The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-17, Page 6PAGE SIX: - FOR YOUR 010 HEATING APPLIANC _n els Regardless et kind or condition, We will make a generous trode-in allowance for your p -resent heating appliance THE GODERICH SIGNAL:STAR NEWS OF DUNGANNON NILE THURSDAY, JULY, 17th, 1962 'N I 1(1, (I I y 16.- Mr. and Mrs. 111'NCAN'N1 N, J (11Y 16L. - - T1ic Atotigoolery and soient.law, 11ortIon wimatt, :41,11,o•rt, and 1 two '"'"I'''i "ft i (iirvi- t'I sh T. I'ittg",ter • rudiriosv wilik 011 ters. "'Mary Ellettand .Atuirey of :41.4. 3, ot s pi1 it sotolav 4'4,11111g svr,i1"" 11s. 1'4441 a isit se .• the ,, f,,,ecs daughter, Alta., spvlit laSt week J1n. 0the 1"ned 111, guest,: of Air. and Mrs. Jattle,s Cliorch. Kelotetti I4.II1 Mrs. t"' Ati'ffig"-hter.v. i"tit"L sabot or the The• call to C•Irritt -A144%4101 of Sititcoe 44orsl1134 44,14 .11((Ij4 Cid Miss 'arrte it'Nett or (14,1,- 1 44' ist14.41 Mr. Thoa ms Alccanit. f ht. ore reading ' ti t'011..OSsirift AV...1 44 anosn. • 4.14i fi Poottgatt, 1olto4(eq • Aisitors reeeittly tin mrs. Ala t.. 1.110141 Alion.Toe (hew Sitark1+7•14.11 44(11' 144(44(4114141', soIl, att onittem and (hr. A1'.• "1"1 'Airs• 1)1',111'• 1‘11""11"'''' ef It1'(41114 711 wos ,W"odshick, Mrs, Lee Briggs of ON THE PURCHASE OF A NEW 1 Coleman .\14'l 11,4 re. It is 33 eltrs since Mr. Ateint,4 rt. leftthis VicitItty. Mr. awl Mrs. Alex Itassingliam 1(1.1 Alt.s. Passingitant i 1111.4 were gucsls of Mr. and Mrs, 11. Matiows. 4. my, .111(1 Nits 1 1„. helm. rrioo their' trip 144 11.4'. 141 1.4 Joon Clorlie Mrs,. s1,11t11111-: Sask . and. witIS h rosoi.t, , . • •Hesse 4;ra4 at the . i . 1). 1."'"'''."Y of I 1"'"'"c sangn„'nr, tt,„0•,Stmesretoit isitig It he home of Mr. a nd mpoineil r sister, : 's• AL1rgocrile'thck, Stuart Ta‘1"r anti retioNvilig acquoltIli111.4'S 114 114. Alt's. i'otnet.(ty and the late itev, Itomerov Jived Uero some years ago 44-i1ert lo 4vas 'in charge of Nile, Lecburn and l'ort .Ajbert 'elturches, .1. fishing party, e01181st jug of Tao itoy.;Ilool r.f Brace 1/e41011. .1r. and Airs. 44 ;ill, pistol'. ',Poke on 1,sra1i1 Bishop of str;irrovit. mot 40, .414 )11114,10',l4l0t 141,!i. with (10(1- Airs. Lewis Stonehonst. of itelgrave, A ‘‘.1„, (1,,t,„4 Air. and Airs. Arthur Edger of 1 • Altntt. Intrst. .11111 liaekott Wing111(14( 1(11(1 Hugh AlcDonald OIL ofz GAS 1 10111 111 C11111'111 ("'slot', FLOOR FURNACE C,Int in today and lot us Oros, 'you the advantages ond etenorn.ci you con so, goy with a Colemon floor furnuce. U.t is not convenient to drop into our shoji right away, moil this coupon and we will be hoppy to served our representative to your home to appraise rout pretestl equipment anii mak. a tree heat *woo! of ray home._ Buy now and enjoy the all - season comfort of efficient automatic heating. Our terms make it easy to own the finest equipment. EASY TERMS Reg. Price 203.50 Less Trak in ....35.00, Round up price ..$168.50 Plus Installation Ita• 4.011111111 tOl. 11110.1' and 31111 lialt)r`dgt., Stuart 111,1'101;72411.4i litiii.111rily1,:;:(1;;11 111;',RON COUNTY CROP REPottr Taylor an(LCharlie Thomas, spent uni..‘ Finnigan. Tin, willi1111:oriits ail:iigofa lit s 1.14,4',4"..:krsitg(14o iti r(i.lignp!