HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-05-01, Page 8r stic obi comas= iiinc OF • -r • Westittgitouse :#49,1a RADIOS, WASHER,S, STOWS - and FRIGES AT Will ileishad Electric liamilumSL Goderich Phone 466' ARTH1L A qrt but pretty at-eld_rig noleannized Aahaited Claret parsoaaaaa Lud.i. i. Wednesday. Apial 14.1aben the Rev. C. B. Wooley aaaed 'yew Mildred Wrialie dauath:ea Mr. and Mrs_ Pr.11 Tor. Mealatva. ILIA Robert Elwin Abr. ye:Inge-A ' an of Mrs. Jiabta Arthur and the! laze Mr_ Arabar. AubUrn The brale .1 -base a t,.r.zze wah pomade:- lea, atavaserie-: and consaaet44,11 ru 3? 4.t1L1!1 M Keat Ar:har, vaLo aore 3 sd ("or- aani,. roars_ Mr. lith Arthur wasbt trt lave, i.ret-1. mar_ rel.awilag aer.leymoon, Mr. and Mrs_ Arthur win at-ade Autaarn • THANK YOU! The Goderich Intermediate Hockey Players wish to express their sincere appreciation to those persons, who at the time of organizing for the 1951-52 season; gave cash donations toward purchasing of equipment, to Mr. Find- lay Samna. for uniforms, to the persons loaning their cars for out-of-town travel and to those who gave of their help to the Club in any way. The splendid attendance of the general public throughout the past season is also appreciated. McKinley Farm & Hatchery PRODUCANAJTIVROVED • CHICKS YOUR. ENQUIRIES ARE SO Write or phone and ask McKinleys chicks for 1952. Cockerels, Pullets and LICITED. regarding your Unsexed 697-r-11 Hensall R.R. 1, Zurich 8-19 TIM GODERiCk SGNAIAn'AR DONNYBROOK _ DIAL 911111 laitaaltd far las: "port • INANNVERtftrUl.K.,, April 7.S.a.erranama :liar Lear* Saaaeaea w j;.,:e4taarevetal 1Lvaraza tan*. kr, tiliziacia Issa Faair eies- merabera seat art44.1... natatail !Mr_ azial 3.tra Wialaaaa Liard.a. 4, ken 301,as, lare. Mr a Jean- tt The We:earn* AauactaLasa held lam staratl, MaLapial connizaaa. Pra- i ellurk.17.4v:4C Ira.* p:ayed *Rh 1.iai*F7!. ftTzars aaa Um_ Hardy ac&a Mr. Thaaeaea.a.a 14,..•=yterva..1 :Leal its 3.pai1 rate'cliaz Wedate-a- Iday afterza....n la the chary& with narseabera of tbe Auburn Bria-k and auraliar.aea as ga.-ans. The Mrs. 1L Jr was in • ealarea- ef the meeting. The Scrip - tare waa read t.y Visa Irene Jet,-: nd Iliaa Luty Themtearn le -d an prayer. A few words of we:came rogre:r ilauken by Mrs- IL t'hasszol_ The ra a Mt:ea...teen and Louise Jeerava naa :rat:al:eel a duet, Mrsa Gordan Me-' Cl.:m.-bey et Auburn. a solo, Mi,_,s Wiataaanof Enda., a sail°, and greap of ‘‘'.--ttlield girl*. a chorus_ Mrs. Lea:le o Brick was gut-swakes. ber theme teirag --Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Dar Mrs. C. C. Washing- aan elae-ed the teiericting with prayer and 3sacial time followed. Joan and Gerald Doerr of Xia=r- ILLODELL—EITIMER At Nerila Sireet United Chaatb paraaaageL4 Rea_ J. A_ LPn&rin valued itr marriage L3.12E:2.2 La "tainter 314 WLr Ilt-CK21 .oragb beth uf Rutherra'en. TL- tit- is the datater of Mr. and Mr Wiird I. ItutLeaglera and the groom ia. :he sem. of the late Mr. and alLasa James Ltiddra. Te bride wore a navy crepe Artsealeugth dress with white ae- ctasaries. and rie of at.a- laza! red carnation petals. After grt Lroliry:XML..,n 111 Ne -u on:Ara. rill the! live in Holiness -Me. Falls ?Tent the Eaatet vacation acitb Mr. and Mrs_ aztuart 'Chan:pea- and !her- friends_ don were week -end gue.,:ts at tbe Miss Olive Jefferso- n. RN of' Stratford. Miss, Gladys Jeffersaan, IL.X., 'and Mrs_ Hineeman of Lon- Jetlferason home. , w appendix operation on Saturday Mrsa D. E. Robinson is a patient in Winghaot lat-pital following an In:writing. Her any friends. swish be: a speedy recovery. The Misses Irene Jefferaon and (Intended for last eek ., tarr i ;Lucy Thompson. teachers.. apent the in--N(*----ta-siN„.