HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-01-03, Page 5'111'11 it:- \;!/ \;;/ 4,7i,,7 '\11 8.30 a.m. 1IOLY COMMUNION. 11am. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. fi REVEREND BEVERLY *-A. i+iiR;"rB A ILII,.. RECTOR A. W. ANDERTON. Organist and Choirmatstir SUNDAY, JANUARY6, 1952 a.m. "S'tJNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. TI 'SACR IMENT O TIIE LORD' 'SUPPER,,. _ 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. �. __... DICKINSON; ' $.A« t TERM H. A. CLARK. Organist and Choirmaster' a e•. she's wonderful! =yet how fragile! - Hate and greed do not build a Brotherhood of Man,` It is - _ ,founded upon -Christian love." -The "Brotherhood of Mn!abegins in your - Church., Make our. home Church home: C,h y , p ' your Church home. -put first: things first.' Attend services_ this Sunday.. theSancuta of . North Street United Church. Service heist._ in rY 2 p.m. DIVINE WORSHIP. ' REV, R. G:iVIaeMILLAN. W. H. BISHOP, F,R,C.O,, A R.C.M.. Minister. Director of Praise. W1:STRIELD -�-=A 'marring° was Solemnized' in St. '.1 hn De Brctbouf Itoman' Catholic Church I�'iiigavillt" *heti Itev._,lk►il.united Anne O'I uo1ett,•_and ItayurOrai 1tedwond. of Kingsville. Mr. and Mrs. I'mtt. O'M'alley ere.+ the atentht.nts and 'i tie M Maureen -:O'Malley °was the dower -girl, Following the, wed-"\ dint; trip. to,`1)ettrolt attd Chicago, Mr,_ andMrs. Redmond will 'reside in._-.Xingsvilte. „Congratulations .are e tetnded. • Is. Melvin Taylor spent. a few days last week with 111r.. and Mrs. I+?dgar Dante of Gerrie. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Vint and family spent Christmas with Mi . and M'rs. Dave ,Scott of Teeswa'ter. Mrs. Vint 'and daughters reintrined for a few days visit, Mr. •;iud Mrs,. bouglas-Oaauiibt41. and family: visited on Saturday with Mr..and Mrs.`Itusseli Gciod+of Mul- lett. ;t`oWhsltip. and M'rs. Jack' Biismatt•.and (cantly, Mr. 41 0. Mrs.- Duncan Mc- Nichol and Ph llis oaf Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bosman and family of Belgrave spent Chritltmas with Mr. and Mrs:.Maurice Bosnian. Mr. A: E. Cook of Blyth. and. Hiss.. Violet (kiln cif Goderich sspenti over.: New Rears. with Mrs.' Fred Gook. . Mr. and 3Irst., .larencc,.:Q(a _sheat Chrintmais with Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Sprung of. Hallett Township. Mrs. Fred Cook and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Isirs. George .Cook of Belgri ve. At the . church . service on Sunday,_ at' whichthe children's choir gave. ,two numbers, the ' si ecial offering was'taken for they white gift service. This 'Was to have been held two weeks ago but was postponed owing; to weather and road conditions for the past tw-o, weeks: The offering.' to $32. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson -,Rodger and family spent ,Qhriatmn ..+. yLth arr. slid Mrs. Mansel Cook of Kin - burn. Keith . remained for a few' days, and was accompanied home by Kenneth Cook. I't,,r. and Mrs. Donald Stonehouse and Ricky, of Guelph, and. Mrs. II. M. Maritin of Goderich visited on Christmas evening with Mr. and M1NISTEIt-REV.' D. W. WILLIAMS, B.A. ORGANIST' and CHOIR LEADER- Mise ,Mary ' Joyce St-•• -hsn 10 a,m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. j• 11- a.m. "BEGINNING WITH GOD.' 7 p.m. "LIFE ISS`. -HAIR ." COMMUNION \ATMORNING SERVICE • Union Services.- l 2 pm. Sunday, School.. 