(1,4(,1 1 ho tc1-icnd 111 the 1101 1111(1 1('1lll'ljo(l „11,1 1'1:1 r ttotila(is large e- it .4, 11,1,•ket1, 11441'(lllll mi %%('('k greatly help pastures. hay 14 Kitigh-t 111 .1. u. grain and 44n11-4 (*r((li'- 111(4(141,c14""ile; fit". t".1" 1),,,,4tt has [won Despite (Los of w:tt.o.„ WOO,: &rout Seaforth nospitit. tinted hit (it. - 1 1u „thttt, the improved in health. lie is able to walk itgain hut has to go hack. to the hospital for further treattnem. Visitors with Mrs. Herb Morris (luring the past week were Mrs. Alex Sillib, 1 >ling:111mm ; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fox of AleGregor, Man.; Mr. and Airs. Schferstein, Gay a nil ,„11 mu, in, that tu,,, miying is „my „bout K5% V141 Lana, and Mrs. Brown of ttg it i rhil,11.,,t4 and 44,1,111, t hut. 14111,(1,sriti(14,.,ttetillivittikatyltelutt.lo‘neisittvtid 811,1:1 dalittce "'waffle"' tlrie' 8" Mr. hector Hawkins of Saginaw.. has been above. average in quality. W.ALS..—The Nile W.M.S. mot at There have been•nunterous ill4PlirieS :Miss Marry 'Currey's on July 9 lately regarding. a rtilicial ittsentln- ' with eight "'Miters ""(1 [we itt ion and technicians working. in 110.r ,Lt,)!g, report 111111 membership this ezariva the and is in bed this, week, iirtithaiti"11 of 110"0' is (1°"11 b4.1„, to ,„4„,(1 st,t, tom mu „gait,, siderabl. in the county this yea-. A14110 (.14.1 a It ttitth,41 A., fair erop of cherries was 1181 - (.,,h,ht.atiou at \vine. , vested In 1 Ino county last week and 1 144 111. .41(1 (11 1,1 amt. 4,tt 1114„, raspberries :tre just now appearing of 1 itingalinon, ;411,1 d,.11,14 „4„,;ii, on the market and 'because of re• 44 1 114,0.41, ny T. 11, (.11 11,4,11 C011t. rains, will -he about an average klle4V that another T%\eirtri bait rotied around. • . still 1 /tiring- morning. worship at the Dungannon rutted Church Sunday, the following infants:* were offered # for liaptkm: Dottgits IVaytte, sell tlf Mr. and Airs. Koss liettry.:, Arlene !leather, daughter tit' Air. Eand Airs. 11114-e4. Culbert : Nancy .10411ne, 41101;4.1tter of Arr. and Mrs. Robert Stialwrs, :414(1 t'harles Cecil, son of .NI I' Mid Mrs. reed Culbert. :At thi• eiinelusion of the eerentony. the 1,PligregatiOn ,,101,41 in prayer .,, for 'dedication of their li4-es in Christian upbringing. Airs. John 1tivett sang a solo (luring the se: - vire. entitled 'The Stronger of BLACKSTONE FURNITU ON THE lifil/A,D\VAY y GODERIt'll TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ,—"''' • •ii 11(4'141(41 10 p1111. all 'all. ill 4 ;:l lilVO. , , , , .,.....i. 11 1.4411.k:1:4;.Sigeili,":11i,S,11;.1._r S1Wei" I 4 )141 Hui" SO(,V:1;(1.'r4 1801g1 ?'(0(fl 1';r11'1'. "(41‘;11K4l."(1't 11:1(f!,(14.1,4' GODERICIT TOW NSItut ' 11. McCullough requeSted -Inform- 1 Milking 4114 1414 progress, to ree04-ery Go(lerich Township routteil held ' .. ill atom on reforesting :1 seetion of at Victoria Hospital. London, where ifs regular meeting' in lielinesve nd la(thou rgh the 4, ,qiity reforestinhe g tutderWent 1 serious operation on July 7 at 7.30 p.m. The minutes ,,4.