The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-21, Page 12PAGE 14111NTY
&btrirt ig�l-star
Published by .Signal -Star ,Publishiug
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Advertising hates •ou request. )Telephone 71.
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\1e111her of, Cauadlau Weekly :Newspapers
Assoeia t tern.
Weekly. Cietntatiou over ;1,000.
GEO. L. EI,LIS, Editor and Publisher
Ttil RS1►A1, JULY ::1st, 195- .
Immigration seeeums to tie bei.•t,tu-
nig au issue in Federal affairs.
'The Toronto Globe and Mail's lead-
ing editorial on Thursday wag au
attack upon the immigration' t►e-
partaleut because of -the large
number of iululigrauts who show up
daily tat an ewployli.lette ottice- in!
the city) looking for murk.- New
the G. and M. has 1eeu a eomstant
advocate of- greater immigration.
is it lysing faith in its own, cause
when, itsees that immigration is
bringing ltetple to 1'ant1Ua who i
cannot find employulen[':
The Conservative Globe and Mai!,'
however, is not alone in urging,
larger, immigration. The Liberal
Toronto ' Star also criticizes the
immigration Department. It quotes
Do 1r. Kidd, exe(•utive director of the
Canadian Citizenship Committee,
who points out that "Canada's :11ac'
kenzie River basic compares favor-
ably in size, cliniate, resources and
soil with Finland. 'But the pupula-
\\'elcl►nu , 11,1 tenets
. •
Do You Remember When---?
Next week's v'isiters will kindly
dote that •iitlt'e the 1937 retinae'
the teen :Ire ,ill fifteen yours older
114(1 the .iris are fifteen ye:u's
111 4 41 141- 1. I
• • •
Over in Great Britain the weekly
meat ration is being increased from
the er{Itivalrlut of 23 cents' worth
t,•, what, eau be bought for '2.8 cents.
Our British clvil:si 44 are tieing
i1( the lap of adversity.
• •
It nt:4r be a elly question --hut,
11011 that the Republicans havo
turned down Bob 'raft, his favorite
for the l'resitlency, weal Col. \!c-
t'urwiek of 'l'life Chicago 'I'riblf"ue
support Ad Stevenson, the Chicago
I hunts town boy?
• •
1'.S. Democrats hope to roar' to
victory with a new campaign song:
The farmer's farmin' every day,
Makin' money Sud, that ain't hay
The worker's workin" every day,
Down -Memory's
tion of the Alaekenzie basin is only Drives to ,work in :0 new coupe.. Niagara River, joining Buffalo' and
3,500, while Finland supports So when Election 1)ay appears\l', 15 Years
Fort Erie, 1►aa officially opened in
35(x),O(K> tvtth :t, 1311.1Y high ~1;ilU_ Keep what you've had for .'U years. Sallulvs, our welt kuuwu photo: the presence of the Prince of Wales
UOl'1' LET 'F:AI TAKE 111 AWAY! grapller, took an .obser'•atiun tout and Stanley Baldwin, the, British
and of living." • . •
If flits is -the test that can be through some Quebec townships and prime minister,
\funder what those sign. along
r. utur Of lei. catches
So impressed were mehlbers of
said in favor cif a greatter ituuligra- j was di.pluyiug, - * the bions Club With the opulent
II the highways are fur "•".1 ('(1 in local views:...--__ display' Of feminine pulchritude on
Leon effort its advocates might is
well stop right. there. It would make Twit, 50 mile. A motorist A girl sentenced to serve `20 the bathing beaches that they de-
oner travelling; at that rate sees -eats mouths in an SIM/ants Prison was cided to their tle)at in the
be sheer lunacy h, .trend w kept there for ll;, years until she Centennial parade a bathing beauty
pass hint at 71) or '40 'Hailes an
bringing people to C'ail„:lda and
died, a clerk'. 1141 take but i111, wade .beret
tha.t:� far northern hour. I)o the .ilius tneall that the seentence-tead 20 years. 15 Years ,fig
sending them l0 I 4 i,; to travel at less than The 33rd Regimental band was�.
