The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-10, Page 51114,14, 4.4;0 444,00 1,4 e f Jt.04.1 ;#tit, i 014006 144 411 t 41 ik,u 4 ,J1 t 144 4 4,te + ftt,* N.40,4t11,fts riJ frfje r. ) YAM+ 444') au. r,1 +1►A )r.+d $4M►1, J h 4":•441 '%/11 /MO .4a, 11 r.14r. "311'1 400.110)ftro ', ftft M) 1$04 1 1,: $$ S101443,Mr4, ►5.9.. , ,iw4..sr, 'r 1, H, .444"41. /.0444ter. 1 iH° A 3N1 'r►, s141IH 'Hw IMP" 41 ►1t4.7. H T ir: Ht'llr1* PS NW' 0,1400, 4440/ 100$40 **M%# WI*JIHIP A? II y's;� rt i4t 4 ,-1i,IY11, *1 14, NY 00,100$410" 4%" r'Asfr " 4404w i*ostrotAwo am, bvegsvy, 41;, 'lfsrW0/41.4%, W. N. Ifl.)s/4HNP, 44110,140. 0/111_!t04r, ONts4or 4 Pte. .00,41 41.. 001, *Hh ala►; IOW, JAN 40, ri$SD, NA, 4frr Os* 114✓ r; 11‘4,4 !#**1401, 4$1,411 $4141100„ n41: Jos .00, MMP', 410401) stiE,P140:41$0;' j ni. "'/"HI: $.000001106 1f'f1c!'!t'E i1M'. 0,4340'.444$010r,' H1P," irri4.0) 0411,, d1vly II -4i $004 4 Jar $°,':it#Nry NOW tweAssof, 114, 0.04,141. 4171 4h4144, l l'ovi4 4.4.4 4$ A! 104 44 r d ) '111.16V, HHlPWAUI► 1411b4lirM, ammo* 14o a.!n, 10'%%)x!!p444w 1+11vridfr 11 Atill, "W01.41' f s 'J'H y' NOW" pm, "4400 !'*MJ'... WAWA" 1si4,IstilM; 11'1'0014V it►AY 41,I,Y 1.1►-- P,M,--/to Mr3s10.1, .11 1,4 IA--$YY4'UL. 5E• VIlZ$ W'JHI 1►4%INI, SHWA, sY•tirl"H,H;, 'Heil. Y411, '10 OfrAft HON, 'IIHI: l,rrri.' I'HH%K+(;H WV THE 'sit; WEl,t;ti$Y, 14404144, • ..144. k141<•4) • 0411:41 41414',.nx' 411' 1: 4 344.' l ure.4 1.4141 14444.' 311. ,.44171 >11J,, >1.,/44r4w 4:0.140440' fir .11411 .111,' ,.Ju14,41,4i-4,;'i+14►yj44'1; *4441 1,4444{t) ° )4441...f.) t!AI b444Y1110 414.4 Al) 4,1444'.1 ,J:14444' • )t, .4444.4 l • 4 1.,4411, ,(;'.4t 444 44 ` ,,A,...404"). 0'44 ti 4,4, a 01, [411141.3.•; 4%.4,4, X414. ,.140 'H t;, a1..1.?1, A3• ,ovea >14 .,41411 r4,ii I 11.11 +� e41141$ 1i r,lr}1 .11111.1) s al,' ,1J 1, 4} 15.41 4.,,pf , . .):.t4ur j.;:e.t0 ': ..ji':441,;A'4 .43 '4114.-1 .•':. .'4,' 41, .t).', }i •:','1• 4 4141 ,41..441 ,,,4. A^ « 1:11,., 1-,.11!'4 jlll` *+:411 4144`' 1•a,)4J '11 .,,1, 4, 443 314 .1417 •1i 4 - 11 ., 1 .. , 4 ,41„44`,11,. V+44 1Jd, 4,4. 4'4. ,;4,41 14^,44.1 I4 :1 .111 J 4r+4414.14 J 444414.: ,. ;1 JuJyf4ld .514,1., .