HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-03-20, Page 7TIWUR$DAY, MARCH "20th, Xiiltir2 � p THE GODHR E ISIGNALSTAR ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 102 8.30 a.an. HOLT' COMMUNION. 11 sane. MORNING PRAVE 1: MW SERMON. 3 p-rs. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. 7 pact. EVENING PRAYER A.1'D SERMON. LENTEN ,SERVICES EVERY THURSDAY 10;38 a.m. Holy Comuninsiou. • 8 p.m. Evening Prayer ,and Meditation. REVEREND KEV„ERLY IL FAKR, B.A, .L.Th.. RECTOR A. W., A.MDERTON. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 1952 - 10 t.at. SUNDAY -SCHOOL •11 'e.ui. "THE HOLY SCRIPTURES." 7 p.m: "CKLMINALS IN THE NEWS." I knew personally Herb Wilson, C. siadiar i "ex -King of the Saferitackert;." , REV. 11. A. DICKINSON. B.A.. MINISTER. H. A. CLARK; Organist and Choirmaster Knox Presbyterian Church INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP TDI$ SUNDAY -"Church going families are happier families" - 2 p.m. AFTERNOON WORSHIP. THE MINISTER WILL PREACH. REV. R. G. MacMILLAN. W. 11. BISHOP, Minister. Director of Praise. e• Goderich. Baptist - Church ._ MONTREAL ST. ' MINISTER -REV. IAN G. HIND. B.A. ORGANISTand CHOIR. LEADER -FRANK BISSE'1T 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. PRE -EASTER SERIES. 7 p.m. "COME AM) HEAR!" Monday 6.30 p.m. Compass Comrades. 8 p.m. Young People's Muskat Festival. Wednesday -8 p.nm, . Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. I idustrial Promotion . Conference ' Cao uncil; Members - Get Tips on Attracting Industry Marr than 304.1 instaistrial decal+- ltaicvs. isattriabera ad municipal s+, s - Ws, Oakum' g boards. board.. of trade acid chausL'erb 'of tosna:acestie fad rrpresenittises'ef railway and rule proms/Lion departments 4k- traded- the two-day atsesions of the ird ira.41taaariA1, promoti"o &xi rsscre . i.ts Toronto tax Thured al a Friday of last shock) 'spous arewl 1;? ,the Traik, and lrul r)• brawl, of the Ontario LteParfaistlet of Plan- ning and Deselarpasseut. (;.,clench was r rePreWatillLy 1 aur J. E- 11vt- ins, Deputy -Reeve Joseph Al- iaaiire a.nd Ceunelliurti William Wood and Kenneth Peuutngtou. Hello Homemakers'. Most botne- usukeral"are thrifty. We tilt to be as However expeuea fur festive ac- tivities have left urs without a penny in cur purse andibis nettle aai.tates extra caution- ' The general opinion is that meat th disappears more rapidly an one expects. To be thrifty the roast rarely ispl;e/ t,ted at the table as it comes from the oven more than once. Next time the serving is in a casserole.dish of souse kind. There m ate ain" economical mixes , used for these main meal dishes. The ones we have tried are planned for the strict budget, yet are satisfy- ingly good. Chop 'Stacy. 2 tablespoons fat 1 cup cooked pork or veal 2 onions, sliced '. can of bean sprouts c 1 cup diced celery % cup mushrooms, sliced cup rice, uncooked 1 tea$peon salt 1 cup stock or bouillon Place the fat in a heavy sauce- pan. Cook the meat and onions in the fat until slightly brown. Add. the bean sprouts. celery, and mush- rooms and Book for 5 minutes. Add the rice. salt and stock; simmer gently on electric element turned Low until the rice is tender or about 30 minutes. Serves 4. Tamale Pie.. % cup corn meal • 2 cups boiling, salted water 1 cup tomato sauce 1- cup chopped, cooked meat) 1 small onion, chopped 1 sweet .-green pepper, chop- ped or I pimetao, chopped 1/3 cup grated cheese 2 tablespoons chopped olives salt . • Sprinkle the corn meal into the ivatcer "and •1►ni.1 10 tnin tip's_ Add the remaining ingredients, ex- cept the cheese. to the tomato sauce. Line a buttered baking dish with . the cooked -corn meal; fill with the sauce Mixture. Sprinkle the cheese over the top; bake in an electric oven (375 degrees) for 20 minutes or until the cheese has melted and browned slightly. Serves 5. ,Tomato -Curry Meat 1 tbsp. fat 1 medium onion. sliced 2 cups canned tomatoes 114 tbsps. lemon juice 1 cup cooked meat. cubed I nisi). curry powder cold water 1 cup milk' % cup rice. boiled BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. HOWARD MINAKER. PASTOR Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School Preserve to -morrow's generation by saving .the children today. 