HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-02-21, Page 5THURSDAY, FEB. - 21st, 1962 • • TILE GODERICH SIGNAL AR s 7.,\; 4":-.4 4S-S,,N ,7s•Sta''Sr"ice/iSissra.ro iTaerts-NIferaern \iirsS,Se `,:11\«/-S -47.-/4,:, \ I• le; 'lb. ST. GEORGE'S` CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1952 3.30 a.m. HOLY CONDIUNION. 10 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m." 'MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. 3 p.m. PRIMARY SCHOOL 7 p.m, EVENING PRAYER AND SERMON. REVERE 'D BEVERLY H. FARR, IBA.. L.Th., RECTOS A. W. 4,NDERTON. Organist and Choirmaster North Street United Church 0) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1952 10 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. . WHAT THE UNITED CHURCH BELIEVES. "Man and Man's Sin." 7 p.m. a� HAVE DONE WITH JEHOVAH'S WORD." REV. 11. A. DICKINSON, ILA., MINISTER. H. A. CLARK, Organist and Choirmaster Knox Presbyterian Church.. INVITES YOU,..TO.WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY --"Church going families are happier families"— SPECIAL YOUTH SERVICE . AT 2 P.M. THE KNOX COLLEGE MALE QUARTET (Messrs. -Don Warne, Bruce Herrod, Willis Sayers and Alex McDonald) Mr. Alex McDonald will preach onthesubject: "Hand to the Plough" . Quartet Selections: "Beautiful Saviour," "Met the Lower Lights REV. Be Burning," "My Anchor Holds." Conte and be i led • in worship ---by these enthusiastic young men a from Knox College, Toronto, Ontario. R. M It G. a�c ILL Minister. Director of Praise. Goderich Baptist Church MONTREAL ST. MINISTER --REV. IANC G. HIND. B.A. ORGANIST and CHOIR LEADER --FRANK BISSETT 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "JESUS TEACHING ABOUT SALVATION." , 7 p.m. "THE MAN AT THE DOOR." Final in Illustrated Series. 1vIOnday 7 p.m. Compass Comrades. ---S.15 pari. B.Y.P.U. Wediay 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. HOWARD 1111NARER. PASTOR Sunday School -40 a.m.--"Children brought up in Sunday School are seldom brought up in court." Morning, Worship—.11 a.m.—Armour I3earers. Evangelistic Service --7.30 p.m. --A Thirst foi the Old Well. Tuesday -7.30 p.m. Bible Study. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 pan. Christ's Ambassado?s. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. THE VOICE OF BETHEL 1 Rev. Howard E. 1 tinaker WHAT THEN? When the plants of our mighty cities Have 'turned out their last finished work; When our merchants have sold theta- last yardage And have dismissed the hast 'tired clerk, --When our 'banks hate raked in„ their Fast dollar And paid out their last dividend; When the .iudge of the earth say*, "Closed for the night." And asks for a 'balance—what then? When the choir bats ettng its last anthem, • And the preoeher .has prayed his iaslt prayer. When the people have heard their Ia'st sermon And the sound hag died out on the oir; When the Bible lies closed on the altar And the pews are all empty of men, And each one strands -freeing his record -- And the Great Book is opened_ -what then? When the actors have ,played their last draama, And the mimic has made his last fun; When thq Iilm has 'clashed its last picture, And the' ivoreboard displayed its last run. When the erowds seeking Pleasure have vanished, And gone out in the darkness ag+ain— Whe'n the Trumpet of Ages has 'sounded And we :stand up before Ilan----wirvt 'then? When.the bogie's gall sinks into cadence, - And the longnnarehing..olrnns stand still; When .the captain has given the eta: t 'orders, And they've captured the 'last fort and hill, And the flag has been hauled from the masthead, And the wotindcdl afield have cltec•kecl in, And a world that rejected its Snviour Ik asked for a reason ---Wil AT THEN? ""It fs appointed unto men once to die, but niter this the . judgment." Hebrews f) :.27 •! Sponsored by the Bethel Adult Bible Ciass DWIOEmox ][1W$ Successful Y.P.U. Conference Held with Many Present DrM}. SN()N, Feb. 