HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-04-03, Page 3105th Year—No. 14 . GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1952 EVEN NORTH KOREANS PRACTISE FOR GODERICH LION$ PERCH DERBY? BUSINESS DIRECTOkY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTr W.CECIL A41.`rEIDOB- CLIARTERICD ACCOUNTANT Phone Na.—Office 843W. House 848J Goderich. ACCOUNTANTS RONALD 0. Me0ANN, Public ' Accountant- C1int4u. Ontario Phones: Otiice 561; Res. 455 Officer Royal ,Bank coutornAcric HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic.' Office Hours: Mon.. Thurs --9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tues.. Fri -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sart., 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy OSice--Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. INSURANCE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. — Farmand isolated town property insured. President, J. L. Malone, ,Seaforth ; Vice -President, J. 11. McI wing, Myth; ,anager and Seery-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Direetors—S. H.' Whitmore, Sea - forth ; Chris. Le'ouhardt, Born I% lot. E. J. Trewartha, Clinton Archibald, Seaforth; John II. Me- 1wing, Myth; Frank .McGregor, Clinton; Wm. V. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich. Agents—J. E. Pepper, Brucelield ; 11. F. Mcliercher, -Dublin ; J. F. Pru•- eter, Bro(lhagen; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboru; S. Baker, Brussels. .. a Policyholders can make all pay- ments - y ments.and,get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Keith Cntt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich. ALBERT . SHORE Public Accountant Income Tax Consultant Income Tax Returns prepared for businesses, farmers and Individuaht Financial state- ments- prepared. Auditing, Bookkeeping and Aciounthtg Service. Office corner North 'St: 'and- Square. Residence, 14 Victoria St., Goderich. Phones": WBce 975. 'Residence 444. • ADDRESS P.O. BOX 797, GODERICH. DONALD B. BLUE • EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Counties of Huron and Bc, ee RII'LEY..PRONE : 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighan. Division Court Clerk, Goderich, Ont. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be mane for' Sales Date by calling Phone 466J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER - HURON AND PERTH Seatorth Phone 11-661 or Harry 'Edwards, Goderich Phone 144 C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile; Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS departures: Daily - 9 a.m. to Stratford and London daily except Sundays and holi- day. 12 noon to Stratford and London,, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 4.20 p.m. to Stratford and London. daily except Sundays and holi- days. EXTRA RUNS FOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS - 6.20 p.ni. to Stratford and London. 8.30 p.m. to London. Charter Coaches for all occasions. For information phone Samis Motor$ aft 344." INCOME TAX RETURNS PRIVATE BUSINESS ' FARM REPORTS Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or at request. ROY N. BENTLEY Telephone 587 Box 58 15 Warren St. GODERICH, ONT. NOW LOCATED IN BANK OF- , COMMERCE BUILDING ON THE SQUARE H. M. FORD Get Ins fired —Stay Insured— Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w D. GUITARD Stonework, Brickwork and PA good job o� ft pl aistering has no substitute. Phone 482, Brock and Victoria FARMERS Protect your farm machin- . ery with a FLOATER INSURANCE policy. CORDON JEWELL R.R. 6, Goderich Picone Carlow 30r4. PERCH NOT BIT-I�G,, BUT SIGNAL -STAR ARE ter The perch have not yet com- menced to bite but fishing tackle in ,Slbnul'Star classified ads have. in the ''For Sale" culuma in last week's ,Signal -Star, Fronk Reid of -(.lock+rich adver- tised numerous :fishing 'tackle items. Early friday morning, the day' after lfublleatien, fall itelus had been ,sold. .Slgual-Star clunsi:tied ads bring results ut any time of the year but during the Spring season results are more appar- ent than ever. You will find you can sell 'those items quickly by