The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-21, Page 9-:l
THURSDAY, ,JULY *10, 162
Saluting Goderich's lZ5th 'Anniversary
Noted for careful dispensing of prp
since 1906
Well be glad to greet all old customers -and, ne
w -during Goderich's Old Home Week
Eariy' Colborne
Meeting Held At Gairbraid in 1836
By Citizens To Form Governing Body.
Ity_ Neris/,a Archer 1lrlune;s in the, F Fla di.. 11'illiain ('lark a and Mr
London Fret I'ress!Attila rd.
Allaottg,l► Colborne 'llo1v yshij► jl►st I « • •
two years ago celebrated WO year, 1 An early settler• to take ul► land
of Municipal govt rttm4,ut, a ttli„, nitrth of the J'laitl:utti Ither w'4S a
o Belgian nobleman, Baron tie 'i'uyI .'
lugg{tlut the lonaf residents to _fm � •1s early as lh' i Ire Iegau tttal:itigy.
a govern g body w,►s held at the' arralgemeuts with the Canada
Pronto :and Aurhor t t 11 ut t )lir i l'ontpatly to chuosi any land he
braid, ut► .1 ape 1, lti:3t:. here .1;t141, ! vristted 111 the 11uruu '`ract.
.11(Le:(u was elected clerk. \lirha'1 i 4'apta1n 11.1eutNtraIll l Itaytitld•
Fisher and Heart'. 11yidman, tum- i 1{.N., was at This Bute staking a
missioners. 1)avid l'Ia•rk was made !titan, tart of Lake 11 it lureiia►(•
assi'ssor itud John Paterson. tax !cind Itarot de 'fuyle,, Bl1/11 11.1 turrlv:11
collector. I at tloderich, asked the' 1•apfain to
At this time the vast are,, of help 'inn. Their choice fell' onion
laud lying; along Lake Huruu and I
tl►a laud opposite the hill where
extending, 'at its gl'(1 14st w-idth, i 1)r. Dunlop had built his head -
1,,,s011 -0.' Sol tulles inland, clntprisiugl qu;al•ters, vatted the "Castle." This
over'enc Million acres of land, was r
b(s ante known •as The Ridge" and
'called the District of Huron. " It
had e' recently come under the juri..-' ;the term iHere the t ,till used today.
built :a beautiful
diction of ..the 4'anada ('umpan) lug house and even' latolseaped its
a Mtge tuotup0ly of English land surroundings. ' He (lsoo took up
owners. '\'he laud lying north of laud wl►eie ISaytield is to(Jay. •'\`!toxo
the \lennesetuug (Maitland) ltiver tracts of land were trivet to ttte
was ld, ruar Jon !,;iron for Ili, adhet•elece to Great
l'ullturcalnee, Hho Cullx/'►tade, beettern aPqtpolLtlehd Britain in the I{evolutionary 1Var
lieutenant governor'of Upper can- with tine Aii('ric:a1 colonies
ad -a, October 14, 182..S. its northern
boundaries were indefinite and .it,
eastern ,,part unexplored.
"'l'he first settlement in ttie Vast
area of Huron was made on the
1.., •.•"_�. .h�. u.5�ta.� .. giro:.: L:..Jt:-,M:wF.T.
Today the frills and
fuss of the yester-
years have been re-
placed with form
fitting comfortable
under garments. Mrs, -
Pearl Straughan,' our
corsetierre, will per-
sonally advise you
in these personal
The baron diet! in 18:7:6 and his
estate went to his nephew, Vincent
G ui-ltlerminster de - '1't1, le.
The nephew brought to The 1{idge
south Side oC the 31ait.laild River'
and 'given the name of Godt'rk'li. a factor in the. person. of Mr. E. C.
After a few years some of the set_ Taylor; an Englishman, 4114(1 his
wife. lu 1815 Vincent de 'l'uyle left
tl$rs moved over the river to the 1'1't►e Ridge to bt•ing back a (►ride
north side. 4°"'e newcuu►er, went
but she did not ,pend 111 nch 1
there immediately and not to. be 1 here. !ler sot. was born in Toronto
outdone by their neighbors, ' t hese
people held a luunicil►al meeting' 1,11and some time later the septa.'
the same day as the Goderich set-
tlers, January 1,' 1836.
The first parliamentary •election
of Huron District, as .a whole,
took place at Fettle' Fisher's lou,
'Goderich, its 1,53.5, between,. Captain
Robert Graham Dunlop, living :It
Gufrbruid, (2olboru4', 11)1d Colonel
Anthony Vanl,;:gutond, of the Huron
road. At this time there were only
60 vers and the captain won the
election and became the tint mem-
her from Boron to represent thk'11t
in Parliament. -
After 'its second session Parlia-
ment was dissolved and :1 second
. election wits held. 'l'ilis time Cap-
tain Dunlop was opposed by E. 1'.
baron died in New York.
