The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-02-14, Page 6THE GODERICH SIGNAL STAR Westinghouse RADIOS, WASHERS, STOVES... and FRIGES ^-- - - MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS the soup contest were Mrs. Harris_ HOLD: C.G.I.T. BANQUET and Donuaa. The evening closed with "the singing of ''Taps." Thirty-three mothers and daugh- ters augh PRING—N'OIF:HL tars sat down to a banquet supper Marion (dive Woehl, London, marking C.G.1.T. week, Wednesday daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin of, list week.. The tables were Geor-e \Voehl of Fort Erie, betaine decorated with royal blue streamers the bride of ,Norman- Lang Pring and favors with white candles. The of Goderich; son of Mr. and Mrs. singsong, led by the leader. Hilda Frederick Pring, Fort Erie, in a Finnigan,• meas followed ,oy a Lilo- ceremony pern)rtncd on Saturday .Hent of silence in memory of the afternoon, February It, :►t St. John's lute King. Evangelical and Reformed Church, Toasts 'were as follows: the .Snyder. Out. The marriage was' Queen; the Church, proposed by solemnized by the Rev. John Natuilfne''Hill, reply, Mrs. Howard iiuc•la:chwatn, assisted by the Rev. , Robertson; the mothers, proposed 1). 11. Irwin. of St. Paul's Anglican by Mary Andrew, reply. Mrs. W.. E. Church, Fort Erie. Dookstader: the C.G.I.T., proposed The bride vas gi.on in marriage by Mrs. A. O. Pearson, reply, Linda by her father. Miss Frances Breckenridge (C.G.I:l'. purpose). Blough was maid of honor and the The leader then re'a'd a service of bridesmaids were Miss Ilelen Archi- dedicatiou of jingle box offerings. bald and Mrs. John Chisholm, sister _U1 joined in' singing the C.G.I.T. of the groom. •Elmore Pring was hymn. Miss .Betty :Rutledge sang his brother's groomsman and Lloyd Olen a solo accompanied by,. Miss Ruth' Woehl and (,len \'L oehl, brothers of I)ockstader the pianist for the even- the bride, were ushers. :ng. The motlicirs and girls joined Following the service a reception in a few games. The winners of was held at the Club Lorelei, where 4 FA BOY RM SEED RAISINS FOR ,ALL YO BAK.ING F SPECIA ���iclitc DEAL ROSES noun oSTs SUGAR CRISP TOMMY TUCKER -PEANUT .BUTTER MUNRO'S NO. 1 WHITE HONEY is210 G PS. 7 LB. 4 9 0 BAG 5Vz OZ. PKG280S. 16 JAR Z�0 � 4 LB- 750 TIN CREAM STYLE CORN 2 STOKELY'S FANCY L5 O2. TINS KEEP THAT SCHOOLGIRL COMPLEXION PALMOLIVE Swap2 BARS 250 (BATH SIZE), COLGATES PIUNcE5S FLAKES PKGE. 350 PURITY—(CHOCOLATE ORNWHITE) CAKE MIX NOW ON SALE—FEBRUARY ISSUE 15 OZ. 290 PKGE. BITTER LIVING MAGAZINEPER COPY 5p BRIGHT'S CHOICE- PRUNE ',Lusts 2 la 21p ,rr ,$IZE ib -7&'a MEDIUM PRUNES 2 LBS. 450 PKGS. 430 CAMPBELLS CREAMY • TOMATO SOUP 2,14t.?.1 25� METCALFE roma AND BEANS. 2 TINS. 210 210 CHUBBY OR HANKY IKLZENEX •TISSUES 2 'DEEP SOUTi4—SWEE`FENED .BLENDER JUICE. 2 IN TOMATOSAUCE—CONNOR FANCY QUALITY PINK HEBRAIC, nn°s- 230 SALMON T1? °_. 460 LIPTOItI--CHICKEN NOODLE 20 OZ. TINS SOUP MIK 2 Pkg 250 XELLOGGS CORN FLAKES 2Pkgs. • °s- 330 AYLMER 24 Oz. Jar RASPBERRY .IAM 410 AYLMI±R SEVILLE ORANGE MARMALADE 4 0z. 331 HEINZ -TOMATO KETCHUP Bot°= 280 CUSTOM GROUND RICHMELLO COFFEE Qb 960 RICHMELLO SLICED BREAD zos?