The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-21, Page 1' WAL OLD HOME WEEK 18817E 14%4L Yin) . G DERICH WAS NAMED CO °bumf) WOW IX AIMS • TO IS Tribute Is Paid On Passing of the . Founder ot the ,Old Htiro,n Signal i, Account Of lite def,,,j),,of Th011),:a Aleittusw, who founded the Signal In ISIS, tin the tieraelou of the 115111 tuntiyort&sry 44 Mr life of the man who founded Slue 00041 about a score of aPPeareil 111 tits ;lungs kiignat, pre),,.. the ,4,1,1 ting,,,,r ilt Death i big. bevii vscilitili used pubiltsh.qj ,fi ' 14,r1144‘,41 the pen of 118 4,04-4.41 Ellitor, I ticeittaint, mint till Yin; tilimitit e*,,,:i k44,1 01014411 ;IlkivInliti,,v "J'I"I'", "1"1 un. I himself in Al great ti.eat,hro, 1,, ilw place ili 0,00, rarOtt ')t 811414"1114"' ,"," Milk, if. it ofniticif 411 retco chcc to V. lir' 5,1".1"'"e.P.' "ilisee"""- 'wji" froths' imagination, adtotraob, )4+14 ; " wid"' ,""41 "'re ,4""'"1 ,igsle‘r".,L4'.: wii-cit cJilefoity prenared, never. 11 14 1 0411, nay- solicit t 3,'" ond Roundite"i T lit ted for plilIosoplilie me41.4 o 4 iop lillistrate mad enforce, its vig,00r 4,4' 114, roldn't103.41 11, thy $4,Ial ii,111141 with irriqiitOilti, 44 44,1 gor:. of loisoble int rentogc hi AYr",epey of 1,1,1, j,,,,,,C. mind ib_, ever 1,, VII Ely 'owl. at a very' bumble 1'4041'4 which when it .1.0e4. et4titt.e 1,0 ilWilli, 111 1110' 1 rit,ta or 14411 year be 1 Iil"'"Yr forasami templet fon0 too 'roma Mr st raikragle for Responsible clove/lament which Ificti agitated divided attention to the :wire it 11 I» Itie 4 'it I 10 of 111,11111W 1,11mr,.,Iiitoj 311,0111111141.111/t411111110felf 14, the Press. Ills nutoenous intelligent and earn- est piipers 114 the itatbutiat Courier on -Lint varioos subject* nireethig civil and Ilellgious liberty, wbieb omit:me/1 to agitate this Province previous to the tieneral Pa/teflon of elicited univerenj praise town tire Illotrool party,--Ity whom his person- al 'services were• from tbc !trod wytrutly ,teknowledgedl Hy the :per, suasion of the !loll. M, C.1111.14-11,11, Who 13011 inst. becn rotor -Bed for the County of Kent, be was be duced to risk the tlitablIolontont of 44 netysimper In the VOInaly of linron, which had littherlo heel. mi. represented by tbe Moss, and after and the. home of the ilrol number Ittitoporttry eheek from Mu appar- ent, approbation by the Illartno l)ov- Administration, hati Just been slit. triumph of the ihrople oa, the pop%, Hut there were other gnestiosis, interest, Avilleh yet milliner, to be dimpowd of, and WhI(1), $10 )1141)11 OM 11 'hostile Administration emild be constitutionally removed, would de- mand the moot ataxia/atm solicitude among those were the opening of King's t 'onager' to the people, am, tin eillnd piirt leljait Inti In Its 1,40104111H iiiiiiiity the mod soliemetit of the principles of a National iCtIonat• Ilion, -and a InOrtt liberal arrange. ment mid disposition of tlie Clergy iteservem, and. their emnidelo NM'. other questions of Iwilrly talaai threrv hIn...elf with ell las varlet, Infonaut -1,m anal mariareal Judgment, • THE FIRST VISIT 'Rail iay In 147 FAtiibinifted As Most Impftrtant On Lake 'Wit 1,041, a Ila ill Ibis clopiomerit bt. tematioanell, oil), mid, intorilipthrdhs iis his snare tntelleet,14,1 a vomit lolls Imposed, while he roma 1 Hod In Seot 1111111. 