The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-24, Page 74 - 5.(JI4k 24th, 1952 NOTICE! ANNUAL HOLIDAY WEEK of the SauIts Coal - Co. will be August 4t11 to August 9th. The Yard and Office will be closed to allow eth- ployees to celebrate "old Home Week," but telephone calls will be accepted &dm 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. daily Phone 75m. SAULTS COAL CO. "The Yard of 'Service and Quality" Phone 75w or 70 m. East end of Nelson St. . , COLBORNE. JUVENILES WIN Parrett. and Pollock hurled for the I Colborne lownship juveniles lied wen. Mason did the receiving. swamped the Ripley Reit Men 18-7 Jenkins, Jewell and Buchanan in a ,W.O.A.A. sOftball' fixture, worked for Colborne. 7'HE GODERICH SIGNALWI'Alt County arid District NEWS' OF AUBURN Women's Institute Children's Picnic is Well Attended Dr: George' MacGregor and Dr. 'Will SiacCregor of Chicago and Mex. MacGregor ot Granutu, .AI - beau, visited relatives in the Lucknow district and were there joined hy their sisters, Mrs. George Stuart a St : Helens and Miss Catherine SittoGregor, on a trip to theiz'. birthplace iu Cape Breton, iSova Scotia. Frank Fingland. jr., of Clinton, has completed a two years' post. - graduate course at the University of Toronto' and has received 41,s Muster ot Arts degree in political scienee. Ile is spending the 1311.111 - flier in the Yukon with it govern', ntent survey party and in Septem- ber' will go to England for a three - ear • course for the degree . of Doctor of Philosophy. Mr. anti Mrs. It. S. AtkeY received a number of presentations before leaving Clinton for, their new •houie at A.ruprior, where Mr. Atkey will publish The feruprior Chronicle. Clinton Lions Club, the Clinton Chamber (4 Commerce and the staff of The ClintOn News-itecord were among those presenting fare- well gifts, Potter—Taylor In it double -ring ceremony at the Brucefield manse, Ismia June Titylordaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tttylor, Brucefield, and Joseph Charles Potter, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence' Potter, Clinton, exchanged ma rriage _Rev. W. J. Moines officiated. The couple' will reside in Goderich ,Canada has til ()cyan -going- etirgo vessels flying the flag of the Do- minion. You cAr4 WIN THIS... AND MORE/ 4 ,L1.1)R cALIA'TE ',;iVERAGE KIST IN ALL FLAVOURS IF YOU WOULD BUY THE CEATIFICATES, WE MIGHT auiLD A NEIN ONE _ .01111.1.00..1.11111111.1,10immurrAldOrra,M:01.11111.11•11MMIllomm s and it can be any or all of , 11 MG PRIZES FOR 25c THE DURHAM MEMORIAL ARENA Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE it SON Clinton, Exeter. aforth Write Box 1.50;or phone 41J, Exeter *<', • and, we shall be pleased to call. !Intended for last week/ A,UBVItN. July 10.—The Wo- men's Institute held its annual Children's ,Day picnic at Harbor Park, tioderich, on Tuesday with a good attendance. The races, iu charge of Mrs. Alvin Plunkett, Mrs. Len Archambault and Mrs.' Frank Nesbit, resulted as follows: Under 5 years---4'aul Goddard, Janette Dobie; girls, 840—Margo Grange, ,Mory Goddard. liettY • LOu Robin - Aon ; ' boys, 8-10—Norman Lockhart, John AleClinchey. itoss Sturdy ; girls, 10-12 — Karen Nicholson, Elizabeth Grange; boys, 10-12 — Dove MeClinchey, Gordon Gross, Bill Dobie! girls, 12-14—Ruth Mil-. Han, Elizabeth Grunge, Isabel Daer; boys', 12-14—Rowild Gross, Gordon Gress, Bill Doble; young ladies—Karen Nicholson, Mrs. Har- NILE 200.Attend Picnic NfLE, July 23. ---Mr. and Mrs. Claire 14.dwards anti. 31zis. Clara o ounty .Council Underwood of I.oudou wererSuuday -visitors ot Mr. and Mrs. Tion Mc- Phee's. Sirs. Underwood IS,retualu- Mg for a longer visit. Mr. George -Rutledge is uttder the doctor's care again with stomach Mr. and Mrs. James Jaelison of ..Niitehell and Mr, Ernie Rutledge and WHIMM 'larding of Austin, Alan., were recent visitors at Mrs. Herb Morris'. Mrs. ,-Jantes iRaovere-Mord has come to Silas Mary Currey of the death this week