HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-06-19, Page 1VISIT GODERIOH OLD HOME WEEK obcrt4j 105th Year—No. 25, na GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1952., 1952 Jaycee Executive Subscription is V sto so 'Single copy 6 cents xpect to Dedicate NewKnoxChm august .17' As $115,000 /rive Starts moiite. Above are shown members of the 1952. executive of the ,Goderich Junior Chamber of Commerce who were installed Wednesday evening of last week. Lott to right, front row: Cecil Hoffmian, president; Mel Culbert, past president; Christie McDonald, Tordnto, one of the founders of the Canadian Jaycees, who officiated at the ceremonies.. Back row, Ralph Blackstone, treasurer; Bert Drysdale, 1st. vice-president; Ken Pennington, 2nd vice- - president ; Jack McKinnon, secretary. —Photo by Henderson One of Jaycee Founders Officiates at -Installation of 1952 Executive Christie A.-McDcinald of Toronto, one of the original founders of the Canadian Junior Chamber of Com- merce. was the ofliviating officer at the installation of the 19952 execu- tive of the Gode.r'ch Junior Cham- ber of CommeIce, held at the British Exch(inge hotel on Wednes- day evening of last week. .Mr. McDonald briefly described the Canadian organization from 1919 to the present, when it is established in 36 countries. All of these countries are among the free nations of the World and tin! speak- er suggested that the Junior Cham- ber of Ccunnterce could fulfill one - of its •aims in keepin,g.•the Weals_of democracy "to the forefront. Bulletin Award - He congratulated the' Goderich Jaycees on their winning the bul- letin award of Region 5 and expres- sed confidence in the future of the t►. , - Mr. McDonald was introduced by 'Cecil Hoffman and thanked by Bill Anderson— . The members of the executive lnMtttiled were: President, ('evil Hoffman:. 1st vice-president, Bert Drysdale; 2nd vice-president, Ken Pennington; secretary, Jack Me - Kinnon ; treasurer,' Italgph Black- stone. - Oh accepting office, President- elect Hoffman promised that his prime objective In the coming --year would be the fostering of industrial promot ion. On behalf of the Jaycee member- ship, President Hpffman presented retiring President Mel Culbert with a hatulsome smoking pipe. It was a sincere gesture of the chamber's appreciation of the work the pres- ident had put into his office over the' past I3 months. In thanking the membership, Mr. Culbert promised his utmost co- operation with the new executive in the coming year. AT THE WATERFRONT • "•Rusty Blake, famous bush pilot ,Who has .conducted numerous mercy flights in Ontario's northland, landed his pontoon -equipped Norse- man plane in the harbor on Friday and stopped long, enough to refuel. Two United States boats brought grain here during the past week. They were the Joe S. Morrow, last Wednesday afternoon and the Sul- livan Brothers on Monday. . - The fisheric boat of the Depart- ment of Lands -and. Forests, the S. Kirkwood, wak here Wednesday' of last week. - Canadian grain carriers unload- ing here during the past week were the Donald J. Fawcett last Thurs- day and the A. A. Hudson and Ferrestdale on ,Friday. The Imperial Cobourg brought at. .part load of 'gasoline here yesterday and proceeded to Sault Ste. Marie with the remainder. Arena Floor Fund Reaches $8,736.00 Future Donations Are To Be Sent In Care of Bank of Montreal, Goderich Total donations to the Lions Club's Memorial Arena permanent floor fund moved up to $8,736.00 Wednesday noon. Although the actual campaign wound up officially on Saturday night,' donations are still corning in and still will be received as the Lions Club aims at its $12,000 • unattainc5l objective. These donations can be mailed to- 'ot 'left at the Bank of Montreal, Goderich. Make cheques payable. to :Lions Jtetnoria1 Arena Permanent Moor Fund." 