HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-05-15, Page 2t�.
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Published by Siguai-Star Publishing. Ltd.
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Member of Canadian Weekly- Newspapers
Weekly Circulation Over 3.000.
,Gl). L. j;LL1S, furnisher.
TU 1 AY:.MAY 15th, t95:
Are you making your contribution
!a the fund for the arena floor?
• • •
Enquiries are being made as to
tho- time of Gtderich's OldV dome
Week. .It is August 3 to 7 ---the
.[►test Sunday of the month to the
Thursday fo11-rwiti4.
• • •
'rhe tiign:it-Star is quite its :tccord
with the Plan for the cuttstruct,on break in Saskatchewan has revealed
of permanent roads iu t;oderich. rl!ttit'. and nothing of consequence,
and in particular h:tvitl, the •.stem
begin with the pat in; of West
street from the square to Welling-
ton street ----the itro:ttiw:tv of c,ott'-.
rich •
• •
Uritih Cututkhi;► farmers :ire
rx!tpxtrtc'd to have disrovet•tsi that
bees are not uet'eS»at> for i$1'
• t,•7tleuation of fruit tet•.•: ---that it
.can be done by the tiring ttf it shell
^ontainittg pollen fr.tut - .t shot . ort.
'Isar► bad to do the little bees out
or _t job.
ele tion, for the voters are tirec(of
the lung-cuutiuued righting auti.►vant
to have their• soldiers brought home.
It is a ditiicult situation. Stalin
and .his gang have no desire_ to
end the war SO long as Chinese
are availably for . slaughter. and
et idently the Chinese war lord. are
still content to do Russia's bidding.
• • •
The special Parliathen tary in -
11111 re. into tttt• toot-:tad-tllont.,i1 ,tut
t last w as not aiready know u. .tuts t
tht•rt• slc,old lie no further un-�
ace,Ass:►ry publicity. 'I'lti. would
duly said to the -alarm created not
only in Canada but in the United
S:arcs, where it :s not gt'uer:$ply
unit e�too 1 liras tilt• area iavolt t d
it► the eutbre:ak is ;tit intiuite<itt .tl
part of Canada. Granted that
t b,'re was delay ill 1't't'ognizittg tut
• • •
._._We--ltettrd-•this--t eet.-.�tuuther
Irction to fast time. Anglers (toms',
perhaps long distances. to drop their
stash iu Goderich harbor and after
‘e fruitless, or ti.hless. day leave
r hom€ just -before the fish begin
V} bite in the early evening. Fishes
•Ion't carry watches, and seemingly
tate visiting anglers are not ac-
quainted with the habits of the
finny tribe. -\\'e pass on the hint.
• • •-
-----Ohristiatr--chums •-- author-it.ies_ -axe_
srging ,t reform in wedding tousle,
-Mooning that such songs as "0
Promise Me" and "Because" are
not appropriate to the solemn cere-
ninny. "Slushy" is how one clergy-
man, describes such music. The
pr')test is justified. for in time. if
tki' trend •continues, the' strains of
"Waltz Me Around Again. Willie,"
may break upon the ears of' rhe
wadding party.
Do You Remember When...?
tl`:ea..c' as w'laat it ‘N ;IS, this is not I
to be wondered :it, for it was tae
first time there had been sut It -in
iutbreak ;n this country. -Lt Itri-
taitl, where they .at'e supposed to 1
naval. _1 .11,:...... uth...-T.t;. giant),*: 1.11 tr ai t lt,tl> .________.._..,.. T
for the health of their llttstot,
l:.ears Igo
foot-and-mouth disease has tecumel - There was a tall Of snow in
cpidentic and has broken out in 'Goderich the previous Friday uloru-
sevt•ratl counties' of England. as well tug.
;t: in Scotland- anti.. tite 'island of \Zany cattle in Bruce .were dying
Jersey. This is evidence of the; after the long winter $lege. They
insidious nature of the malady. and were stabled in poor condition and
to charge that the Canadian health as yet had no grass.