=.150 NEW COLOURED MILD CHEESE Lb. 490 1).S.L. TEA EARLY 1rORNING COFFEE 16 0z. PKG. :79crtormowatommaK( : 41c FRESHLY Oz. 92c • GKOFNI) RAG KECENC'I1.SSORTEI) CHOCOLAT-ES 16 69c DOMINO (CONTENTS ONLY) GINGER ALE B03006, 2 fort 29c FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS µ GRAPEFRUIT GOLDEN, 'IPE SELECTED Bar MINAS MELS' YUPI FLORIDA • ..- 1 TOMATOES ALL.ru.UEi EFFECTIVE. tfsltll.C1aatnf Vol* Sal.: i".b: 11 SIZE 5 FOR 250 190 '1402.190 t CELLO t Tender Clap hr..n _Heads—NEW CABBAGE 2 L1. 190 • DOM1N ON STORES LIMITED Colborne Township Would Get Steel to Build Bridges Colborne 't'ow'nship Couucil, at its regular bleating, Tuesday: night Of last week, instructed the road superintendent to contact the dis- trict municipal engineer vso that an order of steel for bridges may be procured. The council decided to purchase 2,000 feet of snow fence, 173 iron posts, 100 feet of steel culvert 18 inches wide, 120 feet of steel culvert 12 inches wide and 40 feet, 13 inches wide. Mr. Jackson, representing the Canada Culvert CO., Ltd., was present tak- ing orders for snow fences and steel culverts. The Township' Clerk was in- structed to advertise in the Sigrutl- Star for two tenders, ono for warble .yi n t o h or •n fit .pea, ng a d he t elf ,► inspector of warble fly spraying. A. letter from Canadian Industries, Ltd., including quotations- of "War - biddy" powder, was explained by -the company's•. representative, Mr. Stephens, who was also present. The council also decided_ to ask the Department of Highways to ap- prove the expenditure bylaw for the cost of roads and bridges for 1952;, to renew the bonds for treas- urer and collector- with' -the -A. 1.1: - Wilson Co., thraugh its agent. cor- don Jew, 4} for -n--pertotiT •of three years; to oder 400 pounds of night, Mrs. F•iierwood 'and \Irs. warble • fry spray powder' ti) he in I Fol•dyce 'lark gave Mrs, _Lloyd the township early -In Marchsand l I11 Ri•ley (nee June Cuun• f., tl►) u' lag of" Goelcric•it 114,4s)1:11 11 'Lodge sent. He said he gave the tools to access had been gained. The paint So 1,1V -Ns the uet'essar\ byla►► aatia'rr shower iu [he '1owu hip Hall' with NIA. Sh in the lodge room :at' \i•,•K1 Corporal Hurtling and Constable on the tools corresponded in color ]Zing the boi•1'ow•iI1p, Of money to Flnt(t ' ' 'about 30 neighbors present. The li:a 11. ]reports were riven ley the , �,ati of file (4c►derich dttach-, to the Paint on both premises, he meet the current expenditures s of ex^ciljug was spent in p114 lig court special e ccuuni[teeS regarding' th anent of tie nut;trio 1'rovinci:tl arid. the 11i11111icolltc fear the dear until Police the nest day. Paint marks Vernon Randall testified that a trier are collected. whist. Then taco baskets of pre- ' �Irafrell:asing, of card t:al►les ;aoel� 0 --pro. � scuts were brought in :and set be- iiclin;: a clothes tack for the talo w11ith he said had been on the quantity of chewing gum, 11,,t-retic•s fore the• bride- .After" she opened of lodge members. \u 11i5-itaticna 1 tools had apparently been removed. i and. handlcetcllief, on the counsel :111 t�'e presents she ;;cal up and w:i. acoclrteil Prion .Miler Rebekah 7o Analyze Paint .. t table in ,the court room was similar thanked everyone. '1' aeu everyone 1.c;4l;4c . (11:•ns:t11, oto attend 1i to1 Cot•poral Panner testified that the in kind and quantity to that: which S „i (;t,,, tools had been acid -etched to re- ' he had discovered missing front sang 'Fut .ht's a .1 ►ly d 1•'t•I birtlrcl:ay lr,nto /in hebrn:at;�-` _I► I ,. •- father's r h station ell t e .. I move the ►sant foranalysis.' is father •rvice Il h _ low.