HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-17, Page 3A 105th Year --No. ;al BUSINESS DIRECTOkY (BARTERED ACCOUNTANT' W. CECIL e'rrathiliti. CHAI(TEJ(1:D ACCOUNTANT Phone Nu.-Otiice 343W. 'House 3.43J ,Goderich. CI11ROPAACT1C HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C., Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours: Mon., Thurs -9 a.nr. to 6 p.m. Tues., Fri --a a..w. to .5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office -Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. SIMMINIr INSURANCE McK1LLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1N- SURANCE CO. Farm and li .olated town itroperty insured. President, J. L. At'aloue, Se>aforth; 'Vice -President, J. 11. McEwing, Blyth; Mlana.ger and Secy-Treas., ld. A. Reid, Seaforth. •. Directors -S. I1. Whitmore, .oea- torth ; Chris. Leoahardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Robt. Archibald, Sevaforth ; John Il. Mc - Ewing, Blyth; Frank . McGregor, 'Ciintou ; Wm. S. Alexander, A1'al- 1c•n ; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- -yew Fuller, Goderich. - Ageutth---J. E. Pepper, Brucetield ; R. 1'. M'eKercher, I)ublin ; J. F. Pru- ,eter, llrodhagen; Wan. Leiper, Jr., 1,ondesboro; S. Bake • Brussels. .. Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and get their cards recelpted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Keith P`utt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich. Western Ontario Motorways SUMMER BUS TIME TABLES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. Phone 344 for details. Charter Coaches for all occasions: For information phone Samis Motors at 344, particutariy for' schedule changes on holidays. Roy. N. Bentley Public Accountant P.O. Box 58. Phone r,587 Goderich, Ontario' NOW LOCATED IN BANS OF COMMERCE BUILDING ON THE SQUARE II. M. FORD Get Insured - Stay Insured - Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w , obertclj 4110 %".:41:11;) 411111, tnat= GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY .17th, 1952 t . SOML TIIING NEW! I POLICE, COURT • ' ST GEORGE'S SUNDAY d John Dcet4 ALBERT SHORE Public Accountant Income Tax Consultant 1.1c011101.1c01110Tax Returu.s prepared for businesses, farmers and individuals. Financial state- ments prepared. .Auditing, Bookkeeping; and, Accounting Service. Office corner North St. and Square. Residence, 14 Victoria St., Goderich. Phones; Office 975, Residence 444. ADDRESS P.O. BOX 797, GODERICH. Two new heavy uty a 1n j SCHOOL PICNIC HELD .- ._- and o plow tractors.etractors.suc(esr.uts I'' Indecency Charge - wodely '•A" and ll" will lie au• 1` :About 75 pupils aucl their bounced 011 Saturday by W. �G.! Against Seaforth iv:tellers aitentled the annual picnic Simmons Sons Ltd., Mayon road,' • •' • Goderich. 'These now 'meters lea -Man iS Dismissed of Vit. George's Anglican ('hurts► tuft a host rif engineering advance- merits, dvance- Sunday School, 1ie111 at Jovvelt's t according toWk.(' `iln n•` • Grote, li.lytield, on Wednesday, uicn uccu l Iig G. _., it lU > . Sons Ltd., and also 111ltjor improve- A charge o1 indecent assault 011 a July .tl.-1larold Shore, Sunday lueuts which luake, thein .1he great malt against Stewart \!c(;rt!gor ,,: School st►1K•riuteudetrt, pttb in e t v•ilues cvt)r dYerel by John firth vt••ts (ti sluissed i(1 \lag's- cit:age of the arraugemetits.y trate D- E. I101mes last. Thursday hunt sere eujoyel, \lrs. Paul dill NO,liTll ST1iEE'I' AA'.31.6, ,.ori the groiuuls that there was iu- and \1rs. Arnold Magill supervised sullicient t•orrul►orutive evidence to thin serving of hoi,tul'tiful tticuic I The July meeting of the 1V.y1.5. •uhlver. Jamesa yLlrris was iu 1)(�ore. A hall game, races anti a treasure EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly - an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for -Sales Date by calling Phone 466J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFIOF,-MASONIC TEM1 E- WF.6T STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Goderich