HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-02-21, Page 3105th Year --No. 8 oberti GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FRt3ARY 21st, 1952 1 BUSINESS DIREOTOkY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT' CECIL sTrRwoE. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT- Phone CCOUNTANTPhone N7.—Office 343W. Souse 343J Goderich. ACCOUNTANTS RONALD G. McCANN, Public Accountant Clinton, Ontario Phones: Office 501;• Rea. 455 Office: Royal Bank CIUKOrKACT1C RERBbiRT B. SUCH, D.O. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours; Mon., Thant --a a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues.. Fri -4) a.m. to • 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8pan. Wed.. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. V itamiu Therapy Otho --Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. INSURANCE . M.cKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO., — Farm and laolated ,town property insured. President, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Vice -President, J. H. Jickiwing, Myth; Manager and tlecy-Treas•, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—S. H. Whitmore, Sea - forth; Chris. Le'oahardt, Bornholm; E. J. 'r'rewartha, Clinton; Rota. Archibald, SextfOrth ; John H. Mc - }wing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal- , ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth,; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich. Agents --J. E. Pepper, Bruce -field ; It. F. M1cKercher, Dublin; J. F. Pru- eter, Brodbagen ; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londedboro ; .S, ' Baker, Brussels. •• Policy- -_ can make --all --pay- holdsrs ments"and get their cards -receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Keith Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich. ��---1'iu!►CT�B,- 6L�COAi1ii- Marilyn ;Marshall, Kirkton,, a member of the Kirkton Calf Club scored 140 out of a possible- 150 points iu •the Junior Judging Com- petition_ fw nsered by the Hoistlsin- ,Friesian Association ef-C.anada" in: connection with the selection of Alt - Canadian show. cattle. Close behind with, a score of 134 points was Donna lliehl, Walton, of the Huron Calf Club. DONALD B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Counties of Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For inf'oranation apply to J. N. Kernighan, Division Court Clerk, Goderich, Ont. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 460J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. . WESTERN • ONTARIO MOTORWAYS Departures: Daily— 9 a.m. to Stratford and London daily except Sundays and holi- day. 12 noon to Stratford and London, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 4.20 p.m. to Stratford and London. daily except Sundays and holi- days. EXTRA RUNS FOR SUNDAYS AND 11OLIDAYS 6.20 p.m. to Stratford'. and London. 8.30 p.nt. to London. Charter Coaches for all occasions. For information phone Santis Motors at 314. ..INCOME TAX RETURNS PRIVATE BUSINESS. FARM REPORTS Bookkeeping records installed monthly and checked m Y or at request. ROY N. BENTLEY Telephone 587 Box 58 15 Warren Si. GODERICH, ONT, HAROLD -JAOHS0f LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone .11-661 or ° Harry Edo irds, Goderich Phone 144 C. F. CHAPMAN _ _ General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30'. Colborne St., Goderich n _18w Pho a _._ FIRE! Protect Yourself With Fire Insurance See .. • • 'Gordo. Jewell RA. 6, GODERICH Phone C._:low 30-r-4 F. T. Arthstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODIc:RICJI o,aTIN Eo -P.z ..._{� C ; + RESULTS IN WOUNDING Gives Blood Free to Local. Patients "A bit of . horse -play" with a .22 ripe ended up in a minor shoot- ing accident lust Friday when flesh wounds Were iutieted on two finger's of Bob. Cbisholm's ,band by ti shot outstandiug service to the citizens fired by Jack Carrick, according to police. of Goderich has beer; provided by Constable Whitfield who investi- gated the shooting said that Chis- holm and George Holton were stand- ing in front of Goderich -Motors • For' -almost