The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-04-03, Page 2rims Two
#S,abti tr *igititt4,tar
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atewl.►er of Canadtap Weekly Newspapers
Weekly Cir(:•ulattou over ;141100.
Gp1 ►: •• I.. EI..L15, Illublisher.
THURSDAY, APti;11. 3n1, lits::
The big 'uewS of the. week is the
- . aunount^ement by President Truman
that he does not intend 'to stand
fpr 're-election. Mr. 'lruivau's 'tuck
has dropped considerably stud, his
triumph in 1918; cl►ieliy, we should
say, fir the reason that some de -
the States, Ole nation with 'the"
greatest interest in the Osiert :Tutt
with the targest Il,l'I't" available.
Now, less than two )e�:rs siitee the
struggle began, i here are signs of
impatience over the failure to win,.
a definite conclusion of the war,
whirl( it wits suppHtsod %%01dd be a
smatter of a few months out) :
• elisions he has Made ou a high let et 1're,id('tlt Trumansuln('tluv or.
have not been appreciated by the ,(rhes, is uutler criticism, and Cau-
voters at their true worth. Jm
years, to come these decisions may
be seen in a -clearer light and due
honor accorded to their author.
Mr. Truman's withdrawal opens
if Britain 111 1919 had failed to re -
the way for a new representative
,ist hitter's plans of conquest. and
of the Democratic party
at. the
November election. Prominently !if, whew iter forces, lighting almost
mentioned for this distinc•tiou are
alone for two `years, had been
Senator Kefauver of Tennessee,
Senator Mussell of Georgia, Senator
Kerr of Oklahoma and Governor
Stevenson of Illinois. At this dis-
tance It looks as if Russell and
Kerr may be'eliminated, with either
Stevensou or Kefauver the choice
—unless some dark horse .should
appear in the race.
On the Republican side also there
is uncertainty. The, primaries so
fear held have revealed a remark-
able enthusiasm for General Eisen-
. kower, but -wtuong ,the partyl
'regulars Senator Taft has strong
support that may weigh the ..cales
in' his favor at the nominating Attention is called to an adver-
eonvention. If the convention! tiseeut. in this- issue calling upon
'should fail to agree upon eitherTutresidents desiring the plant11l of
. these, there are two or three 1 young tree, ou their boulevards to
men available among whom a strong notify the 'lawn liall. to this effect.
compromise candidate might 'be The tilling of gaps on our,, s, reefs
will help in the further b(-autitic•a-
adieus, we tear, are nut as en-
thusiastic as they were in their
support uf. the campaign a liber -
51 1011.
Whatwuu1(t ha'e Neem the iesuit
battered and beaten, Britain. in
despair had given up the struggle
anti allowed the Nazi gang to have,
its way? Russia and China can
Ohl on for years, and will be en-
couraged to do su by any appear-
ance of indecision and impatience
011 the part Of their opponents.
1f the Communists win inKorea
them will be , greater battles else
where to be fought against the
spread of Red influence in Asia
and in Europe.
Last week's picture was a group of tea oilers at the Goderich Collegiate about 30 years
ago. They were: Front row, from left- to right, Mrs. Urquhart, J. P. IIunie,.A. M. Iiob('rtson.
Rack row. from left to right, Miss Goveuloek, Miss Clifford, Miss I)urnin, Miss Hodge.
County, and District
Mr. and air$. James• b.' Lockhart
of Clinton, forwel' y �(►t' Goderielt.
township, celebrated their 51st wed -
(lug anniversary last Thursday.
Ke1. Jolla It. Thompson, formerly
of Goderich township, rector–Of
St. Andrew's. Anglican Church,
1V1udaor, is heading a campaign to
raise funds 'for the building of a
new church for the parish., ...-Zhu.
plans trail 'for an expenditure of
$:300,000.. ,
Eldon Galbraith of 'Wroxeter,riding a horse on his farm',ryas
thrown otr on his face and was
stopped on 14the horse. Ile suf-
fered a fractured. jaw rind other
injuries and was.....admitt.ed' to the
Wiugliam hospital. -
It. R. Holden, manager of the
Bank of Commeree at \Viughatu,
with Mrs. •Hobden and their two
daughters, had an accident while
driving neat Listowel which :sent
all of them ft)the' Listowel hospital
for treatment. Their car struck a
patch of ice on. the road, went out
of control and struck a tree. air.
Hubc1e11 was the -most seriously in-
t jured, Suffering a fractured collar -
!bone, rib injuries and shock. The
jantumwbile was badly damaged.
