The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-05-08, Page 11THURSDAY, MAY lith, 1962
- LEEBURN, 11iay.J.---31r. and Sirs.
Brake Sime and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
-Hicks of Detroit visited over fast
week -end with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Fulford and
fatuity. Visiting this Week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fulford,
is Mr. Chebter Fulford from Pitts-
, burg, Pa.
Mrs. henry Iiortou,.of Dungannon
Was with her sisters-in-law, the
Misses Edith and Lizzie Iiorton,
over` the -week=end. Miss Edith
'('Morton, .wits is still coutined- to her,
bed. is not ,gaining strength as
quickly as her utauy friends would
like to see.
3liss Mary Smith ,has been in
Goderich the past week with Mr.
and Mrs. laugh Glenn' and family.
Mrs. James Chisholm. -- One of
the older residents of this district,
Mrs. Jamey Chisholm, Pissed away
in the Goderich hospital last Wed-
nesday evening after a short ill-
ness. Coming from the Stratford
district, Mrs. Chisholm saute here
as a bride nearly (.0 years agq,
'during • svhieh time she gained her-
self many friends. Those corning
a distance' to the largely attended
funeral on Saturday morning were:
Mr. and Mrs. James \Vhaliug, Mr.
and --Mrs. Gordon Finnigan, Miss
Frances .Whaling, Mrs. Leonard
Laverty, ,Mrs. Lyle Elliott and son
Dennis, all of Stratford; Mrs. Mary
Brahman of Elora and Mr. and Mrs.
tluglt Chisholm of 'Sarnia. The
Ina commay
.Canadtan 0.w.L. OF KIN08101IDOZ
Communist Propaganda
KINGSBB.IDGi, May 7. -At It •
recent iueeting of the St. Joseph'[-
sub -division of the Catholic Wo-
men's League the following attieers
were elected: president, Mrs. Joseph
Courtney ; 1st vice-president, Mrs.
William W. Hogan; 2nd vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Raymond Dalton:' 3rd
vie -president, Mrs. John " Austin;
secretary'', Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe;
treasurer, Miss Margaret' Foley;
countiliiers, Mrs. Martha O'Neill,
Jit:. "J:,hn Van Oa*.
Tho annual report, read by Miss
Foley, showed a most suevessful
year of activities. Besides the
garden party and fowl supper the
ladies also sponsored a number of
card parties during the winter
months. Two complete sets of
vestments were donated to the
Parish Church.
The pastor, Resp. C. F. McMMlrtin,
spoke briefly, commending the Ladies
on their excellent report and ex-
pressing the hope that tete sub-
sequent year would be just as suc-
cessful as the past. At the tweet-
ing, delegates were (baser' to at-
tend the Diocesan Convention iu
London at the end of May.
-17OL3 Si'IDTJ -3111y '7. =- The
regular meeting of the Wilheltnine
Mission Band 'of Ilolmesville United
Church was held in the school on
Friday, May 2. With Btrrry. Wilson
sympathy of the community is ex -las leader, the meeting opened with
tended to her daughter, Mrs. Wil-! the singing of "God Sees the Little
liam J. Meyers., Sparrow Fall," followed by the
I Mission Band purpose. The Scrip -
An advertisement in the, Signal- tore lesson was read by Mary
'tar brings results. Hutchins and Kenneth Potter con-
usesa Nee, w' Loom* pees Wave leo& eel *See • foe
peep e ` tool ,sselessee*,� leo lease'• 410
ova dilates lweeilers Seek
ti bss of ever
yr+Nw $.1.9.41 does lee owe moron..
lees s•io}to sea trete
et **Weil of kis ter est leitoi
♦.. of ••r le L ore Gar.•.Lp o_rie•e
is.Cootois. tee,
• trio
ILA he ). is*.Jut• ssws`ril�•• Wee. lee reseliess fts ., S pts.•. time .sst ..l.*lt
Cdowdlows wad, row,
SiOP iNlS ► � 'N ta
n anaas
�.;. task -Caron.
1PP task .
1% Big trusts pockets
atirees-wi&a ewJare-
Prepared by 'the Department of Eeon6mie Development of The .Canadian Chamber
of Commerce, this montage of lurid and senstataonal :headlines froin the Labour -Progressive
. Parti' Organ, "The Clanadian Tribune,,, gives some idea of current communist propagunda
aimed at driving a wedge between Canada and the united States. The eetter panel is
from an LPP booklet.
