HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-04-17, Page 11THURSDAY, APRIL 17 h, 1952 DIAL 91110 CFPL 7DAYS* gWEEK 12:25 ikon (Monday tofriday) STOCK MARKET REPORTS Wally,Herbert reports from Easton Fisher HOLMESVILLE Mr. aud Mrs, H. Hinz and boys of New „Hamburg visited with Mrs. lituz'S parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norman,. tor 'the 'Easter holiday, Mrs. Hinz and children staying,- on for the week. • Sgt. and Mrs. Ivan Jervis and daughter,. April, spent the week -end - Kuthleen Holmes are spending the Easter holiday in Now. York• City. ' Mies Grace Lobb, Stratford, -is the goest of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs..•Bert Lobh, for the holidays. was the guest of Mr. au& Mrs'. Frank McCultough ou Easter Sun - A good many of the people -in the village are , spending their Easter holiday -sin bed—reason: the ill ULU pit. The . 110V. M. G. Newton and: Mrs. Newton, accompanied by ' their daughter, Miss Zona Newton, R.N., attended the, baptismal ceremonies On Saturday afternoon, April 12, '' of their grandson, John Douglas Wright, the tive-montles ol son of Mr. and Mrs._ John I Owler Wright of Rochester, N.V. The ceremony,. was held in St. George's Newton performing the rites -of baptism, with the Rev..I. N. Doidge. rector -of the church, in (-barge Of Bert Harris was re -hired at 95 the service. ' Mr.. and Mrs. Edward cents an hour, and 10 cents a mile Mattson, St. ittineS. street, London, while operating his ear going for following the ceremony, when :15 ThIsls-how Patrolman ALBERT K.It70(.7"STAD hZ1-the situation opened,their home for the receptimi repairs. The following communica- s,..: - dons were read and filed: A. It. . guests were entertained. Scott. CA.L., A. Alexander, C.N.R., when he was called to a movie theatre in St„„Paul, Ming. where JOINS LOCAL STAFF Earl Rawson, formerly of Ieger- soll, hos joined the staff of the Cranston funeral house. He entered the profession before World War II, during Which he was it-nica,her of the staff of the hospital ship, Lady Nelson. After leaving the service he was employed at -Sarnia and St. Thomas. Mrs. Rawson 'aod their two children,' Bonnie Anne, five past, and 'Sandra Lee, two and a ,half, are 4aking up residence here With him. r Township Accepts Town Proposal for Fire Protection The Goderich Township Council ateetleg ilohnesville on April 7, with all members present, heard a delega•tion from the Town 'Couucil of Goderieb, headed hy Councillor ft. E. Barnes ou the matter of an. arrangement for lire protection -ler, the township: Mr. Barnes outlined with the. towu for the services of the. lown's -tire departtneut nod' it eit to pay the town a retaining fee of $100 'and $50 for ettehjire call. The latter fee tti be .cditected from theowuer by the township. Mr. Ross of Goderich •was'pfesent to explain 0 proposed subdivision plan.- • tali Cole, Clinton, Shell agent,. was present to reconnUend weed spray to the township. J. Kilpatrick, of the Massey -floras Co, wag present to recommend a tractor and a power mower. Bylaw .No. 5, giviog couseut to the Bell Telephone Co. to change certain lines, was passed. Bylaw No. 6 concerning the warble tly spraying was read and passed. By- law No. 7 to authorize the borrow- ing of $15,000 for Current expendi- tures WnS read 0101 passed. Tree Planting in Stevenson Tract Regan by County Planting of the Stevenson tract, a new part of the Huron County' Forest, was started on Monday, and .1$ expected to continue for two weeks or more; The tract com- Oases 200 titres in the Maitland valley, about three utiles west of Brussels, and was bought..by tbe county of Hurou 1050. * The SiOvenSOn„ tract • Js to_ be_ planted partly by hand laitor and The lond was once'in pasture, but has notbeen farmed for 'slime years, .a nd considerable parts of the,. 