!Reforestation in
the Hay SwampThe Ausable Valley Conservation
Authority is purchasing over 600
acres in the iIay township swampfor reforestation, One-half of the
puro'hase price is to he, paid by
the Province of Ontario and the
other half will come from levies
on the participating municipalities,
of the watershed. May 7 has been
set as' a special • clay for tree -plant-
ing in the swamp.
Change in Clinton --- -
C.I. Teaching Stair
Three • menders of the staff of
Clinton Collegiate Instituter ---Miss
June Fisher, Miss Helen' I,lindley
and Miss Jean Hildebrand—have
tendered their resignations, to take
effect in June. Miss Eleanor Davis,
j-Iantilton, has been engaged a5„ head•
Of the commercial department. and
Miss Margaret Colquhoun, Clinton,
as specialist,. in English. Miss
Fisher's position is being adver-
tised: she is going to the Oshawa
Collegiate in September.
Down Memory's
chosen. .
Primaries being held this month
(this is written before the .April
1st results are known) will give
further indication of the trend of
opinion. Many Canadians are
'watching chIn
witli , keen interest.
Premier . Frost has won general
approval.forahis comment; in reply
to a request for increased support
of the Municipalities, that '`money
does not grow on trees."- - The
Globe and Mail, in editorial refer-
ence -to the request 111:rt brot ght
15 Years Ago
The 1'. Doty Mauufac'toriug Cont-
pally was extending its buildings
t iugui,l. grass' tires.
15" fears Ago -
on April 1, the Goderich •Signal
and the Goderich Stat; amalgamated
Many friends and relatives called
at the home of Mr. 4nd Mrs. Earl
McKnight, 114th, Friday afternoon
and evening,. March 21, to honor
The following schedule- of band
praetiees has been announced by
Lorne Young. secretary of the Gode-
rich Blue (Water •Band : Tuesday,
thein on their _^:►111 wedding .111- Thursday. and Friday nights, 'the
utvers:rry. (.trIS' =.'1' Rand :. Wednesday
,Mrs. McKnight received • the night, the Blue \Vater Band.
at you want 1
To work
guests wearing a , dress of black
taffeta and a corsage of rose car-
nations. The tea table was centred
•Giro.- tiere(I Wed lint; cake
tii>n of 'our 10%11. with a
• • •hanks d with pink tapers it►scrystal
ot the corner of Broc1:. Victoria slftrr uI u►v years of operation,.al- candelabra.
Itis announced that the Pro-
vincial police detachment at Grand'
Rend is to be • increased from nue
to five men this summer. It was'
given as one of the reasons why
Gl•aud 'Bend ./voted itself from
rHuron into Latubtou county last
cur that liquor conditions would
be stetter .under the. Provincial - Aet
thou under the C.T.A. The hollow-
ness of this argument is revealed
its the increase of the pxrlit'e force.
• • •
Last week an arrnotk,d truck was
,robbed of S1;81,100 ill a JI:1\; a-
ti:husetts town while 1lie Well ill
forth thin comment, angrily scolds °, liarge • were having a Snack in a
the inunicipal representatives, says 1 drugstore. It is conjectured that
they are "painfully and iuexetts- the robbery may be connected with
abl ..' gnorant of the simple facts" the unexplained raid in Musson t`wo
ant! that "it is sheer stupidity for y.arss ago when- over :1 111111 utl
municipal officials to regard Queens dollars •was snatched from a trans -
['ark as a source c'f unlimited Isn't company's vaults. (hely cotu-
wealth." The G-. and N.. in line nlent we can think of is that the
with -its policy of blan►ing every- Yankees are'very careless w-ith their.
axing on the Federal Gor. rntuen'. money.
itl[s the municipal ra.ople to carry
their complaints to Ottawa. It Mr. Truman's decision to retire
falls seemingly to realize- that at front .the Presidency at the end of
Ottawa, as at Queen's Park, money 'his present terra has brought from
does not grow on trees. , theBritish press warm expressions
The municipalities are the errs- of approval of his record in the
ivies of the Province and the White house. The influential
eral Government has no respomsibil,
ity toward them. The Provincial
Government has powers of taxation
ander the constitution which it does
aot exercise, perhaps from a desire
' -.;for economy, perhaps from rel uc•t-
ance to appear more directly before,
the' people of Ontario as a tax -
There seems to be no• relnetanee
an the part Of The Globe and Mail
and 1114 political allies to wish
sew or increased expenditures upon
Ottawa for this, that and the other
thing, while criticizing it for spend-
ing too much. In a recent issue
the G..ttnd M. in_ its leading editor-
ial scolded Mr. Abbott for his "over-
taxation"' and in ia('o articles 1111 -
mediately following, in the saute
issue, called for new expenditures
by the Ottawa Government.
