HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-04-17, Page 8PAWS SIGHT LEEBURN x LiiiiC13DJL.'' . A 11$. ----Mr- and Doug 31CKilntock and Bobby visited Writ weekend with the lat- toi( slitter, Mrs, Elmer Hunter. Mr. kintater gaud Mi14li kdith liortou ir1 at preheat abilliaell Lu tier Ltd a1 lice .`hr,we, kilter jutrny. frieud" wish; her a hers >dy re(:utery. melt. Jona lluald and_ daughter they product•tl. lu eoi#r,t• or t1we jetty ajjent the j:alste1. t lid the land becalwtr fairly nett ot•- with. her ilureut.a, 314". ..:(url 31ss. upil d. Wittsw, Some,. had more lu>,ti than Bogie. _. Bi1 li liciirtn of ,they could ha -Julie . av thr:s Lt1�+i j tutrtn t3 tiltd,- Our the latter n• 411ut, utherss •tu work for .thein. 'fhb, nu* Mr*. John Chisholw, ,sr., vue da) 4111• bet;iuuitlb of a new 0•4"4 alit! Mat week and also IA -stied Mr:.tud distinction brow up, .betwt-en'those Mint. 'rhouiu4 chiaboltu. with ,laud and tjlo.e wbu corked MIS. Bert }Bogie r turned last ult., it. Tile latter at, tunes Mete Tittinula) from at. l':1tt,ar,u.•►s ;::fit -r paid by gi.iug theta a part .1 rite spending a few days. .. its her product they product -d. here 0..17. dit4ighter. )leas Frank 31 it'.ty+4) '+v ho the first Ji>stLUrtiort between the was ill., o.\ u.'r er .-apitalist and the worker Mrs. L. Ruston 'of 1V.eter1..,4, 41,d who worked, and war paid sur it. daughter, Miss Margaret of \1"u:_i The situation (•hauget!• atilt .the 1sCeburg ca11ed ou Milani•, 14(111t, and }ear,. '17ie farmer needed 'yule 141:01•10 Ilurtou' uu4turli3). J1su 1111+ tiit,c. and jut thew. ('arae, in with the Misses Ilurtuu ou Saturday ( Lillie, the industrial re.olutiou. was their sister -la -law, )!r. Henry machine, of today are far inure Scorn of Uongauuou. etllctent than the ulachiues of 14'U Yom- Audrey Smith i,f Lealllin„ ,,;,r„ Jg... All this brought, a1uta UM is spending the 'Easter \ Jcat uu ;u:sn>' .list!;:+ n. 1114 re ser,• tunic with her parents, M-4". .w+! Mrs. jobs fur factory workers. 'the Wilfred Smith :lad faintlyI tamer • el get along w ii►1 le.s 3111S61'erua Bennett •,f l,etro.t :s i hell,, the elite:- tire•,\ rapidly. !•'ricer visiting tilts week with ser uncle I !nett found stark list the farms. alyd aunt, lir. and 31r•. 'l'elenc•', That •1.4.einent applies •only to the Hunter. ..Yer sctt:(d dintrlctr. tgricUlittr.li Church rer.il'.i at 1.eeburu t•4"(' t.r•.•i. boil bas expand-41expand-41tr•ute11.1- The Old Conflict By jt. J. !!duan I'HE UODERICH SIGNAL-sTAK A I[AX'$ BEwr D T11VIt$114,3, A1'ILI1. I t IL, 1i% til our earlier ht -tory t11cre were promise of bt•tt+r market,. :n the lt►0 t•Irf•^.c., 9\orkt•rn atl.t farmer!., finale OUT dantes,1.' :UJli►tt 1111 The worker. worked for themselves pru►r,. ►\1111 til' 44" 1 owns :luta cities. "Ibis Ir. ,.0 111 cud 'at Hint worked tar (,tht•rs-du„trf:ll age all' °.hi, Me./ no cx [ukiug an,, their pay at part of a hat pattsiull of dcwatld. There are solo- ,,roh:.•rue. 1.,,b.ir in difficult to &bl.ua at 4(.,r>.,udhle rates out inerca:4in; la0.'ha111Z..11pm lap the u1004er. - Viola our get, 11t►j� t:itjr,:. iv/up :►dtlllt.,ti;li_ J101 lain At'as-oua:. 'Che 1.lr-kus•r alae f41,4•1'. this problem. unw il.iterl' is expett- . i\e. '!t !1s in use for , tery :,!tort is 1 inct lu of 110.4" a oras-. t 411.4tal gusts are high wart* ,ueut+ur.xl L3 tlr0.' period of 4,, 'ftiltiess, !