"I put away my
hard-earned money"
This young bank depositor recently
wrote to his bank manager:
"I made a goal of $1,000 for this year.
It is two years since I opened the account
with two dollars. I owe thanks to you that
I put away my hard-earned money where
it will benefit me ... I do not wish to
touch it for the time being."
Building up a bank account means work
and sacrifice. But Canadians know the
value of having savings handy in time
of opportunity or need: they maintain
7r million savings accounts'in the -
chartered banks -almost twice as many
as ten years ago. At the same time
bank, staffs have almost doubled. That,
and higher wages, have increased bank
payrolls almost three times.
More people use the banks, more people -
work for the banks than ever before.
This advertisement, based
on an actual letter, is
presented here by
ducted the business__.The Mission
Band receised their fifth year star
at the meeting held in Wesley-
�\Villis Chureh, Clinton, ,o1 May, 1.
The hymn "Jesus„Jlids Us Shine"
ss•as then sung; Victor Curran read
an. article on 'Temperance and
Frances atcLtillough read an article
on Peaice. A game: period was
-conducted. _4 Mls.. ,Frank -McCul-
lough and Eleanor 'Seo played a
piano solo. Miss Kathleen Holmes,
the teacher, read a story`-, --"The
Robin that Wanted Blue Eggs,"
followed by prayer by Jack Norman.
i closed with 1 singing
The meeting, c d ih tt a uthrn�
of the hymn, "Tire \Vise May Bring
Their Learning," and repeating the
Mizpah benediction.
. Miss Grace Lobb, Stratford,. was
the week -end guest of her- parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert ,Lobb. .
Miss. Jean . Fraser, -of Goderieh,
was a recent guest of Mrs. J, B.
The Rev.' and Mrs. Stewart Miner
and family, of Florence,- visited at
the home of Mrs. Miner's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha last
Thursday. Mrs. Trewartha returned
to Florence with her daughter and
-son-in-law and plans on' visiting
them for a week.'.
Miss Fran Hart of Byron was
the week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Trewartha.
.Mr. and Mrs. Bill McClinchey of
London and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ohme of Wingham were the week-
end guests of Mr. and ,frc. ;ll:
Stock. .
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heard and
Mrs. Tarragon of Bayfield were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. N.
[Beard and Mrs. J. Harrison.
KINGSBRIDGE, May 7. --Mr. and
.Nit s. Joe Fitzgerald of Toronto
visited Mr. and Mrs;' Pat Murphy
for a few days. -
Rev. Father Harris of Hamilton
-was a guest of Father C. F. Mc-
Martin over the week -end. Father
Hargis celebrated -the High Mass at
St. Joseph's Church and officiated
at the evening's devotions.
Mr. Gerald Dalton - of Toronto
is spending a faew days visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
Dalton. ''
The farmers of this district are
busy night and day, cultivating b_}:
night, and seeding by day. Mon-
day's rain was much needed and
The mirage on, the lake during
the past week was so great that the
lights froin the lighthouses in
`Michigan would he- seen to [lash
plainly; a distance of at least -10
Among the breeding methods used YIELDS TO DEMOLITION
with livestock none has given rise
to as snatch controversy as cross- A lawdm:ark.on R.R. :i, Goderidl,
breeding. This is • not surprising, bet ween ('arfosv and Auburn, S.S.
since animal and plant breeding No.,''t, LS -being torn down;Frio classes
research has shosvu that the result::
obtained in' ai cross -breeding pro-
gram are -dependent ulwu ►utas fac-
tors, says Mr. F. K. Kristjausson,
Animal Husbandry Division, Cen-
tral Experimental Farm. Ottawa.
Certain breeds and certain lines
within breeds combine better than
others itt a cross=breeding program.
The breeder cannot expect equally
good results, from all crosses, nor
can he expeet to get satisfactory
results by cross -breeding poor quill-,
ity ..stock. Above all, the cross-
breeding program should be systelo-
Kenneth A. (;mint,. for the past
two. and a half years Secretary -
Manager of the fort Arthur Cham-
ber of Commerce, took over his new
post of Assistant Ontario Manager
of The Canadian Chamber of t'om-
mei'et' in Terwntoon May 1. in
the -Ontario ottice of the Canadian
Chamber,- Mr. Grant will be as-
soeiated _tt ltjt i, _ ,y:Sl .1atthecvs,
Ontario .\1:ltiIger.