Phone 144 C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICIT A. L. COLE Optometrist -Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. D. GUITARD Stonework, Brickwork and ' Plastering A good job of plastering has no substitute Phone 482, Brock•aud Victoria iT=S STILL BETTER •DURHAM MEMORIAL ARENA CERTIFICATES 'VealZ/ cc of- North Street United Church was convict -tLe aused utas. charge of the races. • Snorts Results - Results of the various sports events were' as follows: Girls: four years and under• ---1. :lattice Carroll, 2. Carolyn t,.rahatu, 3. Janet Duckworth; six years and under - -- 1. Sharon Carroll,:. \'ivienne Hugill, 3. Lynn Parkin - sun ; eight years and under -,1. -Dianne Morris, 2. Sharon Carroll, 3. Lynn Parkinson; 10 years and under - 1. Jgdith 2tht1hers, _. Nadinne Venn, 3. Patsy 1'revett ; 12 years and under-- 1. Gwen Stewart, • Judith Mathers, 3. Nadinne Venn; 14 years and under --1. (vert Steuart, 2. Juan -Morris, 3. Prances Morris; Boys: four years 'and under --1. John Duckworth, 2..1inlwie Morris; six years and under -1. Urian Car- rell, 2. sticky Duckworth, 3. Chris Graham; eight years and 'alder --- 1. Dennis Duckworth and Paid Seaforth pulite keep mc.Geogur ('arrol1 t tied I, 2. Peter l'revett, :1. tinder strict surveillance." Bri:nl Carroll; 10 years and under \Viliiltni .Jamieson, formerly a ---1..10110 \lurri.h, 1. harry Stewu;t, bartender in the sergeant's mess at 3 1)0uaItt Rouse; 12 yearn an(1 Elle R.('.A.F'. station, (etralia, >a'aS under ---M: John Morris, 2. t,aty fined $101.1 an(1 costs with 1111 utter- \Ward. 3. Barry- Stett•art; 14 year; '1'he Magistrate said that unsworn ci•idence had been given by tie young boy tvho had accused Mc- Gregor of the indecent act, tis well as the boy's friend. held in the Sunday School 'room of the church on 'Tuesday afternoon, July 8, with a very good attendance despite the intensely warm weather. The president, Mrs. Howard Robertson, occupied the chair for The police constable gave , evl- the opening and - business session- deuce that he saw the young boy The meeting was opened by the coining; from the race track and he singing" of 0 hymn. followed by the had 60 cents which lie said the ac - repeating of the Lord's prayer in eased gave binl. The constable also unison. The usual reports were said that the accused told him lie read and- adopted. A letter of ups had been looking for empty beer predation for clothing and money bottles and had one in his hand. sent for overseas relief work trout Rule is Safeguard the Rev. V. T. Moloney of the over- ,"The la\v requires that 11OSw0111 seas department -in 'Toronto tv &s evidence must be corroborated." read by Miss Strang. Twenty -sive s:oid the magistrate. "Corrobora- cltlls on sick and shut-ins were live evidence may be received by 'reported. The devotional period, the court i*ttt it only indicates the under the leadership of Miss Minnie credibility of the witness.,_ This Campbell, was opened by the sing- rule may, in malty' instances, save ing of a hypun and the repeating a person who is the victim of a Of a second hymn in unison as a -child s too vivid la►agivat,iotl. I prayer. The Scripture lesson was Would suggest, however, that the read by Mrs. A. Holmes and prayer was offered by Airs. T. 1)oluerl y. Miss Hunie sang a very appropriate solo. A very splendid and interest- ing report of the United Church ('onference.,•held in ,London recently, was given -hy Mrs. A. M. Robertson. native of :10 days in jail when he 1(d under ---1. ich-i rd Madge, 2. Plans for the neat meeting, winch Pleaded guilty of, theft of funds lion Stewart, 3. John Morris. will not be held until •Septetitber 2, from the -mess. Vette discussed. Mrs. C. Marker Defense ('ull►rsel Frank 1)oilnelly, made an, urgent •appeal for more Q.V., said that Jamieson was sorry visitors to the sick and strut -ins. The nleetingl'elosed by the repeating in unison of the ;llizpah benedic- tion. - Profitable', Opportunity for