- Then ]ouch was served :and ce -its tr:ausport:'fano :arraiu,:eu►i•u.s+ I.-- c. :a soc•i:al 144111n;; •1re111. 1 11 111 the laatnds of \les. 1': (Iaarris.Isatid that he'ltatd gone to Randall's morning of January 10. 'Ile said u 3licii'ccu. were "':tele t.r cartrrleaiu and Cutt's nitri Constable Finnigan side door had. apparently been and Constable Fok. The latter land forced open. to gaol :access. Keith some''� a lodges the c � c In t r ht 11 til t ] d f t 11,11„ future suet sikr t(„1,40.:1,,,, 'taken pi ctureg• showing that_the' (att testified hcd t hit Lis store had •� t the c into on • r broken ►ken 1• tl► been took fitted marks in the door of apla[cn ) I 1„1,', ire h lug 1,,;,1„.• It t� t• . Randall's and ('iftt's win(low where same night and some clothing head THIS IS 'THE LATEST PHOTO -OF KING GEORGE taken in London shortly before his death. His death. which was announced 'from Sandringham, his" cot.ntry home, ot. February 6th Caine as a greate shock to all of Britain and the Commonwealth nations. The King. who underwent a serious lung operation Iasi September. seemed to be well on the road to recovery:and had recentt ^ •- q • "" fret ewell to Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip as they took off - from London airport for their proposed 5 months tour of. Africa, Ceylon and Australia. as CARLOW (' itIA)\V,- Feb. W.—bast Friday BIRTHDAY PARTY IN MAY FOR REBEKAELODGE- Nohic• G-t•atnd Mrs. Ada l'ritzley presided over 11 well, 1(11teadewl 11►ec�t- TOWNSHIP COUNCIL (OHERIV1I TON'NSI F „ Goderich 'Township Council Heid its regular meeting on F'ebruattfy 4. The clerk was k1istructed to cull for -tenders for warble fly spraying in the township, and ull3u for :the position of -warble Iiy' inspector. G00 pounds of warble lly powder •was ordered frotu J(lck Little, Clin- -ton. :i- t pre sentatice -from the' George White. Company was present to discuss the purchase of a power weed sprayer. No action was taken. bylaw No,, .1 to authori•Le .the spending. of $35,0004.4, [(Winship roads was -given-. three -readings-Tata ' passed. Communications read and filled O:I.L., Morden and Helwig, Depart- ment, of Municljlel Affairs, ,Board of Trans)lort Commissioners,•Coiutitun- ity Welfare Council, A. II. Erskine, Department of Planning and De- velopment, C :N.R., Tire Mai-Sha11's Office, 1Vesteel, Armco ,Drainage. The following accounts"wore pre- sented and ordered paid: County of • Huron, indigent care, $13.00; Municipal World, supplies, $6.04; direct relief, $40.00; Itoad 'Super- intendent payroll No. 2, $3,387.57. Council then adjourned ,,till March 3at7.30p.m. TWO TO STAND TRIAL ON THEFT CHARGES HERE Two London district Wren wet*, committed for trial at the. next court of competent