HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-04-17, Page 9THURSDAY. APRIL 1101„ liM6e Your Bridal Photograph It's the one photograph above all others that must be perfect . . . that,, must show you at your very bear We're especially equipped to make it for you (but better make your appointment early). MacLAREN'S STUDIO Goderich and Clinton tat Clinton Studio. Tuesdays aid Thursdays), Telephone Goderirh it Clinton 141 • GARDEN SEEDS Regulations under tete Seeds Act governing the sale of seed of garden vegetables and field root:,, provide that each packet must be labelled to show the yc+trr in which the iseiee1 was tested. and • the percentage gerwin- attou—if It is lower than the Safe minimum prescribed for each kind. swommiewilimemmi WE ARE AGAIN Contracting Barley for Canada Malting Com,. pang CONTACT US Contracts can be arranged by phone or letter. Phone 103. Nights 133. All Barley Will Be Treated Free Of (;large. 'GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS LTD. HENSALL_ONT. Good Service_-._. Fast Unloading Facilities ftf These provisions are, for tlxe pro- tection of the buying public. A high germination is an important factor in the growing of crops. The Plant Products Division, De- partment of Agriculture, ,is respons- ible ,for the enforcement of all pro- visions under the Seeds Act, and inay detain, or confriscate, seed stocks found inferior to the pre- scribed standards, or those not pro- perly labelled. With the object of promoting poultry farming in Greece, the Agri- cultural Bank has purchased from the United States 125 hatching ma- chines as..well as brooders of vary- ing capacities, Ntwiiiiiwwilaatonememessma —I start using Dodd's Kidney Pals, the 60 rem* repotatioalor results- Dodd's Kidney Pals help the kidneys to normal action—help you fed better, work better, play better. You can Amend on Dodds. 164 CHANGE OF INCOME 'TAX DISTRICT NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS RESIDING IN HURON, , BRUCE and WELLING- TON COUNTIES ...The Counties of HURON, BRUCE and , WELLING TON, formerly under the jurisdiction of the London or Hamilton District Taxation Offices, have now been transferred- to the jurisdiction of the District Taxation Office at Kitchener, Ontario, located in the Dunker Building, ,251 Kith Street West. Ac- cordingly, the records of all taxpayers residing in these' three Counties have been transferred from the District Taxation Offices at London or Hamilton. to their new location, and any related correspondence or general ingilies on Taxation matters should be directed to the District Office at Kitchener. Remittances of tax 1 y individuals and corporations, and tax deducted at the source by employers resi- dent in the Counties of HURON, BRUCE and WELLINGTON, should be mailed or delivered - to the District Taxation Office at Kitchener. Taxpayers' (both individuals and corporations) resi- dent in the above-mentioned Counties, who formerly filed their appropriate Income Tax returns ' and Succession Duty returns with the District Taxation Offices at London or Hamilton, will file their returns for 1951 and subsequent taxation years, with the District Taxation Office at Kitchener, DEPARTMENT OF- NATIONAL REVENUE — TAXATION DIVISION OLD $TYLE HIKED MAN VANISHING (Froat the Hanover foist) • A few days ago upstate Several seemingly unc-uftnec-ted treats occur- red, writes a New York Time* col- umn -ha. A iu:tn w Nut off to Schen- ectady to work in defence Industry. A fanner nuld thirty .cows for what he could get. A real estate dealer listed anutLyer farm ou the For Sate" tisst. 'Thu tore -e events were hound -one to the other as .the parts of a chain reaction, Whzit happened Was that Joe Smith,, the hirvtik ulain, on Frtnk EAU' ' 1srw quit. Frank Sold out. At t;() he kuew he Was licked `A farmer eau buy the latest 2sdeutilic advice and the bast cows and the latest machinery; but where can he tied another hired man? There was a day when a few farms were 'without them; they helped make the middle-sized Am- erican farms possible. 