The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-05-08, Page 5THURSDAY, JAY Sth, 1952" ATTENTION, FARMERS! OPEN HOUSE Tuesday and Wednesday, .May 13 and 14, showing the famous Bell Threshing Machine 'being built at our.modern plant in Seaforth. During these two days you wjfl have the opportunity of ,seeing these threshing machines in their various stages of assembly, which will enable you to inspect the high class of Workmanship ,and materials used throughout their construction. The well-known "Bell" Straw Cutter will be on display, as well as our new Separator designed for use with for- age harvester. We shall be expecting to see you and your friends. Refreshments will be available at the plant. Robert Bell Industries Limited - , SEAFORTH, ONTARIO For quick results—try a classihed ad in The Signal -Star KNOX YOUNG PlOrLX CONDUCT OWN SERVICE A service with the YoUng People' Society of Knox Presbyterian Church iu charge Wuhl. attended by a large congregation on Sunday after- noon, The service4was condueted by Kenneth Youug, president of the Jtunes MacArthur read Scripture lessons and tWHhIazu Schaefer offered prayers. The choir, composed a young people, under tint direction of Mr. W. li. Bishop, led In the singing of the hSuins and during lhe-service- three tsoios were beautifully sung. They were "resat Not Ye, 0 Israel," by David 'Katt ; "Riess This !louse" by Midd Videau and "The Prayer Perfect" by Bob Wood. Sermon Subject `"Challenge to Youth" was the subject of a forceful 'sermon by the Rev. It. G. MacMillan based on Je8t114' cull to the four desciples, Peter, Andrew, James anti J,olin, told In Matthew 0:18-22. Both manpower and womau. power are needed in the church to- day, the minister said. He urged the congregation to a re-dedivation of service to God and to be as enthuslatitie in it as they were to outside activities. Ile asked the' young people to obey the eliallenge of Jesus to follow Him?' "There Is no more satisfying service than that of the Christian Chureit," be said. MRS. FRED ROUSE HEADS MAITLAND GOLF WOMEN The 20th annual meeting of the ladies' section of Maitland Golf ()lab Wa*e held at the Club House on May 4 with a fair representa- tion of members present. The president, Mrs. Fred Rouse; was In charge of the nas.ting,, After the minutes and financial report for 1951 were .read ant) 'adopted. Mrs. Papernick, chairman 'of tlie onle on Goclerich! et's go over the to ••• $12,000 is needed TO INSTALL A PERMANENT FLOOR IN THE ARENA. This amount must be raised by June 14, closing date of the Goderich Lions Club 's Memorial, Arena Permanent Floor Campaign. Every dollar "buys" a square foot of the floor. Buy your section of the floor today and get the campaign away to a good start. House to House canvass will commence MONDAY, MAY 12 BE READY WHEN THE CANVASSER CALLS AT YOUR HOME. Old or young can benefit from this floor. To mention some of the possible uses, including Old Home Week events: Indoor Lacrosse Tennis Roller Skating Dancing Band Concerts Band Tattoos Public Meetings Bingos C Conventions Dog Shows Fashion Shows Majorettes Flower Shows Horse Shows Seed Fairs Stock Shows Garden Shows Indoor Circus Carnivals Hobby Shows Industrial Fair Kids Hallowe'en Party Fall Fair THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY GODERICH LIONS CLUB • GODERfell 8IGNAL-8T _ .iyttvy's New 7Copter • The fast of three 12-placi S-55 Sikorsky helicopters on order hy the Royal Canadian Navy was turned over to the Navy reser.tly- at the Bridgeport, Conn, plant of Sikorsky Aircraft. a division of United Aitcraft Corporation. Powered an R-1240 Prat' & Whitney snine, the 8-55 will he serviced in Canada by Cans.i'an Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co. Ltd., Longueull; Que. where the company's new manufacturing plant is nearing eompttlion, CDR. D. Is FOLEY, of Winnipeg, stands by aS LT. -01:11. J. D. LOWE. of Red Deer, Alta„ tries out the :mantis pAt test run. The two Canadian naval officers flew ihr wit -raft to the RCN base at Dartmouth. N. ,1 -1 1 nominating cominitfee, presented the-, following slate of officers for 1952: President, Mrs. Fred Rouse; 1s1 vice-president. Mrs. N. (7. Jackson 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Glen' Gardiner; secretary -treasurer, Miss Marjorie 315c110; house .e0111111ittee, convener, Mrs. G. Ellis; assistants, Mrs. R.' Brewer," Mrs, E. Allisott, Miss G. Ryan, Miss M.,,Maeliity and Mrs. L. McGee;. sports committee, -aptain, liss Elizabeth Tobin; as- istants,--31iss- Kvelyn Cooper, _Miss Margaret Evans, Mrs. Al Huffman, Mrs. Iran Papernick and Miss Jane -Graham. 