HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-06-19, Page 2HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. Iiitthseriptton Rates—Canada and Great -Britain, $2.50 a year: to United States, $3.50. £tr1et1 iu advance. Advertising Rates on request. Telephoue 71. .1mr1iorized secoucl-rlass mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa. Out -of -Town Repressutative: C.W.N.A., 108 Peter Street, Torouto. Phone Eut 3-670d. Member of Canadiau Weekly NewSpatters ASseciat ion. Weekly Cireolatiou Over 3.000. GEO. L. ELLIS, Publisher. THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1952 THE PROVINCIAL ELEC- TIONS EDITORIAL NOTES 4 l'eople who %ere longiug, for warmer weather got tlteir wish • Saskatchewan last. week returned this week. For a few days Old its C.C.F. tiovertuuent, under the so, shone do‘vit so nereeiy as, to leadership of Premier '1'. C. I)ou st.ssit Thr asse,o's eomplaint: las, for a third term, with a larger sun, where was you last January?' • • majority than in the 1918ele•etiute •Ye There a as deplorable lack of The lsberal representation ivas rts foresight in the agreement with ductal from 19 to 11. Conservarbe nussia which allowed Berlin to be! candidates were all defeated. M. surrounded by territory under Douglas is a consummate P0111 1(11L11 Moscow contrel. This has led azid ,Vidt'lltlY has given the 1-'1!\1- many, awkward :Ind serious situ- vince :he kind of government It :ohms and may furnish the spark prefer- Alt It, tugh he Littera, Is wiles' might set tar a still mote elected fewer members, their ag1115 - gregate vote was larger than in 194S. 45 Years Ago • • Both iu the united States and In Briiish Columbia, where the,On Canada iteople are tiring of the ProviLletal VOte %Vas, taken the foi- Kon.iin, situation. 11 would. neNer l'he steamer Greyhound :trrived loe in e day, t he result was inti 4,- do, howtoer, for the United Na- t'nlitr "nth" tril) t't ("lerirb' TEE GODERICH =KALMAR SIGNAL -STAR PHOTO FLASHBACHS , Do You Remember When---? are(' , tions to isithdraw and allow ;he eisive erel will not be 1 until the 3rd of July. - Apparently !Reds uave theirown. way. IL the Liberal Governmeut is defeattsl, would merely mean more trouble and! indieations aro that either the in other parts of 1 itt iorld. We C.C.F. or the Social Credit party sit iteti remember that there was will have the lareest number ef once a Thirty Years' War. seats 'hut that no party will have • • • • a majority in the treW House. With reference to the tourist Newspapers in Ontario are try- business, The Kings County (N.S.1 Ing to draw omelustwts from these Recent -says.: -Courtesy is one of two elections as to what they In- dicate for the next Federal election. It is purely a 'guessing game, for Federal elections do not necessarily our greatest assets, but do we put it . to work fur, us often enough? We should resolve that we will do our utmost to help all visito:•s follow the patte,ress.se Provincial we ea II during the etnning season." votes. If they did, the indications would be that the next battle' for the 'Federal Ihmse —would be fie- ,' tweeu the Liberals and the C.C.F. And of course we should not witt- hohr due courtesy from those who are not visitors. • • • -------- — ems t'smrts-jud ked THE ALTERNATIVE VOTE IN BRITISH. COLUMBIA Because of the confusion attend- ing the vote in British Columbia it is.. assumed. that -the transferable vete system is practically, unwork- able. - This is a very superficial view. If those. who shaped the election proceialiugs hhd wished to discredit the transferable vote system they .eould hardly have gone about it rare thoroughly. Naturally there !would be 1501110 trouble in introducing a new system of voting, entailing a slightly' longer time for each voter to mark his isellot. This would necessitate either a longer voting day or a I 1 1 ;re TI‘ a 1:1-Wyer W11,1 'Used the word "con- tact" as a verb. He was quite right in doing so, bat:those who would keep the went in 'its proper Wave- probably :tre eneaged in a losing struggle. Constantly one sees or hears such explessions as "For information on that subject contact So -and -So," rather than :lour iris formation on that subject get in contact with ter consult) SO -find - So." The shorter form, using colt - tact as a verb, is coming increas- ingly into use and may in course of titne be tweeters' 115 Correet. 