\tad:lut de Tuyle returned once
to The Ridge and then took no more
interest in it but for .11 ntrnther - of
years `she rec'eiv'ed the income from
the sale of lands, partieuturly. its
the vicinity „f '11ityfield, as evld•
eneed by: her signat111')' 1)11 deeds
held today by (:odet'it•h '1'ow11s11111
Old Log Houses Of Early Days
Above are shown typitta•I old log houses of earl' days in
the ('o.t eri(al► (iii4t•riet. The house at the top was built
by an Irishman,- FI'ancis Graham, who carne to the Shep-
"Itardtto-n dis-t,riet from New York ('ity. The house he -
love \ twilit in Ayhfietld' township by a .!Other- 1rt4,hnlan,
(-1t'(►t+ge Btrt'ri,w , wito was a :soldier- stationed at (1iTrra1
tar before he immigrated to Canada.
a;s John Cameron, a Mohawk .chief.'
who carried goods from Iioderlch
to the settlers up the Lake' -Shore,
Dr. Dunlop, along with. his Iudlitu
.frieftd, , Captain 'Jacob alis!, Ale.! .,
31ei)unald, who surveyed t•Ite.litlron
road front Guelph, selected" file site .
for the ' new Pillage of thxleriek.'
'' .. • • -
All that remains (if •' Gairbraid
today is the jesting place or the
two . brothers—,dirsst partilut►'eutitry
weuabers, of !intuit. --in the' form ot.
a tenth near the top, of the hill
just below .the site of their dreauts:
Although the tirst .settleillent,
Gairbraid, to Colborne Township,
entirely disappeared, a village hav-
ing three different names at various "
times did, materialize at tete foot.
of tie Duutop ' hill near the first .
bridge across the Maitland River,
built iu 1138.
The village was first called Slab -
town, later \laltlalidville and now
Saltford. Here, in' 1866, was dis-
covered the first salt,' in the form.
of brine, below the surface of the
earth, in the whole of the North
American continent. '\'ills led ,to
the discovery 'of more salt wells in
and around Goderich, in Clinton,
8eaforth` "and Dublin in Huron
County and in Kincardine and fort
Franks and iu as far away places
as Glencoe and 11'indsor.
• • • s
Many tales can be told of the
early days lu Colborne. A High-
land fisherman plied a boat between
Goderich and 'fife. Ridge before 4
there was a bridge: ueross the river,
charging a yorkshilling. On one
occasion, when the boatman wag'
.not there, Dr. Dunlop rode°'acrosa
on a cow. '
John Morris kept the Crown and -
Anchor tavern at Gairbraid for two
y'e:a rS, 1836-.37, but when. his little
son turned the spigot, losing a
whole barrel of whisky which had
been carried Over the -'river -from
Goderich by Andrew Green, he
thought -it time to quit and bought
• a farm ou the loth concession.
• • • the creek. The beautiful rose, green the Canadar'Cowpany as Warden The Young family eattIO to Col -
31r. and Mrs. N. ('. Taylor eon- anti blue blankets, Of a basket Of the Forests, Ur. Dunlop was a borne. it lf+{}• 1.114' picked 800
tiultetl to live at The Ridge and weave, that this w111 produces, are j ut'rt' of laud along where the river
the de Tuck ltot►ir people,
re the known far and wide. uedital officer in the it (awl 1 road eventually carne. 1Vhen they
mecca • for Goderich Irtr►ple, put_ 1 • « « .• later 111 he Canadian artuy' during tht� told Ir, Pryor, bead of the Canada
(icuL(rly the otlicials of the ('(nada The Fisher brothers, lobs►, War of 1812-11. ' The only doctoring Company,*they Mid 114) Motley
company ;111(1 their „oyes where \licitael and 1-alenti11e I-Feitie) he did in Huron was looking after hall seven sons add three daughters,
Mrs. Taylor lavishly e11terta1111(1 were gireu A11(N) acre, of laud it the ills of the Children in the Mr. Pryor said, "that's the kind
Taylor, an Englishman and factor
theth. Miss 1 1/,11s in her book the new district of H111011 for their vu rutty of (itrbraid. of settlers w•4' watt. I'll reserve
to Vincent 4uilderminster lie 1u4'le, "One Hundred Tear With' the services in the itevolutioliary War. 1)r. P4111104) was I: feet 3 iIUlits 1,000 acres for you:
both of ('ulbo4tte. 4 14)4(11 Dunlop Canada 4 >1'1auy"'says At this; :llicha(I, in 15:11), explored the tall ;and was noted for his hearty 1)ac�id Lirara carte to Colborne
was returned. Ile Hied Tru i 11,111 ,tout if run 44411 out (';holds \lailland River up to :1 creel: 'ilio laugh. He,,,,►sstnted the. typical with a..„w'ife and six children in.