3 p.g1,.Church Worship. Shown here is the first group of girls who came to .Goderich from• dispiacedM` rson:s'• camps in Europe. They arrived at Goderich on June 11; 1948, but most of. them were' gone i.rv.Y before they had completed their agreed year's employment locally. Since 1948 about 250 men and 70 women from displaced persons' tamps in Europe have been placed in this .part of IJuron county. Most 'of them have m ovt d on from : their original pl<aees of employ- ment, seeking higher• wages in cities. In addition.to.the displaced persons, seyara1 hundreds of immigrants have come to Huron' county from Europe and immi r' amts ar not -t be tro - fused' with displaced pea;sons since 'they come to Canada loader ;:L distinetty,;,,different category- More immigrants remain at their first 1oeation Since mall} of them go to and remain onjarms and this -is partiehlarly true of the Dutch:immigrants, nigrants, many of whomLare now on; ,arms.. Huron, county. LEEBURN LEBBi'RN, Jan. 2. --Miss Audrey Stulltt of Leamington spent the Christmas vacation with her -par- Ronnie of Listowel visited' Mr. and Mrs. 'Rod Bogie last Friday. They were returning home from Detroit where they spent Christmas week M. and Mrs. Lloyd Horton of 1`tagara Falls _visited at C'hriwtti us Mrs. Bert Taylor. eats;'11i•: and Mrs. Wilfred Sitiith. ''Mr: Ronald Taylor visited-on-Bun,The Jardine_ family, who had with relatives here and m vode day with -Mr. and Mrs: Elwin .11ay- their home testroyed by fire, have 'rich. for and family of,Brufssels. moved td tlae house on`tle Gordon -,11r. and Mrs. Win. Stodd�lrt,, __�1ir. and 'Mrs. B r�' ' Taylor and. i:Jewell farm.. (the former Ashton %enny and Mary of .1 ions Head Ronald Taylor visited on Friday faint). - were visitors in this .district and with ' rand'Mrs. Ray Hanna of Mrs. Kate Chisholm of-Goderich in Goderich over Christmas. Ilelgrave. r visited over Christmas °with 11irs,•� Mr.. Jasrtn - . Iloois a fratirnt in Jas. Chisholm, -sr., -and Mr: and Mrs. Gocieerich Hospital ,having ander- ASIIFIELD W. J. Meyers and family. gone an operation -last Satuf`d:iy. . Mr. and Mrs. John. Quaid ofl , Miss Sandra Jewell>_o,f Goderich Sarnia spent Christen�t s week with s spending- Christmas holidays ASIHFIiDLD, Jan...._2.-Mr.- Alex- h her grandmother, Mrs. Phos: has gone to ' Toronto _their lia�Pents* M and :lies. Andrew I Jewell and Verne. ander Howes Bogie and --Mr nd -Mrs. W. Quaid � � �r . eddin Anniversary,- On De - Miss i • %I y Part e g 11. >a Itf d. "'Dn Monday of th s Miss efitirtotte afacRenzle of of `A k 'oember `27, Mr. and Mrs. i1 m. Toronto w•sis..home for ti few days," week' they motored to orontt► to C Miss Sally Macdonald of Toronto take _their daughter; Betty, home 't0 ' Sali)w•s held _open house when., this' is holidayingTat': her hothe here. "_" 11ir land Mrs. Earl ' ITt1i es . end Colin spent 'Christmas with -Mrs. Ronald Oke in l ttehetler. Mr. and Mrs. 'Duncan MacKay end children spent _the week -end with Dr. Weir in Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hntherton and daughter of. Alberta are visiting with :lir: and Mrs. David Mac- Mnrchy. -"�•-31It'f�""}3RilP,w�a�ilr�ttincl-�1z':�--Tory . ,Bailey .and Mrt George Bit°ile5r1111- of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and ?firs.' Fred MacGregor. r Messrs. Duncan anti T,antes Cam- eron have moved to Litcknow where they will spend the ' winter with The assumption is that the future is already 'fixed or planned; butif that be so, then `there. is nothing we etin do about . it -:--"What is to be, will be," and if we could foresee the future we would only add to our anxieties in pertarait it A phone call will arrange your appointment. "Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof," said the Master, and that applies to the past -as well as fo the future, for it .is„hist _as foolish to dwell- upon. the troubles of yester day as to worry about what' alight happen tomorrow. - Memory is a persistent tiling and as we grow older we are apt to dwell too much upon -the past Id the detriment of the Present: 1 used to wonder why Lot's wife was turned into -a pillar of salt w•lien ,the insisted on looking- behind""- Now., 1 , know. from es - celebrated their -loth vveddrng ,in- .Perience what `let' means. She be- t. - afer her stay in the Sick o s w<rs Chris - cavae n- pilltzr oP.. tilt .tear, .and niversary. Tho_ -h a _e Chris t t Children s Hpsprtttl ln. , . Taronto..