HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-05-15, Page 6WU 813 Special Week -end Values. 10 ONLY—LADIES' ALL -WOOL SKIRTS ._. Sizes 14 to 20. Regular up to $9.95 Clearing at$6.98- 8 ONLY--ALL-WOOL SKIRTS. Sizes 14 to 18. Regular up to $7.50 Clearing at $4.98 NO EX'CRAhiGLS, 38 INCH FIGURED SILK CREPES, dark and light colors. Regular $2.00 per yard. Clearing at Yard 40 INCH VELVERAY in maize, pink, blue and orchid with floral design. Regular $2.50 per yd. Clearing tet 17 INCH ALL LINEN TOWELLING Red border. Special value Yard 98c $1.75 39c STORE WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY, MAY 24th and CLOSED MONDAY, MAY 26th: - F. E. Hibbert & Son v.> GODERICH GUN CLI'B 'Last Wednesday evening's prac- • tice' shoot, was held under •goo4i weather conditions. with clear visi- bility and light winds. Ashley Gil- bert and. Jack Gilbert tied for high place with similar scores of 20-23. Charles I'roese took str'oad place with '_ t, and, Gordon Gilbert third with 1ti. Goderich Gun Club crest:: can be obtained by members at Al Lintield's Spurting Goods Shop. Beever-s Atito and Bicycle- Supply' WEST" ST.—GODERICH New and Used, Bicycles For Sale, to clear this week One used Ladies' ,Balloon. . $3.1.00 One used Men's Balloon .. _ ... $25.00 One used Men's Standard $ 17.:;,Q (A,,: is ) One used Men's Standard .. $2750 (Overhauled) One New 16" Tricycle .... - .. ...$1a.OQ REDUCED TO. CLEAR One New Raleigh 'Ladies' One New Raleigh Men':i with three Speed Rear Hub and Hub Brakes. DUNGANNON Dt' NGAN NON, allay 14..—dlr. and Mts. J. J. Ryan, aecoutpatnled by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven, Lueknuw, were recent voaturs with alt•. asap Mts. Anther Roach and Mr. and Mra. E1wuvil Smith, Lia - towel. Ur. Ja.k Fedy, Toronto Universits atudeirt, has completed thiss year's studies and is with his writes, Mr. and Mrs. 11. .1. L. Ee do . fr..alai `1,1>r~': W(sotdott Kidd and. fatuity of IsIiugton were work -end visitors with Mr.`aud `Mrs. J. ityan. %Ve are sorry Ito hear of the •aes cideut to Mrs. 1V111iaw S1v, hers, waho has been at Maker's eouvules- caaut hustle, Lue-kuow, and recently fell 'and broke her, hip. Mrs. Sto- ther's will soon be its her ntuetiees. She was taken to Winghatu ilus- p,ital for care. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pocock of Iltatsuesvitle (nee Joyce Glow, Duu- galauun) were honored on Wednes- day night by a dance in the Agrl- culatural Hull, with Carruthers' orchestra supplying the music. '.Phe young couple were read au address of best wishes by Miss tMUrjorae ,t rriu;;tou and Mr. Harold Maize pi•ese'utei them with a purse of stoney. Mr. anis Mrs. La Verne Pentland and fatally of Detroit and Um. A. B. Pentland, Toronto, were weik- Ired visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- frid Pentland and Mr. and 'Mrs. Frankltu Pentland. The Cotta`1iash Junior Farmers and Institute held a successful dative in the Parish Hull on Fridayatright. J'tmtny I'ierc•e's orchestra supplied Imusic. Mr. and Mrs. •Bill McClure, jr., and familts, Elmira, were Sunday. 1 visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. _Mt -Clore, er. i IMi. s Ida \Vhyard left Tuesday to spend a week with her brother, -Mr. Charles 1Vhyard, Detroit. Sir. and SIrs. 11111 Wiggins and Mr. and Mrs. l'arkie Wiggins and son Billy spent Sunday visiting M r. Eric 1Vurk, Wyoming, who is 4 ; brother of Mrs. Pa.kie W'iwains. Mrs. Winnifred W'idcomhe; It.N., • 1 of Windsor, visited with her par - . ;ems. Mrs and .Mrs.. W. H. MMeClure and other relatives. Miss Whyard i essenpanied her in the car back ' home on Tuesday. , t -Mr: attol Mrs-LAlbera. Orser.-had- as visitors over the week -enol. their Hon, Mr. Cecil Orser, their 'grand - 1 son. ' )Ir. Leonard Driver. Mrs. - 1 Driver and litltle daughter of De- i trait and SIr. ford Urs. .laek e11•ser 1 of Toronfio. 1 Mother's. ii)ay Service.--tM'othe'r's Day was , observed at the United, (thurc-h Sunday morning with a combined service of the 'congrega- tiVu and Sunday school pupils and teaelsers, the latter group /weepy - Ing the front seat. The .service was Jed by Mr. K. K. Dawson. as. THE GODERICH SIGN ,listed by Mr. Ken Petrie and Frauk retly with readings. Mrs. Cecil Blake told a story of Johnny Geddle. The choir aaug "Friend of the Howe." :rite Rev. G.. Watt, the minister, -'held a halal:dual scrvli;e fur Lexie Amite, daughter of Mr. and M'ra: Ilugh )ieWhluaey, and Rotten* Donald, sou of Glc, aud Mrs.' Robert 'Montgomery., 1tev. Watt gave au interesting address for the occ'asiou. United Church W.M.S.'