County and District
Miss U. Ji. McEwen of Bayfield,'
u &tud;plt at the 1'ttirersity of West-
ern tlritarie. has been awarded a
National Research ('outwit -scholar-
shil) v:al}ted :at $9($1. She ss'ill con-
tinue her weil•k at \Western t ni
versit v.
31r. and Alt•s. 1►avid Dewar of
A Pllklagtea Company
11'ES'1'P1l- LU, May 7.-Jir. and
Ray Haulat of Beigrave visited
on 5uticlay with 51r. and 51rs. Bert
Sirs, Grant Campbell visited over
Thursday with 31rs. H. 31. Martin
of Goderich.
Site Mildred 'fliorntuu of \Ving-
lt<ana visited ob Sunday with Mr.
Had Mr.. Harvey Me•l)osvell.'
Mr. atilt M'r.. It. 11. Lloyd and
Jiir..l.. 11. ltt.smnri of W'iuglnaut
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. _Maurice Ithsmau.
11r. Ha :old ,Sprunng of IItillett
Township visited en Sunday with_
31r. alai Mrs. Clarence Cox. 31rs.
Sprung, who had spent several days
with Jars. ('ox, returned team. with
Itaylield o) .et•ved .their golden sued- 31r. Sprung.
cling anniversary on - April 29th.. Mr. and 51r,. A1't ley Sta rklleust-
Mr. 1)i -war is a 'former ret- e of i and Miss Bea visited on Tuc day •
Stanley Township, where they ss-iah Mr. and 31rs. Nortna1a Me-..
farmed before moving to Bayfield. Howell and Mr. William 'Met mwell.
The explosion of an oil heater Mr..and i1rs..1iui Iioak and James
started a fire in a nue story barn et' Crewe aril Jima- Violet Cook of
:;,lased as :11 ,.iW.'ul+atiou pI:tut at the upote.rit•lt visitod 011 Smidi)y with
Exeter High School. :lad 600 young Nees. freed (ecn+k. •
'chicks and our pigs sver-e. suffo-
utfo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spiegelbergcat d. and family visited on Sunday with
The original lo„ structure that Mrs. R. Gardiner and Mrs. Fitz -
formed pa rt of the former River ,.er;ald of rium, *Hum.
Hotel in Bayfield was razed. last Mesdames Nerman Mel}owell
week. It was built over 100 :ears al e '
age. The brick port ion of the
building., s�'ill - remain standing. It
hgas been used for some tillie as t
-prtrate -reside-nee: - ----
--The contract for the new $400,000
Lucknow District High School has
been awarded to the Thomas Con-
struction 'Company of ,Galt.
new. S. H. Brenton, of Londesboro
t nited Church, has a -('cued 'a' ca11
to College Avenue United Church,.
The executive of the Huron
County Crop Improvement Associ-
ation is planning' a four -di -1V trip
by bus to Northern Ontario in .1 013-.
The dwelling of John Pryce, -in
Township near Winthrop.
was almost completely destroyed by
fire on 1\'eduesday 11Narning of last
having been held in it since 1948, week. Most of the contents were
I s:a s•ed.
when there were only 11 children of To Discontinue Passenger '
school. age• in the section.._ Service._to Kincardine
Known from the .beginning; as Kincardine and other towns on
1,oung's school:,S.S. No. 3 was a the Pa-lmerston to Kincardine (' .R,
union section, including part of the line, are disturbed - by the report
adjoining section ' of West Wawa -,than the railway company is seeking
nosh. The site- is en land donated l n from the Board of
by Alexander Young shortly after lranspbrta(ion Commissioners to
his arrival froin Scotland .n 183:2. drw041111nue passenger service ;►n the
The first fog school was replaced in
line. It is proposed to ul►er rte ar
15711 by the present brick one which
bus and. truck schedule for pas -
is down undergoing demolition. sengel5 and express. I'~eight
Used as Church trains wilt be continued on the line.
atic and .-not merely- a,"inougreiiz-.,,...Ttie.-hailding has an unique arehi
Ing" of stock. •tectural feature` lit that th4 -front I SS1 i SOTTISH REUNION
It would be premature to make door and tss•o front windows have The I:Svex veettish regiment » •i11
any blanket recomuleudatiutl ou rounded a relies Pointed- it the top Bold its s,c'oiat post-witr'"rennion at'
cross -breeding at the present time,
as' church Windows are. Gordon thi• Vs 1111 arumorles. Jane 20-'_2.
but many livestock men have made
up their minds to try it. To these
breeders • the following advice rs
1. Obtain information on the
crosses most likely to be suc-
cessful within " the class of
stock concerned.
