The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-06-05, Page 3a 4be oberf c0 105th Year—No. 23 t GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1952 PAGI. TH BUSINESS DIBECTOkY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT' W.:DG CECIL ATTRIE CHARTERED 4CCOUNTANT `Phone No.—OJhce 343W. 13ouse S43.I O oderlcb. CHIROPRACTIC HERBERT ii. SUCH, D.C., Doctor of Obtropractic. Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a.m. to b ,p.m. Tues., Fri --4) a.m. tab p.m. 7 pan. to 8 p.m., Wed. & Sat. 8 to 11.30 Vitamin Tiropy Ofl1ce—Corner. of Soutle St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. alsrarmaimmisiims INSURANCE MeKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. — Farm and Isolated town property insured. President, J. L.` b lone; Seaforth.; Vice -President, J., H- I,lcEwing, Blyth; Manager and Sou-Treas., M. A.. Reid, Se4orth. Directors—S. H. Whitmore, .8ea-. forth ; Chris. Leonhurdt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; itont• Archibald, Seaforth; John H. Mc - Ewing, ' Blyth ; Frank McGregor, Clinton ; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, S'eafortt.h ; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich. Agents—J. E. Pepper, Brucefleld.;; R. b'. MleKercher; Dublin; J. F..Y.ru- eter, Brodhagen; Wm. Leiper, Jr.,'.. Londesboro ; S. Bake', Brussels. .. Policy -holders can make ail pay- ments and get 'their cards receipted at the $oval hank, Clinton; Keith Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich. . 1 WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS, Departures: Daily - 7.55 a.m. to Stratford and London daily except Sundays and heti- days. 11.55 a.m. to Stratford ajgirLondosl, ,Saturdays, Sundsays and holidays. 4.20• p.m. to Stratford and London• daily and Sundays. 5.40 p.m. to London on Friday only. EXTRA RUNS' FOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS - 6.20 p.m. to Stratford only. 8.30 p.m. to London only. Charter Coaches for all occasions. For information phone - Santis Motors . at 344, particularly far schedule changes on holidays. Roy N. Bentley - Public Accountant .P.O. Box 58. Phone.587 Goderich, Ontario FARMERS Protect your farm machin- ery with a FLOATER INSURANCE policy; .GORDON JEWELL R.R. 6, Goderich '.hone Carlow -30r4. NOW LOcArzo IN BANK OF ,COMMERCE BUILDING, •.01 THE SQUARE IL M. FORD Get Insueed — Stay Inaural-- Rest Assured TELE1PliONE 268w ALBERT SHORE Public Accountant Income Tac Consultant Income Tax Returns prepared for businesses, farmers. and individuals. Financial state- ments . prepared. Audltiug, Bookkeeping and Accounting Service. Ogee corner North St. and Square. Residence, 14 Victoria St., O4Wderlcb. Plumes: Mee 975. Residence 444. - ADDRESS E;O, Dox 797, GODEEWI. DONALD B. SLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Counties of iMuron and Bruce ,BWIJEY, FIIONE 49 For information apply oto J. N. Sernighau, Division -Court •Clock, ' 'Goderleh, Ont. ,. 1WARID W. zcaIOTte LICENSED AUCTIONEER :Correspondence promptly an- swened, Immediate arrangements ,can lle made for. Sales. Date by ,calling .Yhoile 4(1(%J, ,Clinton. ‘Charge .moderate and satisfac- ,tion Guaranteed. 31ARZIM -JACKSON ,LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'HURON AND °PERTH Seaforth Phone 11.661 or iHart y Edwards, Goderich •Phone 144 C, 7. CIVAMM'AN eneral insurance •Imre, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Ccilborne .St., Goderidh :Phone TBw Nobti prize winner Dr. Irving. Langmuir, the noted chemist, voiced an important truth "In the present flat() of ;the wort&" he said, "pro- gress is .a conditkta of survival." F. T. Armstrong cOF!tFD;1'M-ETRIST >Phone ' 1100 +for .appointment €41,UiklliE GODE BRICH Clinton R.C.A.F. Commanding Officer Inspects Local Air Cadet Squadron Gey. alp. Ma eEwan Vire, .Itecidont :and Anotor .Car TAISIIrante Nia'IC ae>E?l 1 JiE Ir sameer MOVE •230 cG'6flil ICYCH A. .1<.1s COLE Eyes Eta ed, Glasses Fitts& 1 Phone!; 33 « Goderick, stint. 