'With. more than $3,000 yet, to be r"aist'd the Lions Club will endeav- our to find some means of attaining it.. other than by p,ubli.! sfil►scription. A1r. R. NI. Menzies of the Arena Commission f has been in contact with the' Stewart Construc- tion ('otnany of Port Dover who are installing the- permanent floor in rhe arena at Waterloo, Ontario, and who 'feel that drainage at the lio-dericIS arena (an be adequately and speedily taken (tire of for the installation of the floor. Among outstanding donations to the fund daring the past week have been a cheque for one hundred dollars from the Ashfield Township • \ ('omu`il, fifty dollars from the Sun - Set 'Irina and one hundred and fifty dollars front a Goderich Industry. The breakdown of donations to date is its follows: Industries. $550.(N) 'former (;ode - rich residents, $8,33i).(1); Goderich Township, $40.00; Ashfield Town- ship, $100.00; Colborne Township, $184.00 organizations and clubs, $510.(X): 'Saturday night mobile chart sa','s. $155.00: store sales, $396.00: \\' ,rd one Canvass, $223.00; Ward two eanvnss, $y1(r2.00; Ward three canvass, $170.00; Ward four canvass, $148.00; sum' - earmarked 'by lions for floor, $2,600.00. • - Former Residents Help Among comments in letters' con - tattling donations from former resri- dents of GP►derieh were: Garfield G. Robertson, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida : I ,.left Gode- rich in 1892 but still like the town. I expect to attend the 125th an- niversary. I hope your job doesn't floor you. Eticloseci is $10 from Me and $1 from my granddaughter, ,Sherry Mus:(e1maii. A. J. Gordon, (.i.C., Watrous, Saskatchewan: Enclosed find $10 for arena floor. I have visited the arena occasionally during the past two winters and believe the addi- tion of a permanent floor will be a great asset to the town. 1 ••an1 glad to give a little help to such a project in the old home town. Mrs. G. L. Parson!, Owen Souk\d : 1icre's $10 to help a worthy cause. Ruth it. N. Thompson, I'eter- borough, Ont.: Enclosed find $10 for the .arena floor fund. Kindly place it in memory ,of- my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Martin. Jerry: and Shirley A1'lderrson, Tor- onto: Enclosed is $2 for hrena floor fund. \\'e have recollections' of nilly happy boors spent in the arena before leaving Goderkh. Best wishes for success in this project. Gordon \\'ong, Ottawa, Ont.: En- closed is $2 for two feet of arena floor space. Best of luck. Mrs. Jerry 'I'hirwell (nee Marg- aret O'Connor) .laekson, Mich.: En- closed is $1 for arena floor. • Mrs. M. J. Gutcher, IInileybury, Ont.: \Wishing you every snc(ess in your project. Enclosed is $1. Mrs. 1'. Van \lack, Toronto: En- roll name 'of tri• daughter, Judith Ann Van \lack for $1. The Goderich Junior Chamber of ('nmmeree stated- they were wholly in support of the plan to install a permanent floor in the arena and Only regretted -that, at this time (heir finances were such as to pre- vent them from (lonating.. All their money is earmarked for industrial promotion in (Ioderich,_ the letter stated. A number of other organiz- ations to whom letters were sent Imre not as yet answered. DETROIT POWER BOATS EXPECTED HERE IN JULY hoEilTa Of some -7W pleasure boats, carrying possibly 200 people front Detroit, are expected to visit Goderich shortly after July -4. The visit, an event in the "Couamander's Vacation Rendezvous" is being planned by Arthur -C. Berry, ,com- mander of the Detroit Power Squadron. Mel Culbert, past president of the Goderieh Junior Chamber of Commerce, Was notified of plans for 'the visit by Mr. Berry, who also asked for details of Goderich harbor facilities. The cruise will leave ,Detroit, July 1, and will sail to Georgian Bay, returning to Detroit the same month. Several points along the Ontario shore will be visited during the cruise. They expect 10 remain in Goderieh for an afternoon and evening: KINSMEN CLUB Mayor J .E. Huekins and - the members ,of • the publie works com- mittee of Town C.ouncil were guests of the •Kinsmen Club at its re pilar dinner meeting in the British Ex- change Hotel on