HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-07-03, Page 3• • 106th Year—Vai. 27 • IIUSINESIDIILECTOkT CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT" W. cum ATTIUDOIC. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Mae N-0dice 343W. Home 8433 Goderleb. CH/KOPRACTIC, ptERBERT IL SUCH, D.C. "*".` Doctor of Chiropractle. Mike noun: _ Mon., Thum -9 a.m. to 6 pan. Tuea, Fri -9 am. to 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. Si Sat. 9 to 1L30 Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britahnia Road. Phone 341. INSURANCE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. — Farm and lasalated town property insured. President, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Vice -President, J. 11. McEwing, Blyth; SianagOr and Secy-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—S. 11. 'Whitmore, Sea - forth ; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Rola. Archibald, Seaforth; John H. Me - Ewing, [Myth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal - J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich. Ageets-3. E. Pepper, Brueefield; R. F. MeKercher, Dublin; J. F. Pru - trier, Brodhagen; Wzn. Leiper, Jr., ,Londesboro; S. Bake-. itruaaeLs Polley -holders can make all pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Keith that's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich. •SIMMIIIMWIIWWWWW. Western Ontario Motorways SUMMER BUS TIME TABLES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. • Phone 344 for Charter Coaches 'for all occasions. For information phone Sands Motors at 344, ,particuLarly for Et hedule changes on holidays. Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant P.O. Box 58. Phone 587 Goderich, Ontario 11WWWIWIWWWW•WW••••••••••••••......... FARMERS PrOtect your tarm machin- ery with a FLOATER INSURANCE policy. GORDON JEWELL R.R. 6, Goderich Phone Carlow 30r4. IWWWINWWWWWW.WWW...1111010 NOW LOCATED IN BANK OF COMMERCE_ BUILDING ON THE SQUARE H.M. FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured— Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w 1E11e • ALBERT BlIoRE Public Accountant Income Tax Consultant Income Tax Itetimas prepared for business.% lair ANA •individuals. Financial state- ments prepared. Auditing, Bookkeeping and Amaranth/4 Service. 011ion corner, North St and Square. Residence, -14 Vittoria St.. Goditith. Phones: Oilice 975. Residence 444. ADDJIESS P.O. BOX 797, GODERICH. DONALD B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Cowgirls of Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernigban, Division Court Clerk, Goderkb, Ont. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 466J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON ANI) PERTH Senforth Phone 11461 or Harry Edwards, Goderich Phone 144 - C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich ,Phoste 18w F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST . Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE• GODERICH Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE --MASONIC TELE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODEILICH A. L. COLE Optometrist—Optician • Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. D. GUITARD Stonework, Brickwork and Plastering ng good job of plastering has no substitute . Phone 482, Brock and Victoria GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,' JULY 3rd, 1952 FAGS WILLIAM DREW Eux 117.4.D OF DRAMATIC CLUB 011icers for the 110.12-53 seitiaou were elected at the regular tnee- Ing a the Goderich Dramatic Club, held Mouday, June -2$, iu MacKay Followiug is 'the slate of 'vibe • -era: Prestident, • Willkitu Drew; vice- •prefddeut,o' Marliyu Butler; secre- tor'', Mrs. Margaret Sacha; treas- urer, Mrs. N: Clairmont. The cluts's representative ,to the Western Ontario Drama League, Mr. W. Sutherland, reported on a recent regional Ineeting in London. Finanebd Statement The treasurer presented a fin- ancial statement for the recent drama festival as follows: Receipts —ticket sales, 1,46S-85; Onnottetni, $6.75; total, $4915.00. Expenditures —hall rental, $60.00; adjudicator, $7515; program and tickets,$25.66; lighting and sound, $157.8; insur- ance, $10.00; makeup, $4:75. re- freshments, $20.07; engraving, $7.945; paint, $8.4.5; advertising,. $22.10; miscellaneous, f43.h0; total - $435.79. Following the close of the busi- ness meeting, Mrs. F. Lodge pre- sented gifts, on behalf of the mem- bers, to Mrs. It. Jackson., retiring president; Mr. Bruee Stewart, past president, and Miss Helen Jackson, all of whom are shortly leaving Goderich. Lunch was served by Mrs. K. Revell, FINED $25 FOR LEAVING • SCENE OF ACCIDENT Robert Bowden, 18, Port Albert, alio is employed by a Goderich fixate was tined $245 and costs with an alternative of two weeks iu jail, by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C., last 'Thursday when he pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident. Crown* Attorney* 11. Glean Ilays (LC., said that John -Reddy" Mac.: Donald, Goderich fisherman, was struck by a. cat driven by Bowiitqi on the eveniug of June -19. -I do not believe a ease of care- less driving could have been made (101 aga Lust the accused." Mr. Hays told tbe men. 'Mer MacDonald had been hit, Bowden drove a short way tip the street and then stopped. sae- MacDonald, lying there, gravely • injured. He apparently lava me panicky and drove home.' Asked by tine magistrate why he had -not remained to tender assist - amp to MacDonald, Itowden said he had been "scared." KEEP THIS DATE OPEN FRIDAY, J-ULY 11 SEAFORTH BINGO $1525.00 CASH PRIZES including $1 000 Jackpot No Friona' 1. It's Got To Go FRIDAY. ATV lith 4111111111MIIHIMommomimik PHONE STONE'S „ FOR. 'PROMPT- REMOVAL'Ot, - 'DEAD' OR -DISABLED'-' N, SONS 'ty1:1:e".12 ff.fgttE izotte' INGERSOLL 21 GODERICH 9361421 Are ysn.saving any money since you• started - your budget syStellar "Sure. By the time .1 got It straightened out every evening, it's too late to go anywhere." .M.1•111111•111. GODERICH PAVILION DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL HOLIDAY DANCING—Tuesday, July 1st NEIL McKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA ......1.1.0111111•111111, MUNN, "••1101.1.INNINM1111111111.1..1;11111•I WEDNESDAY NIGHT—Modern and Old Time Dancing. - - - CLARENCE PETAIES-NIGHTILAWKS wimmorowerorillIWWW!WW111116wwWWIlla VIIMINI.