'The nominating Commit- ee for next year will be eomposed of •Miss Marjorie Macfle, 'Mrs. George Filsinger and Mrs. IL Brewer. After much discussion power was given to' cornintttc'e----ripurehthSie some new furniture for the club house. Miss Arlene Rouse and Miss Jane Graham were nominated to arrange a draw for the tea to be -held on May 21, final arrangements for which were left ..in charge of the, house conmilttee. 1110.4111101MINMINIIMINIPMEMINNWwwwww.my CHANGES ANNOUNCE -I) IN COLLEGIATE STAFF Ti14, resignation of 311ss Marie Stidirerl, commemial teacher for the past eight years, was accepted %vine regret by the,Goderielt District Col.:, legiate Institute Board at its meet- ing hist Friday evening,. Miss •Staibert has accepted a position on the staff of Central High School of Commerce, Toronto. 31r. Nor- man .1toyle; It present on the staff of Peterborough Collegiate Institute has been engaged' to till the vacancy, As additional telbeiters on the staff for Septenlber, Mr. Neil'Shaw of Ridgetown, now teaching at 'Cliestervilie- has been 'engaged as assistant in Siwp ,Work am! 31r. 'John Stringer of the. 1Mtario Col- lege of Education will assist in English and Ilistory. IT'S A GOOD HABIT-- assestkenient in the Signal - :43r brings remilts. , Eptef HARDWARE in a HARDWARE STORE P,Mr.,•.11 :MK! MAW, stittottetst `t•REO Pf.ta; 1R!f iv0•o55 - , ovisr. WSW ,Itlat ISISChttlat MAY SPECIALS C.C.M. JOYCYCLES 'SPECIAL LOW PRICE IN ORDER TO CLEAR DIS- CONTINUED LINE.. • our THEY GO AT $12.50, $ 1 4.50 and $15.50 • WE ALSO CARRY, A COMPLETE LINE OF C.C.M. BICYCLES. Have You Seen...the Famous Eureka Power Mower AT NEW LOW PRIq OF $120.00 It really takes the PUSH out of grass cutting.. easy hand- ling... power, and traction to go ANY- WHERE. E.BREEKENRIDGE HARDWARE - PLUMBING - HEATING PHONE I3S GODERICH 250 Women Attend W.M.S. Meeting Held at Clinton Emery 1,)esjard1he, qrhut3., iteltd, was elected president of the ,lluron presbyterial of the 'Wontet1's 4.,Ifibsiscaltiuunadarl, Lit3r. thlket)ta": fluideefetb, in 114rid b (..1411/4111 en ,Frith) at ifltiurttaTtb' cliu(r!eire t' 2& de1-gisfrs oues The new sdate of officers, installed by Miss Bessie Freneb,. itatIOLl'a Harbor, Netsfouudlaud, it mission- ary ou furlough who represents the Home 111$440LIS enterprise for the United Chureh for, the W.31. -S., in - eluded, front the Goderich district, Airs. Fred Toil, Auburn, who watt elected fourth vice-president. Miss Freuch spoke on the theme, "Oppor- tunities Unlimited." At present the 'Inajor problem hieing the W. M.8. is t181.1r4 14;la:sa :ki;:ftrd.aehers for toihsionlary School Proposed The iter. Miriam Collins, Loudon, used slides to describe the rutted Church 'Training Sellout and told delegate's of the urgent need of finals to erect a permanent build- ing in Toronto,: The Huron Pres- byterial allocation for the proposed seltool is 812,000. Mrs. J. Sutter, Cltnion, Presby. terial secretary, reported that the mission allocation for the coming year for Huron is $19,300.. Total al utftlyrIlintstseyneat rtr4r.,atshe$201,,:rirzanr:h treas- Sliss Minnie Barber, Wingbam, Presbyterial eorrespouding secre- tary, reisArted 2,241, Members of the Presbyterial. Three new 11ission Bands, one Baby Bawl. a Young People's Soeiety and a. Girl's Tyro Group were organized through. the efforts of the auxiliaries. Mrs. 11. Kirkby, Walton, presided. Worship service ',was condueted in the morning session by Mrs. W. .l. tirevr, Vt'inghant, and Mrs. C. AL Robertson. 