The University of 1.1°1;')111;.° senate rue, when acorn; front the ,forest
at�tllorit:les were tenti.. in ;sets announced that uu degree surrounding ora', !Windsor Castle and
duties because they‘ failed to iiag- wouldbe conferred on 'Mr. H. I.
two maple treeswere planted.
nose immediately- the first case seen Strang, B.A., at the June'eontmence-
anon regarding beverage rootiis to
More than 2,000 persons gathered
about the band stand in Court
house Park for' the civic observance -
marking the coronation of King
George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
'Impressive • tereniuniet were con-
ducted at Victoria and Central pull-
lie schools and the Collegiate Insti-
,-.its l :ut:uta : i �aur�e than tlY s. meat. Coli s Shirr —their
V,'terinary officials who have Leen Dietrieti add
Mill was destroyed by lire with a
engaged in efforts 10 "'It'll" 'ire loss of between $13,000 and $15,000
Saskatchewan outbreak in ilte in grain, flour, machinery and was presented build-
called away (rout this work to :•eve A.Davison was with
a gold 'locket by his Victorit Street
• • •
'Phis seems to be election yeat;.r
=ta Canada. A month ago .Tune 12
«t':48 announced as the date of a
!Provincial general election in
British Columbia, and now Premier
Douglas of Saskatchewan is calling
for :► vote- its -that Provinee- ou June
It. E -sections are expected also in
veraI other Provinces, including
Alberta and Quebec. Saskatchewan
bins the only ('.C.F. Government in
Oataada. The t )pp osition is cotu-
f raced almost entirely of Liberals
rcya.: xtr:,N.L,,; «;unct�^the! '.cl tern t o ,:ber,,hopeful,.:o€,ru..
majority in the next House.
• • •
Parliament is beset with. pleats
afar tax exemption for this or that
-31.43 claimed to be entitled to
topeeial attention 'Ind sympathy. It
iteema to be forgotten that taxes
lifted from one set of shoulders
*move to be I)Taef'd on rather
moulders; if one clan; is exempted
other classes have to 1►e taxed more
heavily to make up the amount.
Pretty nearly every taxpayer could
think of some cireumstance on
which he mild base a elaim for
Lfie leniency of the tax -gatherer. 'but
. must be a large class with a
pt;•culiarly 'worthy claim Haat can
ertasouably hope for success in pre-
n.nting it to the taxing authority.
smallest possible t.,irea have been
_BACK .�1jiOJt ! __
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. I)avioti, R.R.
5, Goderich, have returned to their
faros after spending the wittier
months in Florida. "'tVe certainly
enjoyed ,your paper in Florida,"
wrote \Ir. Davies when asking chat
the address on their Signal -Star
evidence before the. Parliamentary Church Sunday school class and be changed from Flosses back to
comm-ittee. They should he allowed I ;Mrs. Davison with a berry spoon I Goderich.
to go back to their jolt, t he un- I by the' Ladies' Aid, prior to their
ut'cestary and useless "probe" I departure from Goderich.
25 %ears . go
should be dist'ttntinued, and the; A four -team -baseball h•ague was
harmful . p`►ublicity should ce;Ise. I formed in tthe county, taking in
I What is important now is that tire I Goderich, Seaforth, \Vinghant and
health of Canadian livestock 1e 1 Exeter.;
The Maitland Golf Club pur-
Why do men resort to, the use
of stimulants? Have they found
thoroughly established, so ;hat life so dull and boringthat it
chased- the l last property' to the
markets in the:United States and west of the property which the can be tolerated only when the
elsewhere may again be opened v: itlt !club then owned. huan system is jazzed upby
I It was planned to have six or m�
rontidenctt' cocktails?, Do they feel so in-
1seveiCbands take part. in the baud
rltttto on the Friday. of 4'eutennial ferior that they can be happy
week. - with themselves only when alco.-
For many years it had been sup- bol has incited in them a false
• • •
There - was never a time when
Young Canadians had greater op -
portunities in their own country
than •they have now. But, accord-
ing to a writer in The Financial
east, the . prospects are so bright
that a spirit of complacency has de-
veloped in university graduates' -
xtting a job:, Is so easy that they
- eIieve they can pick and choose.
One young engineer has specified
that the position he will accept
mast be in a Toronto industrial
suburb where the buildings are
trtoatly new and where the grass
va green; he doesn't like driving,
down town. 1f Canadians are
being "driven" to the States by
conditions in Canada, as one
peliticl'an• is reported as saying the
ot'hr day, the news evidently has
not reached these young fellows
'rho won't take anything Mit a
.gilt-edged. job to begin.