advertising ,thea] , in the Signal -Star. Crop Asociation Plans Bus Trips A four-day bus trip to 'Northern ()utaniv fj.July was pinnucd by, the executive of the 'Huron Crop Im- provement Association at a' meeting held In Clinton last Thursday, Plans were also made to sponsor a ont-day bus trip in late August for both' men and 'woolen to view the cash crops area in Kent. Annual twilight meeting was set for July 23 in tStanley 'Township. The directors voted $140 to encour- age junior work In seed production. A committee, including G. M. Mont- gomery, agriculture represent a t1ve for Iluron, .John ,Butler,, his assist- ant, and Bob Allan, Brueotield, was, named to 1►e in charge of this pro- ject. Spray Demonstration 'The sum of $50 will be granted to the 'county weed inspector, Wil- liam 17. Dougall, of Illensall, to con- duct a weed -spraying demonstration in the area of the twilight meeting. Rod -row' test plot's in oats and barley will be located at Murray Granger's farm iitt iStanley. Two demonstration hay -pasture, plot mixtures will be seeded down this year, one on 'well -drained land and --clic}-•otilet n-low-draitietl--Itt-Mi. in- 1llowick and Hay townships. F. T: Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE ' GODERICH Geo, ' G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and 'Iotor Car • . Insurance --,OFFICE LM (SONIC °?TEMPLE WEST STRE'It • PHONE 230 GODERICH - A. L. COLE Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 3. Goderich, Ont. ,As- I stood near the desk of a large hotel in a western city a good-looking . young private asked for a room and bath. The clerk consulted' his chart and said, "1 have a room at $13.50." „But I'd like your commercial rates, please," said the soldier. "Our commercial rates are for—" "I' know—for travelling sales- men," interrupted the soldier. "I'm one. I'm here on leave before travelling to Korea to sell Democ-, racy to the Communists." "You may have the room—for $5," said the clerk. MARKETING IN HURON"" OF LIVESTOCK LIGHT Livestock marketiugs .lir very light. in Huron county with live- stock being field in the hope of 11 firmer market. Very little feed in the forum of coneellt►ates and sup- plements are at the present time being purchased by farmers for hog and beef feeding, .Sevt+ra1 farmers. are looking for good pasture farms in the hope df holding their high priced cattle over for a better market. In figures of thr • 1951 'census, It is interesting to iiot*- that during the 1(t year period between !the 1041 and '111 census that the nlintlier of vueatlt farms has in- creased by 1,0011 in the county and that the average size of the farm ' unit ]lag inoreai, ti from 115 acres (t0 136 al('1'es in size, Airs. .1ohnson Well, now ihat you've met my (laughter, which side of the family tree do y(iit think she resembles? Mrs. Jackson: Well, really now, it's true . she's not a, very pretty child, but I'(l hardly 511y she looks like the side of a tree. James E. Prest Qualified ' Electrician Free Estimation. No Obligation. Goderich R.R.5. Phone Carlow 207, collect. 13-17x A letter received by a district resident from a Canadian soldier serving in Korea told of the soldier visiting Goderich and the petch ,derby a few years ago and expressing the wish that lie- was in , Goderich about now to try his luck off 'the breakwaters. And now along comes a service picture showing a fishing scene in Korea. The North Korean farmer shown at left turned up at Pammunlom recent ly with a fishing rig that intrigued both United Nations and Red Chinese personnel in the area. His gear consists of a rod connect- ed to a battery carried over the .shoulder and a small net on a long pole. He presses a but- ton, shocks the fish and scoops them into the net, Judging by the .string held by the Korean at right results are plentiful if not hefty. ' "Skip'' -_MacDonald, chairman of the Goderich Lions club perch' derby committee, s aid he had received no entry -yet from the North Korean'1armer shown 'in picture and had' not decided just what to do if the Korean • and his illegal methods arrived to take part in the d,erby. ,The.Perch Derby opens on 'Thurs- day, April 10, and Continues until .June 1Gth: Have You Heard This One Before? (From The Wiartun tarot Apparently AViarton's merchants are quite happy with everything in•--tow-tr,- last the --way it is. (hr Monday night there was a meeting of the Wiartou Chamber of Com- merce, a body which should be the Most important orgatlizati011 111 tower, aftpt' the Council. 