(.11,,e,e, .1.114, vit,t,h. 4(4e,,, 111111 1'11('1&111 ((41 his,, twig' 1,,, ‘,,,,t,h, (go, ofthe regular June !fleet lag 1(11(1 : o a pply Por 1 he 4(41 11411-' . lly sub- , .11r. John EV(ly, 011 Mo11(111Y 111111 also of a special me..ting on June ;,i,dy and ;1111„ to Write the c.N.11, I eemovalt-of tonsils and adenoids it iitalerich hospital., - The Dungannon United Church congregation were favored to 1(44 (4' De. It \i'att allil WS wife Of Tor - 12 Aere read and adopted. Th. r Township road insill'ance ; seeking' better approaches at level was renewed with'J. Howard. 1 'CreSSiligS thr(ttjghout the toNVIIS11' P.- 'fje Accounts presented and ordered 1(;114-1 Were as follows: 6. A. Orr, 1 serviees as road cdluntissioner, )L1t4 141 the;•inorning service, prior $40,00; Grigt nrvices 14510 their departnre last. 44 -eek to all road 10(141(4 $,114s0.111(11,;1141e4,.011.14`..... 41:4,111.1,:“..,11,111t;14(stspitoanl 141‘0(.;(sttlt t‘47" ,11a; si 1.1 p1i11810110r, $40.00 .1. NV. Itevves,i !loth are 1952 gi'tdnatt 111 their services as r14i41, commissioner, .1trofe4siott ((f doctor anti nurse, and $.41 ; 101 11Wt1 1, services 44 are missionaries. Dr. Watt gave I road vounnissioner, $40.00.1. Hoy 1.*11.ar and interesting address. Ile ;Tyndall. fox , bounty. :li1.541; 1 1. Alc- 'is a brother of the pastor, the Rev, bounty, $1.7(0 george AVatt and was warmly wet - WEEK $.2,000.00 ; `. Hays. ga f ' .4.X t ended' heist i SileS IP 1 1' DIAL 980 ANsms*— CFP1 7 DAYS A 4•11,1t.14,.., E. 14.4.1,11„oe loan, coined, itot to. and nis \vile were 71 4 tii1S.-10 1Bert Trewartha, play- 11111111(11c and ('1411111 14111 work. Also round, ii100.00: 11. Sturdy, -1.4,forld attending: trio service were their .. ...„., of toxes $fiil • direct relief. $3.1.00; ltrotrier, Air 44 (11 and wife, Tor- ! road superintendent's pity roli, No.:0111"; and their mother, Mrs. i 'Rev, 4 '7, $1:1,01 799 • tA", J. AViitt. NVititeelturch, 4 'mincii then adjourned moil 11i14.tist 1 at 7.314 1(.111. :At the special meeting held on , done 1:.t, 4 ;4/f/1-1-if'11 TOW 11811i,11. •11111- 1140 1 niu,i, will 4,1V,' 111(' 1(1(11.S.,. ,, , jai 11 j 4-4,(1 As :1 111( 4, 1 I I Oy W ill , 11 i SI> l a lie .1. Johns:kin tit I ;fit 1 •It: ''''TYAir -filf-1 1",tdmi`siti0,14,114Sitt,!...„Int1:,tt,,i11..,.f,,,'1t't;',1`4 0„‘,,,,t,,,ip (.0,11,.„,H1 Port Albert that Sunday: -1-"'-'-'4' .... . .„„ 10........,........................................... Mr. and Mrs. Grant Evans :410 1 - — three little sons, Garth, 1),a4-1(1 and 4itlb410•410,40411110/09941411•64MIND4111104114 ' II r i ; of I ti4'1. I ,:i ki-, S; i sk ., 1111(1 , , „ - • their mother, Mrs. .t.he Evans of arsamiammerememeareeme. PHONE FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF, ; DEAD OR talsABLED- cows—HORSES WM. STONE .SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT - INGERSOLL 21 GODERICH '936r21 "rho will lie in ('ha rge 11"' ser40-t 44144414 morning at 1144- tpot:11 time, Air, tVarren Zittn of Cemetery I Memorials T. PRYDE & SON Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 41•T, Exeter 'and we shall be pleased to call. - visitors pre:sent. Mrs. Ilarrower had eharge. of the meeting nut' opend w eith a hlli ytt and prayer, Miss FOX', a guest of Alies C-urrey's, read several. poems of ..lter (4 tt composing 4(1114.11 were very much tippreetateti. TW(( 1111414' eoutests were put 011 and the mooing -closed with a hymn anal prayer„ Lunch was served 1(4 the members. W.A. 