HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-04-03, Page 10BEET OUR COMPLETx LINE OF Westinghouse RADIOS, WASHERS, STOVES and FRIGF.S AT Wilt Reinhart Electric Hamilton `St.. Goderich Phone 466' The. old engineer .pullttd his -fay-, write engine up to the water tank and briefed the new tir.tnan. The fireman got the spout down all' right, but somello\v his foot coat,^ht in the chain and he stepped right tato the tank. As he floundered around in the waster. the engineer watched him with a sort of jautl- tliceti eye. "Just till the tank with wader, nonny," he drawled. "No need 10 tramp the stuff dow u." OM. amonNIMMINIIIIV WE ARE "AGAIN' Contracting Barley for Canada Malting Com- Pany CONTACT US Contracts can be arranged by phone or letter. Phone 103. Nights 133. All Barley Will Be Treated • Yree Of Charge. GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS LTD. HENSALL, ONT. Good Service Fast Unloading Facilities 6tf OPEN SEASON .ANNOUNCED FOR ANGLING IN 1552 The Department of Lands and Forests has issued the following information cvith respect to the open seasons for angling during 1952 1subjeel to change': Black Bass : July l- to t ►ctober 15, except= -(1 I St. ('lair River, lake St. flair and Detroit River: ,lune 25 to December 15; and 111 ► Lake Erie,. and Niagara River .betwe'e'n Lake Erie and Niagara falls: July 1 to December 15. Maskinouge: (u ) North and west of and including the French and Mattawa Rivers autl Lake Nipis- sing: June _'(I to ()dotter 1. (b) .South of and excluding the french and Mattl1' a Rivets and Lake_ -Nipissing: -.July 1 to October 1, exceji--(1I St. Clair•Ttiver, bake $t - Clair and Detroit River: June 25 to December 15: and 1111 Lake Erie, and Niagara River between Lake Erie and Niagara falls: July 1 to December 15. ' Speckled Trout, Brown Trout, -Rainbow Trout, Aurora Trout, Kamloops Trout: May 1 to Septem- ber 15. Lake Trout : to l No closed season in Great Lakes, Georgian Itay, North Channel, the intervening in- ternational connecting waters and St. Lasvrenee River. oh) North and west of and including the 11(11.11 and Mattawa Hirer: and Lake Nipissing jother than "a"): No closed sealsi,n when. taken_ by :010 BANK OF MONTREAL iug. .(e) ' South of and excluding - the french and ' \luttown . Rivers and Lake Nipissing (other than "a") : November (t to ()dotter 5, next following. • except ( I ) The County .of Haliburtou and that por- tion of the County •of Hastings north of and including the town- ships of Cashel, Limerick anti \V1. laston: May 1 to October ►. Yellow Pickerel l Wall;Eyel Pike) and Pike: (a) No closed season in Great Lakes, Georgian Bay, North Channel and the interveaing itttt'r- national conuectieg water:, except —(1) Itay of Quinte: I►iekerel— May 15 to March 31 next following;, pike=no closed season. (b) Nerfh and - west of and excluding the French and - Mattawa Rivers and Lake Nipissing (other • that "a" I : i►iekerel--May 15 to Apri 14, next following; pike—no c eason when. taken by angling. South of and including the French and Mattawa. Rivers and Lake Niai►i`sing; 1 other than ''1,1" and "d" ) F' pickerel ----May 15 to December 31; hike--;--`- May 15 to March 31, next .following, (d) St. -Lawrence River; May 1 to March 1 next following, except -- (I )'` Lake St. P tancis : May 15 to November 15. Sturgeon : (a 1 No, closed season in Great Lakes, .Georgian ltay, North Channel, the intervening in- , ternational emme'ting waters and St. Lawrence vrence River. (b) - July 1, to May 31 in all waters other than TO A MI11ION CANADIANS WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 Professor of Eeonoulics : -Give ale u11 example of indirect tax- aitaion." Fri,h'"'1'ltr- tl<r� tftx; •'r:it.' Prof.: ,"How is that?' Fresh: —The dug does 11(41 have tc, pay it," • •• • • • • ••• •••• ••• •i ••• r Guy IVES • •• & SONS CEMENT CONTRAC- TORS • • BUILDING BLOCKS and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Chimney built or re- I • paired. - Phone Carlow 1612 7-oxtf - A %.,y yf / +rig,: 1.. :{.�^r.}•:.• •F�•v}::4':.}y(.+,f.. ,..... .fJfi. w av�:aGa�vY�.'G��c•3.