200 acres are now overgrown with thorn bushes, some of them so 'big tliat they prevent the use of a tree -plant- ing machine. If trees ean be established on the tract, it should smile day be an attractive parcel of woodland. The Alaitland River flows through the tract, diVidlog it bite two seetiona. Planting is being done by the De- partment of Lands and Forests for the county of Huron, with Zone s Forester Stuart Hamilton and Zoue Foreman Ed, Moore in charge ofl the work.. Tree planting has already been! started on another North Huron tract of the Huron County Forest. A crew of hand planters is engaged in setting out 20,000 trees in the! Sheppardton tract, a 284 -acre parcel' of land in (7olborne township, at lot Let Coke join your- gay 15 in the 13th concession. "I'hel Department of Highways, Depart- three-year-ord. JACKIE JANISCH was choking on a piece of candy a chum had given him. The operation was successful. ASHFIELD went of Agriculture, Department. of ASHFIEIA), April 10. — Among Public Welfare, Alonteith and* Alon- — teith, Stan Prevett,11. Glenn Hays. visitorg home for the Easter holiday Macdonald of Windsor -at Mr. sli,„ Mabel ACV° II 11 t S ordered paid were as follows: Print Shop, supplies, $-1.95; County and Districtil. cam NG EVENTS IN are: Mr. ,Donald Drennan at Mr.1T. Lee. Thomas Moetianald't": Miss Anna 'Signal -Star, advertising, .$8.00; - Exeter's tax' rate for 1952 is, Mackenzie of Toronto -at Mr. Earl *Chark's E. Wise, telephone loan, ,i,10 satne as last year. Howes': Mr. Bain Stewart at Mrs. $500,00; Huron County, indigent %, Thieves broke into the Clinton !patients, $25.50; Municipal AN"ork. 'flosiery Co. plont one night last D. Rose's; Miss' Ethel Mackenzie at Mr. David Mackenzie's; Mr. and suPPlies., N1„cEwan Pres w41:- and 'node off with 240 pairs Mrs. ,Charles Barrett at Mr. Heory supplies, $8.58; Registrar of deeds, Of woollen hose. They entered tlw Clinton News -Record, adver- factory hy smashing a basement Mackenzie's; Miss Alma Johnson of 55e; -tising; $11.741; Monteith and ,Mon- Wintin W. Toronto at Mr. William' Johnson's. fetal,. auditing, $250.00; direct re- itev. John ilenry-*Kerr, rector of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson lief, $40.00; Dr. 11. Smith, tax, re- Brussels-, Walton and* Hoary'', has spent Friday with their daughter, fund, $24.48; Earl Blake, Peter Mrs. L. Whitehead of Teeswater. Clark, dog tax refund, $2.00 each: - The Easter meeting of the W.M.S. Road Superintendent's payroll No. is being held •ort Thursday - in the 4, $534.22. Council then adjourned basement of the church. till May 5 at 7.30. planting of the Sheppardton tract circle of friends. Serving ww; started in 19-16. 'This year the , main part of the plantings is with Coca-Cola serves hospitality SPruce, of which 10,000, are, going in. The pro.gram for the,' ... adds to the occasion. Shepparriton tract this spring also' calls for 5,000 white pine, 3,000. Announcements. of reining events red inaple,_t_l_d 1:70____E____tir_opean larch. 6 Bottle Carton 364; in the news butlgets of Signal -Star rural correspondents have made for confusion in the past in More .wayS than one. Therefore. to properly distinguish betw:een legitimate ad- vertising and news, any item re- ferring to 4.t' coming., event will be been appointed to the Anglican deleted -from district torrespond- parish tif Mvinston and Inwood.' ence conunencing next week. Should Garrow—Shobbrook any organizatiOn wish' publicity for Great: was the excitement at the A pretty double -ring ceremony any comhig event in its particular Goderich Memorial Arena on Sat- _______ ______ took place at the home of Mr. and district whether it be a sale, a urday night when the Goderich Mrs. Bert Shoblnook, Hullett, when meeting, etc . .it will be run under NtiESTFIELD their elder daughter, Thelma Ilene, the heading at the top of this story. Township annual carnival was held. became the bride of Gordon Frank , There will be the regular advertiS- The sponsors are to he. congratu- Groomsman was Kenneth Trump- 'WESTFIELD, April N. ____ The Garrow, youngest son of Mr. and • ing .charge, of 10 cents per Ime. lilted ou. ale success of this annual, .Ensses_no.sti„g ,44_,,,iste_w,Al.s. w . Airs. Frank (Jarrow of .Ednionton, Such notices,may be- given the dis- event. .. Vera Jean "%You'd, daughter °flours- Norwood.. . ,,,.,„_1 After the ceremony, gue.sts were •held on Wednesday afternoon with .1.1berta. Rev. • S. II, 13rent on of Met correVoridents--or ----maited—te Londesboro officiated. Mr. and Mrs. ' this office with the name. of the spirited hockey- gtime• between Due- lock, locante the bride of David : Roy •Sparling, Norwood, stssnol son :an aqua 'suit with Meek accessories 18 members present. The devotion- 'parents, the bride's Mother wearing al pragi.aaa was in on„rge of Airs. Garrow will reside in Clinton. " , person or organization responsible glamor' and Goderich Township Pee Goderich, in a ceremony Performed The groom's mother wore a stilt Eugh Blair. The' meeting opened Mr. 