'D). --- On Wednesday, February 13, some 701 young people gathered in Dungan• f nun United Church furls zone rails- 'Thu Huron 'Presbytery Executive frith Miss Doris Grierson ars pre,si dent; was -in charge of- tlu service and prograum, 'following au intro- duction of 'the executive by %Vilrtier. Erriugton, pre ideut of Dungannon , rusted Church Y.I'.C. The even- ing's program cons.istui-- ,t as• ,licit± t song, recreation,•. byuuisots;; and, worship perjpd'Ied by Benson Suter. The tutwas ably given by IDonaald Youngblut. Miss Grierson =presided at the piano. Elwin Merrill, and Harold Sparing in turn led in the Within these new buildings of Huron College in London as many as 176,students take classes. and find their accommodation. Although the Gothic structure is essentially an edifice to the teaching of Divinity, more than 100 students of other courses, representing' 10 different church denominations,_. are also • aeeontuiodated., Built at a dost of $1,359,000, the building fund is still $375,000 short of the mark, and the Rt.- Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron, is to inaugurate a campaign to. raise that a11nount. NEW RN UBURNN, Feb. 20. --Mr, and Mrs.- The chapter in the study book on George Beadle and , Mr. and Mrs. 'South America" was ably taken .s.sphcunats,.-Hciggltt--vlsiied-_ mr_sired.byMrs. W. T. Robison. Miss -Mrs. William Muteh of Clinton on. -5finnle Wagner-Contributed-a---read- Friday. ing. The roll call was responded The Misses Mary Houston of to by a verse of Scripture contain - Hamilton and Frances Houston, ing the word "Preach." Arrange- ltet;.N., of Londcin spent the week- ments were made for the • World end *with their parents, Mr. and Day of Prayer~ which will be held Mrs. John Houston: . on Friday, February 29,' n the Donald Ross, Oakville, visited Presbyterian Church. The offering with his mother, Sirs: Fred Ross, was received by Margaret Haines. Mr—William Dodd, who has the Mrs. Don Haines read the story of the hymn "I Love to Tell the contract for delivering mall on R:It. the hymn was afterwards sung commenced his new duties on fi February 15. Mr. Robert Turner as the closing hymn, followed, by was ---.the formersmail courier, prayer. The' hostess sert`ed -'re- Mrs. W. P. Crozier and Miss freshments. Lorna Crozier of London spent a Horticultural Meeting. — Mr. few , days with the former's father, Hamilton of Stratford, Zone For- few -Williain H. Campbell and Mr. ester of the Department of Lands. and Mrs. Albert Campbell. • a ands s, lair. -and Mrs. 'William Medd anda .-meetinForeg_.oftswas guest -speaker at _the- Hnrtictiltttratl 'o- ciety held in the Orange Hall on Bert Medd of Goderich visited air. Thursday evening. Mr. Hamilton; and Mrs. A. Rojlinson Sunday. Thursday was introduced by Mr. Nelson Mr. and -Mrs; William J., Craig MctLarty, spoke of the work on re - and Allan -.accompanied by Mr. and forestation and also showed slides Mrs. _;Harry r"4'Vorselt, Goderich, which were greatly enjoyed. He week -end at Flint,- Mich., over the also answered questions on planting and also saw a nephew of trees. The , president, Mts. F. Hold"Open House at Dungannon as Workshop Closes who Is 111. 0. aicilveen, presided. A minute's S.S. 16, East Wawanosh, held a silence was observed in hc,nor .of social evening at the school Friday His late Majesty the King, fol - evening when progressive euchre lowed by singing "God Save the and Lost I-ieir were played. ' Ladies ',Queen." Refreshments werethe the high score for euchre went to Shir ley Patterson; gents' rat the • close of the meeting. Ap- leyhigh, Ab. Me- predation of the guest speaker and .Cullough; ladies' low, Mrs. G. Pat- the ladies in charge of the lunch terson; mens low, Bill Nahgrau. was expressed iu a motion by Mrs. Lost Heir ladies' high went to Mrs. Art. Grange and Mrs. Robert Reg. Schultz; gent's high, Norman McClinchey ; ladies' Ioty, Mrs. James Walsh; gent's.....low,- Stanley - John- ston. Following lunch, dancing was enjoyed. The next meeting,�s•jf,l be in charge of Mr. and Mrs.