• • •
.Negotiations for a trnee in Korea
have run np against a hurdle in
the matter df the exchange of
prisoners. About half of the
1332,000 then of then ---Red armies who
'gave been taken prisoner by the
U.N. forces object to being sent
back home. President Truman
bolds that It would be wrong to
"buy an armistice by turning over
:ltunrian beings for slaughter or
.Mayer.— and Britain and Canada
ttgree with the President. Failure~
tb reach a truce is Iinrming
:1Demoeratic prospects in the U.S.
(`RE'W'N:. may 1-1. -- AIr-., \I.'posed that the early- records of the
county were lost but in going over
Henry-, Irene and Brenda of fine
en `• ce
the told hooka anti ret'ords disclused
River, visited on Thuritl:ty after- f t
noon with xrs. Henry's sister, 7,[:•s. - court clerk's office the missing min -
C. Finnigan. •I rites books for the years 1511 to
1819 were discovered and' tttr led
o:..:L.f..litet., tt,.:rltt(tt�l cl,, tl►ts.,i►it ' to aittlqu l't'ian 1)s>k yBinekt
exec titivc meeting
of t le \1 L- at. '� 15 Years Ago
the• -hou►e of \Irs. Acrinigeour in I
Blyth ou Friday afternoon.
Work was begun In dredging out
Messrs. Hugh and Gerald Wood the south -eat corner of the harbor,
of warren and Hurvec Itta of where rotting er'ihwork had given
Sudbury were week cud visitors I way some time before, allowing a
with Mr. -and Mrs. Jitu Sherwood ; cave-in just east of the `elevator.
and Norma. Jlrs.. Ross and Janet j The Town Council decided, with
returned home with -them. reference to :I request that the
11 r. Roy Cnlhert of ltuwil;t,11 council take steps to have beverage
wheat -the _week coli_ under+ the► t r- rooms in Goderich closed. that the
liayorT .Deputylleeve and Council
ental roof. 1lors l'raigie and Humber be a de
Mr. and Jars. Graham end laugh I imitation to go to Toronto and
ter$, of liinloss were Sunda ' I .
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Warren
interview 111 r. Odette of the Liquor
lsnu and Dianne. Control Board to secure all inform -
Mr. and Mrs. Jiro Boak and!
J�antle were Sunday visitors with
Mrs. Cook and family of Westfield.
Mr. and Mrs. earl Blake :end
Dorothy of Clinton visited on 'Sun-
day` with the lady's father, \lr.
Dave McWhinney,
The children of Crewe school are
this week taking part in the music
festival in Goderich.
Baptismal Service. --iii connection
with the Mother's Day service in
Crewe church, six children were --
received for baptism. They were
the three small children Hof Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Maize; daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. �ilarvey Ross (ate
Shirley Sherwood) ; Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Zinn's baby daughter, and
Mr. and Mrs. Torn Philitpi's little
6011. -
Tyle the remodellint,• u dish
LEF3RI"RN, May 13.—Mrs. An-
drew Bogie returned home on Mon-
day from the Goderich hospital,
where she Inti been :I patient for
the. past week. .
Master Norman Jewell of Gode-
ric'h visited last week with, his
grandmother, Mrs. Thomas Jewell
and Verne: '
Mr. and Mrs. Terence 'Hunter and
M.r. and Mrs. Ehler Bunter and
Linda motored to Inwood on Sunday
where, at the morning service of
worship, the Rev. W. Newman per-
formed a baptismal service for
Linda, who is the granddaughter
of the Rev. and Mrs. Newman. '
Mrs. Frank Shields is in Gode-
rich hospital having undergone an
operation hast ;Saturday.
M•''. and Mrs. William Hall of
Stratfhrd spent the week -end with
Mr. Andrew Bogie and Graham. -
Mr. Chester Fulford is returning
to his home in Pittsburg, I'a.. this
week after visiting ,his parents, ,Mr.
and- Mrs. George Fulford 'for the
past two weeks.
The Winghttm Town Connell hr,v
set the tai' rate for 1952 at 77
"`mi11A:. Thi is art grease of 11
mills over last year's rate.