Monday. everting. Thanks, were expressed - to them for the co-operation they had given the club in constructing the Kinsmen playgretund on Raglan --street:. Inaugurate System of Parking Tags In Safety Drive LOOKING FOR ADDRESSES OF FORMER RESIDENTS Although secretary E. F. Sale of the Goderich 011 Home Week Coin- mittee has seat out almost 2,000 Councillor Kenneth Pennington( invitations to the celebration of the chairmanofthe special committee 1_`5th anniversary .,f the founding of Goderich, August, 3-7, he still has of 'Town Council, is spear -heading a a list of names of former residents drive to. tighten up traffic control whose' addresses he doesn't know. in Goderich and make it safer for headers of the Signal -Star are being both .drivers and pedestrians. asked therefore - to co-operate in. `or over u week now I:'enningtoh providing, where possible, the pre - ha leen personally superintending 501)1 addresses of .one (-;cKlerich 111 painting of cross -walks- and old boys and girl,. pa king areas on the Square, where There 1.' still time, ineideutalgy, sig is have also been•installed warn- 10 teak,. additions to the IisR of in motorists- not to park beyond those who are to be invited to the the inside limits of the cross walks. celebration. headers are asked to Ile has also asked for the co -open- leave. names of those who have ma ation of citizens in avoiding 'jay- .;(heady 1leen 5)111-1avia ations al the walking, in- order to cut down an Old Home Week office. Names eau traffic hazards. Pedestrians should 1,(, mailial 111 or JIr. Sale will take walk -between the white limes at the necessary information over the the street intersections and drivers tcicpltone. are warned ' that the parking by -'Slane of the former residents laws will be strictly enforced. whets • addresses - the ' eouamittoe Parking Tickets - wont(' like to Have .are; Dorothy Itt order to cut down on minor and Benson Felker; Ernie, I'at and harking violations a new system Helen ' Page; Ang-us JiarUOuall of parking tickets will be enforced (Windsor) : Ernest Jlarpouall. shortly by the Goderich detachment Mrs, Charles Jleakins,, Bill I'alt of the Ontario Provincial Police as ridge, Philip Wallbank, Ed Dicey, directed by the Town- Council. Robert Clark and Mute Jlartin, For visiting motorists who are unfamiliar with local parking regu- ' Anyone knowing the present. dresses lotions, warning tickets will be presses is asked to get in touch with used. These will contain a court- the (lid Home Week secretary. (ously-worded message -of welcome to visitors, excusing them for in- advertently violating the by-laws and asking them to be (.ireful in future but not to hesitate to make enquiries of the police. Recently, a bO(1l1 motorist dis- covered a piece of cardboard be- neath 'his • windshield - wiper, con- taining the words: "You have no horn. Appear in court, Thursday, 9.30." On the reverse side were the words: "Better Appear." To Avoid Confusion In order to avoid con- fusion of this kind and to avoid court, actions in the case of minor parking bylaw violations, therefore, it has been decided to issue parking tags to those who knowingly break the traffic bylaws. One -dollar Ones will 1►e payable to the Town Clerk at Iris- office in the Town Miall. Non-payment of the fines n~ill in- volve the issuing of a summons. . 'Parking tags will be issued 'to local.. motorists . and others who are cen:fous of the fact that they are, parking illegally. " The warning tickets are for visitors from out- of-town wbo are not familiar with the local parking regulations. Of- fences covered by the tickets are all prohibited by local. bylaws and include parking in a prohibited area,. parking in one place for More than 24 consecntive hours, parking within five feet of a_ fire hydrant, double parking and obstructing a driveway & lanes%ay.. Ask Government OK on Sale of School to.Town ' PEEPING TOM Residents of the . Bayfield Road have tonplalned that on two different evenings