- Oliver Turner. 1te_moriai Service. —Special tri- Iiii�e wits paid the late King George VI at a memorial service held in St. Mark's Anglican p; n (.lurch, Friday Mr. and Mrs. Carl night. The service was its charge Anderson,orier and Mr., and Mrs. Cantwell. .of the rector, Rev. W. E. Bramwell. W.M.S. Meeting. Mrs. J. C . The Scripture was read and prayer offered by Rev. J. E. Ostrom of the Stoltz .gave-hier_liome for the Febru- Baptist Church. .An address was ary meeting of the W.M �S. of Knox delivered by Rev. C':" C. Washington Presbyterian Church. The Pres{-- of the United Church A connbined choir sang an anthem under the direction of Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor: Women's Institute. --The Febru- ary meeting of. the Women's Insti- tute was held in the Foresters' Hall, Tuesday, with the president, airs. Wes. Bradnock in charge and Mrs. It. J. Phillips ,presiding at the piano. The meeting opened by singing the "Ode" followed by the THE VOICE OF TEMPER- Lord's Prayer and the • Mary ANCE Stewart Collect. A minute's silence for his late Majesty, j King George Which is the better Temper_ VI, was observed, followed by "God ante measure -- the Canada seSer the Mrs.D Queen." The assistant secretary, Donald Fotyjer read Temperance Act or the 'Liquor several "Thank you" notes;.. -Dns p Control Act? Under which Act ins the business period a letter is drunkenness more in evi- was read from bliss Jehn Scott, Home Economist Ler Huron County, deuce? We have the answer to regarding a GirIs'' Garden Club. the first question in the second It was decided the Institute would question's answer. sponsor the Club and Miss Rena McClinchey was appointed' leader so One of out' ministers lived and Jean Olousher assistant leader. 'e for several years in a South It was decided' to hold .a euchre Western Ontario town. For party in the hall early in March da the past three years he - has with Mrs:- Ernest Patterson as -eon- hl vener. A reading was given 'by of lived. in Huron County. He aa. Sirs. Fred Toll and Mrs. George serts unhesitatingly that he Million and Sirs. Gordon McClin- saw....evidences of drunkenness they favored with a duet. The eve da in the town that was topic, Citizenship and Agricttl- y tare," was taken by - Mrs. Maurice under the Liquor Control- Act Bean. The roll call was responded and that- he hardly ever' sees to, by a book you have recently anyone drunk in the. Huron read and its atiOtor; Tlits're ,was n display of th workshop which County 'loft. Another new- some 11 members of the Institute confer to Huron lived in sub- had taken at Dungannon. Refresh- ips fat ui(ban Toronto. There it was a menta' were served by Mr. Gordon Tailor, Vine= Plaetzer, Dirs. Sa common sight on th_ a streets ,William Straughan, \irs. 5. Me- Ha near the beer parlors, men stag.. Clincher, Mis. George Beadle and gering With -strong drink. Here alts. George. Hamilton. do in a quiet Huron County town dent, Mrs. W. Good presided and opened the meeting by singing "God Save the Queen." A minute's silence was observed for his late Majesty, King George VI and prayers were offered for the new Queen. Mrs. Don Haines was hi charge of the . devotional period. The home crafts workshop that had been In session for three weeks in Dungannon parish hall came to a successful conclusion' Saturday afternoon, with an eXhibit of work accomplished during ;the course. •- Jtany persons' took advantage of the open house Saturday afternoon to see the display of completed- ar- ticles, which included samples of textile printing, weaving, needle- point, cross stitch, rug -making, 'leather gloves, slippers, purses with tooling, and ninny other crafts, all beautifully done. A highlight of the afternoon was. the.