three' years IIQW au Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and 'Iotor Car Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STRET PHONE 230 ' GODERICH members of Bluewater Lodge 1845 of the International Association of Machinists, employed by the Domin- ion Road Machinery Company. In on. South street when. Carrick, who March of 1949 the Lodge members decided to set up a volunteer' blood lives directly apposite, returned donors' bank for use in caseof frons a hunting expedition. Some emergency in Goderich and vicinity. shouting back and forth across the The bank is still in operation and street ensued, Chisholm jumped be- hind a car and, holding his hat in the air, said, "See if , you can hit it." Carrick fired and the shot went through the flesh of Chisholm's' in- dex and little fingers. Chisholm and Bolton said- they thought the weapon was an air rifle. Charges of causing grievous bodily harm and firing a gnu across the street in a mantfet••"tltngerous to the public peace have been laid, against Carrick. PAIR ON THEFT CHARGE NOW LOCATED IN. BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING°- ON THE SQUARE H. M. FORD Get Insured-- Stay Insured— Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w D. GUITARD Stonework, Brickwork and Plastering A good job of plastering has. no substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victorian armaarimMONIMEMMINIIIIIII ALBERT SHORE Public Accountant Income Tax Consultant Income Tax Returns prepared for businesses, farmers and individuals. Financial .state- ments prepared. Auditing, Bookkeeping and Accounting Service. Office corner North St. and Sgutare. - -Residence, 14 Victoria St., Goderich. Phones: Office 975. Residence 444. ADDRESS P.O. BOX 797, GODERICH. • TO BE TRIED BY- JUDGE A. L. . COLE Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone '33 Goderich, Ont. Friday, February 29, at 10 a.m. was the time fixed for the trial of, Joseph Ferguson and James Palmer, London district Hien, who appeared before Judge T. M. Costello in county court on Thursday of last week. The pair are charged jointly with breaking, entering and theft at Randall's service station and Cutt's general store and attempted breaking and entering with intent to • steal at Filsinger's jewellery store. The two . men, who were com- mitted ommitted for trial after a preliminary hearing by Magistrate D. E.11oimes, C. elected to standtrial t Nal without a jury, .when they. appeared--before- Judge Costello. Property bail of $2;500 -1tir one_ or -biers-surette-s- tvas set for each of the accused, as asked by defence counsel, R. E. Barnes. - Before .183 0, Fort Frances, Out., was a trading'post known as Rainy Lake. it was named after pioneer U1dy Frances Simpson. , -s' an added service` to the investors of West- ern Ontario, "Mort" I3urns, of our I5broadcasting organiza- if) t 11 ' 1)I'Oalde`1S .1 . t n g,r • Closing' market (lttota- r =t1Olt; O11 the t 1 ( f) (1 e I' )C nt - - -and other- --Stock • changes. at 6 :15 p.ln. over t• �.. _... � d t (11.1-�_ -d- 1<. _ 1 1r T -'1'homas, (dial -.680), • every day Monday • through Friday, • • Bongard & Co. 379 Richmond St. pial, 2-6301 LONDON, ONT. Members Toronto Stock Exchange (I'ontr(al Stock Exchange Winnipeg Grain Exchange Vancouver Sto-ek Exchange Montreal Curb Market Calgary Stock Exchange 'Other Offices TORON'Pl) - VANCO1'VER; HAMILTON WINDSOR • GUELPH. 6-9 the blood is donated by members of the ledge,, absolutely free of charge, except in cases where plasma has to be transported to London, when patients are asked to pay trans- portation costs only. Direct blood transfusions are given in the Alexandra Hospital as well and 40 -odd members have had their blood ,classified and grouped for just „such emergency cases which are the rule rather than the exception. ,The Dominion Road Machinery Company has co-operated whole-heartedly to the extent that they .legate_ it possible for au em- ployee to leave his work when called without loss of pay. Receive No Pay Stephen Helesic, financial secre- tary of the lodge and chairman of the blood donors' committee, while attending a 