•••••1011111111111.1•MIMOMMIIMMINIMIIINI•1=. PUBLIC SC11001, PROMOTIONS Following is the list of Julie precautions fur Uoderich Public School: Kindrevirtess ta• Grade 1 Erie Aiken Wendy Auderaote reithlints Aruistrong, Gail Ashton, Walter Buechler, John Router, Edward Beattie, ItetiT Berry, Paul Iiishep, BIlI ,Bowen, Frank Babel, 'Brian Carroll, Gail Clutinbers, Sharlene Cuok, Michael Crane, Jerry Crockett, Pato Cutt, Michael Date, Eleanor .Davidsou, ' Judy DetionnY, Ricky Duckworth, Dortdid 1.1urnite Wayne.Lioak, David Ed- ward, Judith Ellwood, Hobert Fenner, Eric Yinciaer, Fowler, Gerry Fritzley, Narita Puiford. Wayne * Gliders, Reg. G ingrate., Paul Gillespie, Robby Graham, Leroy Ilackett, Dianne Hamilton, John Hamilton, 3lichele Hamilton, Neil Hamilton, Henning Hansen, Leroy Ilarrison, '811e Heard, Robert Helesic, Gall Hill, Janet Horst, Dianne Hudson, Donna Hudson, Vivienne Hugill, „fames Hunter, Carolyn Irwin, - Arlene Johnston, Walter Leamen, Paul -Ann, Lowery, Betty McConnell, Paulette McCraw, Danny MoIlardy, Jimmy McIntosh, Tommy • 3Iclver, Jack Slabon, Jean Maces', Paul Miller, Robert Stiller, Gwen Million, Lois Moore, Ronald Mugford, Gary Munday, Vaughan Munro, -*Karen Norntan,' Jetudfer •Parsons, Judy Patterson, Lyn Rae, Joan Redford, Rodney Reid, Susan Sale, Lorraine Sa 1 lo wit, Tommy Stinky, . Ed ward Seruton, Joanne Sbeurdown, Itob, rt Skelton, Carol . Stoddart, David Straughan, Janet Sturdf, Patsy Taylor, Dianna Vincent, Bobby Wallace, Da v id •Wa tson, Nancy Watters, Wilfrid Weber, Judy Westbrook, Danny Vilsoxl, Ronnie Young Grade 1 to Grade 2 Larry Attield, Mary Helen Blake, Sharon Cil mill, Gary Chambers, Edward Clark, Robert Wayne Cook, Ronald Crane, Kenny Crawford. Sandra Jewell, Sharon Kelly, Diane MacDonald, Sandra MacLeod, Linda Mann. Donald SleCtibe, Ronald Mc- Cartney, Susah Miner, Paul Niee, I.intla Payne, Barry Prouse, Ed. ward Robinson, Nina Jane See, Vernon Skeoeh, Pant Squire, Jackie Straughan, Betty Thomas, Helen W ate tv; Shartai-WIltgaVJTititi Peggy Young. ,Grade 1 to Grade 2 Bonnie Allen, Beverley AJ lison Norman Bell, Jimmy Boyes, Bever- Hudson, Patsy McAllister, Diane Marris; Bobby Mitchell, Gerold Hutt:this Jirsoiy, .Willits, Cheryl Saudra Feuner, Jainue- Paluier; Arlene Schram, Shirley Couli. Paul' Garduer, Grade 3 to Grade 4 Donna Beecher, Donald Bbilinn, Melviii Itiundeil, Jimmy Bowrit, Shelia Brown, Sherrill Carr, Jick Chambers, Sharon Jimmy t.:,ousius, Bobby Crawford, Mau Duruiti, John Ervine, Shirley Fow- ler, Jue k'rt tzley, John Gower, Bobby Griese, Marjorie Ilelesie, Deana • Holtzman, Janet Hugill,, Ruth Ann Larder, Donald Mal-, lough, Shirley Mallough, Gail Mc- Adam, Sandra McLean, Irene Munroe, Kathy Nutlet, Ann Nice, Norman Redford, Joe Diehl, Lanny Scrimgeour, Jimmy Thomas, Vir- ginia Townsend, Mary K. Warner, David Wilkinsor.. The following pupils were pro- moted from Grade 3 to tirade 4 in April: Ruth Allen, Blanche Al- lison, Catherine Anderson, Steven Argyle, Diane Bannister, Thomas Berry, Mary Blackstone, Patricia Joyce Chambers, Sandra Frank, - Frank Gardiner, Sylvia Gilbert, Pauline . Glazier, Naucy Hughes, Marilyn James, Rebecca Johnson, Eleanor Johnston, 'Mar- lene