'held it, meet Mg 'in 1 110 clittreb, July AIrs. Schram Iva ti 111 ''11:1 rgt. :4101 opened 41101 11,1,11111 202. Sertir, 'lure rending rend by • 41 11 larrower, followed by the lesson topic, "I'se ((1' Opportunities,” and prayer., by Mrs. Schram. was attswered 1(4 11 members. The nosiness period .. followed, (hiring which /Ina 1 lila 118 WO r4,p !Oa 110 for a bake sale to be 11(.1(1 in Goderith on July 1f(. Mrs, Frank I lawkins then favored With a piano selec- tion. Mrs. Schram introduced the gitt..st speaker, mrN. Watt of Dail- gilalion, low gave it very inspiring address on "Making the .Mask Your Opportdnities." It W018 &- filled to lla ve no meeting in August. meelingt closed with hymn 1,13 and the bendiotionlautch was served Ity „Airs. II. Fisher, Mrs. Howard JOItuston and Mrs. F. Haw. IiinS, Mr. and Mrs. .Prior of Guelph were callers on Mr. and Mrs, J. Mc- Whinney last week. 1)ouglas Sowerby,- Goderich l'ownship, is holidaying at the bottle of his 1411111 and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. ('tiff SALADM" TEA. BAG t 44 nr \ t V y , _ - ' I 4 „, 744-1 12425 Noon (Maeday to Froy) STOCK 44 .MARKET REPORTS Wally Herbert report* from Easton Fisher 'we IVES : 1 . sister and other relatives. Miss 140'. Alole returns with them fl l I' & SONS CEMENT CONTRA; TORS BUILDING BLOCKS and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Chimney built or re- paired. Phone Carlow 1612 • 7-oxtf • a visit, a week' in Kansas • • • City. - Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hanson, East Tawas, Mich., and Mrs Wil- liam E. Kilpatriek of Macklin, Sask.. are visitors with Mrs.- S. J. Kilpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. Vecil Blake. Mrs. William E. Kilpatrick, formerly Mabel Finnigan, is .also visiting liter trotber, Mr. Bert Fin- nigan, Crewe. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis and little daughter Jacqueline of Ailsa Craig, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey An- drews. Arnold Andrews returned with them for a visit, _ Mrs. George Hamilton of Auburn Was a me('nt visitor with her 08)01' - in -law, Mrs. Joseph Hamilton. Mes. Margaret Ilalfytird and sister, Miss Gertrude Diamond of St. John, Nfld.. visited Mrs. J. G. 11•114046•••• emeimmeeraweseereareee....erermsweemeanairmammemal nijI Esso BURNERS • 0 LEGION HALL GODERICH Sat., July 19 1-1 1 JAOKPOT OF $36.00 for full house in 51 calls. If not won on Saturday, value of jackpot and also number of calls will be raised each week until it is won. DELUXE MODEL ONLY $ 65 DOWN AND $ 1490 MONTHLY FOR 24 MONTHS 17 GAMES $1.00 $5.00 CASH PRIZE 4 SPECIALS—Share the Wealth Mors open at 8.30 p.m. 1st game starts at 9.00 p.m. IMPKRIAL OIL LIMITED MacDONALD ELECTRIC Phone 235 Britannia Rd. A Generof Motors Volvo alustrotod — Chevrolet Stylellos De Luxe 2 -door Soda* Lowest -priced in its field! Chevrolet, the Leader, is the lowest -priced car in its field. It's Canada's