region. They would we, any there at 1laytiel(1 and played at the Eng- meld was held at the Maitland
The second annual la(1it. t
trio re than one, winter. There arc :,11tnl.p.h.'1• • • lisp churchi garden party 'in that Golf ('luta with 67 entries from
enuu_h vacant spacein less distant vill:i'ge. There was a horse attend: London, Stratford, Sornta, Se.1-
111* creel strike neon.. 1lo 11114 sure. very Many c (1'! 14 t ; from forth. 1 1 ,1 W *1, AV'iugliani, Kin -
parts of Canada to arcu11111 has 14(011 settled in the usual wa to the pretty
a few 'million � people. 'There • iw y town taking parties carlliue :1(.l ()wen e+)mld.
more Motley for the striker's and, village i1(. the evening. ,5s :l' result of s(v(ral t•(llnplaiuts
work on farms in 1)utario for these 11 increase in the Imre of steel. The Duty Engine ('u.': new office of 1/(r4o11: injured 1(r nearly struck
iw1111 rants Who are said to 1,e) was ready for iecup1tiou, t1('.' with 1411`01 from air 11114.s in the
\t hen things get settled seed fotindr> S' 4 1411)f(t1 in, 11(15 1)ni ter.
applying daily 111 `l'ur1►alto fur jobs ; I,downbands uf`.utall .buys, thief of Police
t�ruuted ftp, it will he found that- :hop w is (11 4(14 h(ing used
an,l° 1'ostelthw•ait4 ireettied to make a
but they don't want farm work. 1 the strike 1>,as cuss t the workers, a few tveel:s more would see the eleat1-u1► of the wl'alx)tls, 1111116rat-
Immigration \iinit*r 1 1arcis pool► 1111111ions in wages, the • public' 4'111 other (1 [) (1114(4 311 ready fe1r t1c- ink; 1w•t1.
,re `lbout inu1(i"r►nts 1 (opal ion - • 2511 1411 -star Guder•icll softl►a11
1 fur st44,1 products and steel corpur- l p. -in of t1( liurou road be' T eveTtiO W;I. defeaf(d 17 I) in :1(t
Toronto, put together 1114(1 1t•e b(
.(ane judgment in directing the
efforts of his department. (,,:111:1d:t
abl•r kmrW. nl1 p;1v millions
11(010 i1( 1►i1,<her prices+�
th.u1 all the ncovspa1 er editors in 1 a Fears :1i;() team, the create of the ('hurcit
(1 g . t
:]tion 11414 ends t1•ill remain alseit. ticeen 'eafurt11 and-I)ttblin w•a. exhibition g:u1(e with the 1)etroit
liev,e he can' be trusted to nese a the at'titr ,as usual. 1(1111111 a 11111( and :l . quarter r;•'f 1 Rourgeois, e:1)tained by Ism (Joe)
ronlpl(tion. 1lurray, a former I;oderie1( buy,
(1-1:1NT—C'l'KKE1.1,Horses were arriyme Almost Nfl)rking night :ind' day; hydro
needs teen- t1t' 41)14 and sheriil(1 nave "hollrli• for the Gr4derich r1408 ;and it i :Ind town employees and groups
111 Sinrll:e Street 1'uited l'hnrcli i w;4, (1(111ipatcd that 50 horses ;from local orgallizatipit and 14idees
a liberal int nlgration policy, but on Nlay 31, the . wet4dtliu-; t,„,k: t1v)uld be 1(t the tweet and that it !:trere rapidly erecting decor:itions
to bring in ;1 flood of immigrants! I,1n1e of Nli.. llorutlly I:lizalx t1( ! t11111h1 141 the banner 41nt4et of West- about tale Square in preparation. fo:
1'11rretl, daughter 11f 1.ieliteuaut ern' 1)ntnri11.. t'1(( welcoming' 41f t)ld flume \leek
b: regardless of cir•eutllaances W1/11:d, i (`111)11111 111t'a ��• ('llt'IV l :11111 NII's ' )
�, � The new 1'0aeue l.tld;.;e over the visitors.