-rhe May meeting of the W.M,S. of the United _! a) a p relt..aa' ..he1t1. rx11da,$ . 3114 U, at the parsotiagee. '.libel pree- 'dettat, Mr's. Llorton, opened the meet- ing with a hymn which was follow- ed by prayer by alms. Horten. Mrs. 'Hedges thea teak charge of the meeting w'hteh wail un Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Midget) read a Portion ofScripture responsively mitis airs. Watt, Mrs. Elliott, a%'rs. Shackleton "agd Mrs. McConnell. Mrs. HHodgessitso read,`"1Vhatt Do We Mean by Christian Stewardship?" Mrs. Shaeklcston and Mrs. Watt then offered prayers. A11ter a hrymv, the roll call was calked and answer- ed by 13 members and viaLtors. Sev- eral Items of busiue s were discus- sed. After singing hymn, Mrs. Horton closed with the benetliettton. Lunch was served by the hostess and :several books were distributed to be read. WESTFIELD STAK AUBURN AUBURN, May 1.1. ----Visitors with My. and airs. John 'Houston over the week -end were the Misses Mary. Houston, Hautll,t u ; Jean liousteu, M.A., Toronto stFra lives Houston, lt.N., London, and J. Jamie -sou, Torontt►. THOMPSON--JEWELL White taffeta had precedence over .khaki Saturday afternoon at Christ Anglican Church, Loudon, when the Rev. It. 1'. 1); Burford united „in marriage two tuetuters of the Royal Canadian Army. For her warriuge to Second Lieut. Don- 1ald • Thompson, Royal Canadian r,:ltegiment, Capt. Elsie Jewell, of the Canadian 1� utueu s Army Corps, Elam Mutch left last Friday for -1 a Copube, Alberta, Where she wore. traditional white faille taffeta will visit her brother, Stanley, and .with u lace jacket. A`. Juliet cap Airs---MuivL - . -- --- - held her -fingertip -cell .*slid she Car - Mrs. Marguerite Chopin and Miss ried a white -prayer book showered DaVidaou of Allison spent the week with gardenias.' ' end .with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. The bride, Is -the. daughter of Mr. of Goderieb and Mr. A. E. Cook WESTFIELD, May 13.—Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshal and baby •of Toronto visitedon Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dane and baby of Gorrie were guests on Sun- day at., the home" of Mr. and 'Mrs. Melvin 'Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper of St. Marys visited on Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs. Howard Campbell andother friends. - Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ament •of Hullett Township and Mr. and Mrs, Roland Marks and fancily of Morris Tod`uship, visited Oa Sunday with Mr, and Jars, ( rdvnt Carter and Mr. William Carter. Miss Joanne kleassout of Auburn spent fhe week -end with her friend, Miss Ruth Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford of Parkhill visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrsa Donn Snell. Mr. and Mrs. John Gear and fam- ily--of--Kitehener_'speen-t- iia•—ave end with Ur. Armond M(Burtaey and other friends. _.Recent . visitors at the home of Sirs. .1. I,. McDowell were Mr.. and Urs. Elwin Taylor and • Norma of Brussels, Mrs. Roy Foreman. Miss Iris Snell of Windsor. Mr.. :and • Sdrs. .('ar1 leans one daughters of Guelph .i isite it on Sun= day with )Ir. and Mrs. Norman MI) c)wvell. Mr. and. 'Sirs. .lits Hoak and Jamie of Crewe. Miss Violet ('ook .Mrs. Sarah Radford, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Phtltpss, has returned to her home In Clinton. Donald Ross of Oakville spent the week -end with his mother, airs. Fred Moss. Miss Mary :Asquith of Stratford was a week -end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Asquith. Mrs. Thomas McNeil, Robert and Wellington, have 'moved to Welland where they will -reside. Mrs. Mc - Null has rented her farm , to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baer: Mrs. C. E. Asquith who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Donald Oldreive, St. Thomas, has returned hone. Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Craig and Allen had as their guests on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkin and Robert of London; Mr. ,and Mrs. 11. 1Vorsell and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Craig of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. It.