RESILIENT REPRE- SENTATIVES to handle a complete line ..of Building Specialities on full or part-time basis. MEN CONTACTING BUILI)- iNG TRADE, ARCHITEC'T'S ANi) SM:AL1. CONTRAC- TORS PREFERRED. For complete details - Write Box 62, Signal -Star. 2)-30 CARTAGE IN I,O('AL ANI) RURAL ninsTitii‘cirs AT ANY 'I'IME. Bert Mohring 23, ('AMItRID(.E 4T PI1ONT': 612M 28-.9x GODERICH PAVILION: Dancing Wednesday and Saturday` ry Saturday Night - NEIL McKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA Vocals byTune and Johnny Every Wednesday Night- , - MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING CLARENCE PETRIE'S 'NIGHTHAWKS OLD HOME WEEK -- -DANCING NIGHTLY AUG. 3rd to 7th- - Plan to take your friends and family to the _•Pav, for a special Old Home Week inner, served daily Aug..3rd to 7th from 4.30 to 7.30 p.m. for what- he had done, Ile • was drunk at the time, lull _wits will- ing to go back to the air station and work out his sentence. Crown Attorney 11. Glenn Huy's, Q.C., said Special Services Mark Anniversary at Porters Hill 1 ►r:utge race (n01)-1. Ricky 1 htckwerth, 2. Paul Carroll, 3. 1►4nnis Duckworth and Peter 1' r(• vett (t led I ; orange race eearry ). --1. Gwen Stewart and 11'ouald the air force didn't want Jau►ies,-1i back. Lloyd Stebbins 'of Exeter was sentenced to one week in jail with an additional week if `hr - failed to pay court. costs, when he pleadtd guilty to it disorderly charge. A further charge of wilfully Causing property datuugo at- the home iIf itis mother and step -father, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Stanley, Exeter, was dismissed. The Crown Attorn(.y said that Stebbins engaged in a duel - with his son :it his wife'; house near (;rand Rend. A charge of wilfully causing pro- perty damage _ to the Brown Derby cafe in (-Clinton agailist Andrew 1 311tcllel1 of \\'inghan► was dismissed when 1►efels(' Counsel, Frank 1)011- tit'1My, (1_(", undertook to ohtai,it p:(ytuent fr*ui& Itis client. 1'or :t i416 for •$'_".►-:,(i, the :amount reutiircil 1:i ! pay for reirtit`I-i to t11e proPett.y. OBITUARY Grace United t'hUrch, Porter's hill, Will mark its 25tli anniversary this ye:it-with two special Suutlays. ( ►u July 117, the Church will celebrate the and►Iversviry of the laying of the cornerstone. The Rev. C111 rles 1►. ('(lx -of llelgrave, a former ute►ubef of Grace Church, will be the guest speaker. Services will he at 11 a.m. and 7.30 `p.m. 'niece will be special tuusic by the choir and Mr. Les' Pearson will be guest soloist for the morning and -Miss Jayne Mary Snell of 14(11(1eshoro for the evening. All former members and friends are cordially invited to attend and share in fellowstidp► and warship on July 27. ()n October lt) the 25th annivers- ary of the church opening tv'ill be held. The guest speaker will be t1e_ ltev. Jaynes A. (:ale of Ridge- way, Ont., a son of the late Itev. It. Al. Gale, when was the ministd• of the church when it was built. Further announcement of the ()dotter 19 services will be made later. JOIINSTONE--BLAKE A wedding of interest took place \Vedtt*sday, July 71, :1t the home of \l r. and 'Mrs. Jelin T. Blake, Prances street. \Villetrinl, when their uttly daughter, Bernice, was 'United -in marriage to .31r: Gordon ,Johnstone, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Adam Johnstone of Lucknow. The bride was attended. by the greeni's .sister. Miss' 31yrtle John- stone. Air. Ittissell.,_k1 11 4.11 was groo1105nt1111. The (initiating ministers were 1)r. \V. -\. Beecroft, \Vinghaul, and the Rouse, 2. Nancy Hughes -land Gary 1 het-. A. W. limon, Brantford. Mrs. :1. 1)i:inne. A!orris and John NV.: E Alton, aunt of the bride. Morris; life saver race --1. Elisa- played the wedding music and Miss bolt Lander and Itichard Madge, Caroline \Vclivvootl was soloist. _. Nadinne Venn and Paul Smith, - After the ceretneny a -buffet 100(0- (4111 was served to over 50 guests by friends of the bride, Miss ('ora `i-- -_ (:.inhe�t. 111 -ss -\t,iri(ul . ►ui,p._on, Miss .1 lilda Twautley, "Miss Ethel Brown, ALiss 11'i14t Hoffman an'd Mrs. I.. Balser. , - \1r. 