1 Despite cool weather interQsteil air force, their career.- This is so cltizens gathered at Judith Goofier because we have found that air ham Memorial fork on Wednesday cadets generally - do better in the evening for the 'annual inspection air force -=as aircrew pnd'as ground of the ,Maitland Air Cadet Squad- crew --than young men who have von, • R.C.A.F.A„ by Group Cala. not enjoyed the benefits of air E. A. 'Hutton, C.O., Commanding cadet training. • °Meer of the .Clinton R.C.A.F. Sta- Additional ;Ileneats tion. • 4"There are many$addltional bene - The cadets were smartly turned fits to lie derived flow memberrrship out and .their marches and precision than the gen- ,drills were commended. .At Saluting Base At the saluting base with Group ,Capt, Hutton were Judge T. M. Costello, F/L. R. O. Carey, R.C. A.F., Clinton, formerly of Goderich, the Rev. R. G. Mac3iillan and Mr. Carl Banks, chairman of the Civil- ian Sponsoring Committee. After his inspection, Group Cap- tain Hutton, addressing the cadets and audience, said: '12here ai<e a number of mis- conceptions about air cadets, especially among- the people who matter most --boys, parents and school teaching staffs.. There is a 'widespread belief that this organiz- ation is devoted to the indoctrin- 'ation and training of youth for future service with the R.C.A.F. This belief is erroneous. The Prime purpose of air cadets, as set out in the cadet charter is to train youths between the ages of 14 and 18 in the basic principles of good 'citizenship. The relationship be- Itween air cadets end the R.C.A.F. is often` misunderstood. Air cadets are not, and never have been, a part of the .R.C.A.F. The R.C.A.F. merely provides an auxiliary ser- vice to the cadets ink matters of training, equipment and certain 'facilities. "'The R.C.A.F. does not regard the cadet movement primarily --as a recruiting agency. Of course, the R.C.A.F. welcomes air cadets who voiuntarily decide to make the D. GUTTARD Stonework, Brickwork died Plastering A good job of plastering lass 110 cubsti sate ,Phone 482, Brock and Viktoria ;71/x'1/ YOUR 'FAV!'URIrE BEVERE Kisir 'IN ,ALL PiAtl0411tS DO YOU NEED ANY Larpentry Work or Plumbing ZONE IN YOUR HOME? (Guaranted ,,Wark ,at the 'lowest .prices. Seventeen yeazs in"build- ing houses, barns, garages; :two plumbing work. Conte :and see :me :any even - :Pig after 7 o'clock. Thanks to . ilicse who -re- tslwniled to my ad in Signal- ;9tar during past few weeks. E. E. COTE 6. Goderirk «ieml, ;to (Gordon Jewell's) 23,0 in air cadets, othe eral value of citizei a live and growing .anon. These added ben portunities for tra ing training, highe travel—all at little to the boy himself "I should like to cadets of No. 533 officers and instr good showing mad night. • Their she creditable .for a sq just over one year of we in the R.C.A.F. continue to have t helping your squad a privilege indeed, pleasure, to help in cause." - Judge T. M. Cost ated the cadets on citizens on their spot the wonderful prog made in a year. Et~`idenee "This training," he to make you better bad ample evidence ii wars of what we -cal our boyst..aud- -girls, that they were wante and they were there.' He thanked the offs •ents for their coo closed by extending congratulations and God speed in their we With fitting sere highlighted the eveni i gold ensign, donated Cadet League of Can seated 14 J11s J Regent of the Maple 1:0.D.E. The beaUtif received 1)y Cadet 'In Bain I1i11, on •bende ,were dedicated revere i by the Rev. It.. G. Ma in a brief address t stated the ensign wo minder always of 103 to Queen and country - Exhibition of frill .A :general salute lowed the presentation, after wh a pre vision squad 'under •Corfral Donald McBride, gave a smart exhibition drill. They were train by Sergt. Hammond, R1C.A-F., C ton. I'/O. A. D. Huffman i :ommand- irtg (Officer •of the Squadni. Flight Commanders are F/O. EC. Rivett, Kenneth Pennington an Adjutant .Max (Cult. • After the inspectiot • •the Air