11 ls in this divided position that we moy ;tett 14 list tibwovt.r the great znisfortoine of IAN life, With ardent literary longings, and Willi ii heart fervidly throbbing witli pbilnn. tbropie schemes for the ainoliora, 1 lion and mental elevation of Ails 11111 Mull labor for" tile hare rwet,s. tildes at sr preoarimna exlidepeti, and for the support of a wife sind grow - lug -fatally, be, vould iteilreely have talk: of lAterature. And yet to 41 Atilm1 , Whleh Literature woo so well lilted le adorn she bad einarms , that drew him nitmott unresistingly *way front ,lbe IWO till Nabs of hte. Tile #411anallas given to the working (111114:14.04 41 Great Britain . by tho egltattou for, and Ilie final success Mr. Yriegamen 1n1,, eansplenons ells. linetha, among Ids fellow work - Mob. ortta--ltbt -fervent' and Iiiiiiinii oratory, Ws facile Ism, 1 lio-.1„Hierqy of oppression that , ,11,41Ingillsbed film then, 1,H In lifter life, $40,111 pehtle.1 1.1n. out 1104 4111 111111.p111 111111 woe !cooler of the ehiss With wIlleli he wits nosoOtted, and nttrneted , social sphere. lie suddenly emerged (from isa.itive obscurity, nod helium) 44 4 /wee a tool firer, on (motto', it plillosoolter atel II poet, HMI Ito eoon roe Heel eil himself WI I 11 the perlo.114.1.1 press of Seothitul, Hs the intreilld tolvor•ife or rho Working le...loo in Ihe labors of hip, 111,)ro. itiool.11, e+1111111.1, 111.11111111.11,41 Set',.1',11 ,,,,Iii„,,, or poetry, throng)) Male,' pi i id,. ,oitst Hotly born.. *: •Hroi 144, thf. mind,. of the 'working chromes by or .olid.,,,N, ',Petalled with 1 14.1 flied. 1,4 14,4 Prew Wi 1 1•61 Thifi asoJ pot/raving tt4 conctos,y H 1 '1'.11r, 1 ft 1 7,1,1; • c,,f,s: and earnestneo• 1,1t "barmier, 11 will hp .1.4t1111'1441wreil to), 14)3411)", 111341 W.11441, 1**,140 a it 48411114',i, joureAtt fer the 0,4440 of Upton* pail 44;toke.tt of, the). N4'411'15-0 it, deep 1,114Prioo. the orroiris or the ettlilltVy'; its would int one tit` oreb *Wiled 114.410111p11014141‘4141 4if 0)PierVallon aria - wadi, and of ouch matured judgment and earnest puriesot as "the tdd Man ElOttuttlil" 0100,0 11111111 WWI y 1)44W Nil (111141111,y deplore, 14111 Ale, soon wade themselves folt and UP' predated, tiliortly after hio arrival lie undertook a laborious ami fatiguing tour through the Omni)", mai aided by lila i(4111111 manner tioncinted with the people In ull Choir various relations, and W1143 their Habits of Ilionght, wants anti their wishes, 1 ti 1.1e1, linnwaj, 11111VP1•41111 popularity, and el f Settle time lamming, that practical Information be afterwartiot turned to totliniralrlot ho the holgem of the tlignal, width he eirmalatilli' etirlebell with Ills port/mold remit.. lawenees, mingle.) with the wow, ettlffitif,1 OVer ready lo bestow MI Ilk Hellas. ills IIIIIIIellee character were speedily felt moil neittetwiedgeol over the Vol. 111,V, 11 MI he wits soon Able Ito 41111110 14144,041,1( in the V1111 11f every moiled»! lto, nrovemenl and tor every priaelktil sehellie for the iolvitheeistel.1 of Its it 1111 the ',Potter lifter 1 101. of Its Inthistrial energies. Tim effect pro/hoped hy the 4440W oil Wits, 11velorilingl,r, mord and hog. Its weekly Nome eon! 11 1 1.011 noottio'ly tilsconotions of all the great questions that then agitate) 1111111)re41 Hod. V#11"441141) Piot /Writ 1 1,4 1 4,10,0 lily hip Vallolirlal (4, ditoet1,411,40, 044 the gennral Kin 11, 4,101 Jnly of the Annie etples of good $1,4ernioent, whet, year he *tee Unloved offor idto, 114.14, 111414,14.. iv1114 •60/11/1 loforiori1 1/011 *Of 41x, 0111$114111141 fir 1 114111,- 411111. 