'and 31rs. "Johnstone Will re- side on the groom's farm, 11.11. NO. 7„ Luckn►ty. 3. Dianne Morris and :John Morris; slipper scrautble--1. Gary Ward, 2. Gwign SteWart, :3- Frances 3fii'r- ris ; kick the stiffer (12 and over) -e• 1. .loan Morris, 2. Pauline hill, 3, h:tisabetIt l,audor and \latah '1'iederuan rtied ► ; throw the orange ----I, Jean Venn and Joan Morris, 2. Frances Morris and Don Rouse, 3., Given Stewart and Rev. B. 1I. Farr; wheelbarrow race -l- Iticn- ard Madge and Don Stewart, _' John Morris 1111(1 Barry Stewart, 3, DO.1101.d house and Gary Ward; .ball throw --1. Iteth Morris, 2. Frances 31orris; slipper scramble, 1(1 years and tinder- -1. 1)iamle ,:Morris, .I:71et. Magill. :3. 3Iargaret. t)uck- tterth. NAME MRS. F. M. WEAVER SCHOOL GROUP DIRECTOR i The :111111:01 cotiv -ntiol o*' tdtc^ ('auadi:1 Business Schools .\ssoci- .11►I1N \tnN.\VG41'I'((N tiou• ‘vas held reeditly ut t11t), The last surviving member of '1;4.110,411a Hotel, 1 ►sh:tw:l Itepre the 1000 Huron ('/,tttlty ('0ltlo'il setll:lt it•('s (1•(1i11 11115111( '1 S1'I1o11!S au(1 a former councillor of Stanley i sous 1 :11,011 wort) p.eseut. Tho 1 1'0wnship►, John McNauglito.u,. dad k;odericli Business ('**liege has been 011 Friday in Victoria 1Iosi1it:ll,utdililite(l .with the ass►1ci:ltio11 t'ru London, at the age of 57. 'several years and has enjoyed :1111 Born in Stanley Township. i(e Worked .the faros on which he teas born -40 years instil lie retired and moved' t.e 1,ltndon in 1920.' Ile was benetitte(1 by the thinly privileges and advantages sp►otlsercll by the 11554cia t ion. This erg:ulizat,ien, Heide up of It tueunter of St.. James \Vestarir►sterlpr1vite business schools front roast Augliean church in • London. to coast, has established high .stand - Ile is survived by a daughter, 1111lea; Kathleen McNaughton, and sou, Ritchie, botch of London; olio grandchild; a brother, David, of Bayfield ; four sisters, Airs. James Johnston, "Goderich Township; Mrs. J. D. Leslie, Saratoga, Cal.; ai"s. E. -A. Shannon ani :\iris.JaWk- son, both of Lethbridge, Alta. The funeral was conducted :It the George E. Logan and . ons fuin- eral chapel, London., Monday after- noon, by the Rev. H. E. Merrifield of St- James Westminster Anglican Church..London. Interment was in 1i3 tielcl cemneters, - ear KIST ; By +he CARTON GODERICH At The PARK PHONE 1150 THEATRES PRESENT On the Square Now -A Trojan trick brought up-to-date "The Wooden -horse" - with Leo Genn. Mon., Tues., Wed.- "MARA MARU" \Vit11 a i'Iillipiue ls;nldrl ►tackground, 1) sully. seaf;tring 11111' 01.011 ;1 grntlp of nW 1 \t•Ilo -eek treasure 10:1 en a sllnkerl 1"r boat t . Ruth !Ionian. Errol Flynn, Paul. i'icerni Thurs., Fri.. Sat.- "RED SKIES of MONTANA" I1 Tee•ll1i4`+,let• Tills is a story of 1114 s114k4.,Inn►iw•rs, the pmrme111(1' eor1Hs of t111. Forestry I'M rel. tt•)11 all Chu. blueing thrills of 7144.41 11az` :I t•d11114 .s.urvi(1'. Itiekard %Vidnrark, Constance Smith, .ioe Sawyer Coming---Special-"flinging In the Rain" -in color with - Ilene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds. L M(t►N•••• CAPITAL The Street PHONE 47 At West Ntdw-"11r. Peek -A -Roo" -a French fatltasy with Joan Green - Mont. "HOLLYWOOD STORY" - 1 11 n0 all:1nc1o11w1 110]Ivlv*1ti1,1 1141,11, :0 N(''1 heck pr1a1014-(•1' 111'1' pure: to Ma 10' :1 i111111re ;1rrd 11111.1, a Ill/11'111'r 11/.4 ,1 Iticharl ('once, .Julia .A darns, 'Henry it till Thurs., I''ri., Sat. - "THREE FOR BEDROOM C" 111 Technieelol • .