►i..4' 'i 444.444') „t, 41141:441 .:41,4;4x4 14,1 .4 44. 4.:41,••,1. 1•, ,t ,•.,,:.- 444.. 5)4 .1,1.14.4 r 01.,' 1.114•-,1. ,.,1 f .1,14.4:,:, .,1.41- .;j! 3j ,4141••0 11 .417):414.,4, Oar. ; 4.14'1141 1.41.', 4 Kf” s4f.., : + 0 3..54j •1114 11,4.4.14111, 1 44, 4,44' 4,1,141h 44'4,1111 - 4, }' 4'.. 4141) >14l W*i4 444 .4.J4,i+'fn,4, r4 bull, n4.4i4%41 .441 >j,, 1,4 .,.4.4 4-4,444.4, 41.4.3 r 4'1441 11 R .,r._.°,1 .1 tiiA44r,',t,14 t .14443 1444(44, yr I•J141,) t.f.4'4.41 v44 15444440) 14'41;4 43J 0444 43 1r •.1,.41t,J 4 110•,1... gtoi;pJ1uuu 0,1.41 ,y4k(0) 14 Y 1Px $f;4' ►"1+1144' 144 , r.14i+4144) 4444 )0, 04441 0, • 414.4:] f4401144,,1, r7u PA's4-4401 3,1.4.04y -4>`4r T" 4 .44414..„4 .I44,„ • 4;4441.4:4 10,44 0414,$;g41.l 44,4* 4W!');i444 0.4 Y114A.19,1 , 4;4;0,44A-5 ,3'..1•, ra l.r, , 50 X+1144410) .' 4 441.14lf 1 it 0141 MJ, 35.,;u:4 /r'yr1.►,4,4: 4 If klA6-L0 'f vr4,R4.+43y 4'1 114'4 4') 44.7111 O/'" 4444 der, I,:boi...0A• +J1. 14Ail "err 151ra4M Yt .- • 1141 ►N4'. ' . ::4 1r , 4I 1*- ) A%'S' '14,,i4,r fi 1'f 104fr#ir,r1! /e,.it0))410 744 x;41,4• .r,440:41,441;14 :ur, Hs4r„c44,:4* v! l4"1A1/- 114044 zo4-4i1 J;•.14k 74.444 4'4451 V4 Arlo NI, } 154o f' l 0)•41v»,111. 0414 04+4 i4' /k m SiYr t►1:441;+1• 44 1;141+47 /$14, �. r444',Ax+. :4' *4 fir 4'14+424 434Y ,40.4,14uv4+ i• v4 140 4J4 3- *, 4Y1 44,1,04 344 /44 * rlarl, 4'A+ 3'r.4i.4) 104-,44 4,),+44 44, 4,1 W}444,v4, 4 M,4-4.44 3 J3 Z.404.144 -r 4 4,04 344-1+1;44/ll 44 34.3.14,;+,404, 01041,,44 t i4 411.1; 44'4'0 44 4:4.1.1 Of 4'1..4 3J, •• 1';44.-1 AcT ]n„ ,/.4.4,44.4, li.Vt,x,!,AA, 4,4 Jy.ldi'V40,. 11/11-.! 4' J3,44 )4x `. *i,4 H"11.11 `347•ne 3S4190 • Or 0,44 044, A;4-,./1 a '141 1' �r,Jl 1✓, 0414! ✓1►'r IY,1i.) - 5171'4:, 441 %1 i{41uv14� ti" r,4s4 ,J,+ 4^4'.44/!4.4) i4i414 IN/ 444 4,0 3;b* 4)1) 04,11I/444.'i 4 ,0 wt.., ,/.1444 41,.c 4:5•.4,0'+'1[1 44+ 4. &4,Vf4 1:4)414/7 1'4.41(4',41 ►�43411'40t 4.,0,0444; :411x. 1‘10141: 1 ;!)w1)}M21 Vi14 W)Nlu,ifj,;r41 }'34144 44,1 ,c,4 ,ef y.>.'• ri;rll 4141 44 4,4 )5,' Nee, 1,04.+11 *4 34 4 °1 44' 51 r .41.4 '4'0l, ✓%„',4 !414 '$34! 'ft 1;4.14 '41 i' 'r 4,145 14" f w /,x'.•,4k y1'.cl.14 "A4A• t1AtiV 4 4,3n'f . 1k...4''+St.1,,,r •V)4,•-4 ,;4,**4%,,.s ..jet 1/•.