°a�eai:.3•a&:}'c:,Sc%..4sv�:>:{:,,tea• Need a plasterer to cover small break or wide chink mow mar will find him - Quick as a wink r . serimerminawirwesuani • ) Superbly Delicious as a dessert by itself TUBBY. a three-year-old fox terrier. appears to be in some dif- kiculty with his balancing act, presented for the :benefit of troops in Germany. The versatile dog, according to trainer Alfons Strobl, has an understanding oL650 words and is an accomplished acrobat. Huron Agriculture Federation Favors Ban on Margarine A complete bun on margarine, if and when butter production- is in- creased sufficiently 10 snlrply"the de- mand or with a limited importation of butter, is 'pr'oposed ill .f resolu- tion endorsed by the Macon Comity e�ceration (If Agrbolt atre, . -hielr met in Clinton. 'rhe resolution suggests thatthe dairy industry ask the Provincial Government for such legislation. It originated with the Colborne Federation. .mother reSeltltiun, endorsed, was received from Maarris 'Township 1'aartu Forum, which disaagreed 'with .the 1•t`cent increased grade weights on hogs ;IS announced. ounc•ed. by ' lion. J. G. Gardiner, federal Aliiister of Agri- culture. The resolution will be for- warded to the (hirl 110 Federaat fun of Agriculture. Continue Embargo Ila approving is third resolution Huron County Federation will ask - the Onta rio Governillent to continue the baa on shipnfent .of lives:uek into Ontario until it is certain there is nodanger-of spreading. the -foot- atnd-liotlth disease. The executive vvas instructed to draft a resolution requesting a tidor price on beef. A resolution from Godt'rieh Town - Ship requesting the reorganization ,of Huron County Hog Producers' Committee as a local of the Ontario Hog Producers' Association instead of a 'committee of: the federation, was returned to the. township units to be sent to the Huron County Hog Producers' Committee. Poultry Scheme The directors planned to hold two meetings, on April .,1, at Hensel' at' 2.00 p.m„ and at Belgrav;e at 8,U0 p.m., to discuss the poultry marketing scheme, which will be voted on shortly. For the vote the agricultural representative of the county will be the returning officer for Huron, tdith the Federation of Agriculture supplying deputy -re- turning officers, providing that this meets with the approval of the agricultural representative. 1'redi'dettt Bob McKereher, Dublin, stated that the vote would he taken on three successive days and that Iluron County would probably have around 16 ballot boxes. The meeting was informed . by W. P. Watson, livestock 'commissioner for Ontario,' that all brands used in identiftication of cattle in Ontario must be registered with the Live- stock Branch of the Ontario depart ment of Agriculture. Customer: "What colors do you have in window blinds?" Clerk: "Window blinds are all shades, Ma'am." Achievement Day for Huron County. Clinton April 15 Duron . founts •liffY4 Ilorneihaking Club Achievement Day will be held in Clinton at the Oo legia.te lnstl- ttlte on Tuesday, ,April 15, com- mencing at 1) a.m., under the direc- tion of The Ontario Department of Agri`culture and the Women's Insti- tute Branch. Those in charge„ will be Miss Jean Stott, home economist for the minty; V. W. ,Montgomery, agri- cultural representative, and his as- sistant, John Butler.. About 1T dubs f•ro►tnn ,thd county Will take part. ,.. The project for the Achievement pay will be "Cotton Accessories, for the Club /Girl's' Ilc-drootu." P ollciw= Ing registration, classes will judge, the-' club exhibits, after which a discussion will follow. The after- noon program will Inchide com- ments on club exhibits; demonstra- tions and skits; program planning and the presentation of certificates. Club members will be given rt' - cords of achievements, county and provincial honors, according to work completed, and a silver spoon will be presented to those who satis- factorily complete the project. She'g; at the awkward ugt---too old for teddy bears; too young for bKjnIBy:Farm & Haichety PRODUCERS o. CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS YOUR ENQUIRIES ARE SOLICITEI9. Write `or- phone and ask.,. McXinleys - regarding your chicks for 1952. . . . Cockerels, Pullets