('x111 111y yon were i!4) cum ►aa►y.” iug its from a uua•therky directio►l, Cana(11111 dress of the ii[tre grey 18.51 and took up 111 MI along the.
Ary 11, 11l . 1 '
r « « 1 1'Ilt \liner and the Fisher taus Ile proceeded up this 'cock to it 101111e,4111111 with black cheek, red river road. Ile called his place
• Thr' thir41 ('14(114 14 of 4he- Thief! 1 ilio.: '(1114• to ('011)01114' '1'00'llS4ip source wa►icl► pr'oy.c'd to b' a_ 1llsseled 1)44111.1' :9111 arounld his Jleadovvlant1 , and the ••ore along
district ss is lo1I at the gun. at t1os only a short tiler after I:ar(t tie mountain. spring. • :shoulder•, he wore it plaid. 114 the river, Kryher Pass.
Corners, later to bero11le Ratttl- 'Toric tools tip his land at The ' 1,ik1110 the x1411 0i111l1g 1:111(1 st, si4)ke with iht� broadest of ''etch - * • •
1)1114 s Corner, 11'lintonl March
"•; Itk(l;;(. r well, ho persuaded his Irruth'rs to accent and rolled his it's. He tuned Henry Hyndman, along with WA
to 37, 1S41, 4111)1 this ti)ue Dt.11'll « ` ' take up this section which proud i+\►.tactical joke. 1 s1(1en111(1 Picture mother, wife and six children, came
Major "11 1.1 ani. broth)) of the' to 1►e )rac1141114 :l!1 the 1(11(1 in the )'f hint hangs in the c (11rtho(lse at to t:airbraid iu 141:3'-. Later he
li:iug '('fig's) 1)p)140( brother of I 1:odethh. took up ,500 acres of laud and built
the captain, was opposed by t':rptain Canadian writer,. Susanna Jlnodie, great bend of the Maitland River. )•) ) o
atrachan. 4111 „tidal of 4114, 4,atada 4'atherine Parr Tr:till :and Agnes These t)1•other's b4('1olgt41 111„ :I 4r 4':1 I r. Dunlop thought nothing f a !louse and furnished it with old
st11)1.1lnd, v\;ls :cut (n 4 4(411ich 1(4(1 Ihnch family it -1141 event walking long distances, such as country furniture,• linen, portraits
company at oroderich. :after a -,
'1i;ery stormy time. which 01114' 1111 in .lune; l,ti'_s, to loot: after the,A[irhael built :1 large house 4)l' Oak '4 1tllig (_01on41 Tail" at \Iah11►ide'and a library of 2,000volumes.
militia, being; eitlits1 frt„n1 London, •'4)(11(1 (1 dcg,:Irluiellt" of the (':maga tiwlrers, 111441'(4(1 w"itbt link, at the on Lake Erie and Captain 1,iant This house he e111ed Ltlnderston.
�'wus able to quell, the r:►pl:9iu wet t'•
' 1 (1ly..' 111/ bought :1 1,101 of 1'114'4(1 of the ,wet:. 1t is said I1I• :it Burlington 1104 and taking. 'til- Mr. 1lynllul(n is to -edited yvfth.
, 1(11(1 at w'llat is now known as I brought in sl:illyd wurin1)'14 from , toile -walks s ;around his home. 111 building, the first barn. Later the
by 1(.4 votes. This election vas pt u- and 1Ii'ot•eed)1 to ,)n1 1/f his letters -- he' wrote about house was burned and firs. Hynd-
tested and after Captain Strachan
Lighthouse Point Yuri: for the pnrlos'.
represented Hur(i14 for 11 days .;1 I build a 11011,4' before Ili, wife \vas ' This h4/u:e cat br s1(a "to41 44 s `Ifing 11111 day` 011 111 )ice it 1114' luau :and her family, after 1111 (!cath
r4,cotult was tabes :a►d his haus, to ;111144. It hi, des 141111011 of his ;old is owned Try .lobo I)nest. ;a
river and ►f ]n. intention to „;o r1/ of her husband, returned to Eng -
► into 4 (14,11) 11 :nn! life in the' grant of. \i1 li(11 1� isher. •1'ht• (, 4111)1 un snow s11,,S ill.. Tile neat' • kind. one daughter and one son
rind Dr. 1►inalul►'iv;ts (1,„1.1:1 1.(41 1
i: stayed on in Canada.