Leitch, Brian Lewis, Jerald Linlield, James Lodge, Beverley Mitchell, James Magie, Evelyn Moore, Judy Naftel, Jo Ann Par - sous, Ernest Pinder, Norma Red ford, Frank 'Sallows, Stewart Wan tsy Stoddart, Ma don Sutherland Diane Taylor, -Michael Vrooman, • 'Promoted to Grade 6 Lily Anderson, 3lichael Aselstyne Jas. Bridle, Fred Bishop, Gwe Brown, John • Bisset, Le011t. Cookk Sandra Cooper, Marlene Cousins Clark Chisholm, 3Iolly Donaldson Nancy Ellwood, Stanley' Femur Linda kritzley, David Gower, Davi 'Harris -(eonditionally promoted) David Ilorst, Beverley htoy, Ar Hoy, Don Larder, Jacqueline Mt Itraw, Elaine Mitchell, Clyde 'Mock Janet MacKay Judy MaeKay Diane McLean, Karin Mueller, Ito. Penningttol, Sylvia Powell, Jas Scot 1, Nalley Sett at Wm' Stilqart, • Aneita Thomas, Brut Vincent, • Riehard ‘Vorsell, R.NO,X LIDIF.S' AID The regular mutably meeting of Knox Church Ladiee•Ald was well atteaded on Friday ittentoon IlaeKay, MALL Mrs; Peter 'd Peter president, presided. Mrs. C. McCabe read the Serilititre leekikWe folkswed, by prayer by 4irs,. WWlaw Doak. The guest speaker, Mrs. Albert Taylor, spoke 'Interestingly on thy oriels of the Childreu!s. Ald Society 10 Godericis. She then took her la iets'fers hack through the last -twenty years. of Lodito" 8.14 work, In Klita Ci.11.31101. This touched otf some amusing reminiscences ansoo,4 the elder members. The Lord's Prayer in unison closed the meeting. AWARDED CONTRACT II. O. Jerry bas auuounced thin Jerry Coal and hardware has been awarded a contract for 10,000 tons of coal fur the Chilton Rada r and Cowu uica t ions ikhoel by the Department uf Natdonal De- fense, Ikon Morrison, Sandy Naftel, Marilyn Orr, Arthur Peachey, Ken- neth Sallowe, Scrinigeour, Sharon Smith, Elmer Suwerbs, Joyce Sowerby, Williatn Sutler - land„ Marjorie Vanstoue, Carol Ann Zimmerman. Grade 8 to Grade 9 Glen Allin, Mary- Andrew,, Don- . elder Bannister, Robert Besse, Cam- eron Bogie, Kathleen' Rot; Leonie Brosche, Marilyn Crane, Mary Curry, Barry Culbert, Lloyd Fuller, Joyce Glazier, Isabel Glaab, Robert 1 la miltote Pauline /1111, Evelyn O Iltickina, IVilliant James, Doris Johnston, Judson Lee, Keith '31atherii,-. • Gordon ' McCullough, Marylin McIntosh, Paul • Naftel, Wave-rley Nelson, Paul Richardson, Keith Salkeld, Leona S'chmidt, Mar- ion ticruton, Letinard Steels, ' Don- ald Stewart, Jane Stowe, Noefla Sowerby,•- Sandra Thompson, Carole Thomas, Jerry Wall, Harold Web: d ster, Stormy %Vow]. Grade. 8 to Grade 9 • Corinne Aline Mary Alexaudcr, y Diane Aselstyne, Charlotte Ander- e son. Donahla Banter, !AIWA Breck- enridge, Sylvia Chisholm, •Brian Whetstone, _Mary Wilson, Wayn Grade 5 to Grade 6 Joan Alexander, .Andrey ley Brindley, Gary., Ciayton, Doug- las Coterie, •• Douggy Freeman, Dennis Gaul, Ivan Harris, Everett 110.rton, Dianne Houston_ Bevetly Johnston. Dick Magie, Billy Mathi- son, Gail McInnis, Barbara Mock, Shirley- Pierswi, Janice Ralston., John Stephens.