HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-05-15, Page 8ralWAY, MAY Ws. Alf AONWAX,11170010/1140. Lift Insurance ire. like a parachute ; you don't wirsil it until you need it... Assad 4a,u'1._hare at. Let'' talk this over. Bank of Montreal newspaper ad- eeertitsing `gained the highest public rating among flnanrlal advertisers blkibt latest Starch sur- eey carried out In the TomatoTele- gram, Tlersham, according to a report issued by (;run au Relied teh LIMited. Public: noting ran to 17 per cent for the Bank of Montreal message, while tht average for other fln;ancial advertisements in the surrey was 7 per cent. Da vim iced A TRACTOR? A COP? A .Set? A It 4*Ault? FIL favors agricultural implements and often helps farmers w pay for them. Why not see your neaiest B of M manager about a Farm Improvement Loan for yourself? SANT • bum 00000 • BANK OF MONTREAL 60064:4 y%sj Sarni WOKING WIT$ CANADIANS IN IVIIY WAUt Oi 11,1 SING 11171 OUR BIG • ANNIVERSARY SAIF CONTINUES WIIH OUTSTANDING VALUES See last week's advertising and note these additional items. FULL FASHIONED RAYON HOSE Wholesalers' clearance of end of line, mostly size t. First quality with a few irregulars included 4�C 9/�. li r5 1 Y M cheap -as ordinary cotton. and much -dressier. Pair.... CHILDREN'S CREEPERS Stnall short leg.Overalls or can be used as a slut suit. Dark eolorax,(if wine,.green;:-cit. wri"h h.clo.tl(�ti kit easily. Sizes 2-4-6. Al close to one `third regUf r 'price C'. While .they last WHOLESALERS' CLEARANCE OF LADIES' DRESSES An -assorted,. lot of rayons and cottons. Size $2.98 range- not coirplete .r -. 4, only, boys' COAT and CAP SET. Spring weight. Forthe wee fellow $6.95 FULL FASHIONED NYLON HOSE, Sub.ytianda rds For gift purposes we have `regular first quality brut for everyday wear. Many people use subs in the weig4hit they peter.. 42 gauge 30 to 40 (1(41 4,1.1,1 51 gauge, 15 denier 88c ,ORISKAY DRESS MATERIAL Everglade pieolet or eriskay. for summer •dresrses, 36 nehes_wide, in pastel .shades and copper. Mostly QQ sells for $1.19 up: «'e c►tfi'Nr bili iii-Tiifiie e €iffi i it -98c ' ',rd • . TEXMADE FOUR STAR BRAND PILLOW SLIPS Plain- hemmed, pair 51.09 BED SHEET SPECIAL 'Four i,°tar to malteh. Above 86x96. The better $7.49 quality -Colonial in irregulars 81x104 COLORFUL PLASTIC CLOTHS The lagt word in loW priced value. Bright colorful pattern's in size 54x54... Each 85c. 2 for $1e69 RAYON AND COTTON CLOTHS Size• 50x50. 4 We have sold ,these befofe at this price, but this will be about the last available. Low yrieed labor in the eouattry.of production is becoming u thing 98c of the past SORRY—NO LAY -A -WAYS FROM THIS SALE' TO'HR'COUNCIL COLSORNE Tt wYs ur /outsell n*t in the Tartishly hall. Tuesday evening, May 0, with all members , present. S1r. Cbarleir Henry, representing the l'eddler 1'tople, was present, Sir, Henry saW the Otte nituatiotll .was' better now than last year sad it any new. etrel culverts .or toridges were herded in the towuship be would be pleased to till the order. The following oorresporidtnce wa4 received: The road expenditure bp Law, providing fur the cxplenditgre of $22,000, was approved by' the 1.4varttw nt of highways; the '1luron County' Municipal Assoc -is- thin seeking membership fee and advising the date and place of the annual meeting; the Department of frrarel " and 1'ubliclty stating thxt a district office bas been established in Owen Suomi and that a ropy of application forms with a copy of the license under the Tourist stab• lishrnt-nts Act la to t* lister to this once: the Dominion ltoad Machin- ery Company, advertiaint, a diesel rautor grader. Moved by A. Vrooman and J. Kernlgban, that