-4tt C4*'+u4% 4,' .17:4,1,1' 11 lhsl +'' 149''4.44-- $1' ;14 Mos ui>e r'r�ti 4!4 441 ,:444;44- *4;1i441, 441`.+' 11'- s%f ,{.4�.3£4�4•414 1 ss4.rt i4',f.."f.44r4VA4 "k474)J.r, I. , 'ry 4444. '-4Y•.` f.0-1 s4k44:404411 , ,s').. W; »5.'9 914,,4 1,v14y,14 4; v5 e u1.••:4 1444.4 44 • ^,.V .14444410) ..,J +,v 4447.444, "C•'# 4994 5....no4111 0.44.44) .W 41 41 /i. ,.'4',44' 1 ' .4 ,t�i.4' S, )SS1-0, 4, 4�,r" r t. t;.L F 4144 {� 4144 •.Y. P•. .e,44'414.5, 44&'•4•' aj v-Sd4r ! 4i44' t .w 'i j SR ,! & 4 ;•4`.4(1• -94 /, . w c N ° -' 4'y -'.1P4 ,e,,, c, `04144 4P `310.,.4 . ir:S.•.t 4414 F iS',41 k- .- .fr 1.•„ ,• ,� . /i 1.44,44„, ll 441 0.4.44414' A,:44:,4 h'; • r 1.04A, TAYLOR'S 'S (,)'UNtli 4r:•..,4.114+4''r�. -..r n, ("4...yfV % r 44 '• /+„ t.' j!/w it�w 1444') 4a-)44tt�,tsl 4 /11,X'1.* -'c A 4,1444',1'15.. , y,) a Wit--- • i� w'/4e�v +w ! ,1 S.'xs 44-,..-46:; 'r 3. ✓r ! r 0 f Q . ;.ti . r+ ,h► P4'- 44.' .4,'- row 4'044 r,/ i0"«"1 r"r4 d / e .41;.20'.4' - F':. r M .r,.-+ 4134*' AV %'.14 0 :411.x14 I't1'v,.i4 4A .'; 4.' w4 A1.1t 440. A.'✓.141 h!4, .004444+444).. ;Y.") +*444 • ' 510 4 } . 0; Ji 4'44' ti3ia,,t 11, 44.•4 4:* 41,44 14, 4'344 491' � 34.1 4-.4,44 0.4 :4'43,19444 - /4'. A. '+'1,5.M4' '3 i.•' A 14.4444- . . r Kv,Lr 4) 0944,04.0.0" r r y 144 43 5. ' , a i4„,,,,00-049,;1 ,•4� !4 ".,01,44.44 ,iW .44.1 ,4, '.4' • ';E ,14 h1N4 x4M'r rM149 r.4t s ' 1434' 0o 1.04 z,,e; .14 444',44-3$7.4v 111V'.4',' .v.. /r✓tt. 4'4+ 551.. .f',r • .?'4"414 l 4 11 i 14+114,' .444 4: j:4o1 4415 144.114 .tz07*. ,0410.,,'#4 -41 (y,*,.. ..40 11-441 'v) MIO. Ir.eel1,' 104 34''::'44✓" 4. "rss1.4'4. V/J'a 4" i' ,r %4 4 4'4.1,,' . 44;4-r ,`.) ►14 +> 4• .. if A' .0..+4 4.41A6,V ,41.4 *-144 14•4•;q /' .. •IP>Vf Arai F4' • 5314 0.4 Olfr,+ s rw 41,44t 4414 '1 4• .r x.,4,44: ►Z4". 1 '6.4441;4'R 47444. s;,✓.1 N %�:1'x31 reel f 4331' rr4l G4.�V +-t ;,•,•4`•,14 '3 IJa' ;41','As.Y.'r..r 4 14.'• .4' ,814•4':'43.. -' 142';!,4 44,e,"44 ,4't 344;4 '0"iL+' +w v.,4-'4.11' 4 01,4 444, n.4k4 34)0.* 7N:;!44410 3445 ✓t'VY4V4 ►-5 T+'X4: x", ;r, , s 4 . - f"- -3201->r 4 . ;. +-r 44 i.N44•j4.•',ri4 94*' 4- ,',,',44.% 3491 .4^A•111 )04 b 1/_. 44/__ 1 Nni 4-,4 34 ti r �'4r4DV 3'4 .H,r 3, r.