(4,-X- -Writ— :-.73- — Mr- Easter holidays at -their homes and Mrs. Mason 31cAlliater and hem. son, Kenneth„ who have moved :o 1 Mater Bob Chanmey of Owen Duagannote retiring Pruni the farm !Sound spent the Easter vacation this sairina wereatIonored on Thurs- . . with his grandparents:, Mr. and day night us/ ay aver 100 friends WE ARE AGAIN Contracting Barley for Canada Malting Com- PAnY CONTACT US Contracts can be arranged by phone or_ letter. Phone 103. Nights 133. A11 Barley Win Be Treated Free Of Charge- GEO. T. IIICKLE & SONS LTD. KENSALL ONT. Good Service --Fast-Unloading Facilities fACFPL 7 DAYS A WEEK THURSDAY, MAY Lit, 1 2:30 Noon (likaidor to Friday) 02:13 Setwominy) SHELL NEWS wiIk PAT MURRAY Hist with the News in Western Ontario D UN Git.NN ON 71hltirMITIry„ and Gordon. Mr_ at S. I.:. X 4, 3 ara,,oe waaa wawa_ -and Mrs. F Ja Craig of Goderich man_ cards and taaneine weee werta Sunday visitors at :he Chatte,enjM i-pyed. rs. George Stuart. Mr_ ney home. Ilion Cameron and Mr. jack Erring - ton •aupplied music. - Xi'. Cyril 1951 coveredcovcr.ZaWl..1.0Jaiterta-a. aal,a7- :John --ThompworraprvT.enteil Mr. and . big, the 14;11 area surveyed slum ylra. MeAllister with a lovely t.4.7 - the inception of :ant surveya: in (alocal chair and Kenneth with Canada to 237,000,000 acres_ a pair of , gold cuff links. The name McAllister has been connected for nearly a century with the lab roneessien of West Wawanosh. Me McAllister was confined to Wing - ham larapital this spring, for several weelaa but is making 'recovery pow. Kenneth ia in his tifth year at the. Goderich District Collegiate. while Ihis brother, Robert continues to live on the homesteatL We join in wish- , ing the McAllister family a future of health and happiness. — , Tice WA. of :he United 'Church Iheld a suet-ea.:slut bazaar and blos- som tea at the church on Saturday afternoon and realized $late i Alta Kenneth Brown, student at Queen's University, Kingston, spent the week -end with his 1arems,-31r. and Mr. Wilbur Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and sons. Billy and Jim of Toronto were recant visitors with Mr. and Mra. . Will. Smith, 4th concession of Ash- . fie.1dI, r.t and 'Mrs. Warren Bamford .3 Qf Preston _were visitors with the Anderson futnily over Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick and family of Toronto were recentvisitora with Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick and other relatives in the. district. 31r,-. Rebecca Caldwell and (laugh- ter. Pearl -were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, Ash-. field TOwnship. Soil surveys in Canada duang Boyle read an addreas and Mrs. UT IF YOU PLAN TO BIIELD LET'S TALK IT OVER Phone 782 • ' Elgin Ave. East PLANING MILL AND BUILDERS' SUPPLY yo•INIMIlv THOUSANDS OF '• • Started Chicks. AND Twice -weekly Hatches of Day -Old Chicks AT Crawford's Chick Hatcher LUCKNOW Rhode Island Reds Sussex X Rh. is. Reds B. Rock X White Leghorn Reds X B. Rock All from Canadian approved stock. All guaranteed healthy and hardy. FOR SUCCESSFUL FLOCK -OWNERS WE CARRY NEW LIFE AND LIFETERIA KEDS – DR. SALSBURY:3 PRODUCTS• HAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT GODERICH—CONTACT* LAKESIDE PRODUCE ••-17jf • No,Exposed Nails - 1ki Complete Double Coverage • Fire -Resistant Mineral Surface • Comes iniRED, GREEN or BLACK TAKE YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS TO YOUR BARRETT DEALER Besides roll roofings, your Barrett dealer has a complete line of roofing, insulation and weather -proofing materials. THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED Halifax • Saint John Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver E. Breckenridge Phone 135 Hamilton St. * Reg'd rode,Mark John Jeffrey &Son Phone 782 Elgin Ave. FORGETFUL Wife: "'Didn't you take the ear down town this morning?" • Absentminded husband: "Good Heavens: Now I remember. I turned to thank • the chap when I - got out and wondered where' he had gone." yfais.......110111111111111.11111111 Cemetery Memorials PRYDE & SON Clinton,• Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 41S, Exeter • and we shall be pleased to call. WE ARE AGAIN Contracting • Barley for the Canada Malting Company the same as last year. Our elevator has been completed and we are equipped with four ramps to provide you with SPEEDY, UNLOADING FACILITIES. ' W. G. Thompson, & Sons Ltd. Hensall.