•:tett here there in. hole-.- -1'il,• tu.s(Ilitle Mitch ha. au :IA ti+4: life of tail) L\t" or six weeks In .1 year aid last many years. '1'heu there is the labor j1roblcln. The rin'iug rates of +t higher fteigll' rat,(,'. ' here it is ditlrcait to r.-•" tut' t/11 of the pro- blem but it 1. net without hope. Railway r(juip,u.•u: i.; better th..0 ever before. 1'11 • trio -1i ,is bec.►tr,'iag a More iulp'1rtant fa.lor. In rth,. W. ,t, of course, 111 •t • is a hewy ulusement of w.A:a itl the tail months but .al the I•:a4": the ill.-- t:,toe,' air .:1...1, i• !ea quite ',u laae,r.aut. Then the farmer's life should be happier, heaitllie., railer titan that of the industrial worker. life its the opcu. 1f be leis the derirtr lir the Incti':4"! a„"ility l►e can !user homea :dace of beauty awl a .on -taut joy, Then the falai writhdr.twu Uu ka to 44uudss the- ! o01,:> 'file faru,er now, caters trot caetie the Ire\'. 3D. Harrower a•:•s ,.lily t•, tis. local c•,li,uw.•1 --there is laid up with "tin." s world market fOr his pr•.•lisct. All Visitors on li.,+rd !'t'itla) - :►:ill th,s 11.1- brought tit a ;treat Mr. and 31rs. Terrace 1118331r: •04 :+' 1 change. We 11.t\e Iwo 1.414 41 •118 Mr. and 311s. Thaws, 31r:liau. industrial workers .sl.•1 firmer,. 1 To owaDda, N.Y.; )Mrs. Clara !11'11- 1111* t,, be an 11 '3.'' -Iltn: .'oils:'ti sett.- and %3i,,., Thelma Bennett. 1 ,11 industrial rid, ion Goderit'%l, Our Great Future Decidedly, alt ltast, 4"s I -X,• :11- Barbara: 11'Barbatra: -We wasn't get di,.:t. Ur 34.143.u r a; it will be i.,,' n. U' aa+ •! aged. In this world there's a man 1"u,:t :1r.•as of :awl wit for eery girl and a girl for evi'on 1 i f rnet man, We an't improve u au -ar- rangement like that." Gladys: "1 don't want to inli`.r.,ae ou it. I lust Kant to Set in •,u it:' yet worked to eapite- 1' a tine plaice to raiset falllil\. '1'140 3,11.1 ala) lea0.'.th•• how.. t0:+l_ tui ;.o to the city bat !s .AV ill be worthwhile far limn klr,,w that they - were bort! and grew up on a fart,. i,t 1eerday and Tomorrow I Lauti ll •al [llc .arena ill my' *44:4" ,4y. i .4"f i- /fj� .,S 4",6. . :. ,..., F:111.:1. a little black 14tti,t-ry wilt, was, tie- late President. F. 1►. Roosevelt's Boli taitt (-imp:ani.,nl for fire year.. !rod r.'+-en110 at 1a! h1l1 Cottage on NEWS OF AUBURN AUBURN. RECEIVES PIIT,~PITBIBLE • A prti*Ii1atluu of a nein ,,ulptt ,tt-!tl U%. ,lptii !t; ilr. sail the 4J,urth ou 'rhur.ycla) etr1t:u>; 1tiG1r w�, ul:.di• .,t til,- E.1*ter u,uin- 31rt. tl"ilti.;ta use"; arta! )oup;, i'rttt Lmhitlrul, ilr.•. 11. .1;0.11!, pre- jp� ,..•r>t'itr• of Ktlux I u,t...l ('pure ,, daughter of 4;aI1 s'lajtt•t1 31 r. sal l "Wed. The detotiuual taa,s' t�l,u`Auburn, last Sunda). 31r- t'hnritst S�..Y,li, �ujrriulendrtlt ul 11iC 31r•. I:,lga i 14 a' U ou 4;t' s1 1''4" Ola) - by lturit I taer and I'ai rteL1 Yung- { •hur..il . t>0'Lool, prr+ruta d t:4"- .4,11'7 it ,.,s 1„+11x1 14ulli1i ' 31 of 1 tont,t Lint. Prayer was uIf. r. -d by Mr. to the tniui,ster awl 0 ij tigat1ou J, J, 1Yi1 ,1u. X'ft. p uxr:r n, s► ,r~' uu t,hi1f of ihr :Sc +� ►1_ '1lie lrult,lt I,re,;t-utttl b)• 4br siui 44y l.r4.0 ,l-' ji l�1e, in tint till 1:last 2 uit•l:ry naw :tad. liidUJed a ,•*,u; b) the 1 c glreu to the 4{iurch 17 )tars; ajfo l;junrrti else,; :, re.