-- presentation -of a -table lamp to Miss Beverly Bryan, home econ- onrist-wfth--the Department of Agri, culture, who was sole instructor. Airs. L. Jl. Serinageour, Blyth, dis- trict W.]f, president, read an ad- dress expressing to Miss Bryan the appreciation of the class, and Mrs. O. Popp, distract treasurer, made the presentation on behalf -of , the cis ss. • Mrs. Serimgt-our • requested that- the articles made at 'the Workshop be on display •at the district an- nual meeting, which will be held 'this year in Clinton. ro WESTFIELD . 'WFESTFIFLD, Feb. 20.—Mr. and Sirs, Kay Hanna of Belgra ye,visited on Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor. and Mrs: Jasper Mel3rien of G'U derieh visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell. Mrs. Meriden remained for a longer visit. • .,. Mr. Jack 'Cook and be viSited 0 a singing, with Benson Suter also in charge of , the recreation. ' Mr.. Harold Sporting, president of Lon- don Conference Y.P.L. brought greetings from the ' conference. Lunch was served 'by Dungannon Y.P.U. to complete an evening of worship and fellowship. . Young People's Unions that were repre- sented were Ashlieid,. Auburn, Ben - Dungannon, Goderieh North St feet Dred Goderich Victoria Street. JIr-Mand Mrs. Gordon Kidd, Ryan -1 an . theta of Islington spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pentland left. on Sa t u r , aw-rrkuxt two weeks in Flu rida. They called ai Detroit. where Mr. and Mrs.. La Verne Pentland were joining theta for the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGee, Godo. rich, visited on Sunday with the lattrer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Popp. Mrs. Ann Ilrown, of Lucknow is keeping house at the Lanae of Mrs. Frank I'entlaand he niece, during her absence for rico tc•eeks. • Mr. and Mrs. AVarren Bamford, Preston, visited_ Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stgthers on Sunday. We are glad to see Mr. Thomas Rivett around again. On Saturday evening, while-- sltopptng-in :one of the local stores, he suffered n weak spell.. J1e was helped home --and rallied in a short time but was advised by the doctor to take it easy fora few days to recuperate from the shock. No either serious symptoms were found and -his friends are glad to know of the good comeback. Mr- Ken Brown, college student Of R.M.C. Kingston 'spent the week- end with his phrents, 31r, and Mrs. Wilbur Brown. Mr. Jack Gilmore, ra ilroad . em- NIJA Fel ployee of Port - Burwell. .spent the of Prayer, en week-eat the home of Mrs. GChurch on Banks.ncI' Gus. Harrower a. Mrs. Robert Montgomery. sr., who Mr. and bps- spent several weeks with her are ltolidaiyf son Mr. Robert Montgomery, re- ship. turned to Woodstock the first of Visitors w the week. `aaturday �s Memorial Service.—..The Dt'ugatt- :turf Miss F. non United nit e d C h urc•h' was the scene Mr. John M of a memorial service on Friday ,Morris` and afternoon to pay .final tribute to! being the- c the late King George Vl.with Rev. ! birthdays. .1 G. \Watt, pastor, delivering the ser- John McMill n Saturday with Mrs.' J. D. F.lsley on. A ehoir of Ir►, 1041 in - .the_ , W.A..fleet nd Jlrs. J. E. illi. of Listowel• ging of favorite hymns, rusted (hu Mr. and Mrs,•\lva MoI)ow,-ll, Jir, The Erskine 1".I',r'. aif th,c• church church on Feabru t 1 William -\�'aalcl0n,enee • Oar 41nr. Your 'children's growing -up years... • In portraits A hone p call will arrange your appouttnitent HENIER$ON 'S THE SQUARE PHONE fill NILE 1 ing was .read by Mrs. A. Kerr fol- . lowed by prayer by Mrs. A. Schram. ►. 20.