HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-17, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1862 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH e SUNDAY, JULY 20 8.:30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND -SERMON. EVENING SERVICE WITIII)RAWN DURING TIIi SUMMER • MONTHS. REVEREND BEVERLY H. 11'ARR. B.A., L.TI.t., RECTOR A. W. ANDERTON. Organist and Choirmaster UNION SERVICES NORTH STREET AND VICTORIA STREET UNITED CHURCHES, IN NORTH STREET FOR JULY. 11 a.m. "WHAT WILL YOU 1)O WJT1II IT WHEN YOU GET IT?"- REV. T?"REV. D. W. WILLIAMS, B.A., Minister, and H, A. CLARK, Choir Leader. 1 Knox Presbyterian Church INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY IN THE VICTORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM MORNING WORSHIP XT 11 O'CLOCK "A CHOICE MADE POSSIBLE BY GOD." Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. K. G. MacMILLAN. W. H. BISHOP, F.K.C.O., A,R.C.M. Dlinistec� Director or Praise. Church Baptist Goderich Ba P MONTREAL ST. - Minister: REV. IAN G. HIND, B.A. Organist and Choir Director: FRANK BISSETT. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "THAT BLESSED COMPANY." 7 p.m. "UNHINDERED:'. Monday 8 p.m. Young People's Union. . _Wednesday l3 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of • Canada) REV. HOWARD \iINAKER, PASTOR J►eciail Services conducted by the FIRST BOY PREACHER to visit Goderich. "DANIEL JOE!. NESTLE" 13 YEAR OLD EVANGELIST of Battle Creek, Michigan. Services Tuesday throngh Suiulay. July 15to 20th -at 8 p.m. Sunday.14) a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.:311 p.m. EVAicrGELISTIC SERVICE. DON,' NAIL TO IIEAII THIS HOY WITH A - MESSAGE FROM GOD, THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. THE Calvert SPORTS COLUMN 4 E6N& 7e'9duc "`'ri►f. iiin�it' coitipelltii `M.Itatiri•-'1ii""(1.t'ntpit- (oantt s trials anywhere -perhaps in the games themselves -will I:4' a blind 'man. There's something hear(-cateliiI)g about the blind, their struggle against 'tile unkind and tragic l►lous of Fate that have robbed: them of the opportunity to see the physical beauties' and the color" of a very wonderful world. .‘rad there's 501144'- iillilg even more poignantly gripping and profoundly impressive in the struggle of those in the dart: to (maintain .4)4144 parallel V•1414 the life they 4-1ulnot sec. ' So w4' believe that :1n ;1latost blind athlete, who has 4,111 the .a:;bl of one eye. :anel tit- „tiler seriously a1Te4'te41. Ii.-ry a n1ost hervtic f144(11e alaung the ;:rent atarletes of this r •1,tinent who will compd.. for places on the 1'uited St:11es l e tIttl'►14' 14)4111, The gallant athlete i11 question is Bill Ilangert. 110 finished f- irtih in the shutpu-t feature of the National Indoor track championships held at Jladi'son Square harden recently, .144' put t.i1t' 101H)nvld Weight 52 feet 101/€ incite::, which was one-gll:rrter ,of 'an inch better than lhts title -winning tors in 1915. .liar Ft14•115: w:.1.141. champion, %von with 50 feet. 31/,y iu 114's '1'110 remarkable port of [InI4gert'c• feat: •w:1s that the almost sightless athlete 1111(1 to 1)e lett to the putting ring; where, sof t.'nrse. he was 4)41 his 0W11. Amazingly, this blind young giant's recent effort was better than any Olympic record prior to that of the