� ru • r c charming_the re is nothing ., more paral;�'itn , Betty is improving nicely..._ 1 nosy and cosy a ► 1 the g ouple with corsage urid bouton_ thata,, indulgence in grierToi the Baster' And Plunk tt of Auburn y . _ Ilfitit. �-t ri bid ,eo ►Ce - no doubt F r r welcome the _ its,sts:.- _34Bau . _ ., i I fn iere- �c1 b spent the Christmas vacation •with live tnostli:�.iu the istst because they his grandparents, lir.. - land Mrs, cruets of chrysanthemums decorated1 the house. A three;-.$oi- hr-i<lo's.?Ire cpuutig to the end of life's Terence ---Hunter.• g) t 1 there f I Mr. `+ and Mrs. I)oug. Bogie and cake centred the table in the dining,' our ley and it•re is , t t e or them is,, , j omentarily . -slipping • into the past. -' Many years ago I met an old man .-.c►n a- seat overlooking tl.e. River Mersey. On the other side of the river was the city of Liver- pool, and he -pointed-to a large building and said: ""1 remember the f e _ _und- when they were laying ation of that building over eighty , ye irs ago: 1; was a small boy and n► father lifted me lt1% so UnaI could look" over theboarding at .the amen working on, Ilii itP•,.„._=1Tie``told me he had workt�cl- hard a4lr:his-.life and had.'►aised a family. lint he seemed healthy and happy 'and dig - Played a keen interest in current events. 1 ,asked hien want was the, room where tea was sere ',cl. Among t�' look forward to. jiut,;. nett►ore; secret of his, long useful and con- c;u► become a tyrant and hLtr1'd our tented life.. • 11e:.�tzi►uncrci.....:it ut►� in their gifts and many cards of con- oue day at a I els : '•I.iwin ' r - i' 'their sister, 'Ml's A Pinlac!ou ,net F. l -E+ is visiting her -grandparents+fir. m ''. and Mrs. Corin i1lae( regor�' � ba g 'The Y.P.S. of Ash � 3 matt ti�i•�bable to call. �� e \\ t.h grat-flat' ils was a lovely gift from i tv'' 10 be prc;sent;- -whirls is the hex wo l.t'et►ann('llttreh and :timelier fr-r►tuYonl,v hit of time that +►1Ei eitd vo►iug tine." _�._ a�:4011_Q Iallcitils> 0. -Ilse -fine dl rttr-'#'�ltctt s ''' 1:0 al -int Zhat is _.st �n,rci� in it for tlt C�►ttnei Due to 'stormy weather !s .z... Lane' 'bud r d conditions `;i great --'' New Year. Life comes to us in daily doles. ; One day's sufficient at a time; En g r in which to pay- our tolls ' To Duty and to upward' climb. One day's enough, eve shotlld not use More at a time to sow or reap, For every hour w& gain •eve lose, ' • If stolen- from our need of sleep. The days, the weeks, the months. thc..sears ,Move on in rhythm and in,rhvm,g; And whether'; "tliey bring joy or tears, • . One day's sufficient at -n time. - v4 'VISCOUNT ISCOL N 1 ROTOTI'PP: The \'ic•kers f s( aunt VX) proto- F,. type jetliner -rots tttec•essf�riliy trim - parted cxten}ire tropical, and high ' altitude flight trials -i 1 Africa:, r .s Church to S nuny t \resb n - tie P ,, , feria Chu Kirit; µ-- 1r. ;Aid mrs. Sallows many morE+ itt the home o ___- r. S tcly JI.►E f . yiJ happy- wedded years.• ..__ . _ ... c. � ald. There were -present.w+.-:hockeyitttt;h.-014 Iiidajcwcn-i i' ung last the 1'olborne ('alts. lou)•- - - - . • '- . - - _ - .