in c"algarY hos- pital of her sister, Mrs.' James !looter. Mrs, Hoover was well knitwn here having lived here till she Married Mr. Hoover and weat to Westfield, afterwards moving- to the West, where she and her. bus - band farmed at C'antrose, Alberta, Since, the death of her husband she has made her home with her daugh- ter, Elinor (Sirs. Farley), in Edmonton. old Gross, Elizabeth Grange; young OBITUARY men—Donald Gross, Gordon Gross, men's race—Mrs. W. Bradnock, Mrs. H. Gross, Mrs. Frank Raithby ; grandtpothers' race—Mrs. Alf Nes- bit, Mrs. Charles East, Mrs. Albert Campbell; three-legged race—David McClinchey, Ronald Gross; kick the shpper—Gordon GTOSS; clothesplu,41141 had lived all her life on the MRS. ii/WIN PORTER David McClinchey; married wo- Mrs. Elgin Porter of the Barfield- arna road, Stanley Township, passed away in Victoria Hospital. London, on Sunday morning after a short illness in her 42nd year.. A ilaughter of Mrs. Reid and , the late Samuel Reg -She -Was born relay—Mrs. Harold Gross's team ; elothesinn race—Elva Gross; spot race -,Mrs. Albert Campbell ; throw rolling pin—Sirs. William Gross'; number of beans in. a jar—Mrs. Charles Straughan. Following the races it 'peanut scramble was held. same farm. She was a member of the Raytield United Church. Surviving besides tier husband Mid mother are -tive ehildreu, Anna, 18: Gordon, HI:- Kathleen, 14 liirt.tarel, 5and .Marion, 4. The funeral was held from her Lunch 1"cludthg ice crealli w"8 1 it resident* on Tuesday afternoon to Raytield United Church, where the serciee was condueted by the Rev. Peter Renner'. The inillbearers wet. Murray Grainger, Leslie Arm: strong, Allan Armst rong, A rt hur Peek, William J. Peck and Ihnersen Mrs. Scobie of Toronto is visit- emneters. lierd. Interment was in , Itayfield ing her daughter, Mrs. ThouLis , 1 . Anderson and Mr. Anderson "'and 1 ieprt rt meta of Agriculture ; Dr. G. — --- Mrs. William Anderson. . ' 1'. McRostie and Dr. N. It. Thomp- son of the 0.A.C. Field Husbandry , . POTATO FIELD DAY , 1 4partment ; and others. Featured All pota to . growers a re invited- speaker will be 4 )liver Wright. to the 'first Province t 4- Ontario Chairman. Grand River Valley POtato Field Day, to he held at Authority and Waterloo , County the 0.A.C. potato farm in Tuesday, farmer. „ , July 29, at I p.m. l'he 0.A.C, potato farm- is 10eated Tours will lw held of the exited-, in Waterloo Township, , Waterloo nwhi-a1-484tala -Plots; and _farms will, t County._ -approxlimately , Iwo miles he visited for tlw purpese of seeing! Sfilith lila' %%ne`4t ' f tl st-o-ved . the votamittee, Mrs. Archie Robinson,,, Mrs. Oliver An- dT An- derson,, Mrs. ed East, Mrs. Gordon 31cClinchey and Mrs. Gordon Dobie. Mrs. Harold Nicholson, Kareu and Garty are visiting Mr. J. .1. Wtlsou - Though alteavy dovvupour of ramu with lightning and thunder occur- red lute Thursday afternoon, the an- nual picnic held by Huron County 'Council at Harbor Park was en - 'Pled by the inemborS, ntlicials and 'tber families numbering close to 200 People; • Ruin interfered with the child- ren's races but free bingo, played for worthwhile paws by adults and children, Provided ideal entertain- ment, for ull in the pavilion. Visit MUSCUill During the fore part of the after- noon,.. litany yisited! the Huron County Pioneer MUseutit .on North street; otners enjoyed boat trips on die, lake and crowning the day was the* bounteous pienie supper served about 7 o'clock in the position. ,Wardeti Harvey Johnston (or& hilly welcomed all to the Ricoh., and introduced Harold Cousin, Warden et 'Perth (Minty, who brought greetings front his mond- .cipality. Arthur Nicholson, popular ree%e of Tuckerstuith, spoke brielly for the ex -wardens. A draw for the supper prize was Wirn by Sirs. William Douai' of Henson. Mr. Fitzsimmons, father- iti-Mw of ex -Warden Cecil Johnston of Ashitield, was awarded the prize as the oldest person present. He is 87. Mr. and Mrs. ..laek