London (Gomes, when W. M. Thompson won with 56 feet 2 inches. in that event the great American athlete, F"uch i was third with ,ii part alnto•t - exactly the same as Ita•ngert's 53 feet, 10% inches. The mighty Ralph. Rose, four times U.S. national champion and twice Olympic winner, could not do as well as this sight- less boy' Ilas done. Rose's best was .an even 51 feet.' Itangert's determination And tremendous courage i1 the face 44 a disheartening physical condition, are typical of his entire life --iia blllsilo45, sport:;. Before his op -sight failed, he was h4 v:)rsit1y footh1l Li player as well :is shot and discus star act Alts- ve111'1 University and later at Purdue. 111" r4'a4114rd the, nitti011al amateur _heavyweight boxing final. 11e 11141de a success ala 11 road - builder. 114' even 11,i41 a gc4c41 job am al singer. but it took 1,, :11114.11 tittle frnln• bus!i 'ss. The world will wish flits gallant :0111 W4,-1! in his h:lltlr for 4::lrpir ram, . .indeed tin• wool ad:nlires all athlet0ti who. i pile ilhysi�:11 haudci4•aps. r11:al:r their; way well along the 1:h:l'l0 tr:111. Rut those who live 111 the twilight of simian far t•,• 1 -,vv the normal are the most cunrl;el l i ng of a1 LI. :11441 11 nr,lzing ho%c, 111 sever:11 varieties of sport. they h:l%e risen 111)0%0 •leficienc•y which might I►., thomgllt insurmountable. Athletes whose eyesight is below normal dotthe baseball picture. 'There are a dozen he -spectacled stars in baseball, in the major leagues. severs)] in the minors. They are by no means Mind, of course, but. their eye -sight is not good. Vet they have 4.verrotme that handicap. Several players h1 major hockey have worn glasses. 11a1 Layroe of Boston Itruins i, one. 1Vhe n ('anadicns won the Stanley ('up in .1(116, one of their stars was the whirlwind "Dutch" Biller, a °little bit of a he-spertaried player who could really 11y, but whose defective vision forret) hint to wear heavy glasses. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert Nouse, 431 Yonge Sf., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERST®URO, ONTARIO • NEWS OF AUBURN AI "KI'1tN, July 111.- -•Aar. and Mrs. Thomas .Indersou and 'filially of Yellowknife, \ \1'.'1'., are visltitl.g the loaner's mother, a1rs. �1'ih1ium Auderauu. ,11r. anti Sirs. \\'ill}am Stt'aLlghuu spent the week -end at 'I`11:gme ville. Jlr.• horsey ltltelrauau 4,'f %4 4 S- tere lunula visited Air. ural Mrs. W. T. Robison last Week. It is 47 years ¢thee he left 111,re. air, and -Mrs. F'i'Ltnk J1clive u nail family of Oshawa and Jlr. and Jlts. F. (►, Atellveeu are holidaying ut Kiutail• Beach. Mr. and Airs. Albert l'ampbell +l►eut at ftlw dayvy with their daugh- ter, 31rs.Stan Abel and Mr. Abel, St. Thomas. Air. \V. 11. 'l.'atu1(1) FI, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. \Villiaut l?r,uzier, 1.1►uou, re- turned Boole with. theist., 31r. and Mrs. Ilirl►rl Gibbs Of Ilaiuiltou are visiting Mr. and Airs. \Wilfred Plunkett. 241 r. Gordon 'Taylor underwent an operation on his ankle in Gothc:rich hospital on Monday. Shower Held -A shower and re- ception were held in the F'orester's ]lull, Friday night, in horror of Mr. and Airs. Bob Prou.-.e ( we Lois Taylor). 1)i11 1,. 