�--- - crit--tc►_..urlc i for ►► hockey Match p (OtCtCQl1.. �OtI.O O$ <01Q0 ;where, unforhniately, c►1tr t'otbot ne Boys were defeated by -sine goal, Better luck next time boyar the citizens of ('oll►iirne 'Township are •prow ._of con. Owing to sickness, ne• of the, Ationdiers Were not present. and, also their roadie:~ Mr. 1 Harold" Waiters. d•as in the hos- Goderich Baptist - .Church MONTREAL ST. MINISTER-RUV. IAN G. HIND. B.A. - - . ORGANISTand .CHOIR LEADER -FR K BISSETT 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. ll1 a.m, "REGENERATION AND . REFORTf ION." The rora's Supper, 7 p.m. "FAITH'S STRONGHOLD:' THE WEEK OF PRAYER ' Monday • -8 p.m. Pentecostal Church. Tuesday 8 p.m. Baptist Chuteb. Wednesday 8 p.m. North Street United 'Church. The ` Churches of 'Goderich 'invite I ri you to begin the •year ' with + Prayer O -40 O pital recovering; from pleurisy. but i hope i to lie "IMPfek \c lilt ltifs-...teazn.� • -before long. The --Free Methodist Church- • Corner Victoria and Park Streets Rev. B. E. Stevenson, Pastor --40• Park: Street, Phone. 897W. w Sabbath Services-CHML-DIai 900-9 a.m. 10 a,ni, • SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. ^MINISTRY OF THE WORD. 7 p.m. MINISTRY OF THE WORD. Prayer. Meeting'Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. ► TO ALL --A CORDIAL WELCOME. MONDA iUARY 7-8 P.M. - Bethel Tabernacle. Speaker: The Rev, Ian Hind, B.A. o TUESDAY, JANUARY 8-8 P.M. Goderich Baptist. Church, --„� .�. -presided f t ° ` ' � A. Dickinson B.A. o tion it,f officers:- --After lnurh dig - Speaker : The . Revs H. , - cussion_ttlere were very few change;t4 ' ' madeiti the officers for the earning t 11WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9-8 P.M. o 1 - : O file held at the home of meeting Ter Acle L I,V.M.S.=1`he December tneettng L V ” _. of the Leeburn W.M.S. was held at! ` r' �s the home of ,Mrs. Horton with a ' ' fair attendance. Miss Belle Sh:,, i ..- 1 ,1 t .`!. ♦ f 11.�P 4 rW ti 4 Swell was leader. The candle lighting 1 ceremony was very impressive with th.e different iemhers taking part. Christmas -enfbls were sung. It I was decided if we eicceeded our allocation to make a donation to 1 the new training school In Toronto. ra::.. i otrrfl -pr . e o.ca:-the---elee- North Street D Ited Church , ---- ~ , , • - Speaker: The $b ,1). W.Williams, B. I Hunter. ��� • • - • THE GODERICH .MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Asoctublies of -Canada)v REV. HOWARD. MINAKER. PASTOR Sunday School --'11 a.m,-A class for cid) age group. Morning --W6 ship -11 a.m.-"Is Anyththg Zoo, Ijard for God?"' Communion Service, Evangelistic' Service= -'1.30 p.m. -"Na Longer Delay." JOINT PRAYER SERVICE Mond*y. -Bethel TabecnIacTe--Speidier 'W." Ian hind. Tuesday -Baptist Church -Speaker 'Rev. H. A. Dickinson. . Wednesday -North Street UnitedSpeaker Rev. D. W. Williaine. _ 's_..-Arnb r .iServic ... .n.. _ _ __. ri�y-^-8 p.m. _.Cit�tiat aaaattio /WELCOME. HE RIO .WEL -TIM LITTLE CHURCH � WITH T Mrs. Blown ::i "For months I eoi ldn't discover 'Where my illsbaThl spent his evenings." , Mrs. Smith "flow ,did you Jlnd, "Veit, one evening I went home ....:and, there he was," '' BUSIER -ON DEFENSE We're going to be buster ---with defense production in 1032, prediots The' Financial Post, but the, real rush won't get underway until 19C3. More' and bigger order are expec- tad... froitn the United, States. . Rev.- Iloward'-•,ice.--Mhtaker , . THE . THE ARTISTRY An artist once painted a lilct>ure. Other a.Kts lord'.coltish richer and rarer and fainted mole notable picr�tlture:+.. He painted' 'with one particular color' in prominetite. There wits a wonderful i'ed glow on It and the .picture made hila famous. Other Artists Came to stucl'y .his Work and mild, "What is it allot ilaikes yotir pkctiire so ti isitiid?". 