2. -Obtain advice on a systematic
program to follow.
3. Use the best purebred sires
4. 'Where possible, utilize c-oss-
bred females in the program,
in order to take advantage of
the hybrid.;,.yigour which they,
5. Cross -breed on a limited scale
for the first three or four
years, to detertnine if better
than through conventional
breeding methods.
Available experimental evidence
shows that cross -breeding can be a
blessing if appropriate breeds are
used and if the'cross-breeding Is
systematic. It also shows that
cross -breeding Conducted in a haap-
hazard manner with inferior stock
can be a curse. `
BEN.JIILLI' R, May 7. ---Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Craig of Toronto spent
the week -end with .lir. and Mrs.
Stanley Wanstone.
Mrs. C. Moore spent the week -end
in Goderich with relatives and Mrs.
I.'s Jervis of Holmesvilte spent the
svicek-end with her mother, Mrs.
Polly Walters; who is not as Well
as her friends would like to see.
Mr. and Mrs. David Harrower of
London spent the week -end with
the -Rev. and Mrs. Harrower and
Ala rga ret.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell I'frinlnler
and Brian and Mr. E. T. Pfrirntner
visited In Windsor over the week-
end With Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simpson.
Mrs. A. JI. Straughan returned on
Sunday from the Gislerich hospital
where she had been a patient for
a few days.
hiss Irene Pfrimnter and Master
Jimmie I'friuim('r spent the neek-
end in Goderfeh with their uncle
and aunt, M.r, and Mgrs, Chas.
' tewnrt.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tribe and on,
Harvey, and Welter Moore of Straf-
fordvllle spent• the week -end with
the Ray Moores. Mrs. .Moore re.
turned with them, after spending
some time there with .relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisher and
Joanne of (Goderich spent Snnday
with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Fisher.
A house of worship (or the
CInil'eh of God at Myth Was (1041h --
fried on Sunday. Rev. Glenn 1.
ileale'h is the pastor.
Young, who will be 85 on his wed-
ding :lnn1Vt'1.ary next November 16,
and at' present lives with his wife
A varied program of en.tert:aiuwen�t
hits been arranged, highlighted hs• a
banquet on .Tune 21. Sins Fele
and son, Colin, on a beautiful farm miry, plans have ieen developed
near Carlow, was ,a pupil at the for the reunion, wltie-•h will bring
school in 1873, and explains that together veterans of this mat widish
for a time the building was used saw action at Dieppe in 1912 s and
'as a church by- the eolnruttity as I in the Northwest Europe righting in
well as a centre for the eddeation 194-1 :incl -1945,
of the children of the district. A preliminary check on examen -
At one time, the building was, lairs of the unit is now being' nntde
divided into two. class rooms and and caard5 have been sent oro[ to
had us many as 8(1 pupils in :attend- those whose adeiressces are known._
:thee, Mr. Young -recalls. This neves- Former members of the unit. are
sitated the serviees of two teachers. requested to ,scud the names 'and
Mr. Young's first teacher was a addresses of :ill former F_'sex
Mr. Rosebrew. It was the first no matter tenure they may reside.
school at which Miss Isobelle Shar 10 -t1w reunion, eomnnititee atthe.
man, -later a teacher at Goderich Windsor 'armories.
Central School, ever taught. It Was
also the first school of Dr. II. E.
Elburn, who taught' there, in 1924,
and later became chief school in-
bpector for Ontario..
A class -mate of Mr. Young was
Mrs, A. Y. Henderson of Picton
street, Gcxierich, svho because the
wifeT'bf the minister of the church
at Smith's Hill. Tsvo of her bro-
thers, Colin and John, later went
,►r► to 'become Doctors of Divinity.
PORTER'S HILL, May 7. 'fisc
monthly meting of the W.A. of
Grace Church was held last \Wed-
nesday afternoon, a week earlier
than' usual, at the, hone Of Mrs.