jurisdiction on charges of breaking, -entering and theft by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C., at a preliminary hearing on Friday. The pair, Joseph Ferguson and James Paliner, were ,arrested fol- lowing investigation of break-ins and theft of goods from Randall's service station and " Cutt's general More. They will also be tried on charges of breaking and ttntering with intent to steal and attempted breaking and - entering Filsinget's jewellery store. They were arrested in Ingersoll and taken to police cells, in London, on January, 10. Detective ` Frank Christie of the London Police Department said that he went- to'Palmer's home in Lon- don and discovered a 'new handker- chief and -a shopping bag containing eigarettes and- chewing gulp. In the ,afternoon,. he went to Ingersoll and discovered ,a car which he said belonged to.. r, CM-11-S-witli empty guni and cigarette packages and match folders on the floor. Iie said he -also found •a ,rcpt king ,bar and a screw driver tea''r the hack TH U RSDA.Y, I'11B. 1401, 1952 ION ARE ASKED TO ATTEND THE Memorial Service FOR OUR LATE KING, His Majesty .George VI AT North Street' United. Church ON Friday, February 15 AT 11 A.M. FALL IN AT LEGION HALL, KINGSTON STREET, AT 10.30 A.1411' .All aei'onnt s w ere ordered paid as follows` road. vouchers, $1.590.- 77; i,5:►a).- 77: `..1, .i:abou, fov bouni . r:'.454 • \Vi•liianl Oliver Mita• fox bounties, Stl.III►; 1►on0ld II:tines, fox bounty, 82.00; Douglas Young, fox bounties, $4.00: Prank Flil-k, fox bounties' .14,1111fox bomlty, Miss Itctty .Addison of Kihboru $.Fe:a;,an, .01• Eimer It 0st.cn fox I u tv is visiting with )m1 . t Ve $2.t)0; w'illiaur \\estlake, -salary-, 1,i•:ut :auc1 f:ulaily, ,. 1 •: o ' r c I r �t \ e'• ,a I' 1•. It l (1 ' ,• _1 .. l 1 ,1(► O0 • \Wilfred T• Isl'er ralicf count, $97.14); Oonio' Jewell, in• rich 1(4 stay with heti "'ether fur a 1 Six members were; :appoi1;ed to sur:1te, 41(cs.75. while. ' tu'eVide entertainment after the Connell :adjourned to -meet '('nes- 1 The euchre port► that was to Ice ; next 1.•gttlau• 111111ing. day, March 4, at one p.m. . theld on 'Thursday night in the1. ., hall has been postponed until next 'Thursday alight, February 21. ; t' ". d:ays iII \ utt ill tn', the• guest of Mr. and M rs. Kenneth Langford mi... Allton \V'ikon spent the Mrs. AVoehi received. assisted by weal: -enc] w•itlt 1):avid.'11:1, of Stun- and family..Percy the grc,ona's mother. .Afree a wed AIr. 1 c�tcy 1 rector, Detroit, Mich., II►( Ilitil tl ding trip to the I.:aatrenliUtty, thea 'Phu annual -telephone meetittg was a recent guest of 'Mr' :Ind 'Mrs' will reside in Goderich, will be held in the Township hall I roetot'Palmer and family., where the groom is a teacher in M. and Nit's.Robert \(eflwain, on 'Thursday night. the Collegiate institute. The bride is •a graduate of Ham- ilton General I1,ospital School of Nursing. The groom graduated from (11e\I;tster i niversity, H:amil- ton, and the Ontario College . of,, Education, Toronto. - '~Sure. and 1'11 Work no ' tore for that loan Dolan." "Why is' that?" "••'Tis on accountof a remark. he made. 