M r. George Wraith of Goderich
has purchased the Ginn farm, form-
erly the l.anlprt'y farm, on No. 8
County and Ths!rict
''ly`,Iie • Myth Co-operative chemo
and butter .factory, rebuilt since the
tire_ of_ November ,4 last, was re-
opened last wyi'k, with a complete
equipment of new machinery.
The new $35,000 aluurinum Vic-
tory at Hetsail was broken into
ou Saturday morning and a number
of articles 'taken. The Ii,uildiug
hits been in course of erection for
some tuonths.
The communities along the l'al-
iuerston-Kincardine and Palmer-
ston- >outhamptou C.' .It. lines are
snaking 'vigorous protest against
having their passenger services .tut
Off as proposed: --
A. W. Onto") Diet, well-known
proprietor of the Dick +house, Sea -
forth, died suddenly, -May 3, of a
he -"art attack. He was in his (fist
year. He leaves, besides his wife,
a family of four daughters and
three sons,
The 10th annual field day'of the
Huron County Federation of Agri-
culture will be held in the 'Com-
munity Park, Blyth, on June 11.
The special speaker for the day
will le' Sir Andrew Jones, of the
British food mission in Canada.
New Public School
Opened at, Kincardine
1 new nine -room - public school
at Kincardine was officially opened
last +week. The 100 -year-old. build-
ing which it replaces was badly
damaged by tire in May, 1950. The
new building cost $225,000.
Serious Blaze
at Crediton
Failure of the fireli'911p to work
during the tirst stages of a blaze
at Crediton threatened the burning
of the entire village. Four houses,
Highway, east of Goderich, :Ind two garages and other buildings
will move there shortly. • were ablate before firemen arriving
confidence? It's a reflection on
their Creator 'when they bor-
row the sham courage of -alco-
hol. The truth of the matter is
that there is nothing like alco-
hol, to, -make a,::man ,.a,.nuisanee..,
—noisy and quarrelsome and
profane—an embarrassment to
his friends and afterwards - an
object of reproach to himself.
This also is the truth of the
matter—life in itself is so good
and its enjoyments so keen
it's a shame to spoil it all with
strong drink and intoxication
and drunkenness.
This advt. sponged by Huron
County Temperance Federation.
Miss . The Boat
ohn Jeffery&,;Son
Phone 782 - Elgin Ave. East
Wednesday, May 21
$1,000 IN V%$II PRIZE ,
15 Regular (.'asses ;ftir $15.00 earls; 2 Special Games for $50.00;
1 Special (lanme for 05.00.
Pr.oreeds In Aid of the South Huron Hospital Building Fund,
DOORS$1.011 -
1)OOR.S`' OPEN 7.:10 GAMES S'I'AR'f ,AT 9
Coale Out and Support This Worthy Cause
from five neighboring points brought roan severely. The origin : of the
the conflagration undercontrol. The fire was not definitely established,
explosion of a sealed gas drum but children playing with fire -
knocked 1iirfi iters off the roofs clackers had been noticed ,near the
of several bullgs and burned one point where the blaze started.
Started Chicks
Twice -weekly Hatches of
Day -01d Chicks
Crawf�rd's Chick Hatchery
Rhode Island Reds Sussex X Rh. Is. Reds
B. Rock X White Leghorn ' Reds X B. Rock
All from Canadian approved stock.
All guaranteed _healthy atlsl_ hardy.,
tlluetrated above: State Commander V-8 4 -door sedan.
White eidewall tiros and chrome wheel diso•, optional at est * cont.
Studebafrn' THE ChamP°"value
Top gas -saver and top
fi ld
n the low price
What a grand feeling it is to he the.
proud owner of a trine, sleek, jet -
streamed 1952 Studebaker 1
Everywhere you drive a new Stude-
baker, everyone admires the dis-
tinction of its styling.
Every'week that goes by, ,Stude-
baker's clean -lined designing helps
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gasoline. In this year's Mobilgas
Brilliant 120 -horsepower /?'
horsepotier engine
needs no premium fuel
Economy Run, the Studebaker
Champion again was first and the
Studebaker Commander V-8 sec-
ond in actual gas mileage among all
standard size cars I
What's more, Studebaker's supe-
rior craftsmanship saves you real
money on repairs and assures high
resale value. Stop in and see these
Studebakers soon. "
Champion Rept 9tertiaht �+K
Studebaker Automatic Drive or
Overdrive available in all models, at esira
?HONE 717