—The World Day I The minute: were then read. and adopted and the .correspondenee i11 -be observed in Nile ; rend, A sfgrt business period, fol - February •�';). «ith. Jirti. i lowed and the Meeting closed with ' guest spc•uker• •i the Mizpah benediction. Lunch J1rs. Ernest .lohn tton ' was served by Mrs. Gordon Amer -- ng in Goderich Tutt to son, Mrs. R. -McNee and Mts. I- II airs. H. _Morris on II 310Whinney. . ere firs. E. ,1• Olrer I GEO. rEAGAN A DIRECTOR McMillan, ) tan Dungannon an •I n n t; U George ealillan and Mrs. Mary ge Feagan, %derich town- ship, was elected a'<director of the - Isabel Of Goderich, it , West \Vawanosh Fire Insurance +evasion of the boys' Company at the annual meeting 0e JIceMillan tiJ and for 11):52. lie succeeds Harver Me. an S'' years of an e• _.!S'artney. Ernest Aekert and George mg.—The W.A. of Nile Stuart, retiring directors, were,. r-- reli was held in the elected. Donald MacKay is Pres% and Mrs.\Vit \V't1liatu McDowell Mrs. .1. L. Mc- Dowell and Mr. Gordon -McDowell. visited on- \Vednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Logan of 13elgrave. The occasion was the n ere a home on Fehrda ry l i for members a rl - tt itla -? a Valentine party, entertainiata; thY', was s present. The afternoon young 10ople frons the other V.P. i be sold lit qu lain ntwo" quilts 10 1 Mr. and -Mrs. John Vincent visited Society • of . Dungannon g au opened friends in Ilderton on Sat urday Church• g United: with 'hymn 4i. The Scripture read- last. • Th celebration of the 10th t<•eddin successful euchre, eta th0 Parish Hall g I nn Monday e0erring- Prize winners annfversarp of Jir. and Mr_s. Bier were, for the women, 1st, Alvin Vincent of Belgrare. Ilton (taking a•. place) Jir. Williaiar McDowell spent the Mrs. Victor Er,rington : men's 'high, week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Mr. Cliff` Ifaekett : high, Stackhouse' of Bruceffeld, Irers; chnir "red; Lorne Mr, and :Airs. Clarence Cox s pent prize, Eldon Culbert. Sunday with Mr. and airs. Harold Port Albert Sehaol Dance. he Sprung of__ Hallett Mrs. ,, Through a misunderstanding of the I advertising for a dance held Mon- Mr. John Gear of Kitchener spent day night at the Agricultural Hall, Mon - the week -end itt the home of Mrs. sponsored by the Port Albert 8t•hool, J. L.'DieDovrell- the crowd was lessened. Clarence Dlrs. John Hildebrand and' Eldo Adlum and his Rhythm Rangers tit .iordan Station are visiting her provided ',musks Another dance parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wight- will be held soon which is hoped man' to dent for another. term. local Orange ,Lodge held a Dir. Bill Rodger and Vern Nichol be better known. Proceeds are n of Port •Burwell spent the week-, for prospects of equipment which h the red. with ..their Port Albert school of which JIr. parents. Aarrin Ronk is teacher. Mr. Ross Redford who is holi- lathe has already been aur haled ying with his parents at , Park- for the pupils. i 11 visited on Tuesday at the home The WA, of the united Church Mrs. J. b. McDowell. met at the home .of Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. `Ernest Bogie of Brooks last Friday evenin nmar. Nile visited on Thursday with Mr. ary 15. The roll call was an veered and Mrs. Norman McDowell, by 20 .members. risito'rs There were two CREWE "red vice-president, led the meeting whlah Opened Kitli "God Save the Queen," (Allowed br • the- Lord's Prayers. Mrs. Alvin Sherwood rend pthe .Scripture lesson. Mrs. II. ,Horton offered prayer and gave the lesson thought. Sirs. W. Petrie led n-iarfl•yer. Committees were ap- pointed for the spring bazaar, Mrs. Sahib read an article "Why do Protestants go to Church?"' Mrs. Carman Anderson sang a solo. The last hymn, "0 Master Let ine Walk with 'Thee," was sung. Lunch was served by hostesses, Mrs. George Hodges, Mrs, Lloyd Hodges, Mrs. Eldon Culbert and "Mrs: Horton. The Dungannon Agricultural So- ciety, sponsored a dunce in aid of the blind on February 15 in the hall. They realized forty dollars, $ENMILLER Yt CREWE; Feb. 20.--11 ' :'.land Mrs. Will Alton and Wendell •of Wing - ham visitt d on Friday.with Mr. and JI s. rne her,''Mr, nndv „Mrs.. 