'the evening they were called to the front and Mrs. I'lunkett read an address ex -:- pressing lust wishes. Carol Beadle, Shirley 1'utterou and Lada•¢ Alay Letller•laud deei)rate(1 baskets of gifts and Ken Patterson presented thein with,:,t purse of stoney. After the gifts had beeia opened they ex- pressed their thanks. Lanett nc h %vas served. - Visitors with Air. and Airs, Ed Davies: Air, and Alt:.. 1►4,nuis itir- ehurd of St. Petersburg, Fla: Mr. and Airs. Noq►,'vaJ Stewart of Strat- ford: Air. an(1 2411' . ICer)netlt Aloiiek and three elliiltlreu and Mrs. Ver- nice Alms+•k ell''.\rva: Mrs. B. Aland: is reuraitil•itg for a visit. Airs. Ilarold Nicholson and two children of Seafortli art holidaying with the lady',. father, Air. .1. .1. \\'ilw►u. United Church Picnic. -Thr I'ni•. 1441 ('buten Sunday School held its annual picnic at \1'ighttnatu's Grove. The following raees were rlui : 4 years anti 11ud1T-1. Lorne Daer. 1) oigie :Arehaulbault : h :and under Fru Daer. 2. .Vine :Spiegle}►e►•g: girls, fi-7. 1. Kathleen Craig. 2. Ann Snieglel)erg: boys. Ii -,ti 1: John A1e- .l'tu4•hey; 2. Ito s rt ur4l '-, girls: 5:- 1(4 1. Alargo taring,. 2. Kathleen ('raig:•bwys, 4:141, 1, 1- I.v:1rd Daer. 2. Gerald Dottie; girls, 1O-14 ---Meta/ JLt.'Ulfin:hey, 2. Shirley 1'tlttensou ; troy:,: 114-14--1. 1►ave Jl'c�Ulltualty, li}lllie Stuubury ; young ladies-- - 1. Jean Glotedwr, 2. Carol Beadle: y4)ling me14- -1. Ken Patterson, 2. Norman \\"i.ghtmatl ; married ladies --1. Mrs. (\tri lulls, 2. .Mrs. livItt Plunkett ; married - mea ---4. Earl V'ightu ll11, 2. Art Spiegteberg. grandmothers' race ----1. Mrs. Bert Craig. 2. Mrs. (;ordou Alel?liuctey : three-legged race J. a1r14. - Alr111 t'Iitnket.t and Dave llolltluetpey, Norman' N'Ig11t.maul, and A1es. 1.. Arehac11 balt1t :- kick the, slipper-- Alr•s. Alvin Plunkettt : taking clothes pins off the 11114,4Alrs. L. Arr11au1- Intuit ; spot rare- Airs. Gordon Alc - Clitic11ey : shoe scraurble--Norman SV'lg11ttmttl, Mrs. .1,. ' Archambault. The smaller children piuyell riug- 11rouud-u-rusk. Lunch was served. Bible School. -A very stwc o- ful vacation Kittle school was held 1n Knox Presbyterian Church with the 21i-sses Muriel I►avis a11(1 Esther Rowe of 1,1111(1011 as leaders. The school oust every morning for two weeks a111(1 pa rt i11 teI in group singing. memory work, (tuft work and ►;antes. ()n Friday evening the closing exercises of the +drool were c ► e4 b' parent's and l► Id attended l v ul r uL, a 1 .. ti' ( pro- gram of the children. The l gram inclu41(41 Scripture readings toy Edna ,!Dur, Elizabeth Grange and 11111 Stanbury ; Itiblu verses by the sc 1t}4)i• girls dud three choruses by the school. Five children told -:Miss Rowe "Why the Bible is the Word of (lod." Nine junior pupils rel4• 1ted verses s of Srril.turc.. t:1 '[ 044(g favored with a so10. The .\bustles' ('reed was repeated by the s, ttic►r I)ILI(l1 Two choruses were rendered by -the j11111or pupils it 1111 a churl/s Icy :all. Alias- Rowe told a story by use of the flannel - graph. The following prizes w•et• • -awarded: Miss L4111111 24111) l.eth0r- la►ut, who hail been the efficient pianist. was presented with a gift. Prizes fur the seniors went 1-4 S1tlriley- Daer for the n0 41 ui1iuory verses, Edna Da4't•. first prize for t'e hest hand work book • :1141 Alvin 14aer. second. Prizes were given to the tones who had atteudefl every day. The -junior prizes were award, d to thnse'whl) had atte11(1(41 every flaky : lieu book --1. Anti Yu 1441)111E 2. 