-t-t.ltiuu 1 Brien by tie Bunds) ScUrhtr,1 of 11t.tt Pets:, Ypuj;blui : ,cru;., 1,) 14".,1,11 ae- rt4it ltjuw+ Ly 1-:d;;ar and 1i•,,s. cf l,i.-tl `tilt liib1t wild .,,,udu.•tt,tl a ituaie L4-ther ;tu+1 ; reading 3, brief ded a tion *erric'.. The !Kook' Uunna Itangilt; a play, ''1'br 1{inj Is a Large and Leaufjfully buwiil of • 4 tory'," by the l'riluar•y class: lloltu3n Bible, duet ' by !;.tura May ata! Juice The Itev. Us, Alessudtr 3Iac3111- I.etheriau,l and the !":,lite! `Ivry 'Jan of Tarouto will preach 'and lip iiiitaielgrai,b by 31r,. Itradtlut-t.",s participate in the dispensing of the e ,s,b. The utfrr:ug w.f,+ re+c..l,tl communion nett Suu•1ay morning, 1.$,.•111 the `tte k•ru(l situ her par - eat., �lr. and Mrs. A. Itullurr,u. Mrs. )Marguerite ('hoj►ir, of Alii,., !w ...itlr/b' h('•4" 'larEut., 31r. and 314"... J. C. Stoltz. ' Visitors At the week-eud with (' ►1 �lr, alai 11ra6,_ _harlr,. A�lu/t 1, err. 311,... 31ar) A,s,jui 1.1 td Stratford, ilt•;:. A1(1u1111 of 'T'or.,wo and llaruid of l.a.keflrhl. 31r. and Mrs. It. 4:. Ling au(! daughter Marilyn of Tarur[ltt t,slte',I the lath-',. $parent.. 31r. awl 31.s. 1t. 1). Munro oyer the week -rut! 311L a Mary Il.ustun .,( llauliitou I,s r•i,.lttug her !,aunts, Ili. is 10.1 ]Ire. John Iluurtun, 31r. and 31rs. George Lawlor ant visiting their daugliter,s in Galt. by air,.. P4111 Stair„-. • ant Sirs: ler, 31;1c3Jill to i, returuin4 to his Canton liobie. 31 r», l;tw,.l otln:r.d first charge fur the oreasiun. 111 the dowing l,raatr., 1.uuet, s►..s the ereuiug at 7-::11 o'clock, a partly, served: choral service will be held at wbieh Cantata. -A large erua•t1 :!trended 1)r. 31a 311tlau will again „!weak. the Easter Cantata, "Claudia and There will ahsu be reeeftlon.uf ;nein- Mr. and Sins. Ronald Pentland of the Piri,t Plaster," presented nted t. , the ,hers at the mora:rig service. The North Bay are i•il.iting the lady's choir Of Knit I:tiltedJ ('hur.h, )lest, eceriing worship s under the mother, 31rs. l.. 31. Straus;Lau, It, D. Munro presided at the organ auspire,s of the ,rhuir. Visitors over the weeli.eud with and ilbos Margaret Jackson ,, fit the Warw. lir. and )lett, R. R. Stalker andItector, the Rev. W. E. Bramwell, 31r. and Mrs. 1Villiaw 4'oates of baptized the infant ?won of Mr. and •• Flint,- Mich, and Frank Stalker 31rs. Thomass kiaggirt anti the infant of ,!Myth risntetl Mr. and 31rr. 31. daughter of Mr. and 314"x. Frank Allen and Mr. and 31rs.. 11"1:Haul N4 -14)1t - J. Craig over the holiday. 31r. and Mrs, W. J. Craig were Thursday mItorislts to Toruntl,. Their $011, N'illiatu t*. 4'raig of the (i.('.r:. and Mrs. Craig returned with thein fat Che holiday. Mr. and 31ri. William 14. Craig attended the Finest ruin -Worrell wedding in Kitchener ou Minal.!). Mr. Craig was ;-nest soloist. 11issss Hattie Wightwari' .,f Tor - Onto spent the week -end iritis her 3nlnentss, Mr. and Mrs.F,t1rl 1% igh1- , 13141*. 31r. :and Mrs. (;ray, of '1'ur.snt..l visited with the lady's parents. Mr.: and Mrs. Alf Nesbit. rbc• Koo•tr►.It (-Hiatt• at 1"114' Park.' "e 11!.4"1 rsa., .{:,y+. slY,rt ..t hi• Mr. and 31rs. 3/i11iaw l-trauglau were 31r. and Mrs. C1ay'tou Itobert- 1 tti birthday. outliving•11iw utast-r by �.