1)1 the meantime, it will, be avoided isv those who do not wish their language to grate upon the culti- vated str. greater number of polling places. • • • Evidently neither of these was Pro- rot- a long period railway exten- sided. Then on top of the ballot she) was one of the leading mir- ror election of members to 1-1/e suits in Canada, until it was ream Legislature were a ballot on a izell that the country had over - liquor question and one on d:1S- built and railway companies, wese light saviyg tiime. No wonder there ;reins* bankrupt. For a qua rter- was delay in the counting of the century or more t here lets been 'vote. There was no occasion, how- practically no railway building in f'anatia, but population and in- dustry are at last catching up on our rail transportation system and Parliament has passed a bill auth- orizing the Canadian National Rail- ways to construct a new line in northern British Columbia to ,reach Kitimat, where the Aluminum Com- pany of Canada bag a- large in- dustry. Transportation in the vast northern' -reaches 'of Canada is largely 14 stir, but as population increases there will he need of in- creased railway facilities. 'over, for a delay a three weeks (to July 3rd) in announcement of the result. (Inc week would have been ample. Further, there was a serious de- fect in the system as employed in British Columbia, In the proper conduct of the system the voter, instead of placing an "X' opposite 'the name of his favorite among the candidates, should signify his pre- ferences by numbering the ran- didates-1, 2, 3, 4, or -as many numbers as there are candidates. If any candidate is marked "1" en more than one-half 'the total. number of ballots he is elected. If net, •the candidate receiving the Lowest number of first preferences is dropped out and his votea'tfdded to those of the other candidates. This procedure is continued until one of the candidates has a major- ity over all. It is exactly the same thing as is done at nominating eon- ventions all over the eountry, where the lowest man on the vote is elirninated until the last man has a majority, except that instead of a series of votes it Is all done on one ballot. For the proper carry- ing out of the system, it is required that all ballots should be marked as 'indicated, and any ballot not so so marked should be thrown out. In British Columbia this was not done. :11141 it is reported that Many C.C.F. voters plumped for their candidate without completing the ballot. From feet that this practice appears. to have been em- ployed chiefly by One party, it may be assumed that it way a deliberate attempt to defeat the purpose of the alternative systette 'rhe System 114114 been 1I1 Ilge for years in other places without any of the confusion which attended the B.C. result. It seems likely that no party will haVe a clear majority of seats in the new Legislature, but. this is not to' be attributed -to the system of yeting. With four ,principal patties contesting the election, and - no predominant issue to make a #i• clear division among the electorate, the result might Have been mtich .' the same with any system of voting. • ODD -JOBBERS SCARCE (Port Arthur News -Chronicle) The 'Government is riloing a nice thing with its Services .and !allow - a frees, hit the • vompla int Is heard that it bars beemie almost impoS- sible to hire anyone for an odd job. The -need and incentive once oper- ative are largely gone in 'many in- stances. bringing ((k) passengers. There were nearly 1,701) ou the moonlight excursion under the auspices of the. ;-:3rd Regimental ba110. The Ladies' Aid . of Victoria Street Church held a supper on the back lawn of the - parsonage and Presented, , Mts. ( Rev. G ra haat with a chaste silver fern • pot. Norman McDougall of Porter's hill won a 10 -mile marathon road race from Seaforth to Clinton and three times around the Clinton track in 66'thintItes. The Water a•nd Light Commis- sion proposed. to install a new in- take pipe, 20 inches in diameter and 2,500 feet front the bank, plus a sedimentation basin close to the pumping station. 25 Years Ago , County Treasurer William Lane teld County Council that he in- tended to retire in December. A piano was installed in t he Huron County Ilome 111 Clinlon as a result of the efforts ef the Yeuter, Peoplt•'s Societies :of .the smutty: A large coegregation attended the Sunday morning service of Knox Presbyterian Church when the former 'minister, the Bev_ Dr. George E. Ross, Montreal, was iu the pulpit. Vol. Charles 1sLindbergh arrived in triumph at Washington and•was greeted - by -over half • a 14! 