1iath144n Craig- 15:t - bel Daer riweired :a prize for bring- ing the most members. Tho} pastor. -Nae itev--.-J.-Ii4ouey1laau, spoke ar--fe.w--- Mills: - g rade--1----h,oioor,s-. Margaret Words 4'f the wort: (14)1(4 Ivy •the VV'rig111, Elizabeth (:rang-, :11141 ASHFIELD ASII F'I-ELI,), July 10, -- Dr. George and Dr. Will 2lue(; regor of Chicago and their brother 'Alex, of Granum, Alto., visited Ashtic k' frlettds on Suliday. They• left Alw►duy for ('ape Breton by motor to visit their birth place, a(Y'ollll)aliletl by their, sisters, Miss Bute aluctiregor of 1,n4•kuow 114:4. George St1.wurt of St. Helens. Alh4. Elizabeth MacLennan return- ed to her hu)l►e after visiting wltli her daughters, Mrs: •S,eott and alas. \1'hite. I)r. and Mrs. 1V•hjte and Mr. a 111 Airs. Scott ata.-omlulnied her hotue" --.. Al r- and Al rs. .tattle, It. AiacKe11- zie.of Detroit are visiting with Mr. and Alms. 1): It. 11eKenzie, Lochalsh:: Mr. Frank Alac(lregor, who hos spent the lust year in South Afrieu. is visltiug at the. Inane or 111-+. Jolla AlaeKay. ing of a hymn and prayer by 3lisS Davis brought the meeting to a close. .1Ptervv-ar4o the parents and friends viewed the 11u11diWurk duce. W.3,$S.-The \\'.31.,5. of Knox Presbyterian Church 'met iu the Sunday School room 4)11 'Thursday With the president. Airs. W. Good in. charge 'and Airs. 1)on Haines presiding at the piano. '1'he meet- ing ope'ltell with prayer by the r, l t4s. ldeut. The devotional period was taken toy 'Miss Esther Rowe who read the Scripture, gave Lue41it- atiou 011 same and offered prayer. A reading was given by 1.0141 Daer. Sharon Steivart, Carol Ann 1144(•e and. Atarlw'at Davi- sung two num- bers. AEA, Davis gave an iutet•- (1sti11g talk by use of the flannel, - graph.. lannel-graph...% duet was rendered by Airs. \V'.' ltraeluock and All:.. Doll Haines, aecompuuit41 44) Airs It. .1. Phillip:. The singing of a Itymun and prayer 44,v Aliss Davis brought 4114' 1114'etiag to a ('lose. A dainty lunch was served bc• Airs. .1. 11111 - la In :1 11(1 Airs. Ruy Daer. Alr. \y. 11. (':aw•lrbell hos ref'oruecl honl4' after a awn weeks' ,visit with his daughter, Mrs. \C-'"1'. Crozier of 1,4,ndou. Ale. and M-rs. Albert (`ai tpl►e'Il spent a few flays East week with 111'. and Airs. S. .I. Abel of St. Thomas. The following piano pupils of Eileen I,li41411411, A.It.('.T.. have been successful in their Toronto ennserv- a 1'or) exams: (:rade 1 honors. Bet- ty ..lhrrnin: grade 2 _1•,t class: boners, Margo Grange: honors. Joan 1ende'1,5 and, the childre ll. The: slug 4CCE$I€JR!E5 Y�Qd@/ Combination Offer Saves You $1.86 2 -Gal. Moto -Master 2,000 -Mile 100% Pure Pennsylvania Motor Oil - plus a convenient "squat" utility container (fitted with pouring spout and bail handle) . . . At Canadian Tiro. .74 TOTAL VALUE $5.60 SAVE YOUR MOTOR ANDsSAVE MONEY - With famous MOTO-MASTER MOTOR OIL -the world's finest -60c o quatt quality costs you only 370 QUART .37 I+ALLON 1.39 5 -GAL. DRUM 7.45 Moto -Master "Heavy Duty" MOTOR OIL -Qt. 40c, Gallon 1.59 • ...!rt.4.. .. J. :. =n:... , nxA•ti.f1Yg ..xt i,•'. NUROLD'Motor' Oil-- Qt' 27�; Quit: 994; :` 5=Gad:°rADrum'545 "Service Station Grade" Motor Oil, in your container, Gal. 74c Moto -Master POLISH & ;LEANER .49 as, Volae mOlO4RnsTER' PERFECTLY MATCHED SHOCK ABSORBERS - B'RAN D NEW NOT REBUILT) MOTO-MASTER LIQUID !POLISH AND CLEANER gives "professional lob" beauty at a fraction of the cost - saves time and work. ' Restores original lustre and protects the .49 finish. Big 20 -oz. Con _ _ _ _ Chrome Polish and Rust Removir- �f's-Pint .