�r4 41.44'4 Y, 04,4' 4'1.'.W44"' .•A I'Sf ,411 40.44 »4+..1 Ao,., 4144444•,44,'. 44 4, 4^:41+4'.41 '444. 00.4':4. r"r41'V .+.14' R 4,'. 114"4',44 i ..3;.4'14 .r 0;00.n.' .. 144•.4' 4S411+r �vf4444 ',•r+ ) ;, 1.1 444^,4.';. r,J As,*_: ,0004.1i.• 14441/': % :y: r A �.,1A 44#',3. �'~ S�s ...�� , ys, 4444 ,tut, t ,4 '1 e/10.0044/ ..,-'.., 4 ,,r i1' ►4 441 4',,'#4 44 ' j v,Lt• `';1 x,,14.4._ ;! w,".44.7:;.0' y..,,44,r!i44;4 '0 .."3 ,•41rel,.Y,4, 134,4, r' M"t•;,'4-:; 4'011' 11"14 , l�v't•4a P i''1,:',44 -4. faV' :.4 *4 44*44 `:'.. 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SIMITARDIJIY SIF r ,fr,/%, ,1,1>.,, r F tN, f. ' r 4 h 1 . i''4 L1' -��}} Q 1 L � 1 4.414 `Q r. ,•% r' Qh4'r.)r 4,;44.r4., ?1`1 ••14.-, 4','r4 34'.'.4;,•"r, 10th l.i ;*,s (44' 147 lr .7 ' THE $QUAZtZ ,:0 rG , f" F'is i-04 of T. /t,u '.-r. tlrr 1' vu *4::4444 Orf titiid,r i4 4rfrK14L• :1 ti. (� . 144r,r4,7 ,H':41! -r.'' .1,4. 443' 4o,l d:,5 • 4444! 1441.'Yri (.4 .1 11'00 1 .3,,,,,' ' a,, t,i1t 111,,'1.., Pr`euk F�J,+Jr1x. .h „!4.1 ;.4 1"-/ 1144 .f r,.-.. it t1'. u1..; lilt- `. .%r.4.4r.*,t4. ltiirley and 11.4 rrr:1,.14.. ,Qit„ '1444 .;drri .i4-rrj. ,•i 'Jr,'ht4'r, Lori. 4';114441.' MM. 434'4 ...411, 1t,4J•.r'-.t, •. 1}1,111:•-:', )1 A, 4 . Fr4,AtvT, ' tea4 of 'Your W.dding Portrait lops tha bo ashy of the day forever rtre tri a lifetime -the radiance that is yours this day. To hold a, treasured ever, entrust the making of your wedding portrait to aur skill and experience, Then you cart be .sure that this bridal beauty is yours -for- ail tierce. Phone for your ap- pointment now. HENDERSON'S 441 414-'x.44.4 .J.. 4,11,4 .1 r,- X+Yi.;r 141' . L "•�P ' ,'..4 G.,.ls✓1.r ; t.;( I:d i;.. 314' - Q''r it4-% .4 c =to r,r r r1,..,, ', r „r f3. 1,T'• .134 f 4 rr4 : SF) 4t.rr CQ, 4 f•'r.rt4 t 13:• Fl,v'ry,..lv,.wt1 A.4 arra, -,t i'1• -r 4Lw1�.4 rr, • PHONE 41 ..OADS OF FUN AT Goderich Old Home Week AUGUST :i-7 n Help make, the parade a success by getting. in, your entry early. Lot minute: entries will, of course, he excepted but it la,. MUCH PREFERABLE to have entries in well in advance. r FOR WHAT A ? Old m Week 'Monster Parade onMonday, August 4 •t 10 