilton, Winnipeg,
Brandon, London, Welland, Cal-
gary, Ottawa and Goderich:
Prior to her marriage the bride's
mother entertained at a trousseau
tea in' her honor at the hone oI'
Mrs. G. Emerson.
-She Was the guest of honor at 0
cup and saucer shower at the home
of Miss Mary Ann Erskine and at
n dinner party at the home of the
groom's aunt, Mrs. R. J. 1', Wolter,
Snitford heights, when Mrs, ,lean
Clements,- Mrs. Dan Walter tend
Nit's. Gordon Wolter were the ite;i(
The evening before the wedding,'
Mrs. Robert Bisset entertnined the
bridal party nt her home and Mr.
And Mrs. Robert Bisset, after .the
,Wedding reception, entertained the
wedding guests at Point Farm. The
bride was the recipient of a gift
from her C.G.1.T. group in Knox
Presbyterian Church,
Nolan, the former Amelia t)'Reilly,
vwas.horn in G-oderich, the daughter
of the Late Uiehael and Margaret
Brussels Blues
Beat Dodgers 5-1
(By Wally) -
Brussels Blues continued with
their- winning streak •azo they
trounced the local girls, • 5-1 last
Thursday evening in Brussels. rA
four -run rutty in • the first frame
netted them the win as two bog hits,
a double by'J(;rry Stephenson and a
triple by Donna Hannon sent .in
the four runs. •
The Dodger's only run came its
the .ststli frame with two down.
Dorothy Mc('ahe singled and -was
knocked home by her sister, Audrey,
who slashed out it double. The
other Brussels truly .resulted front
a three -bagger by Jerry Stephenson
in the seventh and an error at home
Donna Mannon (Watson) vvettt
the route for the victors with
twelve strikeouts, v%'alking one. Kay
McKinnon wits on the mound for
the local squad with seven girls
going down swinging :Ind six re-
ceiving free passes, -
Goderich 4)01) 001 (100------ 1 s ;3
Brussels, 10O 000 10x- --- ► ei 0
The annual holiday week of
' the Signal -Star hi August 4 to
9. 't'hu's, there will be no issue
next week, l'ublieatie*n will
resume with the issue .of
August 14. The office of the
Signatl-Star will remain open
daring holiday week, however,
for the renewal of subscrip-
tions, payment of ac•c•ounts and
taking printing orders. One
member of the staff will remain
to handle emergency printing
jobs. Visitors during Old Home
Week to the Signal -Star office
are most weleome. r.•
The plant of Anderson Flax Pro-
ducts, Ltd., Luektsow, recently de-
sttoyed by (pre, is to be rebuilt.
Fairholme Dairy, Clinton, has
been n wn rtes! n $10,200 ciintract
to supply dairy products for the
°nnadlan !)efenee Department.
Fiddlers' Contest
AND - .
Square once
Goderich Memorial Arena
Part of the Goderich Old HonIe Week Celebration
- 9 P.M. -
Entries received by August 2 will receive $1
Entries will be received up to August 5
Send your entry witli\nt ate, address and age to Ernie
Fisher, Goderich.
FIDDLERS' CLASSES -16-25: 26-50: 51-75: 76-100
Prizes; --1st, $20; 2nd, $15; 3rd, 510.
Boys, girls -16 and under, $10, $5, $3.
Fiddler from farthest away, $5.
Best Square Dance Set, $30, $15.
Ladies', any. .age, $15, $10, $5.
Oldest Fiddler, $5.
Best Man Step Dancer, $10, $5, $3.
Best Girl Step Dancer,'510, $5, $3.
To Your OldTHorne
When in - Goderich - visit
Imperial Oil Service Station
on Victoria Street
alVeTt S P 0 R -T S -COLUMN
4 Eee 7n.9.4.4
The late esteemed Daniel Webster, who won
very considerable fame as a gentleman- who
knew what words really meant, defined sport
as a noun meaning ... that which, diverts and
stakes mirth; pastime, amusement,
If Mr. Webster was around today, he night
alter the defitrition. Ile Wright remove the
. word "mirth." For there is little mote real fun in the major
realms of sport. it has- beeonie a very serious business, with
few laughs., 1.f there is any mirth, then it is strictly- coincidental.
and unintentional. ,
In tat*. they atlltletes of today aren't even characters .as we
knew itt such other days when there was leas money, more toughs..
They're sold, eakid atitrg ,I tut skiff tit -workmen.
It wasn't like this in the not so Old days when sport had its
sports. ''The gays (and gale, too) had personality.
There are no more roistering characters such as. for instance,
the Pate Ilnrry (.rel), I'lttisburg's boa►nt++itig boxer who irtrffe'tte(1
his Wit to the world middleweight title. Greb's deviations front
what were known as routine -training znerluxiIs won hint fitine of :a
sort. Certain'i;v notoriety. F)1t e in Nt'w York he rolled out of
Ist' l.Rte 1n the afternoon, we'tit to the hotel t►arber-shop, requested
a shave and a Pace rias: age with hot towels. 1t had i ren a rough
The barber asked courteously; "%Vho do you think will win
the tiglit tonight Mr. Gre b?"
Replied Harry, indifferently.; "Who's lighting?"
Why, you are, Mr. Grub" said the ,amazed barber. Ile was
right too. -
1►tit West they rerull lurid toles of big, rugged Andy Moran,
who played major Ixeke;c both easel atni wev t, Ambito was careless
about training, ti,o. Iie played so poorly for Regina one season,
that the late \Ves Champ, advised Ili -m hey wooId have to report in
shape the next fail or do without n contr'aaet. So Moran bought
a 'pair of pants three sizes too big for himself, donned thein,,
reported to Champ. When the Manager queried hint :tl►mtt weight,
Anglo- ran his hand around the top to show how mucic tomer they
were for hint "as. n result of his wogs -alto of getting in sharpe.'
"It' cost ne :fi9 ter t114 /Se pants, but 1 got a contract" 1iM'alird
Sprague 1'leghorti, one of hockey's great :ill -time def'enzve,
players, was a paradox. a Itrae•tical joker oil' the ice, a hard matt
on it, tine night while 1w was managing Montreal Maroons. the
(iovertior (:e -neral of ('nnadat was present in the Montreal Fontan
as patron and guest, of honor at a big ('hri,stnna•a)►asket (+parity
1) xlt g event. He was iuvlited to the Maroon clr(essittg-res,nt to
meet the pbawers, w'114► were hurriedly summoned. .lust its the
Governor General and his s4' tl' were milking 0 dignified entrance,
n !terrified horunr official noticeci CIugh orn head a ''httzze'r" at
t./14'11(51 141his found. Ile was insttrtw•ted, in -tasty whispers, 10 get
rich el' it. "Rurety"--►za1d the official, "yon were not going to shake'
h'an(Il-t with lite Governor General %ve tring that 1hit►g7"
"Certainly i was" said Cleghorn. "The boxing show Ls poor,
the Governor looks bored. and deserves some sort of a thrill."
There is no such 'humour around the major sports wheel
today. Big money has chased out the laughs. made it serious
Motor comments and suggestions for this column will I, welawued
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yong* St., Toronto,
Calvert DI