'Kelly,' says he, 'You're discharged'!" THINK fl Q E :+6 HEARTHOSE LOW PRESSURE SUPER— CUSHIONS ARE BEARS FOR MILEAGE,JOE. .4I1116- - - YOU BET! AND THEY SURE GIVEA COMFORTABLE RI DE. SAFER TOO -- MORE TREAD ON THEtROAD MEANS QUICKER STOPS, LESS SKIDDING. TAN WHAT'S MORE THEY CUT) . DOWN REPAIRS, BECAUSE - THEY SOAK .1P VIBRATION. I'M REALLY SOLD ON THEM. SEE U& -FOR , �:��'� GOOD'0 - YEAR 1 'c'''' ° '5;.57oftfr/Fier Riljde11. b14'(:- GOODYEAR; NIKES K-51 w. 11. MILLS MOTOR SALES ST, AVID SY, PHONE 755 S CIALIZINii IN Mf_CHANICAI, COLLISION & 800Y WORK HOLMESVILLE Goderich 'l'elw'nshil►, visited Mrs. J. 11. 3114-Mat11 on Friday. ' The sympathy of the community, 1s extended to • Mr. a and Mrs. • M. -Ht)LMESVI'LLE, Feb. 13,- — The i. Stoek, in .the recent passing of Holniesville Community Club held ,Mrs. Stock's sister, the late Mrs. a , card partyand -- dancein the Decker of Kitchener. -- school on Friday night, February 8. Mrs. Audrey M(Allenden Of ,'Mon - 'Winners at "500""were: high, llfs. treat is the--guest--of-her. sister_and C. Sturdy and Charlie Wilson, and brother-in-law, Sgt. Ivan Jervis and low, Mrs. (). Pocock and Harry Mrs. Jervis. Williams. At euchre, Mr. and Mrs. - Rev. M. Newton conducted special Bert Rowden won the prizes for memorial services in the 'Holmes - the` most" points and low went to ville United Church on Sunday Mrs. Edward Grigg and Lloyd morning. With Mrs. W. Yeo at "the Bond. Mrs. D. E. Gliddon and her organ, •the choir sang as the an - committee served 1110011 and .then them, "Peace, Perfect Peace." At dancing was enjoyed to Irwin's the close .of Sunday School, Rev. orchestra.. • Newton' showed pictures of the late Mrs. E. J. Trewartha spent 'a Bing George -VI's Coronation. 4SHFIELD TOWNSHIP NOTICE Applications will be received by the undersigned -until March 1, 1952, for two—inspectors for warble fly spraying for the Township of. Ashfield at the rate of 85c per hour. Donald M. Simpson, Clerk -Treasurer' Township of Asliffelci;' 1Cii tail, Ontario. 7-$ ASIHFIELD TOWNSHIP NOTICE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until March 1, 1952, fdr the spraying of cattle for warble fly- in the Township of Ashfield.- Two outfits required.- Appli- cants to state salary expected. Lowest oranytender not necessarily accepted. Donald M. Simpson, Clerk -Treasurer. Township of Ashfield, Kintail, - Ontario. 7-8 Let Us Investigatc the Vaive of yotir old stock or bond certificates that you have 'pit - away and forgotten about. They may be valuable now. For further information send name and address only to P.O. Box 73, Station "H", Toronto, Ont. We are not interested in selling stocks or bonds. 1 -7x • been stolen as well as some. pennies which had been taken from _ the till. _ T PORTER'S HILL '1'11e February Riveting bi the Community Club is. to - be held at the home of Mrs. ]till ('ox. Plans ,. :ui(i willhe larr.au c`d fora *euchre (lanee to -beheld in the school- house, March 14. southernmost cart .— _ ( • '� sterno 1 altl.t, ut ( I Pelee t e I I <a ul r Island -21s slightly south of the northern portion of I altfcirui;a. • r ■1111■■111111111. $2,350 Will Buy the Materials YOU DO THE BUILDING LET US TELL YOU HOW Goderich Mfg., Co. Ltd. PHONE '61- ANGLESEA ST.