'convention in Grand Rapids, Mich., heard of company employees giving blood to banks on au organized basis for which they were paid. Mr. Helesic brought the idea back to Goderieh•--and put it before the local Bluewater Lodge union. The idea was adopted and later accepted by the. Dominion Road Machinery Company as a valuable service in case of emerg- encies. But one 'major change was made in the American version of the set -alp.._- to emphasize the service side of the plan. Donors receive .absolutely -no •pay -for -their -blood: Primarily the donors are of valuer in that, they replace used.' supplies in blood banks when the user cannot afford to pay for the required plasma. Normally, when plasma is --taken froin acblooci hank, the patient for whom it is used has to pay for replacing... it. Not so if he is, a needy '- resident of Goderich or vicinity. CLINTON STATION C.0. INSPE i"C' 7 AD.L i`$;: Tuesday night, February 12, No. 532' Maitland Royal Canadiau Air Cadet Squadron at Sky -Harbor was honored, by the presence of Group Cuptain Button, Officer "'Comm and. - tug- Command=- tug- the R.c.A.l.+'.. wStation at Clinton; Squadron Leader McKee and Flight Lieutenant Carey. The Officers were received by Flying Otlicer -Al. Huff- man, Commanding Officer 532 Mait- land Squadron. ' After a .conducted tour of the class rooms, Group Captain. Hut- ton carried out a Military Inspec- tion of the Air Cadets on parade. The three visiting dfilcers ,accoui- panied by tht R.C.A.F. Instructors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Legg of Goderich for re- freshments and a,-. social get .• to- gether. FORMER GQDERICH GIRL GRADUATES. AT CLINTON On 'Wednesday, February 13, AW1• Virginia "Ginny" Chamney of Goderich and Oldeastle, Ontario, graduated as a teletype operator from 1 Radar and Communications School, R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton. AIW1 Chamney whose pareuts, Mr. and .Mrs, 11. E. Chamney, re- side ti rOld`castle, has lived for ,some time with her grandmother, Mrs. James Black, Goderich. Prior to joining the lt.C.A.F., A\V1 Chamney was employed as a dental assistant by Dr. J. A. Graham, Goderich, and later was a switchboard operator for the Bell Telephone Co. both in Goderich and Windsor. AIW1 Chamney is now a qualified Teletype •Operator and will leave for another R.,t7A.F. station to 5311 a vacancy in the communications system of Canada's expanding na- tional def4ence $tpgram. _ FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR ACCIDENT VICTIM The funeral service for Russell Bishop, who vvu5 fatally injured- in an accident on No. 5 highway on Sunday, February 111, was held ori Thursday a the 11rophey funeral Moue, conducted by the Rev. 112(f. \fac\t11lan, of Knox Presby 1eriat C1ntreh. The .- pallbearers were George ' hurl luau, Robert Mahon, -i-Ernest 1 islrl-r, -i:,veytitl.s,Alltt , Wits li:lnl Brownlee and Bert \lohriug. Interment took pl:lce in Maitland cemetery. Mrs.' Bishop's condition :It the hospital is improving, and the child- ren have returned honte front the hospital. WINS QUILT 'Miss Sylvia Powell of Goderich was winner of a• draw for as quilt made by members of the. Always Be 'Friends Club of London at the club's Valentine euchre party held in the Y.M.-Y!\V.('.A. Queen's build - inn on Valentine's Day, Thursday of last week MAGISTRATE INJURED Weekly police court was cancelled last Thursday as Magistrate 1). E. Holmes, Q.C., was cotnfined to his home with -.three fractured ribs. 'He 'received the injury when he slipped on the ._floor of a local plahing mill. A man can still light 0 cigar without 'first offering one to a lack. - mokammarrawararso GODERICH PAVILION Re -opens Saturday, March 1, Dancing, Saturday nights only, in March 'to Johnny Downs and his orchestra. The Pavilion is available for afternoon and evening rentals. The management caters to banquets, wedding receptions, et(:. Phone 675 or 419. ' GODERICH THEATRES PRESENT 4t pARK Ori the The Square PHONE 1150 ---- Now—Stephen McNally and Coleen Gray in "Apache Drums"— Technicolor. ;Hon., Tues. and Wed.