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. SPEAKL'(G OF LOST POWER. 7.30 pan. Evangelistic Service. THE FAMILY TREE. Monday 8 pan. Sectional Christ's Ambassadors Rally. Rev., Kenneth Norcross of Stratheoy-speaker. Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Bible Study. 8 pan. Prayer Meeting. Friday .8 p.m, Christ's Ambassadors. THE LITTLE. CHURCH'- WITH THE BIG WELCOME. DONNYBROOK • DONNYBROOK, March 19. -The March meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Norman, Thompson on Tuesday afternoon with 12 present. Mrs. Charles Jefferson presided and opened -!the meeting with hymn 6S1. Prayers were offered by Mrs. N. Thompson, Mrs. H. Jefferson and Mrs. C. Jefferson followed by the x..ord'ij Prayer in unison. Mrs. Mark Armstrong read the lesson. Psalm selection 099 was read responsive - Huron County Health Unit "Immunization Clinic" "The first in a series of preschool immunization clinics for Dungannon and district will be held in the Dungan- non United Church Hall - FRIDAY, MARCH .28t1t, 1952 from 2.30 -.3.30 p.m. Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive initial immunization or rein- forcing inoculations for Diph- theria, Whooping Cough, Te tam's, and Smallpox. 12=23 ly. Sharron Jefferson and Jimmie Robinson sang "Jesus, loves me." Hymn 44:i was sung. ''Mrs. Edward Robinson gave a reading on stew- ardship. Mrs. S. Chimney and Mrs. Hardy read poems entitled "Kindness and Folks." The chapter in the study 'book, "The challenge and call of the city" was read by -Miss Elaine Jefferson and Mrs. C. Jefferson. Mrs. Norman Thompson read about `The Bible in Korea and Japan." It ' was decided to invite three other •auxiliaries to join the Easter Thank -offering meet- ing. ... Mrs. Chamney Chamney was in charge of the W.A. meeting which followed. Itev. Mr. 'Washington closed the meeting ,A sale of bak- ing, etc., for the W.M.S. was held. Lunch was served: •Mr. ;and Mrs. John Connelly and family, Mr. John Boyle, Mr, Michael Cummins, Mr. James Leddy, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Craig, Mrs. James Craig. and. Mr. J. C. Robinson attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Michael Murphy at Sarnia on -Tuesday. The sympathy of .the community ,is ex- tended to the bereaved family. Woman (over telephone) : "Are you the game warden?" Game Warden; "Yes, Ma'am." Woman: "Well, thank goodness, I have the right person at last, Would you mind suggesting some games suitar►le for a children's party?" THE VOICE OF BETHEL Rev. Howard E. Minaker THE DEITY OF CHRIST "Thou shalt call Itis naive Jesus for He shall save Ilis people from their, sins." Mri1tlicaw, 1:31. !Like comfort to the bereaved, freedcnn,to the slave, focal to the+hungry or water Ito the parehed lips, so delightful is. this por- tion to sin sick humanit$s" The name Jesus means "Jehovah is Saviour." What a mar- vellous condeecension. His name shall be-('alled Immanuel s iiicch being interpreted is "Gist with us." Jens Christ' was God wase clown to're(leem.nran. 1When man 511111ed It reslatir.tl more than nu !angel or a creature to pay :the price. Anyone 'les than Iteity, one of the b".tem:0 Three, did not have a life to .give away., Thank (bel for One echo did. "The Lord .ieesus Christ," and freely die laid it down a ransom for ns 41'11. Lf 11 eoltld ever be proven that the Lord Jesus Wa, Naevi than !the Eternal Word in eternity and the Son In time, then humanity .has no 11111 1:i1len, the blood beef no avail, we are yet in our sins with no wtiy or►t. 1 feel sorry for the iiedlridnnl who has reduced Christ the Creator to (thrist the creature 1)45-1Itce ire 1111s cloyed 1fie door te► his snlrnttti►n. Because His naure.is Jesus or "Jehovhh fs Stivianr" 11e• shall save 111a }'people from their sins. 