and Unsexed 697-r-11 Hensall R.R. 1, Zurich 8-19 EVERYTHING GOING UI' -"Everything is ;going, up!" Well, the -rain's still coming down; there's no war tax on sun- shine, or the red and gold and brown of autumn's leaves, or on the snow that makes a mountain's crown. "Everything is going up!" But bird songs cost no more; no ten per dent for luxury on the jasmine Touted the door; and moon - wolves. _ light in my garden's as inexpensive as before. "Everything is going up !" But the price of joy's the, same; ilt 'costs no more to work or sing, -or fan the ancient dame of ;ove ; and to tt comrade's smile we still may stake our claim. "Everything Is going up!" Come, come, 'what is that you say? The things that really matter - cost just the sttine today. The broad, blue sea, the nountlliin tops, the trees, the rain, the sky ; they are tax-exempt forever—oh, lucky- you uckyyou and I!—The War Cry. t? IIip?. us o ®p ON'T THE EMBLEM OF A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN SHORE & GINN- Your Agent for G.M. Delco -Heat Oil Burne, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WILDLIFE WEEK • National Wildlife, Week will be observed throughout Canada from April 6 to 12 inclusive. Dedicated to the memory of the late Jack Miner, whose work in the interests: of wildlife conservation, particular- ly wildfowl, has been universally ac- claimed, the week has been set aside by a Dominion Ad of Parliament to stimulate interestt in the preserve- tio of our wildl?fe'resources, Harold R•. Scott, Minister, Ontario Department of hinds and Forests, has urged the people of .the Pro- vince to rapport this national move- ment 1►y renewing their interest in the protection of our wildlife re - Sources and by developing a greater appreciation of their economic and recreational values. "We, in Ontario, who are blessed with such a largo portion of Can- ada's wildlife heritage, should, get solidly behind thio special campaign and demonstrate that we endorse the principles for which it was set up. not only during wildlife week, but during every week of the year," stated Mr. Scott. "Conservation is the personal re sponsibifity of every citizen. The practleal application of this truth will do notch to ensure the suc'ctra(5 of Management plans for the ix'r- 9ettation and wise use of all our natural renewable resonrees, includ- ing wildlife." Professor: "Mathematics is the most fnseinntifng of studies. One can obtain astonishing results. If I take the year of ny birth. divide by my telephone number and gulf-' tract my wife's nge, I get my size In collars." . Have you seen them? They're the latest and greatest of the famous Oldsmobile line ... the great new 1952 Super "88" and the magnifi- cent new Classic "98". They goty g They've ever thin Ig Ele ant new exteriors styled to match the new, ;more powerful "Rocket" engine's flash and dash. Sparkling new interiors which provide the last 'word in cruising comfort, and offer you a new choice of glamorous interior -exterior color harmonics. Inside and out-, in fact, each series features a host of revolutionaiy new engineering and styling advancements. Truly, in '52, Oldsmobile's the car of cars ... and the car for you! °}.160 H.P.'VROCKET" ENGINEI—The camas• ing "Quadri-Jet",Oldsmoblle's revolutionary new "carburetor, and new high -lift valve mechanism have added 25 more horsepower to the famous high.compressioo "Rocket" engine. *HYDRA MATIC SUPER DRIVE — Oldsmobile's new hydra -Matic Super Drive adds a totally new and delightful perform- ance range to this famous automatic trans- mission. It's the most versatile, most flexible automatic transmission ever offered. NEW OM HYDRAULIC STEERING—GM Hydraulic Steering, optional at ectra cost on the Classic "98" series, takes all effort out of steering, hut leaves you the all-important 'feel" of the wheel. Illustrated . Super "88" JI•liday Coups 3 ew:ie .h''MOAv,.�i+;��a."��-.�,N.'$r?'"�'�y`'xz�B X:assR�s�%uts� _•_ �" Illustrated—The "Ninety -Eight" 4 -Door Sedan *Hydra -Mork Sapper Drive optional of extra cost on bora rerre+. 4521 A GENERAL Morons VALUE GARDNER MOTOR SALES VICTORIA STREET PHONE 234