0,%141110iiti 111111 • prirromiii *leo 14 0010 I ii thin of Ibis county, and tor of society aria Inmost. 111111114,, 1,t 11)01 011111Holl rif 1144004.4, principles for morals, of legislation and law.; which '11*. Nut mai 1,,Ing, hind r.,arhogny and Were offered style 014 otruggietl. lle was unsiteeessfuj ts. slinple, yet HI 011114111 111111 f1,1711)11', 1111' 1'11111111, 11111 be" returned 'with Hod 44401 1,,,filisy 14,*e, will 11,0 #11•411711 eifirlorat 11.4 sot elftvisled in contests I lie 1». so otneet neetirted Kent:meld, It, winding, mid 111441.111., 1110 141$114111 1404 ItaVaritably, under 111011 NIP MOWS* Jo Ito 1111111,10111 141 1111, 11101 4111140'111111, 1111,141110,a 11441 4414141nm feelingo awl understanding, 1111,1 tor Wail, he Iitios eirlimisleptly it na (114411111'llve eliiiriteler Iloo No., oft tehnia, frau, 181,, lislintx„ 1,111 Imo vitalist Pre**, rind 04, enialvitled the (Ilea manfully In 1110, harness, Ppm. inihnlar hoar( 111 11,04 ho,,,,Illy Where (Orlin% awl eliemirilithig pod 1 I le - 11 appented, that tip thin day tt 'al (demo. with Ills last .Irresilli, pimp ;In limp bit 4111:11 444'111111W PO 11, 1104 * /fry NOT literature of 1,111.0 Provlare4'timolwr tbal 11111411111144,11 11111 11111'1111104,, Hod perlittits, lite only specimen 111r1"1'11111C berwoluttior 1.to t I herrn-. eit How, those who, .1011-gfif -1011If 11111#1` r1111141 111101 41111').1111r It lo the 1111'01'111 It hos passed away 411111 1111111/hI faded front lIte reeollerpol, 010.01)01V10 popularity of tunny of 110 form by establItilled periodleals 11,011111, 41,110 1111,111111111HIC1/ 401, 411 151140 14110,W 111111, 11111 140804 1111% 'created vtneitonclooly void Mitch NM Nen reply Ion supplied, and whirl. rent Whirl!), and elsewhere, It 1111 will he istolvertoolly felt, irrespective tip. reeurrIng delight with width of Abe systopsolltleo poorlimanototp they are yet perused 4171,1 remorse nt the vliiiinm imrty, 11), toll such hereof by loo YemoulltrY of Ilie 141Mte manly plolfilletiti 1111111 ate perfolpe the greilletil 1r1111tiplis tow lite minim. 114,114,441 Intran1,110, 1-1,111 11 10011 111,W001111111,1' 11,11111 oetithiletit the some hat.ijisetivit rots the same simple mid Weld 4141444.44 Inv 41 illslitigoisiteil ,wcillogs were blot In 1 tired, OM 14'11 eh oceopled, in lite idol I neler nod too ,11g, srlihnifpftroil. 141 4,11114 nog ids outotters ottotlortted hoop, 410, Nom, ..11,,ro, find v,olo oppeoroloce Hod m14011113' soot o' 114. hot' 1)/ont/twed of1 Ilio Molds “HVe, lit 11 1141, tot protirlse ,,r 444,4 'Allem pelt; loll In April DOH ltolo I oltmenve osligitrillmi owl 111$11111), find Ilie vordlollly 49 11 It whirli. he discussed oilitotoi he returned lo where he Whole'ProVilive, Hs well ils ithle Mal Wits HUH 1 I. received with joy, op • r. 4,4 1,, ot tondo ilon.•0 ;1401 Mt* 01,,,,,,to range of nloonitirot • ; I Jr' 411 ,14; •1 :17:,144 .1114 :el' 1r 01' it) :4:4:4'10.,"°':48:01'1111;:;e4- riii;:'41;!'"1,11;1' 111;::4;44414.lr'::::11';:;4."1114::"711;°";" or -row il000mek (qv. 4,111110r* 4,4114 ,iloroireir the 141401 . application 11)., n4040'1111 014441 11,1111041,P11$1 )411- fi'1411"1 "1" "4/14."1"I' f "" Whirl° 4.144'1444111411 11o4'ir thIntlft, vonolnum 14. 