'There were six Peeple alt the Meeting. Six peo►p14' out 0f+t- 1i membership of nearly 70. This points up the keen ,enthns- 111S1n'1111(1 vigorous support the mer- chants of \V'iarten give to - the Chamber of Commerce. About two years ago this betty was resurre(•ted from the shades There was it. large meeting of local merchants, and others, who :bad been doing some rare gril►itig.aabont closing• hours, parking by -lows.• la ek of industries 110 so oil. A large Slate of officers • *was 01e01(11 'and a- few meetings held, at which a dozen or so would turn lip. Then the attendance begtul shrinking and continued until it has reached its present pitiful level. i\Ve've heard petile say : "What does the Chamber of Couliuerce do?" We ask,: "\\'lust can it do. when it 50 obviously does not have the support of the merchants? What can sit peOl►le (10 01 al meeting, if something 'comes up that needs -a deci0ion, or N011re plan- ning? Can they plan for the rest of the town? (With Wiarton's industrial picture as black . as it. has ever leen, or a little blacker, would it not seem logical that local businessmen' and other interested citizens would want to, get together, discuss the matter, 'land see if something could not be • done? ' In a ne 'ighboring Weekly, We read that the industrial committee of the Chamber of Cammerce • is sleeting weekly or oftener and is working hand in' glove with the council to obtain new industries. What do •we do to obtain them GODERICH PAVILION SPRING PARADE OF BANDS, SATURDAY NGHT-S. This Week—Johnny Brennan and His Orchestra. Wednesday .Night --Square Dance Night with Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. The Pavilion is available for afternoon and evening rentals. The management caters to banquets, wedding receptions, etc. Phone 675 �r 419. t.. GODERICH 'THEATRES - PRESENT "° PARK °^'"` e ° � ThSquare PHONE 1150 ---.- Now in Technicolor—"The, Golden.. Horde"—David Farrar and Ann Blyth. Mon., Tues. and Wed.— Walter Pidgeon, Margaret Leighton, Robert Meetly' A ally stem%' drama filmed in England, in whieh the famous Drum mond returns from retirement to aid Scotland Yard. "Calling Bull Dog Drummond" Thurs., Fri. and Sat.— James Stewart, Arthur Kennedy, Julia Adam A Technicolor spe(ttaeIe drama of (ove'rcd-wa+gen clays (1001s a ' ' frontier struggle between pioneer farmers and gold miners. "Bend Of The River" Coming—"Take Cate Of My Little Geri". in Technicolor—leanne Crain and Jean Peterif. """' W At est CAPITAL The Street PHONE 47 Now—"Her First 'Romance"—and Rattlers of Tomahawk ('reek" Mon.. Toes. and Wed.— %Iargaret Chapman. Cameron Mitchell anti Virginia Houston 1nterl►lan10111y drama in ('ineeolor. Five civilians ride a sjrlce- roeket to Mars and meet some eminent Martians. "Flight To Mars" Thurs., Fri. and Sat.— William Rendix, June ilagen and Stanley Clements Presenting 0 dramatic study of juvenile delimieent5 and the nesxlern metihotl of rehabilitation. - "Johnny Holiday" Coming—Let's Make it Legal"—starring Claudette Colbert. . in t\'Marton? The afismer is4ihvious. if any individual, wants to get out and spend, a lot Of his own time -tttl<I- ttt(>tle�•---tit- -interest-i trg-�t�+tt--+tl dustyy in coaling here, that s tine. 1f the industry decides to settle here, it will be- welcome, and the store -keepers, "resta'trant owners, garage operators and everyone else will .be glad to benefit. tttherwio, it's too I►Itt(h trouble. • It's hard to believe that mist local tuer(hants are not interested enough in the town's progress to go 10 one aitet1113„ 11 nlotlt 11. 