- Catherine Supiat, Ruth 11"if dace, John Walter.. Ca ol Whaley. Itieky Vitding, Judy NVit met-, Condit ional13- Promoted Bent ley. Ca r,41, n Creighton. Grade 1 to tirade 2 Herbert Arnist tong. 1) e u 14 i Fowler, Donald Gower, Terry Griffith, .1 initny Lee. Jimmy Nor- • man. l'eter Preyet 1. Graf-me!tie's, Ga 1 Steele, Ca Uterine •• Watdi, 11141y W Jimmy Al 111 -- Grade 2 to Grade :t „Nein 1:4,,Se I et)11(n11(41:11 ) • V;;111 11,411114., 1111)11(1 111:1(-1i, Sharon Burgess. I o -n., Inick"wortn ton dit ienal 4. Ruth Durnin, 4 Eekm ier, lia rbara El 1 George Carrick, Ronald Godda rd. Fr.tie !mit Iiiv. it.-. Brine A1ae1,14444a Scot t AleTagga rt, .144 ce 31 igtord. Jimmy Murray,- Paul 'Fa., :',r, .Treitz, Brian l'ilrner, Si; r ley NN ilkinson, Sheryl A1111 11“11Z- • 111-317, .111(11th Gittgras, Itona ill Mac- Donald. Grade 2 to Grade :t Bet ty Lott _Viten, Sharon li- ter, Paul Banks,' Ronald Beaton. \VIM:tin Beirnes, NVilliani Butt ger, 1 Kenneth I 4a vidson, Patti ine Durum.' knina Gardner, Sii1iau 1 I a rman. \ViIliiiu Hoggart 11, John Kinkead, James ha Beverly Marl Jong - an, Beverley MaeNlillan, 31cCii Rough, Itobert Maellardy, Audrey Ilona id MOore, William Moore, Ronald Norman Dianne Reap, Alien Iteid. Julie Ross, Barrio _Seriingeour, BC‘Tr101- tiertiton, Lloyd Skeoch, Kent Tit, Ir burn, (Iirrin IVestlake. - Gra4le 2 to Grade :i Donna Dockstilder. I'aul rrot I, /mina Afterliart, Lynne Coinrie, Barbara Horst, .1 Minty Stephen,, Donald Cum.'', 4 ;44 il iibert , Nancy Robinson, Beverley .1 olin 4) 041, Jimmy AleNVIiinney, Barba r Allison, -Jimmy Smith, 314 'goret Cousins, Fran -es Kelly, 11 4111 141 Watson, Sandra Ent lilt ry. Jeff cry ffeld, Bradley, 1 )ickson Cummings, Teri -y Young, Kenny •I I a rt man, George illaWw."WWwilmWWwwwwW•wwwwwftra..............1WwWwwwwwwww.rdear,....womawar.......rawramorrawwwwwwwwwww) GODERICH THEATRES PRESENT At The PARK ?5;72ree The CAPITAL Street• :t PHONE 1150 Now—Yvonne De ('arlo and Peter Ustinov in "Hotel Sahara." Mon., Tues., Wed.— 'Pandora and the Flying Dutchman' In Technicolor — Albert Lewin's bewitt-hing legend of n romant snirif 441,444-4 144 lifl. in an elithralting •and, eNeeptionm 31.41,M. 1'o 41114')ion. ALA Gardner, James Mason and Nigel Patrick war Thurs., Fri., Sat.- - 44Anne of the Indies" In Technicolor . Adventure On t he idol Sk'llS /1:, the not orions Captain Providence 1111(1 her ellt t h roil 1.1'4W 111041 a 14alting destiny. Jean Peters, Louis Jourdan and Debra Paget • COming—Williatit Powell and Julia Adams in "Tile Treasure of'. Lost Cariyon"—Calor. PHONE.47 Now—"Valley of the Eagies"—with Jack Warner and Nadia Gray Sion., Tues., Weil.— Larry Parks, Elizabeth Taylor and Toni Tully When a young 14414 11 Is allergic in marriage is t ellVe in the a I 4'110' Phi.. is (144' merry a 4r4w4-1. "Love Is Better Than Ever" Thurs., Fri., Sat.— Laurel and Hardy with Sheila 1(Yatt and Dick Nelson Two old fa vorites, (114' Kontedy 1<144wildoni. ref urn i heir 111054 111114,141is inalgapodge of HMIS' 444'. "Great Guns" Coming—Eve Arden and Ruth Warrick in "Three lltisbands." • Linda Allison, .Judith Bachelde Beverly Beacom, ... So time! Ilero Da v id Besse, Gertrude ,,Cooke, 3lar go ret t 'ra ti-fo rd. • John Cu rre I Ernest Mier, Percy Garrick, Janie Gillespi, June Godd a rd, 1V i lb e mina 4 ; odda rd, Indorls Go we Kot Weep Haskell, Shirley Ito.% Glenda 31801j011;4 id, Lee MaeLcoi Sharon McIntosh, Paid, Moss, Alen Al tinkoe, ..Ma rent Norman, Itona 1 4 ',baldest on, 1,ortia l'ra 11, S1111.1i.