1111(11 people on his return from Paris NO REWARD FOR ABILITY ( Napa nee Pest -Express ) betting 'the 'number year.q of service be the sole guide is today tress/piing the yardstick of worth of 8(11001 teachers. Teachers want a salary sehedule in the schooLs, .with a minhntim, a maximum and con- stant increase:4 ,between the time of hiring and the point ,where the maximum is .reached. This, again, eliminates any, judge of worth from being the measure 'of eeward. ' The bargai n 1 ng gent of a teaeher today is a feeler:ado-ft an41 the rep- resentative of the school suppOrter is an association of trustees. . The selredule system as weSee it lets !the faullt of fa i 11 ng to ability, qr. perhaps, failing to Ilks- murage misfits, !thereby making the clever bear It burdeas)f staying 181 ek with the others, possibly siuding thein of? to greener fields. 1/n the other sidewe see !the federation and the sehedules giving the teach- ers no freedom of melon to lot their talents flow without fear ef indi- vidual reprisal. "My go9d man," said a new customer to a 'London grocer, "how Is it you have not called on me for my account?" . - "Oh, I neer ask a gentleman for money." "Indeed! But what: do you do If he doesn't pay?" "Why, after a certain time," said the grocer, "I conclude he is 'not n gentleman, and then I ask him." following a solo flight over the Atlantic. At the na•eting If the executive ettnimittee of the Goderich Centen- nial, it was decided to stave a big baseball day on Wednesday after- noon of Centennial week, With On- tario and Michigan championship. teams as contenders. 15 Years Ago A. young doe, standing about four feet at the shoulder, -Was seen by several persons wandering about the streets of. town, finally disap- pearing over the hill near.the, Sun- set' Hotel. Following the resignation of Rt.' llon. Stanley Baldwin :Is Premier of Groat Britain, Neville Cluttnber, lain, Chancellor of the Exchequer, became head of the British cabinet, with Sir John Simon lilting he Exchequer post. During. the , night, donkeys quartered at Ag,rijultural Park for the donkey baseball games broke out of their paddocks and ineand- eteds_alwat_ TAMIL_ MUDS _garde -p4 showed marks of marauding anim- als and a group of donkeys were discovered in o garden.on Britannia road. half- :I mile from the park. The steamer Georgian, passenger shift tt.f the Seaway Lines, was in tort 011 WO chartered trips. Two passengers missed the boat When they took a wrong turning on the Square and headed outh instead -of west to the harbor but they enlisted the services of the launch Annatjelc :11Id overtook the depa rt - i lig steamer a mile front port. where they- were safely put aboard. EVENING AUXILIARY North Street Evening Auxiliary held its June meeting at ths home of Mrs. IL W., Bettger, West street, on Monday; Jinte 16. Mrs. C. M. Robertson entlinen the work of .the Fnited Chureh Training Sellout and explained ,the. treed. fear the fund- raising campaign tiow in progress.. :Y vocal sole by Jiiiiinr Brewer„was nmeh enjoyed. A short business meeting follies -ed. with reports pre- sented b3 the sectelarysreasurer,s stile/1y set•retary and eorrespondifig secretary. Mrs. A. D. Huffman gave en inter- esting review trf the study book, - "Epistle to 'White Christians." by Fast D. Wentzel. Mrs. IL A. Diek- insole Christion Citizenship Seert. ta ey, told of help extetided by church members to a new Canadiantfamily ,The worship service was conducted by the president, Mrs. R., W. Hughes,. with Mrs. J. A. Snider aissisting at tire- piano, the theme being, "Work- ing Together." A . plagtie demon- stration by Mess A: C). Pearson fol- lowed, and tea was served. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Editor. Signal -Star. . Sir,—Please apply amount of en- elosed n.i.o. to my subscription ac- count. May 1 congratulate you uu the format of the paper, also ou the fuet of its earlier delivery to us in Toronto; I' 21111 trying to figure ways 'and means of being lu the Uolden(fate in august for theget- together. Keep alp your old photos and Down Mentory's Lane. Yours truly, 11 PRESTON STRANG. Toronto. IT COULD BE WORSE The currentdebate, In this country on *hal toScall ourselves taker; oa perswctive when some triunes that Canada might have 'been called are rutiV brought out. rind resit mined. ' Among the orthographic master- pieces t‘tutt...were considered back itt 1807, in place -of Canada, are: Borelia, Cabotia, t3aziadesia, Chain- plania, Columbland, Estiga (to re- present each , maiit nationity in the confederacy — 'English; Scotch, French, Irish? German and Abor- iginal), Mesopelagia, Niagarentia, Tuponia, Ursalia, and Vesperia. BAPTIST MLSSION CIRCLE The Ihiptkt Senior Mission Circle held its regular monthly meeting at the home of they presidt•nt,. Mrs. Earl Rabid's-, on Thursday after- noon, June 12, with 11 good, atten- da tree. After an opening hymn, Mrs. 114ettlersonoffered prayer, fol- low(41 by the, Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. George. Johnston gave an in- tereiding report rrom the Baptist n cevention then - stetsion ats,Isee don. which 5114 had attended earlier in the week. Another Avant was suits _and roll call, verses and eollee- tion taken followed ,Ity a busitiess• peried. The guest fur the day was :Mrs. Poston, Baylield, 'who pre,sentrs1 - a very interKSting tlanneigraph --pic- ture and story of the fall of .lerieho which came to pass through faith and obedience to ,God's promises. Mrs. R. Besse offered the closing prayer and a short soeial period followed. - Somebody Better Tell 'Them - 43(-) k)Nj • - LIVING COSTS - How much lower w111 living costs fall? The Financial Posk- says the outlook Is for further declines be- fore the end of the year. But It warns that they will not be spec- tacular. Much of the drop so far Itas been in foods and here special factors like the foot and mouth ern- bargn ou exports to •the United States and the damaged wheat crop last fall were big intluenees, -8ays 'lite Post : "Wage rates are more important cost components than matefials latsts and the unions still want. ,more. Another factor slowing down price reductions are the logs. It may take from three to six mouths for wholesale 'Price declines to.. he •retlected iu the price which you pay for baby's new dress. As prices decline and merchants reduce inventories under strong competi- tion, the consumer benefits. But as wholesale prices change direction and start to rise,. it is less likely that the cuts will be passed on." "Second, iu the past few months the inventory to sales positions have improved. Bargain sales have cleaned out a lot of The surplus, and huge inventories. are no longer deflationary influences on prices." - THURSDAY. JUNYI 19th, 1.52 4••••••••••=11111•11111=11•••••1' , IF YOU PLAN TO BUILD LET'S TALK IT OVER WE CAN HELP YOU. . • 4,0 John Jeffery & Son Phone 782 Elgin Ave. East PLANING MILL AND BUILDERS' SUPPLY the telephone in your home stands ready to serve you for a fraction of a cent an hour. What else in your daily living means so much yet costs so. little? 040 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA easure the Differeztee in comktt forYou NEW WIDER ROAD -HUGGING TREAD ftsrt?:Mlir ..... . .... ........ ' ' • • • fl ...• LOWER YET ROOM APLENTY AfOWLONGER WHEELBASE 40 •ri STRATO • STAR 110 -hp. V-8 Engine Advanced design backed by Ford's experience in build - ng more V-e's than all other manufacturers combined. Now!, Test-Driye the "Rest- wider front tread makes steering Drive" in the big, completely- even easier. Test -Drive the new new '52 Ford. Prove it yourself 110 -Hp. Strato-Star V-8 with —take a tape measure—See how your choice of three drives— nmeh bigger this beauty really Automatic' Transmission*, the is. Discover how much more finest on the road today, smooth, room and comfort you have in thrifty Overdrive* or "Synchro- Ford's luxury interiots. Test- Silent" Shift. Any way you mea - Drive it on any kind of road .,,. . sure, Ford gives you more by far feel the smooth restful ride with . . . in comfort . . . in beauty . . . its longer wheelbase and Auto- in performanre! You'll want it for matic Ride Control . . . and the keeps! Bay out of income—see your dealer for a "TIME PAYMENT" plan. • .. ", eSiieleSs. • • NEWLY • DESIGNED BODIES Prove it yourself Test -Drive" SEE YOUR FORD DEALER am. -••••0 .,01111:104 sers4r4g.A,- 'A ertmorAtir. T,i,i i, 01;t44st se4 tr.1,1t, rirfrrnt1 tires 00,0,01 di "'fr. FOR THE BEST BUY IN A USED CAR SEE YOUR, FORD DEALER GODERICH MOTORS SOUTH STREET Pgolra 83