Cadets, inspecting party d guests went to 'Fky Harbor Airirt, Where the presentation of a )hy don- ate21 •by F. -11. ,Darrow, to the most outstanding cadet ow corp- oral rank, vas made b, Ir. Dar- row to , LAC. Richard adge of Goderich. Group Ca GODERICH PAVILION 'Dancing Wednesday, Saturday and Holidays. Emery ,Saturday night music by Wil ItItKay and his Orchestra with vocals ii)y June and Johnny. W 4ay—Square dance night with Clarence Petrie's Ifilasthawks. The racvilloe is available for concerts, teas and dances. The managements raters to banquets, wedding receptions, etc. Phone 675 or 41a hip training in youth organiz- its include op - training, Ily- education and or no expense )r his parents. ingratulate the quadron, their tors, in the by them to- iug is truly idron that Is ( I hope that Clinton can privilege of n; for it is ,and also a ch 'a worthy lo congratul- ehalf of the lmansh.ip and ss they had wn • ontinued, "is tizens. We the last two expect from ho accepted at the front rs and par - ration and is personal shing them ny, which a blue and cy the :qtr a, was pre - Sully, as of Chapter, colors weie ructor Wil - knee, anti in prayer 1lilan, who the cadets be a rc• y to God. Canadian Fashion PETITE CHAPEAU — A Shallow little sailor of tangerine ballbuntl is piped with yellow velvet. • A white flower is tucked into the yellow velvet band which extends demurely in a long streamer down the back. 4 in Front Seat No Longer Offence Magistrate Holds The presence of four people in th( front seat of a- iuoter vehie;e• is not conclusive eVidence of care- less__ driving, ----Magistrate D. E. Holmes,, Q.C., ruled last Thursday in dismissing' a charge of careless driving against Dennis Penfoultd, 20, of It.R. 1, Londesboro, Constable Parkinson of the Gode- rich detachment- of • the Ontario Provincial Police gate evidence that _ he .saw. Penfound driving around the Square just before mid- night on May 10, with three other passengers in the seat of his t/, -tun 1 ruck. Defense Counsel F. R. Darrow, Q.C., said that •there was eo evidence subriritted on. which to make a convictiou, nothing having been said about the width of the seat_ • Clause Deleted Magistrate, Holmes said that soiuc years ago the Highway Traffic Act had required that the number of passengers in the front seat of u vehicle be limited to three -but that the clause had since been deleted. He warned the accused, however, that the driver must have absolute freedom of motion and be able to move his arms in case of :Button an emergency. presented- a I)otuinion ,4 Canada t "The danger is to other persons," lie pointed out Alvin and Thelma Reed, husband ;Ind -wife,. were each- tined $5 and eosts for disorderly conduct. De- fense Counsel William Sutherland said he had been instructed by the accused to enter a plea of guilty. 1 Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays, Rifle Association crest tf'orporal Donald McBride, as the lit mark's - Man in Bthe `squadron. After an inspection o(tlle Air Cadet .quarters at Skllfafrbor, lunch was served to thek)ys Wntl their visitors. LOCAL 'WOMEN 3'E INSTALL NEW :0] The F. \V.T.A O. held meeting for the year in t on May 28. Alis: F. 81 M. Morris were •1ppoiuter the books. Arrangeme Made- for the teak:hers the annual meeting of tl anon of Women Teachers' Huron, to be held in C Wednesday, .June 11. Ti -of the nominating cY)111111' then given by :llrs. Thor the following officers stalled: Honorary onorary preside ;kaha niia n ; past ,preside Hume; president, Miss.. first vice-president, • Al r.