• Ryan, Joan 541114)WS. Stadia 11 Scrim geolir, Dona St a Mier, 1 ti;iiie ‘' a 4 4 derililrgli, 1 1az.4.1 1Vildfong. Ca ri4,0 11ilson 1 'a roly ii Wod, Barba ,,4 Bradley. .1 :line, 1's1or. Promotcd I conditionall„‘ 1?1,11yllis clark. Wil i Ilan, Cr.4 wlerd, Dia 14,4 Daniel,. 14)4 I erly Ann Printer. 1 Grade 5 to 4;nule 6 1 .1444' .1to.,n4-ll. s ;314(14;L 11143411.-y I 1 fer4,1 hy 1 rni,14. NI:inhale Cu rre-y in e, ciirry. 11;4 rbara 1 1 mrfa. i Mar414 11 11;1/11i11arli. Elizabeth liar_ I ley, Bet 1 Harrison. 1 )ia n- 4,1 la rri- i soil. 31313 1111), Joilti Hopkinson, ; 114414' K nig. .1 8 1 la/ L4.e.4114. fi:i Fill i 31a11111413, .1 1141014 318 1 iler,, 114-1-1) , I J1Abatirta, ,i,.iiiit AbH-ri,::. l'eil'r 31, -I vec, Donald Nol,ie; Sini 1.1411 1.4,411•114.3 • Pal ril•i:1 1'1\('I; -111.1.1 ti‘.1 'aril.% 14 Slid 111. .141111 514111 11. 4 ia r • 51.,i,1ri. Ki re)) A rine- Townsend, N -,,o1:4,,. \i1414, Pani \‘'il,a. .14,, I, Young. ' Grath. 6 te tirade .1441414 -1 berliart, Pa-tricia A 11041, L_V uis IM. Glen ,Aileu. -114crie A0.1 A- 1(114, Jean Bevehey, Robert Corn isn, Kenneth Cant well. Raymond Cook,• \Vilna in Ga How, l'hyllis Glen, Wil - Haut Gardner, William 4 ;44wer, Joyce Hamilton, l'reston ',tasked, Fred Jaines, Robert Kinkead, Shir- ley Love, Shirley Lee, Ray La Met!, Dia ne 3I0Conta.4 I, Kay Morrison, Robert 3Iusgra ve, l'a 411 SI et rea 411, I ham Id AleWhiuney, Donald _Rouse, Norma Stewart, Roy 8 1 ra ugha n-, 4 lia Ilene Stowe, Penny l'horpe, 4.; ra 441 Townsend, Lyle 'rh u flow , ! Garry Ward, Grade ti to Grade 7 Robert Bannister, Audrey Ila titer, 1 'fitrord litri rites , t ('/1'. 1, Williani Blackstone, Linda Blake, Jacqueline 11 rown, Gordon Chapman-. (C.P.i, lox, Donehla Midden, Janet' 1101, Lu arel Lodge, Wines Tiangiiilre,- , Marilyn Love, Laurine MacDonald. 1:1 Deanna Mallough, Elaine WA!. ✓ i; lister, Donald -McArthur,. Lillian •3IcLea 0, Robert Melick. Robert , ! Slohring, Janet Muhring, Lucille jj llohring, Elsie .Nice, Donald Payne, s ; John Payne. Ann Pinder, SylVia l'eaeleY. William Reid, Elsie 1105S, smith, Gwendolyn • a rt. Ja tiles - Stewart, William • St ratigha n. YVilliam Sturdy, • Paul • Swan. t 'ha ries • Townsend, 4 n rol (1 • Young. ; 0 a, LIFE INSURANCE YOUR MONET BACK A BRAND ZW star urs PLAN WHIM' 1 ' 1 prrides insurance protection to- age,f5. , 2 Returns an *ale annual ressismo isid if assured lives to 651° • ' 3 Is available for male sad female ' • lives ages ID to 50. At 85, the 'Taub; can be (a) taken in cash; (b) used to purchase a paid-up policy for the original suns susurod and the balance taken in cash or as guaranteed inemne; (c) used to provide an annuity; (d) left on deposit at a guaranteed rate of interest. Inquire now about this remarkable new Sun Life plan. Just call or write: a • HAROLD W. SHORE North St. Representative of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Phone 766w SUN LIFE OF CANADA 26-9 OLD HOME WEE4 DRAW George Cook, DtInga n no n, was winner of the $50 prize in the weekly. Old Home Week draw on Saturday night, made by Keniieth McGee, Elgin avenue. There will be a $50 prize awarded each Satur- day night from now until Old Home Week, August 3-7. Tickets may ,be ebtained from local merchants • or at. Old Home IVeek beadfluarters at .he corner of Hamilton and Newgate st reet 11111•11W Established Propane Business requires aggressive agent for Goderich and vicinity. Attractive proposition for right -party.