- Day phone, 32; night phone 2. —6tf T.TOMT 111111111 im ...1111M I MI I II I or r Itepresentative K. S. GTrTs* — GODERICH ST. MEWS rs..a., TEA Beautiful spring weather went hand in hand with the suevess of the Spring tea, baking and mud* sale held 011 April 19 in Mr. Dounelly's office • by SL Peter's Mrs_ 11. Simpson, president, was a charming hceatess as she greeted the many patrons Mrs_ Josephine Chisholza and Mrs, Con. Baecialer poured tea from a. beautifully ar- ranged table, with its lace eloth„ a lovely centrepiece of spring ffoieers. carried out in mauve, pink and blue tones and pink tapers in crystal candlesticks_ The two love- ly silver servit- •completed • the set wig. Mrs_ IL Austin had charge of the tea room. The appointed table- for Late rhina and silverware was pret- tily -arranged with a lace cloth and een:repieee of spring flowers.: Mrs. Austin's assistants in the tea room were Mrs. E. Jeffry. Mrs_ A. Wisser. Mrs_ C. Robinson. Mrs. W. Robin- son. Mrs_ L. Oulette. Mrs_ L. Cundari and Mrs. E. Carney. Each had chart- of a table deeorated with a• white cloth and yellow daffothils_ Those in charge of the other tables were: baking.* Mrs. F. Donnelly and Mrs. L. Walzak: candy. Mrs. J. S'herratt and Mrs. W. Kinahan: white elephant table. Mrs. A. E:u. NOTICE An members of Huron Lodge, No. 62 and Rebekah Lodge, No. 89, -LO.O.F., are invited to' attend divine worship at Victoria. Street United Church, Sunday, May. 1 i th Members'and adherents are asked to meet at MacKay 11211, --at 6.30 p.m. 18-19 _,...urs....c,..-,sehlwaier---bdtf-',ehar.Te-ot-AUB1311,11- DRIVER- rafILD — the prettily arranged plates of de -1 licioua sandwiches,. Mrs.' T. ,Dren- nan and 3Irs_ Frank Leddy pre- t wanianw j.; Meetinchey, RR_ 2, pared the tea. china and- sib-er- Anburn,was fined 50 and costs by ware. A a:ratifying sum was real- [Magistrate D. E. Holmes, QC., last ' • ,15 . Thursday, when be pleaded ;mail.- • GLAZIER—GOLLAN -to a charge- of driving while his ability to do so was impaired by Rev. II. E. 31inaker of Bethel aleohoL ('town Attorney 11. Glenn Tabernaele, officiated at the wed- Hays,-ljc, said that 31eClinchey ding of Mary Louella.Gollan. daugh- was overtaken by police as he was ter of Mr. Williath 4-;ollan. of Luck- driving from Dungannon to Nile now, to Ronald,'Glazier. son of ion the night of April 29. Ile was Mr. and Mrs_ Russell Glazier, of itined an additional $3 and costs Goderiela on Saturday. April 19. for having no tall light oh. his- 2_3to at" the home t'of the truck. groom's parents. The bride. given in marriage by her father. looked • Pretty in a floor -length dress �f- white rayon jersey with sw-eetheart, headdreas of white net with „floor- • length veil and carried a crescent bouquet of red roses and white stephanotis. 1rs. R. Desrocheaof Goderich. sister of the groom. was matron of honor and was prettily attired. in brocaded pink taffeta with matching headdress and car- ried aetclonial bouquet of pink and mauve sweet peas.' Mr. Grant Gol- Jan of I,12ehnow. brother of the bride, was groomsraan. After the ceremony. Mrs. llinaker. sr. and Mrs. II. E. Mitiaker. sang "1 Love --- Yau Truly' At the reception .Mrs. Glazier received the guests tvear- „- hut a navy dress with grey acces- sories and a cora-age of yellow roses. Mr. and Mrs. Glazier will reside in. Goderich. - $50 FOR IBEPAIRREENT 341i*ES-THIP DXSPITE LNitICRY Carrying on the rugged traditions • of her football playing father, who is a member oT the famed CalgarP Stampeders. six -months -old Sandra. Brown motored all the way from Calgary to Goderich despite the fact that only a 'few days before she left Calgary she fell out of bed and broke her collarbone_ Her mother, of course, accompanied her on the motor trip east with :Airtue friends who were journeying to Ontario. Her mother is Mrs_ Gordon Brown, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Simmons of Goderieh with whom they are visiting.. A GOOD MIRROR IS A JOY FOREVER WE HAVE A MIRROR FOR 'EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE - TAIT GLASS COMPANY LTD. A Pilkinglea Co,paray VICTORIA AND EDWARDS STS. PHONE 2-4457 . KITCHENER „‘. Send 1 fr your list of- visitors to Pergonal Mention, The Signal -Sian. tot1TR4c. • WO Ore DOOMS ON Op on.roA THE EMBLEM Of A OUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN ,A.1111, COH-41, • SHORE. & GINN Your Agent for G.M. Delco -Heat. O1$ Burnet ^ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS here's a new taste tluill, for you- juot tiy CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP on your cereal M-rn-rn! Good. • 1'