•►eu y,'clr•, 14-s- a '►eek. 11' ,sou add family of (''upper ('11ff and was buried in i•11e 11.11-. Gard(:n at 1lyde i'ark, 11.n far from the resting Mr. and lira. Thi,ulas Jardin and plane of Ili,: master. family of Clarksburg. 311 -s l lelen Merrill of Toronto is, visiting her aunt, 31rs, 11"illianl Itohcrtotl of (;oderieh, Donald Boss of Oakville is visit- ing his mother, Mrs. Fred It.1ss. 31iss Marion )McIver has been OBITUARY NIBS. JOHN 1,ITZE1. The death of, Sirs, John I►itzcl, Jail,. ane Y•.nu>;, occurred at her hou• t,iu Ituffalu 4,11 )larch .7, after :t lingering Wm.:, Burn in (:oderich 'I'o» usliils, -he was :l daughter of the bite 31r, and 31rs.. John Young. She was employed 'as a dressmaker in the dressmaking department •.f llodglns Brothers' store, • t;o.lerich, same Attending the funeral wereher .:. 1 It Year -S ago, After Ler marriage l sister, Mrs. John Wiggin; rwo , {` 1,1\-ot•it•r restaurant : roast beef 1 rears ago, she went fo buffalo, ltle••0,. 31 I, CharlesBridgewater,it is true, fact". 1it�rl'1t1�.,'ti, .tt x,+1111 \\a>II 1 said 1.1 myself, I where h..4" htl.tvr 4"r It ..r.[,r•rf.,l1 hotel 4i1N1r'rll']1-. and ]l r+. Arthur. 4'sltll- Ho►uan" 4'attt+,tie ('Lurch and of the Itos.ary Soviet Besides her husband, she is .pr- vived t.t a brother. Alex Young, of 4;oclerl.•h '1'uwu.-hip, and nue re-eiigage.l ass teacher of 14".44. No. 5, ,lister, 31rs, John .Wiggins,of 4;ode Auburn School, for another year, rich. , A large number attended the wile The funeral, serciee was 11,•111 on of housseliold furnishings. of Mrs, 1Ye.tte�•day last week in. St. Rose William', Itoberton on Saturday. m of Iss 4'hurch, Buffalo.Thr Goodprices were -realized, EdwardGrandHigh 3lass was ,oleuluiz.•.1 Elliott was the auetinneer, by three priestsn Burial took place 4)4111,• .1 few" have been ,i•'k within )fount ('alcalry cemetery the:.'. the "the" but are improving. A'ucin1 jug ":1 11 ollithl I mind roast beef, in until hN' -retirement. She was a eroft, of ImIldon. and a nelthew. tact 1 would rather like it, but member of, St. ,IIthse of 1,inia Donald Wiggins. of Toronto. industrialization :if • w'O:'1,1, LOTS OF SUDS Domain SOMIP FLAKES Ing: PINT GLO-COAT 1/3 MORE DEAL TIN LAY/RASO/FS HOUSEHOLD AMBIONIA POWDER WELL MADE A BATHROOM NE CORN BROOMS 850 FLUSII0 ' HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER I CONCENTRATED IllaD DUTCH Tin 130 JAVEX "SPECIAL FEATLY' RE" LIBBY'S DM° BROWN BEANS "SPECIAL FEATURE" LIBBY'S' 15 OZ. TENDER KING PEAS TINS SPECIAL DEAL (1 PKG. WHITE, 1 PKG. CHOCOLATE) TILBEIST CAKE MIX "SPECIAL FEATUIF" NEW MUD' CANADIAN CREICSE DEL MATZ - FANCY is oz OMANI STYLE CORN, TINS HEINZ PURE TOMATO KETCHUP HEINZ CONDENSED TOMATO SOUP TINS 10 OZ MEATS „.r. FRUITS - VEGETABLES 5 OZ. 3 HEINZ DITANT -FOODS Tit" 550 680 2 r°}! 190 CESSITY Tla 280 JAVEL Bottle 20 OZ. 160 TIN 2 "" 310 FOR BOTH 590' 450 2 F°R 310 1M'kE 280 2 F° n 250 FOR 290 7, 390 SLICED BREAD 150 WHITE HONEY .21.1". FRESHLY GROUND RICHMELLO ALLEN'S CHOICE 20 Oz. Tins COFFEE Lb. No APPLE JUICE 2 10, 210 KELLOQG'S 8 Oz. Pkg. STANDARD QUALITY DEVON CORN FLAKES 2 for 330 TOMATOES !.