last week they were visited by a peeping tout. On several oreasasions when some one itt the house carne outside, the peeping tont ran away from the windows into the darkness and was said to have been, a rather speedy runner. Clinton Man Wins Lions Perch Derby $100 First Prize George Ginn and Chairman H..31. Ford of the Goderieh District Col- legiate Institute hoard left for Tor- onto yesterday. to seek authorization trona the Department of Education to convey (he old Collegiate build- ing to the Town of Goderich for one dollar on the condition that • the town assume. outstanding debentures totalling $11,973. ..M a special meeting on Friday afternoon the Town Council accepted the Board's offer which •was made following the Board meeting a week ado 'Monday. Prior to the meeting of the Collegiate • Board, a joint meeting, was held at the Collegiate, When repiresentati•vt's of the Towu Council 'asked the Board to defi(r disi osi'il of the old building for two weeks. The hoard has agreed that in - eluded indite the Sale of the building would be all .plumbing. heating and lighting fixtures... The Board re- serve's :ill egnipinte nt needed ,for the new building, which will include the propagation bench. in5•trnetors' laboratory tables and pupils' lab- oratory de51(5 'to which water and electricity .are_eonnected. . . . The fifth annual perch derby of the Goderieh l,iolis' ('Tub was wound up at ahe harbor. on Monday after - 11(1011 when - 1.aou .('h11irm:ln "Skip- per" Mac•hona-id presented one hun- dred (1(411ars iu cash and the trophy to 31. McAdam of Clinton. 31c- Adam's- perch, weighing one pound, ten and a half ounces was the largest caught since the opening of the derby, _ Its weight was four and a half oune,s less than the prize winning- fetch of last year. \Viuner of second prize was .foe Catterall of Loddon • with a perch weighing one pound, nine •ottnees. The prize was a lovely, large bar- ometer donated by Bannister Beach liar. " - - . "Wins Oil Painting _ Third - Third -prize winner was 1'. L. .larutain of Londotl' The prize was :a beautiful oil painting presented by Mr. Norman MrIlo11u of the 11)1111 n -Reid wholesale paper house. The -painting was done by Mrs. Me - Holm. Mr. and Mrs. Meiloluc have a smuttier rot•tage on the 'Bayfield Road just north of Natters Creek. • A special boy's prize was won by Tim Sale. 1.t was an elaborate peri and pencil set donated 1►v Mr. Hardy Shackleton. principal of the public school, and Mrs. Shackleton. Th -e one- hundred dollars lucky ticket draw was won by Mr. Ilarry Gibbons, who lives .tut Maple Leaf Cabins on Victoria Street The Winners of prizes in the week- end ►Presbyterians Launch Building Fund Campaign to Pay for Modern Edifice. in Weekly Payments Over Three Years 0 H. W. Knight of Toronto, and former Gode- rich resident, who donated $3,00.00 to the, Lions Memorial Arena Permanent Floor Fund. The Rev. Robert G. alaellillan of Knox Presbyterian Church told 'a Loyalty Dinner of the church lxtild- iug fund campaign on Tuesday• night that, it was expected that the uew church would be dell ieuted On Aug- ust 17. He outlined brietfy the facilities which have been provided in the 'Lew church to the "Church Family Party" at the' Goderich Pavilion, attended by more thou 450 inenibers of the fancily, parents and children. Mr. MacMillan eonintetuled the- finance he finance committee' On itt foresight in arranging the financial campaign and the departure from the usual in employing the Wells Organiza- tion, Ltd., to organize the church forces in this effort. Information Given Those attending the dinner were fully infotlmed of the progress which has been made 'by -the build- ing eorntnittee. Methods and other vital information regarding the cam- paign for funds were outlined' by the various committee chairmen. Following the disastrous fire' which desrtroyed the , century old church, the congregation intihediate- ly p►lanncd to replace it with a modern strueture. These plans are