'and Mrs. Minslie Voung and for the paying of the account. With t he Singing of "Christ Arose," famil-Y were honored by their neigh- , periods, Goderich Township had 'Seripture- lesson was read by mi.s.11ett prior to their removal to their '''' CARLOW'. ' earned tr.:3-2 yictory, . Next {mute raees for4he girls and ing, in a blush rose Sll i t. Wit tr navy sage of pitsk carnations. At the and imlyer 'by' AD'S', 'Blair. The': bors of '.-the - 13th -coneessionsasilltb, , : : ilt Havelock Olt. . Ow ..ltev, 1.t. (.;.- . Of 'greY and white stripe with white, NewMan., The bride 'looked charm- , hat and nays- ,accesaories and cor- ,Howard Campbell. Mrs. Blitir' read ! neW home nettr Dungitnnon., At a , , „, ,,,,,, , ,, .,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,, boys •-wit•h results as follows:, 'Girls, accessories ittd corsage of yellow , reception Mrs. Newman sang, oe- an article on- Easter. Airs. Jacklgathering at the honte of Air. and '''''"'"-'''''' '4' ''''—'"'" "."-- Bean is visiting in Detroit for a Wilillt 211.1, Pauline Sowerby ; Boys, carnations with purple sweet-peits. eompanied on the piano hy her it„,,i,„„„„ g.„5., a reading •on ..11.1irs. Stewart Antent they :werl,,k :ire - Miss Betty Baker, Norwood, her hushand. • know my Redeemer liveth" and the! seuted with a farewell address, and "'Aug!' :tilftdd'AISic's.;.: Charlie' Watson Of 2nd, Franklin Yeo; Girls, 12 and only attendant, W a st zittired in a i On their 'return from' a weddlett ,,, an . electric automatic iron Mid InOSS green suit ,'svith brown neves- : trip to St.- Marys and Toronto, the rmiding, "'File resurrected life i was rezul by Mrs Bloir F t itoaster . -- , Sarnia visited Mr. and Mrs. Williant under -1st, Donna Harrison; 2rid, sories 'and corsage of yellow ear- 1 young couple will reside in Nor - hymns were sung during the nass-,!,Hrown—Finlay :Watson over, the week -end. Dawn Grigg; 'Boys, 12 and under— Mr. and Airs. Ross Pennington ist, Stanley Telford; 2ud, William nations and pink sweet peas. wood. and the Misses .14.an ,ind Joan Me- Robinson; Girls, 10 and under -1st. sponsive reading was - led by the United'. Church, Clinton, was. the „ visited W it It Mr. Lilliao Mciaoto; 2nd, Mitrgaret Prayer in unison.. " Mrs. Smith gavel 41- Mrs. Leonard Cook, Myth, and week -end. . 1st, B. Whetstone; 2nd, I). Chis - president, AIrs. Charles Smith, f ol- , scene on April 5th of the weiRling 1-''-,-,...•••,-)--• - lowed by prayer, With. t Ilt: Lord,s, of Mary 'Audrey Finlay, daughter and sirs. Gorth in McPhee a t the Alexauder ; . Boys, 16 and under a reading, "The Salt of the Eart•li." , the la;.e. David H. Finlay,' Wing- ' Mr. aud Mrs. Jint Mason have holm. • : Mys. , Norman MeDoweJ1 was 'an- I ham, and William John •Brown,:lawved 6) Belgr;1"'' The judges ' for the costume pointed d-elegate to the Presbyterial only son of Mr. anti Mrs. George ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent classes, Misses Margaret Holland , -meeting at Clinton, May 1. The Brown, Hullett township. to_ —,s_. ii. of- 'Toronto visited with Mr. aud and Ariene. Rouse, ttal Mr: Chester treasurer r'etibrted 15. paid Membets . C. Wilson officiated. 'Ille 3, , , g _ Ilim_ Tyndall over the we.ek-end. McNair, had to make a choice from so far this year. Mrs. It ..arvey _me_ , couple will mala. their loone in; W*M"S' 711(°ng" ---- The W.M-S" among many varied and, originiti 1 Hullett. ... . Anet at the home of Mrs. A.ruulti costumes. They finally tuade the o its tn ot mit ? 