— "LITTL1 EGYPT" — IN TECINICOLOR --- Nubile humor. bright dialog and tndbalentt roman.'e feature nntsic-n1 drams off Chicago :41n(1 ,lits World's Fair. Rhonda. Fleming.- Mark Stevens and Nasky Guild this Thurs., Fri. and Sat.— "SATURDAY'S at-- "SATURDAY'S HERO" A rave -lulling sato✓✓• of college football inid otitis kept men who .. John Derek Donna Reed and Sidney headline the tc�lme.• dnrty Illackitter At ' 'West AP�TAL S The Street -- PHONE 47 Now—,Johnny Weissnniller in "JUNGLE MANHUNT." Mon., Tues. and Wed.— pane Clark, ('atliy .O'Donnell and Toa) Drake A fa-RA-movingmurder mystery Mali a surprising climax and a new twist to the romantic angle. `NEVER TRUST A GAMER" Thurs., Fri, and Sat.—Two Features. Charles Starrett, Smiley Burnette and Monte Blue Rifle- mum filg white mets foster, it tear between- the Indians and Ranchers. "Snake River Desperadoes" Stanley 'Clernents. Gene ('ollins and Myron Welton " Fun aplenty a n' Tenth Avenue invasion rocks cxehisiwe boys' _hu litxll, , -"MILITARY ACADEMY" • Greet Veteranof C s zecho lova Army a • As Legion Member A ac -Millan -is -Re -e' ead of Children's Aid Society The Huron County Children'p Aid Society held- its annual "meet- ing' 'ttl--the _Court house on -Wed- nesday, with Rev. It. G. MacMillan presiding. , A very satisfactory year was re- ported by the Superintendent, Mrs. M. Chaffee, who stated that the new offices and .clothing room, were assisting materially in all fields of the work which had increased in scope with -au added worker on the staff. ' There were 47 child protection cases involving 15-1 children and 78 children were admitted to the care -of •the Society, so that at the end of the year there were only 124 children in care. There were 103 court attendances.; Assistance „was given to 96 unmarried mothers, 53 adoptions _ were completed and 66 foster homes arranged. Hospital Assistance "We have bad as many as six babies at a time in Wiugham hos- pital which has helped us to place a child 3n an adoptive home," Mrs. Chaffee said, There were 224 medical examin- ations, 161 dental attendances, 14 mental health attendansea,_,antLfive chest and one eye examinations. Treasurer A. H. Erskine reported receipts in 1951 totalled $3.4,929.41 and expenditures, $35,012.41, with an overdraft of $113. Receipts and The rooms of Branch 109, Can- adian Legion, which had seen (dosed for all activities during :he time of official mourning for the late King (:(•urge VI, were opened for a short' business• session on 'Thursday even- ing last; during which. n►eiabers of the branch discussed tiritl plans for the Legion's part in the Mem- orial Service parade on Friday t:orning; and passed ripen (the[ urgent business. It was • decided that, the brand' should offer to 1►ay for the pictures 0f 1he . �1► uceu aud,hcr-consort which let )1. liven ordered 'by the Arena Commission for hanging in Gode- rich e u t l 1► . l nl 1 •1• .11 Arena. A donrrien crf :x/0 .tries .voted to the Kinuardint branch of the. (':lu- r afllslll Ll 111 Il ` 1 �1 t�_t hl 1! in clic• rc est eli-sTiirilent uf- That—firateli J. - HI --lowing, the recent tit•e which de stroycd. their Legion hall. Contributions were also , mode .to the following: $10 to the Canadian Legion I,ducational Services; $15 bers of the, .stair, 1iCthank1ug the l hoard, spoke of the happy spirit _ofd len—operation __exiting in the Staff, under Mrs. Chafree's direction at the office and with tfie Board.' It wee left, with the executive to appoint( delegates to the C.A;S. (mu" veution in Toronto in April • and the meeting was closed with prayer by the president. The following donations,, to Huron County Children's' Aid Society dur- ing past .months, are gratefully . ack- nowledged : United Church Mission Band, Eliulville, Ont.; •Seaforth Women's Institute; Mrs. Fred Toll's Sunday' School class, Auburn; Evangelical Young Women's class, Dashwood; Mrs. E. Brown, God- rich; Kippen Women's Institute; Royal \Vilna, Goderich; Mrs. ,Alex, McGregor, Kippen; T. 0. Southeott, Exeter ; litanston's Grocery, Gode- rich; 4 L'a Sunday School class, Evangelical Church, Dashwood, Ont.; Willing 'Workers Evening Auxiliary, James St. United Church, Exeter, Ont.; St. James United Church Mission Circle, Exeter. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING STRESSED BY RETAILERS` Newspaper advertising is one of the prime requisites of any suc- cessful sales campaign, Robert V. f th expenditures in this year's pro- Lamb, managing secretary o e -posed budget were estimated at Qntario Retail Hardware Associa- tion said during the convention in The Board complimented the staff composed of Mrs. Chaffee, superintendent ; Miss C. - McGowan, assistant superintendent; Miss M. Norris, social worker; Mrs. Ewan Ross, assistant; Miss :Marjorie IIenderson and Miss Gertrude Wilkes, of the othee staff, all of whom have been re-engaged. Clothing Received Toronto recently.. Mr. Lamb advised delegates at- tending the 1,500 member Associa- tion's .47th annual convention and exhibition that "It bas been proved time and time again that Consistent newspaper advertising by all re- tailers helps not only `o maintain and improve your pos'.tion in the community, but also provides the 1 ir. 1arr3 \c r(ai reporting perfect m odium in which to bring- for r3nsfor the clothing •(sinnrnittee,- stated to the consumer's attention - that 80 per cent of the clothing many -services available at their received is in Al condition but 20 local hardware dealer." per 'cent is not quite as acceptable The hardware industry has ye- as the Iirticles do not tit in with turned to a seller's market, he said, and this means that we will have MacMillan expressed to place an extra,eniphasis on sound the Board's appreciation of the consumer relations in 1952. It is !service \1t•. McCreath and the emu- now generally agreed, Mr. -Lamb i,mtttee are giving in this worthwhile continued. that hardware prices will department. retilain fairly steady if the con- ` Mis•Arthur Curry and Mrs Albert sumer demand for our nn•reh indise Taylor' sllousorecl :1 vote of tlutnks , to the 1951 officers, whit 11 was heartily endorsed. Airs," Kenneth Jrlhtls, chairman of the pubiic•ity committee, reported • 11101 :1 pamfllet are 11:i1 prepared' • ou Children's Aid work would be 'distributed :at the cull of 1'c•brusm. • Arr:ulgeun`tlts :Ire also Mani -1( 10'.11.' 1 a for space at the fairs illi lgh ur • ,' the county in order that rill'/.ells may bec e better acquainted with 'what, is- la-ing la-indone- 111 he 1 llitll l 1 Otli. Ekr ted \lr . Alberterrs Taylor presented theT . foltuwing report df the nourin:u iug •• coluulitte( .which was :l414.1ad : .! Don't .Say. ARE YOUR TROUBLES -UTILE ONE- -" Do you oyer worry about' the future of your your founi)y should you suddenly. be oohed by death? Family Income siaeutr- snce will replace. your income while the children are.growitsir up and take care of your widow • for life. • Protect your loved -ones with a Family Income policy of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada,. - Harold W. Shore Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada North St. Phone 766w stays at a cent -dant level.' Mr. Lamb told the bardwaremcn that there •ist a responsibility on those engaged in the bardware.bust- , ness in this province to gee that consumer demand its -maintained by • streamlirang operations and by tell- ing the publimy and frankly of what "ret t er4, . manufaeiurers ., and distributors in the hardware industry are doing to give the o - a ✓antes r v ra a contlumer a z e,fr ! � duet af_"ttie _lowest Possible Wee."' Results from. advertising -1'Y On - I tario hardware stores, he said, have ;to a hugs,. extent been r.sponsibte for the iligfl level of retail hard- ware salt:, in this area during 1951. -Regardless of your location," Mr. L:adoe advised delegates, "the c0ns4515 r,? Use of newspaper .adver- rising 5n 3952 will be a vital factor in nl•l;ntu wing 0 steady flow of ' product- tr. the Ontario con:3utner." president, Itev. It. G. AI:Ir\liil:ul: • 1st ( ptdnt, It vic r `si e ev. Dirk- , .l. Ihke '- to the Legion -sponsored University i mann ; second vice-president, Mrs. • G Scholarship Fund and $5 to the orgy. .lohnston; honorary se,•re- • National Institute for the Blind.