the property of Mrs. Mary Youugbiut be struck off the tax roll as this property was taken over by the township and sold; also the dogs of Herbert I'ewell and Albert Gorier be struck off the roll as tbe owners of these dogs have moved from the .town- ship. Moved by 'J. Kernighan and T. Hunter, that we ac -i ept the tax collector's report for the year 1051. Moved .by J. Horton and J. Ker - afghan, that we purchase an adding machine for the township and that Mr. Hunter, Mr. Vrooman and Mrs. iSaliows be a committee to look into this tatter. Moved .by T. Hunter and .1. Horton, that eouncil accept James Blake's report as inspector of warble fly slrra y ing. Moved by T. Hunter and J. Ker nighan, that council instruct tbe clerk to notify the 14w1s Contract- ing (les wisdiry that tlse council ob- jects to the change in contract for placing gravel on township roads from June 15 to October 15 and that a new , ontract be signed whereby two-thirds of the gravel is to be on the roads by June 1 and the remainder by Octobe r 15. Moved by J. Morton ;and A. Vroo- man, that we join the Huron County Mun`iripnl Association. Moved by 'I'. Hunter and .1. Ker- nigiaun, that Reeve Snyder present a grant of - $100 to the (;oxlertch Arena Commission for 100 square fever of new flooring. ---•-Siewert---by -Vro►onrrars--a)n4 T. Isunter, that road_ %ouchors and other accounts be paid as follows: Road roue -hers, $60801; ()onion Jewell, compensation to road liabil- ity insurance, $;'71.48; Irn-1>-rial•s_1i1 Company, stove oil for ball, $8.76; Roop 's. Service Station, repairs for cemetery mower, 7.20: 1/nn Rooth, fox bounty, $2.00, tt'illiaus S: Mc- Cann, fox pup bounty, $1.50; Euler - son's Drrrg Store, $0.2O; (1.P.R., Weigh scale rental, J14-((,aw, $5.00; Canadian Industrie, warbicide powder, $108.50; County of Huron, indigent patients, $4-1.00; Howard II. Baer, lumber for Township Hall, $6.00; Wilfred Fisher, relief ae- count, $82.50;. S. II. Blake, Muni- cipal Association fee, $10.00: Wil- liam Watson, salary, stamps and expenses, $136.00; Bruce \Tolland, spraying cattle, $243.00; James E. Illake, warble fly inspector; $100.00, William Westlake, • salary, $100.00; Canadian Fashioii INVITATION TO IWMM.FR The casual summer frock shows one of the season's fashion tav'rites: the cummerbund. The wrcpnc-d waistline is shown' in Free, h linen with turquoise silk taffeta cummerbund. The neck - tine 4,, .fore rounded out in the one's lla, little self -tied slits 1 O.A.C. TO MDT *U*Q'N :Asag zeas P OW OBITUARY MRS. JAMES 01118110I.M There was a large attendance of Citizens at the funereal of Mrs. Jumeas Chisholm art St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church on Satur- day morning, May 3, when Requiem High Mass wins sung by the iter. .1.' 1'. Gleeson. The pallbearers were Wilfred Smith, Iten Chisholm, James .Horton, Richard Iiuehatilin, Wilbur Stewart and William Young, Interment took place iu Colborne Roman Catholic cemetery - Mrs. t hlsholmi assed hway Wed- nesday; April 30, 3n-ber-78th year in Alexandra Hospital. She was formerly Sarah Ann, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William «'baling of Ellice Township, Perth County. She came . to Colborne Township as a bride, 57 years ago, and hat resided on the same farm ever since. She is survived by two sons,•Ilugh of Sarnia and James of Goderich; one daughter, Mrs. Wil- liam Meyer (Josephine) on the homestead, and six grandchildren. lIer ,husband predeceased her 10 Years ago and one son, William, 14 years ago. 1'11/(1 I1Jl;k iAtiUHii r,EsfkGf,i I' KIT IN ALL FLAVOURS Mu -suers ' in Ontario have been baring a bard 'Owe finding enough gaud farm help for a