1 44,1 oo, ow fer:orlui,,,, ev,; 1141.114,41:41:14:. jr 441314:00, i7,:r1K:1$1.::iis:1;1,11f"41%41‘x%ro.a::1111,Immv,':"ifilil "mi",igt.moil 441444 11414""P"'"" "( .wr fvf if 40,1 oione 4,: um, 10,104it 11111 WIwk 110, olgrti 1"11.:11,4114,101,41,474:414:1,14;v44401,11111;:iil,io,1,:,1 :111; ,K4111,114,,,,:4,,,,,,i,initi7:444,4:kifre,44,14:1,44,;:i:111,(sils:1114,71iti:iii:0,,,it:11,:on 116(140t1Zill• anti ,appreeInted, by all tbao .:4;r1F: Ifil,;(1;,.1.110::.1:4:44:,1414.:11$1:1:::;:r1):IvilL11111;:j410:,:i.:"::::t4,10114:1;11::::$,:,,,: 111 1/01 17 4:1:1;:i ; 1e, 41; 4: 4: I 711 vrovineei ue "Si101,r11/1:1,4111:1,111/IPI:iriltto.1 tii"1:L444.41111:44 4a111.11%11), It -bad 1144 fatindalloon lona 111t1111114 140,4'111t) Ihrnor 1,11, 14,111/10, energleo and liaoltled were lortaltici Iv., ii:olotol'iituff --ti;;;;;":;11;;;Ia;;;I:itilatt; 1111":11 14,1"4"ol itatt- w Web, however, be cooliii dlolvittl with remia,,,i, Wlittlitt Lb! N'n",1111‘1 .1111011,4,1 IMO:vet, the mit 1 area relleel Jan 1,1' 1 (et line wIttelo 1010011 0411'111 111 '1'1111)1111 1111'1111 1(114 011 1 111,8o 4,rnio prin. 1141'10 my which aft govoris ooqo moot i'41$11 41,4 the Melt by t4 1114/11. the )(recites, lin pir1114.04,4 con lto reolized by' 1 he loop's, puritan (If the community. '1'1. ifie 01f 1111 011111101141114+11 piallatillaropbal hit milled nil ositittallitled abborrenec of • 'Nil 1,14.11111 111111 111.111141 111 1,1'110 111114 )' (arm they hose asommil 14 loot And will, 1111101164, 0/voi/111114,11 for the !Mier rittrthitteh of lood, he entertained an Itoolnettre 51'114 4111,1 ;111 coovetillottol oseetol- onelos, whether developed 111 ev. fle,.111stleill K111111'111 C1101'0. 41111 H. his tIrm faith %ins lot the ONO volt.. Hat Hod on 61#1.4 I ilmotololo, 10110%1111' 1110, 14,0041mi eltismos, lo 1,/,111011/, 11# that truellectual eser for Ihi. faithful illsehtortn, 44.414i/111 4111,104 II 94 by (entire lie coostdered !hey were Woo. cradled lo bold theft polllic,1 I privileges, ttiol the great 1111,114.1 of Vain 1114. joltorill sr tip seheines far nnil 4.4 44 Ult. 4itiliropter 4,1 to itiololic„Jiturliallod often brro, 1444011 hitt, *athjeeto' loo holitoest awl motivator/0 111 11111101r11111,T, Hod 1)11 1,111/111111( 1q111110 1/1414110 1111,1, 11414 been Oven Ito !mil tire Ids ji),111. men1 Ill Wilily HMI prepitriillio. 0110111 cire1/M011111111'0 1*4 44101 Inc possible lit 114.)111 1,114(14, shins: 1 tot 11 it hough I tool nees ,10$ ;he co 01 A' 11411111 f roan ihu Shoot I, 11 Is •141.44114,m11114, t4114,111er the gpiter..1 nolo 81INIttlned more ex lens, t Tpropti ro Ion 'toil o riot, ono! en refol totrtifY, were 01011111111ese. 1110 trio 1 It ri I ,$ 411' PON mem „ -Air Nlvt/toecio not mil) wilito slillil eltotrliess, precision 41011 slue ordlittity degree the ran. nod la, 4, 'wagon of hit fellow men To them Ihe delight and graltticatIon derheti from bit loco' Hod NW) thittervileem toed per 14111411 dlollites their 4.1issi4411$14,0 toity were Willi his or- Ighoallty, wItli Ibis 11949 11,411 fervour or his ',moo 44 44,141411441444, whit the 11,01, thou be Masi sarong in Ups principles ti,r olden he rind Pler 111,1011 111111 011-1411411,11 , 1'0111'0 110 110 ever beep Ili the portion or roll., 111111 111111,41111c nollohilnlam, 01011#111/1140110 111011111'lloot4 414 lei,' 14410,111111, 1110,e playing klogripiph opo pro twilloso 1onotert :1113, bee!' imeitribeti I 11 tile 1'11111$1 Potopett fries 111 I Ile world whielo lotto stand- ard grange raltramals /fermis filo