'ice rlas 'niuley and Hilda of tondoiefig turday eve ting visitors at th sty home, s , Mrs. Crozier. and Loren of Lon - Ware week-etrd visitors *tab Mr. red Mr, C. Crozier '.and family. cs. Crozier is remaining or a ger stay. Mrs. Warren Zinn and any ghter. returned home from (lede- hospIta l .on- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Finnigan' visited th Mr. and Sirs. M. Henry and nil. of Pfne River on Sunday. The teacher of Crewe school held euchre party on Valentine night the school with eleven tables.. e-- ladies' high scorer was Mrs, he asserts that it is a rareSHEPYARDTON �i sight. Ask anyone who has liv- ton ed under the two acts. He SII EPPA RDT()N, Feb. 20. - - til r. knows the answer •to the ques- tion—which is the better Tem- perance measure? Is there any - and Sirs. Don Stonehouse find' dao Ricky of Guelph visited over the rich week -end with the lady's parents, wi Mr. and Mrs. Percy (Graham, Mrs.' fat one anywhere •who will assert GraClemh.am returned to 'Guelph' with that -there is less evidence • of i Sirs. Don McGuire and baby son 1a drunkenness under the Liquor returned 'home front' the Goderich ' Th Cecil Blake; low, Miss Norma Sher- wood; gentleman's ,hlglr#corer, Mr. Alvin Hackett and low, Donald Cur- ran. • About fifteen dollars was Sirs. folly \V:rlters while Mrs- C. realized from the collection. Moore is visifin g in lir. and Mrs, Jack�, C'nrran and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph (itit'wrtnta 1111(1 fancily were Sunday et; laing visitors Mr. and. Mr. Hooper. all of itide-e- with Mr. and Mrs. V. Hunter and town, spent the week -end with Mr. family of Luckn(m•. Greet JIrs. Russell I'frimmer and Mr. fa PERS{)NAI. MENTION y. and Mrs. John Tribe. Harvey Donn Id, Wantl;a Million, .terry Taylor :and \Valter Mature of Strnf- fordvilie spent the week -end with Mr. :in Mrs. Ray Moore. (';alters i,n Mrs. Polly \Vn1ters on Snndey were Mr. and Sirs. Jim White of Detroit, Mrs. Arthur Ross of (.oderic•h, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan.. Jervis and April of Ifolmesville anti Mr. and .Mrs, Welter Jervis and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stewart of G sierieh spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell P'frhniner. Control .Act with its liquor ( ho5pltnl on Sunday. stores and beer actors and Mrs. N. Bowler of Kintnil visited p , with her sister, Mrs. F. McCabe. cocktail lounges? - Thts advt. sponsored by Huron I --Anything to well? A elnssified ad Connfr Temnernnee Federation. n -The Signnl-Star brings res:nits. asimmomiummsomor HEAR YE, HEAR YE, The Word of the Lord by EVANGELIST MRS. LOLA WILLOWS, of WINNIPEG, MANITOBA CALLING ALL PERSON'S TO PENITENCE AND PRAYEte MEETING PLACE—WESLEYAN CHAPEL CORNER VICTORIA and PARK STS. Date--l'ebruary 26 to March 7 --inclusive. Evening Serviees--8 p.m. ' REV. B. E. STEVENSON, Pastor. BF,NM1r,IJER, Feb, 20, --- Sirs. Les Jervis of llolntesyiije is spend- ing some (1111e with her - mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent were in Relgrave recently attending a family dinner at the home of their niece, Mr. Clifford Logan and Mr. Logan in honor of Mrs. Logan's parents;. Mr. and Sirs. Albert Vin- cent on the oeensioh of their 411th wedding anniversary. Mrs. James E. Godfrey„'Waterloo street, is n patient ilriii'e"Tleneril Hospital at Kingston where she re- cently nndertrent nn operntlon, She. is making a satisfactory recovery. ATTENTION LADIES Give your home a NEW LOOK for SPK,LNG, rijth our beauti- ful AMERICAN ROSE. PATTERN COTTAGE SET ;WASHING MACHINE COVERS, LL'NCIREON CLOTHS, TABLE CLOTHS AND APRONS. BLIT.. RED, GREEN AND YELLOW. Beautiful hostess gifts to ehoose from plus a special gift: to end' lady holding a party in February, Call your local dealer and arrange a demonstration. MRS. FRANK KERSHAW . PHONE 552W REPLACE THE OLD HEADACHE WITH ONE OF OUR NEW DOORS. Plywood S2S 3116 13c sci. ft. •