bag flute now. lar Oda they, are by no weans any different trout ionisers all over Clnada, for the exodus Prow farm t{, city lots been widespread during the last ten years. That the wove. went trout farms and farm work is by no means ended til sbowu. by the fact that between August, 11)(10 and August, 4931 the number of Can- adians engaged in fanning dropped by x,000 --or 11 times the 'number of fanners in Huron County. ltiasy rotggestbsatb urtQs, . and 01141314/11.1I are advasnacd to 'explain the farm labor problem; hut from them not too much emerges except tiro facts: drat, that •there is , x 'farm. labor problem; and second, that • no one knows too tench about it or bow it is to be solved. Because of these two facts the Department of Agrlrultural Econ oinks at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, plans; to carry out a study of farm labor during this lepring and summer, with the hope of reaching some drdnite conclu- alona, and making recomniendntions as to bow fanners can bent get and keep a good man. 11'he . work will be under the duction of D. R. `Campbell of this Department. This study will attempt to cover all of the livestock counties of Ontario, leaving until later most of tbe areas where casli crops are mere Important. To cover Ontario, skilled enumerators will visit six- teen townships across the province which are representative of pro- vince -wide conditions. One of these sixteen townships its Hullett here in Iluron County. Two enumerators, Don Hart and Grant Ilomberger, will be visiting a number of farms in Huflett tbe week of May 12. Information they receive will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential. It ie hoped that everyone will co-operate in this study which .may be so important to fanners as a whole and to this area in particular. ',AUBURN Untended for last week) AUBURN, May 7. --The W.M.S. of Kai& United Church was beki on Tuesday in the church wkb Mrs, Fred Psaetzer in charge sand Mrs, W. J. Craig prrolding at the plana. The meeting opened waive bynrn, Mrs. Iuoy,, Eason; read the Scripture end Um, C. C. Washington offered prayer. A piano instrumental was gives by Mrs, Sid Siceliucbcy, and Mrs. George MillIou gave a tetuper- auce reading. A report of the 1'res- byterial held in Clinton, was gkveu by the delegates, Mrs. Areble Robin. *CU 2114 Mrs. John Durnin, A duet was rendered. by , Mrs. Dom'. Id k'owl r and Mitts Margaret Jac-meow sola Thompson gave a feed- ing and Mrs. Maurice Bean gave the Btb c'bapter of tbe study book, "The Challenge and Call of the City," The 1st vice-president, Mrs. Albert Campbell, took charge for the busi- ness period. A short memorial ser- vice for a late member, Mrs. Wil - wwwwwelealw NOTICE Under Government reg- ulations, I urgently re- quest all growers of corn in the north part of Huron County, which includes garden plots as well as field corn, to ' have all refuse of corn either burn. ed or buried before the 20 day of May, 1952. Pen- alties are provided for the non compliance in the Plant Disease' Act. THOS. DOUGEERTY, - 'Corn Borer Insiector, P.O. Box 927 ,19-20x Goderich START THE DAY REFRESHED -Drii,lf (Lieg.,CZ Arena Commission, Goderich, grant, $100.00. Counell will meet again June 3, ' at 8 p.nt. emetery Memorials T. PRYDE & SON Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 413, Exeter and we shall , be pleased to call. LAWN MOWER SERVICE Leave at 187 Newgate St. PHONE 820W 18tf DO YOU NEED ANY Carpentry Work or Plumbing DONE IN YOUR HOME? Whether it's to build a summer cottage, a garage or any woodwork or also plumbing come and see me any day after 6 p.m. Guaranteed work at the lowest priyce. For the past three years I have worked as a car- penter and plumber at the beautiful home of Mrs. Ben Homan. F. E. COTE R.R. 5, Goderich Just south of Sky Harbor Airport. 