sve retreat, he slicer mattes`. i 1'u.rrell ,1f 4IshiiWli. 1 4 \\h'i'l�li4114 1 nl I ►
erslrn 1 11•lut, the .,1. 1'1'° Mr, :inti
d 'Mrs.I Emerson 'Thant, also of 4),414-
�'n1t:I' 1- 1bride's1itller i• a hr.. -1- Letter • to- the Editor
ther• 11ff Re11rge 1'nrrell. l'anleren (•
Street. 'Those attie1(,,lil1 the wisl-
111ne• included \1r. -al • Nits. George
1 lite«II. \1r. nidi airs. Irvine• 1►ki., ' - AN API-'KECle1'1'ltl „picture ",lust around. ..1111) .1311(1
,nit N1r-. and \i1:,. 120111*' 1{1"114«e.. Editor', SI 11411 -Star A\ ill 1{11hert:uu, will gl1'e many
Sir, \\"e were rather •int et e.>tl ti ;Mori)'; 811111 118 he 11:1,i 'given to the
('11i.1.F:GL\TF REI'NIO\ i1( two :Irticies in 1110 .1uly 111th issue 11f July 17. Retir(ment tt:ls
k ' i). a of t-1 - 111:1 1tome \V•,•el; issue of The Signal -Stat•, both (kal- j
ust a bend in the road.- lie hasn't, was sit esel) 11 4 I(1 third 171 "bal:,rl, firth-ities, a rceifftet► of former 11114 41111 ‘Vl'eklY newspaper (ditois. stopped work.
seal "hint_ s few d1 1ys
' and despite his oft relx•ate41 shite-'. 1;".1'.1. teachers and students is 1'sy1'h) 1 ,,l 1. generall4 take the 11'heu I pas
ago 1 couldn't fail to 11,1 1,,.
Holt; th::t he 1ti11 1110 wish to ht. ', being held i1( the old Collegiate view that elle_ positive,' rather than
I„lilhtine 1111 •1'm•.day :II•tor'louil; t,e• .111,' llegalit4•, ;ipllroAelt 11 :1 prol•olelil fresher and relie4ed .ort of Flint
:1 e:tn11111a11• 111 ae1', irlel) 111,' nlrlgliil 4,111`1'114* ;I44(1 4(( 111 his eyes, ;(1141 `1 4', 4 tl't .311,1 tit's, 1
, eeltining at tee .seleek. I. .1111:,1\:� Ille;'1 11111. it ,4,1111111011 :1,4 111011gll lit• WI!S
atie;4) 1411 11 1(1i -ell ' h.1r11 1L111. flit: .1/11 he :1 chance for former inl;lgine 3) i' of 1lie readers 44f
lir writ ••Ierliol► 111 \.,...m x't•. "4I1111e11f,4 to r141,4it lite .refile: of "4111111 I0.11ir11', 101,1111„„" \4o111d
humming "Koaulin' in the 11:1.1111- i
The De•meet':tt11• ileminee fes. 1(1)1 Iloir nigh selese days -1 (1 3l,ly hardly :l3►preeiate that. approach 111 in.' 1 wasn't sure trust it, er,,_,,,
1(u rdit11r'. hh111 444. .5111 .44 :Iduoit 111ci111 in hi. IbIlIking, .o 1 4114! i't
for i1(, last time. disturb him. Life can he beautiful
,-oHsi114:ah;1 e�ir+rien 1 in h:�n 1111.
\ short pr11graul i, planned. I''(-- ! they ore legl and I '„ire to \Will Rebertso►1 11(,,
b :e1( the same
4:ove1•nment service. hlil 11:1, 11,•,'11 !1111 II1:; \\ lltl•ll 11111,'11 .\-iii ill' s1'i'4ed. 1'111 otllel' :II'l lett',
, i14 :1e1;,,- polifre, only ,':111'1` 1:I is, .511 former .,11141e•1lt,4 :Ire s ordi.(114 ' Page :11141 all flit• eau"' sllt►J(11, 45.''11- 1)4'st S(11111,11 (4i,411 • 1 1:1.111(1', "1srll
n. ;11',1 111 attend. tell by I.ruce \\'est, ('('.11111 4.,sosr may your Ilan reek.'.
when ne t.•'.en the ge.erne s1iii1 ofr 1►uting; -]11t ala 44:'1 as, 111111'1 1
see' the rdobe :ttur Mutt r,,epre-s-et1` l 11:1
' ideally his i111a of ar' `tu•cissflnt of ihl..J,tonut_E ret Public School
weekly editor. I hie parmsraph :1:1-1 1 registered a bright-a:yeti lad,
,- lee to us ACe quote: ••1►ut of young sun of Tom Ellis, highly
Anna 1'. Lewis, director of the
Women's Institute !mulch slat Home
Economies. service of 1141• ()Mario
Department of A,grn'ulture, has au•
not ncett"14te ap)oigltme.t of \lis,
.lean Stt't'kle,- 11.11. Se•.. as home
economist for ,t 1►e couvtit'r of 1trues-
'Iliss Sleekly is a 1110114-
14er of '1 he first great. to graduate
from \lat•duual(i lust itute with a
university degree ltach'tlu1' ")f
114tµschul(l Siem e.