°-°' 230 3 29g 2 F°110 330 250 180 330 250 630 2 F°R 230 JELLY POWDERS CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK BARKERS - TWIN TRAY 5 DOZ. PACK 16 OZ. TINS PLAIN .BISCUITS FAIRWIND SOLID TUNA BRIGHT'S CHOICE PEANUT 'HITTER CORNED SW LOAF COTTAGE APPLE AND, RASPBERRY EsjillIDED JAM BECNDED JIIICE 20 OZ. Tins rte:S11 CALIFORNIA swEET CUBAN PINEAPPLE . 6114)617SETS I A1.1, WA= ItZTTCTIVE 111 OODERICH *ma CleelaiTIftio Ile.. 11.011 If SIZE 12 TIN 15 OZ. TIN 16 OZ. JAR 12 OZ. TIN TIN RUNCHF,s 17c EACH 11d1 GUe POUND Or LiR OUR GUARANTEE! Alt ilsobrefoadlise kohl af "YOUR Dosennow STORE" gIv• you Iff% SATISFACTION. if I start %%Atli that 1 may wind! Itip prem. close to 3.00 for one 1 1 the old tlay, when we sold good! for ;.:1 per pound, butter was a pound, hogs iier; hundredweight, apple, *I HI ;1 liar - lel. -So 1 fe,lied for the world Anil ' ; think it' he were living now ;it'd, -.A.-01418, or rat toast 00 it 11 the tranaling.. atid t.11,1,1 of turnip. 11'111 those days 11 I Ink' ag;.1 1 happy then: we 411'4'104 - li1104 :better. It tlie tithe Alien b0;1"; walked two aiiles• to the old swiut- I ming holt. and thiaight nothing of it. .1. logging bee or a ,1 loeshing.1 114, or a sugaring -off in 111C b1.1:,•11 , and a narrow strip of iron through'', I've didn't know what was coniingi. .1 of either good or evil. NVars seeincil remote. • We did not sense the' The greatest trip for iiisade rural areas was a jaunt to' the Toronto Exhibition. We talked about it froin One year's' end tHis the next, Swap( inene,ries 11111:e 11.11 Ile 111011: but tile 62 Phi 1111 31'1 regard to it are The newspaper headlines are full of it, 'rue farmers feel t t he ! market lacks itig interest. Na- turally. at present price's! Every- , one is looking for a s‘lipottiiitt. Vie 1 farmer -never think. the price of 1 fa rin products can he too high. Ile remembers the ilast and it's a poignant mentor Ile the; days uf long ago hut he feels that ! he is building a blekground of new hope. for' the futiire. Sono-. ;how he feels; he is close to • t he ',past -yet remote from it. Ile wants 1, to forget about the sparse times when farm equipment was meagre, no motor ea CS, 110 holidays for 1 day except to Church and .occasion- ally in Winter to reViva I meetings. 1 Today everything is different. It_1 1 costs him more to live but it's! worth it. IN'llo wants .to remember i I the eighties. Never does the human race t urn back deliberately. It ! May he doreived hilt ile fa nolo- ! of today ,is not -easily lead. Ile's I follow the, beam of his own in - I -The fa ritier is (aims of his knows how many strokes of labor 11 it represents. IIis bones, ache with the day's work. that partied it." 1 Italph Waldo Emerson. the farmer, no place tct go on Sun - ST. HELENS ST. IIELENS, April lit. - The death of Mr. Will ,MaeCrostie on Friday afternoon canie as a severe shock tn. his family and many friends. NIr: MacCrostie was Mak- Ing favorable recovery after a heart attack twti vveeks previously. Nkr. Mid: Humphrey is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,' Loudon, where he will undergo an operation on his eye. Holiday visitors in the cimmitin- ity inckuded: _Mist; Anna' Stuart of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. George »Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Niel. Brown and Bobby of Waterloo with 31r. Gordon 31iller and Larry and 31 iss Doris Taylor of London with Mr. and Mrs. C. l'aylor; Miss Norma Weatherhead of Orangeville,at her home; Mrs. MacFarlane of Luck - now, Mr. David Laing and Mists Betty .Itutherford -of Brantford with Mr. and Mrs. G. MaePherfain.