110 only mailed; repiying. "1 ennnot'tell you," He -__then continued his work yyltb his head bent low. Itegardless of •. ho\w fervently his can'tenipttrartes at- tempted to duplicate 'this hue, it- was to no avail. One -day they found 1►im dtad.Jrefore h0;4 >oilira s and then 51id one to another, "Now we will discover his secret." ,p, ley searched hisf'sttnlh' •il tt Could -mit. fttlilu .l1. «hen, •dressing hilt~ for the grave they made n discovery --over' f►f4 heart wi1ss n wound that must hfive been there all- his Iife °-iits'n'tii. which seals all things, had closed it. The artist had painted :n'Ith his �hetint's- "blooit-•ttitrt wren- iw`-serret t i._ _1_0in--thinking tet-thr*reel test until -lento rmtiertorric-rmrti tfl'1t' the hue of the blackest Wet -uric:: I _ :int► Of,, God.. His -blood liras the only' remedy to meet the need---i1nd the neet{1 wns great. Freely It was tsoitred out -and the glory of His tgeture will never fade: t , This black picture is yours and ntlne, We may- strive _ to eliange if, to make it pleasant Mid nectptzzble but it. w111 011,fcitle under the final test; Thi bIood of Christ Is all tlrat coin clinnge our picture in God's sight. AltF.; YOIT WASHED iN 111,0011? Sponsored, by: the Bethel Adtilt Ruble Class. `,LOOKINOR BEHIND ` ANI) BE- FORE ••.. -- • By Lewis Milligan g1Someone has s:i•lt that man -is t t? a creature ttntt'• looks, hehind aifd • . Quit kidding yourself . bet°re. . w ' idetisl teas repi•est1il"CtM �;Mi the anclents in the god Janus Iwl`fci had two faces, looking iti op -.1 postte directions. ,He was.. -Raid to I be the oldest of the gods. and the I inventor of all ;arts, industries; anti : i institutions. The tint' month- 'ot` .' each year, the first claw of each 'month, and the first hour of enc day belonged to him. ,He was -t1 god who guarded all doors, find ' Watched over entrrtnees into nets- � r places or events. January was t named after hi•m, *and, it he was' i_stilL on_dttty, .he stood .on ___New, Year's,,Eve surveying the Old Year 1 and gazing into the New': 1'`� But man, while he mat .be said!, +tt,°'1nok''°1te1t1nt1 :iittl_.fiefiiii• *rlh'ti 'Sete 1 y in One dlyt rtion. He ran sur- j 4•ve3 1to.;I►nst. year .and as far.. hack, as lhT y ems: Ile' fsic''f" i the g `l ftititre and tries••_ to peer Into It. 'I the -.ancients consulted the Oracle,' partieuhirly In times of n;itionnl 1 _ ._n _ _ �� ._ ._ ,__....5`1;igi�..01�„In"1ec`hr:lc►n._,-tG-�f�"ntlaoits e�c.1. • iunpk; ist that of. Croestts, the' ► ' "wealthy •king of Lydia.-- who con-' suited t1is' Delphic Orale 'and was told t fattf he hegn_:e n n war-- he 1 wnulwouldeytf oi; n..g .re<nl eonntrylie , l went/to war and destroyed his own. x1116.: Oracle evident:TY fooled him! RThe desire on the part of ordinary 1 people to look, into the future Is !prompted by festrr,-,anzlety and mere J curiosity, and they commit tenen1t 1, } re:'rl rs or niedioms for advice.- - Yoiir iiiereiiandise may .he the hest/ -voter prides may. he right in line -and your clerks Mity,he supersalestnen BUT -unless yiou get prospective' buyers into your store, you cannot niake sakes. The mei:3�oe1" I` 6Titielt g"hnrcrs into. your store that has proved mostHsuecessful for retail merchants in small . communities rs NEWSPAPERS t' I-)VERTIUTNG. + 11 is the one medium .that can he tailoredi to, fit any" hudget and still . give.utaxiztttim eoverage'.:in ihe' rea you should he selling to. NEWSPAPER Ai)VERTiSiNG will draw customers into your store the rest is up to trot1 ' 11o'4 ever even news- paper advertising is not a magic wand, on(r _tre:tint'nf Is -tit ,tt-cure---plan to have it message -xt►iir;}t-;c ter'" - he" eustotners every week through the year.