Mi -ss Steekle's huule is di a farm
in \\,aterlou Comity, near Ktteliener•
' Miss .lea. N(v►tt• whom Hues,
Stee+k su4'cee(115, Will Ire transfer-
red to the ,1 4patttleut of Agricul-
ture office at Stratford, where she
will assist with the supervision of
Clubs and Junior In-
stitute work and will devote her
time to held traluing for eounty
tome ..4'er111►111i.t'..
Two members of 111 t season's
Santis 1'untiacs ,hockey team, Ron
Bigger and Nick 1)ubick, have
signed ('uutracts wive the Kir•cctuldy
team in the So* tfiish • lee lloekey
.VsSooIlltion and plan t1► sail for
S4'utlaud to begin training about
the first of September..
The - contract -'4 were negotiated
through the a5.90t'iatit►'u'S Toronto
.rel►resellh)tivo, Gordon (.ora1(1. and
provide for. 2S -day t►t'ubationary
per1(1ds anti substantial salaries
plus a homes for winning gams.
Provision is also made for the
two player: to Continue their for-
mal aaniention. F)ubiek has another
year GT" put -in 'towards his .t*ninr
matriculation and. fo1b )I1-1ng; (mm-
1)1(11on of his econdary school trlu-
(salon le Se(rtland, hopes to quality'
:is :1 plrFs-Ir;Il- training instruretor at
:i university in the united Statces.
I)tenoerats :it ('iriri31' last
week drafted 4;11verner -CFi1;ii
Ste etns:n of Illtuois :is 11e11'
catdid4t«• for I'resillent: 11( a tie,11
of :1 cl,rren .ir more J1r. 4"1(1111 e .l
More than 30 years ago a couple
caws frotu what was then known
at: Serbia in F.urol►e to Canada.
On Sunday at Goderich they had a
fatilily reunion, first time the fam-
ily has ail been together' for 13
years. The couple are Mr.• -Mike
Rabatich, proprietor of the- British
Exchange IIotel, and Mrs. R.ablltich,
Numerous citizens of (loderieli
joined in the banquet -at the. hotel
en Sunday- honoring Mr-. and Mrs.
It is with pleasure we welcome you to join with us
in' the celebrating of the 125th Anniversa rY: .
Geo. MacVicar
Rubatich on the occasion. The
family is t'otulwsed of four sous,
two daughters and nine grand-
The daughters • are Mrs. Sulila
Chry'novlteh in the real estate busi-
ness at Hamilton and Hiss Helen
Rabatich who is with her mother
Tordnto llelping in the running
of the Pape Avenue Theatre `Which
is owned by the family. Tine sons
are : Dr. Pete Rabatie'', a dentist
from '..Saskatoon; Dr. Steve Rapti -
Hell, a medical practitioner at
Plaster Rock, New Brunswick;
'alike Itabaticll, jr., who operates
a grocery store at Hamilton;
George Itabatit'll, wins Is also en-
gaged with his mother in operattu1 ;,
jhe Pape Avenue Theatre, Toronto.
Present also was a friend of the
family from St. Catharines, a young
tnan`froni the family's native coun-
try who served in the underground -
forces against Germany in World
War II and who later escaped to
serve with the Itoyal Air Force.
t•ana la's first cotton will was
established at Sherbrooke, in 1845.
111in11is 1'y a record majority. Itis
tv1141 work in that 1lttiee. hro11gl;;
wid1e recognition of his abilities SIS'I'I:I{ M. .I►C)i{1)'1'II1' l
an11 ha, led to the cilli (rein his ! this intimate :cud Ul
friendly relation- esteemed business an, Member of
Sister M. I)�,ruthy, a member of ' ship there must surely grow that the Board of Education, choler,
party 111 carry the femme -ort' t1('` the C11nlnlnnitc 1(t' the •Sister. 11f niest magic of all journ111tsti( in- bowler and :111 -round eilizen. That
1tem, wracy in the (onli1g elisli )n St. Joseph for 10 years. died S:I1 gt.,,d,ieut:, sonletin,45, ca 11(11 the evening at hoard meeting when he
with Getterit Eisenhower as his "yd".` :It 4t. 311(14's 110s1)i116, Loin •(lrility to kepi :1 'linger 1111 thee; mentionedit to cue 1 remarked
R 111} 1' 11( a 1)1)0114111 don.! pulse' If this bond h:ls been well,'' 'es, sir ---a future• business mon
1 1 tut lthout his dad may txe justly
similarity in the two chief ter of the late i'atrick 'Troy and the' \V•lest folk 145,111, i1( a conliu11ui19• again until w1' moved to (.oder['''
1:Illtlidates for the 'White 11oilst1, fin1(111 .14,11141(14) 11(1(1. 'Ili''- fashion. t1(• talk (4)*41 our ',„ Ikly _and' there. flashed tttrotlgit lay tui111
Roth are men 11f high c114Tactl,1
greater part- of Iter religions life' paper, lour 'hut'(he, 1(r 11ur .c1( eel, my remark to lel. father.