Mer - tam's 8 -months -old baby was the youngest. He is the 'grandson of Reeve Gordon Orr of Ginterich Township. Arrangements for the picnic were made by Warden Harvey JohnSton; County Clerk A. JI. Erskine, De- puty County Clerk J. G. Jerry and County Assessor A. Alexander. FARMERS ARE WARNED OF, ARMY WORM MENACE A rmy wornis niay rause serbnis damage and high hisses in oar fields and stands of inixisi grain, farmers growing crops shoilid inspect them .now for `infestation, says Prof. W. t". Department of Entomology and Zfailogy, 41- tario Agriculturai College. The worMS are found is the day- time under little clods and stones. In vy infest a t ions. oat ha eds 'that the worms have bitten eft' will he found MI the -ground. - - ilemonstr:ttions of -irrigation, spraV-LWaterleo Airport. Prof. Allan states that the NV 4 Inll ing, harve,:ting. Participating he reached from itt the Progr,rain will be It. E. anti signs will he posted .at bothott,:titl ii tit 1. i„„1:18,,,, Goodin, Associate I>irector. t'roo, higlisvrrys' /0 guide anyone to the inim,ti titurmithiy with 2 Seeds a nd Weeds Itra 110)1,ta Ho fa nu, water. When it is mixed to ;lie ....nsisteney .of wetsawiltv,t, it is - . brunt -least intii the standing grain at ouning just .hefore dusk. shire the wornis feed hiring the night. If the worms 1111,51 111 f roar some ottii,r ores. and, infestation reenrs, it may 1(1 tieressa'ry to r -,-:i1 titis 1 rea t - men t. wit ruS Prof. .1. iltit. A eir,etilar entitlist Contnd of A rni,v W ornis" i 11rAta inable It the °thee uf the agricultural repro - sent itt ve. 657e4e?,,s, etv LAD ......111000010111.0111minimbrooiablimo.0101•111111.1.11 sp,,t1401.0,1 h chow) iit rho, hi ARTIFICIAL ICE CLINTON LIONS ARENA THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1952 NAME VACATION DATES FOR CHANGEOVER MEN freetteney standa rdiza 11411 staft's of the iIrtitario Hydro :11141 ihie l'airriliNti 4 '031- 1 'M1,1),, nY Will11 Le litt'ir va,"1- tiens from .ktignst 2 to .kiigiNt 17 1nelitsive, A .stii:111 ,t.-itt %%111 remain itt luty during the v:ietition period to pr Vide ,'Ine'rgl'In'Y )'V )'p - Hon 15 ith itty twitters titreetin:: (.11;ingeo.ver 411;i1 isptionteto.; iii;iy obt:titi, this 1-- Iiv ti"IPI,10,10,114 wnt,Irii, rilEY LAS A TUTS BIG BEAUTIFUL SUPER DELUXE WESTINGHOUSE ONLY -$299 79 • STREET HAIVIILTON ELECTRIC _ ILF REINHART .(Oppesite Al's Fish aiid eleips) PHONE 466 A '1:::::1111:Iti'D‘14..54‘1:: NUT. , 2 a regular 1.25 boxoof • ,DtillARR.Y_FACE POWDER plus a special size lipstick . . . th,'i ;11'1,1: Other DuBarry Beauty Preparations by Rtchord Hudnut at -$1,500 IN PRIZES 4—SPECIAL GAMES -4 $50-$75-$75-$1;000 JACKPOT .TII t',4) 15 Regular Games of $20 each All prizes Must Go kit* 1.i r.irular totn'os; 25c for br .1011 Door; p11 it 0.1.10,1:. i;;Ittios skirt at. :1 p.m. sharp. )S"I' ' REFRESHMENT BOOTH -10=101•011011, lelmillimmilnammiummihmou SHOW PRIDE IN YOUR OLD HOME TOWN - BE READY FOR VISITORS DURING Old Home Week BINGO Prepare now to. . PAINT -IIP CILIENCUP FIX- OP 1.16111111P LEGION HALL . Sat., July 26 Jackpot of $500 which 15 games at $15 each; one at m $50; one at $75; one at MOO. ADMISSION41.00 for g 15u One FREE GAME for $50 games. Extra Cards 25e for first -five winners ACCOMMODATION FOR 4,000 PEOPLE JACKPOT OF $37 00 for full house in 52 calls. If not won on Saturday, value of jackpot and also number of calls will be raised each week until it is won. THE NEW, PERMANENT FLOOR IN THE ARENA WILL BE IN USE FOR. THE FIRST' TIME, COKE AND SEE IT AND USE,IT. FUNDS POR LAYING THIS FLOOR WERE RAISED BY THE GODERICH LIONS CLUB 17 GAMES $1.00 $5.00 CASH PRIZE SPECIALg—Share the Wealth Doors open at 8.30 p.m. ist game starts at 9.00 p.m. WE CAN HELP YOU DO THIS JOB BY S UFPL1NG YOU WITH Canada Paint LUXOR Floor and Porch Colors., SPECIAL DISCOUNT on house jobs. Don't delay, Phone 388 today and place your order for delivery. F1 C. KALBELEISH & SON LTD. Cambria Road Goderich 01, 4%, t A