HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-06-05, Page 11EDWARD FUELS. FOR *FARM and HOME Phone 98 21-31 HURON COUNTY CROP REPORT Land p fileiently dried up this past we :tO allow considerable acreage corn, soybeans and ' sugar be ts to be planted during the last two or three days. Pas- ture and more particularly hay &fixtures need warmer weather to promote growth. With firmer beef prices, more cattle are being ship- . enicy IOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE KIST. IN ALL FLAVOURS1 ped to market than previously an- ticipated. The recently jteld Huron County Junior Farmers' Livestock Judging Competition was one of the largest ou record with a total of.90 young people 'taking part iu the judging competition and 100 girls participating in the Homemaking Club Achievement program held in conjunction with the Judging Com - Petition. How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before, now have shapely. attractive figures No more bonY limbs, ugly hollows They thank Ostrez. It puts 1100 on bodies skinny because blood lacks iron Pepe You up. too. Improves appetite, digestion so food nourishes you better. Don't tear getting too tat. Stop when you gain figure you wish. Introductory or "get -acquainted" size only WO. Try Qs(rex Tonlc Tablets tor new pounds, lovely curves, new pep, today At all druggists. •41111.1.MENNEMMOM1111111111111MMUrm COMPLETE DISPERSAL 50 HOLSTEINS 50 Entire Ilerd 'of 31 Head Owned by Estate of H. G. .Morwick, Jerseyville, Ont., with added entries IN HAYS SALES ARENA, TRAFALGAR, ONT. • Monday, June 9, at 7 p.m. fully accredited—RiO,P.--Dalfhood Vaccinated Fresh and Springing cows, fall ct1vers and .open. heifers. The ,1orwiek Holsteins are, a splendid herd and sell in first class condition. They include as nice a group of 2 yr. -olds as you _.w,,111 see in some, Iinte, lso one •Very_Gfssti and five. Good Plus eows.' Nine .earry the services - a phni,rant Voyageur N.f. TITh 'other Oxford ,Unit sires represented are Glen:orlon 'Symbol. Rayanondale R. A. Finest -and Montvie Fhnile Imehinvar. Seflhtig .are 13 daughters of Stria -haven Sovereign Talisman. Other sires include, Supreme Bonheur Piotje, Rex Ileal Suceessor, Bond Haven Rag Apple Pat blinder and St rat av e n Inspiration Comet, the present herd sire who is selling:- He Is by Ilays' Inspiratioii -and out. of Stra•titaven Sovereign Aleartra (G.P.) with 13,926 Its. milk, 575 lbs. fat, 4.13% as a 3 year -old. - The added entriescionsiSt of outstanding individuals front leading herds, so plan to be with us. , HAYS FARMS' LIMITED. Phone 1308. Oakville, Ont. At Grace United Church, Porter's 41111, standards of whitand mauve Biles • created a lovely, setting for the ceremony_ in which Florenee Estelle Cox, Goderich Township, became the bride of Charles Roy Wise, also. of Uoderieh Township. The bride is a daughter of the late Mr: and Mrs. Albert B. Cox, and the groom Is the younger ion ot Mi. and Mrs. Charles E. Will?, Goderich Township. •The Rev. Charles Cox, •TaviStock, cousin of the bride, officiated at' the double= ring ceremony, assisted by• Rev. P. Relator. -. Miss Audrey •Jervis, Clinton, was soloist, and was ac- companied. by Mrs. 'William Nor, man, • Given in inarrlage b her brother, Keith Cox, the;bride wore a floor - length gown of white nylon mar- quisette. with Chantilly lacepanels. Over the strapless bodice was a lace Eton jaeket and she wore elbowlength nylon mittens. Her fingertip_veil of nylon net was held in place tfy u halo of seed pearls and rhinestones and she carried a bouquet' of red roses. Miss Phyllis Harris, Loudon, was bridesmaid, wearing a floor -length gown of nylon net and marquisette lo orchid shade, styled similarly to that of , the bride. She wore a matching headdress and carried yellow ruses." Little Miss Julia (ox, .Goderich Township, tiovver: girl, was dressed in yellow organdy with lace and embroidered organdy. ..She carried a nosegay of red roses. George Wise, Clinton, was groomsman. nntl ushers were Don- ald 'Middleton and Glen Wise, both of Clinton. , • AIR FORCE DAY, JUNE 14 Clinton Radar and Communications School Is Also A Flyipg Station. Few people driving past the R.O.A.V. Radar and Communication School at Clinton would realize that this station is one Of Canada's fiyiug stations. This is understand able as there is no evidence of aircraft landing or taking off. However the Air Radio Officer School which Is part of R.C.A.V. Clinton is a flying unit. In fact it is a uniqua flying unit being the only flying "sehool in qui British Commonwealth devoted I solely tQ training aircrew • for the role of the radio officer. You may ask "if this is so, then where is the flying? Dakota Squadron As there is no airfield at Clinton the Air Radio Officer School oper- ates its squadron of Dakota craft from the airfield at the Iralia R.C.A,F. station. Early morning -a bus leaves Clinton air- Cen-• each with At a reception at the British Ex- change Hotel, Goderich, Mrs. Nel- son Trewartha, Clinton,- aunt of the bride, received in an afternoon dress of navy with white acces- sories and a. corsage of pink car- nations. She was •assisted by the groom's mother, who wore an afte:- noon 'dress of French blue Rome- leda, with white accessories and. a corsage of pink carnations. For a motor trip to Northern Ontario, the bride 'donned a grey suit, matching accessories and a pink shortie coat, wi-th -a corsage of pink carnations. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Wise will reside in Goderich Township. Cemetery 1 Memorials- -I T. PRYDE -& SON Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 41J, Exeter and we shall be 'pleased to call. • WitaiROAMAND HER SIX ENVELOPES 4 . Nancy ap longer uses this old-fashioned system. In fact . . . nowadays her husband calls her a financial whiz. That's because she followed the advice of friends by opening a Current Account at The Commerce. To -day Nancy writes cheques, and keeps track of every penny paid out from the statement given to her by the Bank each month. She started her banking off on the right foot too, by reading, "It's Simple When You Know How". It's the handy purse size booklet giving helpful tips 'on day to day batiking, and prepafed especially for women Ask for your copy at your local branch, 'or writ• to Frances Terry, Head' Office, The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto. The Canadian Bank of Commerce • GUY IVES •& SONS CEMENT CONTRAC, - TORS BUILDING BLOCKS 'and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Chimney built or re- paired. Phone Carlow 1612 7-oxtf flying instructors and flight cadets bound for the day's flying training. At Centralia the speelally designed radio trainer Dakotas are ,,walting to take the , embryo radioofficers up 20r another illyIng exercise. After flying brieling for .the day's exerciae, students and instructors board the aircraft and are soon roaring 'down the. runway .,bound for tate wide blue yonder. The normal training flight for the radio officer is of s6ven hours duration and covers a route' of !approximately 1,000 miles over Northern and Southern., Ontario. During this time the student radio - officers operate the complex radio and ,radar gear with •which these 'radio, trainer aircraft are equipped. In addition to the regtilar flying exercises starting and ending aft Centralia, long range training flights are flown which are'lluilted only by Vancouver on the West and Halifax on the East. When the flight cadet of A.R.O,S. reaches the time when he steps, forward ou graduation parade to receive his wings, back of him is usually 130 hours of flying training on which to base his future operational ex- perience. Aircrew Officers Many people on visits to 'CLAY. Clinton have wondered at the pre- sence of so many aircrew officers on what they believed to be purely •techalcal radio schoOl. Air Force Day, June 14, is an excellent opportunity for you to attend open house at the Clinton station and encl.-nice of these stair officers .as to what their job is. The chances are you %vitt be spook- ing to a.flying. instructor who has helped many young Canadians to win their wings and who, during the past month, has spent over 100 hours in the air, instructing the future aircrew radio officers of the R.C.A.F. HURON HOLSTEIN MEET AtT CLINTON TONIGHT The Lluron Couuty Holstein Breeders' annual twilight meeting will be held at the 11.uron County flome, Clintou, today, at 8.00 p.m, with the leaders iuvited to attend. Rev. M. If. Grltlin, Kirktou, and William Davidson"; Listowel, direc- tor of the Holstein -Friesian As- sociation*of Canada will be on hand to make the official placings of winners ILI a judging cOmpetition.s, Members of the Iiuron 'Holstein Calf C,tub ,who attended and' par- tivisaled in the completiou Will be cre4ited lo their general proticiency- tiethre. - Muskad 'entertainment and lunch will conelode the evening. ,c OBITUARY MRS. DAVID 11. l'ATTISON Atrs. lyaVid 11. Pattisou died at Satilt Ste. Marie,'Michigan on Sun- day, May 11. Mrs. Pattison was the. wife of David 11. Pattison, forger Sault grocer, and was mar- ried in Goderich in 1907. lter home has been in the Michigan eity ever Mute, As Minnie. 'Mach -or, she wit; for yea rs..prior .10- her marriage a teacher in the old Central Sdhool, on North street, and is affectionate - Plaint FOR PROMPT DELIVEZY, CALL Residewoon: phone . phone, 1165 No parts to fail! No queer 110136111 No sudden failures to rub] your food! Dianufactured ice never fails 'you. eco- nomical! safer! Huron Ice ICE REFRIGERATORS BOUOI1T, SOLD ORRENTED. Huron Road k R. G. Duckworth, Prpp. 21tf ly remembered by many of her .11d pupils. She was a daughter of the late Mr„ andMrs. A. Maclvor. Surviving are her , husband; two. sons, David and Russell, both of the Sault ; Three grandchildren and one sister, Mrs; I.„ H. Smith, Tot - onto. • The .funeral took place on May 14. in Sault Ste. Marie, the Rel. Mr. McClean of the First Presby' -terian Church officiating. cptiTRA,, #6. YO t/R 49010/08 44/ ONTM`' THE EMBLEM OF A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN SHORE & GINN lour Agent for G.M. Delco -Heat Oil Burne ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS M.` AAGNERAL MOTORS VALUE ••••,,t,"?.,..,W.rt•P••:•.•••.•-• • • ' ' gzi*S:; • • • ••• • ... IP' • ' • '' • • Take the wheel to get the feel of this amazing Pontiac . • • .There's only one way to fully appreciate a '52 Pontiac! That's to get behind the wheel and put it through its paces for yourself. You'll thrill to its smooth, $-ffortless driving ease, beautiful color har- monies and distinctive modern styling. And whether you drive a Chieftain or Fleetleader, you'll find that the power of the. high -compression Pontiac engines has been stepped-up to give wonderful new performance without sacrificing any of Pontiac's reputation foreconorny and durability. You'll also find a choice of silk - smooth Synchro-mesh transmission, dependable *PowerGlide automatic transmission in the Fleetleader Deluxe series or the spectatular -new fDual-Range Hydra -Matic Drive in Chieftains. So. for the driving pleasure of your lifi—come in soon, and get behind , the wheel of a Pontiac. .PowerGlislo is optional on Fleptlearler De4re tfodels al extra coed. litozi -Hrge IIvd,j%fUc is oprifinesi a, extra cost on the Chief,ain St;... Dollar for dollar and feature for feature you can't beat 400 PHONE 344 SAMIS MOTORS 4 KINGSTON AND VICTORIA STREETS 4 V 1. (