'Marty have plunged 'nenth the ertmso►t waive and hire had their sins edemiseti away and there iv roma for many more. ,ie+snr. ,Jesus; .les sr, sea Meet name I know. Fills my every longing; Keeps me vinging as -I go. Sponsored by the Bethel Adult Nimble Class. 3 bananas Cook the o aieu in the fat in a heavy aluminuui sautapan for 5w winutes; add the •Watueai, leruon juice, and meat. Mix curry powder, u, ' t paste with culd water ; stir • into the meet mixture until it tastes hot with curry powder. . Sitntn.r for 20 'sniuuters. Add salt if necessary. Stir Jri, leaf cup cold milk just before, serving. Heap a border of boiled rice on a platter or chop plate; 511 with The first day of than cx,:sferelioe was takers up by a course in the Letl.11111lue of rutluleipal industrial pot lotion. In Friduy'e session ibe delegates took part general a genel discusapiun of the problems of luring uric iuduetry. Thur..day's 'course consisted of a , byp,thetieal case.et industrial proasotiuu, showing the various singes Leadi{ag up to lora- the curried meat. Serve with riye'l tion and building. It was staged raw bananas cut in halves cross- by Bili making/awe of the Inde, ruse- trial Development Brunch of the flat Eat Baking powder biscuit dough 1 cup cooked meat, ground 1/3 cup milk or gravy Season the ground meat highly with salt, pepper, Worcestershire sae, and catsup. 11ince4..,.uniou and minced celery may also be used; Moisten the seasoned cleat with scree mill: or gravy. Roll the baking jio`i'td blsv rlt dough into au oblong about 1i inch .thick; spread with the meat; roll into a cylinder; cut into 1 -inch dices with a sharpknife. Place the slices cut side down* en a buttered leaking sheet, or in a shallow pan. Bake in a hot electric oven (400 degrees) for 21) minutes. Serve with'uleat gravy or Brown Sauce. Serves about 5 or 6. TAKE A°TTP 1. To brown meat use a chicken fryer or fairly deep pan with a 1,4 cup of fat in it. Use medium 'or medium-high..position of elee- tric_ element.. _This preventsl seorehing ftie meat and hardening the tissues._, 2. When youuse the deep Rel} cooker ,of electric range for stews be sure to place the trivet or rack in the cooker as ,soon as the l d. meahac_been _browned. 3. Always add boiling water and a teaspoon of vinegar to muscular types' of meat such as neck, flank and brisket pieces. This softens the connective tissues. 4. Turn the electric element from 'iligh to Simmer as soon as the "top -of -range" foods are eclokcd. The foods will remain hot' but the juices will not evaporate. 5. Leftover meats should be served with a tasty sauce, gravy, relish or condensed soup. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. T. W. asks: Do you rinse minute rice after it is cooked? ' Answer: No. Cook ,aecordin'g to the directions on the package...' Mrs. ;C.. J. ,asks: How to whip CommerceDepartment of Trade and Comerce and .1. E. Turnbull, director of the ,llunieipal" Division of the Trade and Indt4Stry Branch. Prospective Industry The j*rnzyctive ittdusiry was au Eug,)ish company, capitalized at $1,500.(J00, seeking a location in Canada to manufacture metal le/S- pite'equipment and furnishing,. It urnishin s - It had already established a sales service here and investigated mar- ket 1n, ibitities, and had taeeu granted a $5($50(,),000loan to , start cont ruction. L sing panels of experts to set out the various stages of promotion, the audieuce first saw an office in Ontario Ilouse in " Londou, where Suiith Bros. tirade their "initial con- tact. 