most beautiful low-priced car—and Canada's most won- derful motor car value I It'll pay you to buy Chevrolet [ ...the finest of low-priced cars! r .4.44444 44, -4444 444•44,0•444,, 74 a+ At 044i• PfelC*0 so Lows See for yourself how brilliantly Chevrolet combines all these prize features of highest-prked4 cars . bringing you the new and finer standard of beauty, perforihance, comfort and safety ... and yet it's the lowest -priced line in its field ! MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR ...wwininonwrissisimiewimeilallie001.1111111, CENTREPOISE POWER Engine vibration and power impulses are - "screened out" — isolated from driv- er and passengers. itEngine rides flexi- bly suspended be- tween new high - side mountings... centred, poised, cushionedin rubber. EXTRA LARGE BRAKES Chevrolet's Jumbo -Drum brakes, with their big I 1 -inch brake drums, ap- ply more lever- age for more stopping power. Stops are smooth- er, safer, with less driver effort. Bonded linings last up to twice as long. UNITIZED KNEE -ACTION RIDE Chevrolet's famous Knee -Action rine is now even softer, smdother. New 'shock absorber action smothers bumps and' iolts more quickly AV's1/4e and effectively than ever. Spring control is immediate and continuous on all roads. EXTRA WIDE TREAD Chevrolet -measures a full 58 IA inches be- tween centres of rear wheels - providing a broader base to give you more stability • on the road, less sway on the curves! GORGEOUS NEW COLORS Choose from a wide choke of colors and two-tone color combinations . . the most wonar- ' ful array in Chey- -'7,1-- rolers Iidd,Dis- tinctive new De Luxe interiors are color -matches to exterior body colors. EXTRA. EASY CENTRE -POINT STEERING Control is centred between the front' wheels instead of behind the left front wheel, This .4 advanced steering gentile( ry makes Chevrolet surprisingly easy to steer, ma- noeuvre and park. 'POWERFUL VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE The trend in engines is all to valve -in -head! And Chevrolet has been building engines ihis design for forty years! Teamed with Po.verglide is the ,most powerful valve -in -head engine in Chas rolees history, with' hy- dratilic -hushed valve.lifters to give whis- , per -quiet p0Wet. 4 POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION les an oil -smooth oil -cooled auto- matic transmis- sion. It k simpler with fewer parts to wcar. It's sminther because oil does it all without. complicated inter- mediate gears. Optional on De Luxe mod- els at extra cost. BODY BY FISHER Fisher Body sets the standard for styling, for craftsman- -4'4 -7 -ship, forcotn- -- fort and con- venience! And Fisher Unisteel construction guards you with the solid strength of steel welded to steel . above, beneath -and all around you. Anwireerveria GM "SHADE -LITE" GLASS REDUCES GLARE, HEAT& FATIGUE Chevrolet offers "Shade - Lite" tinted glass with exclusive, shad- ed vvindshickl- - tinting for your extra protection. "Shade -Lite" glass all 'round reduces glare and heat, helps you drive more safely and comfortably.. (Op- tional at extra cost.) VICTORIA STREET GARDNERMOTOR SALES 10528 PONE 234