1114,;4 he •:1 ill 1h:111 "Itell spring is :also there and by 11ydr.4)1114 f
rota! in Colborne.
1 elected .June 18. 1x-11. So for ;1
111114,1 111111' 11 ('olI►Orlle 111:1 11 was
representing 11111(0 itt l'arli;ln1(014
tut I"ehruary K, 1812,- the first
municipal sleeting of the 1)istrirt
"of Huron, as1 :t whole, x‘ -a, held at
Godericlt. At this meeting 11r. \fil-
1 giant 1)tttilo.l} \41ts ))11i111issioned by.
I „At,(it,veruttleIIt .of -Cower (':411 (1:1 to 13'njanliri, 1)a111(1 and Just pl►. 'lla '
►4, 1114,. tlC.,t �v Irtl4 t ,_i►: v' �•, t.';',,tt•,,1I l'' ''"1"'1 •d.11, tl•
another .,resident of l'o11A)1ne, v4:l44 ;Intl aruunli the v wag,. whirl, 4(I'.. lig
acting and .14h1 Gilt illy'-• 111) where `h:lrpe's (kik entered
seut4,d l'ulir4)rnl'. 111e AI:t_itl:Intl Itiv1'r.:) ft'wv mill s
114)fro111 the Luke. Ilnrou shore. in ii'elbort►e adjoi11in. (he (l '1' isti"1—It' at trtend of i11 declot, as '4'11 Itat' was November 1, 1.5'.3.1.
'Phis village is the 1111'44(•1(1 1:011- lti(lgt• property and built :r lons4,l
ler. 11:1110'11 141 It'u,jalui11, which they 4:1114'11 (:111rbt•:I11 :,fie!•
At'ti'r 11111llillg :1 'awlliit! ;Ind 1:1 ter their 111111t''s ,h1/111e ill S1'111land. 1,
w:1s f4)r111,11 told then (h1 11111'1 1119'11 a Ilorll' (till, 1h' 111 111."'s "4"41'111 1! '.111')' also 4(1(1111(41 a 4'illa;g0 1)5 4lu'I
Ill/111ldi11!t`s 4)f l'.)Ih4/1'tll' w-'1'' wort, l4'4'an14' ;l:s1/l'I;II'll with 111*' tit's( ,'-:1111' Ilan)3' "lit' .11I'1'1'ts 1':1411:1111441
hotel, :tore :11111 post .4111)•1', from 11116
clearly de•1111e41 I home, all on too of the
lieseenll•:ults of the 11i11'i• family 11111 ov'rl'44t:in1 th' 1I;ttIh1u41 i:ivt
-411• t:11•.1111rs ht15e• elft:It'll :1 :14(11 1.:11:)' Htlro11•
wlollot mill ira 1t'nnl!Iler fur 11',1'I> .41 4;,lirlo':1i.1 the 'sermon
a 'nt,u � . 'l'h' first m11l 54:1. of 'Colborne w:I, preached Ir)
fr;lllie i'. lIlstl:ll.'11,11, 'Will .1 shirt l I'1')'sllrtl'l'ia11 minister ,•f 1;,.41"4'.•'I'.
distance up the cre-eli from the 111•. \\.(Kehl(. (►111'e a school
ll;itl:4nl1 ititet' :1(1,1 4)%11'41 by established til• re for 114' Illighi,o:
I'huilul, i,.Igan In 1s57 . Thomas ill: hill{r'u, 11.1111)' 11cLean. 11
(;101111141 bought the vreopen n1i11 Dunlop's .'('1'4 t:1 1. A.ring 'h' . 1
and it - u•r1s carriers -on 4'444' - ll,s :1/t"i t'a7lii�t" '.Wier .ung' tittle -J. *'_ - -
.le's.4' :11111 11ht'tl by 111s :,;I':llldson '1'1111. 441111ted :1 s.''lido! 1,111, I:11r':
\C'a'd :lull still later by the present taught in-tt,i�1'riell.