19-22x GUY IVES & SONS CEMENT CONTRAC- TORS BUILDING BLOOMS and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Chimney built or re- paired. • Phone Carlow 1612 7-oatf FIBERGLAS DUST -SLOP FILTERS REFRIGERATOR INSULATION PIPE AND BOILER COVERINGS ' TANK JACKETS ROOF DECK INSULATTON - ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT TAIT SASS 'COMPANY 'LTD. A PNklsgiss C..,..v VICTORIA ANS SOWARD1 /T1. /MOM/ 11-4417 KiVCN1M/R Ilam Jackson, was aconducted by Wigbtwau offered pray Mrs. Mrs, Campbell. A favorite hymn el Campbell spoke a few wo to the the deceased, "The Lord is My llfd of the deceased and offersd Shepherd," was sung and Mrs. Karl prayer,' THE COW AT THE The Reeve and Council were startled. but Jim explained. "Lactic acid from spilled milk is playing heck with my barn Root. I've brought Bessie along to mar me out... "Moo..00.00t" said Bessie, meaning ••You're.i am right." "Bat ry acid is doing the same to my floor;" said Bob Harris. the geragc owner. ' It 'tur'ned out that Tom Black, the i kh `iier `8111 Short--vf` he cooperatave packing , COUNCIL TABLE Harry Smith, the laundry pre. priet.or, Elmer Park of the sheet metal works, wets .all having ac4d_ trouble, too. "Guess we were email to pUX . Vitrified Clay Piped thour e Rewe sewerage system, "No trouble with acids or corrosive waste there) Vitrified Clay Pips Fives permanent protection, awe • 1t s bonded by fire, imide and out. Good investment that was, eh, p otograp Jim? "Moo-oo-owl" said Bemis, t plant meaning "Youbet your lifel" 9.2 VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE INDUSTRY .e OMTOL THE EM$LEM OF A a11AU? Eb itEECTRICIAN SHORE &' GINN Your Agent for . G.M. Delco -Heat , 011 Burney, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS THE LOW -PRICE FIELD Whitewall ties and chrome wheel him rings optional a1 extra cod. -!r M;r.0 S AHEAD LN THE LOW -PRICE FIELD SUPERB AND COMJLETELY NEW METEORCUSTOMLINE E Take an admiring..look at the new Meteor Customline. Thrill to the beautiful, flow= ing sweep of all-new, body lines, new colours, new distinction. Step inside into .cheerelegance where new fabrics, new appointments, new trims enhance the luxury feeling. Where the brilliant new instrumentanel and new unobstructed visibility adds to Meteor's youthful, dramatic interior. Look around you .. . you'll know thed"v/hy the '52 Meteors are the -most beautiful cars in the low -price field! 120 HP. 'FURY' V-8 ENGINE. Breeze along to the fleetest, sweetest, quietest drive you've ever known! Feel -the extra power of " this superb new Meteor 'Fury' V-8—the product of the organization which, in the past 20 years, has built more V-8 engines lhan_ _gth r, nr nufactuters combined SPIRITED AND ALL-NEW METEOR, MAINLINE In all the low -price field the '52 Meteor Mainline is etnexcelled in economy and value! Meteor Mainline's new 110 Hp. V.8 engine is a positive revelation in low-cost motoring, responsive power, and amazing perform. ante! Brilliant., new body lines—a new exterior colour range—new, softer riding comfort—new interiors and appointments! Dramatic in line, powerful in performance}} the new Meteor Mainline is priced wit* the lowest in its fields . COME . S E E' • 3 -WAY CHOICE in tr,uwsi,iish,: M•re.O-Matic Pries, ik tr'sa$••• 4.11 htmeptkti,r eHortratArta) TsueASMkEeOo• lr snes, $yac«roniotd Steaartiara 7 rasusti,a1en. CUSTOMLINE Nrht MAINLINE ,•r►.t DRIVE' THEM AT YOUR MET EOR D E A L E R'S MEM' URI' II'I„� ABERHART'S GARAGE • ST. ANDREW'S . ST. PHONE 625W