The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-03-20, Page 2UZI TWO (6abtritil tjna1-tar FIUitON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY THE GODERICH .SIGNAL -STA"( j SIGNAL -STAR PHOTO FLASHBACKS t�l�s TIIUit3DAY, 31411CH 20th, 1952 DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN --- 7 Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. Subscription Itates-tauada anti' Great `Britain. $2.50 a year: to United States, $3.50 Strictly iu advauee. Advertising hates on request. Telephone 71. '`Authorized as second-class maij, Post Ottice Department, Ottawa. 114/ Mt of -Town Itepreseutatile : C.1\.1.:\., i0S .Neter Street, Termite). . ,!'hone 1^;ut 3-01700. Member ,,f t an:1,liau \viokly \rW''lpees. Associ;Jtion.• Weekly (-`lrruljtion ager :3,110o. (1'a ►. L. 1':LI.tS; Publisher. '1'iIt':ItSt>AY, 31 All-('il 20th, I HOW TO WIN INDUSTRY tm0,,ut iu t Ei,t u • bower 'and '*has raised Senator At :t dinner of 1ti t,miarto let ht'tuttrer to the stature of :t alis dustrial Premotit;,n This' rt'ttt'e ,Tit -tine{-posii14---+1- .-l-*1 -t1►4 -Ilt!itt++.-ltftk- Torouf last week George 11. .Lick- uuultttatlou, Sou, 4tml if• the \ice-tt;esidet11t tai Much depends, on whether Mr. the , Jft '*1 3lutur Company of "1'ruutau ',decides to, hitt for re - 'Canada gave au interesting art el, et ion oflit a frons re dress which shed much light on nomination, atut his decision 1a;ly the influences which led ('u 1 b vy;tit upon intlicatiuus as to tt'ttu t tablishiug of the company.*plant at Oakville. `A copy o1; the xtddress which has reached us is touch too Sent;thy to be reilrodu0etl here, hot tau extract or two (Olt he euligltteu- _ ,._.tug • There is :t 'stage (said 31r. Jackson) iu the process of locating a plant itt-• a ne W cumu►uuity vv Mich we consider to be of top iutportance, but which seems to escape most ulunicipttl authorities and chamber of commerce eoulutittees \thiels are ,responsible for industrial promotion. I know there are many instances In which you gti out to look for new industries, but are you fully aware of the uutuerour-occasions upon which the advantages of your community are examined by tutu= pauies long; before you kuoly of their interest? Only rarely does a company buld- ty announce that it is going to -build :t big plant and that it is seeking a suitable site. \Ve know front ex- perience that systetu )las, ,definite disadvantages. The slightest taint that an industry tucks with favor upon a certain piece of land -,will shoot its value out of 'sight. It is. the much wore common practice for top men of the company to traveL around the country with The ()uteri° Department of High - their eyes wide open, but their waysis credited with a1 puts` i -u t mouths shut, scouting for a good beautify 1'tvyiucial . high • lC:vis by location. -If they feud 14 spot which ttvlds— 1 h 1UilIi•tl dont ito. , of 500011 `t very wlo'0 ILt•y are required for to-! 1)loeen1outor• further pro! 'elio11. This is an exct•Ileiit Idea, especially if the trees are planted 1ylit e Hydro and telephone linestlIti will not get at them. lir time ;1 similar Plan Might -be arranged for t•outtty and township raids. The further beautifying of the Ontario country- side will be well worth the effort anti I11Wley involved. trill he the Itepublicagt► e:a►clid;tltt. choice of the liepub11ca11 candidate may be determitiod upon the de- gree of sympathy with Senator 'raft's 1'itrws upon international affairs. • 'There are currents in U.S. politics that are not visible un this side of the border, but t ►atiiai►s are n:(turally- much interested i11 the, got•ertonental-affairs of their great neighbor and will follow with kris interest the - dcvt•loptueuts leading; to the November election. 1 EDITORIAL NOTES 1t Agues \lacpbail is appeiited a Senator, remarks '1'lte 1 ►wen 50und Herald, she will be not only Canada's lirst Socialist Senator but as well the tirst female Senator. Probably our Owen Soundcon- temporary has already receistd en- quiries from indignant female ,readers as to 'what has become of .Senator Cairine VV-ilsou and Senator Iva Fallis. • • • discreet inquiries. 