4;oderieh. Miss Sybil Courtiee, 'Clinton, closed the morn- ing session with prayer. Mrs. Desiarditte and Mrs. Robert Allen, Brucetleld, ,Analueted „ -wOrship sertlee at• the opening of the ;After- noon session, and Airs. Harold S'nell. Exeter, was in eliafge of a memorial service for deceased inetels:rs. Resolutions •Passed A resolution will he forwarded to sne_fssjessj_giatnuatot _r4-41414.,,,Lang_ altlendlnellt of the Criminal rode and Canada Evidence Aet as to legalize the itse by pollee of seienti- fie teSts to obtainmore convietions of &hiking drivers. The reso I in ions vollittlit ter. a 1 xir asktal that the results of sue!' texts ilsrati ill in all eourts of law. Delegates felt that 'a large number of the tragic a ut,,tioftbile 'accidents are due to drinking' of alcoholic beverages, either by the driver or the v1etim. A second resolution voleed «Wee - tion lo rommereialized Sunday Sports. -becatise• people need one (lay in seven for (4piritnal needs and mental and physieal rest." 'Members of the W.M.'t . were asked to study the twitter seriously so that they may laable i� influence others, should an attempt bi-, mad.. to legalie sneh sport In tbeir cern- nulaity. SET MO OF WIPTEI'S *1111 CHAMOM-i-Finest stion•d;'reir,oisi Sat ,s.‘d Puobia _ 1.2116 1.110. 2.40. KOMOMY CHAMOIS*Caritfulfr strIck4di,reri4 IFICl!itY .14e 4400)2 cors, windows, etc. ,,a,at new- , eas WOW/ Polotioit, At to- • • SA.. IMMO AUTO SOAP -1 -Ip. $irt .CILLVIAW 111004115..-Flreol voismit .24* 4.00 susssa-stosssis—m-tom-sursc4«- Ano THU COATO4(0-4ilhote 'Mock 47 WINITTIWALL TILE CUA14111,-Wrth brutik Coroolet• A110.10111,40AT 104AA.11."..-for touching war re. potrthrto your toe. Brush 'or way,. 11- „11141. Qt. Lie THE FASTEST POLISH rfiAT IS SAFE TO USE ON YOUR CAR! bimiptioaaske POLISH aid Got e Itnetill wee silik140--sis had The W000110 tiew„Improrod formula restores original Ware, Protects the finish and lasts for 00.s. Faster and cosset to use. GIANT 24-02. CAN i1.40T0.MASTER LIQUID WAX—A smooth fintres'ller new CW s. 20 -az. can. weep, 85c .45 PASTE WAX 0* CLSANIER-65c value 4,4* CHROME POLISH AND RUST REMOVES -10.0•. .2* Glee; Cleiseer crvi. Meows . .2* .49 SELF-MADE She:"Did anyone ever tell you how wOmierful you are? f[e•"Don't believe so" - She: "Then where'd yon get tbe idea ?'' Sows en Auto Topping Material OLACIC—Sw.gie texture fabrikata, 54" wide. Per yd. • 2.411 Double -texture, 50' wide. Per yd. 31.011 Extra -wide 1 opP,r•2, bloc -•Itir wide, dolkle-texture. ' Yard 4; 5 BLACK TOP DRESSING, V1 pt. .54 CONVERT0',DYE--Uneauolled for "sport" tops Ostert • 1.15 TOP SEAL PUTTY—Use also to waterproof windows, seal in mould- . I ongs, etc. Ler,* tube . , . .42 - --1-10t----Coir---- ---:-. -,--.,--.1/4-- 41.101•11110, 114 Vs"' Gerdes Newt HOSE -LINE WASH MOPS FOUNTAIN AUTO WASH ASOP--Cleat water rushing through cotton yam mop wasties away 'dirt. Detachable. non-rusf metal hondie . • 2.25 HOSE -LINE WASH ISRUSH—The 'necnry' rubber hose handle Maktle this vet', flexible ond cosy to use Soft bristles won't horn, f mists; speeds up washing WONDER WASH 3.1!11 A bit Ie Wander Wash added to o pail of water cuts cat 'wash- ing time in half. Needs dlamois. 0 r i•s without streolcss. Per Can .29 ••••\ canada's public libraries are used 1(.55 by adults than they. were 10 years ago,but more by ehildren. The libraries stock about 6,500,000' books and • -registered borrowers' number 1.200;000 porsons.. borrow- ing on the average 17 books a year. • t„ _ Honeybees gather nectar from a wide variety of flowers, and., tte amount and .e'oneentration of the neetar secreted by a flower may de- termine when visitations • will made: Some flowers secrete rp!t-t.tir in the morning and otherS in the afternoon or early evening.-, YOUR FRIENDS WILL TELL YOU-- , women allover Goderich are talk- ing about how good Canada Bread is! A kind to suit very taste. Their Daintimaid cakes and sweet goods are just like mother used to make. .;'•• JUST ASK YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER FOR CANADA BREAD OR STOP THE FRIENDLY , CANADA BREAD MAN ON YOUR STREET; DO IT NOW. Canada Bread DAINTIMAID CAKES ,