'They are vital, unless the farmer was blessed with a 'row of stalwart sous, all willing to stay un the farm. They were listed as unskilled labor, but Ito listing was ever more unfair. Had Many Skills The list of jobs a good hired man wight be expected to do was a long one. It included milking and the rare of the cows, the care of the horses and of the chickens, being midwife to the brood sow, planting and weeding a truck garden, cutting feuee poles and digging postholeit, snaking logs from the wood lot and chopping kindling, doing odd mason- ary jobs and spots of road repair, painting, plumbing and the repair of almost anything, -that was broken,' from harrow teeth to stove pipes. The farm routines of plowing, harrowing, planting, in o win g, threshing and silo tilling were taken for granted. In a pinch the hired man might repair most anything ou the farm tractor or the farm automobile. To do'alt these things the hired roan worked a '12 -hour day most of the time and, 1Z hours- in summer. Six days a week and sometimes perhaps double that -sand room and board.t Maybe he ate enough' for two men, but he did work etfough for two men at the sante time. The hired man usually carne from the neighborhood. He lacked either the, capital or the ambition to buy a plaee of • his own; many times he never pothered to get married but was content to live his life out ip a small room up under the roof: He was as much a part of the! -family as anyone wlro gathered' around the kitchen table. Stayed on Farm When the fatnify..went to town, however; he stayed •on the place. He might get into town now and then t►y himself, but he uecer seemed to care much about itl one way or the other. Now and then a hired mats might have a family and live in a tenant house ou the place • and have some life of his own, but the sante hours, the same skills• and the r}uule, faithfulness followed. GODERICji 8I NA , A3 A Mr. A. J. Shaw, shown above, has been appointed to the newly -created position of Vice -President in Charge of Sales of the Chrysler Corporation of Canaria, Limited, according to an announcement made to -day by Mr. E. C. Row, the Corporation's Presi- dent Mr. Shaw, with the Corpora- tion over twenty-five years, will assume his new duties on Aphll 1st. WHITEFISH STOLEN Provincial police are investigating the theft of 300 pounds of white- fish front the fish house of John MacLeod at - Baytleld, last Sunday night. Entrance was made by breaking the padlock on ,the front door. 1....rrr+11.1111w GUY IVES &SONS CEMENT CONTRAC- TORS BUILDING BLOCKS and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Chimney built or re- - paired. _Phvae- --Carlow -----2612 7-oxtf The disappearance of the hired I roan front our farms is no sudden thing;- They were going in the Tiventtes ; in -the Thirties a- few -- came back from the cities% They . went fast in the Forties. The pre- sent speed-up of defence industries in various cities just about .com- pletes the process. Today a farmer advertises for -a hired man in vain. Those who are left 'are .older men : when they are gone there Will bel none anywhere, even no to a dollar an hour : but a 40 -hour week in a city 'factory, with. time more at- tractive. The modern mechanized middle - size farm is a niee thing to read alit, but. it still -is a tough thing for one man to operate.. There are some farm jobs that are „hard to do without help or at least that can be done a lot faster with an extra 'pair of , hands. Fanners either• must teach the kids to helps at an early age or they have to change around .the farm . and move some; where near a defer -tee plant. The i ex -hired ratan will Ise glad 'to h►alp, .. the..ex-I►ost get a job. It's been a• bit lonely In Schenectady. COUNTY BLACK KNIGHTS .i INSTALL NEW OFFICERS \ Officers - were -elected of the an- nual meeth4g of Huron County •Royal Black Knights of Irelantd iheld at Blyth. ' Installed were:. Elmer Webster, Varna ; Robert Hibbert; Pordwich; H' --i, flunking, Auburn; N. Sly, J: Learner, G. Cornish, W. Falconer, Clinton; H. Jack -lin, Ethel; J. Dinsmore, Ford- with ; Joe Lyons, ('. Falconer, George'Bailie, Blyth ; George Davis, Exeter. Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE & SON "Clinton; Exeter," Seaforth Write Box 150, or phone 41J, Exeter and we shall be pleased to call. Yo(/R Qf;LMwos 04 0,41'06 THE EMELEM O11 A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN SHORE & GINN Your Agent for G.M. Delco -Heat 011 Borne. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - HURON NEN TEACI ERS NANCE, MME H It!E 'Huron County local qt the On- tario Public School Men Teachers' Yederativu meeting at Cllntoa Wed- nesday night of last week elected John Blackwell, of Hensall, as Ila new president. Principal of Hen - ,sal Public School, he succeeds A. .1. MareDouaid, et` Winghatn. C. l!►: -Trott, It.C.d.y'. Station, Clinton, was named vice-president and C. O. Martin, Clinton, secretary, The executive will Include 'Mersin Stephens, Goderich ; A, J. MacDon- lsld, Wingharu; - Donald Eastman, • S3 • A. -Kinkead, inkead, Ooderich, inspector - JJ.A of public schools for ,North Huron, addressed the meeting. YOUTHS ?AMC CHARGES YOlt -sem 01P' RADIO Alrtu Hutell.les, 19, was- gltien suspended sentence fur oae year and John Horton wais remanded to jail for, one, week, 'when they pleaded guilty to a charge of steal- ing a portable radio front the store of Charles Woods un East street. The two apepared before Magistrate I'f' E. Holmes, Q.