'They- talk things over with industrialists already ;situated in the community. They listen to the continents of nierclt- ants,-of newspaper editors, of taxi . drivers, and of oil izens in all walks of life- They get 'the feel of the community, and often determine -K-whether it is -a good town or a bad town uu a lirst visit. These lirst itupressiuns of a visitor can make or break the, oppor- tunity of the community to. gain 0 'new industry.' Tite civic and cham- ber of commerce committees neer even hear of the scores of chances This is the time for making in - they in iy have had, but wllit•li were lost to them., And I think I could tame a dozen -Ontario municipal- ities which are rarely ,.,eye° 0011- ‘t3idereti 1►y industrialists,' because of the reputations thee" have ac- • • • quired. Among the things looked for in a town that. is under consideration as all industrial lite 11r. Jackson listed a good Civ11 1il111iui,iratiu►l, general obsetyauce of, law and order, ten active community. spit it and a high mural tone iimong its t.ttizeus ; Tin attitude of co-operation towards industry, community pride and loyalty towards the industries which are a', start urt of it. 'there sboatd be a "cli•ut ite" of peace and trienilliuess• and• neigh burliness, and '4 c0Ime tax returns. The taxpaycl may be rather 'grouchy about the tax. but his temper might.. improve if he should retieet. that he is helping to pay mothers' alltwaitees, unemployment insurance, old ;ego pensions-, insurance:lgaltl�l/ ;itltitht'r ghastly war, • :Ind for other useful strlbes Whic►i contril,nte to 1 he safely, the- comfort :I gid the pro; purity of time people. it lie doesn't believe In These things for which his money is spent. he tan be• as. grot)cily :Is he likes. In it recent speech lion. Paul >1:trtiu warned against too great. :1 11. expenditure by Geverttncnt -en those things that are listed under • the speaker concluded itis address I the terse "social security." Point - with these„ vstttds: Inout. that these likings tuttst be "If you are endeavoring to at- ag paid for out of production. he said tract new industries to your cora- that "oyer eulphasis uta social secur- muuity, sol if you want to hold sty could cripple auj country's as to those you already possess, economy." .\s Mr. 3Iartin is sup - easy I respectfully suggest to j--uu posed to he one of tl►e leading e3 the climate in \011r that you test .advocates of these social security, municipality? No Riotter ghat else ,c betties, it is only right that he jou limy have to offer -11S induce should be credited • with slid) it meets, you cannot attraet and hold sense of utuderatiun -as is shown that elusive thing called 'capital' in leis words of warning. unless you can provide it with a healthy, climate in which to live." THE Iii<EW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY The results of _the prima ry vot- ing in New Ilampslii.re Last week alive created quite a stir in political circles across the border. On the Republican. side General Eisen Bower had a substantial -lead over Senator Taft, and the Democratic voters showed a preference for ~senator Kefiiuter over President 'Truman, and there is general speculation its to what this voting portends, Lv Eisenhower to be ° the Republican. eandid►tte for the I'resi: dency, and is Truman 'tai be dis- carded net the leader of the Democrattt' party? These primaries are, 1111 institution unknown to Canada and not' gen- -natty 'understood by Canadians. 'they etre a sort of trial runt by which the degree of-lxrpulari:y of possible candidates linty be. Indic- ated as a guide to delegates al the party conventlOns which mune the Presidential candidates. '('hey ,are not held in all the States, they are not conducted uniformly in the States' In which they are held, and they are not held at the sane TinTe. New Hampshire 14 a small State, and its primary vote determines rsntiting: 11• Is Ili strnw in the wind ittdkntfng how the ,political breeze ds• bi0'wltig in it New. England State eight tenths before the election. $OWtrvet.'th0 New ilampxhire re - salt Iviesgiven n fillip to the move- * • • Clinton Town Council was dis- appointed by receipt frOm Queen's Park of the refusal of its request for the construction of hooses udder i -Provincial Government plan, To c•owe under' this plan a tuuni- ripality must have a population of 5,000• and when'the Goderich Coun- cil some months ago put in a similar request it. Was refused on the ground that the he was installing hath fixtures. t, population of + 25 Years Ago this town numberea only f,5001' The Blue Water Golf and ('otentry Clinton apparently was spared such Club secured Alex. Johnston of the an indignity-. \Ve (Tuve neverToronto Rosedale Club Its pro. anal meeting of the -Goderich Radio Association it was 110 be held in 3lacKny Hall. • • Hospital Benefactor AIRCRAFT SPOTTER PLAN TO INCLUDE DISTRICT • volunteer- aircraft sputter net- work of at least 4,1ato persons oper- ating between the 1aike Ilurou and I paler (lust the In,:ird of .