• second y'i(re-president, Mrs. secretary -treasurer, fide; sick benefit vonven George; supe ra imitation Miss MacDonald ; public vctler, Miss Leishman, disc,--:V!dean took tly'e `%Ve Look at Pablie I and pointed out the dnti teachers. The meeting adjourned and light ref were served. irtits [CERS r Sinal xt•hooi, y and ) Audit were attend 55001- .SouUh on on report e was and e in - Miss Miss Recaptured Pair , Given Six Months In Reformatory James Palmer, 20, ,and Joseph Ferguson, 32, both of Loudon, were sentenced to six mouths in reform- atory by Magistrate D. J.. Holmes,. Q.C., last 'Thursday, following con- viction on a joint charge of being at large without lawful cause be- fore the expiration of their term of imprisonment. The sentence is additional to that imposed by Judge T: Costello in county court on March 15 of two years legs a day definite and 18 months indefinite -for, break- ing, entering and theft at Randall's service station on the Huron road and Cutt's general store on King- ston street. They escaped from custody while painting a porch on the Huron County Jail residence on May 19. At Large Three Days Sheriff Nelson Hill of -Huron County gave evidence that he had been present in county court at the trial when the two accused were sentenced. He produced the re- cord of the case and said that the sentence had not been terminated or varied on appeal. He said that the two •were at large from Monday afternoon, May 19, until the after- noon or the following Wednesday. Russell Thompson, chief tup►ukey at the jail, said that Palmer and Ferguson 'had been 'returned to custody by Corporal Rutherford of the GoderiCb detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police all 11.10 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21, John Robertson, a guard. at the jail, said that the two accused had been in his care, painting the front porch of -the jail residence, when he "turned his back for a minute." "And they left the job?" asked the Crown Attorney. That's right," .said Robertson �-•Qarpt)ra1 W. L. Laughy of the (►utarlo Provincial Police, sta [lolled at London, said that he 131ad been a member of a search parte, searching an area between the 2nd and 3rd concessions of Westminster Township near Lon- don on the • afternoon when the two were recaptured. Ile said 'the two accused were seen to run from a clump of bushes and over a ploughed field for a short distance. They • were placed under custody` at 5.25 p.In. Asked if b y wished • to give any evidence, {he accused declined. "It wouldn't be no good any - ways," Ferguson remarked. "You're 0 very ,stupid pair of boys but I don't suppose it will do ,any goad my telling you so:" the magistrate told them, before passing sentence. Q.C„ said that the -two lad had t. a domestic argutnctit in a local restaurant. AhilitY esta,urant- Ability Impaired Steve Suplat•-,.ryas fined $50 and costs with an alternative of 10 days in jail when he pleaded guilty to al c•hargeii of driving while- his abil ity to do so was unpaired oy a ie thoL (.Town Attorney flays said that Suplat was involved in an accident at the newly -installed traffic lights on Victoria street, May `17, but that there was nothing in the facts to indicate that more than the minimum penalty be. imposed. Gerald Crawford. was tined and costs with an alternative of 'well; I tw•o woeks in jail when he pleaded ('ory- ; rr iso ; write - .Miss ener, con- bject, fops then merits GODERICH THEATRES PRESENT Atp,�ARI. On the TheSquare PHONE 1150 Now—"Mask of the Avenger"—In color with John Derek raid Jody Laurence. Mon, Tues. and Wed.—,SPECIAL ATTRACTION!. "With A Song In My Heart" The Sane Froman story in Technicolor — A nrnsteal biography of a courageous singer who fought paralysis And regained her place in the sun. With -- Susan Ilaywvard, David Wayne and Thelma Ritter; Thur., Fri. and Sat. • Abbott and Castello with Dorothy Shay if you are show -shopping for laughs &nue early and watch boys tangle with a rip-snort.in' Kentucky feud. "Comin"'Round 'the Mountain" The. CAPITAL." Sw PHONE 47 Now—"San Francisco Story"!with Yvonne De Carlo and , McCrae Mon.; Tues. and Wed. Louis Hayward, Patricia Medina and Toni Tully Front the well-known Alfred Noyets poem, the dranha(1e eve leading to a •fini ons ride of F,ngltincl's medieval histor;r "Dick Turpin Rides" Thar., Fri. and Sat. .lane Nigh, John Archer and Wallace Ford the In ('ine color ; Western