tray .IN'111 111 the earl; 11f the :Igen ill an irltil11:11! :11111 possessive kind \i'ith the family haek4'roliud ,Ind
high int111ig(uc45, sin(erity utd anti- infirm ai the 11ons1 of pro- of way, they are 11,11 likely to :Ihuse the training, he has received, Georgie
breadth ,1f ri(w. hither 1vo311d be t 1(1411' i1( 14 144! 34 the privileges tiles,' services' give, Ellis is well fitted to Barry on the
a worthy, dignified and :dd.. head Surviving are, seven sisters, 11v(' 4(nd will always look forward to traditions of a flue weekly new. -
of ...hem are also nlemlx•rs of t1 i1(( next Weekly issu(. 14ruc.• paper. Ile has made 11 good .ta'•t
1(P 1111' great Re p11blil . (l1( purely
St. Joseph Community': Sister .Mary SVI'4.t'..arti)14'-r45tieel. tl►eir :131•itude and we will continue to look fo,•.
IM'rsul:Il ground. „the tv)ters nl,1y, 1)wine Heart, Sister St'. Peter.
Ind. 1 think, the spirit of all 3-10 ward each week to :In interesting
h:11) difficulty i14 + filre).ing 1114') el sister, ,An(ill1 sial r 1111.:1 Guff 1.41it,1r. 1:f "1111 signal Star w'h,1n1 •1 Signal-St;lr.
them.. It 4)314 1 he i,n the Ixrli(i,. Sister "11via, and Nli.. Euu]14 1114e I:41 4414 since the d:l4s of 1)3111" 3nir. ittr1r451y.
of the,r rtsts,etive parties that iii( 'Ploy :Ind 31rs. 'l 11"1"'''' 111"411"', McGillicuddy f The Signal. and I. 1IINEST i{OitEi{TSI►N.
both of 1'orotrte)• \lit(h111 of 'I'1(( star, and', 4 ;mkt ich,
James 4.14 1'1• i,e slash, ;t1(41 here 111:11' 1,e 11).1 1114.111 Mist, 111:1 11•'1, '''I1
1 before th45 nuonl anlati1111 1►f the tw,o
the (:relit awes of 1lie• 114..3 : u , 1,s3 est all \I)1111h1v Ill11t'nillg :1t l,:lp4.1's \\•. 11. Itebet'isotl :(old .1,11114 01.1) HOME WEEK 1)14.1W
/:lulp;4;1:11 1Jciue,4-r:I1, a ;Iy -;1,.. S:8ered 1ie:lrt ''""`''"I4'11i'4 . \'-:1frit 11.r. '1'111 memory of Mr. i Mrs. lfilfred Chessel1, \fiteliele,;
1;4n•i:11 t.ns iii St Peter'• 11•1(14�•r).! \st11:1 , trill renln,in ft'1'sh as a 44 1. the w-1nnier 0f the '$:►1) ,jirize
'F,}s1ug,l,wer himself i. all r;ght• � i � ;tehool buy.
flat with his inexi,i'rienrl 44,11111 `•4• t friend 0f ili:h in t1(«e 1v4vekly 4►ld Honl45 \\'►ttk 111::.v
1\1115. NC '.i. Ii1N►\•1'R sue s snnday sill -11°0.1.10 teacher' in'un Saturday night. made by Ite•try
Nert1 Street Methodist 4'hnr, to I-1arrison, 1luron road. 'I his ..eek
\'x11:111, r sent •1telie risen made 11 is the last ebnnce to . he gi41H 111
1;11;13 1( 11(1 and plrlit'.::11 discussions wits a $3l) cash prize, as the tin:ll
in beth pepet,4 1., )ii *' free of 1111 (1r:1w in the Serie, will be 1(1;111,, 'on
rancour th:lt too frequently char- Saturday night. 'tickets only be
.,'left/4511 th1'se of former days. obtained front 111(4(1 t wrcli:1111s ger
11'45.4 ',tow . 14:1•( enjoyed the 81 tete 1)1d 11)1111( Week hea11-
101.e and sue(Psst•1l1 tern. that. has quarterl4 at the corner of lla,niltou
been the privilege of \\'. 11. 1{olx'rt-,nnd Newlrate streets.