\lex- ' audra Hospital had rece'iye4l ;a Georgian Buy shore line and 'l'ur- btyiut st- of �i:i,l,11UU from the estate onto is the slut of all It.('.A.F. -titter centre being organized at of the late .logo Kay of `Tut•uttAv, K itehener. amtt there have been s4 va tat cat • network, with its ccittrc itt 1111tles as to• the id -'111113' tit the F itchener, will overlap similar net_ beuefattt4)r. 'Phis is not remark- works to the south, east and north sole, as \1't•. li�at3', who tiled in in Ontario and to the west in the January, 1951. in his J_nd ,year, United States. It will likely ta1:4' to ()wen had not visited Goderich for malty Sound and the Lake Huron shore years and lee was known personally line to hayfield and extend south to Only a ft-sv of the present resi- :almost to Paris. deeds of, town. It is expected tate Kitchener nerve Mr. ban n:r. .hr sou of \lr. anti centre will have 1) • permanent work - Mrs. V1"illiam lily hi, f:rGher over R.('.A.1'. staff and volunteers \work- slr' t 1't':}rri a"+, being a all'yriu°(lts ing ill a plotting room similar to all. _. { crated_ ill. .Britain daring_ thus operated_ merchant conducting busitivss at the the Second World \\ fir. Itetweeu (,truer of \V't'-t istreut and the :311(1 and boo volunteer workers (vitt •j4tu:1,r.e \Vi�ili•tn, F.1): i1 t•r'mlI 111- be �t,r,gitt lel be1'ed also as for 3 t ars :1 !moldier of the (;oderich Itigli Schoul,'I'i tis tree Board. John Kay towered a dural 1)ltuk utlii•e- ;it an early age and 1a.ter spent smash years in „sepr- yice (if the Batik of. (`tttittnerce in British Columbia. .After his retire- ment he tttttk tap residence in '['ur- ontt; Ile' never married, Timing -h- oot 'itis life he retailted a lively itllel•est•'lti chis tta'tivt town, and his bctpscsit to the hos-oitn1 is sale:ttan- 1111 evidence of 1)i's desire to pro - 1 nettle the WOlf,:i 1.0 of nue ut the tolyls', must ins':',:113 1411es. , ° "\11?`wSFRINT I'RI('E iRO(1S'I' '' Industry leaders claire that news- print prices are likely • in for ) further boost by midsummer, re -et ports The h'inanci;ii fust. higher (.tist, :and loss oil pretmiutn ur 1-.S. funds are said .forcing prices higher. • One authority places size 4tt`price hike at :ground $10 it ton. 6Bottle Carton 3'6 106X One thing most guests will welcome is ice-cold Coke. Easy to serve .'. . easy on the budget ...and so welcome. Keep several cartons on hand. Wediay Federal Sales and Exdse Tates Plus deposit 2c per bottle Authorized bottler of Coca -Coca ander contract with Coca -Cob Ltd. Goderich. Bottling Works Phrone 489 Goderich, Ontario GOVERNMENT IN E11RNES'C Exet-er `rime:;-Advocat.er-._ _ ---. ,.The great amount of expensive t'tmttitiI* tt tticr wsy or i,l''l'tw`1 for 11.1'.A.F, stations. at Cen- tralia -and Clinton iutlit•atcs the t;o\'eru- nretlt isn't--ftotling about it.--alas.-- to build up the defences of the count t'}'. rl Down Memory 's ..Lane 45 Years Ago The- Sharp's ('reek bridge was finished so fair as the iron work Was concerned and preparations were made to place We two spans Ians in position over the G.'IIR. track to complete the last of the bridges on the Guelph and Goderich rail- way. quired the rights for the unanufac- The - freight shed roof at the ture and sale of ilovis Motu from harbor Was•completed and, the sten Boils Limited of England. working Olt it moved to the roof The special session of the tv)unty of the round house. council called to deal with the Crt--_ Ilc,t►rs _...I:j,1Lt x., ...11.1....1,:•-,�lr.. ,ttl►l.tt. t...of ..the_ c't.[uullzititlu.. ,uf...t:he. •Huron, suffered a collapse itt Tor- assessment was held. onto and .'h[s physician expressed 15 Years Ago - the opinion that a . complete rest A branch of the Local Council -40g1t be- necessary. of Women was organized in Got?e- The !Sterling Bank had new'otiice rich.. furniture instaided. Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur Police Magistrate C. -A. 