rouiaitee, ink,wIsich the girl who ()wilts rodeo has ditlier11ies with her trick rider. Corning --Peter Lawford and Janet Leigh In "Just This Once." "RODEO" Coming—"tllmhtal Lawyer" ---with Pat O'Brien and Jane Wya e. t 41 ns guilty to a charge of leaving 'het1 scene of an accident. The Crown Attorney said that on the early morning of May 10, ('rawfond hit another vehicle mil She `bridge over the C.N.R. tracks 1 at the top of the Saltford hill, doing $S5 damage. Ile was lager stopped by iolice who noticed dam- age to hie fender and bumper. No- one' was_ injured. ST. GEORGE'S ('HOlR Following the regular practice last Friday night, St. George's church choir held its annual 111C4‘1. lug at the home of I'rofessar and Mrs. A. W. Anderton, St. Patrick street. The rector. the Itev. It. 11. Farr acted as chairman for the election of officers, Which resulted as follows; fast president, Miss j Gertrude Wilkes; president, Rert.' Kempster; vice-president, Mrs. A. F. ,11111 ; secretary, J. A. Trussl, r ; treasurer, 31rs. Lambe • Itroadle; ; librarian, Miss, Helen Vtdeiin- The past president, Miss Gorr:- rude ert-rude Wilkes, gave a report of the previous year's activities and eott- grattnlated the new President. The rector expressed grateful thanks' for the quality of the music pro- vided by the organist and choir and congratulated the new officers and wished them a successful year. I'rof. Anderton also •thanked th,, 'choir for the co-operation they had given him as organist . and i•hoir- master and said that lie was prowl of the way in which they had led in the S11141ing of the church's ser- vices, - Following the business session. res, Anderton served a delicious supper to the choir members. The 'mels Vieepresident, Mrs. Hill, moved a hearty vote of thanks to Prof..,1 and Mr*. Anderton for their I'tos- pitnlity. RECEIVES B.A. At the Convocation of the Cul; versity of Western Ontario field on Saturday, May 31, Robert Steele l)iggou, sou' of Mrs/ L. 11. Diggou of the .olle'g1ate _institute staff received au honor B.A. degre from ,the School of Business Ad- mtnis•I ration. BANK BRANCH MOVES. 'l'iie Sarnia branch- of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce, of which. J. Frank Gillespie is manager, has moved into a new, modern building. Mr. Gillespie was formerly manager of the Goderich brunch of the Can adian Bank of Commerce. "Huron County Health Unit" "Immunization Clinic" The last in a series of pre- school immunization clinics for Dungannon d district will be held in the Dungan- non United Church Hall— Friday, June 6, 1952-2.3 p.nt. Children four months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to' receive immunization for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus, and Smallpox. -23 NAnnINESS FOR $ALE ... The happiness that comas frasa a well-ordorcd ilio with wife and children provided for, and the prospect of eventual retire- ment on income sufficient far the enjoyment of your leisure, can be yours through the assur- ance policies of the &m Lie Assurance Company atf Canada. Let me sell you s'sharo in hap- piness today. Harold W. Shore Representative of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada North St. • 'Phone 768w ••••NN ew Cotton Fabrics for warm Summer days GOLD TO -NES HOLIDAY DENIMS " CRts1 Y'S SHANTUNGS IRISH LINENS FANCY . ORGANDIES GINGHAM3 many others. • • BEA( MA [TRIALS FOR COOL SUMMER • FROCKS. AT •i Hibbert'&Son a F. ■ • •N• ODERIGH LIONS CLUB NSTE •• • . AT Goderich Memorial Arena ... ON hurs, •s• t • . • cr June 12 at 9 p.m. (D.S,T.) Doors open at Sp .m. X1,001 Jackpot IF JACKPOT IS NQT WON ON 55 CALLS THE GAME WILL BE PLAY- ED OUT FOR A CONSO- LATION PRIZE OF $25.00. ' 5=,425 OFFERED IN PRIZE MONEY ADMISSION --41.00 FOR 16 REGULAR GAMES. EXTRA CARD§ 25c 16 GAMES FOR $10 EAOH, ONE FOR $50, OrTE FOR $75, ONE FOR $100. ONE FREE GAME FOR $40 TO TRZ FIRST 4 BINGOS. THE •ELECTRIC BINGO BLOWER will be used for all games, PROCEEDS. IN AID OF LIONS .WELFARE WORK. -