__ _ -__-_ _ .29 Save Up To 50% Identical to original equipment - at half the price. Smoothly polished alloy steel piston rod; large fluid capacity and quick - acting valves absorb road shocks. Give "new car" ride control. Replace worn shock absorbers now. Door Mirror Wonderful value! Poputar oblong "non -glare" mirror. Beautifully chromed. B 1 g mirror. 21/2 x 1 e 5 5•' - Wonder Wash Cuts car wash time in half. Simply wdsh and rinte -- No cham'04s,' no spots or streaks. Per Con g 9 r BUG -SCOOT Plastic Bug Deflector at- taches to hood; diverts bugs and dust away from49 windshield. Wide Color range -__-_ - WHEEL MUFF Quilted plastic - Improves 'grip on steering wheel; keeps hands clean and cool. 55a E►ctra•volue _ TAYLOR'S CORNER 'TAY 1..01t'$ 001L»4 Eft, July - %\'e e'xtoutl sympathy to the family• 'of Ville lata Mrs;. %'U-1141 u AloUabe who pare(1 away this H'ec'k. M'rs: Jlndhtt►e . was for a loth; time a ("allied meuxber of the W.A. of Zion Chit reit. She was a 1:1114 utvigtIlb01 and friend, march respected ted by everyone. Sandra Jean (!4)11(tr is spending u week in Loudon, the guest of her sister, Air,. Jim Sttu la}r and Mr. Siuelalr. Patsy \'roomuu of Port Al1eruie, 11.C., is visiting her cvvuesitl, Barbara alld Bobby Watson. ' .John. liurltell'of Goderich spent a few days re4•.entl1y with his cousin, i'11111i ' 1 die. Mr. and Alts. Xi-w'big:gin. of Lis- tori1el and their daughter, Airs. Dixon, visited duet week -end with Mr. uud Mrs. William Snyder. Their nephew, Morley, '1'ruiwuer nP Tor- onto, is also a guest of 241r. and Mrs. Snyder. 21r. Robert Fuller suffered a pain- ful injury to his hand recently while working at the hay. Mr. and Mrs. Merman Uarefoot of «,'Tiverton, accompanied by Hiss Kay ilarofoot of Verdun, Alan., vis Iced with Air. and Mrs. 1.. G. ('a,11- yer on Thursday of last week. 241r. and Mrs. .Albert Oke, Mr. anti Mrs, e,. ti aur v and Mims 1 1 A' lt. Nina l Walter spent Sunday at Port Elgin where they visited with Mr. and Airs. Ben \Filliur*, There will be no service in Zion Church the next two St4uday-s. Jury '-J'0 and 27, as the Rev. M. G. and firs. Newton are taking their vaca- tion. BENMILLER 1i 1 N'\l f LLI•itt. .1111y "10. - +AI ►'. a rad Airs. Bill Carter sed fatuity of '1'ur- THE SQUARE unto au41 Air. and Airs. 1:41 4'arter of Galt were visitors with Alr. and Airs. Vern Gledhill. Airs. 1'atetra rt :anil rtlil(Fre11 of Ile'll►eler spent last week-eud witit - Air. and Airs. E. T. I'frinit11er. , The 1t61y. .1. VV. Itrirs•41, 141'own, Atis.>; Ethel lir rwlt of 111:1111 ford and .Miss 1:. 1•:ntirrir•r of Eng laud spout a few d14)14 last 1veek with Air. :11141 Airs. Ray A1our4' and callled-on other friend: around and iu 4:4441eric•h, Clinton and Varna. Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Gibson of hctroit are sl►ei141iug softie blue rat thl"il• smuttier 10 1114' irl the %•jll;lgr. Airs. Celia Aloo4e visited in Gude- t• vvitlt relatives cover the week clld. Parol :(4141 Gary .