- Mrs. Mettain and Marvin Mc - Oahe of Windsor, Mr. Carl Marie and Keith of Illuevale .were• recent visitors at the home of Mr. John MeQuillin. The Orb; of the "Happy Handl- crafters" %rah their leaders, Mrs. G. MacPherson and Mrs. James. Curran, attended Achievement Day at Clinton an Tuesday. ponnld of Bracebridge were visitors ow Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. W. I. Miller. - Warm weather requires Ice PHONE Huron ce Plant No. 1165 Residence No. 1113J Delivery Service 50 lbs. -30c ut 19 .47 fiend in your Hat oti visitors to Pertional Mention, The Signal -Star. The only tire that protects you from all three driving hazards. blowouts, punctures and dangerous skids rich Tubeless Tire that needs no inner tube. The air -retaining lining is actually a part of the tire itself. A DREAM COME TRUE Ever since B. F. Goodrich built tires for the first automobile manufactured on this continent, the dream of tire engineers has been a pneumatiC tire that would need no inner tam. During World War II, B. F. Goodrich research made such etire pos- sible. It was used on combat vehicles under the most difficult driving conditions. Later the Tubeless Tire was perfected for use on altomobiles. In 1946 tests were made on police cars and taxi fleets. It sias a complete success . . . a dream come true . . . the B. F. Goodrich Tubeless Tire that protects against punctures, blowouts and dangerous skids. PROVEN ON. THE ROAD The B. .Goo‘lrich Tubeless Tire has been used for over four Years in the U.S.A. by thousands of motorho. Their acceptance and exceptional mileage reports are your guarantee that this is the finest tire you can buy. B. F. Goldrich Tubeless Tires fit your present rims. No special fittings are needed. The scientifically designed rim - seal ridges form an air -tight pressure lock against .the rim. It can't come off . . doesn't lose air. See this revolutionary tire now at • your • neighbourhood B. F. Goodrich dealer. *PROTECTS AGAINST PUNCTURES A layer of, sealant rubber, under the tread. * sticks to any puncturing object preventing loss of air. When the object is removed, the puncture seals itself instantly and permanently. PROTECTS AGAINST BLOWOUTS Most blowouts start when a tire is bruised.. The damaged casing pinches and chafes the inner tube until it blows. The B.F.G. Tubeless Tire has no inner tube to blow ou/t. Damage to the tire can only cause pinhole leaks that lose air so slowly you have miles in which to make a safe, easy stop. PROTECTS AGAINST DANGEROUS SK I DS The Tubeless Tire has an amazing new tread with thousands of flexible rubber "grip - blocks". These tiny blocks grip like a tank Iread, giving greater traction than conven- tional tires . .. up to 40% more on wet roads ... up to 100% more on ice. The flexibility of this new tread increases tire mileage 10 to 15%. WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN...SEE THE B.F.G. TUBELESS TIRE AL. LINFIELD Tire and Spoit Shop St. bcivid'S St., Phone 535, Goderich