a.m.! It . will he. the -most cotoffi re- view of t pd erich's historical past ever presented. ,ill entries will he judged from the viewpoint «f their relationship too some aspect of the 12.E -year history of G oderich, IT YOU ARE., PUTTING -IN AM ENTRY .IK THE BIG PARADE CONTACT the Old Home Week Olflce, corner of Newgate and Hamilton Streets, 1, HURON COUNTY fi1$TORICAL FLOAT-- Open LOAT-_Oen to anyone. from Huron County, DapsI:tiniff Any period of history of Huron County only, 1st, $40; 2n4, 420; 3rd, 610----T„li4l 47500 2, A COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL TOWNSHIPS 01/ HURON COUNTY --- These *Milos should w4rut.Q pioneer days on the farms of Mao townships, The Go4or'ich 01d Home Week committee sin" f3. verily invites all its rural friends to combine their ideal with those from Goderich and to `'linter wholeheartedly into the parade in order that it will he ons of tha highlights of the entire Oft Home Wa*k, ' $elehratkln, These entries should contra/it tha hietorieal pet with the present, .. ,For further inform*tion phone 2948 or $20W, 3. 1st, 440; 2nd, 625; 3r4, 410 --Total 475,00 INDUSTRIAL FLOATS„1411 ixt,424 ; 2nd, sib; 3rd, 4104.-Ttltal WWI 4 MP.ISCHANT$' FLOATS- 601',, LOATS ;4111/,; 2n4, 41f,; 3r4, ;14•'' --'rasa 0'0 00 HORSE DRAWN FLOATS. -- Judged -- Jud ed on hateis of most original and b*st appearing. EM); 2nd, 610, 3r71, $5---Tot4t1 $35,00 DECORATED CARS - These ,entries to em h eira the old and tha new 1st, 420; 2n4, 410; 3rd, ;5 -Total $35.00 BOYS' DECORATED BICYCLES -p- 14, 46; 2n44, 43; 3r4 $2 --Total 410,00 CURLS' DECORATED BICYCLES -- 1st, ;h; 2nd, ;.3; 3rd, $2 --Total 410,00 3 BOYS OR GIRLS DECORATED TRICYCLES - 14, $5; 2nd,. $3; 3rd, $2 -Total $10.01) 1n. PERIOD FANCY DRESS, of the gay nineties era. Again the entrie3 will be judged from the standpoint of historical costumes. 14, 410; 2nd, 48; 3rd, $6 --Total 424.00 it CHILDREN'S FANCY DRESS - 14, 48; 2nd, 45; 3rd, $2 -Total 415,00 12, CLOWN ENTRY -- 14, 48; 2nd, 45; 3rd, 43 ---Total $16.00 - 13,, FEATURE COMIC ENTRY --- A comic entry of any kind, whether' individual, a group or a float 14, 425; 2nd, 415; 3rd, $10 -Total' -x'50.00,