The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-21, Page 10THURSDAY, JULY, Silt, 1962
Don Fairbairn
Broadcast from the Arena at 9.45 A.M. Sunday
Miss Isabel E. Sharman
Gavin H. Green
Reid W. Forsee
W. H. Robertson,
George L. Ellis
Day After:Day
Year After Year
'Phe E. F).. ('ranSton Funeral Home offers iT real con-
venience to families we serve,
beautifully t't►rniyhed, carpeted from wa11 to
as many' as 250 people, yet offers families
vaey they desire.
(h►► complete facilities, together with our reliable per-
Fxtnnel, enable us to provide the best in )service, in
either (,nderieb or to or from (hit-of,Townn points.
Mayor J. E. Huckins
Local Citizens To
Take Part In the
Salute To Goderich
I.t•atlittr off the 0111 Hntnt•
\V't•t•k i)ro;rrnni \yin be tt radio
broadcast Sunda`' morning
direct from the aii(litoririln of
the (lodet•ieh Memorial Aiena
over art Ontario -Quebec, net-
work of the C.B.C. This broad-
cast is brought to lx(,tftliith itt
vo-olteratiou ��'ith the l'.1�.1' by
the �i,rnal-titar 'and the Old
Home Week ('oi,tntiftee.
I'ht general 1►Ithlit. i• N'e•lertoue
to ihis broadcast but Must be
seated by 9.30 a.m., 'Sunday, fully
17t minutes before the lul tt•nt•e-
tuetil of this broadcast at 9,4 1.111.
Admission tickets art. at'ailt+bie at
the Signal -Star office ;Intl there is
no charge for i114111. 1t is :Itlyls:C.0e
Ito procure them 'early. however, as
the tnnuber of tickets ;tvailable is
"Salute to Uoderic•h"
tIr. Beit \V. Forsee, 1trografu
tiii•i.ctor of 1311 (`1{t'„ will ls- in-
c•/large of the "Salute to Goderich
which is heard from 11,-15 to 11► 1.111.
lit this-portionof the program •a
'mother of Goderich residents will
be heard. following a brief review
of the town's hisdtu•y. J1iss Isabel
Sharman, retired school teacher.,
known to rl►oniiands ut former
::nthlic school 1pupils, twill tell of
early Clays in GotItrieh schools.
I M1. t:avin (;reen, -author of "The
(►id 1.0g !louse" and "The (lid. Log
School'' will speak of pioneer days
in the (:od('ric}t district. W. II.
Robertson, .for)uer 'publisher of The
Signal -.lair,, will outline the early
days and thi't -history of The
St:tr. 11r. Neter \I1 l -:%van. a'hoOe
father was a -pioneer in the- salt
industry in Goderich, will tell of
the early stilt wells of t:otlerich.
\I;tytr .1 1;. Ilut•kius will 1x116(1.
an official welcomer •
Neighl►orly News
At the conclusion of the `alust
to tlodet•ieh'• broadcast. iht•1'e wi i
immediately follow o 10 :t.nt.,, the
'\t•it.;hb+tt'ly Neo%- ill! I ir:1'1. 1u•c .
seated t i t he 1'.11.1', its co-operation
toil.) the ('an:14110n AV'eel:lt New:
Papers .\ssoeiatlott,. 44f•ll 1bc
`igual Skil* is :I member netisli:Ipr1.
\ir. t;eorge 1.. 1:11i-, f iitor and
Publisher of Int, ligu:ll-Star, will
nt roduccr '` 1)4411 f":rir•Fnri-cit 1 i►e� w
Nei;;hb4,rly Nett, cttit(Itl-Mate,•,
whose program is familiar to, many
thousands every Sunday morning
throughout 1110:t1'10 and Llllebe
This pr(t;ir:na is made up of inter-'�
esting and unusual "happenings :is
gleaned front the current issues ,of
weekly uett-si)tpe s throng -hunt (iu
tat•io and Quebec.
For those tvho have not situ the
actual presentation of a ('.11.47.
broadcast. the program broadcast
direct from the ttretta Will he sin
interesting one. Those who are un-
,a1)1e to be present for the broadcast
tan tune in on the' radio anti the
station carrying the program ttnd
.best heard in 115e GiATer1111 area -ts.
probably Radio Station ('II,L, Tor-
onto, 7.10 on your dial.
..%Peter MacEwan
Don Fairbairn interviewing old timer in typical broad. -
cant saluting the "over 90" members.
What Would Grandpa SayNow?
i;y Gavin Green
The original -hotel at, Pain -t. Fartn
was built by a Mr. Davis, whose
wife was a daughter of John
Hawkins, a pioneer of Port Alper;,
who was drowned while bringing
supplies from Goderich in a roto-'
boat. His widow married J. .1.
Wright, an enterprising and digni-
fied aristocrat from England.
The first building having been
horned, Mr, ;Wright erected an
enormous building for two hundred
guests. The tower on this build-
ing was 75 feet high and from it
a grand view of the snrrnunding
country could be obtained, and on
a clear day Michigtin aero'tS the
lake could be seen.
This resort was the only one of
the kind in 'Western Ontario at this
time. There was a tele•
graph line connecting with
the Great western Telegraph rind
an operator was engaged int the
tourist season. Wright also ran a
bus line between Goderich, and the
Farm and operated a steam yacht
known as "The Tommy Wright"
from Godtirieh hsi'rbor, This yacht
also ran excursions on the lake,
t times °aeeompdnied by the Gode-
rich Brass hand. This boat was
burned while at anchor in Owlet -telt
Their Point Fiarrn hotel housed
Over. 150 guests in its beet days,
but other retorts sprlrigtng„ tilt
caused it., to lose custom and it fell
into fleetly, and the furniture was
sold by atietlon and the buildings
wrecked. 'iThe 24th of Mny and the
First of July brought ninny pie-
nickers to the grounds to enjoy
bathing, ball games and races,
sometimes as thnnv ns two thous-
and at. no time, it 'wits operstted
for a few years by Joseph (:o'd-
thorpo before being turtierl into
►Nlsture land.
Perhaps your memory of the pot bellied .stove and the, hardware items in the store
your dad used to -take you to in Goderich in bygone years" is dim -now, But the,
rfi'emory of the friendliness and courtesy that was part and parcel of it all will cer-
tainly -never fade from mind. '
It is the aim of E. Breckenridge Hardware today to make this generation re-
member in the future the .up-to-date hardware goods that. were provided them and
the obliging service ' that went with these goods.
Don't go home without pawing us a visit. You will find many interesting souvenir'
items you will be glad you took home with you. Also visit our modern show room
on North Street where, in addition to the, latest items, you will find some real old
timers on display.
Our location on Hamilton Street has been a _hardware, plumbing and heating
store for well over half a century and old timers will remember it as the Fred Hunt
Hardware Store.