\t, old fail rit r1) all. in ;1 new mill •oplltistil'a1e11 eonled> p,aek tit with tuiIariolisntertlahollow. Gloria Swanson, .lances \Warren. Fretl ('lark Coming-itarbara hairs Robert Cummings, in "The First Time." • anis of business efficiency for cone mercial students. The 14olird of Examiners, working- independently of any school, sets and marks all examination papers. The Ctinitdi 111 Business Schools Association pion- •eered the visual training field and has developed a circulating library of educational films which are shown at each weather school at regular intervals. In addition to the examination service and visual educational program, the Canadian Business Schools Association main- tains a ,,.high quality of teaching standards. and ensures that each member school provides the maxi- mutn of community service. Miss Jean Lownds, president of the association 'and Principal of the Lownds School of Commerce, New Westminster, 11.(`., arranged -for several outstanding speakers in the ((ucatienal field. Publish- ing. • and business inanhines com- panies 111(1 on display the latest in school equipment. Jlr. Gordon Scott, of Scott Busi- ness College- Ltd., Saskatoon, was elected pre,l(1vnt -for the ensuing; •yelar.,1)irectors for two year period: :Mrs. 1'. •31, Weaver, (:0derich itnsi- ness College laid Mr. \i. 11, 11:1 •- ilet I, 1►shit wa Business Col lege. Representing Goderich :it the een- velltiotl 'was 31rs. h'. 11. Weaver, I'rinci.pal of Goderich Busiue,s Col lege. • GODERICH AND KIPPEN GUN CLUBS HOLDS SHOOTS Gu(reric1 and 1'rppw•n gun club, combined livid :0 toi�1'd te;1u1 s11n1 t 1a51 \Vt:drles(Iay oculi;:. .1111y !►. :�1 Sky harbor, introdlcing :0 no('4.1 fe;l711It 'There twill b(• a -*-ries e1 four shoots, held :1 IIer1aleit .1! i:vlilericli :1101 Hillis't1 over :1 dwyrioll of Six weeks. T11e1e are 1111 1'111 fres 4,7 opt ions. the onit st 11111:11 i.11 'Wing IllaI the Iosel•s 4:11,111 pros a ,a1 11111.1* for 111* tvilner- .it t he l ni11la t len- of the series Team (•:allt;lins. .\shley );ilbvrt 1:e11eri1.b• and 11111 Kyle. Kipper), - 11'e1e11 men ,front bo11 ellb • yea King up team, of seven ('on114.111 on- * 11111• :1111 1 1,i11 141le', 10:111 look rhe 14.111 with 1:17, a small 041ar; in *11 A-ll1' (;ilberl'. 1,011 \t i'11 131. 1n a not nt,r 2:, bird WtW11. I:ii 1iiyle look the prize .1f the elWn ing tvilll n lw•rfecl 4441(* 11e1'e' I'rolis1e, (;oll4 1111, )toll 111e _11 1 11(1 1:aldic:l1, \Vint :a score et 2.1. The second '411001 in the w will he iieid al Ki11p1'r1, \l1'(1n1's11 i). ,II11C" 3. :it I;:t1► pin , tt li ti :any sniiwt•s ttisliing to participate et 11 ♦ added to the tome,. COOK'S, HAMBURGS - After the Dance or Show DROP IN FOR A SNACK - Open Late Every Night Egcept Monday. Corner of Britannia and Widder. Take Out Orders Given Special Attention PHONE 22l. 25tf PAGE T11 N ' -LIFE INSURANCE'ANDOw.! ■ YOUR MONEY" BACK A BRAND NEW SUN LIFEPLAN WHICH: 1 Provides insurance, protection to age 65, 2 Returns all basic annual premiums paid if assured lives to 65. - 3 Is available for male and female lives ages 15 to 50. At 65, the funds can be (a) taken in cash; (b) used to purchase a paid-up policy for the original sum assured and the - balance taken in cash• or as guaranteed income; (c), used to provide an annuity; (d) left on deposit at a guaranteed rate of interest. Inquire now about this remarkable new Sun Life plan. Just call or write: HAROLD W. SHORE Representative of Sun Life Assurance Company North St. of Canada Phone 766w SUN LIFE OF'CANADA • 26-9 Carmval. Friday, July 18 AT COURT HOUSE PARK,GODERICH r r h • 7 p.m. --CHILDREN'S ,COSTUME PARADE LED BY BLUE WATER BAND. BINGO, FISH PEND, GAMES, REFRESHMENTS Under auspices of Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. 29- ''t3- • Do YOU Want Stable Prices? • Price stability depends on manythings, but principally upon';' the relationship _between wages and production. If wages go up without a corresponding rise in the volume of man-hour production,.then prices are bound to go up too. So :t is really up to the Canadian people- whether or not we have ;table prices. if we 'Canadians want the cost of living to stabilize then we must see that man-hour production keeps pace with wages. l',;'t 11�11e1i :1s i, Pei ;c Serve,- v THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 1'1at:ts at 11Am-ft- (IN - lilZAN"rl•'()10) _ s\VAN%EA (IANANO(,)I.1' - 3ION'rRE,AT, c'$