'Tile scene thea switched ti, the office of the Trade and Industry - Branch ou Yon;e street, Toronto. Messrs. Smith were discussing the general requirements for their new plant with an officer of the muni- cipal division. In their talks, they revealed their needs with respect to site, l,uildujg, assessment and tax- a1lou4 ►err-rc+ .,-trio nation- housing. banking. recreation, educa- jtion, religion, weather, shopping, ands4)on» As a result, the officer received a general picture of the location they were seeking. So. while he consulted with representatives of various suitable municipalities, Messrs. Smith went to Ottawa. and the next scene showed them talking over the prArlesr:► with the Depart - mesa of Trade at4 1'on a srrt t . while e Ptrtsjsassrial rtirrtmattd..1111Te *at IA - Here they disecas sad aupplirrs of lrUilalir5g wattrr'ials, cos tion + z 41.2tuge, labor, team etc- - ltldttiiwl rt rsiacitidarre -While „ iht ie i10,0111. iia yes +rs. wt't teak; .t-rea.( .stsl, delegates t 'iii note of the .type- s:2 41.,yt:It,rr ,a.+►lsrrd. the ,prui(vilur,e fol.loirres d.,4sal tl r :.4e. ,ti Alik of chi tatelirsg information. he the „vest stage, the company rel,r,eesettati,e, h4riug herrn furn- ished 'a'#,i It hbuferitaation by tie .trade and iildttstry branch regarding Vp trsstial arta., and having. is, d4,4sirt, dupe aon,eiderable quiet aseoutleg, ou their own,. are Meeting with tine` hs- dtoariai Wwwi $i',n of ,thea- cipality-in this vise Arnpr:or. „ So Mesar*. $with want to keens- : Ito the people Want industrial ex- pansion? What 1.e. thee hiletory o1 cu-ope xtion between town otheiale and- existing Judos -try? The at- titude of existing indu.atry to ur w industry? Is tine town a grAixt Plage W I1t '-friendly. nefghbc ria-: Lr town housekeeping neat? la. it a one -flan or clique town? Are it* civic groups: active? Ha.vina satisfied thernseivses on these iwlute,' Meean. Smith appear in the final salute 'at a noseting of the town e..,einejL : If they like tad' other, eigars are paeseel, and Arta - prior has a new industry, Friday's Disrussiou In Friday's discussion of the pe.1,14-na- of luring new industry, one 4,f the outstanding elUearions raised was that of anuexation. But whatever the nature of the problem, 1 whether one of s.erric or econ- ( MaicS, the *Arnim: lar primarily in ,.elf -help, it wan felt. QUICK CANADLAN QUIZ "You have to want industry . to L Where is Cabot Strait? cone: -to .on." " J. bale, bt-ad of 2. t What was ueentlizabeth's birth the trade and industry branch of date? the Ontario Department of Planning and • Lietelopruent, " staid The 'ouue4-4--11 agenry -bt iexclusive right lids upon the municipality. The a. to. bring C.S. network broadcasts provincial government, does not, int° sCanada? and cannot. :act except in an ad- 4.1s Ottawa's current surplus of vrrory capacity. '•Industry will Ko tax revenue over expendittu a �s11. 1arhere'it wants. You have to make tniilion, $2•1O Million, $721 mil - it want to come to you." lion? Moist communities ha meatiern 5.In 1:139 it took 12 minutes far Ontario now. have planning boards. average Canadian factory worker ninny ny neat- _ to " dpublic u r pu to earn price' fi'f a loaf of b rea rl. relatlous job with their own court -How long does he work for it oils and their own citizens on in - today? du trial promotion," the discussion ANS'3W ERS : 5. 8 minutes- .3. 'file 1ndte te(t .400. f Arid dtr nary Is pop- traitts of year dtideas'a growing -growing -cap /mamas*i.. a .par dour possrssi its yid' do advatstaag rear,` flee tat u yoapp+iatamt sok/. HENDERSON'S THE pow man a Until a community has an oper-' ating zoning and planning bylaw, until ' it has dei-elciped industrial sites and is prepared to provide services, it cannot hope to compete 'with other towns for new industry. Concessions Necessary - In creating the industrial climate which would help them share in evaporated milk? Ontario's $.s, o.000,(%1Q . industrial Answer: four evaporated mill:,; boom, municipalities would have to ,into a freezer tray of. electric re. -!make concessions; frigerator without „ the divulses.' , perhaps unde - s take .t hott,&g program, as in the Freeze milk to • a ',mush." Be in cage of the Ernest I,ietz Co.._ 4�f Ger - wetting in the electric mixer at low many, manufacturers of la. ho speed and turn to lligh as soon as cameras, which is locating in Mid - .o a portions are broken: Add half land, teaspoon of lemon juiee to improve "But there's no dutibt _Midland and hasten the beating. !did file right thing in i;r-[ting this D National Red Cross Appeal on NOW au ij 11 v.