- J. Craig and family visited with frlends at W'atersfalls. Miss Margaret King attended the banquet held in the Bedford Hotel on Monday for the librarians of Huron County Library Assoclatioe. In the evening the annual meeting of the Iluron County Library. Co- operative was held in MacKay Hall. Among those attending from Auburn were Mrs. W. T. Robison, Sirs. Edgar Lawson, Mrs. Fred ;toss, Dr: 11. C. Weir, Chas. E. Asquith and J. J. Robertson. Mrs. Gordon Dobie is, a patient ,in Goderich hospital. Receives Degree.—The t cii►l,�t Him of Knox Presbyterian Church learned with interest and pleasure that their pastor, Rev. John IIa,ttey- man was in Toronto last week at graduating exercises when he • re- -ceivetl hiss Nigh,.iS„11,tiites of Thisa►,- ogy) degree. It 1s only three ys'a:s ago Olathe reeeive(1 his 11.1k degree from the Toronto College. Concert .Raises $37. 1'he . play, "Anytltiitg Alight • happen," froth Ontario Street United Ch'itreh, ('lin- ton. was given to an appreciative audience Thursday evening. It Was sponsored by the Athletic A-soel- a1bat. Betevei.n acts, .1oaan Mills gave 4pleatsing tap darning Menaces and Doug. Ale\all of Blyth. the talented coa(•tx,y singer, favored i with two slumbers with guitar ae- FOR THE OId Home Week Monaster and Mrs. Bert Jewell, London, and the groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Thompson, Goderich. Tulips and blossoms formed the background and James Fletcher pre- sided at the organ. Mr. Jewell gave his daughter in marriage. Miss Jan Mason was the bride's only attendant. As flower girl, she wore yellow taffeta with a white poke bonnet and she carried a basket of spring flowers. Lieut. Murray K. MacFadden was grooms- man and ushers were Lieut. Jackson A. Barkley and Second Lieut. Ron- ald F. Smith. A reception followed at Seven Dwarfs Restaurant, where the bride's mother received wearing a hyaeinth-blue ensenble with a gar- denia corsage. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore grey - THE FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE OF West Wawanosh is sponsoring a SOIL TESTING PROGRAM Boxes may be obtained from the director on each line and MUST BE RE- _TUt,NED TO THE DIR ECTOR BY MAY 26. Gordon McTavish, Pres. Wm. Caesar, Sec. 20 THURSDAY, MAX 1:sth, 19:f2 R()1)(; ER sots, of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Kirk, Saltford BABIES ARE A FAVOR- ITE, SUBJECT WITH US Make an -appointment intment saw and _have • yours photo- graphed every. year. You'll be glad you did, MacLAREN'S STUDIO Telephone Goderich 401 Clinton 401 Goderich and Clinton (at Clinton Studio Tuesdays and Thursdays) nylon sheer with a corsage of lav- matching accessories. The couple ender sweet peas., will live in Oakville where -.the For a wedding trip to fiuntsville, bride is stationed. The groom is the bride donned a 9vy suit with stationed In Toronto. f Attention, Farmers ! You are invited to attend a WELDING DEMONSTRATION AT~ Simmons& So. Ltd. W. G. ns _.�...._ HURON ROAD, GODERICH THURSDAY; MAY 22 AT 8 P.M. Movies and a demonstration by an instructor from Lincoln Welding. IconestWtuent. 11'ill latn .1. (Tali;;, president of the association, thanked the artists of the egening and also. hie-- audience for their, interest in Igood sports. The i►roceeds were $57. Lunch was served to die_ guests. Mrs. A. Nesbit, -Mrs. Chas. East, Mrs. Wm. Gross, Mrs. Tony Ton- kow•viez and Rena McClinchey will be hostesses at the next meeting .of the Women's Institute. • Mr. and AL's. A. Labrash of Oshawa, and Miss Maureen Knox of Kitchener were week=end visitors with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell, and coney friends.. 'COLORS FOR EVERYONE NOW -Not later -is the time to decide on and plan an entry for this big parade: All entries will be judged from the viewpoint of their relation to the 125th anniversary of the -founding of Goderich. " Keep this im- portant point in mind when planning your entry. 1., HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL FLOAT- Open to anyone from Huron County. Depicting any period of history of Huron County only, 1st, $40; 2nd, $25; 3rd, $10—Total $75:00 2. A COMPETITION - OPEN TO ALL TOWNSHIPS OF HURON COUNTY-- - These entries should salute pioneer days on the farms of these town- .. . ..The T he-Goderich O1dIiome Week_ committee sincerely invites all its rural friends to combine their ideas with those from`oderiai and__... to enter Wholeheartedly into the parade in order that it will be one of the highlights of the entire OId Home Week celebration. These entries should contrast the historical past with the present. For further information phone 296R or 329M. 1st, $40; 2nd, $25; 3rd, $10—Total $75.00 3. INDUSTRIAL FLOATS--- 1st, $25; 2nd, $15; 3rd, $10—Total $5b.00 4: MERCHANTS' FLOATS-- - 1st, $20; 2nd, $15 ;73rd, $10—Total $45.00 5. HORSE DRAWN FLOATS Judged on basis of most original and best appearing. 1st, $20; 2nd, $10 ;. 3rd, $5 -Totals $35400 6. DECORATED CARS— These entries 'to emphasize the old and the new. 1st, $20; 2nd, $10; 3rd, $5—Total $35.00 7. BOYS' DECORATED BICYCLES 1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2—Total $10.00 8. ° GIRLS DECORATED BICYCLES— • 1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2—Total $tOOO 9. BOYS OR GIRLS DECORATED TRICYCLES - 1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2 --Total $10.00 10. PERIOD FANCY DRESS, of the gay nineties era. Again the entries will be judged from the standpoint of historical costumes. 1st, $10; 2nd, $8; 3rd, $6—Total $24.00 11. CHILDREN'S FANCY DRESS - 1st, $8; 2nd, $5; 3rd, $2—Total $15.00 12. COMIC AND CLOWN ENTRY - 1st, $8; 2nd, $5; 3rd, $3—Total.$16.00 -The whole theme -of -the parade will be to take people back in memory to the early days of •Goderich and district. Lot's all join in to make it the best ' ever. of Blyth spent nt Sunday with Mrs. Fred Cook. Sir. William McDowell is spend- ing at couple of days with Mr. :std Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse of Bruce - field. • Mr. and 3Irs. A.• Lellrash of Oshawa, Suss. :Maureen Knox of Kitchener, visited on Sanctity with Mr. and- Sirs. Arthur Spiegelberg. Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook :and family of Kinburn visited on Sun- day with Mr. and M'rs.• Emerson Rodger. Mother's Day Service. — Special Mother's Day service_ Ras observed at both the Sunday school service and church service, 11 number of the young people taking part in the Sunday school service. During the church service, the special music was given by the men's quartet. :tt the baptismal service, George Wil- liam Henry, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook and Lloyd William Roland, infant son'of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Carter were baptized. 31r. Edward Sisters of Toronto visited on Thursday with his hro- •- ther.,_..afr_._.-.Arthur... paiegelber ;;--airol- Mrs. Spiegelberg. Miss Marjorie Errington of Dun- gannon spent the .wrok-end with her friend, Miss Brat* Rodger. Recruiting officer (sa eastieally 1 : "And I suppose you want it cone missien?„ - Itecruit : "No. I'm sueh, a po•►r shot. I'd rather work on a straight salary." WITH SUPERIOR SHERWIN - WIwAhis INTERIOR FINISHES ENAMELOID — Wonderful high gloss enamel for furniture, woodwork, bathrooms. Beautiful gleaming finish' for long wear on interior surfaces. Many attractive colors. Ask your Sherwin-Williams dealer to help you with your painting and decorating problems .. he has "Colors for Everyone." MARrNOT PORCH AND FLOOR'. ENAMEL — for all floors -- wood, cement or concrete — inside and out. Fast -drying, tough, durable, glossy' finish. FLAT -TONE AND SEMI -LUSTRE — for more beautiful living room, bedroom and hallway walls. Lovely range of colors. LIN -X CLEAR GLOSS — for preserving floors, furniture . . . all natural wood finishes . . . with a transparent gloss which is water -proof, withstands roughest wear. -, SAW P. rzrt SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 0 PAINTs ANYONE wishing to enter in any one of the above mentioned classes, please contact the Old Home Week Office, corner of Newgate and Hamilton Sts., supplying the following information: Name ` Address Class of Entry •. But PLEASE do this . AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. It's not too early to do it right now. Phone 1449. MAY 24 STOKE H e URS Open - SATURDAY, MAY 24 -Open THE STORES WILL BE OPEN 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Closed--MONDAY,MAY 26-Ciosed 5 20-21 THE STORES -WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY THE MAJORITY OF GODERICH STORES WILL OBSERVE THE ABOVE 1EIAURS GODERICH J.C.'S BETTER BUSIN. ESS COMMITTEE WM. ANDERSON, Chairman