Jam (max. There was a large turn-
out. The president conducted the
meeting, which opened with hymn
58.', after wtlich Mrs. lass. ('ox
lead in prayer. The Scripture les-
son was read by Mrs. Elgin ('ox
and the roll< call Was answered
with a 3fother's Dny' verse. Each
member handed in names for the
t►irthday calendar, Barbara Betties-
getting the prize for having the
most names. Different items were
planned and discussed ("oncern1ng
the 25th anniversary of the elture'h
to be held this summer. The next
meeting is to he at the -home of
J1rs. Will Cog, haring; the :after-
noon a quilt was quilted. 'i'he
meeting closed with the Mizpah
benediction. The hostess served a
lovely 1une11,
.\n undertaker fettle] a alonke'S'
lying dead in front of premises,
and wens to inform the pone..
"What will f oto with lir he asked
-the offeer 1n ehartr'. "1)rt with
it? Ittn•y' it. of course," .s''nitl the
elft rer 14iftighing. "You're an under
ttaker, nren'�t yon'.'" The and.1r
taker Iookeel him, straight to the
eye. "Certainty 1 ani," he repl)M1d.
"hut I•thoni ht it only right tcs{runic
around and Infertn 11re r.'l:rt)t'
'Howard Charles
I t . rd Dowel Sanlsmith, Hugh Blair and the story was told
J. L. McDowell and Stanley Cc�k boa, Mrs. Norman McDowell.' The
11 is expected that more residents
of. Ontario svilL go fishing this -year
than ever before iu the 'history of
the pro s•iHee, ae'ording to otiltiais
of the Department of Lauds. and
I'4.rre,,t5. '1'ltey base their predii -
tiuns uu an hitherto infallible sign
--Atte demand forfishingtacke, con -
fiscal ed by the departinent's eon-
stt't'ation officers and sold by public
tender each year.
Dttiing, the three-da_y atle held at
Queen's Park recently, more than
I,84)0 tenders were received--etwice
as may as ever before. Ousstosners
ss -ere lined tri) at timei5 outside the
basement vault in which the con-
fiscated material, ranging frons the
14811+ hook and line oat fit t) f%
caw iug equipment, Wilts on display.
Generally, the seized equipment was
at modest type.
Not even in the war years, when -
tishing; tackle was hard to obtain,
had there been such a demand, the
Queen's Park officers :said.
pttrlxest-. The Scripture wtis read
responsively from Psalm 23. Prayer
s5 -as given by Mrs. Norman Mc-
1)owell. Ito -tidings were given by
Gwen McD4u.vell and Barbar[ Smith.
The stt11(1y book was given by Jars.
attended the Presbyterial meeting
at Clinton on Thursday.
l rte: Ite,f Ta y' Lir itin� '1Ir .
Cam;pbell `visited on Wednesday
Mrs. Norman Carter of Clinton.
Mission Karn1.=-The members of
the Sinton Ilond unit on S'undny
:1fterua81 111 the church school room
with a good attendants. The meet-
ing was. -leaf by Gordon Smith and
ol5•nevl lty .reheating; the member
meeting; elo ed with the singing of
a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Blair.
Ninety-four per cent of Canadian
households have radios, a govern-
ment survey indicates. The number
of radio receiving sets made avail-
able itt Canada .through production
and imports has averaged about
700,000 per year since the end -of
World War 11. -
For Sale by Tender
Goderich District Collegiate ' Institute Board will
accept separate tenders submitted up to May 27 for the
following property.
1. The present Collegiate building, corner of Britannia
Road and Water166 Street.., Approximate floor space
15,000 square feet. Size of lot 620x144 feet. Posses-
sion July 15. r,'1► -
2. Building lot 55x165 feet on the south side of Britannia
Road at the entrance to the Agricultural grounds.
Immediate possesson.
,iighest or? any tender not necessarily accepted.
Letters should be marked "Tender" and addressed to:
A. R. SCOTT, Sedretary,
• Goderich District Collegiate Institute Board,
Goderich, Ontario.
Pay Small Sums Now
P-R-�.R'!1!s►g t�l�
1. N • 'Wig r
c your
'blue oal'inb�a1. easy, monthly sums
you'llscarcely miss.
2. shortages. Je
deliver bufcoal'
oftme. And its paid before
3'ohousehold budget. stn
moresmoothly all year
�� •'�' �^^� ,,�. ••
What a wonderful feeling it is to enjoy
the winter free of fuel bills. Start buying
your coal on the 'blue coal' Budget •Plan.
Face next winter with your, ccial- paid for
and your home heated with 'blue coal' -
the world's finest anthracite.
Phone us now about our
'blue coal'
Edward Coal Co.
Phone 98
Goderirly Ont.