• i This Society works ALL THE TIME -during' PEACE PEACE AND WAR. . Give GENEROUSLY during t next two weeks. DONATIONS IN GODERICH. • CAN BE LEFT AT 1 • CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 411 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA • BANK OF MONTREAL ' MUSIC SHOP, WEST STREET • SHELL SERVICE STATION, KINOS'TON STREET firpt, which is in line for a 1$4.000.(N4) eontraet front ,.1114' ('arr- adian government to make the syn- ehronized cameras placed in the guns of jet Lighters." Mr. Lyle said.' I"Eventually the tires likely-" eurpley 1.000 people." One of the chief problem, ;ti industrial expansion revealed win !the. talks" lay in ,the fact that 190 per cent of Ontario 4)its tiniti• s 'are, developed to their limits. Cornwall. Waterloo. Hamilton. (Tinton, and ,half a dozen other !representatives made this evident. !Their only hope is in annexation. very often a touchy political ,}rro- lenr. or the purchase of industrial land in the neighboring township. 3funieipalities were advised to approach their annexation aims on as much a non-political basis as possible:. In most easos, where perimeter' townslllps had already begun a. haphazard industrial de- velopment, hut were hampered by the cost of providing services, and dislike of the taxation increase if annexed, it was; suggested that the municipality try to sell the advant- ages to both communities to he de- rived'frorn allowing it to take, over, provide the services and pirt'krnm thatwould attract industry,and share the;' new tat ;revenues. " f'i3C"- 1. It Separates Nora Mitt and 1ewfoundiand- . 4. $721 micros at Jau.,141...2.....Apxfl.. 20, 1926. (Material Isupplied by the Editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the hand- book of facts about Canada.), Sunflower tests at the Experi- int t t tinea, 3Melfort -gawk. hart±- } shown that early seeding of this c-rop is of the utmost •importance. Seedin;s'+ made on May 9 gave a yield of 554 pounds an acre with an oil content of 21.17 percent.. While seedingof May :It -;yielded 1 only 217 pounds per at -re with an oil content of 12.85: WANTED .Living Accommodation in Goderick and Surrounding Area Because of increased production we anticipate bringing in a number of new employees to Goderich in the im- mediate future. Living accomodation' for these men and their families will be required. We need a list of available space to rent.; board and •room, housekeeping rooms, furnished and unfurnished .apartments and houses. Do You Have Accommodation to Rent? Plase write or phone advising full particulars o space available. PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PHONE 880 The Dominion Road Machinery Co. Ltd, GODERICH ONTARIO The Management of oceteria thailkti' the. people:' of Goderioh ljind the surrounding area for the very nice re pttion oX";'tht, opening „Of the new store. • The' many,' compliments on -the, appearance of the store and the facilities i'dr egmfortable shopping indicate that such a store is an asset to _the town. We hoe to deserve your continued patronage. A FEW MORE SAMPLES OF PRICES ARE: Brat ns'chweiger, Sausage average 42c ea. Astor *Coffee 'Beans lb.. 93c Gazelle Choice Cream Corn 20 oz. 2 for 29c Tops'Dog Food.'. tin 10c Healtho Dog Food 3 for 29c t. - G inger Ale ' ' 30 oz. '2 for 35c First Quality Butter, . lb. 69e Mother Parker's Coffee Bags ' 20 bag jar 72c Mother Parker's Yellow Label ib. pkg. 51c m