There ' should be an. all-round
recognition of the fact that money
-spent by' the municipalities, by the
Provincial Government and . 1 he
-.Federal Government all n1110 rgme
from the one source, the taxpayers
of the eountry. If there rule to
be neve expenditures by any of those
governing bodies, they will show
tthetnselves in bigget' figures on the
taxbills. -
When the united -States sent its.
troops to Korea to prevent the con-
quest of the southern 'portion of
the country by the Communists,
its prompt action was hailed with
enthusiastic approval not only in
the States but by the -detnocratic
'world generallY"; Insid President
1"retrank nag acclaimed as a 'man
of decision. Supporting eontingents
were sertt by n dozen other coun-
tries.' ttticltidinpa? -• Canada. but the
main burden • obi the" 1igbt ngninst
1!d iggresslon has been borne by
'Manchester Guardian goes so far as
to .say -'lits conduct of affairs
often has been far wiser than 'his
critics recognize." On thu other
hand, Communist paper's ill Russia
are said to be delighted- at the
promised departure from. office of
the man who has been their chief
and New -gate streets to include thou h both pipers continued to Mr. and Mrs. McKnight were
foundry, -pattern and boiler shops. publ h separate edition: until the tntlrried at the Baptist p:•sogt(ge,
A number of men started clearing
the ground fur the foundation of
a cement wall to bt' built at the
foot of Harbor I'ark along the south
side of the Goderich elevator, which
wall was 10 fort% part of the (lode-
t'ich and Guelph track.
Peter Robertson bought a fishing
boat in Toronto and 11:ld' it shipped
by freight.
Captains McKay and M('l)ouald
launched their tug. the T1•0 Mies
tthe Petrie) front 3larltolt's Island
where it had been improved during
the whiter. The. owners had a
bottle of champagne for the oc-
rasi,(11 but it took two 111('11 10
liberate the fluicl.
25 Tears Ago
A steel tiling system wits being
installed. hardwood floors I:It'd and
01 her. improvements matte in
County t'l('rk .luhu'$(41': orrice in
the court_ house. -
The first of the winter fleet of
steamers to leave Goderich liarbor
w•1s the Penobscot bound for 14:-
tilit to load atit 442.
I'he ground at the corner of
Kingston and 5'ictou•iit streets where
Messrs. :lackwan and 'I'ebbut plan-
ned to erect a garage was being
staked out preparatory to the com-
mencement of eutistrnction. -
Thefie.% S. S. Hardy, NI. A.,
rector t�f St. George's AChulrh, de-
cided to accept the offer of the
rectorship of St. l'uitl's Church,.
Marion, Ohio.
The tine brigade was called out
three tunes in as many days to ex-'
• • •
Britain is. curtailing still further
its purchases of Canadian farm
products, and it has been proposed
that Canada, through the Ottawa
Government, make a gift of
$100,000,000 to Britain for the pur-
chase of food products from tills
country. This would Is of two-
fold benefit: it ivouId help tq keep
the British people from 'starving
and it would avert a glut of food-
stuffs on the Canadian market.
The proposal would have a better
reception hi Canada but for mem-
ory of the wheat deal 'df a ,few
years ago from which both fife
(Canadian Treasury and the Can-
adian wheat -growers emerged with•
a serious loss.
Taxpayers will certainly find it
hard to understand why the On-
tario governmentconsiders it neces-
sary to enter me fields, of rural
housing and farm ,dlnnncing, re-
marks The Financial Post. '1'o n
great many people nits 1114181 seem
like - needless ovorlapping of costly
government services.
Already in the Notional )lousing
Act, anti the farm loans policy of
the federal authorities . we have
.I►nblic ngeneles that are or couid'
easily be made adequate to meet
any reasonable demands
ilt-tote any new maehlnery Is set
up, 'Premier Frost would well
advised to look into the inellitles
already provided. The eot4 of gov-
ernment services 1n CO(nndn is
burdensome enmtgh 'tvithoi t any ex-
pensive and totally ninnecessa•ry
cuI of •11► .7. Clinton. by Itev. J. 11. McCormick
Albert •"(-.ars" \laeDonald, a and following their marriage lived
%elder with a hint Huron firm -sup- at Auburn, except for short periods
plying a Detroit :1uti, corporation, at Goderich and . Carlow, until
wits visiting in town during . in, seven years ago, when they moved
1 iiited States motor industry strike, to Blyth. Mrs. McKnight is the
as trucks delivering goods to, the former Eva look, AAestleld.