1 Young last " oust:lay with a good following ehoiees: Ladies' faney— In a survey of pa rking conditions number pres,ott. ' Mrs.,A. stoo. took 1st, Mary Elliott ;• 2nd, Eleanor ye,,: the meeting. Till,. next. meeting Isidies' ,emnic—lst, Joyc.. Forbes; recent Tuesday afternoon one-third wi" ''''' — : las 15. The meeting was 2nd, Barbara leo ; Alen's fancy -- of the space on the Main s 1 rel.t. WO s closed with a hymn and prayer. 1st, Keith Rathwell ; 2nd, Ma it la nd oceunie&by'the ears of Exeter busi- The hostess :scefved lunch and a Driver; 'NIen's comic—lsr, Clayton nessmen and their employees.. Forty social hour was spent. Laithwaite; 2nd, Joseph Storey. Mrs. J. I,. McDowell. t_ats ., 55 4 rt_ . 011 11(1 10 lial e peen. will be held The honor of being the YOutigest ,Miss Edna Smith • of Kiechener , . The W.I. meeting. parked on the' main street dnriug ship mtil m„. c. Edward of on. Tuesday. April 2'2, in the Town- person on skates went to Kenneth the ohole afternoo.n. Meriam, son of Mr.- and Mrs. Jark_ spent the week -end with Mr. and . Tender Accepted fer ,. Goderich will speak ou tile Lastory Meritini. The. oldest person. on Mrs. Gordon Smith. New School at Clinton of Eaton:s. Roll call, will be a skates was Mr. Harry Clements, of Holland, moved Iasi week to their : Canadian that made good. Current who is 72 „years old. The school Mr. and Mrs. de Groot, formerly. Clinton Public Schots' .Board hos ' new home on the 4th concession accepted the tender of Ball PM- events will be taken , by Mrs, with the umat children on the ice of East Wawiinosh. - Strout an. 'Hostesses are Mrs. F% Wit S S. S.. No. 3, Hohnesville. . .Mrs. Fred Cook and Mr. Dave 'Fisher Mrs. Straughan :Ind NIrs. Mrs. Benson Sowerby and five of - the _construction of a new school ` ' Cook are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Reg. building,. snbjeet 'to the approval het' children -wort taw nrlie for the family •• with the largest number Carter of Woodstock. the Ontario Municipal Board: The building is to have ten ctimsroont• ' : L.O.I.1. CARD PARTY from one family on the ice. Miss Hattie Wightman of Toronto spent the week -end with her pitr- - i.t_ . 11 the L.O.L. No. 182 card party A lisely broom ball game rambled cuts, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wightman. _. d g . .---.... on Friday night last at AlacKay amusement for everyone. Goderich, CAR AND TRUCK COLLIDE Han the prize winners were Airs. Township Clomeil team finally Air. and Mrs. John ' Gear and . week -end with Mr. Armond Alec. AT TAYLOR'S CORNER J. McAdam, Mrs. Neil Thompson, emerged victorious over the Glide - Albert Mehl and J'anies McAdam rich Township Trustee- team by chilaren of - Kitchener' spent_ the Burney and Mrs. J. L. AI...Dowell. for -5007 _and Mrs. Effie Carrick. the seore of 1-0. Skating and (lane - Mrs. Gear and children are re- Mrs. Charles Moore. George Me- ing were enjoyed for the remainder , maining for the Easter vacation. A truek driVen by Frank Sweeny. Leod and David Cantwell for of the evening. :qrs. J. L. McDowell and Miss Goderich- collided with the rear of &refire, *Lunch was served by the Minnie-- Snell visited on Saturday' rt a car driven by Samuel MeNall ladies after cards were played. . ...,_2, Clinton, at Taylor's Cerner with Mr. and_ Mrs. _Elwin Taylor Highway No. 8 on Saturday • of Brussels. ' - night. The McNeil ear had started Mr. ond Mrs..11.ay Hanna 'of Bel- to slow doWn before making the grave visited on Sunday with Alt-. turn and the truck struck it in end Mrs. Bert Taylor. the rear eausing '$200 damage te the end of 1951, fresh outbreaks of each vehicle. •Provincial Censtable the disease in January were said II. Stott investigated. The drivers to liti re been a. a substantially re - were uninjure-d. duced rate. Annual Carnival Successful Event Mr. and Mrs. George MacGregor of Hamilton are visiting relatives here. TOWNSHIP OF GODERIcll TENDERS WANTE Tenders will be receiied by the undersigned until May 3, 1952, for' the crushing and delivering on the Town- ship roads under the supervision' of the road superinten- dent, of approximately 10,000 cubic yards of gravel to be taken from two Township pits. All gravel te pass through a % inch screen. Work to be completed by August 1." Tenders to state price per cubic yard delivered any- where on Township roads. This price to include patching done for one year to date of tender. - Also tender far bulldozer and bucket work by the hour, stating site of each. Marked cheque for each tender of $200.