•I t try, A. \L Robertson; .8041(1a1'y, A, :%crept New Member I H. Erskine ; treasurer, John G. ,One new member 444',,:lecepte(1 in ! Berry : cllt•4K•tors, Hugh Berry , of the bi'it04 l►, Frank Schubert. a! W0041110111; J0111i Winter. 110w icl: former warrant officer in !lie, Czechoslovakian Army: Mr. Sehu- bert, who now resides in- Goderich, served in Czechosloviakia, the Mid - die East, England and France. Ile Is a holder of the Czechoslovakia Military Cross and several other medals awarded for bravery in the field. Joseph Duck, chaIrtnarr of the ,Welfare committee revealed that u total of $1.074.60 was expended in relief by the branch in 1951. During the 'evening all members of the branch in attendance renewed their oath of allegiance to the crown. President Ralph Kingswell administered the oath. The meeting opened with the ob- servance of one minute's silence for the lute King and conc•luiled ,with the singing of "God Save the Qun." Teehe charter of Branch 109 is draped in black in reverence for the late King George VI and will remain draped for a period of moms -Ong t0„ he determined by the Legion's Ontario Command. ALTE1t SPRING SHOW DATE OF AGRICULTURAL BODY W. J. Lobb, of Goderich Town- ship, was named president of the Huron Central Agriculture Society at a director's meeting held at Clinton last Friday. iie suceeeds John (Clegg, Clinton. ' Other officials are: first. vice- preszident, Ernie Brown ; second vice-president, Frank Falconer: sec- retary -treasurer, A. J. McMurray. The date of the annual spring sho1v twas'changed from Wednesday, June 4,:'fe 'Saturday. May 31, as the June date woukl have conilieted with the annual race meet in Gode- rich. - - ALLIN—CULLITON Doris Culliton, daughter of the late \ir. and Mrs. Richard ('nlliton, became the bride of William Aplin, son of ,the late 'Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Aplin of Lucl:now, at a ceremony atthe, home of Mr. '11nd Mrs. M. 1 'Merlin it, \Vingham, on Saturday,' February 9. Rev. Alex. Nimnlo of- ficiated. (liven in marriage by Mr. Ewart M'Kereber, the bride wore a steel grey suit with yellow acces- sories and an orchid for her cor- sage. The hridesnlaid, Mrs, Everett ('ethers of Delmore, wore 0 pie and' pie brown shit with funny(' neves- Bowies and n corsage of yellow roves. Mr. AVillins► .iohnson of i,ilcknow was the hest man. The reception WWI held at the Hotel Brunswick. •Afterwards the couple left on a wedding; trip to the:United States. They will reside in Winghaln. The bridegroom's mother 44(144 - the former Miss Winnifred Gordon of 1 lleknow. Township; F. L. Davidson, 1V'ing- ham : 3Irs. K. Johns, Ehnville : It. J. Bowman, Brussels; "Jliss Etta S,ltilty. Airs. I. Jinni, Arthur Curry, Mrs. P. I1. 1tedditt, \irs. J. B. Reynolds, H,- Me•l'reatli. R. E. Barnes. Miss N. Cunningham and \Liss S. McLear►, all of Goderich; slxchtl., c(nu►iittee, Mrs. 140bfitt, Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, Miss E. ,faults. \piss N. Cunningham. \Ir. .11ae\1il1an, i171 bel►alf • of the ext'cutive,, thanked the-so,°iety .for the cotrtidence placed in acs mem- bers. lie welcomed Mr. .1. G. Berry as treasurer, and was pleased that Mr. Erskine was remaini•ng•°tvn -the' Roard as secretary. Miss McGowan and other mlem- SAWS ALL TYPES OF SAWS SHARPENED . Hand saws and . butcher saws filed and set, small band saws filed, set and brazed. Cordwood " and crosscut saws gummed and filed. Large circular mill saws hammered. Years of experience making and repairing all types of saws. GORDON RALSTON, Wolfe St., . Phone 1188J, Goderich. fix RARI "I ' Can't Afford It!" Just drop in to Ger�•�rd� end ®pen i ... a "Revolving Credit nt." •• • • O • • 10.00 Down Delivers '$60.00 worth mer- chandise at Gerroh, You can be an early SPRING SHOPPER, by using this conven- ient method of credit. See our new Spring s ►.es of "Dunns" made-to-meastne Suits SATISFACTION GUARANTEEI1— 0P, YOU ARI; NOT OBLIGATED TO TAKE 'ITT SUIT. • ;22,�,:/ya,.....,rc. &'.,.c5•.?,.+.. rdi: ;...�ry ...Ch .v�o-...RaG' Sc�`r.�a•.:. Need a druigist for aninient Or pills white or pink MOW MGA' willfind him Quick as a wink! YFUOW OF YOUR' TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 4 • t