-- - -Prefer- someone-already...esablished 141 -appliance, plumbing or similar business. For further particulars write SUPERIOR PROPANE LIMITED, MAPLE, ONTARIO -27 •WWWWWWWW1WWWWWIWII• FOR FARM and HOME Phone 98 Sandra CiowleY, -1.10113- Creighton, Nlarion Curren, Ardit h Elliott. Hobert Fowler, lila i r Pco x „I u I 4 a k'ree i h, William lfritzley,: Glen Gardiner, Ruth Ann Gauley, Nor- man Glenn, James Ilelesic, Ma rt ha Jackson, Paul Johnston, 110y :11,11 - lough, Joyip .NleAll 151 er, lAigari .314' 14';l n, lin ry in AI 'Ilion, Fred Mohr - jug. Leroy Ryon, .111(13 5144) 11-14, Cra ig St urdy ((21'. 1, John Sturdy, .14,1111 Sul l', , Karen %VII rtiock , Sharon 1.:1 rnoek, Clara Wilson. Grade 7 to Grade 8 Charles AILLson, Robert Anderson, Peter Allen, Donna Be 143 , .1 antes Brewer, Joe ' l'raig, 11111 11 Cousins, Margaret 4 ' it rrell, 4 'a rnien 14104 k, Eleanor Eil41erS011, EllWarli Erin, Robert Fisher, La ird Fulford, Dianne Frith, Peter 4 ; reen, Itnth llolyer, Joan floy, 1(01111(1 1114,1ve3, llonnit I {colon. 311113 • .14)111450444, 11111y Lintield, Art 14 iir Lee, Frank :Miller, Afa rjorie Ma 'Thu 4, Isabel Morris, Donna MeMillon, Alfred Mitchell, 311 13 Anti tiverholt, James 'teal', David Robinson, Hor- don Sallows, Edwin Stothla 11 , John Simmons, Douglas Wilson. Thom:: Young, Marilyn Thomas, Cil reo ii Ila rris. . Grade 7 to Grade 8 Robert A lex:indef., .1 nil i t-li A Se, - Si y ne, Faye Breret on. Carolyn 1141 - (Not tv. 1)441144 III (1041411 rd, I )ona Id (iriese, ltomild Hamilton, Cla re 1 1 :. rinon, 11 11143 1 la rrey, 1,11 rry I oltmun a 318 1-3- Lou Harkins, ril 11 1 tilt eil 1 115, Kenneth .1445111441. 1111 rold 1i81n14, Peter loinger. Hobert, Laws, 1 Daniel Leeson, Chester MacDonald, Kenneth 31e4lee, Kenneth MeK Jack Melliek, Frances Nlorris, Wil- ant HIGHER Taxes? "D'oti-"tt he silly.- you are likely to retort. flirt the titiestit.Ji is not a foolish one. Por if you keep isking tjle govern- nrielit do things • for you viler' you autonnitieally asking for higher taxes. kverijjn'nt itsoll ereates and possesses notiiiiu.r. All it eau (10 is 1;i k e Olt liar rmin. We- zens' 11(1 -ha Ur} Jraek to them—less a 11am11.111g i:luirge • to Vity 1V-44 ges of Kovern- tilellt 4' ttrpl oyees' and eost 4d. dist ribution, N Vs are 11)4 means by %%lib+ this transfer is made poNsiblf•• 11 iglw 1' \Vag" 4411 "144 II igher PN,41lictinn • 14'r "Ian 1(3411" h .101" Priees• transfer PAYllwirls raised 1)1' ('84454'or rising prices then taxes must vo up, too. 'Pints higher prices now mean higher 1143 t' I(ee I) ra (ttti 11 111111d IV read 111)1411) ItelV Stilt e Wel fare projnit;u1s, or wbou'l new ritge demands t hilt are , 004 aceompanied hv assuratiee of higher per-ntan produetion. Published as a Public :_iervice by THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Mints at • HAMILTON - IIIiANTP0111) - SWANSEA - (1ANAN(N1E MONTREAL k. a