now nearing completion and the building committee has arranged for a campaign to raise the nec•es- Town Authorizes Y ti for ttcis co.umaigt> are we21. in hand anal the congregation will Contract'f or Road be asked.' through a complete can- vass of-.1he,ineun:bers and friends of North of Harbor tide church to contribute some $115,- 000 during the next three years. Contributions on a pledged• basis of Construction of the road to the weekly-pa3'ments are asked; north side of the harbor, is expected Through this plan the church wilt -to get into full swing soon with in three years time be free of debt final arl�tngements completed for and will have a completely new edifice which will c�ontpare with any routing of the -road over the present church ,of its size on- the North right of way of the ('.N.R.'s most_ American abstinent iii beauty, southerly spur line on the strip style of are•hitcoture and equipment. leading to the 71i -acre parcel of The eajnpaign, which is under land between the Maitland River tate chairmanship ,of Mr. A. R. lucky ticket number was 1,1., The in:dtt.,t,411.1ineliiili..rititallnnlikii:cirit.liitigthree orth pier. Erskine, will culmivaUe in a can draw was mad�r by s 1. Diane cial meeting of the Town vaa 1►y some 104) workers, organ- neillast Friday afternoon, the ized in teams of - two who will con, tact. w s 1►a550(1 authorizing ex- tart (11(11 of the members and ad - contest were: ' 1. Jack liree. ion file contt'71(t with Georges herettts for their pledge. fordof Blyth for cunstrtcti0n Campaign Organization 1' lratfor(1 2. Joe• Hc4lgkin5ou, l:( -+d0 he ngest 51retcl► of the ro11 1 Th( campaign ►afgn or aniz > 11, i► : 3. Beatrice Garnhtlm. hit ,r t Gou(4514 r 1'erii 'e ,to the I g ati(n is as :oil 1. 31t. Myles, St. Thomlats: h-ea4 c•oruer of the harbor :1i follows: Chairman. A. H. Erskine; :,. :Arthur \1'ind5or, Arval, (h1t.3,3:31). c r lilting commaittee, Earl Elliott; or - The oat $la,:t:3.1.The•ruad i.1(4riingements committee, Mrs. Peter --•�..� ted within three 1ponth5; JI:teF;w :� UOOID 1�IN Railway Gives Consent an: publicity c commit - Bob IiOb G41oid you the jackp►)t 'u Ne..•,(11111(411 between the Town Gordon ,Jh1t.kui: finance commit - 56 calls at the Ts•gion 1111Ilo Satir and the which have been tee, A. II. Erskine memorials cosh dell night. Nest Sa111141 11 nil ht'S going or► for the p:lst feu ".1,:.4-1;(1,`;:btnittc'e... George \\'`: Schaefer : friends Legion bingo ]1:1s a jackpot u(re cons ►feted 5u(ccs5fntl committee. Peter JlaeEtvan. 1 in .55 calls, :1. well :1s other prir.e5. the railway agreed. -to consent to to The chair►uaof general thi the -relocation, ;1t the expense of the is Robert Bisset . sr.. assisted bthe y Town. �4f its existing nNiKt outher i dlowang capt:l18 "tttafent:�' see- ly .track 10 a lucatiou north of i:s 11on. AV'11111111 Schaefer: .contig existing most northerly track so adults' se 't in, ('IitTord 1 very ,and that -the roid1 (1 can ire' (AnJohn firhaefrt : , gen•. c auv st-rueted along the line of. the track a'al►tains. Gletr l;rlc};:eJf. .1. Ainsl155ie, thus removed, subject to ;appreva,1 (;orlon Ittssot, F. R. hraparrow, �e1I of the Crown. R. MacKay. William \V. Ross. AVil- '1'he (',N.R. ha, 11150 asked -the liaut Ritchie; Gordon Walter. Aleut. Town to give its support to the Alexander, Gord()11 M(Manlhs. railway in its negotiations with on Wednesday. night some 150 The (`town, 111011 a fourth track, worker; gatllere(l in the Parish Hall south of the roadway, i5 to be r -on- of St. (;eurge's .Anglican (`hurr_h- strni•tcd tit 5otme future date. Tho (,reassert' tnannals anti folders Its ltd(liti0.11, the 4'.N.It has asked were di.�trihnted 11nd ea(11 team that the Town i,-.il1. :1fter Obtaining' received 'their allotted district. The the consent of the ('rown. perform canvass will begin at 6 p.m. on Mon- tlie necessary grading south of the day. .dine 2.1 The workers will rums breakwater wall'50 that •--the roJsuht their_ 10.111ts 011 :.fondav, three tra(k5 will be at approximate- Wednesday and Thursday at 9.3(1 1y the Sallie elevation.