'number were starred in• Cecil R. DeMille's suffered fatal injuries when he fell (film, "The Plainsman" at the -Cap- down the stairs of a house in which ital Theatre. Howie Morenz, famous member of the Montreal Canndh-ns liockey team and a native of Mitchell, died of a 'heart attack. The--Goderich- Musical 'Society-trn- nounced a monster amateur night - decided "to write to the Toronto stations requesting then( to increase their power. '1'. G. Connon prepared a his- torical sketch of Goderich to send tpageant t t a n the . , it ° lc .uta t► the t 1hC putting people I to be presented atthe centennial celebration. - \Vcstern "Canada Flour Mills ac - 1 learned if the Goderich Council j "le alt Ii demanded an apology for the be- littling comutturica io n ; perhaPs it looked like a compliment that each resident of this town should be considered big enough to count for three or four people in the census het urn.. TH- E MARITIMES Join) Telt'grai►h,,lournall Not '11) many year, ago 'the Mari- time I'rovin -els were viewed atm a negligible market in themselves, incapable of supporting consumer industries to any extent. The thrts. Provinces eotrtained little more than a million people. Today, with the continues( growth of population, and with the addlition of New -menti Hand as a tenth province the Atlnntle area has assumed a new economic Sthhtus. - Counting in the hus-er fringe of Quebec' Province, w Telt is in the natural distribu- tion region, 41118 part of ('s nndn contains nlrotit two million per- snntsmenoiigh to muse tua.nitfac borers to revise their old estimate of Its imp0rtan e . as a potential marliet. WHY EDITORS LEAVE .TOWN I Valet: "Which cane will yon take tonight, sir?" Man : "I'm in a rush; better give me my hurricane." Soinehltrd'v sent the editor of Lite 1'oketown Gazette a few bottles of hotnehrew. The sante day he re- ceived for publication a Wedding unnotinet'meut and a notice of an auction sale. I[ere are the results: \\'illdlun Smith and \lis. Lucy .tndatrson were disposed of nt i►nb- Ile rt1c•tion .at my fttrut. one utile east of a beautiful cluster of roses on breast and two white calves; be- fore 11 background of farm intple- tnewts too numerous- to mention: in the presence of about seventy guests ineinding..t.wo milch cows. six stoles and one bobsled. The Rev. Jack-. son tled .the nuirtial knot With 200 feet of hay rope, and the bridal couple lent on one good .iohn 1)t',src gang plow for -an extender( trip with terms rcr suit purchaser. They will he at home to their friends with one good baby buggy and a tis- kitchen utensils. after ,ten. months from dote of, sale to responsible parties and some fifty chirketlit While You 'Sit Reding FIRE MNFLRE -tHURME! _but with PRESTO it's out in seconds! ONLY $595 each Ie IvdI w Heady. Wall tlltaek 1 FIRE -, PROTECTION FOR HOME, CAR 'in es Zahn ppdN- Ready for'instant use on lea handy �IraU bracket. PRESTO is eo sasall. so Usk, 11's handled easily even by a child. Yet It pecks more Fre-killing rower slum vain. galshers many times its sin ani eyelike! Effective against electrical. oil, gasoline and all types of Eras. So Inexpensive, yoii'il want one for latch. en, car, garage, attic. Don't delay. Deet take chaste* with your bred ones' safety. Blackstone's Furniture Phone 240J • The infantry ; machine gunners The Canadian Infantry Soldier is a vital part of our expanding defence forces. In Korea he hat built a wonderful reputation for his —-tiidr3ge aid -ability ''Wherever lie' goes, the Canadian Soldier has a way of winning friends — of impressing both friend and foe with his outstanding training and soldierly qualities. The Infantry Machine Gunners are an integral ,part of the Canadian infantry regiments. With their heavy and -accurate fire power, the Infantry Machine Gunners have time and again in Korea proved how extremely important they are in attack and defence. ---Play-your part in Canada's most-importantbusiness today_,_defente You are eligible if you are: 17 to 40 years of age, (tradesmen to 45), physically fit and ready to serve anywhere. ' Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depot: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Street, Kingston, Ont. • Canadian Army Recruiting Stition, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth Street, London Ont. Army Recruiting+Centre, 230 Main Street Weit, North Bay, On Ariny Recruiting Centre, James street Armoury. 200 James St, North, Hamilton, Ont. When rheumatic pain • gets you down, her'e's tete quick way to get relief. Rub in soothing Minard's Liniment. Is it good f Just try it, you'll see! RHEUMATIC PAIN ? -141 ,/ !NAM "KINO`OF PAIN" LI I Ali T AISIW-O Listen to "Voice of the Army" — Tuesday and Thursday evenings -- Dottiinion Network. aslekao CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE/Kw/ •