sun. .1 member of a great family. 1 -- -----
41 lid n l:eeu reader, his editorials I PROVEN FACT -
retleeteel his knowledge and think-' 1'enplt� sumetim(s believe ell It
inn :1.11 rarely diel tin editiotl (erne 'abilities that were given for etre
off the press that dill not (0ntain purpose may be switched neer for
s0metllln1 in the editorial column vilstly different uses, with nothing;
(hat tray 1101 interesting :end' lost. The .young husband, busily
thought-provoking. Ilhaving while his quite -recent wife
When 0110 retires from work i"t. was preparing breakfast,"was heard
doesn't necessarily mean stopping to use some startling words. "What
work. It menus -,a change of work. In the world's the matter, dear?"
The first time I met Will after his she asked.
retirement was annoitneed, i men -1 "It's my razor. 11 won't cult."
tioned Itrlgden's painting where a t "Don't he silly, dear," retorted
lovely highway fringed by shade the new wife. "I)o you Think you
trees opens around a bond and can make me belies( that your
shows i little 'village nestled in -n beard Is tougher than the lin-
valley. iirigden has nftmed this oleum?" ,
e'' 111( ' Slle,, was formerly 11ri1 1 et 1111 and .truly forg4sl. u1( news)aper can
These • are e,btiu11s Points of Trey, I,ortl (t St. -Augustine, dough- fail to be important." proud." i hadn't 11411" (;4s►rge F:Ilis
hoe 111'4 1(1 .just rt 11x 1 in the 11:1 1111, 1,14 1,1101;, _n there ):1,.1-11
4(1' the 1{1•ilnhliean 11111 1;113r11/ 11 ;,t4;4� 111 l-1:rigat'y. .\lhel•ta, 1•:111i!)
5Songro"" .And 1{epnlrlical, (11 1 t'11rr, c. dearly 1(.141 .1 ifs of 11(„
tt•.rriy• -We have 1(0 p:Irtiouia• ,8, late \V. .1. 1il4,ver, in her S:1r11
N1 r. and Mrs 1101(4411 1veCe
je('1111n t1) 1fe.en.1,I1, 1(111 (41(13 f')rlll''r residents of \\e'itlb'14I, ()111-
• iould he (1,1 with that 1)enn"ratir •►f I;ile years they had rc.l)led 11
gang in Control of ('elll1r($i-11 Edmonton,.Alberta. She 44:IN :1
litt(h then depends ulnen 11(" !, dnnghter 0P the irate Ni r. and \ire.
(;e,1rL'45 ('31111454 4t' \lie. \jos.
manner and the ef1'4ytivene.S 11f th4:-IIoosor'4 husband predeceased her
pr(8171t:tilon of the issl►ees ix'fere i1( i3)1:1
the electors in the next throe 1 Stirs i4in4 \irs. hoover are 0110
utnintha=. There is said to be
daughter. Mrs. Frank Farley of
1;duwntnn : four sons. 1 :tri ,1P (':i O
considerable ntltja►rity 4)f 1he rmerats gars. Alberto, 4 4'4)rge 1,f fist,
ever Republicans in the States,. but Itn11'h ' of -t )Ids. Alixerta,
Alberta. ane1
there is also it large lu►tly of in- Worthy of Calgary, f
which is stumble two► sisters en(1.- one brother, Flora
dependent voters
a.n11 Huey of tine and i)r. George
of swinging, the election 4)np tray i). Currey of Pert Arthur, (int :
also a number of • nieces and
nephews. 1,
The funeral took place on Tues-
day, .hely 22. Interment was In
the family plot In. Edmonton ceme-
or the other. The press Ja pre-
ponderantly Republieaf. So here
Is the set-ny for n titanic battle
•y for control of the n11'uirs of a great
tuition for the next f"oiir years.
Goderich district dealer far Mercury, Meteor and Lincoln cars
Visit us Old .Home Week on St. Andrew's Street.