(;Ih1lhill ht -others. In 1.577 the pr'-
riclh:.14)1114 1:alt, Alex Young, 1):Ivid 44'tIt brick mill w�1, built f:Ir•ther r,l„ Itef(14' taking 1114 hi: dillies with
\!tiler" had a lumber hila1 ilrrady pressure its wat'r is furca il)4o' « Thret' couples 11:1 hoed ^t'r) have
working :1 few miles up the \lair- the house and barns. He wrot4, 1141Illy artirle+s, as " -well the distinction of .being the first
la)s! River a11(1 "this is where 1
• • « - :IS :1 1/4)01 r:llled The 116(41:w•4)ods- ones marrietJ in Colborne: \fisc-.
bought the lumber to !mild ul\ lobo Fisher sett tea in :11141I,'l flan. about (':(sada and particular- Louisa \Iel'oll and ('aptain Robert'
11)4(4, 1l:lvi11,, it 11/'41'1! 114/%11 t4/ section of lite origti►(1 laud and ' ly 1114' H11 1.011 district. 'These veyr4, 41r:tham i)4(111op John Galt, who
the mouth 4)f the t•iver." the rest %a, sold to n4'% s(111(1s. printed and ►listributed in En -gland lived at 11111ney Ball, Gairbraid, .
There were three Millet. broth'rs 1';11'ntiu4' t Pelt it" 4 hish'r 1„11111 a -:1x11 did 111114.11 4o 4nd11(0 set1ler,1 40 and \Liss Helen Lizars; and Captala
log inn down at the harbor n1 '1/1114, in 1111ron. 1)r. 1)1111101► w•:1 14.11rd, 11..4., an Irishman. who set- -
aI5•:t4s a friend of the ordi11a.y tied on, a lovely spot along the
1)1•. '41'1111:1111 1Tiger 1 1 1111114/1) :I 111 I. it°41: " • '111 '1444 ann''tr•.' rltisf _• -of • the,::bore :aid_ called it Langford,
his tirother,'C:Ipt:4111 11o1„rrt t:rallilul,1' ('hipp''..," nth.') I'''.4' ranll►'11 1„n 1(11,1 a \1iss "51org itil, the governess
in vs: -, -tool: up :. 141..),•4 of k, 4141 1 the \r4i11iiid Rarer ti it , vv: Is a t�,) 1 ho Hvnd111111 ehlhIl'ln. The
t « k
In (he .41111{' year, :1: settler:
took up land farther north, par-
ticularly :along the lake, ,.lslltl•'I+i"
111 1tit:0 the 1-►lstrirt of 111rott
44H'a the t he united ..omit ie s 4/f
Huron. !'4'rtl1 ;Ind !truce, with
t'il•h :Is the county. seal.
1401w-o'n the years ls-t_' and i.s.4)
('olborlle ro-ttt111se11 to hold it:
municipal meetings, lir;( 11 :he
('rown.atid .knehor tavern 1n.1 Hoer
a t No. 1 school home. on t 111• st
t'((i cessloii.
Fr1)11I- vl-l2 tt+v14.5)0 lbe 1" !!••V' jug.
represented 1'olbornl' at thl' 1)4:1 rlct
of 1111rutt 111('4 4111gs hells in I lo)1e-
Site - Of , North America 's First Salt Well
Down Through the Years
have brought forth harvests which have benefited not
only Goderich but the entire district
United States and Canadian - visitors to Go derich during -OLD HOME WEEK are in-
vited to visit our , store. You will find many desirable items ,.interest for young and
old, such as imported Irish limens and English tweeds, also fine Canadian all wool
blankets and slumber ,_throws, Cashmere sweaters from Scotland, and many many other
items of personal interest.
Phone 86
'I'o the 1'1g11't of 1110 h•1ltlsi' n.h(►ve is the silt4' (4f the first salt well in North :1n1'ri,';4 w111rr,'
the ft11'14 satttrat'(1 brim, «^.Is I)I)11 p'(1 out of the salt rl►'k I►'4l. F114' h•)1t•4' i4,1 -If i. ,just
to hhl' right. lifter you crow.~ hh' Bridge from (!od'ri'h into S:tlltfor',l. This i)111oto was
tulles %t►one .s -ears ago anti the 'grounds about the house hav' boon
hy latolst'alprng sine that time. It ir; 4►5t'n0)1 1►v- 11ar1".' Ml'I'rc:rtli 4'• h r rt.,. ,''
dog by log; in a t,railcr, from 1IivIIott tow)11114p in 1a;t12, and 1''1,11.;4. .111 '-1 ' p 11'
site. - The logs -aa re 1►f rook . (41st, sg11;&rey1 .Jim(1 (lovet.aileli at th0','')r•n'rs.
on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the founding
of ' Goderich, GODERICH ,TOWNSHIP takes pride in
saluting its histofic Coulity Town and looks forward
to .marching together into the future to an era of
co1it:need prosper ts- for town ;and country.
On behalf of the people of Goderich Township
Reeve -- Gordon Orr
Councillors ___. Edward Grigg, Clayton Laithwaite,
Arnold Rathwell and John Deeves, '