1(11d eve•u if they have nothing 14) cool rihil10. lend their presence as moral sup port. Maybe the fathers and grand- fatbt ,+cry. ,of today's Wi:trton mer- chants math some mistakes, in their zeal` to see the town go_ ahead. but at least they were not sound asleep. -sl`ltings- -tti•e t(ltlglt Ir ,V -t rtt4I , right now. They are going. to get a lot tougher, unless some new blood is brought' to .town.» The t'hatuber Of Commerce should he W(irk1ng hard to aeconlplish, this. Unless it gets th.e full support of the mer- chants, it might as well fold up. 'We'll leave it at that. • No man is ever so wise easily err if lir •will take counsel but Ids own. Council Prepares to Call Tenders on Harbor Road At a special tweeting of the Town Council on Wednesday afternoon •of last week,- a gwotiun' by Deputy. Reeve Allaire and Councillor K. Pennington .was endorsed, author, lzinb Cons'ulting Engineer C. W. ('ode to prepare specifications to call f(rr tenders for the 'construction of the' Jood ,to the north side of the harbor. - Council also endorsed a motion by Councillors W. Anderson and W. Wood that the engineer prepare a report and plans of the land affected by the right of way and construction of the road. The Town Solicitor was author- ized to contact. the Maitland Golf Club in regard to construction of the road as moved by Councillors C. M. Robertson and W. \\'ood. A motion by W. Anderson and K. Pennington was passed requesting the solicitor to follow up the re- quest Equest for financial assistance in the road construction with the Federal Department of Public Works. IIAPIPINSi SALE ...: The 1111•1161:11111'0114 SCOW *am a well -ordered lit. with' wile and childrent p fel and the prospect et. elf retire- ment on i'no ome ruilieio t ter the enjoyment ,of your Weer% eau be yours tits ttwr- ante policies of- the Sea I:de Assurance Company of Canaria. Let me tell you a sham in bap- piness today. Harold W. Shore Representative of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Borth St. - 'Phone 760m During 1951 more tractors were sold in Eastern Canada than in Western Canada. This is the first hime the east has purchased more than the west. Actual members purchased were by Eastern Canada, 26,832; by Western Canada, 23,730. Skinnyinenwonn gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill. Bony limbs Sll; out; ugly hollow. 1 MI up; neck no longer scrawny; body loges belr- starved, sickly 'bean -pole' look. Thousands et girls. women, men, who never could gain before, are now proud of shapely,healthy-looking bodies i They thank the special vigor s. -building, flesh -bundles TO SPEAK AT CLINTON •J tonic, Oetrex. Its tonics, stimulants Invigorators. Iron, vitamin B. calcium, enrich blood. Imp ova The Hou. .I (:. (�Urdinet, Feder appetite and digestion so rood gives you store strength and nourishment. put flesh on bare bones. will be Pont'tear getting too tat. Stop when you've gained the 5. (0, 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Coats little. New "get acquainted" site only (i0c. Try ]snows Oatttt Tonle 'rabiete for new vigor and «died pounds.t11e very day. Ac . 1 drugglata,, al Minister of Agriculture, but-uiay ,;hest speaker at the (°'13711011 1.10115 nu other ('lute 1111nua1 farniers' night in St., Paul's Parish -11a11, April 2:1. DRIVEA '52 Plymouth offers you the one combination of automobile values most desired by thousands, of . Canadian motorists�Comfort, Safety, Performance, Convenience—and long-lasting Economy that pleases the pocket -book! Plymouth proves its worth to you with features like: Ignition -key starting with automatic choke ... the positive action of 6 -cylinder, Safe -Guard Hydraulic Brakes ... the extra ` tion of Safety -Rim Wheels ... the comfort and quiet of Floatin `wer and the amazing smoothness. of. Plymouth Safety-Flow.Ride. These• are only a few of the Plymouth/value features—your dealer will gladly point out and .demonstrate many more. As a final test, he'll invite you to drive Plymouth and find out for yourself why Plymouth owners are so enthusiastic about its outstanding performance. ,<4 with Safety -Flow Ride ... the smoothest of all! Quilt in Canada by Ckyskr Corporative of Can.d% L silt.d • SEE YOUR CNRYSLER.-PLYMOUTH-FARGO DIALER! t► ST. DAVID'S ST. W. J. Mills Motor Sales 5 PLYMOUTH SALES & SERVICE PHONE 755 -p