\Ilio visited in Goderich wit11 Mr. uud 'Airs. .\Nell 1111111 this week. A(r. :mil \It?. 1 .ih.sell l'frinuu.'l• 1 :11441 Brian spent the week 1.1141 in Itidgetown- Irene :11141 .livaulie re turned %%4th tllenl after -p udin; their h, liday-, with \Ir. ;111(1 Mr:. t. Stewa(1. \li-. .1 4t''IS!;1ISO �i'.il,41- in l;i,c4' rich with her grandmother. \les. l L•I ruler. \11•. and \Ir-, Ita,\ \Ic„ r, I'r:lul: 1•11, I: and \Ism st' 1• c f c;."1 ,•401) 54 ill 5111111:14 i11 St;lll'orcl� i!le • lYsgrriMhl'rlt g liwIip Fears-• •"• A' phone calll will arrange your appointment. HENDERSON'S- PHONZ 91 with relatives. 1 .01.Wgratuilatiul,ts to Mr. and Mrs. H11gh_-Fe 4 -ga11 ( nee Marlyn 'Gar4j- Iler) %Om %Vere married" on Satur- day at Ueumiller parsonage. lir:. Peter Van Elswyk and ba11ty (John) returned on Monday froth Goderich hospital. `Congratulations. Clerks, Typists, ists Steno ra hers � gp and Teletypists. . For DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CAMP BORDEN, , ONTARIO. " . $133-$186 a month Daily Bus Service. from Barrie, Ontario Transportation Allowance For full particulars; see posters displayed at National Employment Service and Post Office. Application 'forms available thereat should be filed with the Civil Service Commission of Canada, 1200 Bay Street, Toronto, On- tario, as soon as possible. 29 OIL FILTER -Perfect replacement for most makes of filters. Change Your "Throw -Away" Typo Oil Filters ARMOR COAT EXTERIOR PAINT Brush on new beauty ! ARMOR -COAT finest quality house paint gives your home that "fresh as paint" appearance L)nger. Big color range and Canadian Tire saves you 11.10 a gallon. QUART 1.69 V GALLON Worth $7.25 6115 AMERICA'S QUALITY VENETIAN BLIND PLASTIC SEAT SAYER Protects Car Upholstery , Prevents soiling of uphols- tery by mechanic's greasy overalls, wet .39 -bathing sults, ate. On or off in a ltfly... CURB FEELERS Loud "twang" lets you know when car Is too close to curb.. Saves fire ,s and len- der scrapes. Pt. - 64 PEDAL PADS Full -thick pedals give sure control on broke end clutch. Perfect replace- 34 menti m for „most con. Pair n "Glare Stop" VISOR Self-adhesive "Flexible Plastic" fastens to upper Windshield sur- face. Stops glare. t# De Luxe Model .$9 • "TOTE -TRAY" TOOL BOX -"Double -Lock" s e o m construction; full - length piano type hinge; roomy lift -out tote tray. Baked enamel finish. Plated lock and bolt catches; "built - in" padlock eye. Useful size - 19" Tong, 7" wide, 7" high. 1. 1�N('1,OSF.I) J11?'I'.\1. 1Ii'.:\1}-' `J 41111144(`1', 11'11111110r, i.1 •,1:4-: nlc4'h;l11i4111, 1114„'1z. ,111s1 2. ,1'iih,(•1SION TI1411;:it ;lc1,j11511114 I)p'rotcf 4';1,ity' r:i 1 'u11►1)thly a1 40111111 of the cord Iloll'tw'I;tiittr. Cr -:v,'. !lilt'rl 11111111;11' ;Ic4l 1 11L\1 E .\(•114)N 1.1)('K ,\I1t1(111;14':,• 1,1;11 1 s' larc'1% .1111 '4-'441\ hc,i,'•i1' \\',' 11;1 % 141 i1 5. A1)-11'S'I':11.1,F, WETS 504(111'(' Illsl;l11;lticH1 ' ) ,11- i,1( lrverhl'a 1 ne ,)uts'illl^ of win- ,1,1ty fr:(111' - 0. 1I,E;X 1 III,! A I,(.4) ),liracl' 111104 filnished vrith 1';V11'oll., I,a1ie11 111 I)111'olit finish (ANE -PIE('!', 13l)'F'I'l)M 1 :111, `!!111. trial ,,11 1►ic e '10;i14n ('14111 :1 , 1111:.1-catcll:il•r l %'!i•r4;a :111- [1� luuv ,Il0" c.,1.,A l's 1 ,11'v ,!' 1� !!I•av ;!, 411 1 ` . S ware NORTH, ST. Goderich, Ont. r Phony 69 L. O. Whetstone