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For information apply to Road Superintendent. 'Road 'Superintendent Clerk R.R. 3, Clinton, Ont. R.R. 2; Clinton, Ont. 16-17 Phut/L./mut 2c per Sauk Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under c4o4tirszt with coca-c.a.' L64. Goderjch Bottling Works Phone 489 Goderich, 'Outwit) ' of the program for May. The meet- iog closed with the singing' of ••Iseneath sheCross of Jesus." The Rev. C. C. Washington prououtn,ed the benediction. Miss Minnie Snell of Toronto spent the week -end with her sister, The serloos foot and' mouth epi- demic in Denmark is reported to be slackening. and although ten per cent of all' herds were affected by NILE NLI,E,,. April 16.—Str. William 1 WatS011 1/4.4`t1 in St. .10Se 1111'S Hospital, London, fnr an operation on his foot. 4 Misa.Altna McPhee underwent an operation, for appendicitis in Goths rich hoSpital. The Rev. Mr. Harrower was too 111 to take the service Sunday) and Airs. Harrower suppl led h is . place. Mrs. Pentland, pianist, also was ill and Douglas Squires played. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen of Tor- onte were guests of Mr. and Airs. I Doug. :McNeil. 1 Miss Helen McNeil is holidaying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and The .W.M.S. its regolar meet- ing at the home of Miss Mary cum,- on April 1), with nine Mem- bers present. Mr. Wilfred Godfrey is bone front B.C. rater spending several years there and thinks Ontario pretty -good plare. Miss Marie Watson and friend, Miss 'Tom of London, are visiting at. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson's. Joyce, Karen and Diane wet e , Easter visitors at Arkona. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan and children of Kintail Were Easter visitors at Henry Mathews. 1 The choir rendered speeial ..mualc on Sunday and Mrs. Roy Fisher and Mrs. Doug,. McNeil sang a duet. The Women's Association had lovely .spring flowers at the front. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels of Toronto were recent visitors with, Mr. Wilmer Rutledge sent a sick1 cow to Guelph for speelal diagnosis! ""iiTirT doctoring her here for a week. You may ne.ver meet her. But you , ' h ire talked to her, heard tbat friendly "voice 'The Bell pperatot Las, through the years, become a symbol of courtes) IA competence. II She ia one of the thousands of telephone people everywhere responsible for providing (1 you with the best possible -telephone service. - With her they ;hare a comMon pride in the Bell tradition of, treating custoMers the way they like to be treated. THE BILL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA rr,you PLAN TO BUILD LET'S TALK IT OVER WE CAN HELP YOU. John Jeffery & Son Phone 782 Elgin Ave. East PLANING MILL AND BUILDERS' SUPPLY NO MORE "PEAKS" IN HEATING CO'STS KINSMEN aper Drive ed., April 30 SPREAD FUEL BUYING OVER EASY -TO -PAY PERIODS _Why_let.fuel bills_cripple your win- pay—and, with 'blue coal', you'll, ter's budget? Use our 'blue coal' enjoy the unequalled heating com- Budget Plan now. You'll scarcely fort of the world's finest anthracite. miss the small monthly sums you Enjoy Paid -Up Heat with our 'hlue coal' Budget Plan No "all -at -once" bills. Pay for iour 'blue coal' as you pay Your phone bill—small, regular monthly stuns. 2. No shortages. Your winter supply of 'blue coal' assured and paid for before wint,er begins. 3. No worries. Your household budget,. runs better — other expenses are more easily met. Please have paper tied in bundles and placed on boulevar ds. 1. Ask'obout our 'blue coal' BUDGET PLAN PHONE US TOpAY SPECIAL NOTICE We want SC4AP METAL and RAGS and will collect these at the same time as the paper. Please remember to put out your scrap metal and rags also. Edward_Cdial Co. r Phone 98 Goderichl-Onit..