Detroit plant were not ..allowed to They have one daughter and two
enter the t 'sons, Mrs. Morris (Doris)is) Currie,
Wood -
A westerly wind smashed up the;Toronto;
ice ts►at had covered the lake and t stock; and Garth at home; also
one granddaughter, Sharon Currie.
Among 'the guests. were Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Clinton, --who
were attendants at • the wedding
25 years ago.: Mr. McKnight's
mother, Goderich; and David Cook,
Elgin, Man. .
Mr. and Mrs. McKnight tt'ere the
that which had formed on the
Jiaitlau(_1 River frinm --the C.Y.R.
br'i'dge to the -harbor disappeared
on 'Sunday ,morning.
An average of 35 cents an hour
was offered to laborers on the St.
•('lair River vehicular - bridge ,at
Point Edward.
.A letter to the editor- suggested 'recipients. of many lovely -gifts,
that to evening of • old I1(tnl(,, notable among them being a tri-
o 1e set aside for for
light floor lamp from 'Mr. Me -
s ] ( ( they
Knight's fellow employee of the
stud( ud( ut of Collegiate when the
could hold a banquet or gathering County of Huron.
of .,tone other description.
diehard St. Ant:uu. sailor nn 111p
freighter Mantadoc, is it: Alexandra
hospital Suffering with painful
Wilms on his face awl both lauds.
Crime in tire, i .S. has come in for
much publicity lately, and here in
Canada we're very busy hanging
over the backyard fence playing
scandalized Peeping Tom. It might
He was cleauiu-; ., st(v•2 on the pay to look behind us, says The
sd►ip.tvhett it exploded. He ons at-- l Financial Post, into our own baili-
tended by Di. N. 4'. Jackson and niek. --- -
reluoyed to 1114 hosptia1. We haven't so much to boast
141)0111. Recently there's been a rash
Mac: "Who. was the fust Mita- to of "arrests by the R.C.M.P. attempt-'
have :1 .10 -hour week?" ing to break up gold -smuggling and
Jack : -Robinson Crusoe. He. had stolen -car rackets. In the midst of
;111 his work done by Friday." a protracted and not very-impres-
site vice probe, Montreal has dis-
covered it nurtured in its bosom
a thriving international racket in
black-market babies. - Toronto's had
Rs race -fixing troubles and 'now, in
,the very words of officials, Is on
its way to out -do Chicago in gun
play. In Vancouver variotis eharges
involving Joffe peddling and book-
making are under investigation.
!Windsor 'took only a peek at a very
nasty situation last year. . The
Federal Government has had to do
some- hasty Tiring of officials 'in-
volved in illegal. .passport rackets.
Certainly our own backyard isn't
si picture of parity. Canadian
businessmen might do themselves
and the cotnn►unity n lot of 'good by
getting together anti seeing what
they can do to prevent the disease
before, they're compelled. to -cure it.
1 OI X ledediaq f.S.rd Saks
.i,d Excise i.xs.
When you take a mid-morning break, -
make it a real break .' . .
with delicious ice-cold Coca-Cola:
►est oelaed bottler 01 Coca-Cola soder ooatract with Cow -Cella Lek
Goderich Bottling Works
Goderich, Ontario
!'Go►Ire"ft a repfsilerod trade -mark
Phone _ 489
For quick results—try a classified ad in The Signal -Star ,
Only a Beautician
♦ a You
BECAUSE your professional beautician de'cides by EXPERT ANALYSIS exactly how
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BECAUSE she selects, from many Helene Curtis lotions, the 0110 specially made for your
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BECAUSE She shapes your 'permanent to your head "hair sets more attractively and
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BUT ABOVE ,ALL her long,' intensive sehoolirfg..her, valuable experience.. and her
knowledge, tested like a doctor's by Provincial license exanlivationsare your guaran-
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P.S. Our. Special Sprin offer .
$10 ' Cream Permanent for $?.50
OR a
$12.50 Cold Wave for $1O.00
' (Offer expires April 30th)
All Permanents complete including: Hair conditioning Shampoo. Cutting and Shaping.
Setting and Styling.
V erna's Beauty Salon
Newgate at Hamilton Streets, Goderich, Ont.
Phone 1095W
• See you; tornortow night --Friday, April 4th,
f Lions Club's
OF 1952
At- Goderich. Arena at 8.1 5 p.m, Prograrnis by
Georgian Figure Skating Club, of Owen .Sound
• A GORGEOUS PROGRAM of Color, Comedy and Costumes
ADMISSION—Only 50c for adults, - ,
ONLY 25c for Children and students.