(.;., last Thursday. Horton faces u further charge of - breaking suspended senteuee. Crown Attorney 11- Mewl hays, Q.C., said that the radio had been Sold __to_ Itutc'hinson's radio shop` for $16 which Hutchins 'and Horton had shared. Hutchins said that they had gotte into Woods' store, HURON COUNTY CROP REPORT Horton had picked up the radio The first warble fly spray is being applied is all townships in the county. Two townships have inmost completed this first applica- tion despite poor rravelltng condi- tions. A little plowing bas been completed in the South end of the old grade heifer calves fetching County but more warm . weather around $0:5.00 to $75.00 apiece. anddrying winds are needed be- fore work on the laud becomes -gen eral. There have been a number of farm auction sales held recently and at one held the other day good grade Shorthorn eows brought as high As 33:10.00 with two week - and theu be had taken it from him. 'Horton claimed he did not know that Hutchins had taken the radio out of the store. Hutchins said he was prepared to repay half of the $10 to Woods. WE ARE AGAIN Contracting Barley for the Canada Malting Company the same as last year.• Our elevator has been completed and we are equipped with four -ramps to provide you with SPEEDY, UNLOADING FACILITIES. W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd.! Hens:alt_ _-.Day__phone,_.32;� night phone 2. —6tf MckioleyFarm: ,Rna�. a CANADIAN APPROVED CHIC YOITA ENQUIRIES ARE SOLICITED. Write or phone and talk McBal ip regarding yoir chicks for 1952., Cockerels, Pullets and Unsexed 697-r-11 Hensall R.R.. 1, $tori, 8-110' For quick resultsLtry. a classified ad in The Signal -Star "Rea11ysets you. up fortheday 1 CRIJWN BRANO CORN SYRUP on. Wyour)A breakfast Cereal 1, CB/i-2 CH E .......:::::.:::.,:.„,„„....,:.:.,,.. ..„:, =sero . Y ..s. .: A GENERAL `MOTORS VALUE Illustrated —Chevrolet Bel Air ir.•x•.;retake,rd9s+�.c-.ucc«.<....<..o,c :,->., y The only fine ears priced so low! NEW ROYAL -TONE STYLING—You II admire the bill, bright, beautiful Bodies by Fisher . .. the thrilling new front. side and rear -end design the longer, lower; more luxuri- ous look of this 'smartest of all low priced cars. `GORGEOUS NEW EXTERIOR COLORS .Vivid—freih—sparkling . . . widest choice of .rich and beautiful Color combinations ... the most wonder- ful array of colors in the entire low• price field- v NEW IMPROVED POWER -JET CAR- BURETfOIy-(with automatic choke in Powerglide models). improved starting and smoother acceleration are achieved by . better fuel flow end a fast acting accelerator pump. r VICTORIA STREET SOFTER, SMOOTHER RIDE -All pas- sengers, in both front and rear scan, enjtzy a much smoother, softer, mere comfortable ride, due to new and improved shock absorber ac- tion, over almost all types of roads. 11.1 `y. 4q ...wt.... iik .,Niiii., A &gm", gial ALLURING NEW INTERIOR COLORS -Upholstery and trim are in two tones of blue. green or gray to harmonize with exterior colors, in alt De Luxe sedans and sport coupes fabrics and appointments of exceptional quality. •• EXTRA -SMOOTH, DEPENDABLE POWERGLIDE-Combined with MS- h.p. Valve-in•Head Engine with Automatic Choke and Hydraulic Valve Lifters—gives finest no -shift driving. (Optional on De, Luxe models at extra cost.) t, NEW CENTREPOISE POWER—Brings new s"rnoothness, new freedom from vibration, to low-cost motoring; tor .-the engine now is gently cradled between the mountings and cush- ioned in soft rubber. Check the't"n over, one by one, all the things you want in your next car. Then come in, examine and drive this big, bright, beautiful Chevrolet for '52! We believe you'll agree you've found your car; and we know l ou'11 pat' less for it than you'd have to pay for comparable quality anywhere else. For here are the only fine cars priced so low. Bril- liantly new in styling . .. outstandingly fine in quality ... and lowest -priced line in their field! Come in—now! More people buythevrolets than any other carl cONTRktio 31 -YEAR PROVED VA1:iIE-IN-HEAD ENGINE DESIGN Constantly proved and refined over the years. it brings you outstanding perform- ance, reliability and economy; and, as a result, it is setting the trend fof the industry. EXTRA -EASY CENTRE -POINT STEER- ING — Control is centred between the front wheels instead of behind the left front wheel. This advancrd steering geometry makes Chevrolet surprisingly easy to steer, manoeu• pre acid park. GARDNER MOTOR SALES EXTRA -SAFE JUM/O-DRUM BRAKES —with Dubl-Life, rivetless linings. They're the larasrt brshsr In the low -price field. And owners will tell you they're smoothest, safest and easiest operating, as well. 0-7521 PHONE 234