•p.lu.. the 111(51iti;,� t0 ho heli Goderich Company ExhibUs at International Trade Fair Hon. . D. Howe, Canadian Minister of Defense Production, is shown inspecting an interesting exhibit- Of 'r08(l machinery, including diesel motor graders, exhibited at Ole recent international Trade Fair. Toronto. by the }oninion Road Machinery )o. Limited. Dedigned and mataifa(turcd in Goderieh, these huge machines have attracted comments and approval from representatives of Tony enuntries visit ing the Trade Flair. Arrangements have been made -to dis- ,triibute these machines in Smith Ar(rien, Indira, Greece a nd Germany, as well as other foreign countries. The ultra- modern exhibit, designed and builtby the Oornpany, ine�lnd es technieol(or- movies (►f the graders in action. Included in the display are a large diesel grader, the Champion ":507" fo nr-wheel .drive grader, a. large truck' with plow and. Wing and "Galion" (Inmp body—Diqtribnt,ted in Cfillf1411 by the D minion Road Maehinery Co. Limited. iii the Parish hall. The enthusiasm June Session Of the nvlikcr5 aifiiirs weld for the si1001 5 Of the etimpaign. Each worker pledged his contributionof County Council before he started to earn -ass and the resltlts have indicated that the Gets Under Way achieved of the rttulpaig-n wit! tk. The ,lune session of Huron Coun- ty Council opened yesterday, „NVarden Harvey Johnston addres- sing council, referred to the two day bus tour trade by the council to the Universityt• of \\eastern Oratorio, Fan - show,. Dani. :trill ()vie the (-onto. road 53514111 :Is twill Interesting and Instructlye. Important Visitors \Ian,1 important visitors 141141 been in the (-minty the past few (reeks nictitating I►r. 3JIpnnon I'hilliprs, \linister of health ; Dr. 1►ludop,. \Brister of E5lti(•ltlou 411141 Sir .An Lion Club Hosts to Ladies at Gala. Annual Banquet he annual Lions )115s ('lit► L11(lieie Night was a gala ()erasion en Fri- day night whel) tt banquet was held iu th Goslerieil Memorial .\rens with ('Delinlittee chairman Dr. It.af hogs,' as nlll-ter of eere11 miens iIighlight was a 'humorous and in - drew Jones, British E'ooil Commis- formative ad(ires. bl R'illiain Wren, sinner. of Cleveland Lions ('his. tie:141 table Progress en preparing plans for ;411, ,ts were: Ncl.son Hill, Lions International (•0unsel for ; District Govertlo,r-E:l,s t .1 11 1114 S 1►011glas, of Zurich Mrs. Douglas and daughter; JIr- and JIr5 Wren; 104111 President f.t•.4 \Wa1znk, ,Mrs. \Valzak : Dr. and Jars. 11 ighes, and the i1100111ing 'fres 1(14•ilt. (:or(lon McManus, and Mrs. Jii,Jl a n 1F.. 4.. Mrs. Clayton Edward r, plied tai the toa--t to the 1) 41)4ii; Lion Nelson Hint outlined work of 1Lions Inter. 1111ti011a1. Quartet se1cc•tion were .ung 'by Harold liettger, George 1in(•11111111I1 George. ,Parvotis and. (r, \\. \Vorssell.4 JAYCEE iIOME RINGO For the t1titvl sneeess1$'4 week no nnnlber$ were drawn udder the "0" on Montlty in the Jaycee Home (lingo. The draw WAS maple by Ron Melntyre, 'Britannia rofuL Nu itbers drawn to date appear In the.adverti•`ement on the heck parte.. where 1t appears each week.- - the addition to the County home hoof been delayed thtw(ligll 110 fault of 1110 county or architect. The hitter will bt. here on friday with plans. The Warden concluded 11v re- questing members' co-operation in tilve,o1,igs and hol(lirig (otunlittee 114)111 ngi on time. End'orsation was given the War- den's Committee's 1'4w•olliille-11411141011 111a1 in fittnt•e the county provide the Warden'. banquet and that t'11,• 111die, he invited, and the council n1:11(10 11 dotnlstion to him. \\ i1•den .lohmston said that 11 was 110) his 1^ish to chane the financing of 1114' hanqu(*t, M11 he f,'lt the wives, who earn., on, while members are away, 1(1 ale hott- ored. Surplus Estimated ('outnty treasnrcr A. II. Erskine submitted revised estitntitet tit th^ (Continued (en page ,'+) o? • 1`